Tag Archives: National Puppy Day

March 23, 2020 – Sonny Figures It Out, GH Update, Guests Who Just Smell Food, a List, Puppy Day & Simon’s Advice


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Franco does some sketching at Kelly’s, and Britt approaches his table, saying she guesses she owes him an apology. He asks if she did something he doesn’t know about. She says, no, but her mother tried to kill him, and he’s her only friend, so… He says Obrecht told him that she didn’t do it, and Britt says no wonder Obrecht likes him. After all the evidence the WSB has, he still believes her? He tells her, he didn’t say that, but since he is her only friend, shouldn’t he entertain the possibility that she’s telling the truth?

Finn brings Violet downstairs, as they discuss birthday party decorations. Peter is there, and Anna says he surprised them with breakfast. Violet asks if she can have a pastry, and Peter tells her that’s a question for her dad. Finn says, just one, and Violet tells Peter that she’s having a birthday party with purple balloons. Can he come?

At the MetroCourt, Ava tells the waitress, her husband will have his usual; scrambled eggs with slices of tomato. No toast; he’s not a fan of carbs. He says she knows him so well. His wife will have a bloody Mary, heavy on the vodka, but Ava thinks she’ll just have coffee. Black. He says, drying out?

On the phone, Jason says he’ll be at the Quartermaines’ at three with Danny. He loves Sam too. Sonny comes in, talking on his cell, saying he just wants answers. When they get them, call him back. He tells Jason, the waterfront is under control, right? and Jason says their guys have it on lockdown. Sonny says, Tony just called, and said Cyrus got a shipment through last night. How the hell did he get his drugs through Sonny’s territory?

Jordan paces. Her phone dings. She looks at it, and says, oh my God; TJ. This was taken today. She leaves a message for Harmony, asking where the hell is her son? Curtis comes out, and asks if she wants to join him for breakfast. She says he’s sweet, but he knows how it is when a case takes over her mind. He says starving herself isn’t going to stop Cyrus; the man preys on weakness. She says he’s right. It’s going to take everything she’s got to shut him down permanently. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Sam, who asks if it’s a bad time. Jordan says, no, but she thought Sam was someone else. Curtis asks who she was expecting.

Peter tells Violet, that’s an invitation she has to discuss with her father first. She asks Finn if it’s okay, and he says she can invite whoever she wants to, but he thinks Peter is already on the list. Anna says, Maxie, James, and Georgie will be coming. They’ll be sending out official invitations. Peter is sure they’re just as excited as he is. Violet asks if he can stay for her tea party, and he says he has an appointment, but another time? Finn thanks him for the pastries, and Violet says next time he’ll have to stay. He promises, and Anna walks him to the door. She thanks him for coming by, and Anan says, the pastries were a big hit. He guesses that seals the deal, and leaves. Anna suggests they plan more birthday things while Violet is having her tea party.

Franco asks Britt why she’s so sure Obrecht is guilty, and she says she has her own reasons. She wonders why Franco is cutting Obrecht so much slack. She’s capable of everything they’re saying she did. Franco agrees Obrecht’s moral compass goes from dicey to non-existent, but aside from a bump on the head at the pier, she’s been a loyal friend. Britt asks if that makes what she’s done okay, and he says he’s not convinced. What he’s been wrestling with is, who’s the single most important person in Obrecht’s life? Britt says, aside from herself? He laughs, and says, yes. She says James, but everyone else doesn’t see the jeopardy she’s placed in that little boy’s life.

Nikolas says, it’s not too late for Ava to change her mind about a bloody Mary. He knows she likes a long, tall glass of vodka to wake up in the morning. She says she’s going to be sitting for Franco, and oddly enough, she’d like to be sober. Nikolas should come with her. Maybe Elizabeth is working, and  they can visit. He says, based on their last conversation, he doubts Elizabeth wants to see him. She asks what he said to Elizabeth, and he tells her, the truth. He can’t find Hayden, and she might not come back.

Jordan tells Sam that she’s expecting files from the office. She’s going to work from home today. Sam asks if she’s heard from TJ, saying she’s only asking because Molly is so worried. Jordan says, nothing yet. It would have been simpler if Sam had called. Tell Molly she’ll let her know if she hears. Sam says she came by to see Curtis as well. Is there any chance he’s available for breakfast? She wants to pick his brain. Jordan says her timing couldn’t be better; she just had to turn down Curtis’s invite for breakfast. Curtis goes to get his jacket, and Sam asks what happened with the location she gave Jordan from TJ’s phone?

Finn comes downstairs, and tells Anna, Violet is discussing her birthday décor with Roxie, Bella, and Otto. Roxie is pushing for green, and might win. He’s glad Violet is excited about her birthday, and Anna says she is too. Which leads her to… Finn says, where? and she asks if he thinks he wants to set a date for the wedding. He says, name it; he’ll be there. She says, that’s reassuring. Her children are grown adults, but Violet is still young, and the marriage is going to affect her most. She wants Violet to know that in marrying Finn, she’s committing herself to Violet as well. He likes that like idea, and she wonders if they should ask Violet if she wants to be part of the ceremony. She can be up there with them at the altar, and they can make a promise together as a family. Finn takes her hand, and says, it sounds perfect.

As Britt devours his food, Franco says, good thing he’s not hungry. She says when Obrecht claimed Nathan as her son, she definitely softened. She might even dare to says Obrecht loved him. Franco says, if Nathan was a turning point in Obrecht’s life, why couldn’t James be a whole new start? He doesn’t see her destroying her chance at being a doting grandmother. Britt says, if Obrecht was in on  the original memory transfer, she could get prosecuted. Since her father and Helena are dead, Obrecht is the only one left to take the fall. Franco asks if she thinks Obrecht was fearful that he’d remember and implicate her. She says she understands there was a strong possibility, if Franco didn’t resurface, that Drew’s memories would be more intense. He doesn’t see the motive, and she says, the simplest solution is always true, and Obrecht has the strongest motive. Peter comes in, and says he hopes he’s not late. Franco tells him, pull up a chair. They were just discussing murder.

Elizabeth sees Lucas, and asks is he wasn’t working the night shift. Lucas says there was an emergency, and Elizabeth suggests he go home to rest. Felix thinks he’s been working for a week straight, and Elizabeth asks if he doesn’t think he should take a break. Lucas says he has patients to treat, and walks off. Felix tells Elizabeth, he hopes Lucas is nicer to his patients than he was to them. Elizabeth says Epiphany is worried too, and Felix says Lucas just performed two 24-hour shifts: he’s living there. Elizabeth wonders if Lucas is headed for a complete breakdown.

Ava says she told Nikolas to keep his guilt to himself. What the hell was he thinking? He says he was thinking she gave him her opinion, and he chose to ignore it. She says, sorry for caring about how Violet feels. Should she be told her mommy is never coming back? How can he deprive Elizabeth of hope? He says, Elizabeth deserves his honesty, and she says, even if Elizabeth hates him for the rest of her life?

Jason tells Sonny, if Cyrus got a shipment through, he knows better than to use their waterfront. He didn’t use any of their routes; their guys have been watching. But the PCPD was doing surveillance on the main arteries. Sonny says, unless they got diverted. Jason asks if he’s saying someone inside the PCPD pulled surveillance from the main roads, and Sonny says, make some calls. They need to find out which cop is most likely to be in Cyrus’s pocket.

Sam asks Jordan if there’s any information she can give Molly; she’s worried sick. Jordan gets a text from Harmony – I’ll come when they’re gone. Jordan tells Sam, she went to the location Sam gave her, but TJ was no longer there. Sam asks if she talked to him, but Jordan says she already said she didn’t. Sam says, it seems inconsiderate of him to act like that, and Jordan says, he and Molly have never had an argument like that before. Molly is right that he’s overreacting, but there’s nothing they can do until he comes home. Sam asks if Jordan will let her know if they talk, and Jordan says, of course (🍷). Curtis tells Sam that he’s all set, and says he’ll check in with Jordan later. They leave, and Jordan texts – I’M ALONE. BRING MY SON NOW!

Violet wants to show Finn what Bella and Otto are wearing to her birthday party. Finn says he wants to see that. He’s seen Otto’s wardrobe, and he’s a little afraid. He asks if they can ask Violet something first, and Anna says she thinks Violet will like it. It’s kind of a question, but more of a surprise, and Violet says she loves surprises. She sits, and Finn says he hopes she knows how much he loves her. She’s the best thing that’s happened to him. He loves Anna too, and last year, he asked her to marry him. Anna tells Violet, she said yes. She loves Violet’s daddy, and promises to spend the rest of her life, not only making that promise to Violet’s dad, but to Violet as well. Finn says he was thinking, if Violet would like to, they could all be in the wedding ceremony together, and promise to look out for each other, and be a family. Anna asks what Violet thinks, and Violet says, no thank you. Finn asks if she can explain what she means, and Violet says she doesn’t want all of them to get married. She doesn’t want another mommy.

Ava tells Nikolas not to do this to himself. Don’t sacrifice his friendship with Elizabeth. He asks why she cares, and she says Elizabeth is his oldest friend. Think of their history. He says, that’s why he had to tell Elizabeth the truth; because of their history, and everything they’ve been through since they were teenagers. She says that’s why he can’t just let this thing end. He wonders what he has to do, and she says, kiss and make up; figuratively. He asks why it matters, and she says, Franco is her friend. She hates to see his wife unhappy. Nikolas says she and Franco have a special bond, and she says, they’ve both made their fair share of mistakes. They’ve hurt each other at different times and in different ways, and don’t judge each other. It’s nice sometimes to be yourself; no censuring. Franco is a brilliant artist. He’s lost some confidence, but she knows he’s still capable of significant work. If her portrait turns out well, she’ll not only be giving him a commission, but giving him back to the art world. Nikolas says they can both count the number of friends they have on one hand. If posing for Franco makes her happy, he’d never tell her to stop seeing him. Ava says that’s why she’s pushing him to make amends with Elizabeth. She thinks they’ll make each other less miserable if they each have their friend. He says he couldn’t agree more.

Britt says, in case no one told Peter, her mother still insists she’s innocent, and Peter framed her for his own crimes, and deserves to be behind bars. He says he thought it would be a happy reunion with his newly discovered sister. Was there anything in their correspondence that led her to believe he’s a crazed killer? She says, of course (🍷) not, but a crazed killer didn’t hire a hitman and down an airplane. It’s the act of someone calculating and cold-blooded. Franco says, or maybe he hired someone to kill him and Andre in the OR, and had a change of heart, killing the gunman instead. Peter asks, if he were diabolical, why would he have backed out? Franco says he’ll have to give that some thought. Peter says, think away, but sorry to disappoint him. He has zero interest in following in his father’s unique footsteps. Britt says their father made an art of being devoted to self above all other, and Peter says, he was a wizard at dehumanization. She says, he was a genius at making you feel worthless and unlovable. Peter adds, and when he was done, you’d do anything to get back in his good graces. Britt says, his approval was her mother’s obsession. She would have sacrificed anything and anyone – including her – to get his attention and prove her loyalty. Britt is sure Obrecht is up to her neck in the memory transfer. She was desperate to cover her tracks. Franco says, desperate enough to kill him? and Britt says, sorry. When it came down to it, Obrecht’s survival was more important than his.

Curtis asks Sam what the case is, and she says she might have brought him there under false pretenses. He asks, what’s going on? and she asks if it’s her or is Jordan stressed out? Curtis says, Jordan is dealing with an important investigation. Don’t tell him that she invited him there to talk about his wife. She says she’s sorry to put him on the spot, but Jordan seems stressed about TJ. He says she’s not happy TJ took off, but she has a lot going on. He knows Molly turned down TJ’s proposal, but he knows TJ’s been texting with Jordan. Sam asks why TJ can’t text Molly. Nothing big; just say he’s okay. She should have gone after TJ herself. He asks if Sam is looking for TJ, and she says she promised Molly that she’d bring him back. Didn’t Jordan tell him?

There’s a knock at Jordan’s door, and she drags Harmony inside. She asks where the hell her son is. Harmony says Cyrus wants her to tell Jordan that he’s pleased, but it doesn’t end just because Jordan has met his first demand. She allowed his shipment of drugs to come through. She’s a dirty cop now, and Cyrus has her right where he wants her. Jordan says, this is never going to be over.

Jason tells Sonny, their guy at the PCPD is checking to see what cop might be on Cyrus’s payroll. Sonny says, there are two ways to convince someone to do what you want. Reward them for their trouble, or persuade them a different way. Jason asks if he thinks Cyrus is threatening someone inside the PCPD, and Sonny says they just have to figure out who.

Harmony tells Jordan, don’t be too hard herself. Of course (🍷) she thought she’d get TJ back; hope is what keeps them going. Jordan says she was an idiot, and so was Harmony. Does she think just because they do what Cyrus says, he won’t hurt Willow or her son? Harmony says, he promised, and Jordan says, his promises count for nothing. She’s seen more of what that man is capable of than Harmony can imagine. They’re all disposable, and Harmony will hit her expiration date soon enough. Harmony says, and her? Jordan says there are good cops at the PCPD who know her. How long before they figure out that she’s not making the right calls, and not doing her job the way it needs to be done? Harmony says, that’s on her. Just follow Cyrus’s instructions. Jordan says, which are? and Harmony says, get Cyrus out of prison, and do it quickly. TJ won’t be free until he is.

Curtis tells Sam, Jordan has a lot going on in her head. He’s sure she thought she told him Sam was looking into it, but she didn’t. He asks if there’s any news, and Sam says she didn’t see TJ. Jordan said she wanted to be the one to talk to him. He says, did she? but Sam says Jordan told her that she didn’t catch up with him. Curtis says he knows TJ is crazy about Molly. The kind of crazy that lasts forever. Once he gets his head on straight, they’ll work out their marriage issue. Sam says, if Curtis says so. He says he needs her to do him a favor. Everything Jordan is doing, is at TJ’s wish. He needs her to ask Molly to back off. He tells her, as soon as Jordan hears about TJ, she’ll let Sam know, and leaves.

Sonny tells Jason, Cyrus came, big and loud, straight for his family. Jason says, then he used Taggert’s daughter to send him into a trap. If Cyrus is going to use family, who else could he use to get the drugs through? Sonny wonders if there’s anyone else he could threaten, and Jason says, for what it’s worth, Sam said TJ Ashford is off the grid. She told him, Molly said he disappeared after she rejected his marriage proposal. According to Sam, Jordan is the only one who’s heard from him. Jason’s phone rings, and he asks if they have any information on how the shipment got through. He thanks them, and Sonny asks, what’s wrong? Jason says, the cops were moved last night. They were taken off the key route. Jordan gave the gave the order. Sonny says, at the same time her kid went missing? That’s not a coincidence.

Lucas asks Felix for an update on a patient’s temperature. Felix says he did Lucas a disservice. Because of his friendship with Brad, he was worried about intruding on Lucas’s pain. Lucas says, so? and Felix says he should have intruded, and been there for Lucas. Lucas asks if they’re using that old cliché now? Felix says Lucas can be nasty, but he’s not going anywhere. Elizabeth says, neither is she, and Lucas tells them that he didn’t realize they were having a touchy feely session scheduled for today. He has patients to treat. He leaves, and Felix says he’s calling the cavalry, and sends a text. Britt walks in, and says, it’s like old times. Felix says, the Britch is back, and Britt says, no hello or how wonderful it is to see her? Elizabeth says, the last time she checked, kidnapping was still an obstruction of justice, and Felix adds, stealing embryos is still illegal. She tells them, check with Monica. Her license was restored months ago. Elizabeth says, don’t tell her that Britt is working there. Britt says, temporarily. She’s been hired to replace Dr. Nero. Felix wonders if Monica has fallen off the wagon, and Britt says, it’s on a provisional basis, but she has excellent references, and they’ve been checked. She doesn’t need their approval. Elizabeth asks how much she paid them, and Felix tells her, let it go. Britt will be back to her old tricks, stealing embryos and seducing interns in closets. He gives it two weeks tops. Elizabeth says, ditto.

Ava and Nikolas come into the hospital. Britt sees Nikolas, and stands in front of him, smiling. She cracks him across the face, and says, that’s for Spencer. I laugh, since this makes how many now?

Elizabeth suggests Britt keep her hands to herself, and tells Felix to call security. Britt is sure Prince Nikolas is fine, and he says, she’s clearly not. She says she spoke to Spencer on the phone. He’s hurt and angry, and why wouldn’t he be? Nikolas let Spencer believe he’s been dead for three years, to get revenge on Valentin Cassadine? Nikolas says, Valentin isn’t a Cassadine. He’s Helena’s bastard son. She asks what that matters. All she did was keep quiet while Spencer hid out in a luxury hotel room, and Nikolas pressed charges, making her a felon and a fugitive. Meanwhile, he broke his son’s heart. Elizabeth says, and Britt never did anything wrong. Britt says, it’s not about her. Nikolas came back from the dead, and married a woman Spencer despises. Nikolas says if Spencer would talk to him, maybe he could make Spencer understand. She says he doesn’t get it. He can’t explain it away. There’s no excuse that can make it better. He can’t imagine the pain he’s caused his son. It would serve him right if Spencer never spoke to him again. Elizabeth says, that’s enough.

Franco tells Peter that he went to visit Obrecht, thinking she’d like to see a friendly face. He came there to be supportive, but the more she talked, the more he realized it’s like Britt said. Obrecht is a survivor, and if it came down to her and him, she’d choose herself. Maybe she already did. If she’d admit it, and says she was sorry, he wouldn’t say it was okay, but he’s a person who would understand that. Peter says, for what it’s worth, Franco is a good friend to even consider giving Obrecht the benefit of  the doubt. Franco says Peter thinks he’s an idiot, but Peter says he knows what it’s like, wishing people would think you’re something other than who you are, but Obrecht is the kind of broken that can’t be fixed.

Finn tells Violet, he’s sorry. It’s his fault. Sometimes he doesn’t explain things well. He knows she has a mommy. She’s a wonderful mommy who loves Violet so much. Violet says if Finn and Anna get married, there won’t be room for mommy anymore, but he says, that’s not true. Mommy will always be mommy; nothing will change that. No one will ever replace her. Can he tell her a secret? He puts his hand on his chest, and says, her heart is right there. It’s where she holds her love for Roxie and Bella – Violet says, and Otto – and mommy and daddy, and Anna. Her heart is so big, it can hold anyone she loves. The more people she loves, the bigger it gets. She says, it won’t be like a balloon, and explode when it gets big? He says he can’t promise someone won’t break it, although he’s going to spend his life making sure that doesn’t happen. He can promise it won’t burst every time she lets someone new inside. His heart became so much bigger when he let her in. He’s so lucky to have her. She says she’s lucky to have him, and he hugs her. He says, know what he thinks? They’re both pretty lucky to have Anna. Anna listens from outside the door.

Curtis goes back to the apartment, and Jordan says, that was a quick breakfast. He says she never told him that Sam was looking for TJ, and traced his location to his phone. He needs to know why. She asks if they can do this later, and he says, it’s not work that’s tearing her up; it’s TJ. They promised not to keep secrets – ever – and he’s watching her scramble to cover something. What is she hiding about TJ? It’s time she shared it with him.

Elizabeth says Britt’s halo is tarnished, so stop acting high and mighty about something she knows nothing about. Britt says she knows what Nikolas did, and Elizabeth says they all know, and no one approves, but no one has beat him up more than he’s beat up himself. Everything he did was for Spencer, and Britt is the last person qualified to judge. Britt says Elizabeth ought to know; she’s the queen of judgement, rolling her eyes at the less-than-perfect mortals. What a surprise that Elizabeth has lowered her standards to defend Nikolas. She’s always had a weakness for the one who got away. Britt guesses it’s true. The more things change, the more they stay the same. She walks away, and Elizabeth and Nikolas look at each other, while Ava looks at both of them.

Anna asks if there’s room for one more, and Finn says, always. She sits with them on the couch, and says she has something for Violet. It’s an invitation to Violet’s birthday party. Violet asks who it’s for, and Anna says, for her mommy. Violet wonders where to send it, and Finn says Violet’s mommy knows where she is. Even if she can’t make it, she knows Violet wanted her to be there, and she’ll be there in spirit. Violet asks if her mommy can come to the wedding, and he says she can invite whoever she wants. She wants to invite Roxie, and Finn says, of course (🍷). Anna says she can invite Robin, and Finn says, and Uncle Chase. Violet says, and Robert. Finn says, all right; he can come. Anna asks if Violet likes it, and Violet nods, and thanks her. Violet asks, what about Uncle Peter? and Anna says, yes. Peter is invited. He’s definitely part of the family.

Franco tells Peter, no one in town thought he’d be redeemed, and Peter says, yet Franco proved them all wrong. Franco doesn’t know about that, but wonders why Peter is so sure Obrecht isn’t capable of it. Peter says, Obrecht is adept at pretending she’s normal. He’s sure she can have a loving relationship with Maxie and James, but she was manipulated by Faison for a long time. Even though he’s dead, Faison is still controlling her. Survival is her mantra, and anyone who gets in her way doesn’t live for very long.

Ava nods toward Elizabeth, and Nikolas goes over to the reception desk. He thanks her, and she says he’s welcome. He says he has to ask her. Does this mean she’s definitely forgiven him, or is it just that she hates Britt more? She says, whatever it was, it was against her better judgment, and walks away.

Curtis says Jordan can tell him. Whatever it is, she doesn’t have to feel alone – ever. She starts to cry, and says she doesn’t know what to do. There’s a knock at the door, and Curtis says, leave it. She says she can’t, and opens the door to Sonny. Curtis says, it’s not a good time, but Jason follows Sonny in, and closes the door. Sonny says, Cyrus has TJ, doesn’t he?    

🏥 There was no preview. Production was halted on March 16th, so maybe this was all they had in the can. Regardless, it’s a good place to end things for now. As soon as I find out any more information on what the immediate future holds, I’ll pass it along.


Below Deck Sailing Yacht

When we last left, Adam said the level of emotion with Jenna was too high for the circumstances, and he couldn’t handle it.

Adam asks why Jenna is crying, and she says she felt rejected and cut off. He says, because he wouldn’t sleep with her? He has no effing clue what’s going on. She says they can never talk about it again, but he says he doesn’t work like that. He’s going back to the boat. In Jenna’s interview, she says she feels powerless. She can’t convince someone to be with her. She’s not used to letting someone in, and wanted to be close to him. The others party on at the bar.

Paget asks Adam if everything is okay, and Adam says, women are effing crazy. Paget says he could write a book. At the bar, Byron asks Parker if they’re in the hot tub, but Parker says he can’t tell. On the boat, Paget and Ciara bicker. He suggests she be first mate, and he’ll be her, and they’ll see how that goes. Georgia and Madison grind on each other at the bar. Jenna asks Adam to talk if he gives two sh*ts about her. He says if she questions that, they have an issue. They hug, but he doesn’t look happy. Ciara offers put on her penguin onesie to cheer Paget up. Adam and Jenna go back up on deck, and Adam says she looks miserable. She says she’s sad. He says, they’ve had four charters that were perfection; where did this come from?

The rest of the crew comes back to the boat. They decide to go in the hot tub. Adam tells Jenna, it doesn’t feel right anymore, and Jenna says, it’s strange how it went that way. Ciara asks Parker what’s going on, and he says he thinks Jenna and Adam are breaking up. Jenna tells Adam, what if he shared his feelings, and she sh*t on them? He says, because he wouldn’t sleep with her? He tells her that she’s pissed him off, and she says, it’s shameful. Parker eavesdrops, and Adam says she was quick to shut down, and this is beyond intense for him. Parker tries to ask about the hot tub, but Adam says, it’s not a good time. Parker tells the others, and says, maybe not the hot tub tonight. Madison tells Georgia that she kind of likes Parker, and in her interview, she says Jenna is preventing her from hot tub time with her two best friends, and it’s all she’s got to live for right now. Play go s*ck d*ck on the bow. She tells Georgia that Jenna and Adam have to figure out their situation, and Georgia says they need to convince them to take it somewhere else; it’s selfish. Jenna tells Adam, this is bullsh*t, and he says, there’s the real girl. You don’t just break down on the dock for no reason. He can’t deal with random, and this is random and psychotic. In Jenna’s interview, she says she must be psychotic, thinking they had something special. F-U. Parker says, and he thought he was the most dramatic one. Parker plays guitar, and sings stupid lyrics he’s making up as he goes along. Madison pretends to like it. Ciara and Paget cuddle.

Jenna sits in the crew mess. Adam gets coffee, and the silence is deafening. On deck, Parker and Ciara try to put the covers on the cushions, and Georgia says Parker is a typical man, trying to make it fit where it doesn’t belong. Parker says, Ciara doesn’t care that he cares, and that’s incourteous [sic] to others. He wishes they could have one dinner in a nice restaurant, and she could please be polite. In her interview, Ciara says she’s sick of Parker (join the club). She tells him that he wants everyone to conform, and he says she wants him to change, but she won’t change. She doesn’t need to have the last word. If he says she’s not courteous, she won’t even take it into consideration, but she’s saying he needs to change. Ciara says he needs to adapt.

Captain Glenn calls Paget, Jenna, and Adam for a preference sheet meeting. The primaries are Yana and Arthur Greenstein, who own a real estate company. Yana’s number on priority is to remain skinny. Adam reads a long list of food she hates, and in his interview, he says, she should have no problem keeping skinny, since she clearly hates food. Jenna reads that Arthur wants to surprise Yana with a pink cake (that apparently she won’t eat) and a pink party for her birthday dinner. They also want a secluded beach picnic. Adam suggests they do both the same day, and do the party after the guests come back from the beach. Paget says, this charter has to be better than the last one.

Georgia says, it’s a one-day turnaround and laundry day. Jenna picks at some food, and cries. In her interview, she says she feels blindsided. Why doesn’t he want to have sex with her? He’s continually building a wall. It sucks to be super close and have affection, and then it’s not there. It feels so effing cold. Provisions come in.

Byron asks, what’s going on? and Adam and Jenna just walk away. In Byron’s interview, he says he’s seen this go wrong plenty of times, and the chief stew hooking up with the chef is never a good idea. The crew are the ones who pay the price. In Madison’s interview, she says, Jenna distracting herself by screwing Adam is one thing. Jenna distracting herself by fighting with Adam is another thing, and both are bad. The job is hard enough. It’s going to be sh*t now. In Captain Glenn’s interview, he says he’s seeing friction with the deck department, and wants to hear from Paget and Ciara. He’s closer to them, since they’ve lived together, and he trusts their judgment. Something is brewing, and he needs to get to the bottom of it, and nip it in the bud. Parker suggests Ciara stop being rude. The captain calls Paget and Ciara to meet with him, while Jenna mopes.

Captain Glenn tells Paget and Ciara that he’s noticed a conflict, and asks if they have any concerns. Paget says they tried not to involve the captain, but Parker is difficult to deal with. He has an attitude he came on board with. He tried taking Parker under his wing, but can’t reprimand him; there’s an underlying issue of defiance. Parker is 25 and Paget is only a year older, but feels like he’s twelve years older. Ciara says Parker gets snippy, and she doesn’t appreciate it. Captain Glenn says he didn’t know that’s how it was. Parker needs to listen. Paget’s way is the way it’s going to go. He says he’ll talk to Parker, and find a way to achieve their goals. Jenna works without speaking to Adam, and in Adam’s interview, he says this is precisely what he was afraid of. Instead of prepping his menu, he’s thinking about a  woman.

Madison tells Georgia, it would be nice to get some direction from Jenna, but she’s too busy pouting. The captain asks to chat with Parker. He tells Parker, he wants to know what’s going on. He spoke with Paget and Ciara, and they talked about the dynamic. They feel there’s a conflict. Parker whines that with Ciara, it’s her way or the highway. Sometimes he has an idea about how something should go, and it’s clearly more efficient. He’s learning, but she doesn’t need to tell him what to do. Captain Glenn says Ciara knows the boat; that’s why he chose to put her in that role. Respect goes both ways, and there’s something going on. Paget is feeling resistance from Parker in taking direction. Parker says, they were at the dinner table, and Paget said f*** too many times; they were in a nice place. The captain tells him to be careful to respect the hierarchy, even when off the boat, but Parker says it was hard for him to eat dinner. In the captain’s interview, he says he’s pissed that Parker isn’t respecting the hierarchy. He tells Parker, essentially, Paget is captain of the deck. In Parker’s interview, he says he wants to prove to Captain Glenn that he can handle the tasks delegated to him on his own.

In her interview, Georgia says she’s got the laundry down. She’d love to do some fun stuff, like interacting with the guests, and seeing the sunlight. Give her something. Jenna doesn’t talk while she works, and Adam asks if they’re good. He hates seeing her like this. She says she doesn’t like being like this. They hug, and he says he’s sorry if he said anything mean; he didn’t mean it. He’s bummed. He’d been looking forward to an awesome night, and it went astray. In Adam’s interview, he says the reason he’s never succeeded in relationships is that he doesn’t want to show vulnerability. When the time comes for the real deal, and it’s not fun and games, that’s clearly a problem. At some point, he needs to grow up and take a chance on someone. Give it a shot. He tells Jenna, if they’re sleeping on the boat together, he wants to make sure they do it the right way the first time. He never cooked better than when she’s around; they work well together. In Jenna’s interview, she says she wanted an apology from Adam, and she’s glad she got one, but she’s scared too. If they don’t move forward, they’ll lose this, and that would be sh*tty. Adam tells Jenna, get to work, and she says she feels better. They hug again.

Georgia tells Paget that she’s sweating like a whore in whorehouse, and he says that’s a sight he’d like to see. Madison asks Parker if he’s okay, and they high-five. In Madison’s interview, she says it would be amazing if she ended up with Parker. (Has she met him?) Paget wants to coordinate the beach barbecue with Jenna, and Jenna tells Madison to start packing what they need. In Jenna’s interview, she says she’s trying to keep the department drama free, although I think it might be too late for that. She checks the cabins, and points out what’s not done, like putting in new rolls of toilet paper. In her interview, Jenna says Madison acts like she’s the hardest working and stressed. She never stops moving, but she’s just moving, not actually doing something. Captain Glenn tells the crew to change into their grey polos.

The crew welcomes the guests. The Greensteins have brought some friends along, and when Yana clinks glasses with the other women, they say, cheers; meow. Byron says, oh my God, and I say, what the hell…? The captain says they have a great holiday planned, and Jenna gives the tour. Yana looks at the yacht next door, and asks where their helicopter is. Jenna says, when the sails are up, they won’t need one. Lunch is confirmed for 3 o’clock, and Yana says their liquid diet will work for now. Captain Glenn tells Byron to get ready to fire it up. The lines are off, and the boat heads out. One of Yana’s friends takes Instagram pictures of her. BTW, despite her attitude, Yana is not all that. Jenna tells Madison to get the beach barbecue supplies ready for dinner service. Madison is dismayed over how much stuff she has to go through. Yana asks if she can drop anchor. (Why? Who knows?) Jenna tells her, it’s almost lunch, but Yana says they don’t eat too much. She just likes smelling the food. In her interview, Jenna calls it the air diet.

Jenna tells Adam, the guests love looking at and sniffing the food, but don’t want to eat. In Adam’s interview, he says he didn’t work this hard for her to just sniff her plate. She’s eating the effing food. Jenna tells Georgia that she’s done really good [sic] with the laundry, and in her interview, Georgia can’t believe she finally got a compliment. The guests sit down for lunch, and Adam serves lentil soup. Guest CC suggests it might be hot out for that, and in Adam’s interview, he says, it’s the hottest day, and it was genius for him to make lentil soup. Maybe he effed that up. Actually, I’ve read that it’s good to have something hot on a hot day, as it acclimates your inside temperature to the outside one. However, I’ve never tested this theory. Adam tells them he’s made watermelon granita for dessert, which should be more appropriate. Arthur says he doesn’t normally eat lentil soup, but can’t stop eating it, and the guests agree it’s delicious. Captain Glenn sends Parker to check out the beaches for the barbecue. In Parker’s interview, he says Paget and Ciara don’t believe in him. They don’t understand; he’s got this on lock. He makes some kind of hand motions like he’s James Bond or something, and he reminds me of dudes I went to acting school with, which isn’t a compliment. Adam serves the granita, saying it should be more refreshing. Yana says it’s her dream dessert, and she could stick with eating just that the whole trip. No surprise, since it’s probably mostly water. Parker radios with information about the nearby beaches, and in his interview, Paget says they have no time for Shakespearean monologues. Parker keeps talking, and Paget tells him to just make the call, and give them the information when he gets back, instead of translating his whole life on the radio. Adam wonders if they have a pacifier for him.

Arthur whines that there are no sandy beaches there, and Madison rolls her eyes. Parker radios that he’s found the best beach, where the boats there will be gone in two hours. Captain Glenn says, good recon, and in Parker’s interview, he yells, victory! like he just made it to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Ugh, this guy. Jenna confers with Paget on the beach dinner, and asks Madison to go ahead to set up. Madison is feeling abused, and asks if Ciara is going. Ciara says she needs to get off the boat. Parker takes them over in the tender. Yana clinks glasses with one of the other guests, and says, meow. WTF? Parker had told Ciara and Madison that they didn’t need shoes, but instead of sand, the beach is made up of rocks. Ciara says, they need shoes; it’s not debatable. Some of the guests jump off the boat into the water. Parker tells Ciara and Madison to ignore the pain. In his interview, he says he’s trying to get them to learn to have endurance. You’ve got to walk on some stones in life. He says next time they go to the bar, he’ll get them whinekens.

Jenna asks if anyone wants to do snorkeling, saying, it’s a change of perspective. Yana says she entered the water in Thailand, and didn’t like it. She doesn’t give details, so I wonder what happened. She accidentally ingested a sardine? Madison and Ciara sit in chairs on the beach, and swap stories about charters they’ve worked on. Parker asks what the guests want to do, and Yana asks if they can go to the beach now. He tells them, whatever they want, and radios Ciara that he’s on his way over to the beach with the guests. He’s heading their way in five minutes. Nothing is set up, and Ciara says they were under the impression that the guests were coming at seven. Parker says she’s got to be ready for curveballs. Adam overhears, and wonders if Parker is trying to school them. Jenna says she would punch him, and I’m totally on board with that. Ciara and Madison scramble to get the table ready, and make a feeble, unsuccessful attempt at putting up the umbrella. Parker says he’s five minutes away, and Jenna thinks Madison might lose it today. Adam says, yachting is not for everyone. Parker explains away the chaos by telling the guests that the girls are setting up for dinner. He tells them to be mindful of the rocks, and says he’ll bring them towels if they want to lie out. On rocks. Ciara asks Parker why he brought them now, and he says, it’s what they wanted. He can’t talk right now, because he needs to get stuff of the boat. She calls him a d*ckhead, and I nod in agreement.

Paget says they should be on their A-game, and it’s an absolute disaster. He wonders what Ciara and Madison were doing all this time, and says, Parker picked the beach with the most rocks within a twenty mile radius. Parker tries to rake the rocks to make flat spots. Back on the boat, Jenna asks if Georgia wants to set up the surprise party. In her interview, Georgia says she’s glad to get out of the laundry room, and do something service related. It’s about effing time. the guests aren’t fans of the rocky beach, and in Paget’s interview, he says, it would have been nice if Parker suggested they bring shoes. His team is in disarray. Adam tells Jenna that lobster and fresh fish was requested for dinner, but on Yana’s preference sheet, it says no lobster or fresh fish. (How about old, rotten fish, as opposed to fresh?) He says, explain that, and calls them effing mo-mo’s. In Parker’s interview, he says, the guests aren’t thrilled with the beach situation because the set-up is a shambles. It’s not that difficult to set up a picnic table. Apparently, it’s gone over his head that their problem is the rocks, not the set-up. He takes the guests out on the tender, and one of them does some wakeboarding. Setting up for the party, Georgia blows up pink balloons, and Captain Glenn helps. Jenna wants to go over to the beach to see what happened. Georgia says she doesn’t get paid enough for this sh*t. Jenna asks if Adam is going, and he says, if he’s allowed. Jenna radios Madison, who wonders if she and Adam made up. Ciara tells them to bring shoes. For whatever reason, this pisses off Parker, but he says he’s going to be the bigger person.

Adam wonders what Ciara and Madison have been doing at the beach for five hours. In Jenna’s interview, she says, WTF? The beach set-up looks like sh*t. She’s pissed. She asks if they have various supplies, and everything is a no. She asks why the umbrella isn’t set up, since they’ve been there for five hours, and suggests Madison put on a bra. In Jenna’s interview, she says she came there to see how things were going, and they’re thirty minutes from dinner. No bra, no shoes, no service.

This season, boat races, playing cornhole with breast implants, a shirtless Paget serves a guest, Glenn says it’s time to take it up a notch, Parker might be in trouble, Jenna says she’s tired of carrying Madison and Georgia, Georgia thinks she agreed to a threesome, Adam tells Jenna it’s over, Glenn does a luggage search, and Georgia doesn’t think she can do this.

✋🏽 The Great Production Halt…

A list of shows on pause.


🐶 Happy National Puppy Day! 🐶

Juliet'sBabies4 (2)-2

🧻 Simon Says…

If nothing else, this will be good practice for when the zombie apocalypse comes. I’ll be here as long as there are shows to post about. Stay safe out there…

March 24, 2019 – An Alpha Asserts Herself, a Note On Meg, Puppies & Mickey


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


The Walking Dead

Miles fights off a zombie in the woods, when Hilde pops out and finishes it off. She tells him, happy anniversary. He asks, where’s his present? and she says she found something she thinks he’ll like. She parts some trees, and shows him Hilltop.

Wooden coins are being made. An H is carved on them.

Hilde gives Miles one of the coins. She tells him, happy anniversary. It’s been five years. The H is for Hilltop; home. He says she should make more; people will love them. It’s a symbol of hope, and people always need more of that. They’re headed to the fair. They put some things in a wagon, and two guys get in back. Hilde tells Miles that she’s going to trade the coins for the perfect gift. He’ll see. She puts a carved chest, also carved with an H, on her lap.

A mess of belongings litters the woods. Hilde lies dead in the rubble. Alpha sings as she scalps Hilde. Wooden coins are scattered everywhere.

Ezekiel speaks to the crowd. He stands before them today at the start of a new tomorrow, made possible by the sacrifices of many over the years. A man with a mission to build a community, and strengthen the bonds between them. It took too long to create what Rick and Carl Grimes envisioned. Jesus brought them together, but they’ve always been bound to each other. They fought their way back to each other. The river crossing might be gone, but they rebuilt a bridge. The crowd applauds, and Ezekiel continues, they’ve reunited, not against a common enemy, but for their common good. He tells them, eat, drink, trade, and be merry. They have a lot of lost time to make up for. Jerry announces, the First Annual Inter-Community Reunification Fair begins. Ezekiel says, too many words. Let the Fair of New Beginnings begin. Fiddle music plays.

Carol tells Ezekiel that he sounded good. He feels it’s his duty to go with her; he’s Henry’s father. She says, he’s also the king. It’s bad enough she’s leaving. If they both go, the people will wonder why. He put a month’s work into the fair. The Kingdom needs him; his people need him.

Kelly tells Magna her sister is out there. Magna says, no, she’s not. The gate opens, and Daryl, Michonne, and the other come through. Carol hugs Henry, and tells him that he can’t ever run away like that again. He promises he won’t. Ezekiel joins them in a three-way hug. Carol hugs Daryl. Ezekiel sees Michonne, who says she was in the neighborhood. They shake hands. Carol asks if Judith remembers them. Judith says she’s been drawing pictures of them since she was little. Caroline of the Kingdom. She says Carol’s hair got long. Tara notices Lydia, and says, the plan was to bring Henry back; just Henry. Michonne tells Ezekiel, gather the leaders. They have a lot to talk about.

Michonne tells the leaders that she hasn’t always seen eye to eye with everyone there, but she never stopped caring about them. She was trying to protect her family, and do right by her people. Alexandria’s future is there; together with them. She lost sight of that, but she’s here now; they’re here now. Gabriel says the council took an informal vote, and the council members are willing to grant asylum to Lydia. She’s one of them, and he hopes they’ll join them in considering her the same. Lydia thanks him, and says she’ll do whatever she can to help. Tara says Lydia’s mother will come after Hilltop, not Alexandria. She has to do right by her people. She thought they were on the same page. Michonne says she wanted Lydia to run away, and when she didn’t, Michonne was angry. But she knows why that’s not okay. She knows why Rick didn’t trust her at the prison. She knows why he didn’t trust Tara when she was on the other side of the Governor’s fighting line. A representative from Oceanside (not Cyndie) says she was going to kill her Tara when she washed up. Tara says, fair. Michonne says, Lydia didn’t choose where she came from, but chose where she wanted to be; just like everybody in this room. Tara says Daryl is right about the skin jobs. They don’t have enough people. Daryl says he’ll get a group together to protect Hilltop, and Ezekiel says they need to gather any spare fighters. Carol says they should go today. Gabriel says it’s a short term solution, and Michonne says they have to present a united front. An attack against one of them, is an attack against all of them. Gabriel says they’ll make the Whisperers think twice about going against Hilltop. Everyone agrees, and Tara asks how they seal the deal; spit shake, blood oath? Ezekiel says he has just the thing, and brings out Michonne’s constitution. Michonne wonders how he got it, and Tara says she might have taken a few things when she left. She did what she thought was right. She’s sorry about the way it went down. Michonne thanks her, and says she was right. Tara says, her too. Ezekiel says he never doubted it for a moment, and signs. His signature is huge, and Gabriel says what I’m thinking – John Hancock. Ezekiel says, eat your heart out. Carol signs Queen Carol. The Oceanside rep (Rachel Ward?), Tara, and Michonne sign. Michonne gives the pen to Gabriel, saying he’s head of council. He signs, and there’s a mini Declaration of Independence tableau.

The fair continues. Lydia walks with Henry. Enid answers medical questions. Earl talks to people about his trade. Eugene harangues Judith from a dunk tank, and she hits the target, dunking him. Lydia asks Henry what they’re going to do with all the stuff; how will they have room. Henry says, they just do; it’s how people express themselves, and asks if she sees anything she likes. She doesn’t know how to answer that. Daryl walks his bike toward the gate. Lydia says she should go too. They’re in danger because of her. Henry says, because of him. Henry wishes he could go, but Ezekiel says he just got there. He expects to see them both at the movies, and Lydia gets excited, saying it’s unexpected. Carol says she’ll get used to it. She tells Henry to go; she won’t leave without saying goodbye. Ezekiel tells Carol, their son is taking a date to the movies tonight. Carol says, everything he said sounds completely possible.

Luke and Alden are arguing, and Luke tells Enid, technically, he lost a bet. He’s playing guitar, and instead of just Luke, he wants it to be Luke and friends. Enid says she wants to hear her crooner boyfriend croon. He is her boyfriend, Isn’t he? Alden says he is. Luke says, congrats, and suggests they get back to their task. Alden says Luke lost the bet, but Luke says Enid wants to hear him sing. Alden says he’ll think about it, as he walks away with Enid.

Connie signs to Kelly that she’s never seen Luke excited. She asks Kelly, what’s wrong? Kelly signs, you left without saying goodbye. Connie puts her hand on Kelly’s arm, but Kelly shakes it off. She signs, any goodbye could be the last. Her sister ran off. Connie didn’t think. They were going to let the baby die. It brought back a lot of feelings she’d thought she dealt with, but guesses not. She just pushes it down. Kelly says she gets it, and hugs Connie.

Michonne tells Siddiq she’s leaving. He says she just got there. He can take her place if she wants to rest, but she says, stick with the plan. She tells him to enjoy the fair, and keep an eye on Judith. Don’t let her be too hard on Jerry. They watch Jerry play horsie with the kids. Siddiq says Judith is more experienced than anyone. Michonne asks, how come? and he says he’ll tell her when he sees her at Hilltop.

Addy asks Henry if he’s got a second to come with her. She’s sorry for ratting him out, that he was in the clubhouse. She didn’t want to get him in trouble, and only caused more. Henry says, everything worked out the way it’s supposed to. Lydia watches from a picnic bench. Gage and Rodney approach her. They tell her they’re friends of Addy’s. Addy has a thing for Henry, and by the looks of it, he has a thing for her too. They’re a tight knit community, and hope she doesn’t plan on causing problems. Lydia gets up and walks away.

Tara says maybe they should go together, but Dianne says, if they go now, people would notice. Tara says she has some details to hammer out, but can join them tomorrow. She thanks them for volunteering, and says, be safe. Michonne hugs Judith. Magna and Yumiko tell Luke goodbye. Connie writes, be safe, to Daryl. He says, her too, and asks her to feed Dog. I might note that Dog goes off with her, tail wagging, not even looking back at Daryl. Man’s best friend.

Henry thanks Daryl for keeping them out of trouble. Ezekiel tells Daryl that Hilltop’s door is always open to him. They’d be honored if he’d consider calling the Kingdom his home. He says he’ll think about it. Carol hugs Henry. She knows Ezekiel has a lot on his mind, but tells him, enjoy the fair. He deserves it. He says he won’t enjoy anything until she’s back. They kiss.

Daryl leads on his motorcycle with the others on horses and in a horse drawn cart behind him.

The Highwaymen work hard, wiping out zombies. Ozzy tells them to double back. Daryl and company arrive, and Ozzy says they were clearing the roads, and spotted tracks. He shows them the mess from Hilde and Miles, and Magna says they’re from Hilltop, but Ozzy says Hilltop didn’t do this. Magna says, the skins? Do they know them? Ozzy says, strange times, strange ways to cope. That would be his guess. They put up a fight, and were drug this way. Daryl says they can’t rush in, but Dianne says they could be alive, but if they were followed, the whole community is in danger. Daryl suggests they split up. Carol says she and Michonne will go with Daryl; the rest go to Hilltop. Ozzy says she’ll owe them a couple of movies when they’re done. Magna asks Yumiko if she thinks they survived. Yumiko says, they came back. She tells Magna they have to go and make sure. They’re just splitting up for now. They kiss. Surprise relationship! For me anyway. I didn’t read the graphic novels.

Darkness has fallen. The group continues through the woods. Daryl finds a bloody stick. Carol says she doesn’t know if there’s a happy ending here. Daryl thinks they should head back. They hear zombie noises, and shoot a couple of them with arrows. More come at them, and Michonne chops with her sword, while Carol stabs them in the head with a knife. They turn to run, but another bunch of zombies block they’re path. They’re surrounded. Carol looks panicked. They slice, dice, stab, and chop. It looks like the zombies are all are down, but more come out of the forest. They put their backs to each other, forming a circle. There are zombies all around them, one with a gun. Beta tells them to drop their weapons. He won’t ask twice. He says they just had to give him the girl; no one else had to die. Now that deal is done.

We peddle back to Daryl and the group leaving Hilltop Jerry tells Nabila that he gives Michonne props. He can’t believe she came. A woman with long blonde hair looks around. It’s Alpha, cleaned up and disguised with Hilde’s hair.

Rosita goes to Eugene’s workshop, and asks where he’s been, and he says she must have missed him at the dunk tank. He’s been making ham radio parts. If he can get it up and running, it will allow them to talk to each other. Despite their distance and differences, it would be nice to communicate. Rosita tells Eugene that they can still talk. She knows a lot is changing, but that doesn’t mean things need to change between them. She knows what he did for Gabriel, for them, and thanks him. He says it was more like a have to versus want to situation. She starts messing with the radio parts. He says he thought she would be getting some much needed R & R, but she says, it’s more like a have to versus want to situation. They work on the radio together.

A girl tells Henry that he looks lost. He says he’s looking for someone. Enid tells Gabriel the communities can learn techniques from each other. Find out each other’s weaknesses, strengths, and talents; have each other’s backs. Gabriel thinks it’s a good idea. Enid leaves, and Gabriel asks if Tara is okay. She says she just wants to get on the road; they’re leaving at first light. Gabriel says there’s no reason for anyone else to go, but Tara wants people to know that she’s there for them when trouble comes, and they can count on her. He says they have no reason not to. She says when she comes back, they’ll talk about training facilities.

Luke argues with Alden about starting with a mid-tempo ballad. He says, the people need hope. They demand it; no, they deserve it. Alden can’t believe he let Luke talk him into this. Enid says she’ll only make fun of him the tiniest bit for the rest of their lives.

Henry finds Lydia, and asks if something happened. Alpha continues to look around. She sees drawing of Ezekiel and Carol. Tammy and Earl go by with the baby. Tammy says they should name him Adam after the first man. Alpha overhears them and gives them the side-eye.

Henry can’t believe Gage and Rodney. It’s not true; they were being jerks. He doesn’t know if Addy likes him, but he doesn’t like her. He likes Lydia. She likes him too. He kisses her. They hear a noise, and Henry tells her it’s just one of the pipes; it happens all the time, but he should check on it. He says he’ll sit next to her at the movies. He kisses her, and leaves.

Ezekiel asks Alpha is she’s finding her way all right. He introduces himself, and she says, she’s Debra from Alexandria, but everyone calls her Debbie. She can’t believe Michonne came. He says he wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it. She says it’s a shame they’ve never met, and tells him the Kingdom is amazing. He thinks they clean up well. She heard the queen is taking care of official business, but looks forward to meeting her. She asks if Ezekiel can point her toward the clothing booths. It’s sweater weather soon, and she wants to be ready. She has a feeling it’s going to be a hard winter. He says he has just the thing, and takes her arm.

People get ready for the movie. A guy sells popcorn in the aisles. There’s a cartoon before the film, and everyone is all excited and clapping. Henry still isn’t there, and Lydia seems restless. She starts getting into the cartoon, laughing, when she feels a hand on her knee. She looks next to her, and it’s Alpha. Alpha puts her finger to her lips.

Daryl and Michonne are surrounded, but he tells Alpha that she’s not getting Lydia back. Alpha says this isn’t about her daughter. She ran into trouble on the road; it was unavoidable. Her people like to keep moving. Michonne says they granted Lydia asylum. If they try to take her by force, there will be retaliation. Alpha asks Michonne her name, and asks Daryl if Michonne speaks for him. He says they speak for each other. She says her daughter is not a concern. She was weak. Daryl says, was? What does that mean? She says their group is in no position to threaten her. It’s a habit that needs to be broke. She cocks her gun, and takes Daryl from the group.

A new day dawns as Alpha brings Daryl up a rocky hill. He looks down on a million zombies. She says her people are among them. The only reason they’re alive is because she let them live. He asks what she wants, and she says, nothing. They have nothing to offer her. She’s seen how they live. She’s walked their streets. It’s a joke; a shrine to a long dead world. Her people, the Whisperers, live as nature intended. He asks if that’s the bullsh*t she feeds her sheep so they follow her. She says they follow because she’s the Alpha, and if an Alpha doesn’t assert herself, it will be chaos. He asks what she’s done. She says his friends at camp are fine, but tell them next time they cross her line, her horde will cross theirs. South of the river is hers; he’ll see the border as he leaves. She tells him, go. His friends are waiting for him. He should push her off that cliff.

Backtracking to the fair, Alpha pushes Lydia up against a wall, calling her a coward. She tells Lydia, come with her, but Lydia says, no. She believes in these people Alpha says, that’s poison talk. Lydia says she’s staying there. They care about each other, and care about her. They keep her safe. They’d kill Alpha to protect her; she just has to scream. Walk away and leave them alone or she will scream. Alpha says she’s only doing the hard thing; the thing mothers have to do to protect their young. As she talks, Alpha pets Lydia’s hair, and caresses her face. Lydia shows Alpha the brand on her arm, and say she knows what Alpha has done. She lives with it every day, but she doesn’t want Alpha to get hurt. She just wants her to go. She says, please, mommy. She’s giving Alpha a choice, which is more than Alpha has ever given her. Alpha says she was just trying to make Lydia strong, but she’s not one of them. She never was. Alpha backs up, looks Lydia over, and leaves. Lydia cries.

Forward to being with Daryl, Alpha says she doesn’t think they can protect her daughter, but she hopes she’s wrong. Daryl says she is.

Carol meets Daryl. They hug. Sad music plays. The group heads back.

Beta says, Lydia, but Alpha wants to be alone. He leaves, and Alpha cries quietly. She sees a Whisperer watching, and gestures for him to come to her. She stabs him in the neck, wipes the blade on her pants, and looks to the sky.

Michonne finds Siddiq tied to a tree. She asks, what happened? He points, and they go up a hill. Michonne looks horrified. Daryl looks puzzled. I wonder, wtf is it? They continue to walk. Ohh, it’s heads on pikes. Everyone is stunned. Yumiko cries.

Eugene asks if Nabila has seen Frankie. Gage asks if anyone has seen Rodney; they were supposed to meet. Gabriel tells Eugene that he needs to speak with Tara when she gets back. While Luke and Alden sing, Alden looks around for Enid. Lydia grabs Ezekiel, telling him that her mom was there, and she can’t find Henry.

We see the heads. Ozzy, Alek (Ozzy’s sidekick), DJ, Tammy, Frankie, Rodney, Addy, Enid, and Tara. Their mouths move a little, which is pretty freaking creepy. Siddiq cries.

Daryl stops Carol before she gets there. We see Henry’s head last. Everyone is pulverized.

Siddiq stands on a stage. He says he was there. He was taken with the others, and he saw. He was supposed to die with them, and he was ready to. Then Alpha whispered to him, tell them. Something hit him, and everything went black. When he woke up, he was alone. What happened was evil. He thinks Alpha left him alive to tell that story. To scare them, and drive them apart again, but he wants to tell a different story. Before the end, Ozzy found them. We see them fighting. Siddiq says the Highwaymen gave them an opening and everyone fought back; fought like hell. What they did was more than brave. They defended each other; sacrificed themselves for each other. Some of them didn’t even know each other. We see more of the fight. Siddiq continues, at the very end – we see Alpha approach Henry – in the end, their time was cut short. Ours keeps going, so we have to keep going for them, and for all of us. They need to honor them, and remember these friends were family, and died as heroes. That’s the story he wants to tell. That he wants them all to remember.

Daryl and Lydia stand near the pikes where the heads were. Lydia takes her necklace off, and puts it where Henry was. She and Daryl walk off together. We see the necklace – a wooden pendant with an H carved in it. It starts to snow. Winter ain’t just coming on Game of Thrones.

I told you we can’t have anything nice around here.

Next time, the finale. Zombies rise from the snow, and Lydia disappears. Oddly enough, this episode was titled, The Calm Before. I can’t imagine the storm to come.

🐋 This weekend, I watched The Meg. It was predictable, but fun, and there was a tiny twist at the end that was a real first. As an added bonus, Mickey was played in Taiwanese over the ending credits. A giant shark and foreign pop? What more could I ask for?

🐕 A Belated…

Happy National Puppy Day!

Juliet'sBabies1-2 (2)

🎶 It Won’t Negate Monday, But…

It won’t hurt either.