Tag Archives: Kids In America

August 18, 2022 – Chase Gets a New Pop Persona, a Charming Weekend Begins, About Auldbrass & Kids


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Violet swims in the pool while Finn, Gregory, and Chase watch. Finn tells her to be careful, but she says, Uncle Chase will protect her. Finn says, it’s not like he saves lives or anything; he’s just a doctor. Chase says, the kid knows who the real hero is, and Gregory says he’s proud of both of his sons. Chase says, even if the only protecting he gets to do is of Violet in the swimming pool? and Gregory asks if he’s heard from the Civilian Complaint Review Board. Chase tells him, Dante said it didn’t look good, but luckily, he’s about to embark on a new career.

Brook and Leo sit in the nook, laughing at a photo album. Ned comes in, sees a box, and asks, what’s all this? What’s so funny? Leo says, him, holding up a picture of Ned as Eddie Maine. He says, Ned never told him that he was a rock star, and Ned says, no, he didn’t.

Valentin sits at a table with Anna and Victor at the MetroCourt, and says, this is nice, right? Victor says, it’s lovely of Anna to take the time, considering what a busy investigator she is, and she says, and he’s always so hard to catch. Valentin suggests they order, when Lucy walks in and comes over to their table. She says, Anna and Valentin, beloveds at breakfast; how very sweet. She wishes she had a handsome companion to dine with. She tells Anna to hold on to hers with both hands.

Elizabeth examines Scotty’s nose, and asks if he’s still sore. He says, incredibly, and his nose is sore too. She says, his nose isn’t broken. It’s just badly bruised, but there’s a lot of inflammation going on there. He won’t need a bandage though. Britt walks in, and asks if somebody ordered a cosmetic surgery consult, and Scotty says, that’s funny coming from her, who’s an OB. She says she dabbles. So whose nose would he like; Grumpy Dwarf… Pinocchio… He says he’ll keep his own nose, but speaking of Pinocchio and liars, she should stay away from that Cody Bell.

Cody holds an arts and crafts figurine, and says, Olivia is blowing his mind. He can’t believe she kept this thing. Olivia says, they worked really hard on it, and Cody says, they had the cut fingers to prove it. She says, she was just grateful Dante was thinking about her while he was at camp, and she was also very grateful he made such a good friend. He says, Dante talked about her all the time. He felt like he knew her, especially her cooking, which he’s grateful to have sampled in real life now. Dante comes to the door and listens, and Olivia says she’s just grateful Dante and Cody hooked up again. These last couple years, Dante could have used a friend. Cody says he has something to tell her, calling her Mama Q. He’s afraid it might change her opinion.

Britt says, Scotty doesn’t believe Cody is Dominique’s son? but he says he does. That’s why he didn’t press charges, for Dominique’s sake, not Cody’s. All this business about making it on his own is nonsense. He’s definitely on the make, and she’d be wise not to trust him, because Scotty certainly doesn’t. She says she hasn’t made up her mind about Cody, but when she does, she won’t consult him. No offense. He says, none taken; it’s her bank account. But how does Liesl feel about this sucker punching grifter? She says she just came to check on him, but she sees he’s in capable hands. She leaves, and Elizabeth asks, what was that all about? Scotty says, if only Britt had her mother’s good taste in men.

Maxie sees Britt at the reception desk, and asks why she’s not in her office. Britt says, because she’s here. What’s up? Maxie says she has some good news. Britt says she could use some, and Maxie says, Spinelli will not be pursuing her anymore. Britt says, Spinelli…? Wait. No, no, no. Maxie says, it is true. He has a hopeless crush on Britt.

Olivia says, Cody is Dominique’s son, and Katherine Bell’s baby brother? Cody says, she knew them? and she says, they were before her time in Port Charles, but she heard the stories. Katherine was married to her husband at a certain point. Cody says, that’s wild. It seems his adoptive and biological families are both connected to Port Charles. He should have told her sooner. She asks if that’s why he came here, but he says, no, he swears. Like he told Dante, he wasn’t. Under the circumstances, he’ll totally understand if she’s not comfortable with him staying here. He’s loved working with the horses and Leo… She tells him to get over himself. He’s not going anywhere; he’s staying here. He says, her husband wasn’t completely sold on him working here. Now with his connection to Katherine… She says, leave that to her. Cody is friends with both her sons, that makes him family. Dante clears his throat, and asks, what’s up with them? Olivia says, Dante. He’s what’s up with them. He arrested his good friend. Dante says he had no choice, and she says she gets it. He’s a cop; he’s doing his duty. Now they’ve got to figure out how to get Cody out of this situation.

Ned says, Eddie Maine and the Idol Rich. Seems like a lifetime ago. Leo says, he looked funny, and Brook says, he means cool. Leo says, funny and cool, and Ned says, he thought so anyway. He was the lead singer in the band, and Brook’s mother was their manager. Brook asks if Leo remembers her telling him about her mom Lois, and Leo says, oh yeah. Brook tells Ned, this look was iconic, and tells Leo, he’s still an incredible musician. Ned says she’s buttering him up; she must want something. He asks why she’s dragging out all this Idol Rich memorabilia, besides making fun of her old man? What does Eddie Maine have to do with anything? She says, inspiration for her new musical act, and Ned says, no, no, no , no. He didn’t. She says, he did, and Leo says, Chase is going to be a star.

Chase says, Violet is almost there. Just spin a little faster, and she’ll be golden. She says she’s thirsty, but she wants to keep practicing, and Finn says, dad to the rescue, bringing her a juice box, and telling her not to get dehydrated. Chase says she doesn’t want to shrivel up like a dried prune, and Finn tells her to be glad she doesn’t have any brothers. Gregory says, so Chase is moving ahead with this music thing, and Chase says, he and Brook are going to try some things out. He’s actually supposed to meet her soon to talk strategy. Hopefully she’s good at disaster planning. Gregory says, that’s a pessimistic view. Chase hasn’t even given it a try yet. Chase says, singing at the Nurses Ball is one thing, but singing at The Savoy is a whole other level. Finn says, The Savoy? Congratulations. Violet asks if Uncle Chase is going to be famous like BTS, and Finn asks, what happened to Doc McStuffin? She says, Doc McStuffin is for babies. Her new favorite is BTS. Chase says he thinks he has a long way to go before he sells as many albums as the most popular boy band in the world, but Violet says, he will. She’s sure of it. Chase says he wishes he shared in her confidence.

Victor says, please join us, Miss Coe, and she says, please call me Lucy. He says, Lucy then, kissing her hand. Now she has to call him Victor. She thanks him for including her, but she’s afraid she can’t stay. Valentin says, what a pity. By the way, where is her beloved Martin Grey these days? He can’t get Martin on the phone. She says, oh, he doesn’t know. Martin took an impromptu trip. Valentin says, Martin didn’t tell him, and Lucy says, he was compelled to by forces beyond his control. Valentin asks, what kind of forces? and Lucy says, not to worry. Martin has expressed that he’s excessively respectful of the exemplary relationship he and Valentin have when they work together, and is extraordinarily excited to explain what’s going on when he returns. And with that, she simply must go, but it’s nice see all of them. Ta! She leaves, and Victor says, what a charming woman. Valentin says, trouble in heels, and Anna says, her phone buzzed. She’s expecting a call, and has to take this. She excuses herself, and Victor tells Valentin, it is polite to turn off your phone during a civilized meal. Valentin says, the WSB is neither polite nor civilized, and she’s on the clock. What is it going to take for Victor to stand down? Victor asks what it is Valentin sees in this woman again, and Valentin says, it’s not essential Victor and Anna like each other. He just wants Anna to leave Victor alone. Victor says he’ll drink to that.

Anna sees Lucy in a private area, and Lucy says, trust a superspy to pick up her hints, and find her lickety-split. Anna says, it won’t take her any time to find Martin either, so Lucy might as well dispense with all the games, and tell her where he is.

Violet asks if they saw her flip, and Finn says, amazing. Gregory says, awesome, and Chase gives it a solid 10. He’s proud of her for not giving up. Gregory suggests Violet can coach Chase. It’s never too late to learn a few new tricks. Finn says, she’ll probably give him the family rate, and Chase says, as much as he’d like to stick around for lessons, he’s got to jet. He’ll see them later. Gregory says, hang on, and tells Chase that he’s really sorry about the CCRB, but whether it’s the PCPD, or the music, or something entirely different, he knows Chase will succeed at it. Chase thanks him, and as they shake hands, Gregory slips a check to Chase. Chase says, no, he can’t accept it, but Gregory says he can, and he will. They’ll call it a loan until Chase signs his first major contract. They hug, and Chase thanks him.

Ned says, last time they talked, Chase wasn’t exactly on board, and Brook says, it did take some convincing, but Ned will be happy to know she took his advice. She made it more about Chase, and less about her songs. Ned says, he’s all for her songwriting, but artist management is wholly dependent on the artist. No disrespect to Chase, but he hopes she hasn’t quit her day job. She says she’s not leaving Deception. This is just a side gig, and Chase doesn’t have a day job. He’s still waiting to hear back from the PCPD, and until he gets reinstated, he’s got to get paid – like, now. She thinks she could be good at this. He says he doesn’t doubt that, but the music industry doesn’t generate instant revenue. So if Chase is strapped for cash, she needs to be real with him about this. She says, gigs pay. Chase is performing at The Savoy. He says, she booked him already? She is good at this. She says, she didn’t book him; Linc did.

Maxie tells Britt, it took some doing. She had to get Spinelli a pedicure, but she got it out of him. Britt asks if she even wants to know what he said, and Maxie tells her, it was hard to decipher, but it’s obvious Britt put some kind of spell on him. Britt says, this is so awkward, but Maxie says, no, it’s fine. He’s fine. She helped him through it. Honestly, she just thinks he’s lonely. He lost both Ellie and Jason. Maybe he did a transference thing since they both were close to Jason. Britt says, that is a stretch, psychologically speaking, and Maxie says, she’s not a psychologist. All she knows is, Spinelli won’t be showing up at Britt’s door with flowers and chocolate, or hiring a lute player to serenade her. Britt says, a lute player? and Maxie says, it was a thing… in the Middle Ages. Her point is, she let Spinelli down gently; Britt is in the clear. Has she made her second date with Cody? Britt says, about that…

Elizabeth says, so Cody’s adoptive sister is Katherine Bell? and Scotty says, yeah. She was quite a piece of work. Elizabeth says, Katherine did everything she could to come between her and Nikolas. He says, she tried to come after him and get Dominique’s money. If Lucy hadn’t been on to her, he would have been in big trouble. Now that this Cody is in the mix… He knows they’re not blood related, but he thinks Cody is a money grubber like his sister.

Dante tells Olivia, relax. Scotty refused to press charges. Cody says, even if he hadn’t, Dante’s not obligated to help him, but Olivia says, that’s what friends do for each other. She picks up the figurine, and says, remember that guy? Dante says, he does, and she says she was so nervous that first time, dropping him at camp. Dante says, no she wasn’t. He got home from school, she had his bags packed, and said he was going to camp, since he couldn’t stay out of trouble. She says she knew the shoplifting would lead to worse things. Was she right? Dante says she was right about him and Cody, and she thanks him. She says she knew camp was the right alternative for him, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t nervous. She was worried. What if he was lonely, or allergic to nature, or something? Honestly, she was afraid he was going to be mad at her for leaving him. Cody says, no way. The way Dante talked about her, it was hard to believe she was a real person. He thought Dante was making stuff up, but now he can see he wasn’t. Dante says, she’s the real deal, and Olivia says she’ll see them at dinner. She leaves, and Cody says, Dante is a lucky guy. She didn’t miss a beat. She’s letting him stay; no questions asked. Dante says, he does have questions though. What else is Cody hiding?

Ned says, Brook’s still trying to turn the tables on Linc? and Leo says, quiet, dad, covering his ears. He says, sorry, and lowers his voice, asking Brook, why would Chase go along with this? She says, because he realizes they can accomplish two goals at once, and he says, or it could backfire spectacularly, and further anger Linc; thereby assuring she’ll never get her songs back. She says she’s having a tough enough time trying to convince Chase that he can do this, and he says, or maybe it’s because her other schemes with Chase didn’t exactly… She says, work out for the best? Can’t he just support her? He says, fine. What does she need him to do? She says she needs another pair of eyes, when Chase walks in, and asks, what’s going on? Wearing sunglasses, a hat, and a feather boa, Leo says, a fashion show, and Chase says, no, no, no. He’s not… Brook says, they’ve talked about this. He needs a new pop persona. He says he thought they were going to talk about strategy, not a fashion show, and she says, think of it as a fitting. They’re going to go through some looks, create a look book, and see what works. Olivia comes in, and says, what’s this? A fashion show? She’s in. Brook says, let’s do this, and Chase comes out in different outfits, the music matching his look. He dances around, while Brook takes Potoroids. The outfits all get a thumbs down from the group, and afterwards they look at the pictures. Chase says, that was a total disaster, and Brook says, well… He says, he’s hopeless, he told her that, but Ned says, maybe not.

Maxie says, so Dominique Baldwin is Cody’s mom, and Britt asks if Maxie knew her. Maxie says, Dominique was her mom’s friend. Dominique was with Mac before she and Scotty got together. Scotty was crazy in love with her. They wanted a child, but Dominique was diagnosed with cancer, so Lucy carried their embryo. That’s how Lucy became Serena’s mom. Does knowing who Cody’s real mom is change Britt’s view of him? Britt says she’s not really sure. Their first date went down in flames. Then agreeing to the second date was like negotiating a trade agreement. Then he goes and punches her mom’s boyfriend out of nowhere… Maxie says, it’s not like Scotty hasn’t been hit before; Luke Spencer used to do it all the time. Britt says, maybe Luke had good reason, and Maxie says, looks like Cody did too. Britt tells her, Cody said he didn’t come to Port Charles to find Scotty, but he’s also been known to play fast and loose when it comes to the truth. Then again, so does Scotty. They’ll figure it out or they won’t. She just doesn’t need the drama. Maxie says she thinks they both know dull men are not Britt’s type, and Britt says she tried the danger guy, and look where it got her; lesson learned. Maxie says, come on. Cody is hot, and he’s fun, and she knows Britt is into him. Britt says, all the more reason to bail out now. Scotty might have dropped his charges against Cody, but don’t expect her mother to drop her grudge. Maxie says, Britt’s lived with Liesl’s disappointment before, but Britt says, her mother has stood by her through some of the worst news of her life. She doesn’t dismiss her so easily anymore. Maxie says she’s sorry for sounding flippant when she mentioned Jason. She knows Britt still misses him, and Britt says, that’s fine. Maxie says, and when it comes down to it, Liesl just wants Britt to be happy. She’s going to go along with whoever makes Britt that way. Does she know about that stupid, adorable passport that Cody made for her? Britt says, of course (🍷) not, and laughs. Maxie asks if she’s talked to Cody since he was arrested, but Britt says she hasn’t had the chance, and Maxie asks if Britt thinks she could give Cody the opportunity to explain himself. He might appreciate that. Britt says, when Maxie’s not scheming at epic proportions, she gives pretty good advice. She thanks Maxie, and they hug. Britt says, one day, she’ll return the favor, and jets. Maxie says, one day soon, she might need it.

Valentin says, Anna hasn’t asked any questions about Victor and his dealings, and Victor says, she doesn’t have to. She has resources. She’s still interested in Valentin’s dealings by the way. Valentin says they’ve moved past that, and Victor says, as far as Valentin knows.

Anna asks, where is Martin? and Lucy says, he signed up to give exculpatory evidence for an extended period of time. Anna says, that’s very cute. Obviously Martin told her about the ex-wives club. Lucy says, they don’t hide anything from one another, unlike Anna and Valentin apparently. Is this espionage stuff a kind of seductive, fun flirtation deal? One day, Anna is extorting Valentin’s lawyer to get dirt on him, and the next day, she’s cozying up to Valentin and daddy dearest. This is really weird. They’re quite the pair. Anna says, she’s angry, and Lucy says, yes, she’s angry. Anna drove her man away, just when it was getting good. So you know what she’s going to do? She doesn’t think Valentin will be happy to hear what Anna’s up to, so she’s going to tell him right now. She starts to leave, but Anna grabs her arm, and holds her in place. She asks if Lucy really wants to do that, and Lucy says, let her go, and she’ll find out. Anna says, go. Go tell Valentin. She’s sure Valentin will find Martin’s absence completely understandable, and not like a betrayal, since Martin chose not to tell Valentin about her involvement. Lucy says she just wants Anna to back off Marty so he can come home. Anna says, he’ll come home when he chooses, but if Lucy goes around telling people about what they discussed, then he’ll have more than Valentin to worry about. The IRS will be here when he returns, along with his third wife; which, if Martin told Lucy anything about her, she doesn’t disappoint. Lucy asks if Anna realizes she’s threatening the mayor’s brother, but Anna says she’s not. She wants what Lucy wants. She wants Martin back in Port Charles. Lucy says, right, just to do Anna’s bidding, but Anna says, to pick up where he left off with Lucy of course (🍷). Lucy says she really doesn’t know where Martin is. She has the feeling they’re both in the dark when it comes to their gentleman friends.

Victor says, it’s of vital importance, now more than ever, that he and Valentin protect their interests. This family is under siege. Valentin says, we’re talking about Spencer’s imminent return to prison, are we? and  Victor says, that, among other things. Spencer’s dalliance was costly indeed. It’s vital that they all be more judicious in the company they keep. Valentin says he’s sure Victor isn’t comparing Anna to Esme, and Victor says, Anna is more polished, but never assume she’s any less devious or troublesome.

Cody says, Dante heard his mom; it’s all good. Dante says he doesn’t think so. Cody is here with Dante’s family. He’s working for Dante’s mother, and with his little brother. If there’s anything he should know, Cody needs to tell him right now. Cody says he won’t bring any danger to Dante’s family, and he’ll try not to put Dante in any compromising positions. Dante says he appreciates that. Cody went to bat for him back in the day. Cody says, they don’t have to do this, but Dante says, they do. He’s never thanked Cody for what he did. Britt stands in the doorway, and asks, what exactly did Cody do for Dante?

Brook asks why there’s a mad scientist look in Ned’s eye, and Ned says, because he’s a genius. Olivia says, a fashion genius? and she and Brook laugh. He says, doubt him at their peril, and asks if Chase is a 33. Chase says, 30… 31. He had a pizza last night. Ned says, those were the days.

Gregory spins Violet on a floatie, and tells Finn, she’ll be diving by Labor Day. Time sure flies. A few more weeks, and school will be starting, for both of them. Finn asks how Gregory is going to spend his last days of summer; pestering Alexis about The Invader? Gregory asks if Alexis told him that, and Finn says, she mentioned it. Gregory says he doesn’t pester, and Finn laughs. Gregory suggests they try to squeeze in another camping trip before school starts. He found a new campsite. They could bring the kids again, and maybe invite Elizabeth. Does Finn think she’d be up for that? Finn says, it might be too soon, and Gregory says, problems? Finn says he’s still trying to figure out where he stands; where Elizabeth’s head is at. Gregory says he doesn’t suppose Finn asked her, and Finn says he did, but she was even less forthcoming after she left treatment. She insists she’s worked through her issues, and wants him to leave it at that. Gregory says, but Finn doesn’t believe her, and Finn says, he wants to, but she keeps giving him reasons to doubt it.

Elizabeth says, Scotty is going to be fine. Stop walking into so many fists. He says, that Cody character can thank his lucky stars Dominique was his mother, or they’d be going to court. And he doesn’t want to go to court, especially if Cody’s actual father was that slimy Leopold Taub. Elizabeth says, people can’t help who their parents are, and he says he doesn’t think they’re talking about Cody anymore. She says, his nose looks good. Next time don’t wait a day before coming in. He says, are Jeff and Carolyn… and she snaps that she doesn’t want to talk about it, but he says, he’s just here to support her. How is she feeling? She says, like she needs people to stay out of her business, including him.

Chase says he wants to help Brook get her songs back, but he doesn’t think he can sell himself as a performer. She says, it’s not just about her songs. They want to get him paid while he fights to get his badge back, because he’s one of the good guys. She knows he has jitters; all artists do, and that’s what he is, an artist. He has to share his gift with the world. He asks if she really believes in him, and she says, with all her heart. Ned comes back with a garment bag, and says, this is the ticket. He tells Chase, come with him.

Anna says, she and Lucy go back a long way. They’ve helped each other out on more than one occasion. They’ve been through some difficult  times together. Lucy says, yes. They’ve helped each other, and they’ve known each other a long time, and they’ve been through some difficult times together. Anna says, at this moment, she doesn’t give a damn about that, because she has her reasons for approaching Martin, and Lucy better not stand in her way. Lucy says, or what? and Anna asks if she honestly wants to know. Her man has hightailed out of town and left her in his mess. Lucy says, okay. She swears on the stars she doesn’t know anything about Valentin’s secret plans. Anna says, what? and Lucy says, she doesn’t know why she said that; she just made it up. She doesn’t know what’s going on. She and Valentin work at Deception and ELQ together; that’s the extent of their relationship. And Martin can’t help. He just does all that legal mumbo-jumbo legalese stuff for Valentin. He really keeps Valentin at arm’s length. What she really thinks is maybe Anna should be looking at Victor, because Victor and Valentin have been thick as thieves these days. Anna says, so they agree on one point. In Martin’s absence, Lucy is her proxy. Lucy says, no, no, no, no (WOTD), but Anna says, she’d better not run, because she’ll hunt Lucy down like a hound on a hare.

Gregory tells Finn, he imagines coming out of a treatment program could make Elizabeth introspective and raw. It’s best not to push it. Finn says, she walked in on him talking to Terry, the Co-Chief of Staff, who also happens to be Elizabeth’s best friend. Gregory asks if they were talking about Elizabeth, and Finn says, they’re both worried about her, but Elizabeth didn’t see it that way, and she wasn’t happy. Gregory says, when she settles down, she’ll understand they were talking about how best to support her moving forward… unless it was more than that. Finn says, by the end of the conversation, he thinks they were considering something Gregory already warned him about. Gregory says, contacting her family? and Finn nods. Gregory says, Finn’s instincts are what makes him such an extraordinary doctor, but not everyone is his patient. Finn says, he couldn’t save Reiko when she got sick. He tried, but it wasn’t enough. Now he’s watching Elizabeth struggle in a different way. So is the solution to watch Elizabeth fall apart?

Elizabeth says she’s sorry. She shouldn’t have snapped at Scotty like that. She’s just kind of sensitive right now. She walked in on Terry and Finn talking about her behind her back. He says, they all love her, and just want to make sure she’s okay, and she says, she is. He says, she has the right to her feelings about her folks. Don’t talk to your mother; stay away from your father. Just don’t write the rest of them off. He asks if he said something wrong, and she says, no. He’s given her plenty of food for thought. He thanks her for looking at his nose, tells her, chin up, and leaves.  

Cody tells Britt, Dante can’t repay him for everything he’s done for him. For one thing, he snuck Dante into the girls camp when he was 16. Dante says, and that’s all they’re going to tell her, because they’re a couple of gentlemen. Cody says, they wouldn’t want to divulge, and Britt says, fascinating stuff. She’ll let them keep their secrets. Dante wanders off, and Britt tells Cody that she doesn’t know what she’s doing here. Scotty is her mother’s boyfriend, so there’s already a major complication, and even if she partially understands why he did what he did, she still doesn’t like it. He says, so what is she doing here? Did she come to tell him that she’s blowing off their second date, or that he’s worth a second chance?

Ned says, ladies and Leo, have a seat, and ready your thumbs. Whether you’re new school or old school, keep your eyes on this one. He gives them Chase. Chase comes out in black boots, pants, and a very much opened shirt. Brook walks up to him, and says, turn. He does, and she nods. Olivia says, those pants, and Ned says, original Eddie Maine’s. Chase says, what do they think? Brook and Olivia whisper for a moment, and Brook says, perfection. Olivia gives a thumbs up, and says, now lose the shirt. Everyone laughs.

Anna comes back to the table, and says, it was her granddaughter Emma. She just finished her freshman year at university, and Anna promised her a car. They were just going over finances. Valentin says, it’s a bit early for Emma, isn’t it? but Anna says, or late. She’s a night owl; she’s excited. Victor says, it’s so hard to believe Anna has a granddaughter in college. What’s her secret? Anna says, honest living, good face cream, and Victor says, let him guess – Deception. Valentin’s just been explaining to him the rewards and challenges of working with Lucy Coe. Anna’s known her a long time. Tell him. What’s her story? Valentin says, aside from dating his attorney Martin, and Victor says, his MIA attorney. It’s foolish of him leaving such a lovely spitfire’s bed so cold. Anna says, and Lucy is one who can’t stand being alone for long. Victor watches as Lucy walks to the elevator. She literally runs into Scotty, who’s coming out, and he says, lady, watch it… He realizes it’s Lucy, and says, she saved him a phone call. She pulls his sunglasses off, and asks if someone punched him, and he says, a little blast from the past, that’s all. He says, that’s why he wants to talk to her about Britt’s new boyfriend, but she says she doesn’t care about his girlfriend’s daughter’s suitor. Why would she? Yuk. He says he’ll tell her why. His name is Cody Bell. She asks if he said Bell, and he tells her that he did.

Britt says, the purpose of a date is to get to know one another, and Cody says, that’s what he’s hoping for. She says she knows he smiles one minute, and throws sucker punches the next, and he says he explained the extenuating circumstances. She says she’s going to need him to explain more if they’re going to add another stamp to the passport he made her. So get comfortable, Cody Bell. Start talking.

Dante comes into the nook, where Olivia is repacking the box, and tells her, Leo said he missed a fashion show. Olivia says, Chase is on his way to the big time, and he asks if that means she’s in favor of Brook’s whacked out plan. She says he could eat those words, and he says, maybe, but in the meantime, he wants to find out what she’s really up to. Olivia asks, what’s that supposed to mean? and he says, it’s Brook; she always has another angle. She asks when he became a cynic, and he says, sorry, handing her the figuring. Peace offering. She says, that’s so sweet he picked up where he left off with Cody, but he says, just because you knew someone doesn’t mean you still know them. She asks, what’s with the insinuations; first Brook, now Cody. He says he can’t help it. His antenna is up. She suggests he put it back down, and turn his cop brain off for a second. Sometimes what you see is actually what you get. He says, yeah, sometimes.

Violet asks if she can have a lemonade, and Finn says she can have whatever she wants. Why doesn’t she order three lemonades; one for her, one for him, and one for grandpa. She goes to get the drinks, and Gregory says he’s sure it was gut-wrenching, watching Reiko die, and that’s the underlying reason he wants to intervene with Elizabeth. But he must know his desire to help Elizabeth could cost him the relationship. He says he knows it would hurt like hell, but it’s not about him. It’s about Elizabeth. He could stand losing her if he knew she was going to be okay in the end.

Elizabeth cleans up the exam room, and remembers Scotty’s words: don’t talk to your mother; stay away from your father. She picks up a glass tube, and hears, stay away from your father. She sees herself as a young girl, standing at the top of a stairwell. Another girl grabs her arm, and says, Elizabeth, what are you doing? Stay away from my father. She opens her hand, and it’s covered in blood, the tube crushed.

Tomorrow, Elizabeth says, someone deserves to know the truth; Alexis asks Josslyn if no news is good news; Maxie asks if Spinelli has been holding out on her; and Dante thinks he messed up with Sam.

Southern Charm

I’m pretty sure anything after the dog wedding will be a let-down, but moving on.

Shep points out that Little Craig is still wearing his tuxedo, and says, that’s the mark of a good night. Kathryn and Chleb bicker. Paige tries to close her suitcase, and Craig says he’ll send her a video of their weekend trip. They’re going to a farm that belongs to Whitney’s friend. Paige asks if Naomie will be there, but he says, it doesn’t affect him. Paige says she trusts him, but not Naomie. Pulling him aside for a one-on-one is inappropriate. She thinks what Naomie did at the dog wedding was a calculating move. To pull him aside even though Paige was at the event took nerve. She wouldn’t have the balls. It’s crazy to her. She says, Craig loves girls who linger, but if they broke up, he’d never see her again. I’m with Paige. I’ve said it before, the only ex I’m still in contact with is my high school boyfriend. Naomie is sleeping, when the doorbell rings. She’s like, ugh, and says, come in, but the bell continues to ring. She groans, gets up, and opens the door. It’s Leva, and Naomie says she has the worst hangover. Leva says she doesn’t know why she’s not hurting, and Naomie says she looks how she feels. Leva wonders why everyone got so drunk at a dog wedding, and we see clips of everyone tossing them back. Austen calls Leva, and she tells him that he’s on speaker. He asks if they ever wake up, and start thinking about things that happened the night before. He hung out with Ciara. Naomie asks if they had a rendezvous, and he says, wouldn’t she like to know? She says, now she knows all she needs to know. In Austen’s interview, he says, he and Ciara met in Vermont (Winter House). They spent time together during the summer, and one thing led to another. Leva asks if he’d have hung out with Ciara if Olivia hadn’t brought a date, and he says, no. Naomie says she doesn’t think all is lost with Olivia, but Austen needs to tell her. In Leva’s interview, she asks why Austen does this to himself. Some people like getting kicked. Naomie says, after the wedding, she kissed Whitney, and Austen says, this is juicy; he loves this. In her interview, Leva says, was Naomie always attracted to Whitney? Did it just happen? Were they drunk? In Austen’s interview, he says, why, why, why? How? It’s Whitney. Naomie says he spent the night at her place, and Leva says, Naomie was spooning Whitney? Why didn’t she say something immediately? In his interview, Austen says he’s sure Whitney doesn’t take his socks off, and Naomie says, Whitney told her, they need to breed. Leva says, Patricia would die, and Naomie says, her mom would love it. Leva says she won’t tell, but it’s going to show on her face. She just got excited about the group trip.

Everyone packs for the trip. Shep calls Whitney, who tells him, it’s totally casual, but the nights can be cold, so pack a cardigan. He’s going early to check in with the staff, and make sure everything is up to snuff. It’s out of this world, and they’re going to love it. They’re going to have fun. A party bus has been chartered, and Austen can barely look at Olivia. In Olivia’s interview, she says, at this point, it’s already awkward, and they haven’t even left the parking lot. Craig comes on the bus, and says, the party’s here. I tell Craig, Jersey Shore in 2009 called. They want their phrase back. In Craig’s interview, he says, it’s weird to hang out with your ex-girlfriend. Naomie has seven other people to talk to; don’t talk to him. In Naomie’s interview, she says, the boundaries are clear. They both mind their own business, and be nice. Shep tells them that they’re going to a Frank Lloyd Wright house that Whitney’s friend bought in the 80s, and restored. They wonder if Kathryn and Chleb are coming.

At Kathryn and Chleb’s house, they’re still packing. Kathryn says, it’s weird going on a group trip. It feels like their relationship took a turn really fast, and they didn’t realize. Chleb agrees they’re in a weird place, and Kathryn says, outside drama created tension. We flash back to several downhill moments, and Kathryn telling Chleb that he should be shutting people down who are talking about her, and not listening because he’s a good guy. Kathryn tells him that she thinks they should take a break, and he suggests they just be friends. In Kathryn’s interview, she says she regretted getting back together with Chleb. It was a weak move. Better to be alone than with someone she can’t trust. He says he’s just going to leave, and goes. On the bus, Olivia wonders if something happened, since she’d just talked to Kathryn, and they were coming. Shep gets a text from Kathryn, saying, she and Chleb aren’t in a good place. It’s not a good idea for them to come. Venita says, they’ve got to get this bus moving. Driver Mr. Paul heads out, and Olivia asks how Little Craig is enjoying married life. Shep says, they’re spending time apart like Kathryn and Chleb. Leva asks how Olivia’s date was, and Olivia says she enjoyed it. She asks if Austen is jealous, and he says, a little. He also admits to having more fun when Madison isn’t around. Craig tells him, Madison doesn’t thinks she did anything wrong.

Whitney meets them at Auldbrass, which is an amazing spread. Whitney tells them that it was built in 1941, and the design is called organic architecture. In Leva’s interview, she says she’s still shocked about Whitney and Naomie. It’s like finding out your cousins are hooking up. Whitney says, a friend of his saved the house, and restored it to its original splendor. In Austen’s interview, he says, it’s Whitney’s esthetic, a 70s porn house. There are little cabins where the guest rooms are that are just gorgeous, and Craig wonders if they’re getting punked. Whitney gives Naomie preferential room treatment, and in his interview, Austen says, he’s trying not to look at Leva. A secret like this usually has a 24 hour grace period, but he already told Shep and Taylor. Whitney says, they have ATVs lined up, and horseback riding. They’ll meet for lunch in 30 minutes. Olivia finds a lizard in the cabin she’s sharing with Shep and Taylor, and in her interview, she says, she likes the wilderness, but doesn’t want the wilderness on her. Shep orders Taylor to put the lizard in a cup, like you do with an insect, and Taylor and I are both surprised when it fits, and she deposits it back in the wild. I would have put a ribbon on it, and given it a name. Everyone gets gift bags with a coffee table book on Auldbrass. Taylor tells Olivia about Whitney and Naomie, and Olivia asks if they really hooked up. Shep says, that’s the word on the street. Patricia’s Mr. Randy has prepared lunch, and I have no words. Olivia tells Craig that Austen jumped to conclusions about her and Zach (I think that was his name). She says, Madison is a different kind of ex, and Craig says, it’s f***ing crazy. Olivia says, she’s not sticking around, trying to figure out the weirdness. It’s weird.

Venita, Leva, Shep, Whitney, and Austen do the ATVs, while ranch hands Rick and Tammy take Naomie, Olivia, and Taylor horseback riding. In Olivia’s interview, she says, the last horse she rode, she put a quarter in to make it move. The ATVs go around a lake, and the horses go through the woods. Olivia can’t get hers to stop going in circles, and in Naomie’s interview, she says, watching Olivia ride a horse is like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. Olivia gets smacked by some tree branches, and Rick says, they call it a hair brush. The ATVs go through the woods, and in Venita’s interview, she says, don’t let the outfit fool you. She can get down and dirty. Rick suggests the horses take a breather. Taylor asks if Naomie has any new love interests, and Naomie laughs. Olivia says, Naomie told her dating in Charleston is horrible, and Taylor says, Austen asked who the guy was, and she told him, Olivia’s date. Naomie says, Ciara was in town, and Austen called her. He said they hung out, but she doesn’t know if he was retaliating. Olivia wonders how Austen has feelings about a date she has zero history with; then hangs out with someone he does have a history with. Naomie says he still has feelings for Olivia, but Olivia says, retaliation is not okay. Naomie says, when Austen was with Madison, it was tit for tat, and Olivia says she wants Austen to be able to trust again; with Madison, it wasn’t normal. In Olivia’s interview, she says, a lot of people told her that Madison has something over Austen, but to see it was baffling. She might need two therapists after this.

Whitney tells everyone that dinner is in an hour and a half, and suggests they decompose [sic]. Shep thinks he means decompress, and tells Taylor, they’re so country, they don’t even know they’re country. As they get ready for dinner, Naomie says, Frank Lloyd didn’t think about a makeup station. Craig asks Austen about Ciara, and Austen says he’s glad it happened, but it stemmed from Olivia bringing a date to the dog wedding. It bugged him, even though he tried to act like it didn’t. Taylor tells Olivia that she’s not sure if Austen and Ciara hooked up; she’d just assumed. Olivia says she’ll have a conversation with Austen about it. Craig tells Austen that Madison talking to him is takin up time he could be spending with someone who actually cares. To thank Craig for this nugget of wisdom, Austen tells him about Naomie and Whitney. Leva asks Naomie if Craig knows what’s going on, and Naomie says she hopes not. In Venita’s interview, she says, Naomie is the crème de la crème. Why is she hooking up with Whitney? Naomie says, it’s kind of weird, but it happened, and she’s not trying to hide it, Leva says, Craig has big feelings like a baby, and gets mean. Austen asks if Craig cares about Naomie and Whitney, and Craig says, no, but asks if they made out. Austen says he didn’t get the details, but he heard it straight from the horse’s mouth, not Whitney’s. Whitney walks in, and says he could hear his name, and he was listening to them. They’re f***ing idiots. Craig says, the story is, Whitney and Naomie hooked up, and Whitney says he’s not going to lie. But it wasn’t a random hook up, and it’s none of their business. He doesn’t need to explain himself. Craig says, whatever, which is often his answer to everything.

Whitney tells Shep that he overheard Craig interrogating Austen about him, and Craig got super agro. (Is that a thing?) The table is set under Spanish moss, and I long to be there. Just not with these people. Whitney tells Craig and Austen that he’s sorry. He didn’t intend to burst in on an intimate moment. Craig says, Whitney doesn’t understand, but it’s his life. In Craig’s interview, he says he thinks it’s shady of Whitney. The bro code can be complicated, but she’s still his ex. What the f***? Shep tells Craig, it’s not personal, but Craig says he was disappointed.

In his interview, Craig says, if you’d told anyone a year ago about Naomie and Whitney, no one would have believed it. Craig asks, where’s their host and his new girlfriend? and Shep says, sometimes attraction is irrational. Truth! Taylor asks how Austen is feeling about Olivia, and I swear I hear the clock ticking as he ponders his answer. Shep asks if Craig is happy, and Craig says, he’s in a happy place now, but he needed to find another path. Shep asks if he can present a theory, and says he thinks part of Craig likes being around people he doesn’t know; who didn’t know the Craig from eight years ago. They’ve known him at his lowest. Whitney saunters over, and says, Craig has become an a-hole. Shep says, the people who knew Craig… and Craig says, were not the best for him. Shep was terrible, and Craig progressed in moving away. In Shep’s interview, he says, it’s not about him and Craig. Craig’s anger is with Naomie and Whitney, and he’s lashing out. Craig isn’t wrong though – Shep was terrible to him. Craig says he removed himself from the negativity, and Shep was part of that negativity. Leva says she doesn’t think Shep meant to be negative, and Shep says, it was like little bro stuff. Craig needed acceptance from him, and had a chip on his shoulder about Charleston and status. Leva says, Shep does like to poke people, and Shep says, it’s not a kumbaya, getting agitated. Naomie wonders if that isn’t better than what Shep’s doing now, and Leva tells Shep to relax. Craig gets up, and says, it’s not going to change. Shep says, they didn’t realize how sensitive Craig was, and Whitney says, they just couldn’t help it. Leva asks if Craig heard what Shep said, but Craig says, that’s just putting it on him. Whitney says, Craig can’t play the victim, and Craig says, they’re doing anything to justify their behavior. It sounds like they’re jealous and deflecting. Shep starts to pontificate, and falls backward in his chair.

Next time, Austen says, Craig is a crazy person; Craig says, he and Austen are no longer friends; an egg toss; Shep calls Taylor, a f***ing idiot during the egg toss; and Olivia asks if Austen hooked up with Ciara.

🏰 No Make Up Station, But…

You can even visit Auldbrass yourself.


⚾️ Sliding Into Home…

Join me tomorrow, my favorite day of the week, for soap, a sip of tea, a few words on Tales of the Walking Dead, some words from the famous and the infamous, and music to your ears. Until then, stay safe, stay striving for excellence in all things, and stay remembering, just because you knew someone doesn’t mean you still know them. However, sometimes what you see is actually what you get. Sometimes.