Tag Archives: Dolly Parton

January 25, 2021 – Valentin Lights a Fuse, Beach Clean-Up On Deck, Rachel’s Not-So Secret Career, Messy Attendant & Again


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny is working on a table he has turned upside down, and Lenny asks what he’s doing. Sonny says the table was wobbly, so he thought he’d fix it. He hopes he didn’t overstep. He also fixed the dishwasher door, tightened the hinges on the cupboards, and did a bunch of other stuff that he’s talking too fast for me to catch. Lenny asks what time he got up. He did all that this morning? Sonny says, it’s morning already? and Lenny asks if he’s been working all night.

Carly looks at a photo of her and Sonny, and thinks about hugging him. The doorbell rings, and when she opens the door, she says they have no idea how glad she is to see them, and how much she needs them today.   

Nikolas says, now Ava thinks it’s too cold to ride? and she says she knows she agreed to go, but Carly called. She wants to meet to discuss Avery’s schedule, so she invited Carly there to talk about it.

Michael looks at the annulment papers, and tells Willow, it looks like everything is in order. She says, all they have to do is sign them, and their marriage… He says, is officially annulled, as if never happened.

At the MetroCourt, Maxie tells Sasha she thought they came there to talk about her story. A woman comes up to them, saying she’s from The Sun. She asks if it’s true the face of Deception almost died from an overdose.

Chase and Jackie sit at a table, and she says she thought he’d be too busy with the warehouse district blood bath to meet. He says he figured that’s why she asked him for coffee; to pump him for information. She says she asked him because she loves him and doesn’t get to see him enough, but she can’t help wondering if Cyrus is on his suspect list.

On the phone at the MetroCourt bar, Martin says he did what Valentin asked in defending Alexis. Now it’s Valentin’s turn. What’s happening with Valentin finding his mother? Valentin says he has a lead he’s following up on now. Martin asks, what lead? But Valentin has already hung up.

Jax answers the door, saying, he’s expecting a delivery. Valentin is there, and asks if Jax has a minute. Jax tells him not to think he can just drop by, and no, he doesn’t have a minute. Valentin asks if Nina knows what he’s doing for Carly, and Nina comes out, and says, good question. Does she?  

Sonny rights the table, and Lenny asks if he got any sleep last night. Sonny says, what do they say? I’ll sleep when I’m dead. (Ha-ha! That’s what I always say.) Lenny says, right now, he’s lucky to be alive, and Sonny says he’s making the most of it. He checks over the table, and Lenny calls Phyllis. He says he knows she’s volunteering at the clinic today, but he needs her at the roadhouse. It’s about Mike. Hurry.

Bobbie says she was headed to Charleston, when she got Carly’s call. Carly asks how their leverage is, and Bobbie says she’s getting plenty of TLC. Carly asks if Bobbie trusts the nurses, and Bobbie says, they’re all former colleagues. They’re excellent nurses, and they’re discreet. She thinks it’s an unorthodox solution, but doesn’t suppose Cyrus gave them any choice. Carly says, he didn’t, and Bobbie says, that’s why she agreed, but she doesn’t suppose Carly invited her over for a progress report. They could have done that over the phone. Carly says she has to tell Bobbie something that could only be said in person. It’s about Nelle.

Nikolas tells Ava to call Carly, and cancel. He’s not standing by while Carly mothers another child who’s not her own. Avery is going to grow up with her mother. Ava says, of course (🍷) she will. This isn’t about Carly; it’s about Avery. Like it or not, Avery has a strong emotional attachment to Carly and her sisters. She keeps asking when she’s going home, and when she’s sleeping in her own room. It breaks Ava’s heart, so for Avery’s sake, she’s going to hammer out a regular visitation schedule. He commends her for compromising, but asks if it has to be today. He thinks Ava has better uses for her time.

Michael tells Willow, no rush. Diane isn’t expecting the documents until the end of the day, if she wants to take time to think. She asks if he needs time, and I think, here we go again. I’m so very tired of them going around this question. He says they’ve talked about it, and wanted to figure out how they feel about Chase and Sasha. They can’t do that if… She says, if they’re married. The good news is, they’re making the decision together. He says, the marriage served its purpose in keeping Wiley safe, and they can move on with no regrets or complications. Wiley comes in. He’s in college now. Just kidding, but he’s getting pretty big.    

The reporter asks what Sasha has to say, and Maxie asks if she has no compassion or shame, in exploiting Sasha’s heath crisis, If the reporter doesn’t get out of Sasha’s face, Maxie will have Olivia escort her out. The reporter leaves, and Sasha tells Maxie, that’s what Nina was trying to protect her from, and Maxie says Nina meant well, but another sleazy reporter is just going to tell Sasha’s story. That’s why they need to control the narrative. She says she has an idea, and drags Sasha out of the room.  

Martin approaches Chase’s table, and asks where Chase’s manners are. Kindly introduce him to this legendary, and exceedingly lovely lady. Jackie asks if she knows him, and he says, Martin Grey. Her next big story. 

Nina says she knows the search for Sonny was called off, and Jax is doing his best to support Carly. Valentin says Jax is always willing to be a shoulder to cry on, but is he willing to be a partner in crime? Nina asks if someone standing by a friend in need is what Valentin calls a crime. She tells Valentin she’s not threatened by it. They’re clear where they stand with one another. Valentin says, Carly tells Jax everything. Since Nina and Jax are close maybe she knows where his attorney’s mother was taken. Nina says he lost her, and Valentin says Martin’s mother was taken; kidnapped from her long-term care facility in Vermont. Nina isn’t clear on how Jax is connected, and Valentin says, it might become clear when she knows the cast of characters. Martin’s mother was kidnapped, Jason is responsible, and if Carly knew, that means she played a wiling part in it. Which begs the question, how much does Jax know? 

Nina asks what Valentin is talking about, and Jax says he has no idea. The only contact he’s had with Martin is when he represented Nelle in Wiley’s custody hearing. Valentin says, Martin wasn’t her only child. She had another son – Cyrus Renault. If Jax is withholding information that would lead to their mother’s safe return, that makes him an accomplice. Jax says he doesn’t involve himself in the criminal activities of Sonny or Jason, and neither does Carly. Goodbye. Valentin says, goodbye, and leaves. Jax says Nina doesn’t believe Valentin, does she? She says, of course (🍷) not, but Valentin isn’t the kind of guy who makes up stories. Martin and Cyrus’s mother disappeared, and if Jason is involved, it’s likely Carly is involved somehow.

Martin tells Jackie, without naming names, a prominent family is responsible for abducting an innocent woman from a medical facility, and holding her hostage. Chase says, there’s no evidence, besides Vermont isn’t their jurisdiction. Jackie sees Maxie signaling Chase, and says, looks urgent. Go see what Maxie wants. Don’t worry about her. She can handle Martin. Chase goes to see Maxie, and Jackie says, about Martin’s story. He said big with a capital B. She doesn’t do the lowercase alphabet. He says, with all due respect, his brother is just as worried as he is about their mother. She says, and his brother is? He says, Cyrus Renault.   

Chase tells Maxie, it better be important, and she says, it is. She tells Sasha, she’s on, and tells them to sit. Chase sits down with Sasha, and asks, what’s going on? She says he needs to introduce her to his mom. She needs to ask Jackie a favor. Chase says, what favor? and Sasha says she wants Jackie to tell the world how she trashed her life.

Willow says, the most handsome man in the house. Sorry, Michael. Michael looks at Wiley’s stuffed tiger, and sees one of the ears needs mending. He says he thinks emergency surgery is needed, and Willow asks if he went to medical school. He says he didn’t, but he knows someone who did; Grandma Monica. She’s famous for sewing up the Quartermain stuffed animals. He says he’ll take the tiger to her, and see if she can sew it, and Willow says, it will give her more time with her favorite guy. Michael leaves with the toy, and Willow says Wiley doesn’t have to worry about Stripey. She promises the surgery won’t hurt. She glances at the annulment papers on the table.   

Nikolas tells Ava to call Carly, and says she’s sorry, but she has other plans. She says, it needs to be figured out today, or Carly will keep calling, and Avery will keep asking when she’s going to see her sisters. She promises there’s a silver lining. If she accommodates Carly, it will put Carly in her debt. Does Ava live in a dream world? Fat chance of that.  

Carly tells Bobbie, Nina already identifies with Nelle, and had Nelle buried at Woodlawn. She’s convinced Nelle’s life would have been totally different if someone had intervened. If she finds out Nelle was her daughter… Bobbie says, she’ll be devastated, and Carly says, and she’ll look for someone to blame. Carly was the last person to see Nelle alive. If Nina finds out the truth, it will not only be heartbreaking, it will stir up trouble Carly can’t handle. Bobbie says, Nina can’t learn that Nelle was daughter, but as long as there’s a chance she’ll see the necklace, she can see it was a match. Carly says, that’s where she’s going to need Bobbie’s help. She’s going to Windymere. She has a meeting with Ava to discuss visitation, and she wants her loyal mother to come along. Bobbie says, a person who knows their way around; she wants to find out where Avery is keeping the necklace. But if Avery thinks it’s her good luck charm, how are they going to steal it? Carly says she’s not going to steal it; she’s replacing it. She takes out a similar necklace, and says, it turns out a half-heart isn’t that uncommon. If Nina sees it… Bobbie says, it won’t fit. There’s no path to lead back to Nelle. Carly says, that’s right.

Nina tells Jax, Valentin didn’t come there out of the goodness of his heart, doing a favor for his attorney. He’s trying to drive a wedge between them, and what better way than Carly? Does he think Carly is involved with the abduction? He says, if by involved, she means backing Jason, he’d say so. Carly would follow Jason into a burning building. Nina doesn’t think Jason would kidnap an old lady, but Jax thinks it’s possible if it’s leverage against Cyrus, and that Carly would go along. He needs to talk to Carly. He has to convince her that taking Florence is a bad idea, and Jason needs to have the good sense to return the poor women to her family. Nina says, wait. She thinks that’s the last thing he should do.

Jackie tells Martin, despite Cyrus’s turn to philanthropy, he’s been long suspected as a drug trafficker. Is Martin not concerned about rumor or innuendo? He says he’s only thinking about his mother being found and returned unharmed. She says, it’s a compelling story. She’ll look into it.

Sasha tells Chase that Maxie and Lucy gave her the chance of a lifetime, and she repaid them by making the company vulnerable. He asks if the company won’t be even more vulnerable if her story goes public, and she says, a reporter already confronted her. If she sits with Jackie, she can tell her own story in her own words, and Jackie won’t sleaze it up. Chase says, if Jackie agrees, she’ll be fair, but she’ll ask the tough questions. Is Sasha prepared?

Willow tells Wiley, don’t be jealous, but she thinks his daddy is handsome too. Clearly Wiley takes after him. Not just in looks, but his sweet temperament and loving nature; the way they both made her feel like part of a family. The family she never had growing up. She flashes back to her and Michael with Wiley, and says she always wanted a family and home. This is more than a home. She found someone she could count on, who needed her as much as she needed him, and it became something more that she didn’t see coming. It makes her wonder… Michael comes back with Stripey, and says, the surgery was successful. Grandma Monica says the patient is going to survive. He asks Willow what he missed.

Sonny messes with the chairs, and Lenny tells Phyllis, see what he means? It’s worse than last night. Phyllis tells Sonny that he needs to stop; take a break for a while, but Sonny says, there’s so much work to get done. She says, not this minute. He just got out of the hospital. He could be making his injury worse. Sonny says, he feels so good, he could run a marathon, and not break a sweat. He goes back to work, and Lenny tells Phyllis, she was right. It must be something mental.

Carly thanks Ava for seeing her on such short notice. Bobbie looks around, and says, it’s not exactly bright and cheery, but it’s a definite improvement on what it looked like in Stephan’s day. Nikolas asks Carly if his wife is so scary she had to bring reinforcements, and Carly says her mom insisted they work things out. Ava thanks Bobbie for encouraging compromise, but Bobbie says, it’s about an innocent little girl, whose needs come first. Ava says, exactly. They need to put their differences aside, and do the best they can for Avery. Carly tells Ava, she couldn’t have said it better herself.

Jax asks if he’s supposed to look the other way, but Nina says, Carly is still grieving. If Jax tells her that Jason is wrong, and she should distance herself from him, won’t she do the opposite? He says, what if Cyrus retaliates, and goes after Josslyn? and Nina says, what if Jason believes striking Cyrus where he’s most vulnerable is the only way to keep everyone safe? He says, that’s exactly the kind of thinking that caused Sonny to go after Julian Jerome in the first place, which led to his death. Nina says, Valentin isn’t like Sonny. He’s relying on Jax’s determination to right a wrong, and Jax asks how that’s bad. She says, it’s not, but Valentin is setting Jax up to prove his first loyalty is, and always will be, Carly.

While Nikolas discusses a painting with Bobbie, Carly tells Ava, she knows Avery isn’t part of the meeting, but is she home? Ava says Avery has a playdate. She thought it best that Avery wasn’t there. Carly says she’s sure Avery was delighted to get her necklace back. Josslyn told her that Ava came by. Ava says she was under the impression Carly was having it repaired, but Josslyn found it in her jewelry box. Carly says, there was a lot going on. She guesses it just slipped her mind. Ava says, Avery insists it’s Sonny’s favorite, and she needs to wear it everywhere. She suggested Avery just wear it on special occasions. Can Carly imagine the meltdown if she loses it? Bobbie asks if she can go freshen up, and Ava says she knows where the bathrooms are. Carly tells her, don’t be long.  

Martin tells Valentin, he’s too late. Jackie agreed to do a story on his mother’s abduction, and Jason won’t be able to escape public scrutiny. He tells Valentin, feel free to let him know how impressed he is. Valentin says Martin has made a serious miscalculation.

Jackie asks who Chase was talking to, and he says, Sasha Gilmore; she’s a friend who would like Jackie to tell her story. Jackie says, today must be her lucky day, and he says Sasha made some mistakes when she came to Port Charles, but she overcame them, and was doing well, but she lost way and nearly died, thanks to Cyrus Renault. She says, there’s that name again. Are they talking illegal drugs? He says, yes, and she asks why he’s involved, and he says, because he’s responsible.

Willow says, Michael missed quality time with their son, which she’s going to give him now. She’s going to check on breakfast for Wiley and Stripey. She leaves, and Michael asks if he’s told Wiley how much his mom loves him, and would do anything for him. She has a way of knowing what they’re thinking. He thinks back on his time with Willow, and says, before they became a family, he and Willow were good friends. Sometimes they acted like kids themselves, and before they knew it, their relationship had changed. He looks at Stripey, and says, Grandma Monica did a good job, and Wiley snatches the tiger back, which is hysterical. Michael looks at the annulment papers.

Ava says she knows how fond Avery is of Josslyn, Donna, and of course (🍷) Carly. Carly says, it makes sense considering Avery grew-up in their house, and considered it her home. Nikolas says, Windymere is Avery’s home now; Carly doesn’t want to confuse her. Carly says she just wants Avery to be happy, doesn’t he? Ava suggests Nikolas go riding, and Nikolas agrees it’s probably best for Ava to handle the visitation issue on her own. He leaves, and Ava apologizes for her husband’s tone. He just wants to be her advocate, but she’s sure she and Carly can work out a more than reasonable agreement. Carly says, Nikolas seems to want to lay claim on Avery, and isn’t interested in being reasonable, but Ava says, like it or not, Nikolas is a part of Avery’s life now. Carly’s phone dings, and she sees a text from Bobbie saying, can’t find the necklace. Ava asks if there’s a problem, and Carly says, yeah. Ava’s husband is the problem.

George Stephanopoulos, affectionately known as FU George in the GH fan circle, breaks in, but…

Nina tells Jax, Valentin didn’t go to the police with this suspicions, because his end game isn’t Florence Grey. It’s making her doubt Jax. He’s always predicted that one day, Jax would choose Carly over her. Jax says he’d never do that, and Nina says, there was a time she was threatened by his relationship with Carly, but not anymore. Not after what they said to one another. He says he meant every word, and she says, so did she. She suggests they show Valentin that nothing and no one can come between them.

Valentin tells Martin that Jason is proficient. If he’s taken Martin’s mother as leverage against Cyrus, he’s covered his bases. He doesn’t respond to pressure, and he doesn’t care about public opinion. How does Martin think he’s going to react when Jackie writes a story connecting him to this alleged crime?  Martin says he’ll advise Jackie that he’s changed his mind, but Valentin says, it will just make her more curious. Martin asks what he should do. Give him something. What’s the best way to save his mother?

Jackie tells Chase, he’s truly a good guy. She wishes he and Sasha had come up with a less painful way of helping his friend get custody of his child. He says they couldn’t come up with another solution, but he thinks Willow understands why they came up with the extreme they did. At least he hopes she understands. Jackie asks if there’s any hope for Sasha and Michael, and he says he doesn’t know. He thinks right now, Sasha just wants to move on with her life. She thinks telling her story will give her some kind of… redemption. She asks if he told Sasha how she works; no subjects off limits, no punches pulled? He says she does, and Jackie says, and Sasha still wants her to tell her story? He nods, and Jackie says she likes Sasha already. She’ll hear what Sasha has to say, and see if there’s a story in it. Chase gets up, and motions Maxie and Sasha over. Maxie thanks her, but Jackie says, don’t thank her yet. She’s interested, but not committed. Sasha says she understands. Where does she start? Jackie says, how about at the beginning?

Willow comes back, and says, apple juice and pancakes are now being served in the kitchen. She hopes Stripey likes chocolate chips in his pancakes like Wiley. Michael says she’s sure Wiley will eat them if he doesn’t. He asks if Wiley is ready for breakfast, and picks him up, saying, it’s Wiley’s favorite. The three of them head to the kitchen. Zzzz…

Sonny sweeps the floor, and Phyllis tells Lenny she believes the cause must be an underlying psychological disorder. Lenny asks what they do, and she goes over to Sonny. She asks if he can do her a favor. Come back to the clinic with her. He asks, why? and she says she’d like a doctor to check him out; make sure he’s okay. He asks if she’s trying to get rid of him, and she says, of course ( 🍷) not. She’s trying to help him. He could have an illness he doesn’t know about, or something he doesn’t know he has. Sonny says, there’s nothing wrong with him that a little hard work won’t cure. He walks out of the room, and Phyllis sighs.

Ava says she thought Carly came there in good faith, not to take cheap shots at her husband. Carly says, the man who pretended to be dead so he could get his hands on his family’s fortune? (Well, to his credit, it was really his.) The man who let his own son believe he was dead? That’s the man Ava wants raising Sonny’s daughter? Ava says, Sonny’s dead. She’s there. She’s alive and well, and perfectly capable of raising her daughter. She suggests they examine Carly’s life, and see if she’s capable of taking care of hers. Bobbie comes back in, saying, hey, what’s going on? What happened? Carly says she needs a minute, before she says something she’ll regret. She leaves the room, and Ava tells her, don’t walk away. Bobbie says, leave her go. She tells Ava, she doesn’t know what was said, but try to remember, Sonny’s presumed dead. Carly is grieving. Why don’t the two of them work out Avery’s schedule? Outside in the hallway, Carly sneaks upstairs.

Carly sneaks into Avery’s room, and spies the necklace in Avery’s dollhouse. She says she’s so sorry, but Avery will never know the difference. She picks up Nelle’s necklace. Ava tells Bobbie, there’s nothing to work out. She wanted to include Carly in Avery’s life, but if this is how Carly thanks her, it’ll be a cold day in hell before Carly sees Avery again. Bobbie says Ava is absolutely right, and she doesn’t blame Ava for being angry. She loves her daughter, but Carly can be her own worst enemy at times. However, she has no doubt she and Ava can be the adults in the room.

Lenny asks what Phyllis thinks is wrong with Mike exactly, and she says his behavior is like one of her patients who has bipolar disorder. Mike needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. Hopefully, they can refer him to a psychiatrist to get an accurate diagnosis, and he can be put on the right medication. Lenny says, Mike won’t like it, and she says, most pre-diagnosed bipolar sufferers don’t. She’ll find a way to convince him it’s for his own good. Sonny stands in the hallway, listening in.

Willow and Michael come back to the living room, and Michael says, so, Mrs. Corinthos, what are we going to do about these? indicating the annulment papers. She reminds him that they said they’d always do what’s best for Wiley, and he says, Wiley before themselves. He says he wants her to be happy, and she says she wants the same for him. He says she deserves to find out what she wants, whether it’s Chase or someone else. She says, he deserves the same with Sasha. He picks up the pen, and asks what they’re waiting for. He signs the papers, and she takes the pen. She looks at him, and signs. Finally. Thank you, God.

Phyllis asks if Lenny has seen Mike, and Lenny says he thought Mike was in the back room. She says, he’s not there. She searched both floors, and he’s gone.

Jackie tells Sasha, she already told Chase that she wishes they’d found a less hurtful way of helping Michael get custody of his son. It sounds like Sasha paid an even bigger price than Chase did. Maxie asks if that means she’ll do the interview, and Jackie says, it won’t be a puff piece about Deception. Sasha says all she wants is a chance to tell her story, and show people that if she can learn from her mistakes, they can too. Jackie says, it’s very noble, but truth, like a lie, has a life of its own, and unintended consequences.

Valentin tells Martin, forget about Jackie Templeton. Despite what Martin thinks, Valentin is working on his behalf. Martin says he needs more than work; he needs results. Does Valentin have a location? Valentin says, soon. Jason may be unbreakable, but Carly is not. He lit a fuse under someone very important to her, and if he’s right, it will lead to Martin’s mother’s safe return.

Nina and Jax kiss, and Nina says, so much for Carly coming between them. Jax says, even so, they can’t continue to let Carly make this terrible mistake. Nina says, Carly doesn’t see it as a mistake. She trusts Jason implicitly, doesn’t she? Jax says she does, and Nina says, then Jax needs to trust Carly. Carly trusts Jason to protect her and the family. He asks when she started being Carly’s cheerleader, and she says she doesn’t think she and Carly will ever be best friends, but she admires any woman who fights for the people she cares about.

Carly stands there, with the necklaces in her hands. She hears someone coming.

Tomorrow, Finn wonders how he knows for sure, Chase is having second thoughts about Sasha’s interview with his mom, Bobbie says Ava can’t go after her daughter, and Carly tells Jax, it’s one vacation too many.

Below Deck

I have to start by wondering why anyone is interested in James. He’s not even all that attractive. Is desperation that bad on a yacht? Let’s not even talk about Ashling’s attraction to guest Justin.

Falmouth, Harbour, Antigua. The guests have breakfast, while some of the crew lounges in the crew mess. James asks to use Rob’s phone, and says he’s going to double-tap all the fit birds. Elizabeth gets up and leaves, and Izzy tells James to be considerate. In his interview, the producer asks James why he said what he did, and he says Elizabeth didn’t stick up for him. He’s effing loyal; a loyale with cheese. He thinks for a millisecond, and says maybe he made a mistake and shouldn’t have done it. He admits he’s an a-hole. First thing he’s gotten right all season. The captain pops into the galley, and Rachel says she has a stomach bug, but she’s not going to die. He says he’d rather she didn’t. There’s lots of paperwork and sh*t. Francesca asks if Ashling wants to see the doctor, but Ashling says no. Francesca says Ashling is like her. She’s not sick until she’s on her deathbed.

The guests use the slide. Eddie goes to get Dr. Williams, and tells her that they have a stew with a UTI, and a chef with a stomach problem. Eddie brings the doctor back to the boat, and Francesca gets Rachel and Elizabeth. Dr. Williams asks if Elizabeth is sexually active, and Elizabeth says she could be. The doctor gives her some medication. Elizabeth asks if a UTI is contagious, and I make a face like 😮. Rachel tells Dr. Williams what’s been going on, and Francesca asks Elizabeth to make some bellinis. The doctor says Rachel has gastro-something, and thinks she should come in for IV therapy, the rehydration one. Rachel asks if it can wait until tomorrow, and the doctor says okay, giving her something for the pain. In Rachel’s interview, she says it hasn’t impacted her ability to do her job. It hasn’t impacted anything. That’s the problem. A shirtless Justin wanders around, and Ashling gives him a drink. In her interview, she says it’s awkward. She has a crush on him, and doesn’t know how to talk to him. I make a face like 😣.

Francesca tells Captain Lee that Rachel has gastro-whatever, and is going to need an IV tomorrow. Eddie tells the deck crew to put the toys away, and Izzy and Eddie take in the slide. Eddie says she’s badass. Guest Erika takes GiGi (apparently how it’s spelled, even though it’s short for Georgia) to go potty, and in his interview, Rob tells us how he met his dog. He was sauntering with a falafel, and fell in love with a stray. He spent the next year and a half convincing her not to bite people. She now lives on a farm, eating all the chickens. It’s a love story. The guests play beer pong, which is just what I’d do on superyacht, not at all.

Elizabeth and Ashling eat in the crew mess, and James asks, what’s going on? Elizabeth says, it’s all good, and tells James that she’s not feeling well. He says, it’s a good thing she’s not working late. He looks at Ashling, and says, and she’s got someone covering. I have no words. Well, I do, but my blog is rated PG-13. Ashling asks what he means, and James says hopefully, Ashling will cover for Elizabeth. Elizabeth says she doesn’t know what’s going on, and jets. In her interview, she says she doesn’t like games, and she’s not someone who gets played. If this is how he rolls, it will be game over soon.

One of the guests remarks that there’s a super moon tomorrow. James farts, and says, lordy! And this is the coveted guy. I just don’t get it. Eddie tells Captain Lee that Izzy knows her stuff, and the captain says, she’s no creampuff. Eddie says, she’s a badass. He was wondering how she’d do as lead deckhand, and Captain Lee says he’s fine with that. Eddie says, she’s been busting her butt, and in his interview, Eddie says he wants to give Izzy the opportunity. When she first joined the deck crew, she was nervous and scared. We flash back to that, and Eddie says, now she’s blossomed into an invaluable member of the crew. That’s a lead deckhand. Eddie tells the captain that he likes to see someone progressing, and Captain Lee says he does too.

Elizabeth asks if Ashling thinks James likes her, but Ashling says, no. Elizabeth asks Ashling to tell her if she knows something, but Ashling promises there’s nothing. In Ashling’s interview, she claims she doesn’t know what Elizabeth is talking about. She’s not interested in James at all. Francesca radios for someone to clean up, and asks Ashling to deal with the crew mess. Elizabeth picks up outside, and James asks if they can chill tomorrow. Elizabeth wants to know if James is trying to get with Ashling; he’s been flirting with her, and didn’t acknowledge Elizabeth. James says Elizabeth knew how he was when he first got on the boat. He’s a flirt; it’s his personality. Does she trust him?  Elizabeth thinks it’s a strange way to flirt, suggesting they go on a date. In James’s interview, he says, what man – boy, whatever he is – in his right mind would flirt with another girl in front of the one he’s dating, and not have them think it’s a joke? James tells her, it was a joke, and he didn’t think anything of it, but he’s glad Elizabeth got it off her chest. In James’s interview, he says, it’s his personality. He flirts.

Ooh, tiny dog! Eddie asks Izzy to meet him on the sundeck. He asks if she’s interested in being lead deckhand, and she says she wants to do it, and thinks she can. He says she knows what the job entails, and what needs to be done. She wonders if James will be upset, and in her interview, she says she’s worried about James and Rob supporting her. Or will they act like d*cks? Captain Lee joins the guests for dinner, and Rachel says her stomach is still bothering her. She’s even more crampy and gaseous tonight. The dinner is going to be simple AF. It looks impressive to me – some kind of pasta dish where it looks like a nest. Everyone literally shovels it in.

In the crew mess, James asks Ashling about continuing on with yachting, and says he kind of wants to settle down. Elizabeth comes in to get something, and leaves quickly. She tells Rachel that every time she sees James, he’s with Ashling. In Rachel’s interview, she says, hello? Told her so. Ashling wraps Gigi in a blanket and squees. I have to admit, I do too, in my head. Gigi is so very tiny! Rachel makes cannolis, and Elizabeth says they were her dad’s favorite dessert. Francesca tells Ashling to go to bed, and Eddie tells James that his bottle of hand sanitizer is worth 50 bucks. James says he thought this would blow over, and Eddie says, it’s pretty bad. It’s going to be in the islands. In Elizabeth’s interview, she says, part of her thinks she’s being naïve again, and overly trusting someone she just met. But maybe she’s wrong, and he deserves another chance. She asks if James wants a cannoli, but he doesn’t know what that is. She radios him to meet her in the main salon, and brings a cannoli with her. Francesca pokes her head down from the staircase, and asks what they’re up to. She’s the only one slaving away. Elizabeth tells her to go to bed; she’ll take care of it. Francesca says she thinks Elizabeth is full of excuses, and that may be, but I fail to see how that applies here. Elizabeth says Francesca can radio her. She tells James, she’s tried every single way, and she’s not even on service right now.

Francesca tells Eddie that she found Elizabeth and James chatting on the aft deck. He tells her, go sleep; he’ll check. In his interview, he says he’s losing patience. He stuck his neck out for them. We flash back to him trying to explain to them how they can’t goof off while they’re at work. Eddie says, if they’re announcing what they’re doing on the radio, that’s not fine. Disappointed dad is coming out, and they don’t want disappointed dad. Francesca tells Ashling that she found Elizabeth and James taking a break, while Elizabeth should have been relieving her. She hasn’t even had a break. Ashling says she should go to bed, but Francesca says she’ll go when the captain does. Captain Lee thanks the guests for dinner, and Rachel  radios Francesca, asking if the guests need anything else, but Francesca says, they’re fine. Eddie gives Elizabeth and James a mini lecture, and they clean up. They kiss in the crew mess, then go their separate ways.    

It’s the final day of charter, and Captain Lee tells Eddie that he wants to be back at the dock at 11:30. Justin asks Ashling for aspirin, and in her interview, she says Justin is cute, handsome, and lovely. Apparently, we are looking at two different people. She says he lives in America, while she lives in Australia, so it’s not going to work. That’s just how the cookie crumbles. Francesca takes breakfast orders, and feels she hasn’t seen enough of Gigi. I agree. Gigi should have gotten a lot more screen time. The captain looks at the news, and says, Jesus effing Christ.  

The guests look at the internet news, seeing there’s a recession in the US because of the virus. They wonder what covid has to do with money. A lot. Francesca asks Elizabeth what she thinks should be done next, and Elizabeth says, the cabins, but Francesca tells her to do laundry. Elizabeth heads for the laundry room, saying, she can’t do anything right. The captain heads out to Jolly Harbour. The interior changes into their whites, and the guests pack.

Captain Lee tells everyone to change, and James starts putting on his blacks until Izzy points it out. The guests say, goodbye, and the captain pets Gigi, as we all would. Primary Chris says, on behalf of himself, his family, and friends, he thanks them. Memories like this wouldn’t be possible without the captain and his crew. It was a great trip, and the crew was professional and in tune with their needs. He gives the captain the tip envelope, and when the guests are gone, Francesca tells the stews to change. Everyone complains about how hot it is. Ashling balances a platter on Rachel’s head, and Rachel walks back and forth with it, making Elizabeth and Ashling laugh. Elizabeth says Rachel is a natural, and Rachel says, she may have been on season 3 of America’s Next Top Model. We see photos, and yes, she was. She says, Tyra told her she wasn’t serious, and she said she likes snacks. 

The crew meets in the mess for the tip meeting, and Captain Lee says, number six is in the books. It was a good charter, and a lot of fun. Not everyone was feeling up to par, but they powered through it, and stuck with it. They didn’t miss a beat, and did an outstanding job. The tip is a $17K, or $1400 a piece. In Izzy’s interview, she says she’s used to $2000. I wonder if Eddie’s disappointed dad feels disappointed. The captain says they’re going to do something different today – adopt a beach. They’re going to do some clean-up work, and try to give back to the island. In his interview, James says, they’re going litter picking. Yay. Captain Lee says he hopes it’s fine because he volunteered all their asses. They’re going to do good for Antigua. In James’s interview, he says he wants to eat, drink, and relax, but he’s a team player because he’s a nice guy. I’m back to 😮.

James asks if he can drink, and Izzy says they’re cleaning up the beach. Why would he want to drink? He says, because they’re cleaning up the beach. She tells him that he doesn’t always have to drink. Rachel goes to see the doctor, and says she’ll meet them later. The captain says, let’s go, and they take a taxi. James talks about shaving his chest, but Elizabeth says she likes it hairy. They meet Jennifer, founder of Adopt a Coastline. She says they’re in Belfast Bay, and they want to sustain the marine industry, but still make it enjoyable. The crew goes litter picking, and the captain finds a pair of underwear. Jennifer says, when they’re on the boat, they see the beautiful shoreline, but when they get close up, they can see how humans behave. They pick up tons of trash, and I empathize, living near a beach myself. It’s disgusting what washes up. In Eddie’s interview, he says they rely on areas that are environmentally beautiful, and between the trash, pollution, and the mass killing of the habitat and marine environment, it’s going to destroy the industry they work in. It’s important to take care of the planet they have. Rachel comes back from the doctor, and goes to bed.

The crew returns around 10 pm, and Ashling says she’s dead. Elizabeth takes a shower, and Ashling calls her mom. She says she’s not feeling great; her stomach is not good. The chef is sick, and she might have the same thing. The crew eats take-out pizza, and James wonders why he and Rob don’t share a room. Rob says it’s his time with Eddie. He’s sleeping his way to the top. James texts Elizabeth, asking if she wants to meet in the guest cabin. She says, sure, and he says he’s a naughty boy. They go into the cabin, and we hear the sounds of TMI.   

Eddie tells James and Rob that it’s Izzy’s first day as lead deckhand, and they applaud. He says, so when some sh*t goes wrong, call Izzy. His life is sitting in the wheelhouse now. In Rob’s interview, he says, Izzy does a good job, but does it need a title? Francesca tells Elizabeth to take charge of the laundry, and don’t finish until it’s done. She gives Ashling the crew mess, and asks if Ashling wants to see the doctor. Ashling says she’s got to go, and runs to the bathroom. Izzy tells Elizabeth that she looks like a dirty, aged hot mess, but Elizabeth disagrees, and says, she’s the one who’s aging. Izzy says, Elizabeth is 30 tomorrow, but 30 is the new 20. Francesca tells Ashling that she has an appointment with Dr. Williams at 1.

James soaps the windows, and Izzy asks if that’s what he was doing to Elizabeth in the guest cabin last night. Their cabin was lonely and quiet. He says they used the VIP, and in James’s interview, he says they work on a boat; there’s no secrets. If the options are, going to a guest cabin with Elizabeth, and potentially losing his job – yes. Ashling can’t get to Francesca fast enough, and tells her that Elizabeth slept in the guest cabin with James. What a POS she is. Francesca says, that’s not cool, and in her interview, says it’s a big fat no in the yachting industry unless authorized by either the captain or the chief stew. For them to have slept in a guest cabin without her knowing is so wrong. Rob calls Izzy a dictator because she expects them to work. She suggests one of them rinse, and one dry, and James asks why she has her hands on her hips like she has some kind of authority. In Izzy’s interview, she says she’s going through what every woman on deck has experienced before – a couple of men not listening because they think they’re better than her. James tells Rob he might be the captain on other boats, but not this one. The captain radios for Eddie, Francesca, and Rachel to meet him for the preference sheet meeting.   

Jackie and David Siegel are returning guests. Francesca starts laughing when she sees Jackie is the Queen of Versailles, which only betrays her ignorance. In the captain’s interview, he says they’re no strangers to lavish vacations and extraordinary service. They’re going to be joined by son Steve, his wife Janessa, Jackie’s best friend Mia and her husband Orlin. The charter screams moneyed up. Captain Lee reads, hard boiled jalapeno pickled quail eggs, and says he’s salivating. Although David has requested cheese pizza and angel hair pasta. He thinks sliders would be a good idea, and in Rachel’s interview, she says she’s worked with people like David before. They want simple food that reminds them of home. Crew food combined with opulence. The captain says, they want to swim with marine life and use the water toys. Francesca asks Eddie if he heard anything about James and Elizabeth using the guest cabin, but he says he doesn’t know. Ashling comes back, and tells Francesca, the doctor said it probably had to do with food. She got a muscle relaxant and is supposed to rest. Francesca says, go rest.

In Francesca’s interview, she says as soon as she heard about the guest cabin, she thought it was just boat gossip, and it wasn’t true. The things in that room are probably worth all the crew tips they got the whole season. That Elizabeth thinks it’s okay to sleep there with James is so inappropriate. Francesca approaches Elizabeth while she’s eating, and asks if she slept in the guest cabin, which obviously takes her unaware. She says it wasn’t made up, and Francesca says, yes or no? Elizabeth says, she was in the cabin, and Francesca asks if she slept there; yes or no? Francesca says she was on the bed, but it won’t happen again. Francesca says, there won’t be a next time, and Elizabeth says she wants to keep it professional. Francesca says Elizabeth is far from professional, and she’s had enough of her.  

I think Elizabeth is an air head, but she has a good heart. Ashling is a sneaky bitch, and Francesca has just had it out for Elizabeth for whatever reason all season. I’d love to slap her and Ashling silly.

Next time, the Queen of Versailles returns; Rachel says, Francesca sucks; Izzy calls James a perpetual twat; Captain Lee joins the guests for dinner, and needs a moment (Jackie’s daughter also died); Ashling tells Francesca to get rid of Elizabeth; and (it looks like) James gets the boot.

👠 About That Modeling Career…

I loved how Rachel’s response to Tyra saying she wasn’t serious enough was, I like snacks. Be sure to check out the video.


✈️ Thrilling To the Max…

If you get HBO, HBO Max is free for you. If not, it’s 15 bucks a month, but it might possibly be worth it if The Flight Attendant is any indication of their original programming, not to mention the first-run films premiering throughout 2021. Kelly Cuoco stars as a flight attendant with a messy life, who ends up in a messy and dangerous situation when she’s blackout drunk, and wakes up next to a dead man. Since I’d only seen Kelly in Big Bang Theory, I was amazed at her acting skills in this series. So many of the characters are likeable, despite their glaring faults, that I couldn’t help but root for them. Bad guys turn out to be good, and good guys turn out to be bad. I just never knew where they were going, and that’s saying a lot. It’s also been renewed for a second season.


🙃 Rolling Along Like the Caissons…

Remember the days when we used to go out, and didn’t have to wear a mask, or stay six feet away from each other in the grocery store check-out? Remember when kids went to school at school? And when movies were shown on a big screen instead of 140 streaming services? I hear there’s a future beyond the mask sometime soon, so don’t lose hope. And while you’re hanging onto that, stay safe, stay ready for a new day, and stay not flirting with someone else in front of the person you’re dating, and then saying it was a joke. We all know there’s a lot of truth in joking.

December 14, 2020 – Obrecht Comes To Save Franco, Rachel Has Enough & Dolly’s Candy


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brando gets in the elevator with Sasha, and she says he’s starting to make it a habit. He says, what? and she says getting in her way. He tells her that he’ll make her a deal; he stays out of her way, if she stays out of his.

On the phone, Franco says he misses Elizabeth and loves her. For the first time in a while, he’s hopeful. He can heal, and they can put all this behind them. All thanks to Dr. Kirk.

In the office, Kirk lies there with the knife protruding from his chest. Scotty says, he can’t be dead, and Obrecht says, yet here he is, with a knife sticking out of his chest. Scotty says, it’s a small, little knife. Kirk was the only shot at saving Franco.

Sasha gets out of the elevator, and walks into the MetroCourt restaurant. Maxie thanks Sasha for meeting her, and Sasha says she’s glad to get back to work. Are they on track for the trunk show? Maxie says she has some bad news. The trunk show is off, and Sasha is out. Sasha says, in the hospital, Maxie said they were still partners, and Maxie says that was before she and Lucy met with the lawyers. Sasha is a liability.

Tracy calls 9-1-1, and says she needs help. Her friend is driving drunk. She gives them Alexis’s address, and asks them to hurry. She looks at Alexis, passed out in the car, and says she brought this on herself.

Britt goes to the MetroCourt, and sees Cyrus. She asks if he has a moment. He says, for his Chief of Staff, always, and she sits down. He asks what’s on her mind, and she says, the overages of the lab expenses are draining the hospital budget. He tells her, say no more. She has every right to know what he’s got cooking, so to speak.

Julian drops down into the alleyway, but on his way out, he’s confronted by Sonny, holding a gun. Sonny tells him not to go anywhere. They have a lot to talk about. Julian says, before Sonny kills him, let him explain some things. Sonny says he can try, and cocks the gun.

Maxie tells Sasha, in order to continue her partnership with Deception, the lawyers and insurance companies are going to need a few guarantees that she’s clean. Sasha promises she is, but Maxie says, unfortunately, she can’t just take Sasha’s word for it. She can’t risk Sasha showing up to a photo shoot or to work with drugs. People are already talking about why she was in the hospital, and she means industry gossip. People pay attention to a Lucy Coe endeavor, and if word gets out, they could lose their contracts. She knows it’s a lot of pressure, but it’s more than Sasha losing her job as a spokesmodel. It’s about losing the company the three of them worked so hard to build; the company that’s been Lucy’s dream since the 90s. Sasha says she knows Maxie can’t take her word, but she’s giving it anyway. She swears she’s finished with drugs. Deception means too much to her to risk losing it. Maxie says she and Lucy were hoping Sasha would say that. After some negotiating, they were able to get the lawyers to convince the insurance company to back down, as long as Sasha agrees to a few tweaks to her contract. Sasha says, anything, but Maxie says maybe she wants to hear them first.

Chase shows up, by Alexis’s car, and asks if anyone is hurt. Tracy says, they sent a detective? and he says he was in the neighborhood. Chase asks if Alexis can hear him, and Tracy is surprised they know each other. Alexis wakes up and asks what he’s doing there. He says, apparently, she drove her car off the road. She says she didn’t, but Tracy says she thought Alexis was going to kill herself.

Scotty tells Obrecht, don’t just stand there, fix him, and she asks how he expects her to do that. He says she’s a doctor. Get some paddles and zap him. She says, silence. The only thing this schwein needs now is a mortician or a taxidermist. He says, if she won’t do something, he’ll find someone who will, and she says, in a WSB facility? Where he just killed one of their top researchers and physicians? He says, it was an accident. The guy was accosting her, and he hit him with a left hook. She says, yes, but repeat that story in the Hague, and he’ll be sent to a WSB black site never to return. He says she was there and can vouch for him, but then says, what is he talking about? Who’s going to take her as a reliable witness? He’s going to be put in a hamster cage for the rest of his life. She says, a big expense to hold an ineffectual criminal, and he says, the guy is dead, isn’t he? She says, for that, she owes him her thanks, and suggests he remains silent while she figures out how to deal with the carcass, or they’ll both rot behind bars.

Cyrus says, while Britt was busy reorganizing the staff – a commendable job – he was working on another venture that might be profitable to the hospital. He became aware than Finn had developed a treatment for a rare, but lethal disease… Britt says, Blackwood, and he says, the point being, not only did the drug save lives, it also saved the hospital from financial ruin. He was determined to follow Finn’s example, and his researchers’ efforts weren’t in vain. She asks, what researchers, and what efforts? and he says, there’s a promising new pain medication, and thanks to some well-placed calls, it’s being expedited for a government review. She says, really, and he says he’d hoped for a more enthusiastic response. She says, a new medication is always a good thing, and he says, but…? She says, if the doctors at GH were found to be incentivizing a patient’s prescription, wouldn’t it put the hospital at risk?

Julian tells Sonny, everything he did, he did for Lucas, and Sonny asks if Lucas wanted Julian to plant a bomb. Julian says he’s not talking about the bomb. Sonny says they know he planted it, and Julian says Cyrus forced him. Sonny asks what Cyrus has on him, and Julian says Cyrus knew, like he did, how Sonny would react when Sonny found out he was keeping Wiley from Michael. That’s what he did for Lucas. He didn’t want to take Lucas’s son away from him. Sonny says, no, but he took Michael’s son away from him. Julian says, Brad did that, and Sonny says, so it’s not Julian’s fault at all. Julian says, why don’t they finish this? They both know how it’s going to end; two in the back, two in the head, or does Sonny want to just shoot him in the gut and watch him bleed out in the alley? Sonny says, that’s one option. Or he could take Julian to the police station, and have him explain how Cyrus ordered him to plant the bomb. Julian says, then Cyrus will kill him. Come on, let’s go. Sonny says the information Julian has is the only thing keeping him alive. Suddenly, a masked gunman pops out of nowhere, and Sonny ducks for cover.

Chase helps Alexis out of the car, and Alexis says she wasn’t driving; Tracy was. Tracy says, Alexis is right. She drove Alexis home and got her in the house. She was a little worse for wear. She couldn’t leave Alexis in that condition, so she went into the kitchen to make coffee. We see what she really did, moving Alexis to the driver’s seat. She says she couldn’t find the coffee, and when she came out to ask where it was, Alexis was gone. The car keys were gone, and the door was open. When she went outside, she saw Alexis pulling out of the driveway. That’s when she called 9-1-1. She ran out to see which direction Alexis went in, and saw she’d run off the road. She found Alexis passed out behind the wheel. Chase thanks her for the information, and asks Alexis if she’d like an ambulance. Alexis says, no, and tells him that she doesn’t remember anything Tracy said. Why would she get back in the car? Tracy says, maybe to buy more vodka. She was complaining all the bottles in the house were empty. Chase asks, what’s the last thing Alexis remembers? and Alexis says, Tracy drove her home; that’s it. He asks if she ever experienced a lapse of memory after drinking before, and Tracy asks if she blacked out again.

Scotty says, dammit! and Obrecht asks what’s wrong with him? He says, A, they have a dead guy over there, and B, she’s trying to concoct some evil masterplan. By the way, she’s taking her sweet time with it, and C, this guy was going to cure his son. Franco has these voices in his head that could be babbling there forever. He can’t believe this is happening. Franco knocks at Kirk’s office door, then tries it, but it’s locked. He asks if they’re okay. Inside, Obrecht tells Scotty that he has to do as she says. He tells her, that depends, and she tells him, take Franco and go back to the hotel; she’ll handle the body. Now go. Scotty comes out, and says he was looking for Franco. Franco says, in Dr. Kirk’s office? and Scotty says the architecture there is tricky. They need to get back; he has a big day tomorrow. Franco wonders why Scotty is shouting, and Scotty says Franco knows how he gets hopped up and carried away. He tells Franco that he’s going to be okay, and Franco says he can’t wait. Scotty says, let’s go.

Obrecht tells dead Kirk that no one lays a hand on her and gets to keep it. Now, what should she do with him?

Maxie says Sasha will have to agree to drug tests – regular and random – and only eat the food provided at photo shoots and meetings. Of course (🍷) they’ll totally get her whatever she wants. They just want to make sure nothing is slipped into her crudités or caviar. Sasha says Maxie doesn’t trust her, does she? but Maxie says she doesn’t trust the drugs. She knows about addiction. Sasha insists she’s not a drug addict, and Maxie says, Lucky was. He’s forever recovering in Africa now, but a long time ago, he was addicted. Sasha says, and Maxie helped him too? but Maxie says, not in the way Sasha means. She got him drugs, and he destroyed his career and family. She’s not letting drugs destroy another person she cares about like she let them destroy Lucky. Sasha says she appreciates that, and Maxie says, she will. Sasha says, the bottom line is, Maxie doesn’t trust her at all, but Maxie says she cares about Sasha. She’s Sasha’s friend, but as a partner, doesn’t trust her. Sitting at the bar, Brando watches both Sasha and Cyrus at another table. He flashes back to Cyrus telling him, addicts are easier to train and tame, but someone like Sasha is unpredictable. Brando tells him that he can handle her, and Cyrus says he hopes Brando does, and proves him wrong. Brando wanted responsibility, now he’s got it.   

Sonny and Jason have a shootout with the guy in the mask, who gets shot. Jason calls to Sonny, and Sonny asks if it’s all clear. Jason kicks the guy, and says, all clear. Sonny comes out, and says, where the hell is Julian? Jason checks the dead guy out, and Sonny asks if Jason recognizes him. Jason says, no, and he has no ID. Sonny says they don’t have to guess at who sent him. We hear sirens, and Sonny says, they’ve got to go. They jet.  

Cyrus tells Britt, certainly he can see her point. However, he believes becoming a pharmacological base for a new pain medication will add to the hospital’s prestige. He hands her some papers, and says, as she can see, his team has researched it. She says, it’s very thorough and detailed. It seems highly effective, but she doesn’t see much information on the side effects, and he says, that’s forthcoming. She tells him, to be clear, she’s all for less pain for the patients, and more money for the hospital. He says, so they’re in agreement, and she says, her priority is medical care, not the sale of drugs.

Maxie tells Sasha, if she needs more time… Sasha flashes back to Cyrus slipping her drugs at the MetroCourt, and her subsequently having a heart attack. She tells Maxie, yes, and Maxie says, yes, she needs more time? Sasha says, yes, she agrees to the protocol. Maxie asks if Sasha is sure, and Sasha says she told Maxie that she’s not a drug addict. It shouldn’t be a problem. Maxie says, theoretically, no, and Sasha says, if it’s what Deception needs to move forward, she’ll do it. She signs the agreement, and asks if they can talk about the trunk show now. Maxie says, one more thing. Sasha knows how this business is. People are always ready to gossip, and the tabloids are always unearthing a story. Sasha says, what story? What happened to her is nobody’s business. Maxie says, maybe not, but people will make it their business to dig to find a story, unless Sasha gets ahead of it. She should consider going public before anyone else does. She and Lucy will stand by her, and make her as comfortable as possible. Sasha says, a public shaming? and Maxie says, it’s going to come out anyway. Sasha says, it was one incident; she’s fine now. Maxie says, Sasha took drugs and they gave her a heart attack. It’s not fine. Sasha asks if it’s a deal breaker, and Maxie says, no. It’s up to Sasha. Sasha says, good, and Maxie says if she’d like to consider it and commit to getting healthy, she can do that by signing her new contract. Sasha signs, and asks, now can they please talk about the trunk show? Maxie says she’ll get on it. She’s sorry about this, but she’s Sasha’s friend, and cares about her. Sasha asks if Maxie minds if she takes a few moments. Maxie says, not at all, and Sasha gets up. Brando keeps an eye on her.  

Alexis tells Tracy, no, she did not black out, and Tracy asks how she can be sure. Alexis says she’s blacked out before, and it takes a hell of a lot more than three drinks. Tracy says she doesn’t know how many drinks Alexis had, and doesn’t think she knows either. Alexis says she does know. She had two before Tracy got there, and one after. Chase asks her to follow his pen with her eyes, but she says, nope. He asks if she’s refusing to follow the pen, and she says, if he’s asking her to take part in a sobriety test, she declines. He says he’s sure she’s aware it’s within her rights to decline, but there will be consequences.

Cyrus tells Britt, it may come as a shock… and she says, little shocks her; have at it. He says he agrees the priority is the well-being of patients, but the drugs will support that. Britt says, while making money? and he says, she, of all people, should appreciate the value in an opportunity dropped in one’s lap. She says, rest assured, she appreciates the chance he gave her. He says he needed the right person for a difficult job, and there she was. She says, and here she still is. He says he knew they’d see eye to eye, and thanks her for being generous with her time. He’s sure she has somewhere else to be. She laughs, and says apparently, she does. She’s not sure what business he thinks he’s in, but she’s in the business of saving lives. She gets up, and walks off.

Tracy tells Alexis, she can consent to rehab. She could dry out, out west, away from the pressures of Port Charles. Alexis says, from the look of things, she doesn’t think she’ll be able to leave the jurisdiction. Chase asks for Alexis’s license, and asks if she still refuses the sobriety test. She says she does, and he says he has no choice but to confiscate her license. Tracy asks how that’s going to help, and Chase says Alexis is under arrest for suspicion of a DWI.

Scotty paces in the hotel room, when there’s a knock on the door. Franco says, he’ll get it, but Scotty tells him, wait. Before he answers the door, he wants Franco to know that he’s really important to him. He cares about Franco. Franco asks who Scotty thinks is on the other side, and Scotty says, it could be anyone. Franco says he knows Scotty is nervous, but Dr. Kirk seems to have it together. Relax, and let the doctor do his job. Franco opens the door, and it’s Obrecht. Scotty asks what brings her by, and she says, what else? She has come to save Franco; to cure his unfortunately distressed and traumatized brain. Franco says, cool. Not that he doesn’t appreciate it, but he has a meeting with Dr. Kirk tomorrow. She says, Dr. Kirk is no longer available. It seems Franco’s fate rests entirely in her hands.

Sasha sees Cyrus, and sits with him. She says she believes she owes him an apology. He says he can’t imagine for what, but he’s intrigued. She says she’s sorry for running off on him last night, and he says he got held up himself with sudden business with the mayor. She says she’d love to make it up to him if he’ll give her another chance, and he says she has a habit of storming in and out of his life, which makes the prospect of knowing her better even more intriguing. Brando grabs Sasha’s arm and tells her to come with him. Cyrus says, that’s not how you treat a lady, and Brando says he caught her searching Cyrus’s apartment for drugs. She said she blames him for her heart attack. Cyrus says, how disappointing, and Brando says, don’t worry. He’ll make sure knows not to bother him again.

Cyrus tells Brando, he’s sure Sasha got the message. He doesn’t know what she thought she could do to him, but she’s way out of her depth. He suggests she go back to playing dress-up. There’s less chance of getting hurt. She pushes past Brando, and Cyrus thanks Brando for his loyalty, and timing. Now is the perfect time to be in his good graces. The tension of the past month is coming to an end, and ahead lies prosperity. Cyrus’s phone rings, and he asks, what’s the problem?  

Britt asks Maxie if she minds if she joins her, and Maxie says, not at all. Britt sits down, and Maxie says, Peter is loving having her in Port Charles. Britt says, that explains her invitation to the wedding. Does Maxie want her to send her regrets? Maxie says, Peter wants her there, so she does too. Family is about acceptance, and like it or not, they’re about to be family. Britt says, which brings her to her nephew. Is there any universe where Maxie would feel comfortable about her seeing James? Maxie says she’ll have to think about that, and Britt says, with her mother in prison, James is her only connection to Nathan. Maxie says she and Peter are committed to keeping Nathan’s memory alive for James, and Britt says she’d like to help. Even though James is a toddler, he must miss his oma. Maxie is sure Obrecht misses James too. He brought out the softer side of her, and they formed an Obrechtian bond. Unfortunately, that bond was broken. It’s probably a good thing Obrecht is in Steinmaur. She doesn’t want to tell Obrecht that she’s marrying Peter and having his child. Britt says, her head would explode.  

Franco tells Obrecht, he doesn’t understand; Kirk just agreed to treat him. Scotty asks, what happened? and Obrecht says, unfortunately, Kirk was sent on urgent WSB business far, far away. Scotty says he could have called, but she says, his reassignment was as sudden as it was unexpected. She’s certain if he could have called, he would have. Franco says he’ll see Kirk when he gets back. He’s coming back, right? Obrecht tells him, who can say? and Franco says, Kirk was kind of his last hope. Obrecht says, look at her and smile. He’s happily mistaken. He says, about…? and she says she took the liberty of perusing his file. She’s certain she can help him. Franco says, that’s generous, but he couldn’t possibly accept it, the way he treated her. She says, fortunately, she’s inclined toward forgiveness, and he says, no offense, but since when is neuropsychology her specialty? She says she has many specialties, and Scotty says, they’re talking about his son’s brain. He’s not letting her mess around with that. She reminds him that before moving to Port Charles, she was director of something-in-German. Scotty looks at Franco, who says he’s got nothing. She says, a clinic to heal the mind. She knows her way around the brain. His file says he’s having potential complications from the memory transfer being reversed. Tell her what happened. Franco says he hears things in his head; other people. She says, disembodied voices? and he says, kind of. It’s not random. It’s more like eavesdropping. Like he’s listening to part of a conversation other people would understand.   

Chase reads Alexis her rights, and asks if she understands them. She says it hasn’t been that long since she was disbarred, and he asks again if she understands them. She says she does, and asks if he’s sure he wants to do this. He says she was in the driver’s seat of a car driven off the road, and she says, maybe she got tired and pulled over. He says they both heard what Tracy said, and without taking a field sobriety test, she’ll be given one at the station. Tracy says, and they’ll send her to rehab, right? but Chase says, if it’s under .8 she’ll be charged with a DWAI, driving while ability impaired, but if it’s .8 or higher, she’ll be charged with a straight-up DWI. 

Maxie tells Britt, despite Obrecht’s unique personality, she decide to keep Obrecht in James’s life; she’s his grandma. She knew Nathan’s death was hurting Obrecht as much as it was her. She’d thought Obrecht was unfeeling, and that she’d been proved wrong. Unfortunately, Obrecht can’t stop blaming Britt’s other brother for what happened. Peter bent over backward to be accommodating, when Obrecht had literally broken his arm, and left him in a burning stable to die. Instead of retaliating, Peter gave her a column in The Invader, and gave her respectability, but she couldn’t let go of blaming him for her crimes. Maxie had to choose between Obrecht and the man she loved. Obrecht lost.

Obrecht tells Franco, they all get stymied, even her. When she’s stuck about a column, what does she do? Anything else, and then poof! the solution comes to her. He’s been distracted long enough. What’s the first thing that comes to his mind. Schnell! He says, Drew, and she says, his dearest friend besides her. What about him? He says he was talking to Kirk as Kirk went through his file, and the doctor thought he wasn’t hearing voices, but one of Drew’s memories. His brain wasn’t super scrubbed after all. She asks if the voice he’s hearing is Drew’s, but he says, no; Peter August’s.  

Tracy tells Alexis that she’ll wait for the tow, but Alexis says, leave it. They should have taken her license away long ago. Let the forest reclaim it. Tracy asks if there’s anyone she can call, but Alexis says, don’t bother. No one cares.

Sasha sits at the bistro, and remembers Brando hustling her out of Cyrus’s apartment, and telling her, stay away for her own good. Her phone rings, and it’s Brando, who asks if she’s okay. She says, after he told a drug kingpin that she was ransacking his apartment for evidence to put him away? Thanks. He asks if she’s alone, but she says, it’s none of his business; stay out of it. Brando asks Cyrus is anything is wrong, and Cyrus says, it’s just a loose end. Nothing he can’t handle. Brando asks if something happened.

At a bar in Brooklyn, Sonny tells Jason, the last time he was there, he was with his dad, who almost died. Jason says Cyrus is shooting at them again, but Sonny says he’s pretty sure Cyrus wasn’t after him. Jason asks if he means Julian, and Sonny says, Cyrus knows Julian is alive. He’s going to be desperate to shut Julian up. Jason wonders if Julian will admit he planted the bomb on Cyrus’s orders, and Sonny says, if Julian was smart, he would have never gotten involved in the first place. If Julian doesn’t give up Cyrus, Sonny is going to kill him, not Jason. He’s going to line up the shot and pull the trigger.

Tomorrow, Martin tells Valentin it’s not going to stay private, Violet is worried about not being the flower girl, Finn needs to say something, and Laura asks Curtis if it’s time to go to Plan B.

Below Deck

The captain calls Shane to the bridge and tells him, have a seat. They need to have a conversation. Captain Lee says, the learning curve is steep, and Shane says, it’s crazy. The captain says he thinks Shane underestimated the amount of work, and then had no time to catch up. Eddie says Shane is a good guy, but sleeping in – we flash back to that – naps in the middle of clean-ups – we flash back to that too – and this morning, missing the alarm. It was the final straw. Captain Lee says, unfortunately, the time has come to part company. Shane isn’t getting it done for him. He wants Eddie to help Shane to get his stuff together, and he’ll have someone take Shane to the airport. In Shane’s interview, he says he feels empty, like a vacuum sucked everything out of him. He was giving everything he had to give, but it’s not enough. He tells the captain that he learned a lot, and in Captain Lee’s interview, he says he takes no pleasure in firing anyone, but there’s no trophy for participation in yachting. It’s not all fun and games.

36 hours later. Rachel says, it’s disgusting and despicable, so no. She’d like a flight home. The captain asks why don’t they don’t talk to them, and Rachel says, go f*** yourself.

Back to earlier, Eddie tells Francesca about Shane leaving, and in her interview, she says he’s not surprised. He wasn’t up to par experience-wise, and if you don’t cut it, you don’t cut it. The captain calls James to get Shane’s surfboard out. Elizabeth asks Francesca what she thinks, and Francesca says, it’s a shame Shane is leaving, but the captain said everyone has to pull their weight, and he’s not pulling his weight. Ashling says goodbye to Shane, and in her interview, says, Shane should have stepped it up, but he’s a sweetheart. We flash back to Shane being just that, and she says, it’s really hard. Shane says goodbye to Izzy and James, then Ashling (again) and Francesca. Francesca goes to the galley, and asks if Rachel wants to say goodbye, but Rachel says she’s good. He’s a nice guy, but you make your bed, you lie in it. In her interview, she says she doesn’t want to lie, and say he’s so amazing, and a wonderful human being. Best of luck. Effing don’t let the past hit you in the ass. Eddie says he’ll miss Shane in a lot of ways, and in Shane’s interview, he says, it’s not fun getting fired. If he had it to do over again, he’d do it differently. He’d study more and learn his knots. He’s heading to the closest beach, and overall chalks this up to a success… except for sleeping… and the logs… and the fenders… and the docking. He leaves, and I yell, Shane! Come back, Shane!  

Eddie tells Elizabeth that Shane couldn’t change his work ethic, and she says she’s been there. Eddie says Shane was sleeping when he was off the boat, and taking naps when he shouldn’t. Francesca comes to get Elizabeth, and Elizabeth tells Eddie, it’s not as if she was just sitting around. Izzy tells James that she used his Comet, and he says they share everything now. It’s like they’re married, but not happily. Eddie joins them, and says, when the captain talks about them not working to their full potential, he’s talking about the deck crew. In Eddie’s interview, he says he’s in a funk. He never wants to lose a crew member, and it reflects on him as a bosun. Someone he looks up to is watching his team fail miserably. He tells James and Izzy that he doesn’t want to get in the middle of their weird relationship. He’s tired of getting yelled at, and hopes they are too. He’s just going to grab a brush and help them clean. Rachel texts with Vincenzo, and tells Francesca that 90% of her stress is missing her boyfriend. Francesca says she can be Rachel’s boyfriend. In a non-sexual way. In Rachel’s interview, she says she and Vincenzo have been together a year. He can handle her; he’s like the Rachel whisperer. It’s the first time she’s had a relationship with someone on land since she started her career. It’s hard to be away from him. She tells Francesca that he helps her keep her sh*t together. Eddie wonders why James is taking so long. The captain calls Executive Crew Replacement, and Francesca radios Ashling and Elizabeth to meet her in the Sky Lounge.  

Francesca tells them that she wanted to do a de-briefing of the last charter. She thinks it went well, and they performed better as a team. Ashling is killing it in laundry, with a smile. She asks to talk to Elizabeth privately, and Ashling leaves. She tells Elizabeth, the guests are the most important thing. When service is down, it reflects on her. Last night was an example. She told Elizabeth to check on the guests every 10 minutes. We flash back to when they hadn’t seen a stew in nearly an hour, and a guest telling Francesca, they’re dying upstairs. Francesca says it’s the reason she’s staying up, and she shouldn’t have to. Elizabeth promises to be on top of things, and Francesca tells her, there are ashtrays, ice buckets, and some other loose ends from the last charter going on. In her interview, Francesca says, she’s trying to get second stew out of Elizabeth, but it’s not happening, and her patience is growing down. She tells Elizabeth, part of being a stew is being proactive. In Elizabeth’s interview, she says there are things she needs to work on and get better at. Francesca is a Gemini, and has two sides. She needs to figure out how to please both sides. She tells Ashling, there are only so many of them to do every little thing.

The deck crew finishes up, and the crew is ready to party. They get dressed, and James finds Izzy crying in her bunk. She tells him that she’s just tired, and it’s her way of letting out stress. In her interview, she says she tried hard to do well, and put any issues aside, but she feels terrible. She’s still being told she could be fired. She wonders if they’re chewing through the crew, and James tells her, no one is sacking her. In Izzy’s interview, she says, she was the youngest growing up, and she’s still her parents’ baby. When they split up, she was 17, and felt broken. She got depressed and anxious. She was out of control, and when things get to crumbling, she’s an anxious mess. Eddie asks if she’s coming, and she says she’s good. Everyone finishes getting ready, and Rachel says her goal for the evening is to get wasted. She’s stoked. James says, when Sunshine went, the vibe went hostile. Elizabeth says she’s bitten her tongue for so long, she doesn’t have one. It’s bleeding out of her soul. <insert eye roll here>

They go to a restaurant, and get espresso martinis. Rachel says, they keep you up and drunk AF. Francesca says it feels weird that Shane isn’t there, but Eddie says he feels good about the team; it can only get better. Elizabeth babbles at James, and he tells her that she’s getting spiritual, and losing him. She says her goal is not to lose him, and says he can be physical and spiritual. In his interview, he says, this is getting deep, but I think it’s more like Elizabeth is getting drunk. She asks if she’s too much for him, and he says she just blew his mind. Francesca asks if Rachel is okay, and Rachel says she just wants to have a life. She loves Vincenzo. Eddie says she’s all right, but in Rachel’s interview, she says she just wants to be with her boyfriend, and it sucks. Eddie tells her, it’s just a few weeks, and in her interview, she says, it would be amazing to have children. She cries, and says Vincenzo makes her feel calm and collected. He’s her best friend, and she just wants to see him. The crew has to be up at 8 am, so they head back to the boat.   

In the taxi, Eddie asks if Elizabeth wants to work on deck, and she says she’s trying not to get in her head. She’s been working hard, but Francesca called her in for a little chat. Rachel says, if she wants to be a yachtie, she has to suck it up. In Eddie’s interview, he says, Rachel is a different person when she’s drinking. It’s like a switch is flipped, and she’s dark and combative. Rachel keeps repeating, suck it up, along with a few other choice phrases, some of which I’ve never heard before.

James jumps rope on deck, and Rachel goes to see Eddie. She says, a lot of bullsh*t is happening in interior. He asks what that has to do with her, and she says she doesn’t know. Something else is happening, but she doesn’t know what. We flash back to her haranguing Elizabeth, and Eddie says if Rachel needs him, he’ll be there. She says he doesn’t have to, but he says he likes being there. Elizabeth virtually introduces James to her friends on her phone, and says he’s the only one up except her. Elizabeth apologizes for interrupting James’s workout, and Eddie tells Rachel, it’s his room now; go to her room. She tells him to s*ck her d*ck. Elizabeth tells James that she has a bad  taste in her mouth about the conversation with Francesca. In James’s interview, he says he’d like to know Elizabeth more. She’s his type of girl. They can have a laugh, and she doesn’t take things seriously. Sometimes it’s risky, but it’s a lot of fun. They hug, and go to their separate cabins.

8 am. Ashling asks if James’s hair is ready, and if he and Elizabeth had a smoochie, but he ignores her. Rachel comes into the crew mess, and Eddie asks how she’s doing. She says, hung over. James tells Eddie, it’s great to be alive, for the most part. Elizabeth tells Ashling that she’s stressing, and Ashling tells her to relax. Francesca joins them, and says, the next charter is coming tomorrow. They need to strip the beds. Lunch is usually, at 1, so they’ll work until then. Elizabeth says she’s getting coffee, then she’ll start the laundry. She needs advice on how to bleach a shirt, and Francesca tells her to use cold water, and go outside, but she should check the instructions. Ashling does the ironing, and Izzy asks why James is grunting. He says he’s hung over, and Eddie jokingly says, no more talking for the rest of day. Ashling says she’s feeling dizzy, and Rachel says she is too. We see the shirt sitting in a bucket of bleach in the laundry room.

The captain says James is washing sh*t that was just washed five minutes ago. Eddie tells James that he just saw Izzy washing the same thing he is, and asks why he’s washing it again. In Eddie’s interview, he says, Shane was just fired yesterday. He knows the captain’s standards, and wants to exceed them. He doesn’t like looking like an a-hole. Chief Engineer Mario asks if they smell something, and says, it smells like solvent. He’s not liking it, and tells everybody to get out while he looks around. Rachel cleans the galley, and Captain Lee radios Eddie to see him. The captain points out that James is washing the same side again. It’s making him effing nuts, and he’s losing his sh*t. Eddie goes out, and asks why James is rinsing what was already rinsed. Go to the top, and work his way down. Mario checks the laundry room, and thinks it could be the bucket. Rachel tells Ashling, if she smells something funky, tell the engineer. Mario radios that there’s no more danger. Rachel calls Vincenzo, and says she wants to see him, but he says he can’t promise. The coronavirus is everywhere. She says, in Europe? and he tells her, they’re starting to isolate cities. She cries, saying she misses him, and he tells her not to cry. She says wants him there, and Elizabeth hears her crying.

Feb 23, 2020. Rachel says she doesn’t want deal with this, and cries. Elizabeth asks, what’s wrong? and Rachel says she wants to see her boyfriend. Elizabeth hugs her, and says she’s sorry. Elizabeth says it’s the fourth charter, and they’re halfway though. Rachel says she’s fine with the charters, and Elizabeth says, they all have those moments. Mario tells Captain Lee that he thinks he pinpointed the safety issue; something was soaking in a bleach mixture. The captain says, not good. James calls his mom, and in his interview, he says he and his mom have the same personality. That’s why she’s his best friend. He tells his mom, they’re not allowed to make jokes. In his interview, he says, Eddie is like his dad. He just absorbs, and doesn’t interact. His mom tells him, it’s a job. Mario tells Francesca one of her staff was using bleach mixed with soap, which causes a gas. It’s the same mixture they used for mustard gas during WWII. The after-affect is caused when it’s inside confined spaces. We flash back to Elizabeth making the concoction. Francesca thanks him for bringing it to her attention, and he says he’ll report it to the captain. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, it’s a massive f*** up. It not only makes him look incompetent, but puts the crew in danger. It’s negligence. Francesca calls Elizabeth to the pantry, and tells her the Chief Engineer came to her, and told her that chemicals in a confined space caused the problem. She’ll have to talk to Captain Lee. Elizabeth says she’s used it on every boat she’s been on, but Francesca says, it was in a confined area. Elizabeth says she’s sorry; it was a mistake. Francesca says, it’s a mistake she shouldn’t be making, and in Elizabeth’s interview, she says she’d never think to approach someone the way Francesca does. She feels like she’s constantly walking on eggshells. It sucks. Francesca says she’s rethinking the stripes she gave Elizabeth. Elizabeth says she doesn’t want to lose her job; they can work this out. Francesca says she needs to think. She tells Rachel about what Elizabeth did, and says that’s why they were feeling dizzy. Rachel says she’s not getting involved, and Francesca says she doesn’t know whether they can keep Elizabeth. Rachel says, if Francesca feels she can replace Elizabeth with someone who’s capable, she’ll support her, and Francesca says she appreciates it. Rachel says, they’re dealt the cards. They need to effing fold, and deal again. In Francesca’s interview, she says, safety is paramount on a yacht, and Elizabeth was putting them all at risk. She asks if she can talk to the captain.

Francesca tells Captain Lee that she wanted to chat about Elizabeth. They’ve gone through a couple of meetings, and she’s not improving. The bleach was the last straw. Elizabeth asks Rachel if she’s getting fired, and Rachel says, Francesca told her to take the bleach outside, and she didn’t. It pissed her off. Francesca tells the captain, Elizabeth isn’t pulling her weight or following through. He asks what she proposes, and she asks if he can get someone else and let Elizabeth go. He says, possibly, but not before the next charter; it’s coming too quickly. In his interview, he says he’s not doubting her rendition of what happened, but he can’t just let Elizabeth go right now. He tells Francesca that she’ll have to make it work, and they’ll discuss it after the next charter. In Francesca’s interview, she says, she gets it, but it’s annoying that she has to pull more weight. It’s not fair.

Elizabeth tells Rachel that Francesca has a perception of her that’s hard to change, and Rachel suggests Elizabeth talk to the captain. Francesca sees them talking, and turns around. Elizabeth asks to talk to her, but Francesca says, not now. In Francesca’s interview, she says, WTF? Elizabeth is getting everyone involved. She’s disappointed that Rachel told Elizabeth to overstep. Elizabeth asks if she can talk to Captain Lee. He says, no problem, but looks like he has a headache. She wants to know what’s happening, and he says, nothing right now. She asks if she’s fired, and he says, no. She says, okay, but he tells her that her future on the boat depends on how she performs during the next charter. If she wants it bad enough, she’ll be there. She says she does, and plans on delivering. He says, that’s all anybody can ask. She thanks him, and leaves.

Francesca is working in the crew mess, and James asks where she wants the laundry. She asks where he thinks it goes. The refrigerator? He tells her not to get upset, and she says he’s asking a stupid question. In his interview, he says, she takes her job too seriously. From now on, she doesn’t exist to him. F*** you. Rachel apologizes to Francesca, but in Francesca’s interview, she says she doesn’t trust either of them. Rachel doesn’t have her back. She tells Rachel that she needs a moment, and Rachel says, effing whatever.

It’s time for the preference sheet meeting, and Eddie says, it’s been a stressful day, but let’s do it. Captain Lee says he won’t be saying that once they read the sheets. The primary is Brian Guarani, a top realtor, and he’s coming with another realtor, and a stay at home dad. They want the slide, the jet skis, and rainbow unicorn floats. He reads off two pages of different cuisines they want, including a Viva la France party with an elaborate 10-course dinner. In Francesca’s interview, she says, it’s crazy, but it’s yachting. No request is too massive. She’s seen it on many a charter. They want truffles from Italy, an Austen Martin to drive them to a club, and she’s chaperoned until 6 am sober. Rachel says, it’s disgusting, and it’s despicable. She could be a private chef in Monaco and make more. She’d like a flight home. It’s ostentatious bullsh*t, and they can s*ck her d*ck. Captain Lee says they can talk to the guests to see if they’re as ostentatious as they are on paper, and Rachel says, go f*** yourself. The crew, the captain, and I are all like, what did she just say? and Captain Lee says he’d rather not do that. Rachel says she loves him, and respects the crew, but she’s out. She’s packing. Francesca asks if she’s sure, and she says she’s dead serious. The captain tells her that she’s gotta do what she’s gotta do, and so will he. In his interview, he says this is a first for him. He’s never had a walk-off the day before pick-up, and he’s pissed. The day just got bleepity-bleep-bleep-bleep. Rachel goes to her cabin, saying, she doesn’t play games. They can shove it up their ass. She can make more money at home. In Rachel’s interview, she says, the preference sheet is absolutely ridiculous. She’s overwhelmed, and has to walk away or she’ll explosion. She tells Francesca that she’s sorry. Rachel loves her, but they can eat her cooter, (new one on me) and shove it up their ass. She’s out. Eddie tells Francesca, it’s a tough charter. He just got the provisions, and they’re asking the world and then some. He asks how Rachel is feeling, and Francesca says, she’s quitting. It sounds like she’s lost it. The captain asks Rachel if she’s got a second, and she says she feels like a prisoner. I wonder if he can’t get her a sous chef.

Captain Lee tells Rachel that he’s not looking forward to these guys, but just because they ask for something, doesn’t mean they’ll get it. They’re in the middle of the Caribbean, and some of it is outrageous. That being said, would she consider doing lunch and dinner on day one? Rachel says, no, and he asks if there’s nothing he can do. She says she knows she’s leaving him between a rock and a hard place. An alarm goes off, and she says she respects him, and loves working under him. The alarm continues, and he gets up, saying, like they don’t have enough. Rachel asks if he minds if she packs. In his interview, Captain Lee says he has less than 24-hours to find a charter chef. They’re screwed six ways to Sunday. Rachel packs, and Eddie asks if Izzy saw the provision list. It’s so bad, Rachel is quitting. Rachel says she’s tired, and they can eat her ass. She looks at the cameraman, and says, in his best interest, she thinks he should call their hounds (not sure what that means). It’s not cool. She gives the finger to the camera.

In her interview, Izzy says they’re down a chef and a deckhand. She thinks they’re f***ed. The captain calls Eddie, and asks him for a hand with Rachel’s luggage. Rachel tells Francesca, she’s sorry, but she drew a line, and Francesca tells her to take care of herself. In Francesca’s interview, she says, if Rachel is bouncing when they need her, she never cared in the first place, and that sucks. Rachel leaves, and Eddie tells Ashling what’s going on. Captain Lee tries to figure out what he did in a previous life to deserve this. In his interview, he says he never had to tell a guest they needed to cancel a charter. His chief and second stew aren’t getting along, they’re down a deckhand, and the chef split. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do.

To be continued…  

🎁 Spoiler: I’m guessing things work out, since on Watch What Happens Live last week, Captain Lee said Rachel was the whole package as far as yacht chefs go.

🤸 Time For Me To Split Too…

How can it be such a long week when it’s only the first day of it? Not to mention, ho-ho-how is it that Christmas is almost here? Although I can’t say I’ll be sorry to see 2020 in the rearview. Show of hands. How many said, 2020 is going to be my year? Yeah, me too, but until the forecast changes, stay safe, stay well-adjusted, and stay not making disgusting, despicable demands.

September 4, 2020 – Anna Teams Up With Valentin, a Pot Of RHOBH Tea, About Dorinda, Townhouse Not For Sale, Upstate Is Not a Cabaret, the Next Squad, Upcoming Fear, New Generation, More Beasts, The Rock Speaks, Out & In, Double the Horror, Two Treats, Triple Quint Quotes & Working


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Finn gives Alexis some water, and says, drink this. Doctor’s orders. She asks if he has some rubbing alcohol to chase it with, but he says, the bar’s closed. He tells her to talk to him about Neil, and she says when she went to sleep, he was alive, and when she woke up, he wasn’t. He asks how she found out, and she says she brought coffee to him in bed.

Molly goes to the hospital, and asks TJ if he’s all ready to go. He says he is; today was a train wreck. She says she sees beers with their name on them at The Floating Rib, and he asks if she’d be okay with take-out. He’s going to have batting practice before work, and see what Brando is made of.

Not much right now. Cyrus’s two thugs beat the snot out of him. They start to leave, and one grabs a wrench to finish Brando off, but the other one stops him, and they jet.

Jordan walks toward her office while on the phone with Taggert. She tells him, stay out of Port Charles until they’re done with Cyrus. It’s hard enough without him coming back from the dead. She’s handling it. She opens her office door, and Curtis is waiting by a beautifully set table, wearing a chef’s hat and glasses. He says her table awaits, and she sits. I have to add, he looks super cute.

On the phone with Trina, Portia says sorry she’s going to be late, and tells Trina to order out healthy. She asks who Trina is hanging out with, and says, of course (🍷) she trusts Trina. It’s other people she doesn’t trust.

At the MetroCourt, Anna looks at the sonogram picture, and Maxie says she can’t stop staring at it either. Peter tells her it was too early to tell the sex, and I wish they’d stop saying that, since it looks like it’s practically ready for kindergarten. Maxie says James is neutral on the subject, but she thinks he’s too young to understand. She wants a sister for Georgie though. Valentin comes by, and says, be careful what you wish for. Sisters can be a handful. Like Anna’s sister, right?   

Jason runs into the garage, gun drawn, and looks around. Sam and Spinelli come in, and Sam runs to Brando. Jason checks his pulse, and she asks if he’s alive. Jason says, for now. They worked him over pretty good. He tells Spinelli to call an ambulance, but Sam says they can take him themselves. Jason tells Spinelli to help get him to the car, then come back and get the camera. They take Brando out, and Sam closes the door.

Curtis lights the candles on the table, and Jordan says, what is all this? Did he think she’d be raiding the vending machine for dinner? He says they can’t have that, and welcomes her to Chez Cop, where they pride themselves on fine dining. Would she like sparkling water, or still water from the great state of New York? She says, sparkling, and he says, like her eyes. She laughs, and he says, tonight, the chef has insisted on picking out her entrée himself. She says, what a welcome surprise, and he says he just works there. She can take it up with her dinner companion. He excuses himself.

Molly asks if TJ and Brando are hanging out, and he says he thought he’d take a break and they could visit the batting cages. He can take out his obsession on someone else. She likes Brando, right? She flashes back to sleeping with Brando, and says she doesn’t know him well enough to like or dislike him; he seems like a good guy. TJ says she told him that he should widen his circle outside if the hospital. She thinks he should be a little careful, and he says, of who? Brando? Why? She tells him, Sam said he was recovering from an injury. He doesn’t want Brando to get hurt. She’s seen TJ transform into a relentless and dirty player as soon as he steps on the field. He says he’ll take it easy, but not too much. You never know when you’ll get blindsided. She says he should discuss it with Monica, but he says she’s no longer there. She and Bobbie were fired. Molly says, impossible, but he says the board fired them under orders from their new benefactor.

Curtis comes back in, after changing clothes, and tells Jordan, sorry he’s late. He hopes she hasn’t been waiting long. She says, no, but she might run off with the hot waiter. She’s going to give him a big tip. (I sit hard on a joke here.) He says he heard the cuisine is great, and lifts the cover on her plate. She says, lake trout, and he says, and sweet tea, straight from Baltimore. Like old times. She says, it’s not their anniversary or her birthday. What gives? He says he doesn’t need an excuse pamper his wife, but she says she was just wondering if he has one.

Finn tells Alexis that he’s sorry for her loss, and she says she is too. She’s sorry she doesn’t know what to say or how to feel. The worst part is… never mind. He says he’s calling a meeting here and now, but she says, that’s against the rules. You can’t have a meeting with two people. He says, it’s an exclusive club, and pulls out a chair. She sits, and he says she has a safe space. What’s the worst part? She says she and Neil finally decided to go forward together, and he died in her bed. She takes it very personally.

Valentin hopes he’s not interrupting, and Anna says she’s sure she’s held on to these lovely people way too long. Maxie says she has a meeting with Lucy, and Valentin asks if it’s about Deception. She says, it’s more of a concept meeting, but she’ll let him know what comes of it. Anna tells them, you two take care, or should she say three? They leave, and Valentin asks if he can join her. She says, please, and he says she’s happy to see him. She’s only happy to see him when she needs something. Does she need something? She says she’s going after Alex, and needs him as back-up.

Spinelli tries to reach camera, but can’t, so he gets a toolbox to stand on. He hears Peter and Maxie coming, and runs to sit in a chair. They walk in, and he says, Maxinista… and companion. Maxie asks why he’s there, and he says, car trouble. His van is increasingly temperamental. She says she thought he used his electric bike in warmer weather, but he says he didn’t want the van to suffer from lack of use. Peter says he needs a new crankshaft. The dealer said it would take two weeks to install, so he thought he’d try his luck with the local mechanic. Maxie sees the mess, and says, if this is the way he keeps his shop, she’s not sure Peter wants him working on the car. Peter says he can call the other company tomorrow, but Spinelli assures him, it’s worth the wait. He’s sure Brando just stepped out for a few minutes. In the meantime, they can chat; catch up, as it were. Peter looks like, huh?

Valentin says Anna is going after Alex? and she says she thought that would get his attention. He says Alex betrayed him. She exploited his infatuation with Anna, and performed a treasonous act, leaving him holding the bag. If not for her, he might have spent his career with the WSB. Anna says Alex wasn’t solely responsible for his fall from grace. He says she’ll never see him as a victim, and she says he may very well have been set up, but he crossed the line on his own. He says this is no way to ask him a favor, but she says she’ll be doing him a favor; he can bring Alex to justice. The waitress brings the drinks, and Anna wonders where to start. Valentin says he thought she lost Alex’s trail last year. She says she found it again, and he asks, why him? She says, it’s a two person job, but he says there are plenty of other agents. She says they would get in her way. She needs his talent. She needs his special brand of selective ethics. He asks how old the lead is, and she says, less than an hour old. Alex wants to meet her in Berlin. Alex claims she wants to stop running. He asks, why now? but Anna tells him, she didn’t say. Anna wants to find out, and she’s going to Berlin. She wasn’t sure about it, but then she saw him, and it all clicked. She wants him to come with her, and they can both bring Alex in together. Valentin doesn’t know who the greater fool is; her for going, or him, for going along with her.

Alexis tells Finn, before he met her, Neil had a career and a life. Now he has no career and no life. She can’t help but think she sent him to an early grave. Finn says she didn’t; she can’t bring on someone’s death by loving them. She says she cared about Neil. They had something. Finn tells her, then honor that.

Curtis wonders if all wives are this suspicious, or is it a hazard of the job? She says she should know better than to question a romantic gesture, and Curtis says he figured she was due for an interlude, given all the hours she’s been putting in, and the pressure. She says the main priority has been to find Nelle, and make sure she’s not out there plotting. Curtis says, and she has Cyrus to contend with. Does she have any idea what he’s up to? She says she knows he seized GH for the sole purpose of upping his PR, but she needs to uncover his plan, and put him away for good. He says, sounds obvious, but Cyrus is never far behind her – or him. No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t let it go. Every time he sees Trina, he asks himself, if he had made a different call, would her father still be alive? She takes it Trina is still giving him a hard time, and he says, only when she sees him. She says she knows him, and he needs to stop tiptoeing around. He says he tried confronting Trina. He tried talking things through, and tried to apologize, but no matter what he does, he just makes it worse. She thinks Portia might be able to help. If anyone can bring him and Trina together, it’s her mother.

Portia sees Brando in the ER, and asks what they have. Sam says they found him like this, and brought him in. She asks if he’s spoken, and Jason says, he has, but he’s not making sense. Portia tells them to get out, and Sam says, but… Portia says now. Outside, Sam says, this is Cyrus. Cyrus had to have done it.

Cyrus messes with his phone, and Molly tells TJ, you’d think someone who was a benefactor for the hospital would have asked Monica and Bobbie for guidance instead of firing them. They’re pillars of the hospital. If her mom was still practicing, she’d file a wrongful termination suit. TJ says, there’s always Diane, and Molly says, if Monica and Bobbie want to fight, it’s their choice. She’s going to mind her business, and behave. TJ says, she can if she wants, but he won’t. Cyrus approaches and tries to introduce himself, holding out his hand. TJ says he knows who Cyrus is, and don’t offer his hand unless he wants TJ to spit on it.

Finn tells Alexis, if she needs anything, she can call anytime. She says she knows that, and thanks him. He suggests she go to a meeting. She doesn’t have to share. She says she is going to go to a meeting – later. He says, later is the first step toward never, but she says she’s not avoiding it. She’s meeting the medical examiner. They owe her a favor, and she’s getting the preliminary report on Neil’s autopsy. Finn asks if Neil ever mentioned an underlying condition or family history, but she says, nothing. He asks if she and Neil had regular contact, and she says they’d been actively avoiding each other. Finn says it would have given Neil time to develop something, and she says, something she would have picked up on if she’d acted on her feelings sooner.

Cyrus says he has no idea what he’s done to merit TJ’s hostility. TJ says Monica and Bobbie deserved better than what Cyrus gave them. Cyrus says they opened the hospital up to a massive lawsuit, and were fired for cause. TJ asks if he considered the lives they’ve saved, their work in the community, and inspiration to others to work in the medical profession, like him. Cyrus says he had no idea they’d had such an impact on TJ, using his name. TJ says, Cyrus knows him? and Cyrus says he would recognize his mother’s fire anywhere.

Jordan tells Curtis, it doesn’t do any good for Trina to misdirect her grief about what happened to Taggert. She thinks Portia can help. Curtis says he didn’t want to confuse things, and Jordan says she thought everything was in the past. He says, it is, but he ran into Portia at Kelly’s after the Nurses Ball. They had a good talk, and he’d rather leave it there. They have enough going on with Cyrus. Why add one more burden? Jordan flashes back to being with Jason on the pier, and telling him that Curtis doesn’t know about Taggert. So much time has passed, if she tells him now, it could destroy her marriage. She tells Curtis, she and Taggert worked together on a difficult assignment, and he trusted her to have his back. She wants the gift of peace for Trina, and Curtis. Her desk phone rings, and he says, might as well get it. It will drive her crazy if she doesn’t. She answers, and says she’s on her way. She tells Curtis, sorry, and he says, don’t tell him; Cyrus.

Sam asks if they should call Sonny, but Jason says, he’s focused on Mike, and it’s more important. Sam says, maybe they should get the footage, and Jason says, it’s got to be Cyrus. It’s his way of pushing the boundaries of the truce without openly breaking it. Portia comes out, and Sam asks how Brando is. Jason asks if he’s going to be all right.

Valentin tells Anna, he has a daughter now. He has to consider things differently. He also just acquired ELQ, and the Quartermaines have the resources to take it back. He has to be there. She says, what if Alex is a threat to Peter? Peter’s grasp on happiness is fragile at best. He remade himself into a good man; he’s expecting his first child. If Alex undermines that, it could hurt Peter, Maxie, and the baby. You’d think Valentin would want to help Peter, given the way he messed up Peter’s life.

On the phone, Maxie tells Lucy, don’t sign anything until she gets there. They’re not risking Deception’s reputation on an untested product. She’ll be right there. She tells Peter, sorry she has to go. Peter says he’ll wait. If Brando doesn’t show up, he’ll go the other route. Maxie leaves, and Peter hopes it’s worth the wait, and Spinelli says, Brando should be back imminently. He tells Peter, it’s too bad Maxie had to leave, and Peter says, is it? He got the distinct impression Spinelli wanted to talk to him. Spinelli says, at the Nurses Ball, a little birdie whispered something disconcerting in his ear about Peter. He and Shiloh apparently go way back and far away, overseas even.

Cyrus tells TJ, he’s privileged to meet Jordan’s son at last. He sees they share passion. He’s grateful for her keen sense of justice. She freed him when he was wrongly sent to prison. TJ says where’s the justice in him firing Monica and Bobbie? but Cyrus says they were a liability, and had to go to preserve the hospital’s integrity. He wants to see the hospital survive and thrive. He hopes someday TJ can appreciate that, even to the point of shaking his hand. TJ holds out his hand, but fakes Cyrus out, and says, don’t hold your breath. I wonder how many times they had to do that without laughing. TJ and Molly walk off, and Cyrus goes to the elevator. Curtis is there, and says, bad strategy, when Curtis knows what he knows. Cyrus says, TJ works for him now. Sooner all later, everyone does. Cyrus goes into the elevator, and when the doors close, Curtis says Cyrus is going to find out he’s wrong about that, and a whole lot more.

Finn says he thinks Alexis is trying to make sense of something that happened to someone important to her, someone she cared about. She asks if he has any suggestion on how not to do that. He says, breathe, talk to someone, practice self-care. The verbiage is obnoxious (thank you, Finn! I think so too), but the concept is good. There’s a knock at the door, and it’s Jordan. She says she was told Alexis was with him, and asks if she can speak to Alexis alone. Alexis asks, what about? and Jordan says, Neil’s death.

Portia says Brando has multiple contusions and lacerations, and possibly fractured ribs. He’s going to get x-rays and a CT scan. Jason asks if he’s speaking, and Portia says he’s alert, and gave her permission to talk to them. Jason asks what the prognosis is, and she says, he has some healing to do, but he’ll recover. They’re keeping him for a few days for observation. Sam asks when they can speak to him, and Portia says, as soon as the nurse is finished. She leaves, and Sam says, that was convincing. Jason asks if she thinks it was staged, and Sam says, if Brando has thrown in with Cyrus, it’s what he’d want Sonny to see. Jason says no one knew Brando was being watched. His guess is that Brando is collateral damage, and they’re sending a message to Sonny. Sam says, or maybe Brando was going to come clean, and it was a way of discouraging him. Oh, come on. Brando could kill Cyrus and all of his associates, and burn down all of Cyrus’s warehouses, and Sam would still be like, I don’t know…  Jason says, Brando’s story hasn’t changed. Jason believes him. Sam says, Brando admitted to Cyrus being in the garage, and Jason asks how hard would it be to tamper with his bike while Brando was distracted? Cyrus approaches, and asks how the patient is.

Molly tells TJ, that just now, was a thing of beauty. Cyrus isn’t used to someone speaking truth to power. TJ says he had no idea how Cyrus would respond. He didn’t know Cyrus would bring up his mom; it threw him off. Molly says, it didn’t work. He just kept hammering at Cyrus. Curtis joins them, and says he hopes they’re hungry. He doesn’t want the lake trout to go to waste. Molly says Curtis should have been there. TJ handed Cyrus’s ass to him, metaphorically speaking. TJ says, he doesn’t want to brag, but he was stoked. Curtis should have been there. Curtis says, yeah – to stop him.

Cyrus tells Jason and Sam, he heard Brando was in the ER. Jason asks where he heard that, and Cyrus says he takes an interest in every patient who comes through the doors of GH. He’s particularly interested with anyone who has ties to Sonny. Which reminds him. He understands Jason checked out against doctor’s orders. Jason says he’s fine, and Cyrus says, that’s more than can be said about Sonny’s father. Such a shame. So many tragedies on so many fronts. It’s all Sonny can do to keep his head above water. Jason says, that’s why Sonny has him.

Sam goes in to see Brando and asks how he feels. He says, like he should have gone back to Chicago. She tells him, the doctor says he’ll recover, which is good news. Does he remember anything? He says, besides waking up there, he remembers he got jumped. She asks if he knew the guys and if they said anything. He says, it’s fuzzy. One minute, he was fighting for his life, and the next thing he knew, he was there, with a doctor shining a light in his eyes. She says, if it makes him feel any better. She and Jason found him and brought him in. He says, great timing.

Alexis says she doesn’t know what she can tell Jordan that she didn’t tell Detective Spencer. Jordan asks if they can use Finn’s office, but he’s hesitant, so she says they can talk outside.

Valentin says Anna knows Alex is setting her up, and Anna says, of course (🍷), but she’ll never suspect Anna being with him. He asks what she’s going to do when she finds Alex. The WSB won’t prosecute; they’d rather pretend Alex doesn’t exist. They’re happier with her on the lam. Is Anna willing to arrange an untimely accident? He says Anna is hesitant and desperate; he notices her voice wavering. Alex will be waiting for her to make a mistake, and she can’t slip. Professional rule number one, objectively access the situation. Two, find the subject’s weaknesses, and three… She says, seize the initiative, and finish them. She’s going to play Alex’s game. She wants to set a trap, and wants Valentin to help her.

Peter tells Spinelli, unfounded rumors, and Spinelli says, as Georgie’s father, it’s his duty to make sure Georgie and Maxie are protected. Peter says his constant intrusion reads more like jealousy. Spinelli assures Peter that he’s content with Ellie. Peter wonders if Ellie would say the same. Spinelli says his personal life is none of Peter’s business, and Peter says Spinelli isn’t endearing himself to Maxie or him. He’s tried to get along, but Spinelli is making it hard, like he wants Peter as an enemy rather than a friend. Spinelli asks if Peter didn’t arrange for Drew’s kidnapping. Then, Shiloh used the information to make Peter help him escape. Peter asks, who’s spreading these lies? and Drew says Shiloh’s widow confided in him. Nelle is a known liar, but perhaps Peter will shed more light on it. In the meantime, sorry to trouble him. Spinelli says, good luck with his crankshaft, and leaves.

Alexis says she’s been through this with the detective, but Jordan says she wants to hear it directly. Alexis says, Neil came over, Sam was there, and Sam left. They talked. Jordan says, about anything in particular? and Alexis says they talked about their love for each other, and how they were looking forward to a happy future together. They went upstairs, made love, and went to sleep. Jordan says, Neil was happy, and asks if there was anything unusual about his behavior. Alexis says, he wasn’t hopping and skipping around. He was his usual self. Intelligent, articulate, and with a dry wit. What is this about? Jordan says she got the preliminary autopsy results, and Alexis asks how Neil died.

Jordan tells Alexis, the preliminary report says Neil died from respiratory failure of the heart and lungs. Alexis wonders what would make him stop breathing, and Jordan says, drugs. He died from an OD.

Molly tells Curtis, he doesn’t understand. Cyrus just fired Monica and Bobbie. TJ was standing up for them. Curtis says he applauds TJ’s integrity, but not his instinct. Do not pick a fight with Cyrus. TJ asks, what’s the worst Cyrus can do? Drop him from the medical program? Cyrus was exonerated. Curtis says, he’s still dangerous to a lot of people, but TJ says he refuses to be silenced. Curtis says, let it go. Nothing TJ says is going to affect Cyrus. TJ says, maybe he should take action, but Curtis says it could cost him a lot. TJ says, so he’ll be thrown out and not get a reference. He’ll transfer to Mercy Hospital.

Brando tells Sam, he had a run in with Cyrus’s lieutenant. He stopped by to ask if Brando needed help, and his implication had been clear. Sam asks what he said, and Brando tells her that he said no thank you. She can draw her own conclusions. Jason says he already has, and knows Brando had nothing to do with his accident. It was all Cyrus.

Anna comes into the hospital, and sees Finn. He says he wasn’t sure when he’d hear from her again. She says she wanted to let him know that she’s made the decision not to go to Berlin. She’ll figure out another way to deal with her sister. I’m guessing this is Alex, who is sending Anna on another wild goose chase while she wreaks havoc in Port Charles. Again.

Maxie calls Peter, who says he’s still at the garage. She asks if the mechanic ever showed, and he says, not yet. What happened with Lucy? Maxie says she got there just in time, before Lucy put them in dept to a Korean conglomerate for the next 13 years. She asks when he’s coming home, and he says he’s going to wait a little while for the mythical mechanic. He’ll let her know when he’s on his way. He hangs up, and calls Valentin. He says, Nelle Benson Jerome. He’s dealing with her. Valentin says, can he ask why? and Peter says, because she’s been running her mouth, and it could blow up his life. Spinelli watches on the laptop, and says, gotcha.

On Monday, GH will be a repeat. On Tuesday, Valentin talks to Julian, Brando thinks there’s something else behind Jason’s change of heart, and Olivia arrives at he WSB facility.

💎 More RHOBH Than You Can Handle…

Garcelle isn’t having it.




Denise 10, LisaR minus 100.




It’s sad that the best Brandi can do is talk about Denise, since she has nothing going on in her own life. No one ever said Denise was an angel. Brandi also needs to make up her mind about why she blabbed.


Even Kate is Team Denise.


🗽 Making It Not So Nice…

How things ended.


Leah spills the tea, and loves Dorinda anyway.


💧 But What About That Leak…?

The listing for Sonja’s townhouse, albeit late, since she ended up taking it off the market.


🎉 I Was At a Party Here…

Oh wait. That was on TV.


🦈 King Shark Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do…

A new Suicide Squad is coming.



⚰️ Fear This…

Scott Gimple has teased that the series will be playing around with time in Fear the Walking Dead’s new season. Why, Lord? Why?



🎸 Most Excellent…

A great offset for the heaviness of real life.


🐉 More Fantastic…

I can’t wait. I’m a real sucker for CGI animals.


🥘 Smell What the Rock Is Cookin’…

Duane Johnson has some words of wisdom.


📺 Endings & Beginnings…

Shows we’ll say goodbye to this year.


And shows to say hello to.


🛤 My Kind Of Country…

A double-layer of horror.


🎏 Two Amusing Things…

A look back on Miss America and controversy.


The inspiration for one of my favorite comedies.


🦜 Quotes of the Week

Do you think that’s a cultural thing?  ** It’s a bullsh*t thing. – Alexi and Loren Brovarnik, respectively, Pillow Talk: 90 Day Fiancé

We shall not be here forever. One day the kind old nurse will come and rock us all to sleep. Let us help one another while we may.Unknown

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. – John Lubbock

You are beautiful. Your beauty, just like your capacity for life, happiness, and success, is immeasurable.Steve Maraboli

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. – Dale Carnegie

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. – Albert Einstein (The first guy to figure out Survivor.)

If this bitch was any dumber, you’d have to water her. – Joan (Regina Hall), About Last Night

There is so much wealth and so much misery at the same time, that it seems incredible that people can endure such class difference, and accept such a form of hunger while on the other hand, the millionaires throw away millions on stupidities. Frida Kahlo

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them. – Ida B. Wells

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. – Dennis P. Kimbro

Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face. – Carol Moseley-Braun

Well-behaved women seldom make history. – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.Andre Gide

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. – Beverly Sills

🥁 In Conclusion…

It’s here. A three-day weekend. Otherwise known as three consecutive days, if you work all the time or not at all. Whatever it is to you, stay safe, stay composed, and stay making hay while the sun shines. Or even when it rains.