Tag Archives: Jump Jive An’ Wail

February 28, 2020 – A Kidnapping Foiled, After Ferncliff, Soap Twins Celebrate, Tanya Turns It Up, Scary Kyle, Lies All Lies, Quote Octet & a Day For You


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital


Whatever want just hold her he does

Michael snoozes on the couch with the baby monitor in his hand. Sasha comes in, and touches him. He wakes, and she asks how his day with Wiley went. He says, Wiley doesn’t like sweet potatoes. Who doesn’t like sweet potatoes? She says, apparently, his son. He says, his son. He’s still pinching himself. He’s Wiley’s dad, and that changes everything.

Alexis runs into Lucas at the hospital, and says she didn’t expect to see him. He says they were nice enough to give him his job back. Alexis says, of course (🍷) they would. She asks if he’s okay physically, and he says he’s been given the all clear. The hospital is the only place he feels normal, and Alexis says they could all use more of that.

TJ tells Molly, he knows she has reservations about marriage, but they can make it work. He promises he’ll never ask her to sacrifice her career, or anything else. He wants them to be equals. He wants to spend his life with her. He loves her so much. So will she marry him? She just stares at him for a moment, and says, sorry; she’s overwhelmed. He says, that’s okay. He loves her. She says she loves him too, more than she could ever put in words. He’s very brave to propose after she went off like that, but she doesn’t want to marry him. He says, she’s saying no? and she asks if he’s surprised. He says he is, and she says she just spent 30 minutes railing against the institution. He says, as it applies to other people. This is them. They’re nothing like that. She asks him if being married is important; saying vows and wearing rings. He says, yes, and she says she guesses they’ve never talked about it. She had no idea marriage was something he wanted. He says, now that she does, does it change her mind? She says, no.

On the phone, Elizabeth tells Jason that she just texted the driver’s picture and license number. He can use it, right? Jason sees it’s Cyrus’s guy, and I see his name is Walker. Jason says he knows this guy, and he’s on it. He tells her not to call the cops, and she asks, why not? He says, if it’s what he’s thinking, she could make it worse. Let him check it out. Franco comes downstairs, and asks what Elizabeth is doing. She says, Cameron was kidnapped, and shows him Cameron’s text. He asks if she called the cops, but she tells him, Jason said not to.

Taggert goes into the warehouse. It’s empty, and no one is there. He says he’s there. He followed their orders. Where’s his daughter? Walker comes out, and says, take it easy. Taggert says, bring her to him, but Walker says, the way he sees it, Taggert is in no position to make demands. Taggert says, if he doesn’t see his daughter right now, their plan is going to go up in smoke. Walker calls out, bring them in. Trina and Cameron come out a door at the top of some stairs. Two guys with guns come out behind them, and Cameron practically gets shoved down the stairs. Curtis waits outside with a gun.

Trina asks, what’s going on, and Taggert tells her, don’t worry. He’ll fix this. Walker says, so how are they doing this so Taggert’s daughter and her friend survive? Some other guys come out, and Taggert is surrounded. Taggert says, whoa. They’ve got no problem. Let the kids walk. Walker says that’s not for him to decide. Taggert says he showed up; let them go. Walker laughs, and Taggert asks if he said something funny. Walker says he never thought a man like Taggert would buy into that fairytale. Let’s go.

Willow tells Chase, she doesn’t know what she’s feeling, and he says, it just happened; give it time. She says, it’s so strange. When she gave her child to Brad and Lucas, she missed him every day. At the same time, she knew he was living the life she’d dreamed for him, even if she wasn’t in it. Chase says, then she was in it, and she says, it was the biggest, most amazing surprise. This doesn’t change things. She loves him as much as ever. She’s devastated that he’s not hers, but at the same time, she’s flooded with grief for the baby she held after giving birth; the baby who didn’t make it, and was a physical piece of her. She’s quiet, and Chase says, what is it? She says, if hadn’t given him up, would it all be different? Would her son still be alive?

Michael tells Sasha, Wiley doesn’t go down easy, especially since he’s been moved all over the place. He thought he’d just read a book, sing a song, and rock him. Sasha says, now that he’s Wiley’s dad…  He says, he knows he has to do what’s best for Wiley. Let him cry until he sleeps. She says, his first big parenting decision. He says, before, they just had fun. Now it’s his job to teach and guide Wiley. She asks if setting the rules doesn’t include having fun, and he says, sometimes he caves because it’s easier in the moment, but he’s doing Wiley a disservice. She says she senses Michael has great instincts. Trust them. He says, it’s that simple? but she says she never said anything about simple.

Alexis tells Lucas, she’s so sorry about Wiley – and Brad. It’s just awful that it ended this way. He says, talk about not according to plan. Alexis is one of the few people who saw him. She says, he was beautiful, and Lucas guesses it makes things more bearable if he can help other people. She asks, how can she help him? and he says he could use an assist in his divorce. She says he’s got it.

TJ asks if that’s a hard no, as in never, and Molly doesn’t know what to say. If he wants the truth, the truth is, no; she never wants to get married. He asks if she never did, and she says when she was little, she thought being a bride was like being a princess – the dress, the shoes, the veil – but she’s grown up, and seen how weddings turn normal, rational human beings into Bridezillas. He says, that’s not her, and she says, there are couples who are completely committed who aren’t married; they even have kids. He says that won’t work for him. They’ve been together eight years, and they love each other. He’d assumed marriage was the next step. She says she doesn’t need a paper to validate their relationship or their love. She thought he knew. He says he knew she hated the meaningless display, but he thought, after all they’d been through, when he proposed, she’d marry him. She says she’s sorry, and hands him the ring.

Elizabeth tells Franco, she told Jason that Cameron and Trina had been kidnapped, and sent him the driver’s information. He said he knows the guy, and he’s searching. Franco admits Jason has a set of skills the police don’t have, and Elizabeth says he told her the police would make it worse. She wonders how long she has to wait. He said he’d be in touch. Franco understands why she’d call Jason, and she says she was hoping he’d tell her it was unacceptable, and to call the police. He says, why call Jason? Call the police. Unless she doesn’t want to, in which case he’s behind her 100%. He gives her the phone, and says, it’s 911. She calls, and says she needs to report a kidnapping.

Cameron elbows the guy holding him, and Trina struggles to get away. Curtis comes in, and there’s chaos while they shoot at each other. Taggert yells for the kids to go now. Cameron seriously kicks ass for a moment and runs. Walker says, go after the kid, and shut him up permanently. Trina is still struggling, and Taggert shoots the guy holding her. Curtis grabs Trina and puts her behind some boxes. The shooting continues.

Outside, Cameron falls. One of the guys comes up behind him with a gun, but Jason shoots the guy in the back.

Willow tells Chase, she knows it’s irrational; nothing can change what happened. She’s dwelling on the bottomless pit when she should focus on the next step. Chase says before she does that, the guilt he’s hearing in her voice… She’s entitled to feel how she feels, but remember she’s living with the consequences of Nelle’s cruelty and Brad’s weakness. They did this to all of them, but most of all to Wiley. Nelle is heartless, only thinking of babies as weapons to get what she wants. That’s who she is. Now it’s time to think about the next step. It’s time the people who love Wiley do the opposite of what Nelle did, and make the best choices for him. Willow thinks she knows what that is.

Michael asks how Sasha’s day was. Anything new? She says, Lucy is insane, but in a good way. They had a productive meeting today; it’s an exciting time. Michael says, wow. It’s crazy how just yesterday, they were both in the same place. Now… She says, it’s a whole new world. He says, it happened so fast. They never had a chance to talk about what that means for them. She asks if he wants to talk now.

Jason checks the pulse of the guy he shot. Cameron asks if he’s dead, and Jason says, yeah. Cameron says, all this gunfire. Trina is still inside. Jason says he needs Cameron’s help. Focus. How many men were there. Cameron says, four. There were five, now there are four. Jason asks if they’re all armed, and Cameron says, yes. Jason asks if Trina is tied up, but Cameron says, a guard is holding her. Jason says, who else is in there? and Cameron tells him, Trina’s dad. He was looking to trade himself for them. There was a fight, and everything went crazy. Curtis showed up, and there was gunfire. That’s when he got out, but Trina is still in there. He says he’s going in to help, but Jason says, no. They need a plan, and that’s a bad idea. Cameron has to calm down. They only have one shot at this. Cameron says, tell him what he’s got to do.

TJ looks at the ring, and asks Molly if it’s because she never really dated anyone else. She says, there is no one else. She can’t imagine being with anyone but him. Marriage isn’t for her. He says, even if it’s something he wants? and she says, even if. He says, maybe she just thought she had faith in him that’s not there. He wants to build s life with her, and wants to grow old together. She says she wants that too, but they don’t need a big party to do that. He asks if that’s really what she thinks it’s about for him. He would love it if their mothers could be there, but he wants a commitment through vows. She says, then what? and he asks what she means. She says, sometimes saying the vows puts weight on the relationship, and is the very thing that breaks it up. What if everything is great, and they’re happy and in love, and they get married and expect too much? He says, just because it didn’t work out for her mom, doesn’t mean it’s not for them. She says it doesn’t mean it will either.

Walker says if Taggert was going to double-cross them, he should have made sure his daughter was in the clear first. By the sound of the gunshot, the kid didn’t get far, now he’s going to be forced to see his daughter die. Taggert signals Curtis, and goes around, trying to get behind Cyrus’s guys. Walker says he’s not making a deal; he doesn’t have to. Taggert has trapped himself, and now they’re going to finish it. They won’t be as easy to kill as he thought. Taggert chooses the wrong time to pop out, and gets shot. Trina screams.

Michael tells Sasha, he doesn’t want to make assumptions. He wants her to be involved and a part of this, but he doesn’t expect her to be instamom. He wonders if he’s contradicting himself, and she says, a little bit. He says he’s curious how she feels about all this. She says she’s 100% in favor of the sleeping through the night thing. As for the rest, not everything has to be defined every minute. They love each other, and adore Wiley, and Wiley comes first; his needs are the most important. As for them, she’s good with taking it as it comes, if he is. He says he is, and Sasha says they’ll figure out the Wiley part, and figure out them later. He agrees, and she says, it’s one decision he doesn’t have to make, or at least she’s not asking him to. Michael says, they’ll go with the flow, and she asks if he thinks he can manage to try. He says, somehow, and she says, on that note, she has a conference call in Italy. He says, dinner after? and she says she’d love it. They kiss.

Willow is concerned that it’s confusing for Wiley to be around her. She’s confused, and she’s a grown-up. If she feels this way, won’t Wiley feel it more? He needs someone strong that he can depend on, and she can’t trust herself to not feel grief over the baby she lost and the one who’s not hers. Chase says, it’s like she lost two children at once. She says, it’s too much inflict on Wiley. Chase’s phone dings, and he tells Willow, sorry. There’s been a kidnapping. She asks if there are any names, and he says, it just says, two local teens. She says, go; she’ll be fine. The kids need him more. He says he’ll be back as soon as he can.

Molly tells TJ, sometimes marriage is the very thing that messes everything up. She doesn’t want that for them. He says he asked to spend his life with her. Obviously, he doesn’t want to break up. She says, what about the timing? Does he really think best time is when she’s still finishing law school, and just starting out? He tells her, don’t do that. Act like there’s a chance. She said never. Did she mean it? She says, yes, and he says, then that’s it. Clearly, he did a lot of assuming. He has a lot thinking to do; he’s taking a walk. He leaves, and Molly cries.

Jordan asks Elizabeth to tell her everything. Elizabeth says Cameron and Trina were going to the winter formal, and Jordan asks, who ordered the ride share? Elizabeth says, Cameron; he texted the driver and license plate number to her. Trina’s dad was there only minutes after they left. Jordan says, Taggert was there? and Elizabeth says, he was disappointed he missed the kids, and she showed him the pictures. Then he suddenly left. Franco says, more like abruptly, and Jordan says she needs to know what Taggert said and did. Tell her absolutely everything.

Curtis drags Trina out, and says, listen to him. This is what her dad wanted. He acted as a distraction so he could get her out of there.  Cameron says, Trina, and she runs to him and hugs him. Jason asks, how many are left? and Curtis says, three; Taggert got one. Jason says they have to get him out, but they need to know Cameron and Trina are safe. He tells them to get in the car, and lock the doors. Trina asks if he has a phone so they can call the police, but Jason says, no police; it will just make it worse. Curtis says, Cyrus’s guys think they have more time left than they do. That’s their chance. The kids go to the car, and Jason says Curtis has been in there. What’s the best way to do this?

Michael cleans up  there’s a knock at the door. It’s Willow, who says she hopes it’s okay that she came around back. Can they talk? He says, Wiley fell asleep an hour ago, and she says, fingers crossed he stays that way. He says, tell him about it. She asks how it’s going, and he says, it’s growing pains for all of them. He tells her that he needs to apologize. He should have brought Wiley to see her immediately, and didn’t. He’s sorry.

Molly leaves a message for TJ to call her back. Everything she said came out wrong. She loves him. Alexis approaches the table, and Molly says she didn’t have to come back. Alexis says, her text suggested otherwise. She sits down, and asks, what happened? Molly says TJ asked her to marry him, and Alexis says, she said no? Molly says he caught her off-guard. She had no idea it was something he wanted. They’ve been together eight years, and grew up together. Somehow, she must have missed the importance. She didn’t know it was a deal breaker, and nothing she said came out right. She didn’t make clear how much she loves him, and that she committed to spending the rest of her life with him. Alexis asks how they left it, and Molly says, TJ told her that he had a lot of thinking to do, and walked out. He won’t answer his phone. Alexis says she’s sorry, and Molly asks if she’s crazy. Alexis says she’s just surprised. Molly always wanted everyone married, like Sam and Jason. Molly says she’s older now, and she’s seen what marriage can do to people. Alexis says, specifically what it did to her.

Elizabeth says there’s something Jordan’s not telling them; what’s going on? Franco agrees, and wonders if Jordan thinks the kidnapping is tied to Taggert. Jordan says she doesn’t know. As hard as it is, they have to sit tight, and let her do her job. She has to make a quick phone call, and goes outside. She calls Chase, and says she needs him to run a check anyone with a prior association to Cyrus; anyone who has a drug, organized crime, or racketeering conviction. And get back to her asap.

Trina and Cameron sit in the car. Train wonders if they’re safe, and Cameron says, yeah. She says, right, opens the car door, and throws up.

Jason and Curtis stand on either side of the door. Inside, Taggert lies on the floor bleeding. Walker says Taggert made this harder than it needed to be. If he’d died like he was supposed to, Walker wouldn’t have had to take his daughter. Taggert says, screw you, and Walker aims his gun at Taggert. Curtis and Jason bust in, and Jason shoots the gun out of Walker’s hand. He and Curtis stand there like the badasses they are.

Willow tells Michael, that’s not why she’s there. Michael says he doesn’t know if irony is the right word. He’s been where she is. He knows what it’s like to lose a child, and the grief is indescribable. Now she’s lost two, and he wants her to know he’s aware of it. He knows one child can’t replace another, but thinks it would be a great benefit to Wiley for her to stay a part of his life.

Cameron asks if Trina is okay. She doesn’t understand what’s taking so long, and Cameron says, Jason and Curtis will handle it. She asks, how? and he says, they just will. Trina says she knew her dad was a retired agent, but not in a million years did she think he’d be pulled into something like this. Who are these guys, and why did they hurt her dad? Cameron says, at least she got out. That’s all that mattered to him. Trina says, they’re the dumbest hostages ever, and Cameron asks what they could have done. She says, jumped out, or realized earlier. Cameron says, for all they knew, it was a ride share to the dance. How could they possibly know they were being kidnapped. Trina says, they should have, and he says, it’s not their fault. She says, if she’d realized earlier, maybe her dad wouldn’t have been there. She has to do something. She can’t stand it. She gets out of the car, and Cameron follows.

Inside the warehouse, there’s more gunfire. Jason signals Curtis, and goes around. He shoots two of the guys, and Walker runs out with the other one. Curtis runs after him.

Michael says he’s not asking Willow to be mommy, but a nurturing female presence for Wiley. Kids Wiley’s age put people in categories. That’s how they make sense of the world. He’s transitioned from the guy who puts Wiley on a swing to the bedtime guy. It could take some getting used to, but she can still be her wonderful, sweet, loving, caring self. Wiley needs that, and to be honest, so does he.

Alexis tells Molly, she doesn’t know why she thought none of that would affect her; watching Alexis crash and burn in relationships over and over. Of course (🍷) it mattered, especially with Julian. They were so good, and when they got married, it went so bad. Molly is her stable, intelligent, makes healthy choices girl. An amazing guy like TJ knows she’s the one to spend his life with. She’s sorry she’s been no incredible example in regard to relationships. Molly has no frame of reference, but she’s nothing like Alexis. If she chooses not to get married, that’s fine. It’s her choice to make, but she wants Molly to promise her mother’s past will never be a factor in her decision making.

Jordan tells Elizabeth, Chase is in the field. She knows it’s scary, but they’ll find them. Elizabeth says she called Jason and told him what was going on. She asked him to look into it. Jordan says, as a mom, she has no right to criticize, but as a police officer, she wishes Elizabeth hadn’t done that.

Cameron tells Trina, all they’re doing is putting themselves back in danger. Her dad didn’t want that. She says, she’s not a baby. She can do something; they both can. They get back in the car, and Cameron says he knows the situation is a lot, but Jason and Curtis are good at this; it’s what they do. They said to wait, and as hard as it is, as much as she wants to go back in to help, they need to stay there. She says, help by doing nothing? and he says, yeah. She says, look at him. All mature and stuff. He says, it’s not his first hostage situation. This is the third time. Trina says, it was crazy with guns going off. Curtis pulled her out, and when she looked back, she saw her dad get shot. He holds her, and she cries.

Curtis comes back, and Jason asks if it’s clear. Curtis says, they got away. Jason calls 911, and says, there’s been a shooting. Three men are dead, and one badly injured. Bring paramedics. Taggert asks Curtis if his daughter is safe, and Curtis says, yes. Taggert says, take care of her. He grabs Curtis’s sleeve, and repeats, take care of her. His arm drops, and he closes his eyes.

On Monday, Jordan says Curtis could have been killed tonight, Sonny wants answers, and Trina says he’s waking up.

💉 Mary Pat Lives On…

I was really hoping she’d stick around Port Charles longer, but she got one helluva ending.


🎂 Two Wileys Turn Two On Two/Two…

I’m not a huge fan of babies on soaps, but I’m on board with this baby (or babies as it were). He always looks like he really knows what’s going on.


💃🏾 Atlanta Meets Trinidad…

If I could rock that outfit, I’d be living my best life too.


😱 Still Not As Scary As the Wives…

But possibly a more impressive career move.


🎥 They Forget They’re On Camera…

Or think we have short-term memory loss. It’s not a tangled web when everyone knows you’re weaving it.


🥁 Quotes of the Week

Time is not the great teacher. Experience is.Lynsay Sands

What I did or said should never be more important than why I did it or said it. – Andrea Kelly

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it. – Andy Rooney

I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music. – Billy Joel

I am not good at noticing when I’m happy, except in retrospect. – Tana French

Find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go.Lauren Oliver

It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy. – Lucille Ball

When you lose your smile, you lose your way in the chaos of life. – Roy T. Bennett (I think my father said it better. His only advice to me upon leaving home was, don’t lose your sense of humor.)

📅 And You Get an Extra Day…

As we leap into March, see you when it’s time to get in step with the Dead.