Tag Archives: Bad Things

October 26, 2023 – Felicia Makes an $11,000 Mistake, Not Very Charming Dinner Conversation & Bad


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Elizabeth goes to Finn’s office and finds him getting a haircut. She says, bad timing? but he says, not at all. He’s almost done here. He lifts his head to talk to her, and the hairdresser pushes it back down. Yep. They do that when you move around. He asks, what’s up? but she says, it can wait. She’ll talk to him later.

While he shares carrots with Trigger, Cody says, I get it. People have to look out for themselves sometimes. That sometimes means starting over somewhere new. It just really sucks when someone who cares leaves someone behind. He hears the door and turns around to see Sasha. She asks if he’s busy, and he says he’s just feeding Trigger. (What happened to Comet?) Did she come to say goodbye? She says, no. She came to say she’s staying. He says, that’s great, and she asks him to look at her. He turns around, and she says, it’s okay for him to ask why she’s not leaving. He says he’s glad she brought that up because he’s dying to know why she’s staying.

Stella asks what brings Jordan to GH, and Jordan says she’s happy to report she’s been cleared by her nephrologist. Stella says, so no more appointments with Dr. Simon? and Jordan says, considering she only has one kidney, she has to check in with him every six months, but he’s pleased with her latest ultrasound results. Stella says, this calls for a celebration. No champagne in the vending machines, but can she buy Jordan a coffee? Jordan says, no thanks, but Stella can give her an update on Curtis. How’s he doing? She and Stella walk, and Stella says, Jordan knows Curtis as well as she does. He’s tough as nails, and he’s determined to make the best out of this bad situation. Jordan says, it took him a while to get there, and Stella says, yeah. He was feeling sorry for himself in the beginning and pushing people away🍼, but she thinks he’s made a lot of progress. Jordan says, something tells her that Stella gave him a tough love speech, and Stella says she certainly did. He wasn’t too happy at first, but he came around. Jordan says she just wishes she had an update on a case for him, and Stella says, no word on who did this? Jordan says, no. Unfortunately, they have no answers yet. Stella says she keeps praying to God to help her understand why this happened, but like Jordan, she hasn’t gotten any answers yet.

Portia comes home, and Curtis says he’s glad she’s back, because her lunchtime visit wasn’t nearly long enough. But he does understand why she rushed off, and he wants to say, thank you. She says, for what? and he says, because clearly, she told Laura it was a good time to come by and he appreciates it. She says, Laura’s been an amazing friend to him, and they haven’t seen each other since the shooting, so she’s glad they got to spend some time together. She pours a glass of wine and starts chugging it, and he asks if everything is okay. She says, not really. Cyrus Renault was released from prison, and she’s guessing he already heard that. He says he just found out. He didn’t want to call her and stress her at work. He figured they’d talk about it at home. Who told her? She says, TJ and of course (🍷) she was furious they actually let this monster go, but she said, that’s okay. She’s going to take some time to process it. Lo and behold, guess who shows up? Cyrus decides to approach her at GH. He says, that son of a bitch.

Carly dashes into Kelly’s, telling Josslyn that she’s so sorry. Josslyn says, that’s okay, and Carly thanks her for covering. She was in Sonny’s office and they were in the middle of something, when Katrina called and said she couldn’t finish her shift. Josslyn says, it’s really no problem, but why did she need to see Sonny?

Dante walks into Sonny’s office and tells him that Gabe said he was busy, but he thought he’d interrupt Sonny anyway. Sonny says, not at all; come in. Dante says he wanted to give Sonny this, and hands him an envelope, saying, for the bride as well actually. Sonny opens a card and takes out tickets. He says, ringside seats to all the boxing matches? He loves it, but this isn’t a wedding gift for Nina, is it? Dante says, she’s going to love it too, and Sonny laughs and asks him what he means. Dante says, it gets Sonny out of the house, so she can have a few nights to herself.

Michael says, this is all Nina gets. Take it or leave it. There’s a knock at the door and Willow comes in. She says, Nina’s assistant said Michael was in here. She hopes she’s not interrupting. Is this a bad time? Michael says, not at all. It’s actually a perfect time, because he and Nina were just discussing something that concerns her. Weren’t we, Nina? Nina says, yes, they were, and Michael asks if Nina wants to tell Willow, or should he?

Sonny thanks Dante and says, this is better than a toaster. (Ha-ha!) Dante asks if that’s what Michael got him, and Sonny laughs. He asks, how was the wedding? and Sonny says, the wedding was exactly what they wanted it to be. It was small, intimate, just family. Two people missing, Avery and his best man, but… Dante says, Sonny knows he wanted to be there. He did it last minute, and Dante couldn’t drop everything at work. Dante sees the new photo of Wiley and Donna, and says, the kids are cute. Did they have fun? Sonny says, they loved it, and Dante says, good. Did Michael fill in for him or what? Sonny says, Dante’s brother stood by him and that meant the world to him, but he’s not going to forget that he asked Dante to be his best man.

Nina says, she and Michael were talking about how much fun they had at the wedding and on the island. Maybe they should go back there. She glances at Michael, and Willow says, that’s exactly why she’s here. This morning, Wiley told her that he wants to go to grandpa’s island with Nina and Sonny. Michael asks if the rest of them are invited, and she says, they’re included, but he wants Amelia to come this time. He did make a point of saying he wants to sit next to Grandma Nina on the plane. I remove the knife from my heart, and Willow says, Halloween is coming up, but she thought, the following weekend would be perfect, so they’ll all go down together. Does that work for Nina? Nina again looks at Michael.

Carly says she went to see Sonny because Drew was moved back to Pentenville this morning, and Josslyn says, Drew was almost beaten to death, and they’re not going to let him finish recovering at GH? Does Diane know they sent him back? Carly says, she does, but unfortunately, the transfer had already been approved, so there’s nothing she could do about it. Josslyn says, that isn’t fair, and Carly says, no, it’s not. Then she went to go see him, and they wouldn’t let her in (she did not – she called). Josslyn asks, why? and Carly says, that’s why she went to see Sonny. She wanted to figure out what the hell is going on. then she finds out Drew was put in solitary confinement. Josslyn says, that’s awful, and Carly says, except it’s not. It’s for his protection, and they are making some progress with getting him released. It just hasn’t happened yet.

Finn goes to the reception desk, and Elizabeth says, look at him. His hair looks good. Did she miss the memo that they opened up a salon at GH? He says, it looks okay? She really likes it? She says, yeah, she does. Does he always get his hair cut in his office? He says, no. It’s the first time. His barber Angelo is doing him a favor. She says, when she hears the word barber, she thinks of some dude named Joe in a white smock, and he says, Joe was booked. He didn’t have any time to go out – he was backed up with patients – and he guesses he wanted to look nice for their trip. She says she’s not going anywhere until she gets this done, so he’d better let her get back to work, and he says he’s sorry if his hair was a distraction. He’ll see her later. She watches as he walks away.

Curtis wonders, how does this happen? Portia wasn’t notified of Cyrus’s release, and now he’s allowed to confront his victims? This is outrageous. She tells him, Cyrus said he was there to apologize. That he was a different man back then, and now he’s found God and he’s seen the light. Of course (🍷) she doesn’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Curtis asks if she tried to contact the hospital security, but she says, no. She wanted to stand up to him on her own. She told him that she’d get a restraining order if he approached her or Trina ever again. She put on a brave face, but she’s not going to lie; he got to her. Mainly because she was thinking about Trina. What if he approaches her? They can’t protect her in that dorm. She’s going to have to move back home, at least for a little while. Curtis agrees and says, they’re going to have to protect their daughter. And he knows just who to call.

Stella tells Jordan that TJ and Molly said their surrogate was pregnant. She’s so happy for them. Jordan says, it’s so exciting, and Stella says, and Jordan is going to be a grandma. Jordan says she’s not ready to be called that yet. She’s working on an alternate name. They laugh, when Felicia comes over and says, Stella has to help her. She made a big mistake. Jordan’s phone rings, and she excuses herself. Felicia says she doesn’t know what to do, and Stella says, tell her what’s wrong. Felicia says she made a costly mistake with a patient, and Stella says, calm down and tell her what happened. Felicia says, as Stella knows, she completed her patient advocate training last week. She was feeling very confident with herself. She was sure she could do the job, but today was a very big disaster. She was helping a patient fill out some insurance forms to get an approval for an MRI. The papers are very complicated, and she thought she filled them out correctly, and she told him it was approved by the insurance. So off he went to radiology, and she looked at the paperwork again and realized she’d made a huge mistake. He’s got to pay out-of-pocket $11,000 (talk about outrageous). She knows him and his wife are on a limited income and don’t have that kind of money. What is she going to do? Stella says, write a check.

Felicia asks if Stella can repeat that. Write a check for $11,000? She sits down, and Stella says she was just kidding. A little patient advocate humor. They deal with difficult situations like this all the time, and they’ll figure this out. Take a deep breath – Felicia does – and give her the forms and she’ll see what she can do. Felicia asks if she should come with Stella, but Stella says, no. Just sit tight and she’ll try to figure this out.

Curtis says he told Jordan that he and Portia are concerned about Trina. He doesn’t expect them to have someone watching Cyrus 24/7, but he does need to be on PCPD’s radar. Portia says she doesn’t want Trina to be worried, and certainly doesn’t want her to be paranoid, but she’s got to keep her eyes open. She’s going to call Ava. She doesn’t want Trina working at the gallery alone anymore, especially at night. He says, Jordan told him that Portia was with her when she found out how Cyrus was being released, and she says she was. He got a hardship release because of a heart attack he had a while back. He says, that, and she said the warden cited his good behavior, and Portia says she couldn’t believe it when Jordan told her that. Why would a warden do that, knowing what a criminal Cyrus is? He says he’s more suspect of the doctor. Who would testify on Cyrus’s behalf? She asks if Jordan told him who the doctor was, but he says he didn’t ask. He knows Jordan and knows she wouldn’t give up a name, especially to him because she knows he’d track this guy down. She asks, what kind of doctor would put this animal back on the street?

Jordan asks if Felicia is okay, but Felicia says, oh no. She messed up really big. She’s hoping Stella can help her. Jordan says, don’t worry. If anyone can fix it, it’s Stella.

Elizabeth goes to Finn’s office and says she just remembered what she wanted to ask him. What does she pack for Vermont? He says, a toothbrush and… a sweater? She says, he’s no help, and he says, it’s cold in the mountains, so maybe hats… and those… Don’t worry about it. Dan already stocked the cabin. They’ll have everything they need. She says, but what are they planning? Does she need hiking boots? Rain gear? He says, right. They’re going to go for some walks in the woods, but nothing too crazy. It should be relaxing, not an episode of Survivor. She laughs and he says, it’ll be fun, he promises. She says she can’t wait. So what time are they leaving tomorrow morning? He says he was thinking about 6, and she says, 8? He says, 7? and she says, 7:15? He says, deal. He’ll pick her up at 7:15 sharp. She says she doesn’t think so.

Sonny says he knows Dante didn’t grow up with him in his life, but they’ve always had a special bond. Dante says he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t tough growing up without a father. His mother did her best, but seeing his friends in the street playing stickball with their dads was something he wanted too. Sonny says he’s sorry about that, but Dante says, it’s not his fault. Sonny didn’t know he existed. Sonny says, when Dante found out he was his father, Dante could have turned his back on him, and he didn’t. Dante says he could have, but you know what? They lead different lives and he made peace with that a long time ago. Sonny says he just wants Dante to know there’s no one he respects more than him. Dante thanks him, and says, it means a lot. Sonny says, Dante always supported him and Nina from the beginning, and always had his back. Dante says, the feeling’s mutual because if it wasn’t for Sonny, he doesn’t know if he’d be standing here right now.

Nina tells Willow, that weekend, she happens to be out of town. She’s going to Paris to meet a designer they’re doing a feature on for his spring line. Willow says, no worries. It was just an impulsive idea. They can do it another time. Michael says, with the holidays coming up, it might be difficult. He thinks they should shoot for next year. So she didn’t stop by for nothing, why doesn’t Nina give Willow that gift? Nina says, what gift? and Michael says he’s sorry. Sonny ruined the surprise. He saw Sonny earlier and he said Nina had a gift for Willow. Why doesn’t she give it to Willow now? Nina says, that’s okay; she can wait. She’ll just bring it by the house this weekend. Michael says, it will save her a trip. Besides, he knows how busy she is with work. Who knows the next time she’ll be able to see the kids? I hate him. She says, great idea, and hands Willow a giftwrapped box. Willow thanks her, and Michael says he’s going to head out, but let him walk Willow to her car. Willow says, that’s okay. She wants to catch up with Nina. Michael says, okay, and gives Nina a last look before he closes the door.

Sasha tells Cody, while she was packing, she came across a photo of her and Brando. It was taken the weekend they got married. She debated for a really long time. She thought she was going to take it with her, and finally she decided to leave it there. He asks why she didn’t want to take it with her. He was her husband. She says she guesses it was symbolic. If she didn’t take it with her, she was leaving the past behind. All the pain and suffering would stay here in Port Charles and wouldn’t come with her. (That is even stupider than love means never having to say you’re sorry.) But when she was in the car on the way to the airport, she asked the driver to go by the lake so she could see it one last time. And when she was looking out over the water, she realized that despite all the loss – Brando and Liam and her mind – and despite the betrayal of Gladys, there are many good things about this place. She has people who care about her. He takes her hand and says, put him at the top of that list.

Finn asks if Elizabeth just changed her mind. She doesn’t want to go? She says she absolutely has not changed her mind. She’s really looking forward to it. She just doesn’t think a five-hour car ride with luggage and a cooler is practical in his Mini Cooper. He says she doesn’t like the Mini Cooper? but she says she loves the Mini Cooper; it’s a great car. She just thinks hers makes more sense since it’s bigger. He says, okay, but he doesn’t want her to have to drive the whole way, and she suggests they split the driving. He says, deal.

Curtis says he’s thinking whoever testified on Cyrus’s behalf had to be paid off, and Portia says, so Cyrus used his connections to get out. The hardship release was just an excuse. They need to find the name of this doctor. At the very least, he needs his license revoked. Curtis agrees, but says, she doesn’t need to get her hands dirty. Cyrus is still a dangerous man, so just leave it to the PCPD… for now. She says she’ll back off, but if Cyrus comes near her or Trina, she won’t hesitate to take the first shot. He says, that’s his wife. Not only a healer, but a warrior. She says, he’s got that right.

Stella says she spoke to the insurance company, and Felicia asks if they were able to cover the cost of the MRI. Stella says, unfortunately not; they would not budge. It’s just unfair for the patient to have to cover the cost. Felicia says, since it’s her mistake… and Stella says, exactly. Jordan says, there has to be something GH can do, but Felicia says, this is her responsibility. She intends to pay for it.

Dante says he owes Sonny his life. When he was with the WSB in prison, Sonny came over there and brought him back. Sonny says, Dante would have done the same thing for his son, and Dante says he came back with a lot of baggage. He struggled to get out of bed and was on the verge of losing everything that mattered to him. He was able to rebuild his life, thanks in large part to Sonny. Sonny says, Dante has to give himself a lot of credit; he worked hard. He knows it wasn’t easy. Dante says, if he learned anything from that time, it’s leave the past alone and just move forward, and Sonny says, he’s done that. Dante moved forward and even found love with Sam. Dante says, like Sonny did with Nina. He couldn’t be happier for him.

Michael goes to Kelly’s, and Carly asks if he’s here to pick up some take-out cookies for her grandson. Michael says, no. It does sound good though. He asks Josslyn, what’s going on? and she says, it’s time to put out the Q signal, like the bat signal in Batman. He needs to use some of his Quartermaine influence, because he has connections and ELQ has clout. He asks what she needs him to do, and she says, mom was telling her that even though they’re making progress in getting Drew released, it’s stalled. So maybe he can help unstall it. He asks Carly, what’s going on? and she says she really appreciates Josslyn wanting Michael to help, but she doesn’t want him any more involved than he already has been. It’s too risky. It’s too close to the insider trading incident. He says he’s afraid she’s right. Way too close.

Willow looks at the photo frame and tells Nina, this is so thoughtful. She loves it. Look at how handsome their boy is. Nina says she’s really glad Willow likes it. She made one for Carly too. Willow says, it means a lot to her, and thanks Nina. They really had such a great time at her wedding. Wiley has not stopped talking about it. She thinks this can be a new beginning for all of them. Nina flashes back to telling Michael that she’ll explain it to Willow, and Michael saying, Drew saved her daughter’s life and she got him sent to prison. He was beaten so badly, he almost died. Does she think Willow’s going to forgive her for that?

Elizabeth goes into the elevator and Finn is there. He says, they really have to stop meeting like this, and she says she’s glad she ran into him. Please don’t let her forget apples. He says he won’t. Why apples? She says she promised Aiden that she’d bring him back apples from Vermont because he’s totally into making pies right now. He says he loves a good pie, and she says she learns something new about him every day. What’s his favorite? He says, everything… but rhubarb. What is that? A root pie? He doesn’t get it. She says she doesn’t either. She’ll tell Aiden, no rhubarb, like ever. So are his dad and Chase all set for babysitting? He says, absolutely, and Brook is joining them. Violet is so excited, he doesn’t think she’ll even miss him. He doubts he’ll even get a text message. So no responsibility, no work. Just us. She says she likes the sound of that, and he says, him too. They kiss, the elevator doors open, and they go their separate ways.

Cody asks, what’s next for Sasha? and she says, calling the movers. They have to bring everything back, and they’re somewhere between Austin and here, so she’ll have to stay at the MetroCourt a few nights. He says, if she wants, he could ask Mama Q if there’s a spare room in the main house, just until her furniture comes back, but she says, no. Some of the Quartermaines are just too intimidating. Cody says, and by some, she means Tracy, and she says, yeah. Tracy’s just a lot to take on and she’s not up for the challenge these days. She hasn’t even gathered the courage to return Maxie’s calls. He asks, why not? Maxie’s always had her back, hasn’t she? Sasha says, oh yeah, but Maxie never really said why she came over last night and she just has a bad feeling it had something to do with work. Maybe her future as the Face of Deception won’t last very long. He says, don’t go jumping to conclusions. Maxie totally supports her. She’s a good person; she’s raised a great kid. He’s gotten to know James a little. James cracks him up. He tells it like it is. She says she’s not surprised he got close to James. He’s family.

Sonny says, although he missed Dante at the wedding, he’s glad Dante stayed. Dex told him what happened with Ava. Dante says, that was crazy. That Mason Gatlin guy abducts her, and luckily, they found them before Mason could hurt her. Sonny says, if not for Dante, Ava and Dex would be dead, and Dante says, Dex, Josslyn, Spinelli. Without them, they wouldn’t have found Mason’s location. Sonny says he’s glad Dante saved Ava, because the last thing he wants to do is tell Avery that her mother died. So Dante does all this, and what does the PCPD do? They put him on leave? Why is that? Dante says, it’s just procedural stuff. It’ll clear itself up. What he’s concerned about more is Cyrus Renault being released from prison. Sonny says he heard, and Dante says, just don’t do anything he might normally want to do, okay? Sonny says, yes, detective, and they hug. They exchange I love yous and Dante leaves. Sonny looks at the tickets and smiles.

Carly tells Michael that Alexis agreed to help them by cornering Judge Kim. She uncovered proof that Kim was taking kickbacks and gifts. So Alexis and Gregory Chase called in Judge Kim for an interview. They said they were doing a profile on his landmark cases. Michael asks if it worked, and Carly says, they confronted him about a trip he took on Ascher Alexander’s private jet. Josslyn asks if he isn’t the billionaire, and Carly says, yeah. Apparently, Kim went on some Caribbean fishing trip with him. Kim denied it and stormed out of Alexis’s office. She thinks it scared him. Alexis heard through a contact that he requested Drew’s case file. So they’re thinking he’s either going to reduce Drew’s sentence or commute it altogether. No matter what, she just wants to lie low. She doesn’t want Michael pushing anything before they see what Kim’s next move is. Michael can still pursue his connection at the SEC because she wants a name. She’s not going to stop until she finds out who blew the whistle on her and Drew.

Nina says she just wants to tell Willow that she has so many regrets about things she’s done and her behavior in the past. She’s made so many mistakes. She’s made mistakes with Willow, and if she had one wish, she wishes she could take them all back. Willow says, they can’t change what’s happened, but they can learn from it and try to do better. She’s willing if Nina is. Nina says, yes. She’s so thankful she has Willow in her life. She hugs Willow, and Willow says, she’s wearing the bracelet. Nina says she hasn’t taken it off since Willow gave it to her. She loves and cherishes it. Willow said it was Harmony’s? Willow says, it was. It’s so strange. She’s been dreaming about Harmony lately. Nina asks what she’s been dreaming, but Willow says she can’t figure it out. Harmony is trying to tell her something, warn her, and when she asks Harmony what it means, she talks, but Willow can’t hear anything. She’s sure it’s just her subconscious working overtime. She’s sorry. Does talking about Harmony make Nina uncomfortable? Nina says, no. It’s nothing like that. Sometimes she gets overwhelmed when she realizes how much she has. She wants to hold onto it. She’s so grateful their relationship is so good now, she just sometimes feels it’s going to be taken away from her. She’s sorry. She’s just had so much loss in her life. Willow says, Nina’s not going to lose her.

On the phone, Stella says, thank you. The next dinner is on her… No arguing. She owes her big time. Felicia runs up and says she’s got a check. Who does she make it out to? Stella says, no one, and Felicia says, they don’t take a personal check? She can go to the bank tomorrow and get a cashier’s check. Stella says, she doesn’t have to get any check. It’s taken care of. Felicia says she doesn’t understand, and Stella says, the patient agreed to letting GH use the MRI results in a major research project the hospital is sponsoring. Jordan joins them and says, see? She told Felicia that someone would take care of it. Felicia wonders what Stella did, and Stella says, her friend Tanya coordinates research for clinical trials, and she gave Stella a few contacts and she made some calls and that was it. Easy peasy. They laugh and Felicia hugs Stella.

Portia says, Curtis is back at the books? and he says he’s looking over the numbers for August. This is their worst quarter ever. It’s going to take some time to get out of this hole. She says, that was when he was still recovering. Now that he’s back, it’s all going to be fine. He says he sure hopes so, and she says, why doesn’t he put all of this stuff away for now – she sits in front of him on the desk and takes his glasses off – and start thinking about what he wants for dinner tonight. She can cook. She thinks she has some steaks in the refrigerator. He says, she needs a break. So why doesn’t he take his beautiful wife to dinner. What does she say? She says she wants to get sushi.

Cody tells Sasha that Maxie and her kids aren’t his family. Technically, they kind of are, but he’s the only one who knows, so it doesn’t really count. She says she knows, and he says he knows she knows, and so do Sam and Dante, but he trusts them. He knows they won’t tell anyone. She says she’s honored that he would put her in the same category as Sam and Dante, but he says, no. She’s in a category all by herself. She asks what that would be, and he says, it’s so unique, so je ne sais quoi. it defies categorization. She laughs and says she’s actually been thinking about why Cody hasn’t been honest with Mac. She’s the last person who should be giving any advice, but for what it’s worth (🍷), she wouldn’t be standing here today if she hadn’t realized what she would miss if she walked away from the people she cares about. And Mac cares about Cody even though he doesn’t even know he’s Cody’s father.Can Cody imagine how amazing Mac would feel if he told Mac the truth?

Michael tells Carly that his contact is still working on it, but he’ll keep her posted. Willow walks in and hugs Carly and Josslyn. She tells Michael that she just came from Nina’s. She’s still on Cloud 9 from the wedding… She tells Carly she’s so sorry, but Carly says, it’s okay. They were just talking about the wedding. Donna’s version of the wedding. Willow says, she’s now a pro at being a flower girl. She threw out those petals with confidence. And she has to say, Donna wasn’t the only one who rose to the occasion. Michael really stepped up, and she’s so proud of him for the way he’s accepted Sonny and Nina.

Nina looks at her bracelet, when there’s a knock at the door. Sonny comes in with roses and a take-out bag and says, hello, bride. She says, hello, groom. What is he doing? He already sent her flowers. He says, the new Mrs. Corinthos can’t have too many flowers. It’s a special occasion. She asks what that would be, and he says, it’s their first night back in Port Charles as husband and wife. So let’s celebrate. They kiss and hug, but Nina looks miserable.

Elizabeth says, work done, check, and Finn says, haircut done, check. She tells him that they won’t be listening to podcasts on infectious diseases, but he says he’s been saving them, and she tells him, stop. She’ll take care of the music. She hits a song on her phone, and he says, okay. She says she’ll see him at 7:30, and walks off. He tells her, they said 7:15, and runs after her.

As the song plays, we see Sasha and Cody feeding Trigger carrots; Stella going over things with Felicia; Portia and Curtis leaving for dinner, and Curtis popping a wheelie; Willow and Michael sharing a milkshake, and Michael trying to get Josslyn to eat a French fry dipped in it; Sonny and Nina having dinner in her office, and Sonny kissing her.

Tomorrow, TJ tells Jordan that he’s never been more certain of anything in his life; Adam tells Josslyn that she’s full of surprises; Alexis asks what Laura found out about Nikolas; and Cyrus pays a visit to Trina at the gallery.

Southern Charm

Whitney calls Austen and invites him over for a little reprieve. Taylor brings Penelope to meet Little Craig for the first time, and Shep calls the dogs, children of divorce. They walk with the dogs on the beach, and Shep says he’s going to get Little Criag’s nasal passages fixed. In Shep’s interview, he says, some people think it’s unfair of him to have a nice relationship with Taylor that’s not romantic. He’s inexperienced in this territory; it’s uncharted waters, but he wants to. They talk about Olivia, and Taylor says, the hard part is, when everything dies down and reality sets in. (Truth!) Shep says, Taylor needs to figure out her relationship with Olivia. Just say she’s sorry, she should have told Olivia immediately, and it will never happen again. In Taylor’s interview, she says she’s watching one of her good friends go through one of the worst moments of her life, and she can’t be there for Olivia fully because Olivia doesn’t want her to be. Shep asks, what’s happening otherwise? and she says she’s learning how to navigate a friendship with him. He says he thinks there’s still value in them as friends because they know each other so well, and she agrees. She says, blue skies ahead, and Little Craig throws up.

At Patricia’s house, Whitney gets a fire going, and puts out an amazing charcuterie board, along with lots of liquor. Craig arrives first and goes through the canes in the umbrella stand. He finds one that contains a flask and another with a sword inside, which he’s a little too free in waving around. Austen comes in, followed by Rodrigo, who asks what they’re doing. Whitney says, sword fighting, and Rodrigo says, classic. In Whitney’s interview, he says his mom taught him how to be a good host. Have hors d’oeuvres and cocktails when the guests first arrive. Except for Craig, whose residue is still on the carpet. We flash back to Craig spilling red wine on Patricia’s $45K white sofa. Craig marvels at how it came out, and Rod arrives, Whitney tells him that he smells effervescent. JT is next, and says, it’s his first time in the castle. In JT’s interview, he says he thinks he and Whitney had the same upbringing, but Whitney’s is a little bit more posh than his. Rod says he’s nervous around white furniture, and Austen tells him about Craig spilling the wine. Rod says he wants to be invited back, so he’s doing his best not to spill. Austen suggests Whitney put in a den, since the sitting room is for tea and crumpets. Whitney brings up Rod hitting on Austen’s girl, and we flash back to Rod telling Austen about kinda, maybe, sorta going out with Olivia. Whitney asks why Rod needed to tell Austen, and Rod says, it’s a respect thing. (And like he wouldn’t find out anyway.) Rodrigo asks if Rod (yeah, I hate that their names are so similar) had talked to Olivia, and he says, a little. He brought her some food and they hugged. JT says he’s postponed the clubhouse launch, and in his interview, he says he’s not sure how he can have a party for his business when Olivia is in mourning. So he’s just having a dinner to bring everyone together. Craig and Austen talk in the kitchen, and Austen says he went to therapy, since what Olivia is going through is bringing up memories. We flash to Austen telling Chelsea about his sister’s death. He says he can’t help feeling connected and wants to be there for Olivia. She texted him that she hates they share this awful pain, but it comforts her to know he’s here with her. In Craig’s interview, he says he knows they share familiar feelings, but Austen doesn’t realize talking to Olivia is not what’s best for her. Craig’s an a-hole. I’m not saying it’s a good thing or it isn’t – only Olivia knows that – but Craig is like an old lady busybody.

Madison asks if Brett is packed, and he says he’s bummed that he missed her parents. In Madison’s interview, she says, people ask how they make a long-distance marriage work, but it just is what it is. They make it work like everybody else. Hudson comes in crying and hugs Madison. He tells her that some kid bit him, and it looks like he got knocked around a little. Brett takes him upstairs to clean up, and Madison cries. In her interview, she says, being a parent is one of the hardest, most rewarding things she’s done, and it’s about the only thing that can make her lose control of her emotions. Brett says he wants to talk to the parents, and Madison says she’s shaking. Why would someone do this? She’s going to bite them back. Brett hugs her, and in her interview, Madison says, the fact that she has Brett helping her is a game changer. He stays neutral and keeps them all together. She makes a call, and Hudson asks Brett for a Shirley Temple.

Olivia meets Rod at the beach, and thanks him for getting her out of the house. They go for drinks at a beachside place, and he asks how she is. She says, obviously she’s upset. It’s Connor’s 33rd birthday, and the whole thing is becoming more of a reality. In Olivia’s interview, she says she hasn’t been out. She’s been cooped up and constantly reminded of what’s going on. She needed to get out of the house, and Rod is a calming presence. She feels comforted. She tells Rod that she appreciates all the support. Austen stepped up as a friend; they all did. She asks if he’s been looped into what’s going on with Taylor, and Rod says, for the most part, but the goalposts keep moving. With every person, the story changes. She says she expected it of Austen, but not Taylor. It might seem weird that she’s forgiving him, but the cut isn’t as deep. So she’s trying to put her and Taylor’s friendship back together. Rod says he likes to live by a code and handle himself a certain way. Austen sounds like he’s doing that, but he sneaks around. In Rod’s interview, he says, Austen’s decision making is always about him. He’s always the victim in his own eyes, when he’s the cause of the problem. Olivia says she appreciates Rod taking it slow, and he asks if she’d like to go to JT’s dinner with him. He promises he won’t make out with Taylor, and Olivia says, he makes her laugh. IMO, that makes him three-quarters of the way there.

JT oversees the preparations for his dinner while bartender Corey sets up the bar and a violinist tunes up. JT says, a wireless violin is like a mariachi band with swagger. Craig goes over his wardrobe choices with Paige on the phone. Taylor puts on a cut-out dress with a short blazer, and says she thinks she looks like a stripper on her way to a business meeting. Austen calls Taylor and says he thinks Olivia is excited to see everyone. Taylor tells him about Venita’s get-together for Olivia, and how she’d told Venita it had been a week of a whirlwind of emotions. We flash back to that, and she says, Venita told her it wasn’t a good idea for her to come over. Austen says, that’s f***ing ridiculous. She doesn’t think one of Olivia’s best friends should be there in her absolute moment of need? Taylor says, today is about Olivia feeling comfortable and loved.

At JT’s clubhouse, Shep says he remembers the space as a late-night spot, and JT says, during covid it was like a speakeasy. In JT’s interview, he wonders how Shep could throw the perfect catch back in the sea. If he’d caught that particular catch, he’d never let her out of the boat. The usual suspects show up, and Madison is impressed. They make fun of Whitney’s yellow suit, and Venita grabs Madison, pulling her aside. She says, they had a powwow with Olivia, her, and Leva. Taylor called and Ventia said she was sorry, but she thought Olivia needed her real friends around. Madison wonders how Taylor could be a real friend when she was just kissing the guy Olivia liked. In Madison’s interview, she says, if Taylor is being protective of Olivia, it’s a little too late. She thinks Taylor should shut up. Venita says, they’re not macking on Olivia’s boyfriend. Taylor isn’t practicing what she preaches. Madison says, Taylor was sending nudes to Whitney, and Venita acts like she’s 14, twirling around and then making throwing up gestures. I hate these people.

Madison says, Patricia told her, and we flash back to that. Venita is all over-the-top shocked, and Taylor comes in. Madison says she needs a refill, and in Venita’s interview, she says, if Taylor’s not going to make an attempt to be a good friend, she’s tired of trying. Madison gives Taylor a fake side hug, and Craig says, JT was the most popular during quarantine because they had parties here. Leva comes in, and says, everyone looks dapper, since she just stepped out of the 1930s. Olivia arrives, and Madison makes a face when Olivia hugs Taylor. Everyone wonders if there’s going to be food as they stuff themselves with hors d’oeuvres, and JT says, they’re having filet mignon. He asks Taylor if she’s dating, but she says she’s good as is. Venita tells Craig that she has to leave today for Fashion Week, and in her interview, she says, as an influencer, brands extend invites to her. It keeps the relationship going and allows her to be in the forefront of the brands. Olivia thanks Austen, and says she thanks them all for everything. She saw them in the church all sitting together. Austen says he told Craig that she’d laugh, and in Olivia’s interview, she says, it’s nice to see Austen trying. Unfortunately, he knows how she feels. It’s a sad comfort and she hopes they figure out a way to be in each other’s lives. Austen says, it’s a sh*tty club to be in. Craig tells JT, when Olivia moves to the next stage of grief, she’s going to remember Austen’s bad sh*t. Leva asks why Venita’s eyes are super wide like Venita wants to tell her something, and Venita says, Bible beater, holy art Thou, praise the Lord Taylor is sending nudes to Whitney. Leva’s mouth falls open and I just want to knock their heads together for acting like middle schoolers. Leva says, Taylor is officially that girl, and Craig tells Shep to intervene. Leva says that she feels like she no longer knows this person, and Venita looks for food. Are these people bottomless pits? Madison tells Shep that Taylor sent provocative nude pics nude, and knowing how to confuse me, Shep says, Taylor went through a tempest, and he was part of that. She didn’t know how to behave when things fell apart, and she was trying to hurt him any way she could. Madison says she’s been there and done that, but she’s a different person. Olivia was crying on Taylor’s shoulder, so Taylor’s lying is disturbing. I’m doing a not-so slow burn at this point.

Shep tells Taylor that Madison claims she sent Whitney a boob pic, and Taylor admits she did, but says, it was completely dark. He says, it’s her right to text a dark boob pic. He didn’t see her sending it to Whitney, but doesn’t fault her. She shrugs, and in her interview, she says, God created the naked body, and she believes we should all be naked (oh God no). Jesus isn’t going to hate me just because I sent a nude (which I’m putting on a bumper sticker). She tells Shep that she’d flash her boobs right now, but he says, don’t do that. JT suggests sit down to a nice meal, and they gather at the table. He clinks his glass and thanks them for coming. It’s obviously been a tough couple of weeks, and it’s nice to have them here. They can lean on each other. He hopes for smoother waters. Everyone applauds, and food porn! is served. Olivia says she appreciates everyone, and Rod says he’s never had a salad in his life. Both Olivia and I are astounded, and he says, she’s gluten free, and he’s salad free. Venita says she has to catch a flight, and Rodrigo says he doesn’t need fashion week when he’s here with these fashionable a-holes. They discuss JT’s proper powder room, and Criag says he used to pee in the bushes. Olivia likens this to Thanksgiving dinner, and Shep says, time for daddy to have a scotch. Shep tells Madison that Taylor said the photo was dark and not explicit, but Madison says she’s not buying it. Taylor watches them talking, and says she wants to divert the conversation about something brought up earlier. She sent Whitney a nude pic, but you couldn’t see anything. She was upset with Shep, and was f***ing around with Whitney, so he’d cause Shep to be f***ed around with in turn, but you couldn’t see anything. Madison says, she saw it, and she could see Taylors t*ts and vagina. The silence is deafening. There aren’t even crickets. I’m not totally sure I’m believing Madison because it’s the first time she’s said that. Taylor asks what she saw, and Madison says, there was caption that said, come one, come all. Leva says, awkward, and I’m disappointed in her too. In JT’s interview, he says, who hasn’t sent a nude? In Madison’s interview, she says, of course she’s sent nude pics, and Austen’s interview, he says, she didn’t send him a nude. In Craig’s interview, he says, send all the nudes you want… but don’t send them to Whitney. In Shep’s interview, he says, there are so many other people to send pics of your new boobs to. Why Whitney? Taylor says, nothing was seen, and Craig says, he saw the photo – it was put in his face – and he said he shouldn’t be seeing this. Whitney says, it was a joke and it’s been deleted. JT says he’s going to take the high ground. Taylor is a good person who made a bad decision, but the genesis of the bad decisions are male related. Taylor says she hasn’t been the best version of herself, but she’s working on it. She went through a terrible break-up and it crushed her. Madison asks if that gave Taylor an excuse to do what she did to Olivia, kissing the guy she likes. It’s disgusting. Rod scores points by asking if Olivia is all right, since obviously no one really cares about her feelings. She tells him that she’s okay.

In Madison’s interview, she says, she had to be held accountable, while Taylor gets a pass. If you’re going to be a hoochie, be one; own it. Olivia says, clearly she and Taylor have stuff to talk about that’s being discussed around them. She’s pissed at Taylor, but they’ll deal with that. She appreciates the support, but they’ll figure it out. They don’t need to pile up on Taylor. Now let’s eat some f***ing steak. Taylor says she’s done being the topic of conversation, and Madison tells her to practice what she preaches. They thought she was a unicorn girl, and they’re seeing a side of her that’s unrecognizable. She’s fake and phony. Taylor thanks Madison for stepping in, and Madison says, Taylor can’t pretend to be better than thou, because she’s not. Shep says, Madison perceived her that way, and I almost fall off my chair at his astuteness. He says, ten minutes ago, Madison said she did the same sh*t, and Madison says, she never claimed not to be a slut; she’s just retired now. Taylor is sitting here saying she’s not. The definition of slut must have changed, since I thought you actually had to sleep with a lot of people to be one.

In Leva’s interview, a producer asks why Leva thinks the guys shield Taylor, and Leva says, she’s young, naïve, sweet, Southern, and polite. Leva thinks the boys go after Madison, and we flash back to various Madison moments that she brought on herself. I don’t think it’s so much what she does as how she does it and the nastiness that comes along with it. Leva says, there’s something innately in the culture where guys handle certain women with white gloves. Shep basically tells Madison to back off, and Madison tells him, read a Scripture and go to bed. He says Scripture isn’t his thing, and she tells him, then STFU. Shep says, she yells like a banshee. Stop. She says she’s not his whipping bitch, and he’s not going to speak to her like that. JT suggests Shep be respectful of the ladies (WTF?) and be the bigger man. Be chivalrous. He’s the oldest guy in the room. Grow up. Actually, the oldest guy in the room would be Whitney, who has willed himself to disappear. And I know I’ve slipped into Bizarro World where Shep becomes the voice of reason, defends someone who tried to hurt him against a shrew, and gets accused of being unchivalrous for his efforts. Shep says, everything always comes out in the wash, and Madison thanks JT for hosting. Craig wonders if there’s any dessert.  

Next time, Austen tells Olivia that he loves her and knows he hurt her; Olivia doesn’t know how to trust Austen; a mountain weekend with the guys; and Craig wonders if pandas are real. He is so the comic relief this season. Maybe NYC is rubbing off on him.

👻 Haunting My Own House…

Ring the bell tomorrow for soap, tricks, and treats. Until then, stay safe, stay not raining on other’s parades if you don’t celebrate Halloween, and stay knowing you can’t change what’s happened, but you can learn from it and try to do better.

October 17, 2022 – Carly Gets an Unexpected Apology, Health Enthusiasts In Leather On Deck & Bad Things


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly runs into Peyton at the hotel restaurant, and asks how the Guild voted. Peyton tells her that the parkway isn’t going to be rerouted, and Virginia Benson’s remains will have to be moved. Carly failed, and she’s sorry. Carly says, no, she’s not, and starts to leave, but Peyton says, they’re not through. Not by a long shot.

Drew leaves a message for Tara, asking how the Guild voted. There’s a knock at his hotel room door, and he opens it to Bobbie. He says, what a surprise, and she says, it was a spur-of-the-moment decision. When she saw what Peyton was saying about Carly on the news, she had to come and support her. She just left Carly at the bar, and she’s putting up a good front, but they both know better than that.

Scotty meets Mac and Felicia at the MetroCourt, and Felicia says it’s time for them to bring everything out in the open, and talk about Dominique and her son.

Britt hunts Cody down in Kelly’s, and says she wants to give him one last chance.

Anna tells Lucy, this is her operation, and it’s her duty to protect her civilian assets by any means she sees fit. Lucy says she has everything under control, and the only way Anna is going to bring Victor down is with her help. Victor listens in, and says, well played, Anna, and wonders how he should retaliate.

Carly says, Peyton just can’t leave her alone. She already knows what Peyton is going to say; she’s here to gloat. She wants Carly to know she won, she’ll always be better than Carly, and Carly will always be trash. Did she leave anything out? Peyton says, ever since Carly was a little girl, she’s had that spark. It’s remarkable how some things never change. Carly says, what’s changed is her need to give in to Peyton’s narrow world. She can’t believe she bought into Peyton’s BS that some people are better than others. She wanted to be like Peyton, and be liked by her. But not anymore. She sees Peyton for the small-minded snob she is, and Peyton doesn’t define her worth anymore. Peyton agrees, and says she came to apologize.

Drew asks if Bobbie thinks Carly is holding something back, and Bobbie says, Carly is tough, but she has a hunch this is hitting Carly harder than Carly is letting on. And being away from her kids is a lot for her. Drew says, on top of it, Jacksonville has stirred up a lot of unpleasant memories. He’s not surprised Bobbie picked up on some underlying stress. Bobbie wonders if Carly is covering for her sake, and Drew asks why she thinks he can answer that.

Cody apologizes to Britt for his lack of attention, and she says he completely checked out on their last date, then only sent random what’s up? texts, with no mention of future plans, He says he’s been dealing with some huge news, and she asks what it is; he owes her an explanation. He says she told him the father subject was off-limits, and she tells him, she only said that so he would stop asking about her twisted relative. He says, he’s supposed to be open? That’s either hypocritical or a double standard; he thinks both. She asks if he’s comparing Mac to Faison, and he says, who told her?  

Victor listens in, as Lucy tells Anna that she’s the one who found out Victor is working with the deputy mayor, and she’s one come hither look away from finding out the rest of his nefarious plan. Then Anna can take it to Robert. She thought Anna wanted to be done forever with Victor. Anna says, Lucy has done an outstanding job, and Lucy says, then let her finish it. Anna says she brought Lucy in to find out what’s going on with Valentin. She should have ended Lucy’s involvement then. Lucy asks why she didn’t, and Victor wonders who else Anna is working with besides Lucy and Robert. There’s a knock at his door, and when he opens it, Valentin is there.

Peyton says, Carly was so passionate at the Guild meeting. The love Carly had for her mother Virginia. She wonders, if Reese were still alive, would Reese feel the same about her? Carly cared so much for Virginia, and others like her. Carly says, Peyton means the people beneath her? and Peyton says she treated Carly unfairly – then and before. She had no idea Virginia was buried in that cemetery. When Carly came to Jacksonville, and was upset about the parkway, Peyton admits she felt some satisfaction. Carly says, at least Peyton’s being honest, and Peyton says, when she lost her husband and daughter, she was reeling. It was easy to focus her pain and anger on Carly; there was no one else to blame. She held onto that for a long while, but she never should have blamed Carly; you were a child, Caroline… Carly. She’s ashamed of her actions, and it’s taken her so long to realize how wrong she was. She’s desperately sorry, and hopes Carly can forgive her.

Drew asks why Bobbie thinks he has insight into Carly, and Bobbie says, she likes to think she knows her daughter better than anyone, but lately, Drew is giving her a run for her money. He says, it’s no secret that he and Carly have become closer friends since he came back to Port Charles, but Bobbie says, it’s way more than that.

Britt tells Carly that Maxie filled her in; she said Mac might be his father. He says, then why is she giving him a hard time, and she says, because he ghosted her. Does he think she should let that go? He says, if she has an ounce of compassion, and she says, she does; that’s why she’s here. She understands why he went radio silent. This is the second time he found out he’s not who he thought he was. Normally, she wouldn’t tolerate someone disappearing, but under the circumstances, she’s giving him a chance to come clean. He says, it’s a heavy subject to discuss with someone he barely knows, and she asks if he’s playing that card. She opened up to him at the Q picnic, or did he forget? He says, he hasn’t forgotten, but talking about his messy feelings isn’t easy for him, especially to someone as intimidating as her.

Scotty asks if it’s a legal issue, but Felicia says, it’s a family issue, and Mac says, Cody might be his son. Scotty says he knows Mac had a thing with Dominique before him, but he assumed the kid was Leopold Taub’s. Mac says, it’s possible, but Felicia says, it’s just as likely Cody is Mac’s son. They think Dominique might have given birth in Shadybrook. The timing fits, and it’s possible Dominique was drugged and convinced by the staff she was hallucinating. Mac says, if Leopold knew Dominique was pregnant and the kid wasn’t his… Felicia says, he would have given the baby to the Bells, and Mac says, so he couldn’t claim Dominique’s fortune. Leopold and the woman who raised Cody are both dead… Felicia says, they were hoping Scotty would know something, but Scotty says, the only thing he knows is, he never met Cody before he came to Port Charles. Felicia asks if anything they’ve said jogged his memory, and Mac asks if Dominique ever said anything about her time in Shadybrook that made her seem aware that she had a child with him.

Britt says she gets that Cody needs time to deal with his new family, but if he wants to see where it goes with the two of them, don’t ask her out. She leaves, and he follows her out. He says he does want to talk to  her about this, but doesn’t know where start. She tells him that Maxie said he didn’t want to take a DNA test. Why?

Anna says, Lucy was a valuable asset, and Lucy says, now she’s not? Anna says, the situation has changed. It’s just the nature of the game. Lucy says, Anna brought Martin back – by the way, thanks for that – but she knows Anna didn’t bring him back out of the goodness of her heart. Anna says she figured he could convince Lucy to bow out, but Lucy says she wins; it didn’t work. She told Martin everything. Anna says, that was the worst thing she could have done.

Victor invites Valentin in, and Valentin sees Victor’s laptop. He asks if Victor is watching a TED talk on world domination, and Victor says, Valentin has no idea the lengths he goes to ensure this family’s future. Valentin says, that’s because Victor never tells him, and no matter what he does, he can’t get out from under Victor’s thumb, but Victor says he’s not the only one holding back, is he?

Peyton says, there was no excuse for her behavior, and how she treated Carly. Carly agrees, and says, Peyton was an adult. She was a child, and it was Peyton’s responsibility to protect her. Peyton says, yes, it was, and instead of looking inside, she was blinded by her prejudices. When Carly spoke at the Guild meeting, she saw the little girl who was her daughter’s best friend. Carly was like a sister to Reese. Carly says she loved Reese. She’ll always regret that Reese got hurt. Peyton says, her too; she regrets so many of her mistakes. She did love her daughter, and wishes she’d done better by her and done better by Carly. Carly says, they can’t change the past. They can try to make peace with it, and learn from it, and move forward. Peyton says she tried to make it up to Carly. She changed her vote, and made Carly’s case with the Guild, but she couldn’t change their minds. The cost of shutting down the parkway at this point was too high. She’s so sorry. She wishes Carly everything good in her life. She starts to leave, and Carly says, Peyton’s husband did wrong by her. Peyton deserved better, just like she and Reese did. Peyton grabs Carly’s hand for a moment, then leaves.

Drew tells Bobbie, if he’s been good to Carly, it’s nothing compared to what she’s done for him. Bobbie says, Carly did go out on a limb to help him and Michael with Aurora, and Drew says, and Carly lost her half of the MetroCourt. He wishes it had turned out different. She says, her too. Why did he drop everything and come Florida to help Carly? Is it because he felt guilty about what happened to her after the merger failed? He says, no. He came because Carly means a lot to him, and if she needs him, he’ll be there. When he came back to Port Charles, it was obvious the rest of the world had moved on while he was mourning everything he’d lost. There was a brief period where he and Carly had to get used to each other again, but was his constant when everything else in his life was out of control. She says, he’s lucky. Friendships like that are rare. Treasure it. He says he will, and Bobbie says, she needs to check into her room. Plus, she’s exhausted from the trip. Drew says he bets she is, and she says he’s in her daughter’s life. He says, him too, and she leaves. His phone rings, and he asks Tara if there’s any news on the Guild vote. Will the cemetery remain intact?

Scotty tells Mac and Felicia, nothing Dominique ever said implied she had a son. For cryin’ out loud, she woudn’t hurt a fly. She would have moved heaven and hell if she knew she had a kid, to raise it. So this thing caught him flatfooted. Mac says, he’s not alone. It took him a while to wrap his head around the fact that Cody could be his son. Felicia says she hopes Cody agrees to a DNA test, and Scotty says, or not. Mac asks if Scotty knows something he doesn’t, and Scotty says, what he knows is, Cody is bad news. Cody sucker punched him when Obrecht introduced them. Mac does not want anything to do with Cody Bell.  

Cody says, Britt woudn’t understand, and she says, try her. He says, everyone expects him to be excited about Mac being his dad. Why wouldn’t he be falling all over himself about a dad upgrade? She says, Mac’s a good guy, and he says, that’s just it. Everyone says Mac is great at everything. He’s a great father, great husband, great detective. People aren’t that good. She asks if he thinks Mac has a dark side, and Cody says, no, but he has a past. There, he said it. She applauds, and says, congratulations. She has a past too. He says he’s made so many bad decisions, and has a sketchy past, and Mac is this paragon of virtue. She says, he’s afraid Mac won’t accept him? and he says, not afraid. Okay, maybe he doesn’t want to set himself up for rejection. Why would he? She says he doesn’t know Mac will reject him, and he says, he doesn’t know Mac won’t, so why bother? Put herself in his shoes. If there was something that could blow her whole life up, wouldn’t she be better off not knowing?

Valentin tells Victor, of course (🍷) he’s holding back. Every day, Victor keeps him separated from his daughter and forces his cooperation. Victor keeps him on a short chain, and every time Victor chokes it, Valentin’s patience grows thinner. Victor is using Valentin’s daughter as leverage. Victor says, it’s so discouraging to hear this coming from his son, and Valentin says he hasn’t seen his daughter in months. Victor allows him to text her, and make very short phone calls. He uses her as leverage, while Valentin has complied. He framed Jennifer Smith for Luke’s murder, and took care of Victor’s Laura problem by orchestrating events so she felt compelled to go to Italy. What does he get in return? Victor keeps his daughter from him while he’s proven his loyalty. Victor says, has he though?

Lucy says she told Martin that he has nothing to worry about. He has her heart, and the only reason she’s stringing Victor along is because Anna asked her to. Anna asks if she told him anything else about what they’re doing, but Lucy says, she couldn’t tell him anything else because she doesn’t know what they’re doing. Anna says, so basically, Martin doesn’t know anything, but what little Lucy told him could put him in Victor’s sights. Victor is a dangerous man, and Lucy needs to take him seriously. She needs to get out before it’s too late, or Anna will be forced to take more drastic measures.

Cody asks Britt, why should he have someone judging him now just because they share DNA? He never knew his real father, so why change things now? She says she knows how he feels. She’s lived in her father’s shadow her entire life. Even after he died, she couldn’t escape his horrible legacy. Cesar Faison left her something with the power to disrupt her life. The details don’t matter. The important thing is, she had to make a decision; live in the dark or face her fears and deal with  it. After a long time, she realized not knowing was worse; she had to know. So she really understands his fears, but no one is saying he has to have a relationship with Mac. What he does with the information is up to him. But if he chooses to ignore the question, he’ll spend the rest of his life wondering what the answer is, and she doesn’t think that’s something he can live with.

Mac says, that’s right; Cody sucker punched Scotty. Dante brought him in, but Scotty refused to press charges. Scotty says, sometimes he’s a victim of his own generosity. Cody blamed him for giving away what Cody thought was his inheritance. Mac says, when he met Cody, he seemed to be carrying some resentment toward Dominique for giving him up, and Scotty says, the guy’s got issues. Felicia says, of course (🍷) he’s got issues. His whole identity has been called into question. Now he finds himself meeting the two men in his mother’s life who know more about Dominique than he does. They have to give him time to adjust. Scotty says, that doesn’t excuse Cody being a grifter, and Felicia asks, who called Cody a grifter? Scotty says he’s just quoting Britt, and for cryin’ out loud, she likes him. Mac says he refuses to rush to judgement about Cody. Felicia’s right; they don’t know him. Doesn’t he deserve another chance? Scotty says, not if he could hurt Mac’s real family, and Mac says, he has a point, but Felicia says, they’re both missing one important thing.

Lucy tells Anna, she’s gone toe to toe with Bobbie Spencer, Tracy Quartermaine, and everybody else in town. She’s ended up in her underthings on the Nurses Ball stage in front of everybody for how many years now? One year, she ended up hanging upside down in her underwear. She also wore a beautiful red dress and hat to her wedding, and she made it work. She’s not scared and not a quitter, and she’s going to see this thing through to the end. Anna says, none of that matters; Lucy is out of her depth. This isn’t some charity gala or TikTok challenge. Lucy says, she knows what she knows, and she knows she’s Lucy Coe, and knows when she has a man wrapped around her finger. Victor is right there, not to mention, he’s not the first guy – the other Victor – that she’s had eating out of the palm of her hand. Anna says she’s aware of Lucy’s skills. Is Lucy aware of hers? Lucy says, all right, truce. Can Anna trust her? She can get the goods to put Victor away, just stay out of her way.

Valentin says he let Victor in his life, and accepted Victor as his father. In return, Victor took his daughter hostage. He’s made something up to tell the people who love Charlotte, but every time he tells the story, it gets harder to believe. Because it’s one thing to send your child away while you’re recovering from an injury, but to leave her there month after month, and never let her come home? He’s never been away from Charlotte this long, and people know that, and they’re asking questions. Victor says, Valentin told him that he took care of all that, and Valentin says he did. Laura is dealing with her mother, but there are multiple people. Nina, Lulu’s family, Dante the police detective, and what about their family? Alexis is the editor of The Invader. So if he were Victor, he’d reconsider his tactics. If Victor doesn’t, all his plans and work are going to come crashing down. Victor asks if that’s a threat, but Valentin says, it’s reality. Victor says, he’s right. It’s not fair to keep Charlotte from Valentin for so long. Valentin has been by his side, helped him put his plans into action, and shown his loyalty in intercepting Nikolas’s insane false confession of the murder of Esme Prince. Valentin has put in a of time and effort on his behalf. It’s time Valentin was met with the appropriate reward.

Carly has a glass of wine in the hotel restaurant, and says, sorry mom. Too little too late. No surprise there, huh? Drew joins her, and she says, they didn’t… He says he knows, and puts his arm around her. He sits down, and says he just found out about the vote. She says, Peyton told her, and he says, that’s the last thing she needs. Carly says, she actually came to apologize, and he asks how it made her feel. She says she wishes she could tell him that she didn’t care, but she does. When she was a kid, she wanted Reese’s life, especially her mother. She wanted a beautiful mom who would go around town in a convertible, go to the country club, and play tennis, throw these big parties, and do lunch. A far cry from her mother. Her mother packed a lunch for work because she couldn’t afford to eat in the café. She was always balancing her checkbook, and saving every penny so she could buy Carly a pair of tennis shoes, and they were always wrong. When Carly was a freshman, she got an award for having a 4.0 GPA, but she never told her mother about the assembly. She went with Reese’s family, and can’t imagine how much that hurt her mother. She was a rotten daughter. She thought she could make up for it now, and failed her. He says, she didn’t, but she says she failed her mother every day for years. She never appreciated her mother, and Virginia knew it. Carly thought she could make up for it by having her buried near the ocean, and she failed her mother there too.

Anna tells Lucy, this has gone too far. The risk to Lucy, and now to Martin, is too high. She brought Lucy into this, and can take her out. Lucy asks if Victor isn’t going to think it’s funny that she’s been fawning over him all this time, and now she’s ghosting him. She thinks in time, Victor will figure out what they’re up to, and Anna says, let her deal with that. Lucy is out. She’s not letting Lucy do this anymore. Lucy says, Anna isn’t letting her do anything. Anna thinks she controls everything, but Anna doesn’t control her. She leaves, and Anna says, you’re wrong about that.

Valentin asks what Victor deems an appropriate reward, and Victor says he’s going to let Valentin visit Charlotte. It doesn’t do anyone any good to keep father and daughter separated indefinitely. He’ll call the school and make the arrangements. Of course (🍷), there is one condition. Valentin will leave immediately, and on his plane. Valentin asks, why? He’ll leave first thing in the morning on a commercial flight. Victor asks if Valentin expects to be given time to launch an ill-advised rescue mission. That doesn’t align with his plans. If Valentin wants to see Charlotte again, he’ll leave within the hour on his plane, alone, except for the men he’ll have guarding Valentin, or he doesn’t see Charlotte at all.

Felicia says, whatever Cody’s upbringing, whoever his father is, Cody is Dominique’s son. He may have inherited her good qualities. The same ones that made Mac and Scotty fall in love with her. Mac’s phone rings, and it’s Cody, who says he hopes Mac doesn’t mind; his wife gave Cody his number. Mac says, not at all. What can he do for Cody? Cody says he’s in. Set up the DNA test if Mac still wants to. Mac says he does. He’ll set it up, and they’ll talk soon. He tells Felicia and Scotty, that was Cody. The DNA test is on.

Cody tells Britt that Mac is setting up the DNA test. She asks how he feels about it, and he says she was right; he had to know the truth. Don’t let it go to her head. She says, too late, but she’s actually surprised he took her advice. Besides her patients, people usually do the opposite of what she’d do. He says, people should listen to her more, and she says, actually, she should take her own advice. There’s something she needs to deal with.

Carly frets about finding a new resting place for her mother, and Drew tells her to remember what Virginia said; there’s no problem a few hours at the beach can’t solve. Why don’t they grab a couple beers and honor her by taking her advice, and figuring things out at the beach? Carly says she has an idea. Maybe they haven’t lost yet.

Felicia tells Mac, the first step is to get answers, and whatever the outcome, his whole family is behind him. He says he’s a lucky man, and kisses her, but Scotty says, this will probably come back to bite him. He’s getting another martini.

Cody asks if Britt would care to share, or is it a state secret? She says, okay. It’s about her brother Peter. When he died, some of his things were left to her. She passed them to Maxie to get rid of, but at the last minute, told her not to destroy them. Maxie brought them back to her, and after all this time, she still has the box stuffed in an armoire. She should finally get rid of Peter for good. He says, seeing as how she just helped him, it’s only fitting he helps her get rid of her brother’s effects… if she wants. She says, okay. Why not?

Valentin goes to Anna’s house, and she says, they have a Lucy problem.

On the phone, Victor asks if they’re clear on everything. He wants a repeat performance of the cable car tragedy. There’s a knock at his door, and he says he’ll talk to them later. He opens the door, and Lucy asks if he’s up for some company. He says, my, my, my. If it isn’t the star of the show.

Tomorrow, Nikolas tells Esme that she’s expendable; Scotty tells Ava that she has to undo Nikolas before he undoes her; and Victor tells Lucy, join him on the cruise, and she’ll find out.

Below Deck Mediterranean

Tasha asks, what just happened? and Kyle says, Natalya tried to come for him, but that’s not going to happen. Natalya mumbles that she’s a second stew and so is Kyle, and Kyle tells Tasha what happened, calling Natalya a bitch, but Captain Sandy hears them. She tells Kyle not to talk about another crew member behind their back; it’s not okay. She asks, where’d the love go? and Tasha says, it’s just a brother/sister tiff; they’ll get over it. The captain tells Kyle to never talk about someone behind their back. Go and talk to that person, then talk again, not behind their back. He doesn’t want to be that person. Storm tells Courtney and Reid that they’ll put out the weights and yoga mats in the morning in case the guests want to use them. He doesn’t know how big they’re going tonight, so they’ll see. The guests come out in their BDSM outfits, and take photos. Storm watches Dave try to pry the salted fish out of the oven, and says, it looks like Dave has a creature in there. In Dave’s interview, he says he has a baked salted fish that he’s going to have to hacksaw out of the oven because it was too big. Two of the guests are sleeping, and Tasha tells Dave, four for dinner. He says, it’s a big fish for two people, and I wonder if one of the nappers is the one who wanted the fish. Primary Eric is wearing leathers that are pretty tight, and in his interview, Kyle says, he got himself in with no food, and he wonders how he’s going to get himself out with a full belly. Natalya tells Tasha that Kyle is grinding her gears, and Tasha says they’ll talk later. Captain Sandy marvels at the fish in the galley, and Dave says he smashes it, then prays it’s cooked. Dinner is served, and Dave brings the encrusted fish to the table, after sprinkling it with vodka so flames shoot up. He says, the salt dries the skin, so it can just be pulled away, and demonstrates. The guests are loving the food, but primary Eric says, his spiky choke collar is making it difficult to eat. Storm checks on Natalya, and she says, it isn’t her day with her team. Kyle apologizes to Natalya, and adds that no one is making him say he’s sorry. She tells him that it’s okay, and they hug it out. In Kyle’s interview, he says he vomits everything out, and Natalya does too. Even with that said, he screwed up. That’s not the person he needs to be. He tells Tasha about his apology, and in Tasha’s interview, she wonders why Kyle apologized. Natalya is in the wrong, and keeps being disrespectful. We flash back to that, and she says, the apology shouldn’t be coming from Kyle. She tells Kyle that he’s sweet, but has nothing to apologize for. The guests go to bed, and Natalya gets into Storm’s bunk with him. In his interview, he says, interesting tactic for a break-up. Tasha tells Dave about Natalya and Kyle’s apology, while Natalya tells Storm that she’s trying not to lose it with Tasha. Tasha claims she’s not working when she’s done extra hours. Tasha can’t handle confrontation because she has no balls whatsoever. In Dave’s interview, he says, Tasha hates confrontation, but running away from problems has consequences as well.

In Mzi’s interview, he says, Courtney is finding her feet as lead deckhand. She deserves it. While he’s disappointed, he grew up with four siblings, so he’s used to not getting what he wants. Breakfast is served, and the water toys are put out. In Kyle’s interview, he says, the primaries say their guests are clients, but he thinks the primaries might be the guests. Something is fishy, and it’s not the ocean. They tease me with amazing looking eggs benedict, and the guests decide to work out, while Eric takes the usual thousand photos. In Dave’s interview, he says, he tried to blow the guests away with dinner, but half of them missed it. Now he has to be amazing again. In Reid’s interview, he says he’s always struggled with banter and quick wit on a new boat. He thinks the crew was close before he got here, and it’s intimidating, although he appreciates and loves their personalities. A guest hits the side of the boat with a WaveRunner, and in Courtney’s interview, she says, it’s her first time as lead deckhand, Storm left her in charge, and a guest smacks the side of the boat. Reid checks for damage, and says, it’s fine. The incident is relayed to Storm, who tells the captain. She tells him, it’s no big deal. It’s called chartering; it’s called normal. They make mistakes. No one was hurt, and nothing was damaged. It’s not a big deal. In Captain Sandy’s interview, she says, that’s how communication should happen. That’s how you gain trust. Tasha tells Natalya that they’re doing a jungle theme for dinner, and in Natalya’s interview, she says, they still haven’t resolved their conflict. She doesn’t agree with Tasha’s management style, but at this point, she just wants to do her job. Kyle searches online for jungle sounds.

The guests get ready, and the table setting looks really cool; mosquito netting all around, and lots of green. The guests have their choice of animal ears, and Eric wonders which ones he should choose. Kyle says, if Eric has a big trunk, he suggests the elephant ears. In Courtney’s interview, she says she’s happy about her and Mzi’s friendship. Even though he’s disappointed not getting lead deckhand, he never takes it out on her, and he’s supportive. Storm watches Natalya clean up, and says he’ll try to wrap up when she does. In his interview, he says, Natalya needs to decide if they’re good friends, or do they lie in bed kissing all night. He could have the conversation with her, but she won’t respond. In Natasha’s interview, she says, it feels like Dave is back to his old self. It’s a nice energy, and they haven’t had a spat. Dave blowtorches the fish, and it’s pronounced tender and tasty. Kyle tells Dave, the master devoured it like an animal. Reid calls home, and in his interview, he says, Decatur, Alabama is a small town, where everybody knows everybody else’s business, and it’s not for him. He wanted to travel and see the world. Decatur will always have a special place in his heart, but he wants to be somewhere where he can be someone and do something. He also wants to be able to have fun. The guests go to bed shortly after 11 pm, almost unheard of. In Tasha’s interview, she says, she doesn’t want to feel like she’s walking on eggshells with Natalya. Natalya wants to be the boss, but she’s not. Tasha and Kyle clean up, and get to bed around 1:30. One thing to be said for these guests, they make it an early night, and aren’t too messy.

It’s the final day of charter, and Storm goes over the lines with Reid. Dave makes breakfast, and in Storm’s interview, he says, a new crew is a recipe for something to go wrong. Reid seems understand from his experience, but the only way to find out is, just do it. They dock at Grand Harbour Marina, and Captain Sandy says, the boat is so light, it blows around like crazy. She tells the deckhands, excellent work, and it’s time for guest goodbyes. Eric complains that Natalya didn’t pack herself in his suitcase, and in her interview, she says, yuk. Eric says, they did a great job. The food was spectacular, and the hike location was beautiful. They leave and the captain tells the crew to get into their reds, and come to the main salon for the tip meeting. Then they’re turning the boat around. Natalya gripes to Courtney that she and Tasha aren’t getting along, and haven’t addressed what happened the other day.

Captain Sandy tells the crew, it was a great charter. Dave’s salted fish was freaking cool, and the interior killed it as always. She tells Reid, welcome and great job, and Reid says he loved working with everyone. The captain says, it’s the biggest tip all season – $27,500, or $2500 each. In Reid’s interview, he says, the weird situation and nude photo shoots were uncomfortable, but whatever. He’s here to make money, not cause problems. Captain Sandy tells them, turn the boat around, then they can drink all they want. Natalya criticizes the way Kyle is making a bed, saying, it’s the sh*ttiest bed she’s ever seen. They argue, and Tasha tells them, teamwork. On deck, Courtney asks if Reid fancies anyone in the crew, other than her, and he jokes that she has an undiagnosed case of narcissism. By definition, it’s a love of self so great, it kills you. Courtney says she doesn’t love herself, so put that away, and Reid says, it’s not necessarily loving what’s inside, but the exterior. Courtney says she doesn’t love her exterior, and he says, but she loves her posterior, which doesn’t make sense. In Courtney’s interview, she says, body image is hard for her, and Reid said something that’s literally letting it roar in her brain. It pisses her off, since they only met three days ago. He has no idea how she feels, and you should be careful what you say to people.

Courtney goes inside and starts crying. Reid sees her in the crew mess, and asks if she wants to talk. He’s sorry. She says, it’s okay, but he says, it’s not. She’s an awesome person. She says she’s just being a girl. She’s the last person to love herself, and it pisses her off when people say she does. In Reid’s interview, he says he messed up, and might have ruined relationship building with Courtney and Mzi. He needs to make almonds amends. Courtney thanks him for apologizing. She goes to her cabin, and tells Natalya that she was embarrassed. Maybe she’s giving the impression that she loves herself. Natalya says, she should love herself, and in her interview, Courtney says, she was a tomboy, much to her mom’s dismay. Her mom wanted her to be super girly, but she followed her brothers. Natalya says, Courtney is the main bitch on this boat. Tasha brings Kyle a drink, and the partying is on. They go to a restaurant, and Reid says he’s only known Courtney for three days, and regrets the hurt he caused. She says, he wouldn’t have known it was going to affect her like that, and he says, she should love herself. She’s awesome, amazing, and beautiful; he respects and loves her. Courtney  says, he didn’t mean any harm, and in her interview, she says, he didn’t know how badly it was going to affect her, but maybe it’s a good thing. Now he knows how a joke can affect somebody. Kyle toasts to Natalya, saying, cheers to being a cheeky MF’ing bitch, but at least she speaks her mind. Storm says, Kyle got in trouble with Captain Sandy. We flash back to the captain telling Kyle not to talk about people behind their backs, and Natalya says, they’ll talk about it during work hours, but Kyle says, there’s nothing to talk about. He called her what he called her. He has nothing more, and she’s getting nothing more from him. If she’s looking for attention, she’s not getting it from him, especially after trashing Tasha. Reid tells him to stop.

To be continued… Because they’ve gotten lazy with giving us previews.

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Peek in tomorrow for soap, BravoCon news, and Halloween relatable music. Until then, stay safe, stay respecting the boundaries of others, and stay being careful what you say to people. You never know how a joke can affect somebody.

October 13, 2021 – Sonny Gives Nina the Ground Rules, Beverly Hills Meets Again & Things


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Austin is punching the heavy bag when Jason comes into the gym. Austin says, Cousin Jason. What’s up? Does he want in on this? Jason says he’ll wait until Austin is finished, and Austin says, there’s this brand new theory in economics where the assets and services are divvied up equally among private individuals, so no one consumer has to bear the undue burden of cost. It’s a theory perfected by kindergarteners; it’s called sharing. He realizes it’s a concept foreign to the Quartermaines, but Jason isn’t really one of them, is he?

On the phone, Britt leaves a message for Anna, asking why Anna didn’t return her calls or texts. She takes it Anna hasn’t found Peter or her mother. Here’s a novel idea, why doesn’t she put aside her personal feelings and act like a professional? Her mother was abducted, either by someone with ties to Peter or Peter himself. And that means it’s Anna’s job – no Anna’s duty – to find her. Standing in the hall, Brook practices talking to Britt, saying, she really needs Britt’s help. Dr. Gatlin-Holt has crossed the line. Something has to be done about him. She tells herself, you got this, girl.

In Carly’s office, Olivia looks through some papers, and asks what she’s missing. Carly says, it’s a lease renewal, and Olivia says, yeah, for the Crimson offices. Leo is messing around the credenza and Olivia tells him be careful. Carly says, Crimson’s yearly lease renewal is up, and Olivia says, she’s not even going to raise the rent? Carly says, why should she? Crimson pays their rent on time. She has no complaints. Olivia says, except the editor-in-chief kept Sonny away from Carly and his family for nine months. Nina says he was happy, but that’s not the point. Besides, she doesn’t buy it. Sonny is a city boy, born and bred. He could enjoy the countryside for an afternoon, maybe a weekend tops, but tending bar and sweeping the floor for nine months, no. She doesn’t buy it. Carly says she’s aware, and Olivia says this is her first chance to get back at Nina. Carly really isn’t going to take a swing at her?

Nina asks if Sonny is there on Carly’s behalf, and he asks why she’d think that. She says, Crimson’s lease is up. Maybe she thought he was delivering a message from his wife; vacate the premises or else. He says, Carly’s business is none of his, and she says, despite living in the same city, traveling in the same circles, even sharing a grandchild, she guesses she really doesn’t know him. He says, she’s about to, and she asks if that’s a threat.

Scotty sits with Ava at the MetroCourt bar, and says he’s going to have a martini and put it on her tab. She says he can have a whole pitcher of martinis since he came through for her. He says, it’s done. He got her divorce papers before they went to the clerk, so she and Nikolas can live in wedded bliss. And more’s the pity. She asks if he wasn’t just fighting for them to save their marriage, and he says that was before he found out Nikolas’s son was stalking her. She might want to hang on to those divorce papers. She says she hates to disappoint him, but she and Nikolas destroyed their copies together. He tells her, then he says goodbye to their business relationship, but she says she’ll always need him. She’ll always have legal problems for him. He says he really needs to find Obrecht, and now he’s taken on Nina as a client. He doesn’t know if he has time for her squabbles. She says, Nina needs a lawyer? and he says, and a bulletproof pantsuit.

Sonny says, if Nina has to ask – he closes the door – it’s not a threat. She says she’ll remember that, and he says, so Crimson is just humming along, huh? She says she has a great staff. They kept the office running during her… sabbatical. She takes it he’s not there to inquire about a subscription, and he says they have a few things to discuss. She says she didn’t think he left anything unsaid when they ran into each other at the cemetery, and he says, he didn’t, but then she surprised him. She says, how so? and he says, she showed up at the Quartermaines. Carly saw her; she was visiting Wiley. That didn’t make Carly happy. Nina asks if he thinks she’s afraid of Carly. She thought he knew her better than that. He says she’s not going to be happy in Port Charles for very long, and she asks if he’s telling her to get out of town.

Austin says, rumor has it, Jason doesn’t want to have anything to do with ELQ at all. He designated all of his voting shares to Michael, he doesn’t participate in any of the family business meetings… Does Jason want him to hold the bag? Jason says, no, and Austin says, clearly chit-chatting isn’t going to get him anywhere with Jason, yet here he is, willing to hold Jason’s bag. (I am not even going there.) Think of it as an opportunity to suss him out face-to-face. Who’s going to give that up? Yes? No? Okay. He holds the bag, and Jason punches it hard.

Still on the phone, Britt tells Anna to call her whether she has news or not. Leaving her to twist like this isn’t just unprofessional, it’s cruel. That is not Anna’s reputation, so please, just call her. She turns and Brook bangs right into her. Brook apologizes, and Britt asks if there’s something wrong. Brook says she knows Britt is really busy, and doesn’t want to bother her, but Britt says she could use the distraction. What’s the problem? Brook says, it’s not her problem; it’s Leo’s.

Leo hands Carly some creamers that have expired, and she thanks him, and says she’ll get rid of them. He goes to the table, and Olivia says, what Nina did was serious Old Testament level violation. Carly is well within her rights to exact her pound of flesh. Carly says she’s trying not to go to war with Nina, but Olivia says, she fired the first shot. Carly says, if she fires back, she makes Nina out to be the victim. She can just imagine: Carly the vindictive witch going after the poor woman who just made a mistake. Olivia says, mistake, my ass… She looks at Leo, and adds …ston Martin. Carly says Sonny asked her to lay off, and Olivia asks if she’s prepared to do that, to renew their lease, and not kick Nina out of the building? Carly says she can’t begin to tell Olivia what she wants to do to Nina, and Olivia says, that’s what she’s talking about. She knows Carly. What is she planning?

Ava says, Nina knew Sonny was alive all along? and Scotty asks if she’s been living on the moon. Everybody in town knows that. She says she just saw Sonny the other day. She went to say goodbye to Avery when she thought she was leaving town, and he didn’t say anything about Nina. He says, maybe Sonny didn’t want to distract her with everything going on with her stalker. Maybe he didn’t want to lay anything more on her. Aren’t Ava and Nina buddy buddies? She says, they’re friends, but Sonny’s not the type to spare her feelings. He says, Nina took a risk, finding Sonny in a small town joint, and keeping quiet and messing with Carly. She says, Carly can drive reasonable people to do things they don’t normally do, and he says he’s kind of sorry Nina got found out. Carly and Jason would still be newlyweds, Sonny would be dead and buried, and good guy Mike could just live on in his place. She asks if he said Mike, and he says, who cares? It’s just a name. Port Charles could be a Sonny-free place. Ava flashes back to talking to Nina about her new man, and asking why Nina doesn’t want him to move there or come to visit. Scotty tells her, he’s not saying they don’t have a mob problem, but the whole thing, the godfather with a heart of gold… She says she’s got to go. Have as many martinis as he wants. He says, make sure she tells Nina he’s top-notch, and Ava jets.

Sonny says, Nina can do whatever she wants. She wants to stay or go, it’s up to her. She says she doesn’t need his permission, and he says, fine. He just wanted to let her know it may not be comfortable for her here. She asks when her life has ever been comfortable? Her mind won’t let her be too comfortable. Now she has Carly, Michael, and Josslyn just waiting in line to tell her how they feel about her. He says, they have every right. Josslyn watched her mother struggle taking care of the business. Michael saw Nina lying to his face every time she visited Wiley, and Carly grieved for him for nine months; he’s not dead. She says she gets it. She’s a pariah. She deserves to be, but she admits she’s not crazy about hearing a litany of her sins every time she leaves her house, and she’s even less crazy about starting over. She tried that already, and look where it got her. He says, so she’s going to stay? and she says, yes. She’s going to stay where Maxie is, and James, and her grandchild. He says, then she’s got to understand the ground rules.

Olivia asks what Carly is planning for Nina, and Leo says, this desk is a mess. Oliva tells him, that’s not nice, and Carly says, it’s been a crazy morning. Olivia says, that kid has no filter, and Carly wonders where he gets that from. Olivia tells Leo, not everybody keeps every colored pencil and every eraser in its own spot, and Carly tells Leo, she’s sorry. Usually she’s more organized. Olivia says, if she wasn’t taking up all of Carly’s time, she’d be ready to focus. She tells Leo to come on; they don’t want to be late for Dr. Diamond. Carly asks if everything is okay, and Olivia says, just regular kid stuff. Leo asks if he can have the paperweight on Carly’s desk, and Olivia says, no, but Carly says, it’s so pretty. Leo can have it since he cleaned up her desk. Olivia asks what he says, and he says, thank you, Aunt Carly. Olivia asks what Carly’s plan is for Crimson, and Carly says, she’s definitely  renewing the lease. She’s keeping Nina close so she can keep an eye on her.

Austin says, Jason is good at this. Does he take lessons? Or is it just in his DNA to beat on things? He’s asking because they share DNA. There’s this phenomena called boxer’s knuckles. Has Jason experienced any swelling around his knuckles? Jason walks away from the bag, and Austin asks if he’s done punching. Jason says he can’t concentrate, and Austin says he imagines Jason has quite a bit on his mind. His new wife’s recently deceased husband’s alive again, showing up on Jason’s wedding night. That must have been a crowded honeymoon. Jason asks if Austin ever stops talking, and Austin says he’s just trying to be supportive. They’re cousins, and at this moment, he thought they could both use a friendly ear. Jason says, Austin has a lot of friendly ears; his mother Charity, his brother Jonah, his med school mentor. Austin says he’s flattered. That’s quite a deep dive to protect the family Jason tries to steer clear of. Jason says, he steers clear of ELQ, not his family, and Austin says he had Jason pegged as a guy who would choose his own family, rather than put up with the one he was born into. And at this moment in time, he imagines Jason can’t get out of the family he chose either, can he?

Brook says, Leo’s her stepbrother, and Britt asks if they’re close. Brook says, Olivia was going through some stuff with Leo’s dad Julian when Leo was a baby, and she took care of him. Since she’s been back in Port Charles, they’ve been getting to know one another, and he’s such a rad little dude. Britt asks, so what’s the problem? and Britt asks if this is covered under doctor/patient confidentiality. She knows, technically, she’s not Britt’s patient, but Britt says, technically, she is. She treated Brook last spring when Valentin brought her in for a sonogram. Brook says, someone at the hospital suggested Leo has a behavioral issue. Her father is all about getting Leo checked out; Olivia, not so much. So there’s a lot of tension in the house, just when their marriage was getting back on track. Britt asks what sort of behavioral issues Leo is having, and Brook says, autism, or at least on the spectrum. Britt asks if Leo has been examined. Was Olivia given a reference for a pediatric neurologist? Brook says she’s not sure. All she knows is Austin thinks that Leo might be autistic. Britt says, Dr. Gatlin-Holt said this? To Olivia? Ned? Brook says, to her. Is that a problem? Britt says she suspects Brook knew that.

Austin says, Jason must be up air with his new wife, now that her dead husband is alive again, and Jason says, Austin’s got to have patients waiting for him, right? but Austin says he doesn’t have to be at GH until later this evening. Does Jason want to grab a beer? Jason says, whatever Austin wants from him, he’s not getting it. Austin says, Jason doesn’t want to be friends? They don’t have to be adversaries. Jason says, they don’t if Austin drops the  lawsuit against the Quartermaines. Austin says he would love nothing more than to resolve his conflict with the Quartermaines amicably, but they’ve iced him out. They don’t talk to him, or even relate to him on a person to person level. He’s trying to meet a medical obligation to Leo, and Olivia keeps looking at him like he’s working some kind of angle. Jason says, is he? and Austin says, at the risk of repeating himself, all he wants is to get his father the recognition his father was denied. That might not mean anything to Jason, but it might if he was the guy who sat at his father’s deathbed, while he was gasping for his last breaths, and his last words on this earth were, why did Edward shut me out? Even if he wins this lawsuit against the Quartermaines, and gets the juicy satisfaction of getting a few ELQ voting shares, it’s not like the Q’s are going to welcome him in with open arms, and by extension, Jimmy Lee. Jason says, then why bother?

Brook says she’s not sure what Britt means, and Britt tells her, don’t play a player. The fake bump into, establishing doctor/patient confidentiality, and bringing up a situation where one of her doctors breaks it; a doctor who just so happens to be in litigation with her family. Brook says, Britt knew about that? and Britt says, Austin is the son of Edward Quartermaine’s illegitimate son, Jimmy Lee Holt. Edward wrote out poor old Jimmy Lee out of the will, and now Austin is in court trying to write himself back in. Brook says, impressive, and Britt says, not really. The Quartermaine squabble is the go-to gossip in the staffroom. Brook says, still, Austin definitely crossed the line, and Britt says, she’s right. Dr. Gatlin-Holt had no business discussing or making a diagnosis regarding someone he doesn’t have the expertise to examine. So when and where did he say Leo was autistic? Brook says, at GH, this morning, and Britt asks if there were any witnesses. Brook says, no. Chase and Maxie were nearby, but they weren’t a part of the conversation. Britt asks if Brook would be willing to give her account to the disciplinary board. Why is she even asking. Of course (🍷) she would. That’s the point of this conversation. Brook asks what she’s going to do about Austin, and Britt says, let her do her job. And in return, Brook can take care of Leo, because if Austin thinks he’s on the spectrum, Britt’s inclined to believe him. Britt leaves, and Brook turns to see Olivia with Leo behind her.  

Ava goes to Carly’s office, and asks if she’s interrupting. Carly says, no. What can she do for Ava? Ava assumes Sonny told Carly, and Carly says, Spencer’s her stalker. Wow. Yeah. She’s sorry about that. Just know she asked Spencer and his girlfriend to leave her hotel this morning. Ava says that surprises her. She thought Carly would forgive Spencer’s transgressions… Carly says, because Ava was the target. Spencer has every right to have a chip on his shoulder, but he has no right to go after Avery. It’s totally unacceptable. Ava agrees completely, and says, now that she’s no longer in fear for her life, or Avery, and she’s not going anywhere, she was hoping they could revisit Avery’s custody arrangement.

Nina says, so there are rules if she stays in town? and Sonny asks why she’s surprised. She must have known her lies were going to bring consequences. She says, how foolish of her to forget; she’s so sorry. Lay them on her. He says, first of all, stay away from Carly, and she says, that’s easy. He says, and the rest of his family, and she says, including her grandson? He says, Michael is Wiley’s father, and it’s his decision what to do with his son, and she says, and he and Carly will back up whatever Michael decides. He tells her, he does believe they shouldn’t cross paths, and she suggests he give her a list of places he thinks he’ll be, and she’ll avoid them. Anything else? He says he has the right to change the rules as he sees fit, and she says, he wasn’t wrong about her finding out who he really is; it’s quite an education. He says, these rules make it easier for her, and she asks if he wants her to thank him. He says he doesn’t need her gratitude; he just wants peace. She tells him, good luck finding it, and he says, when he does, he’ll let her know, so she can find it. She says, but they’re not supposed to cross paths, and he says he can make an exception. He thinks he’s covered it, so he’ll let her get back to work. She says, wait, and picks up the watch. She tells him, Mike left this in Nixon Falls, but it was never his. It’s been Sonny’s all along.

Carly says she’s not having that conversation with Ava without Sonny, and Ava says, okay. She just thought because they got along pretty well in Sonny’s absence. She thought they could work together to lay the groundwork for a civilized conversation about the current arrangement. Carly says she understands, but not without Sonny. Ava says,   so in spite of everything, Carly and Sonny are as committed as ever, and Carly says, in spite of what exactly? Ava says, not what, who, and Carly says she’s not going to talk to Ava about that. As for Avery’s custody agreement, she’s sure Sonny will be happy to talk to her about it, so if she doesn’t mind, she can go. Ava says she didn’t come there only to talk about Avery. She wanted to tell Carly how sorry she is about everything that happened; what Nina did to Carly, Sonny, and her family. It’s deeply disturbing, isn’t it? The mark of a very troubled mind. To conceal a man from his family and make them believe he’s dead, while he’s off creating another life as a new person. Carly says, Ava is friends with Nina. Did she know what Nina was doing? Did she know Nina knew Sonny was alive? Was she keeping Nina’s secret? Ava says, God no. This is Avery’s father they’re talking about. Nina would never tell her. Nina knows she’d never keep that kind of secret. Carly says, Ava better hope so, because if Sonny found out, he would be very unhappy. And if she crosses Sonny, he’s the one who’s going to respond, not Mike from Nixon Falls.  

Sonny says, it’s his dad’s watch, and Nina says, take it. She hands it to him, and he says, he threw it away in Nixon Falls. He never thought he’d see it again. She asks why he threw it away in the first place, and he says he felt it was holding him back from taking that next step with her, his life. She says, now his watch has come back to him, and he asks where she got it. She says, Phyllis found it. She was walking past one of Lenny’s old fishing holes. Maybe Lenny had a hand in finding the watch. It was meant to be found. He asks if that’s what Phyllis said, and she tells him, no. She actually said the opposite. Phyllis didn’t know if she should give back to him. He says, why? and she says, Phyllis thought maybe it would bring up some painful memories, but she figured he’d want it, so she told Phyllis to leave it there. He asks why she didn’t hold onto it, and she says she doesn’t have claim to any part of him, even as Mike; she never did. He says he didn’t come there to lay down the ground rules. Somebody said he should forgive her. She says he’s kidding, and he says, not forget, forgive. She asks if he forgives her, and he says, not now, but he can’t rule it out.

Brook asks what brings Olivia and Leo there; she hopes they’re okay. Olivia says, it’s just a visit with Leo’s pediatrician, when a nurse comes out and says the doctor can see them now. Olivia asks Leo to go with the nurse; she needs to have a conversation with Brook. They leave, and Brook asks if everything is okay. Olivia says she doesn’t know; why doesn’t Brook tell her? Brook seems to be the expert on her son; her and Austin. Brook says, sorry, and Olivia says she doesn’t need to apologize. What she’d like is an honest answer. Is that what Austin has been hinting at all this time? He thinks her son has autism? Brook nods, and says, he does.  

Jason says, Austin had a nice life in Pawtuck. He had a medical practice, 500 people sponsored him in raising thousands for the local hospital… Austin says, 505. He did have the most sign-ups. Jason says, Austin sacrificed that to try to force his way into a family who doesn’t want him, and Austin says, it does seem counterintuitive. And he did have a great life there, so why give that up? The answer is simple. He didn’t think he could enjoy that life unless he tried to have this life. Hasn’t Jason ever been in a situation where he had to weigh two things he cared about, and choose one over the other? Has he really been that lucky?   

Scotty tells Britt, it’s quitting time. They need to brainstorm on how to get Obrecht home. She says the session has been delayed, but he says, it can’t be. Obrecht is in danger. She’s not going to just get away from Peter. She’s alone, and Anna isn’t going to make her a priority. Britt asks what they’re supposed to do, hire a mercenary? He says, that can be a little pricey. However, what if they came up with the money? Who would they get? Does she have any contacts in the black ops? What about her dear old daddy Faison? Are any of his cronies around? She says she never thought to download Faison’s address book, and he says, that wouldn’t work anyway. They need someone closer to home. Someone that is willing to plunge into danger… Someone who is stone cold. She says, no, and he says, yes, She says, no, again, and he says, yes, again. She says she’s not calling Jason.

Britt says, asking Jason to find her mother is a terrible idea, and Scotty says, he loves Obrecht, and Anna hates her. They’ve got to pull out the big gun, and the big gun owes her. She says Scotty doesn’t know the first thing about her and Jason, and he says, enlighten him. She says they were two people on the run from some killers, and he says, that happens every day. She says, they had some laughs, and dodged some bullets. That’s it. He doesn’t owe her anything, and she doesn’t know how to ask. Scotty says, here you go. Let him script it for her. Hey Jason… She says, forget it, and he says he knows she doesn’t want to go crawling to Jason. She wants to be dignified in the afternoon, not look pathetic. But how is she going to feel if her mother never comes home? Is she going to say, at least I have my dignity? She walks away.

Brook tells Olivia not to overthink it. Austin clearly wants to divide and conquer. He wants their family to be confused and distracted, so they can’t present a united front when they go up against him. Olivia says, he thinks her son has autism? and Brook says, she got the good doctor breaking confidentiality, so she could bring it to Britt. Britt is going to get the disciplinary board involved; he may even lose his medical license. There’s no way he’s going to have time to fight for a piece of ELQ. He’s going to be too busy fighting to be a doctor. Olivia says she sees what Brook’s doing. She just has one question. What is her son to Brook? A brother, or just a means to an end?

Austin’s phone rings, and it’s Britt. She says she knows he’s not scheduled, but she needs him to come in. He asks if it’s a medical emergency, and she says she just needs him to come in now. He says, okay, and tells Jason, maybe next time, they can get that beer. He’s not joking about the boxer’s knuckles. As hard as Jason hits that thing, he needs to watch for it. Jason tells him, good luck, and Austin says, thanks. Good luck to Jason too.

Sonny says, the watch took a beating when he threw it away, but Nina says, nothing a little cleaning and repair can’t fix. He says he doesn’t want to put it on, but he doesn’t want to take it off. His dad loved this watch. He recognized it when he barely recognized anything. Sonny doesn’t know why he threw it away, and she says, he has it back. It’s true that in life, as in music, timing is everything. He asks what she means, and she says, Phyllis walked past Lenny’s old fishing pond to rescue his watch, and Sonny returned home on Jason and Carly’s wedding night in time to stop… He flashes back to walking in on Jason and Carly just as they were about to get busy. He says she’s right about one thing, timing is everything, and leaves.

Ava says she was hoping she and Carly could collaborate for Avery’s benefit. She didn’t mean to start anything. Carly says she’ll tell Sonny that Ava would like to speak to him. Ava says she’d like to see Avery tomorrow. Maybe then the three of them can sit and talk about custody. Carly says, they’ve done this before, and Ava says, yeah, Carly, her, and Sonny; not Carly, her, and Mike. Carly says, there is no Mike, and Ava says, is she sure? It’s not like Sonny forgot the life he led for nine long months. All those experiences are still with him. Just like all of Carly’s experiences are still with her. Ava leaves.

Scotty offers Britt a peppermint, and says, sorry. He guesses he was a bit harsh. She says, he called her pathetic, and he says, hypothetically pathetic. She says, if she doesn’t swallow her pride, and ask for help from the guy who dumped her to marry his best friend. Scotty says, that marriage didn’t make it to the break of day, and she asks how that’s supposed to make it better. He asks if her mother ever told her about a little thing called schadenfreude, and she says, her German is schlect (bad). He says his German is intact. He has an idea. Mac Scorpio has been a gun for hire. Maybe he knows someone. Hell, maybe he’ll do the job himself; he hates Peter August. She says, no. Mac needs to stay with Maxie. She’ll think about talking to Jason, okay? But don’t get his hopes up. Jason has his own priorities, and she doubts her problems are among them.

Carly calls Jason, and says, Sonny isn’t answering his cell; is he with Jason? Jason says he hasn’t seen Sonny. Is everything okay? Carly doesn’t know. She just had a run-in with Ava about Avery. Huh? That wasn’t what I’d call a run-in. She tells Jason, maybe it’s nothing. He says, it’s never nothing with Ava, and she says, that’s true, but don’t worry about it. They’ll talk later.

Brook says, of course (🍷) she’s doing this for Leo; she loves him. Olivia is sure she does, but she’s also sure Brook wouldn’t think twice about exploiting Leo for her own gain. Brook says she’s only telling the truth. Austin violated HIPPA rules when he told her Leo might have autism. He can say she misunderstood, and she’ll agree with him if he drops the lawsuit. Olivia asks why she would care about any of this. Austin thinks her son is autistic. Brook says, he doesn’t have the authority to make that kind of diagnosis. He barely knows Leo. Olivia might want to take Leo to a pediatrician who specializes in that sort of thing, just to be sure. Olivia says she can’t believe they’re having this conversation. She’s so damn sick of the Quartermaines always putting the company in front of their family. Austin comes into the hospital, and meets Britt, while Brook slinks down the hall. Britt thanks Austin for coming on such short notice, and he asks, what’s the problem? She says, he is, and asks him to come to the principal’s her office. They walk past Brook, and Brook smiles. Not liking Brook much today.

Nina is on the phone, discussing photo placement, when Ava comes to the door. Nina says she’s in the middle of something, and Ava tells her, she can say that again. She’s been living a double life, hasn’t she?

Sonny goes to his office, and Jason says he’d had Sonny’s chair put in storage, since he used a different one. Sonny says, Jason doesn’t like his chair? and Jason says, it didn’t seem right. Now everything is back the way Sonny left it. Sonny says, yeah, and sits down. Jason asks, what’s up? Is there something on his mind? Sonny says, yeah. Jason and Carly.

Tomorrow, Britt tells Maxie that she’s working on Austin from a different angle, Ava thinks Nina still has a chance with Mike/Sonny, and Sonny asks Jason what would have happened if he hadn’t walked in. Another thing I don’t get. Who cares? They thought he was dead. Did he think everyone was just going to freezeframe?

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – The Reunion – Part One

We saw LisaR and Erika talking about the upcoming reunion, interspersed with flashbacks and flashforwards. Andy went around trying to make the women nervous while they had their makeup and hair done. Everyone’s fashion sense was surprisingly toned down, and Sutton was back in heels. Dorit had on one of her ready-to-wears, and it was gorgeous, with like, a billion pearls on it. I’m a pearl girl. LisaR’s wig was dubbed Priscilla by Garcelle, and we heard it was Kyle’s 11th reunion. Time to retire, I’d say. The set was a reproduction of Kathy’s backyard.

Erika said she was looking forward to closing this chapter and moving on, and Andy said things were still unfolding as they spoke. Erika said she asked for patience and understanding, and still didn’t have all the answers. Andy asked what the biggest misconception about her was, and she said, that she was cold and unempathetic, but she wanted the alleged victims to be made whole. While watching the show she’d felt disappointment, anger, and sadness, but also hope. Kyle had (the morally corrupt) Faye Resnick’s husband break down the L.A. Times article, since it was so long, and probably because she can’t read higher than third grade level. Some viewers thought Erika should be fired, and she suggested they let things play out in the courts.

Andy asked if Sutton brought her face roller, and she said it was in her trailer. We flashed back to various clips featuring Sutton living her best life. Sutton told Andy that her mother said nothing when she the part of the show where Sutton talked about her father. Andy asked about the store, and Sutton said her business was growing more than she thought it would. We saw a clip of LisaR on Watch What Happens Live, saying, Sutton didn’t really have a business. We saw clips of Sutton moving into her new house – which was, no surprise, beautiful – and Kyle’s rental was discussed. Kyle said Sutton was a great tenant, although almost burned her house down. Kyle showed photos of her blackened fireplace hearth, and Sutton joked they’d go to court. She did intend to pay for it.

Erika said she was dating, and looking to have hot sex. On the flip side, Sutton and Michael broke up on Valentine’s weekend. He’d said, I just can’t – whatever that means – and Sutton said there was no comeback to that. At first she was devastated, but she was now having fun dating. Andy asked if Garcelle’s son was cool with her getting married again, since he’d made a stink about her dating, but she said she thought it had just been a moment. Andy’s next topic was Garcelle not feeling like she belonged. We flashed back to Garcelle saying that, and to LisaR saying in her interview that Garcelle needed to make an effort. That was followed by the dinner when they made Garcelle cry, which they called her being vulnerable. Dorit dared to say Garcelle might have been trying to be relevant with her jabs, but Garcelle wasn’t having that, and neither did I. Garcelle wanted an apology from Dorit for calling her a bully, and Andy said Dorit got a lot of hate for that. One viewer wondered why Dorit didn’t call Erika a bully, and Dorit said Erika had isolated incidents, but with Garcelle, it had been all season long. So, if you bully infrequently, you’re not a bully? Dorit claimed Garcelle said things in her interviews that she didn’t say to their faces. Garcelle said she couldn’t win; either she said too much or not enough. Andy said Dorit had wanted Garcelle to be direct, then accused her of throwing darts. Dorit said if Garcelle had an issue, she should voice it, but not throw passive/aggressive darts with a smile. LisaR tried to interject, and got her panties in a twist when Garcelle told her to hold on; they’d get to it. Then Dorit literally screamed at Garcelle to let her finish; it was the second time Garcelle had cut her off. To her credit, Garcelle didn’t even flinch. She just calmly told Dorit to make her point. I don’t know how she does it, since I want to pop one of these women in the nose every five minutes.

Dorit said, in Garcelle’s interview, she’d said everyone was picking on Sutton, so why didn’t she stand up for her in the moment? Andy clock checked, wanting to move on to LisaR, but he asked where Dorit and Garcelle stood. Garcelle said she didn’t dislike Dorit at all, which wasn’t exactly a ringing endorsement, but Andy pronounced their slate clean. He said LisaR and Garcelle had their ups and downs for twenty years, and asked if LisaR had earned back Garcelle’s friendship. LisaR said she thought Garcelle had some kind of expectations she wasn’t meeting. Garcelle said LisaR had done some lovely things, but she still had trust issues. Erika wondered if LisaR should just stop reaching out, and asked if Garcelle was punishing LisaR for Denise, but Garcelle said Denise could fight her own battles. We flashed back to Garcelle suggesting LisaR reach out to Denise, and LisaR wondered why Garcelle had brought it up again after four months. When was she going to let it go? Garcelle said she was letting it go right now, and LisaR wasn’t going to hear about it again from her. Andy asked what Garcelle was expecting from LisaR, and Garcelle said she didn’t expect LisaR to save her, but could have had her back at the launch when Garcelle and Dorit had their incident. LisaR said she didn’t because she thought what Dorit was saying was correct. Andy asked Sutton her opinion, since the pot hadn’t been stirred enough, and Sutton said no one had her back either. Garcelle said someone had told her that LisaR said she shouldn’t have brought race into the show; it wasn’t that kind of show. LisaR said she would never say something like that, and Garcelle should have come to her. Garcelle said she didn’t know that LisaR wouldn’t say it, and it had pissed her off.

LisaR whined that she wanted to know why Garcelle was so mean to her, and wanted to know where Garcelle had heard this from. Garcelle wasn’t revealing her sources, and she didn’t trust LisaR. LisaR claimed that when Garcelle was on WWHL, she’d said she wanted her fired so Denise could come back. They showed the clip, and this was a huge stretch, since what Garcelle said was, Denise might come back if somebody else was let go. Andy asked if their initials were LR, Garcelle smiled, and that was pretty much it. That didn’t exactly point to Garcelle advocating LisaR getting the boot. Regardless, LisaR said it showed who Garcelle was. Erika said that Garcelle gave a real world perspective, but LisaR wanted an apology, insisting she was happy Garcelle was on the show. Garcelle questioned whether LisaR would have admitted she’d said the race thing, and Andy wondered where they went from there. LisaR asked why they couldn’t move on, saying, she wanted Garcelle to be the Garcelle she used to know. Garcelle was like, you first. Then LisaR felt the need to say Harry thought Garcelle looked unhappy. Dorit said she didn’t necessarily look unhappy, but she checks out. Garcelle said she did not check out; she showed up. She admitted maybe her expectations were higher for LisaR, and Kyle started crying. Probably because the focus hadn’t been on her at all so far. This prompted LisaR to milk the moment by going over to Garcelle and giving her a hug. Dorit whispered to Erika that LisaR just wanted to show off her outfit. LisaR asked Garcelle for a chance, and finally worn down, Garcelle said she had one. There was all this I-love-you-life-is-too-short stuff from LisaR, and I nearly gagged.

Kathy joined the group, and said she’d brought notes because she wanted to address a few things. Hmm… For someone who seems to be on another planet, she caught on quick about receipts. Garcelle said, bring it, babe, and Andy asked if Kathy recognized the set. It took her a while, but it finally dawned on her that it was her house. We saw old clips of Kathy, showing up in various scenes over the years. Andy asked why she’d decided to join after all this time, and Kyle admitted to pushing her, to which Kathy agreed. They talked about Kyle reprising her original role from Halloween in Halloween Kills, and Andy said Kyle had gotten a surprise when she left for the show today. We saw Kyle coming out of the house, and going to the limo. Then Michael Myers popped out of the bushes with a knife, scaring the bejesus out of her. BTW, she has a great scream. Sutton asked if Kathy did that, and Kathy just smiled and shrugged. Andy asked what it was like for Kyle to step back into a role from over 40 years ago, and she said it was amazing getting back together with everyone. Everyone who was still alive anyway.   

Andy slid into talking about Erika’s marriage, and said he’d thought it was weird that Tom hadn’t read her book. We saw a clip of the last (virtual) Reunion, where Erika said Tom hadn’t seen Chicago. Erika said she wasn’t giving him a pass for that, since she found out later that he’d been in D.C. She said his cheating was only part of it; there was so much more. When she found out, she told him, if he was in love with someone else, divorce her, and be with the other woman. Andy asked what Tom said, and she said, nothing. Then Andy asked if Erika had been faithful…    

Next time – the Reunion continues – LisaR gifts Andy with a jar of Harry’s sauce, Sutton and Erika get into it, Erika gets weepy, Kyle says Erika is doing herself no favors on Instagram, and Erika wonders why it’s only in Beverly Hills that everyone’s so precious. I doubt it’s just Beverly Hills, but I can’t wait to hear what precedes that.   

🎺 Day Is Done, Gone the Sun…

The new season of Project Runway premieres tomorrow (Thursday). No doubt I’ll watch. It was one of those shows, like 90 Day Fiancé, where I watched it out of boredom, and decided it was better than I thought it would be. So meet me here next time for soap and a few words about fashion. Until then, stay safe, stay improving your corner of the world, and stay not ruling out being forgiving. You don’t have to forget.

November 3, 2020 – Valentin To the Rescue, Will Lulu Go-Go, Halloween Spill-Over, Sad Day In Beverly Hills & Bad


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

I missed the beginning, but here are your takeaway points. Cyrus saw Portia at the hospital, and asked how Trina was. Portia told him not to talk about Trina, since she was none of his business, and he said Taggert was his business, and whined about being a victim. TJ ran into Jordan, and told her he needed her help with some police business. Peter met with Valentin at Charlie’s, and said he’d gotten a call from the mother from hell. Valentin assumed he meant Obrecht, but Peter said he was talking about Helena. Sonny called Ava to come over and get something Avery had made for her. When Ava got there, she asked if there wasn’t another reason Sonny called, and Sonny said he had questions about Ryan. Alex had Anna tied up in the basement, and claimed Peter as hers. You’re officially up to speed.

Portia tells Cyrus, don’t talk to her about Taggert. Franco gets off the elevator with Elizabeth, and says, it looks like Uncle Cyrus is on another PR run. He’s going to make himself scarce. Elizabeth says she thought Franco and Cyrus were buddies, but Franco says he doesn’t think so, since Cyrus saw him keel over at The Rib. Portia says, as far as she’s concerned, she’s not responsible for her ex-husband’s actions. Cyrus says he doesn’t hold her responsible for Taggert’s lies, harmful as they were. His goal is for her to be happy at GH. She says she’d be happy to have as little interaction with him as possible. He says he’s fairly new to being Chairman of the Board, and thinks it’s important to get to know his staff, as they get to know him. He was hoping they could at least be cordial. She says she’s all about cordial, but she doesn’t allow intimidation. If that’s what he wants to do, just fire her now for insubordination.

TJ tells Jordan, Cyrus fired Monica, and replaced her with Britt. He fired Bobbie, and put Epiphany on administrative duty, then cut the hours of the dedicated staff, like Elizabeth. Morale is at an all-time low, and he they don’t trust Cyrus. Jordan says, he’s still Chairman, and TJ says, exactly. The public needs to know what’s happening. He’s studying to be a doctor, and wants to put the patients first, but Cyrus isn’t doing that, so he’s fighting the right way. He went to the PCPD to get a permit, and was turned down for no good reason. He hates asking for special favors, but she’s the Commissioner, and it’s important. She says she’s the one who denied his application.

Alex calls Anna resourceful. Anna realized Peter had a genetic marker she didn’t have, or Faison. So he must have gotten it from moi. Anna says Alex might want to consult a specialist, and Alex says she’ll take it under advisement, after she gets reacquainted with her son. It was an inconvenience, Anna blundering around after her because she lied about the memories given to Anna. Anna says, what a shock; Alex lied to her. Alex says she realized Faison was obsessed with Anna, and thought she could get secrets if she became Anna. It was just her luck she got preggers. She did what she could to provide for her son. Now it’s time to take her place as his mother, and a doting grandmother. Anna says, not even Alex can pull it off. Alex never wanted to be a mother, and most certainly not a grandmother. Why is she really there?

Valentin tells Peter, he didn’t hear Helena; she’s dead. Peter says he knows her voice. She threatened to expose him for abducting Drew. Valentin says, someone is trying to get Peter to reveal something using the voice of a dead woman who conveniently knows his secrets. Peter asks, who? and Valentin says, Spinelli. He slipped up the other night, telling Valentin that he didn’t want Peter to marry Maxie. Peter says, Spinelli wouldn’t break Maxie’s heart, but Valentin thinks he would, if it would spare her greater heartbreak down the road. Spinelli is a computer expert, and could use a program to modulate his own voice into Helena’s. It’s a trap; don’t admit anything. Peter says, Spinelli is going to regret that.

Julian sends Ava a text, saying, tell him what’s happening. Why isn’t she answering any of his messages?

Ava asks Sonny what Ryan had to say, and he says, not much. She says Ryan is an inmate in maximum security. It wasn’t a random call. He wanted something. Sonny says Ryan wanted him to come and visit. He said it would be worth Sonny’s while. He wanted to let her know, and asks if she has any idea why Ryan would reach out to him. She says, Ryan is sick, twisted, and probably bored. The only thing that brings him any happiness is watching people squirm. Sonny asks, why talk to him? and Ava says, maybe because he’s Avery’s father, and trying to make him squirm will make her squirm even more. Ryan is still fixated on her. He called her, and she tried to ignore it or pretend it didn’t happen, but he got to her. She went to see him, and she regrets engaging with him. It’s just another game. Tell her that he’s not going to see that man.

Franco knocks on Doc’s office door, then walks in. Doc says he needs to leave. He barged in without an appointment. Franco says, he knocked, and Doc says, he knocked, then barged in. Franco says, it’s an emergency, and Doc says, then Franco had better tell him about it. Franco says the brain tumor that warped his personality and made him kill people is back.  

TJ asks why Jordan denied him the permit. He followed the rules. She says she’s aware that he doesn’t like Cyrus’s management style, and passionate about his beliefs. He’s going to come up against superiors who don’t see things the way he does, and a public protest won’t change anything.

Sonny says, Ryan is reaching out to him, and he needs to know why. She says, Ryan is literally a psychopath. He’s just baiting Sonny, and Sonny has no reason to get pulled into Ryan’s warped mind game. He says, Ryan messing with her is bad for Avery. He needs to see Ryan face-to-face to find out his end game. Ava tells him, don’t. Nothing good can come of it. She believes it’s a trap. He asks if she’s sure she doesn’t know why Ryan wants to see him.  

At Charlie’s, Julian paces.

Valentin says Peter always does this. Don’t lash out at Spinelli. Jason is like a brother to him, and if Peter acts on Spinelli, Jason will kill him and get away with it. Peter will never know his child because he’ll be dead. Next time Helena calls, don’t answer the phone. He’s building a good life with Maxie and the baby. Let Spinelli choke on it. Peter asks if Valentin thinks he can be a good man, and Valentin says he knows Peter can. Peter says people think he’s hardwired after his father, but Anna cancels that out. His mother is his saving grace. Valentin says, she’s great. Good luck to him. Valentin flies out the door like he can’t leave fast enough.

Anna says Alex is such a liar. She didn’t come reconnect. This isn’t about Peter. What trouble is she in? Alex says she is in a bit of hot water; quite a lot actually. People are coming at her from all sides, and she has no place to hide. Her only choice is to become Anna. It’s going to be a challenge, especially with her grumpy, but quite handsome fiancé, and doting on Peter and the baby. But it’s preferable to Steinmaur or worse. The only problem is, there can’t be two of them.

Anna says, Alex is such a bully. They look alike, but they’re nothing alike. People won’t believe it. Valentin will see right through her like he did before, as will Robert. Alex says, know who won’t suspect? Peter. Anna never even gave him an idea that she might be his mother. She called him, and hung up. Anna says, it’s not news you want to leave on a voicemail. The doorbell rings, and Alex asks if Anna is expecting anybody. Anna says, yes. The Army, Navy, and Marines are coming for afternoon tea. She yells for help, and Alex duct tapes her mouth, The doorbell gets insistent, and Alex says they sound eager to see her. Don’t go anywhere; she’ll be right back. She goes upstairs, and someone is alternating knocking and ringing the bell. She opens the door to Valentin, who says, hell’s bells. Where has she been? He’s been calling, and she hasn’t returned any of his texts. Alex pretending to be Anna says, sorry to worry him. Does he have news? He says his associate tracked Alex from Berlin to Paris, where she fell off the grid. They don’t know where she is. She could be in Port Charles any minute, and trying to contact Peter. She says she appreciates the warning; he’s a good friend. He says, apparently, Alex is in trouble. She’s being pursued from all sides, and she’s desperate. Desperate people do desperate things. She says she’ll consider this a full alert, and he asks if she’s all right. She says she’s fine, and he says he knows she hasn’t spoken to Peter. He still doesn’t know Alex is his mother. She says, it’s not voicemail news, and Valentin says, they’ve already talked about it. He suggests they tell Peter together – right now. I’m not sure how Alex thinks she could fool anybody, since even I can tell the difference, and the actress is literally the same person. Alex always gets saccharine sweet, and that might be the opposite of her personality, but it’s not Anna.

Peter looks out Charlie’s window, and Spinelli walks in. He says he got Peter’s text. He said they needed to talk about Maxie. Is something amiss? Is it about the baby? She seemed perfectly healthy last night. Peter says he knew if he mentioned Maxie, it would get Spinelli there. Spinelli says, Peter deceived him, but Peter says, not completely. In a way, it has to do with Maxie. He loves Maxie, and he loves the baby she’s carrying, and he’ll do everything he can so that nothing affects his future with them. Spinelli says he was reluctant at first, but sees now that Peter wants what’s best for Maxie. He asks if Peter enjoyed Maxie’s birthday celebration last night, and Peter says, it would have a perfect night had he not received a call from the presumably dead Helena. 

Cyrus tells Portia, he has no intention of letting her go. She’s a valuable asset to GH, and that’s how he intends to treat her. She says if he truly means what he’s saying, never ever mention her daughter or ex-husband ex again. She walks to the elevator. Cyrus laughs to himself, and Elizabeth watches as he gets in elevator with Portia.

Jordan says she respects TJ’s position, but compromise is the smart thing to do. He has to trust it’s for the greater good. He says, whose good? Cyrus’s? She says, whether he likes it or not, Monica and Bobbie were fired for a valid reason. If he pushes back, he can’t be naïve enough to think Cyrus and the Board will buckle under the pressure of a protest. He says she can’t be so cynical to believe a protest can’t create change. She’s told him to stand up, and let his voice be heard. What happened? Cyrus and Portia get out of the elevator nearby, and Jordan says, TJ believes he can subvert the so-called rules and change them, but he asks what harm a peaceful protest can be? Cyrus is subverting GH, and going to undermine everything the hospital stood for. He’s getting the chance to do what she preached to him growing up. Why is she preventing that? Portia says she’d like to know too, and Jordan says, it’s a private conversation. Cyrus says it sounds like a public indictment of him.

Ava tells Sonny, she has no idea why Ryan called, but she does know what he wanted. To get under Sonny’s skin, and play mind games. That’s what he did to her. He’ll find Sonny’s Achilles heel and squeeze it. Don’t play into his hands. The best way to handle it is, not to pay any attention to him. Sonny says he’ll think about it; no promises. Ava says she certainly hopes he makes the right decision. If he doesn’t, it’s his problem, not hers. She says she should be going, and Sonny reminds her to take the picture Avery drew.

Doc asks if Franco has discussed treatment options, but Franco says he stopped listening when he heard his tumor was back and it was inoperable. Doc asks if he’s sure Terry said inoperable, and Franco says, Terry is conscientious to a fault. She wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. Doc says, that doesn’t rule out non-surgical treatment. Franco just received a life threatening diagnosis. He needs time to assess it, and regain control. Take a look at what can be affective. Franco says he’s not freaking out because he could die. He can’t get his mind around not having the magical life he’s carved out, but that’s not why he’s freaking out. He’s worried the symptoms might return; one in particular – a shift in personality.

Cyrus says, TJ doesn’t agree with his policies, so he organized a protest against the Board, mainly him, even if his mother made sure it’s not approved. He’s fully aware of TJ’s feelings. As he told TJ before, he admires TJ’s passion; it reminds him of TJ’s mother’s passion. As TJ might remember, she was the one who freed him. She realized he’d been framed wrongly and imprisoned; that’s true injustice. This is a misunderstanding. TJ isn’t in management; that’s not his field of expertise. His primary purpose is to save lives. Cyrus’s is to be on the Board. Leave him to deal with the business. He’s happy that TJ’s mother agrees that there’s no need to protest. He thanks Jordan, and walks away. Portia says, Jordan is protecting Cyrus now?  

Ava arrives at Charlie’s, and Julian says, what the hell? Why hasn’t she answered his calls? She says she was with Sonny. Ryan reached out, and wants Sonny to visit. He said he’d make it worth Sonny’s while. She tried to convince Sonny that it was just more mind games, but she’s not sure it worked. He says, what she should have done is divorce Nikolas for real. Now Julian is a dead man. She says she thinks he’s out of options. He may need to take Nikolas up on his offer, and disappear.

Spinelli says, whoever called, it wasn’t Helena; she’s dead. Peter says, it was her voice. She threatened him, saying if he didn’t agree to meet with her, there would be consequences. Spinelli says no wonder he was distracted last night, and Peter says, a telephone call from a dead woman could definitely be distracting. Spinelli says, it makes no sense, and Peter says like Spinelli’s’ sudden about-face makes no sense. He put two and two together, and it was nothing more than a scheme cooked up by Spinelli.

Alex as Anna tells Valentin, it’s so kind of him to offer to help break the news, but it’s something she should do herself. He says, do it now. Alex could be in Port Charles any minute. With all of Anna’s good intentions, she did a helluva job setting Alex up. Alex will paint herself as the injured party, so she can control the narrative, and turn Peter against them both. She’s manipulated Anna her entire adult life, not just with the memory swap. Besides compounding Anna’s guilt at being a double-agent, she made Anna think she was Peter’s mother. If she doesn’t tell Peter, he will. She tells him, she’ll always try to do the best for her son. He says, what? and she says, do what’s best for Peter. He tells her, she said best for her son.

Anna struggles to get free from the tie on her hands.

Doc says, as he understands, a personality shift is a potential side effect in some patients with Franco’s condition, but there’s no certainly it will happen. Franco says, it was a barren, boring existence. No imagination, no joy in life, nothing could fill him or make him happy, except the adrenalin rush at getting away with something. When the tumor was removed, that went away. He’s not a perfect dude, but he can be a friend, and he can be a father; he is a husband. He feels love, and it’s a privilege to watch the evolution of the boys. All of that will go away again. No operation; no magic reset button. Doc asks if he has any reason to believe he’s experiencing side effects. Has he had a shift in sight or smell? Any periods of time lost? Franco says, it’s hard to say. He’s an artist. When he’s working, like when he painted Ava’s portrait, he’d work for 20 minutes, and find 3 hours had gone by. Doc says he has the same experience painting (and me, in the garden), but it’s not the same as finding yourself in Rice Plaza with no idea how you got there. Has he had any instances like that? Franco doesn’t know. He’s not a reliable narrator for his own life. Doc says he’ll support Franco, but thinks Franco should tell the ones who love him. Franco said, or tell the ones who hate him.

Jordan says it’s none of Portia’s business what she does as a mother or Police Commissioner, and TJ asks, why is she siding with Cyrus? Jordan says she’s siding with him. When he graduates medical school, who’ll want to hire a troublemaker who questions management? TJ says he’ll worry about his own future. It’s his Constitutional right to protest. Portia says, what about her? Is Jordan going to deny her rights too? Jordan say she doesn’t think it’s a good idea, and Portia say she didn’t think investigating Brando was a good idea either. She was there when Jordan told Chase to drop it. And there’s no new information on Taggert’s murder. Another case that led straight to Cyrus. Jordan had said she would make sure Taggert’s killer didn’t walk free. It doesn’t seem like she feels the same way now.

Alex says, of course (🍷) Valentin is right, but she’s been treating Peter like her son for over a year. It’s not an easy habit to break. She loves him like a son. She can’t drop her feelings. Valentin says he understands. It must be difficult. He tells he his throat is suddenly scratchy, and asks for some water. She says, where are her manners? She should have offered it to him straight away. (See? Anna would never talk like that to Valentin.) Alex goes into the kitchen, and he looks around. He looks up the stairs, and seems like he might go up them. Anna breaks free, and pulls the tape off her mouth. She yells for help, and Valentin hears. She yells that she’s downstairs.

Spinelli says Peter can’t believe he can replicate Helena’s distinctive tone, and Peter says Spinelli’s computer expertise is legendary. He could have done a deep fake. Spinelli says he was with Peter when he got the call. He’s not a magician. He can’t be in two places at once. Peter asks, who said Spinelli did it alone? Spinelli asks if Peter has speculated on his accomplice, and Peter says he doesn’t want to make this more complicated than it needs to be. He thinks Spinelli dreamed this up, now he needs to back the hell off. Spinelli says this is all speculation, and Peter says he chose to accept Spinelli’s olive branch for Maxie’s sake. He’s giving Spinelli a last chance. Stay out of his life. Spinelli asks if that’s a threat, and Peter says, it certainly is. He can crush Spinelli, and if Spinelli pushes him, he will.

Ava says, it’s not like Julian hasn’t disappeared before. He was in the witness protection program. He says, in a strange town with a fake name, away from everything that mattered to him. She asks if Julian wants her to fight his battles; run around circumventing Ryan, and trying to cover up Julian’s bad choices. He says all he wanted her to do was neutralize Ryan by divorcing Nikolas, and she says, even if it meant she lost everything. He says, everything except him. He’ll call Nikolas and take his offer of a new life, so she can live hers.

Sonny picks up the visitor phone at Pentenville. Ryan says, it’s common knowledge he doesn’t visit just any inmate. He’s speechless. It’s an honor and a privilege. Sonny asks what he wants.

Ava says, of course (🍷) she doesn’t want Julian to disappear. She loves him. There’s no one who knows her better, and aside from Avery, he’s her only family. She tells him, don’t call Nikolas just yet. She’ll try to get to Ryan before Sonny does, and stop him from giving Julian up. He asks, how? and she says she’ll figure it out on the way over.

Ryan says he thinks Sonny misinterpreted him. He doesn’t want anything from Sonny. On the contrary. He has something he thinks Sonny wants. Sonny says he’s listening, and Ryan says he recently came into some information that’s going to rock Sonny’s world.

Cyrus walks into Charlie’s, and Julian says, hello. Cyrus asks, to what does he owe the pleasure of the surprisingly warm welcome? Julian says Cyrus is exactly the person he wants to see. Cyrus asks, why? and Julian says he’s ready to make a deal with him.

Jordan says she doesn’t like it any more than Portia, and Portia says, then why stop her son from protesting? Jordan says she’s protecting him, and in a way, protecting Portia. Why antagonize their boss, and make life harder? Please. Let it go. Portia says, wow. She’d love to know what’s going on between Jordan and Cyrus.   

Peter says it’s no secret that he’s been no angel in the past; quite the opposite. But he has a new life with Maxie and the baby, and to protect that life, he can revert to his old self like that. If Spinelli ever tries anything like this again, he will. Do they understand each other? Spinelli nods, and Peter says, good.

Valentin hears Anna say she’s in the basement. He tells her that he’s coming, but before he can open the door, Alex comes up behind him with a syringe.

Tomorrow, Maxie tells Peter, that’s not how it works; Finn wonders what’s keeping Anna; Jackie says there’s something she needs to tell Chase; Sonny tells Ryan, he doesn’t play games; and Cyrus says, now that’s something interesting.

👍 I Vote Going…

She couldn’t get more vague, but I think if she was staying, she’d have said so.

🎃 The Party Is Never Over…

Halloween may have passed, but you can still look at pictures.

💎 Whoa…

News of the day. Erika from RHOBH is getting a divorce. While truthfully, it’s none of my business, I’m disappointed.



But I’m not surprised Brandi inserted herself.


💺 Leaving On Not-a-Jet Plane…

As the dust from Halloween settles, I still have to clean up the glitter from my floors. I hope you voted, and hope, whoever wins, everyone behaves themselves. It hasn’t been a good look lately. In the post-election haze, stay safe, stay fair, and stay away from your workplace when discussing plans to protest your boss.

February 7, 2020 – Nelle Changes Her Game, Shah Catch-Up, Reunion Teases, Dead Conjecture, Five Plus Six Quotes & More Bad


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


🌬 Apparently ABC thinks they’re my mother. They break in to tell me I should dress warm if I go out tonight.

General Hospital

Ava finds Nikolas at the hospital. He asks what she’s doing there, and she asks how his mother is. He says, much better. His sister is in with her. Ava says, thank God, and hugs him. He says she’s put on her show; she can go now. Ava asks if he doesn’t want the world to know how much he means to her.

Nina sips a martini at the MetroCourt. Valentin comes along, and says, a fully stocked bar, and no Ava? His world no longer makes sense. Nina says she and Ava have buried their respective hatchets, and he says he noticed. He also noticed Ava is trying to drive a wedge between them. She says that’s all on him. He asks if they can talk, and she says, about what? He wants to know exactly what he’s done. He tried to give her what she wanted most in the world. He regrets his methods, and causing her pain of course (🍷), but does he regret doing whatever was in his power to make her happy? He doesn’t.

Lulu tells Laura, she’s only known Dustin a couple of months, and he’s risked his life to save both her mother and daughter. What if he hadn’t been there? Laura says she’s grateful, and Lulu should be too. Lulu says she’s 100% grateful, and Laura says, really? Then explain why Dustin saving her life is making her so tense.

Brook sits at Kelly’s, writing a song. She says, not bad, even if she says so herself. Dustin walks by, and she says, Captain America. Isn’t he supposed to be carrying a shield? He says, only if they’re under attack by dark forces. Otherwise, it gets in the way of him teaching Shakespeare. She says, that’s right. In reality, he’s a humble teacher. He says the thought that’s why she broke up with him; he had no superpowers. She says that makes her sound shallow, and he says she’s making him sound dull. She admits she might have been wrong. His turn. He admits she might have been wrong too.

Ned asks if Michael has seen The Invader. Hero mob target rises; Michael Corinthos impacts the Quartermaine dynasty. It doesn’t read like the end of a news cycle, but more like the start of a problem.

Lucas flashes back to a hazy memory of Brad telling him that Wiley is Michael’s son. Brad asks, what is it? and Lucas says, in the car before the accident. Brad was building up to a confession.

Nina asks if it ever occurred to Valentin that she’s no longer interested in the kind of love he has to offer. She needs  more than his misguided romantic gestures of love. They need to move on from each other. She walks away, and Martin joins Valentin. He says he believes that was Valentin’s ex-wife. What’s got her worked up? Valentin says she’s trying to pretend she doesn’t love him.

Nikolas tells Ava that if she gets any more adoring, people will suspect she’s insincere. She says she is sincere. She’s concerned about Laura. Laura has been good to her, and she respects Laura a great deal. She asks Nikolas to give Laura a list she’s made up of the best rehabs; she already made the calls. He thanks her, and she says just because she doesn’t have a heart for him, doesn’t mean she doesn’t have one. He wants her to leave, and says, take his kingdom; take his horse. She says she has those things. Now give the public a convincing kiss goodbye. He leans toward her, and whispers, go away. Go far, go fast, go for good. She kisses him, and he says he’ll see her at home. She walks to the elevator, pondering the kiss.

Brook tells Dustin, it’s a song she’ll never be allowed to sing. He looks at it, and says, her lyrics are better now than… She says, when she got to sing them? He says they’re too good to stay on the page, but she says, they might have to until she gets out of her contract. Anything she sings, writes, or produces belongs to that sleazeball producer. He asks if there’s no way out, and she says her dad is going to intervene; they’ll see. He hopes it happens, and she asks how he can wish her good after she ditched him. He says she’s a musician. Singing is part of her DNA. He stopped writing, but just because it’s not right for him doesn’t mean it’s not good for her. When he watched her sing, he realized it was just a hobby for him. He loved it, and it was fun, but it’s not his passion like it’s hers. Music is her life.

Lucas says he remembers he was angry at Brad. He’d asked Brad a question. He doesn’t remember what it was, but he feels like it was important. Brad has to remember. Brad says, before the accident, he was falling apart. He put his fears and anxiety in perspective when he thought Lucas was going to die. He’s sorry, but he doesn’t know what he said. Julian says it was the most terrifying night of his life. Reliving the fear and worry can’t be good. Lucas needs to focus on his recovery. Lucas says Julian is right. Being alive and awake and going home to Brad and Wiley is all that matters. Willow comes in, and says, Wiley would completely agree. Lucas says he was just thinking about her.

Ned tells Michael, the idea their profits could get caught in an underworld crossfire tends to spook their business partners. Michael says that’s why he’s always been transparent about himself, and how he runs ELQ. It’s completely above board. Ned says that’s what he’s been telling their insurers and prospective partners. Michael asks what else he’s telling them, and Ned says that Michael is the Quartermaine to lead them into the future, and he’s proud to stand at Michael’s side. Michael says he appreciates Ned’s vote of confidence, and Ned says, grandfather told them they’d rise together or fall together. He prized family loyalty. Michael says, even when he was pitting them against each other. Ned says, he was a complex man, with a complex ethical code. Michael says, about the work Ned has been doing… Ned says he’s been happy to help out, but now Michael wants him to step back? Michael says he was going to suggest the opposite. Stay and show the business world that there are two Quartermaines minding the shop. Nelle walks in, and says Michael brought her there so he could kill her.

Lulu tells Laura that she thinks it’s wonderful how Dustin rushes in to help with no thought about himself. Laura says, but it scares her. Lulu says, it does. After what she went through with Dante, she doesn’t think she has it in her to fall in love with another hero.

Brook tells Dustin, it’s a dirty trick, proving nice guys can be… He says, nice? She says she has to meet her dad and Linc. She wishes Dustin could  take out the villain for her, but he says his tights are in the wash. She thanks him for what he said, and he tells her, anytime. About her voice… She tells him, don’t ruin it now, but he says he always thought of that as her superpower. She hopes so, and tells him to give holier-than-thou her best.

Brad tells Willow, it’s not a good time. Lucas needs to rest. She promises she won’t stress him out, and Lucas says he thinks it’s harder on Brad than him. He was unconscious, but Brad had to deal with that, the hospital, and taking care of Wiley. Brad says, the whole family pitched in; Lucas’s mom and sister, and Julian. Willow says, and Michael has been amazing. Wiley adores him. Lucas says, Michael is so good with kids. He’ll make a fantastic father someday. Willow says, Michael loves Wiley as if Wiley was his own. Brad and Julian look at each other.

Ned says he doesn’t know if Michael is trying to kill Nelle, but turnabout is fair play. Michael wonders what his scheme must be, and Nelle says, the boathouse is cold and damp. He says, it has central heating, and she says she can hear the water, and she has men peeking in; there’s no privacy. He says she should be used to it after Pentenville, and Ned says, the groundskeepers are just doing their job. Nelle says she wants proper living arrangements, and Michael says she’s right. The boathouse isn’t suitable. He’ll send for her bags – and place them at the side of the road. She says she’ll go stay with Brad; it’s cozy, hanging out there with him and Wiley. Michael says, it might be crowded now that Lucas is awake.

Martin says until the issue with the codicil is resolved, he’s making sure Nikolas doesn’t get his hands on any of the Cassadine money. Valentin says at least they know where it is, and that Nikolas can’t move it around, and Martin says, for the moment. He can’t keep the DNA test at bey. Valentin wonders, why wait? If they do the test, the codicil will be rendered useless. Martin says, it might be counter-productive, no matter what the result. If Valentin gives them his DNA, he’s conceding the codicil is legitimate. Valentin says, it’s one of Helena’s games. Cassadine blood is in his veins, and if he has to spill some of it, so be it.

Nelle says, how wonderful for Brad, and Michael says he thinks so. Brad has a soft spot for Nelle, but there’s no way in hell Lucas is going to let her near Wiley. He says he can have her things sent to a motel of her choice, bur she thinks he’s being hasty. If he throws her out, how is he going to access her shares? He asks if she wants to negotiate, and she says, it depends on how much it’s worth to him and his family to be done with her once and for all.

Willow says she’s sending Lucas some photos. She took one every day so he wouldn’t miss anything. Julian says that was nice of her, and Lucas thanks her, saying he probably won’t remember anything after Thanksgiving. He knows it’s not uncommon to lose time, but can’t help thinking there’s something else he forgot. Brad tells him, the doctors said not to push it, and Lucas says, it’s fine. He has all the photos, so it’s like he never missed anything.

Lulu says, it’s wrong for her to resent Dustin being brave, and Laura says she’s a woman who feared for her husband’s life every day of her marriage, but this is different. Dante was a cop; Dustin is an English teacher who was in the right place at the right time. Lulu says, three times, and Laura says, even so. She doesn’t think he was looking to make it happen. Lulu says, she’s right. Laura is always right. Laura says, not always, and Lulu says she has to get Nikolas. He’s been hanging around, waiting to visit. Laura wonders what’s stopping him, and Lulu says she told him that Laura could just have one visitor at the time. Laura says, she lied? and Lulu says, of course (🍷). After what he put them through, it was the least she could do. Laura tells her, falling in love is always a risk, but only she can decide when she’s ready to take it.

Nina goes to the gallery, and says she’s glad Ava is at work. It would be awkward to try and see her at Windymere. Ava asks why Nina wants to see her at all, and Nina says Ava made it a point to show up at Crimson. She thought she’d return the favor. Ava says, it’s a little unexpected, and Nina says she’s not sure if they’ll ever be friends in the traditional sense, but non-traditionally, they’re comrades in arms; Sisters united against the Cassadine men. Ava says she loves where this is headed, and Nina says she disgraced one at the altar, and Ava dragooned one into marriage. They never saw it coming. Who says revenge isn’t sweet? Ava says, not her.

Nikolas asks how Laura is feeling, and she says she’s always up for a visit from her kids. He says, it’s nice to know someone in the family is speaking to him. She says, his sister just did, but he says she texted him, and then left without looking at him. She says he has to be patient with Lulu. Her daughter almost died trying to prove her secret bodyguard existed. He says he never saw that coming, but she says he never really thought about Charlotte. He only thought about one thing – revenge; the rest of them didn’t matter. He asks how she can say that, and she says she’s his mother. She can’t love him and indulge his fantasies at the same time. The obsessive need for revenge is a Cassadine trait. If he’s not careful, he’ll end up being as hateful and bitter as the Cassadines who came before him. He tells her Spencer said something like that before cutting him out of his life.

Brad says he’ll check with Michael about Wiley, and steps out of the room. Julian’s phone rings, and he says, it’s work; he has to take it. He sees Brad in the hallway, and asks, what the hell is going on? Brad asks if he doesn’t see it’s over. Lucas doesn’t remember the truth about Wiley. Julian says, not now, but that doesn’t mean he won’t. Brad tells him, the doctors said it’s highly unlikely. Julian says, Brad sees a man who doesn’t remember; he sees a ticking time bomb. Everything Willow says is a potential trigger, and the more she talks to Lucas, the more chances the bomb will go off and destroy the both of them.

Valentin asks Martin how the impending acquisition is going. Martin says, well. As far as he can tell, the next target will soon be in position.

Brook meets Ned at the MetroCourt, and he says she’s late. They needed time to go over their strategy. Brook says she thought the strategy was to just let him do the talking. Ned says Linc will do what he can to bush Brook’s buttons, but if she loses her temper, she’ll lose everything. Brook says she’s supposed to act like it means nothing, but Linc is literally holding her voice hostage. She gets it; she’ll follow Ned’s lead. Ned tells her not to let Linc get under her skin. Linc comes out of the elevator, and Ned says, show time. Ned thanks Linc for meeting him, and Linc says he can’t tell Ned how much he’s looking forward to working with Eddie Maine.

Laura tells Nikolas, Spencer is hurting. He also has a knack for grand gestures. She expects Spencer will shut Nikolas out for a while, but doesn’t believe he’ll hang on to his anger forever. Nikolas asks if Laura would speak to Spencer, but Laura says, to urge Spencer to take Nikolas back into his life before he’s ready would be disrespectful of his feelings. She stood by Spencer when he mourned Nikolas, and she’ll stand by him as he comes to terms with what Nikolas has done. Nikolas says he thought not being dead would be good news. He never thought his retuning would be more painful than him staying away.

Lulu thanks Dustin for waiting at Kelly’s. He says he thought they were meeting at the hospital, and she says they were. But if he ever wants everyone to know his business, just whisper it at GH in an empty hallway. By the time he gets to the end of the hallway, all the nurses will have formed an opinion. He gets it, and asks what they’re talking about. She says, us.

Dustin asks if it’s something he’s done or hasn’t done, and Lulu says, since they’ve been seeing each other, there have been an unusual number of… Dustin says, incidents? She asks what he means, and he says in addition to her mother and Curtis walking in on them… Lulu tells him to never bring that up again, and he says, Charlotte jumped int the harbor, and there was a bar fight. Does she always attract this sort off… She says, incident? He says he doesn’t think she caused them, but what’s a guy got to do to get a quiet night home?

Lucas says, it sounds like Willow did a lot, and she says she pitched in. Brad hired her as Wiley’s nanny, but it didn’t end well. He asks, why not? Wiley loves her, and Brad trusts her. She says, Brad has been fragile since the accident; emotionally unpredictable and moody. Lucas says, more than before the accident? and she says she thinks so. Honestly, she’s deeply concerned, but maybe now the worst is behind them, and Brad will find his footing now that he knows Lucas is okay. If they need anything, she’s there to help. Lucas thanks her.

Michael says, if Nelle agrees to the terms, he’ll arrange a money transfer immediately after she signs. Then she can live wherever she wants, provided that when her parole is complete, she never comes back to Port Charles. She asks how much he’s offering, and looks at the paperwork.

Linc says, Brook is under contract, and Ned says, it’s a sweet deal for Linc. He has her doing 99% of the work, while he takes 99% of the payout. Linc says he’s making 100% of it happen. If not for him, she wouldn’t have a deal at all. Ned suggests he test that, and release her. Let her find out for herself. Linc says he can’t do that in good conscience. When Brook’s feelings get hurt, she lashes out. Ned asks if that’s how he describes her reaction to his sexual assault. Linc says he didn’t assault her or anyone else. He’s an affectionate guy; ask anyone. He’s never had a problem with it being misconstrued; it was a friendly gesture. Brook is obviously having a hard time keeping quiet, and Ned tries to hold her back. Ned says, touching someone intimately without consent. It happens all the time these days, but as they say, time’s up. Do what’s best for everyone involved. Ned slides a check toward Linc, saying it’s the projected revenue of Brook’s next three albums, and the cost incurred. He’ll get all of the reward with doing none of the work. Linc says he’s not interested. Brook can cut an album for him, or stay quiet. If she sings a single note, it’s his.

Nikolas tells Laura, as soon as she’s well enough, he’s moving her and Doc into Windymere. She says, absolutely not, but Nikolas says, one mob shooting is more than enough. He wants to make sure she’s protected. She says she has a security detail, but he says, it’s not the same. She asks if he’s discussed it with the lady of the manor, and he tells her, Ava has no say in what happens at Windymere. She asks if he’d care to put that theory to the test. It’s hard to believe Ava handed over the codicil without laying claim to something. What is the arrangement costing him?

Ava tells Nina, a romance-free marriage is practical. She got what she wanted, Nikolas got what he wanted, and if they both follow the rules of the post-nup, everything will stay in place. Nina asks, what rules? and Ava says, like with any business arrangement, there are consequences if they don’t abide by the contract. Nina asks what she means, and Ava says, cheating. If one of them commits adultery, they forfeit what they’ve got. Nina says, no sex outside marriage is pretty standard. At least they have each other. Ava says, who said anything about sex inside the marriage?

Willow asks if Lucas is sure about this, and he says he thinks it’s the best decision for everyone involved. And it will be a huge favor. Brad comes back in. He feels better to see Lucas happy, awake, and talking. Lucas says, it’s going to be a while before he’s 100%, and Brad will be taking care of him, Wiley, and working. Julian says there are a lot of people who love Lucas. Brad won’t be alone, and they can help until Lucas is back on his feet. Lucas says he knows, but instead of a revolving door of concerned family and friends, he has a better solution. Until he’s back on his feet, he’s hired Willow to keep taking care of Wiley.

Lulu asks Dustin how a bottle of merlot, popcorn, and a mutually agreed upon movie sound? They’ll be no more than three feet from her sofa. He says, no gangsters, or creeps, or kids jumping into open water? Lulu says they can always hang out at he docks and pick a fight with a longshoreman. It’s up to him. He kisses her, and says he thinks a movie at her place is the right kind of quiet.

Brook says she either sings for Linc or stays quiet? Quiet isn’t her thing. She’ll go on record about the sexual harassment. Linc says he looks forward to winning the libel suit. The judge will order her to make even more albums for him. She says, next time he puts his hand on her ass, she’ll cut it off. Ha-ha! That reminds me of the time I told my boss, if he wanted to keep his hand, he’d be taking it out of my back pocket. Brook walks away, and Ned says he comes from a family that has an army of lawyers. One phone call, and they’ll eat Linc alive in ways he can’t imagine. Then he’ll sit back and watch with his daughter, or Linc can take the check. Choose wisely. Ned gets up, and tells Linc, it’s a one-time offer, and goes to join Brook.

Nina tells Ava, let her get this straight. There’s no sex outside the marriage, and no sex inside the marriage. Ava says she can hold out as long as Nikolas can. Nina doesn’t know about that. Ava and Nikolas are both attractive, healthy people with needs. Ava says, exactly. Nikolas is a passionate man, and this this game of chicken ends when he gives into his urges. One indiscretion, and she wins. Nina asks how long Ava thinks it will take, and Ava says she has the feeling it will be sooner rather than later. Much sooner.

Nikolas tells Laura, don’t worry; they have an agreement. Laura says, that’s what worries her. She can’t bear the thought of Nikolas spending his life trapped in a loveless marriage. He says, believe him. He has no intention of staying married to Ava for the rest of his life.

Nelle says, it’s the same offer she tore up earlier, but Michael says there are added incentives. She says she’s not a CEO, but she knows a goldmine when it’s in her hand, and this isn’t it. He says, no more games. What does she want? She says, apparently more than he’s willing to give her. She’ll find a buyer who’ll treat her with the respect she deserves. She walks out, and makes a call.

Martin’s phone rings, and Nelle asks if he remembers the item they were talking about selling. She’s ready to entertain offers. Does he know what she’s looking for? He says, a life changing number, and she asks if he can deliver. He believes so, and says he’ll be in touch. He goes over to Linc, and says Linc was saying Brook would do anything, give anything, to get out of her contract? He’ll be in touch.

Valentin’s phone rings, and Martin asks if he remembers the acquisition Valentin wanted him to expedite? They’re about to go shopping. Valentin says, wonderful. He’s looking forward to joining their family.

On Monday, Anna needs to know about Finn’s conversation with Sam, Spinelli is moving back to Port Charles, Neil tells Alexis that they want her to testify, Carly asks if Brando knew who she was when he saved her, and Sonny tells Jason they were totally exposed.

🌴 Drama On Sunset…

I can’t believe it’s been over a year.


Catching up. Tommy and Baby Shams’s matching PJs are too much.


🛥 Tastes Like Reunion…

A Reunion tease.


Captain Lee calls ‘em like he sees ‘em.


A precap of the Reunion, as well as a video of the Captain and Kate dishing about the season and yachting in general on Reality Check. Stay tuned for Adam and Jenna (Below Deck Sailing Yacht) afterward.


And the most important thing – what are they wearing?


⚰️ Walking Into a New Season…

According to the comics.


Nerd speculation and the trailer.




And Beyond.


🖨 Quotes of the Week

If you have a boy, you only have to worry about one penis. If you have a girl, you have to worry about them all. – Herb (Ryan Stiles), Two and a Half Men

Maybe you think you’ll be entitled to more happiness later by forgoing all of it now, but it doesn’t work that way. – Ann Brashares

In a surprise twist, I made more than I could eat. – Doug (Kevin James), King of Queens

Faith is realizing that you always get what you need.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

It’s not a scrapbook; it’s a freezer. – Paul (Paul Reiser), Mad About You

If I’m wrong, educate me, don’t belittle me. – unknown, from YourTango article on how public shaming can be harmful

Don’t wait for the right moment to start, start and make each moment right. – Roy T. Bennett

I’m an underachiever, not an idiot. – Jake, (Angus T. Jones), Two and a Half Men

I don’t want to hear the specials. If they’re so special, put ’em on the menu.Jerry Seinfeld

Life gives us choices. You either grab on with both hands and just go for it, or you sit on the sidelines. – Christine Feehan

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

🥀 No Hearts & Flowers Here…

See you Sunday on Sunset. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.