Tag Archives: Hard-Fi

September 27, 2019 – Elizabeth Takes a Stand, Bit Parts, a Villain With Style, DeciQuotes & What We Live For


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Why break this week’s streak? I missed the beginning. 🏆

Lulu meets Laura outside Charlie’s. Lulu senses an ulterior motive for the breakfast invite. Laura says she senses right. Dustin comes out of Charlie’s.

Elizabeth asks nurse Sheri how Franco is. Sheri says he seems fine. He’s polite, and even made a point of thanking her for breakfast. Elizabeth goes in to see him. He says, today’s the big day. Next stop Shadybrook. She says, it doesn’t have to be like this. He can help her fix it.

In the interrogation room, Jason tells Jordan, when he got on board the Haunted Star, he saw Shiloh standing over Sam, who was bleeding, so he made a move. Jordan asks, what kind of move? and Diane says, a dance move. What does she think? It was obvious Shiloh was a threat, and going to hurt Sam. Jason says he shot Shiloh, and went past him to Sam. Jordan asks if he checked for a pulse, but he says, no. Jordan says, he’s an expert shot; why didn’t he shoot to wound Shiloh? Diane asks if she’s taking a statement or cross examining her client. It doesn’t matter. He came to the defense of a helpless victim. There was no crime. It’s not even a misdemeanor. Jordan asks, what happened next? Jason says Sam was bleeding, he bandaged her wound and they went on deck. Sam is an expert pilot, so she headed for the bridge while he stayed on deck. That’s where Shiloh attacked him with a gaffing stick (I say, a gaffing stick disguised as a baseball bat), and they struggled. Jordan says it must have been quite a struggle. Shiloh had a lot of bruises. Diane says Jason was well within his rights to defend himself. Jordan asks, what next? and Jason says Shiloh managed to trip him. He was defenseless, with no weapon, and that’s when Sam shot Shiloh with a flare gun. She saved his life.

Sonny waits with Dev outside the room. Dev doesn’t get why he needs a lawyer. He didn’t do anything wrong. Just the opposite. Some people are calling him a hero. Sonny says, damn straight he’s a hero. There’s something still bothering Sonny though. After all they’ve been through, and Sonny and his family welcoming Dev into their home, he still planned on walking away.

Josslyn tells Carly, if anything, having Dev around helps. He’s not all wrapped up in that time. She doesn’t remember Oscar just by looking at him. It’s nice. Carly says she’s so sorry. Josslyn has reminders everywhere; there, school, volleyball. Josslyn says she looks up where Oscar used to sit, and doesn’t even realize she’s doing it until she sees the empty spot. It goes back and forth. Feeling the distance, like she’s watching a play, and feeling too much, where anything, even the strum of a guitar, will set her off. Carly takes Josslyn’s hand, and says, grief gets confusing, and it’s awful. It’s seemingly endless, but it will get better. It did with Morgan. Josslyn says, yes, but for some reason, this feels different. She doesn’t know if it’s because she’s older, or her time with Oscar was intense, but she keeps waiting to wake up, and feel the weight lifted. To finally be able to breathe. Carly says, it will happen, and Josslyn asks, when? Carly says, when she’s ready.

At Charlie’s, Julian tells Cameron, if he sees Dev, thank him, and tell him that his bill is comped from now on. Cameron says he’ll deliver the message. Trina says it sounds like Dev did Julian a solid, and Julian says Dev rescued his grandson. Family is everything.

Dustin sees Lulu and Laura outside Charlie’s, and asks, what’s going on? Lulu says they’re having a mother/daughter breakfast. She tells him, good call on the coffee. It has to be better than faculty room coffee. She asks if she told Laura that Dustin was a teacher, and Laura says she mentioned it. Cameron and Trina come out, and Dustin says that’s his cue. He can’t be late to class. Laura and Lulu are left alone, and Lulu asks, on a scale of one to ten, how awkward was that? Laura thinks they should chat. Lulu asks if they have to, and Laura says, yes.

Franco doesn’t know how he can help Elizabeth. Clearly, she’s in control. She says she can imagine how he resents her. He says he doesn’t. He did, but now he just feels sorry for her, and not in any condescending way. It’s clear how much she loved her husband. She says, more than she thought possible. Franco says, she wants him back, but that’s not going to happen. She says, Andre believes he can reverse the procedure. If it works, he’ll return to his family. Franco says, she’s fixated on one outcome, and not looking at the other possibilities. In three out of one, she loses her husband forever.

Lulu tells Laura that she doesn’t know how to feel about Dustin. It happened so fast. Laura says, maybe too fast. Lulu says, definitely, but does that automatically make it wrong? Laura says, not necessarily. Tell her more. Lulu says, he’s kind and funny, and good with the kids, especially Rocco. Rocco could use a man in his life. He’s been miserable since Dante left.

Olivia storms into Charlies, asking if Julian is kidding her. He says, sorry, and she says not as sorry as he’s going to be when she drags his ass to court. The money is in escrow. He says, it’s perfectly legal. He changed his mind, and the sale is off. There’s nothing she can do about it. She says, watch her.

Franco tells Elizabeth, one, Franco returns. Two, Drew’s memories remain, and he’s fine with that. Three, Drew’s memories intensify, and he’s fine with that too, but not enough to risk four, where he’s a vegetable. She can’t force him to go through with it. Elizabeth says legally she can. He’s not competent to make his own decisions, and as his wife and legal guardian, she can decide for him. He says there’s a one in four chance he’ll be a vegetable. She can drag it out as long as she likes, but she’s already lost.

Josslyn tells Carly, she feels alone. Now because of them; they’re there when she needs them. She doesn’t know what to say or how to talk about how she feels. Carly says, grief is tricky. You start pretending you’re feeling better because you think that will make it easier. Please don’t do that. Josslyn says she’s trying not to. She’s sorry. She wishes she was handling it better. Carly says she’s handling it fine. She gets up and goes to school, and finds a way to navigate. She couldn’t be more proud of Josslyn. And little by little, life will make sense. She promises. Josslyn says she’ll never stop missing Oscar, and Carly says, no; never. But it will get more manageable. Eventually, when she comes across Oscar’s picture or hears his name, it will bring a smile to her face instead of making her feel like she does now. She says she loves Josslyn, and Josslyn says she loves Carly too. Carly says, Milo is waiting, and she doesn’t want to be late. Josslyn says, time to navigate, and Carly tells her, she’s got this.

Dev says he didn’t mean to seem ungrateful, but he knows he’s making trouble for Sonny’s family. He thinks it’s better for him to go. Sonny says it’s not better for anyone if Dev goes. They all want him to stay. He wants to get something straight. He trusted Dev, and wants the same trust in return. If something comes up, come to him. They’ll fix it together. Dev throws his arms around Sonny, and hugs him.

Sam tells Jordan that she saw Shiloh standing over Jason, and had no time to react. She shot Shiloh in the back. He stumbled, and fell overboard. Josslyn says, there was no struggle? No chance he was pushed? Sam says, no chance. Diane says her client has given a full accounting of her actions, and it’s a clear-cut case of self-defense. Dragging it out will just be wasting time. Jordan agrees, and says she needs a quick break, then she’ll move on to Dev’s statement. She leaves, and Diane tells Jason and Sam that they both did well. A touch too much detail, but she doesn’t see a problem. Her phone rings. It’s Kim, and Diane says she got the message. She did some research, and the bad news is, Elizabeth can’t be prevented from committing Franco to Shadybrook, but the good news is, they can’t keep him indefinitely, and she can’t force him to undergo the memory transfer procedure. She’d like to help, but she’s too busy. She’s afraid her plate is full right now.

Julian says the last thing he wants is a conflict with Olivia, but the sale fell through. So unless she’s going to order… She asks if he’s kicking her out, and he says, there’s not a lot to discuss. Olivia says, this isn’t over, and heads for the door. Laura asks Lulu if she thinks Rocco needing Dustin is maybe part of the attraction. Lulu says, of course (🍷) she wants her son to be happy, but she was drawn to Dustin the first time they met. Now it’s more intense since she slept with him. Olivia flies over to their table, and says, she what?

In the park, Dustin says he moved the class outside because it’s appropriate for the book they’re studying, which is… Cameron says, Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Dustin says he just wanted to make sure they’re on the same page. He wants them to consider, not just what Thoreau did, but why. What inspired him to remove himself from society and go to Walden’s Pond to commune with nature? Trina says he was sick of the rules that governed society, and how the main goal is chasing money. Cameron says it makes you wonder if money and status is it, or we’re meant for something bigger. Dustin reads from the book. I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. Josslyn gets up and jets.

Dev tells Jordan, when he woke, Sam was there. She managed to get Shiloh to let him and Wiley go. He took Wiley and ran to the docks, where he saw Jason. Jason asked where Sam was, and Dev told him. Jason instructed him to get Wiley to the hospital. Diane asks if that’s when Peter showed up, and Dev says, yes. He asked Peter to drive them, and he did. Jordan says what Dev did took courage. She just has one more question. What was he doing on the Haunted Star in the first place?

Sam asks Sheri if there’s any way she can find out when Franco is being transferred. Sheri, who is obviously not liking Sam, says she can’t give out that information. Sheri remembers standing outside the door and listening when Jason told Sam, it’s never easy to pull the trigger, and Sam replying she didn’t do it just for him. When she saw Shiloh, she kept thinking of all the horrible things he did to her sister, Wiley, Willow, and her, and had to make sure he never hurt anyone ever again. I find out later on – link below – that Sheri is an admirer of Shiloh’s. The weird thing is, she acted fine when she bandaged Sam’s wound, but now she’s obvious?

Elizabeth tells Franco, she doesn’t want to force him. She hates it, but she has to. She knows with everything in her, that Franco would want to fight for him, for them, for their family, and future together. So that’s what she’s going to do. She leaves, and Sam approaches her. Sam says she heard Franco was being transferred to Shadybrook today. Elizabeth says, it’s for his own good, but Sam says if she was Elizabeth, she wouldn’t do it.

Jason visits Carly, who asks how it went at the station. He says, as well as it could. He and Sam gave their statements. He doesn’t think there are going to be any issues. Carly says they did the world a favor, getting rid of Shiloh. He says, Sonny is still there with Dev. Jordan is talking to him. She asks if Jason is worried, and he says, Dev is a loose cannon with a fake ID. Suddenly, Carly feels something, and Jason asks if she’s okay. She says she’s just worried about Josslyn. She’s felt off all morning, but at this stage of the pregnancy, she’s uncomfortable all the time. She says, weird, then doubles over.

Olivia tells Laura and Lulu that she didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Laura says, yet somehow she did. Olivia says she heard Rocco’s name, and it got her attention . She saw Rocco having fun with Dustin at his birthday party, but he said Dustin was Lulu’s friend. She had no idea they were intimate. Lulu says she can’t deny what Olivia heard, but she’s not going to apologize. She’s a grown woman, and unmarried. Her divorce is final. Olivia asks if that’s what this is about – payback? Sleeping with someone else before the ink is dry. Laura says, that’s enough.

Dustin finds Josslyn at the Oscar’s Meadow plaque. He gets that she wants to be alone, and as much he’d like to respect that, he can’t. He’s responsible for her whereabouts, since he brought her to the park. She says she’s sorry she ran off, and Dustin says she needed a minute. He assumes this is the Oscar she wrote about? She says the person she loved most in the world, and now he’s gone. She doesn’t know what to do with that.

Jordan says, it was late, and the Haunted Star was closed for repairs. Dev said he was surprised when Shiloh showed up, so he wasn’t following Shiloh. Dev says, no, and she asks what he was doing on the boat. Diane says Sonny was concerned that Lulu was having trouble with the renovation, and sent Dev in to check it out. Jordan says, he sent a sixteen-year-old to evaluate construction? Sonny says he totally trusts Dev.

Elizabeth says she’s not doing this with Sam. It’s none of her business. She knows how Sam feels, and that she doesn’t like Franco. Sam says she’s been where Elizabeth is. When Jason had the malignant brain tumor, the surgeon told him that the operation could leave him incapacitated. He chose not to have it done, and she accepted his choice. They spent what she thought would be his last days together, and he changed his mind. He made the decision to have the surgery. Elizabeth says, Franco has already refused, but Sam says she’s missing the point. If something happens to Franco, Elizabeth will never forgive herself. Franco wouldn’t want that. Elizabeth tells Sam, don’t tell her what Franco would want. Sam isn’t helping her, so go. Please just go. Sam says, for what it’s worth (which should be my new drinking game phrase), she’s sorry Elizabeth is going through this. She gets in the elevator. I think Sam might be missing the point that there’s a big difference between Franco and Jason’s situations. Jason could have died, but he still would have been Jason.

Jason looks at his watch, and tells Carly, it’s every ten minutes, and she says she’s in labor. She can’t be. The C-section isn’t scheduled for another two weeks. He says, the baby has other ideas, but she says, it’s too soon. He wants to make sure she and the baby have everything need, and tells her, let’s go.

Laura tells Olivia, Lulu and Dante are divorced. Olivia says she’s aware of that, and Laura says. Then she knows it’s okay for Lulu to move on. She doesn’t owe Olivia any explanations. Lulu says she wants to make one thing clear. She’s not getting back at Dante. She would have stood by for as long as it took, but Dante didn’t want to. Laura says Dante wanted the marriage to end, and as painful as it is, Olivia ask to respect it. Olivia says, it was Dante’s choice, but not because he didn’t love Lulu or the children. He’ll get better; he’s coming back. Lulu says she held on to that hope for a long time, but she can’t live the rest of her life like that. Laura says, apparently Dante can’t either. Olivia says she’ll speak for him in his absence. Lulu barely knows a man she’s bringing into her and Rocco’s lives. Does she think that’s a good idea? Lulu says other than Rocco’s birthday party, and playing baseball with him, Dustin hasn’t been brought into Rocco’s life. Laura says, Lulu always puts her kids first. Olivia knows she’s a good mother. Until or unless Rocco is reacting negatively, she’ll respect Lulu decision. When she’s gone, Lulu says, that was fun. Laura says, not the way she wants to start the day. Lulu thanks Laura for having her back, and Laura says, always. Lulu says Olivia was getting ahead. She and Dustin are nowhere near serious. Laura says, good.

Josslyn tells Dustin, Oscar should be there. It’s so wrong that he isn’t. He would have loved Dustin’s class, especially Walden. He loved hiking, and everything about nature. He lived deliberately, and like Thoreau wrote, he didn’t get to live long enough. Dustin says, he sounds like a wonderful young man, and Josslyn says, the best. He deserved more time. They deserved more time. She tells Dustin, when she says things like that, she wants to scream. Dustin asks, how so? Josslyn sits on a bench, and says she feels sorry she’s alive and he’s not. Dustin asks if she’s discussed that feeling with anyone, and she says, a little, but nobody understands. They think they do, but they don’t. He says maybe she needs to talk to someone who does – her. He sits with her, and asks if she’s thought of keeping a journal. It’s a great way to work through her emotions. She doesn’t have to be careful, or watch what she says, or care what people think. It’s unfiltered. Josslyn says, like a diary. He says if she puts words on paper, without judgement or editing, it will start to clarify her feelings. It will help her know herself better. She says she’ll think about it.

In a hospital bed, Carly tells Jason, there’s no way to stop the labor. Sam comes in, and Carly asks if anyone has been able to reach Sonny, but Jason says he’s still with Dev. Sam says she’ll track him down. Jason says she’s got him, and tells her that she needs to breathe. Carly says he must feel like he’s spent his whole life telling her to breathe. Jason says, sometimes. She says she’s so scared. So many things can go wrong. He says, nothing will. Because this baby has her for a mom.

Dev tells Sonny that he might as well skip the rest of the school day, but Sonny says, get to school. Dev laughs, and thanks Sonny for what he said. Sonny says, he meant every word. Diane comes out, and Sonny thanks her. She says she’s looked into the adoption question. He asks how it’s going, and she says this is one time he might not get what he wants. Adopting Dev would be very complicated, and shine the light on areas he doesn’t want. Sonny’s phone dings, and he says, Carly is having a baby. Diane asks what he’s doing there. Go. Good luck. He jets, and she says, never a dull moment. Sheri comes in, and asks to see Jordan. She needs to speak with her. It’s important.

Franco is taken out of his room. Franco tells Elizabeth, for what it’s worth (what did I say?), he’s sorry he can’t give her what he wants. He’s brought into the elevator, and the doors close. Elizabeth says, then she’ll have to force him.

Lulu asks Laura if she agrees with Olivia deep down. Is she being irresponsible, or using Dustin to get back at Dante? Laura thinks Dustin is a nice guy, but she just wants to be clear, where is Lulu? Lulu says, grieving the end of her marriage. Laura says, it’s a big deal. She believes in Lulu, and she’s glad Lulu met Dustin, but thinks she should go very slowly; protect her heart. It happens to be very important to Laura.

Dustin tells the class to read to page 67 for tomorrow. They have five minutes to get back, or his job’s on the line. They all start walking. Cameron tells Josslyn that he and Trina wanted to find her, but Dustin wouldn’t let them. Josslyn says Dustin is really cool. They talked, and she felt like really heard her.

Sam talks to Michael on the phone, telling him that the baby is early. His mom is fine, and his father is on the way. She gets another call, and says she’ll talk to him later. It’s Jordan, who says they need to talk. Sam says she’s in the middle of something, but Jordan says she needs to see Sam right now. Sam says she answered all of Jordan’s questions, but Jordan says she has one more.

Carly says Jason has been there for the birth of every one of her kids. She was hoping Sonny would be there for this one. Sonny walks in, and says he heard she got started without him. Jason says, just in time, and Sonny takes his place at Carly’s bedside. Sonny kisses the top of Carly’s head, and holds her.

On Monday, Willow tells Harmony that Shiloh’s dead, Kristina asks someone if they’ve met before, Nelle is glad to finally meet someone, and Carly tells Sonny it’s time to meet their baby.

💉 About Nurse Sheri…

It’s not true. There are small parts.


💣 Willkommen…

Love her, hate her, or love to hate her, Obrecht has made her home in Port Charles.


🎺 Quotes of the Week

After the first glass of absinthe you see things as you wish they were, After the second you see them as they are not. Finally you see things as they really are, and that is the most horrible thing in the world. – Oscar Wilde

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it. –  Atticus Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

We live in the day of social media. Before that, I guess you just screamed out the window.Porsha Williams, The Real Housewives of Atlanta

All ideas in a truly free society should always be open for discussion. – Bryant McGill

Men always want to be a woman’s first love – women like to be a man’s last romance.Oscar Wilde

Only do what your heart tells you. – Princess Diana

The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances. – Martha Washington

It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success. – Charlotte Whitton

Living in dreams of yesterday, we find ourselves still dreaming of impossible future conquests. – Charles Lindbergh

One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory. – Rita Mae Brown

⛺ What Thoreau Said…

See you when we again fear the dead together. In the meantime, take what you need, leave what you don’t.