Tag Archives: queer horror

July 26, 2022 – Nina Feels the Fallout, Honored, Jack’s Message, Mistake, Shocking, One More, Revelation, Next Chapter, In Love, For Shame, Sub-Genre, Adding Spice & Stop


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Josslyn brings Carly coffee, and she takes a sip. She tells Josslyn, it’s really strong, and Josslyn says, sorry. She added a few extra scoops. She couldn’t sleep last night, and has to get through the trial today. Is it too much? Carly says, it’s fine; she likes it. Josslyn was out late last night. What’s up? Josslyn says she went for a run, and took a longer route than usual. Carly says, and that route led her to Sonny?

Nina tells pool bartender Aaron that one of the servers just called in, and they’re short-staffed already. Can he fill in? He says he’s a bartender, not wait staff, and she says she realizes that, but it would really help if he could pitch in. He won’t be busy there until lunch. He says he’s in the middle of prep, and doesn’t think she knows what his job is like. She says she thinks he has the time, and he says, she’s been here a whole day. Is Mrs. Quartermaine around? She says, it doesn’t matter how long she’s been here. She’s co-owner, and she’s telling him to pitch in. He says he knows all about her. He read the article in The Invader. He knows how she stole that baby, how she stole Mrs. Corinthos’s husband, and this hotel. Carly was an awesome boss, so he’ll be taking his orders from Mrs. Quartermaine, not her. Sonny says, he’d better watch his mouth. You don’t talk to your boss like that.

Taggert walks Trina into the courtroom, and asks if she’s okay. She says, every person who testified yesterday knows she’s innocent, but the ADA kept twisting their words around, making it sound like they were covering up for her; asking them questions they didn’t know the answer to. He puts his hands on her shoulders, and tells her not to lose hope. Every person who testified yesterday came out swinging. They took every chance they could to protect and defend her. They’re Taggerts. This ain’t over til it’s over. Rory comes in, and says, agreed, and whatever that jury decides, it will be in her favor.

At the hospital, Portia hugs Curtis, and says she missed him last night. Did he get any sleep at all? He says he missed her too. TJ managed to sneak him into one of the on-call rooms for a quick snooze. He wanted to be close, in case Oz’s condition changed. He’s still in a medically induced coma. She says she knows; she checked as soon as she got here. He asks why she’s not at the courthouse, and she says she’s on her way, but had to check on a few of her patients first. He asks how Trina is doing, but Portia says she doesn’t know. Trina was quiet this morning, and left with her dad. Did Curtis talk to Taggert at all? He says, not yet, and she says, talk to her. Tell her how he found this guy. Tell her what happened. Jordan joins them, and says, she’d like to know the same thing.

Esme calls the hospital, and says she’s checking on the status of her father. He came in last night with a drug overdose; Oz Haggerty. She hears someone coming, and hangs up. Spencer comes in, and she says she was just on her way out. He says, no you don’t. Time’s up.

Nikolas asks if Ava is sure she doesn’t want him to go with her to the courthouse. He knows how worried she is about Trina. She says she’ll be fine. That’s sweet though; he’s been very sweet this morning. He says, speaking of sweet… and kisses her. He tells her to call as soon as she knows anything. She says she will, and picks up a manila envelope. He asks, what’s that? and she says, it’s here. He says, what is it? and she says, our future; their divorce papers. Did he know Martin was sending them? He says he was under the impression Martin was still reviewing them. She says, he did. It just needs their signatures. He takes them from her, and tells her not to worry about them now. She’s got enough on her plate worrying about Trina. She’d better get going. She says, they might as well get it over with, but he says he can’t sign them.

Spencer tells Esme, quit stalling. What’s her answer? Is she going to exonerate Trina, so she can learn who her birth mother is; yes or no? She says, that’s not something she can decide overnight, and he says, they’re testifying today, so she needs to make a decision now. She says, so he can go crawling to Trina, and tell her about his noble gesture? He tells her that he hasn’t said anything to Trina. He doesn’t care what she thinks of him. Esme says, oh please, give me a break, and he says, Trina is innocent. All he cares about is making sure she doesn’t go to prison. She says, but he doesn’t give a damn if she goes there? She doesn’t even think it’s possible for her to get Trina off the hook without going to jail herself, but he says, she’ll figure it out. Scheming is second nature to her. She’s been manipulating people and situations since the day they met. She says she never manipulated him; she loved him. Everything she did, she did for him. He wanted to break up his father and Ava, and maybe she took some things too far, but she did that because they were a team and they loved each other; at least she thought so. He says he’s heard all this before. What’s her answer? Is she taking his deal? She says she’s not sure his offer is worth helping Trina. Trina’s the reason she lost him.

Trina says she didn’t think she’d see Rory today, but he says he took a personal day; he wanted to support her. He’s so sorry for what he said on the stand. He feels terrible that he gave the jury any cause to doubt her. She says, that ADA is definitely doing a good job. She’s convinced Trina is guilty. Rory says, well, she’s wrong. It’s lucky Trina has such a smart lawyer. He’d thought he’d blown it for her completely, but when Diane cross-examined him, she gave him a chance to explain that the only reason Trina was in The Highsider was to get the bartender to ID Esme. But he should have done a better job with his original testimony, or figure out a way to dodge ADA Arden’s questions. She tells him, stop. She’s not the least bit upset, so give himself a break. He says he’s upset with himself. He’s going to make it up to her… if she’ll let him.

Jordan says she heard Curtis was quite the hero last night, and he asks if it’s an official interrogation. Jordan says she’s sure they’re both upset with her after her testimony, but she was under oath; she had to answer honestly. Portia says, no one expected anything otherwise, and Jordan says, really? Because she can tell Curtis is holding something back. Come on. Let her have it.

Josslyn says, unbelievable. Sonny came running to Carly after the way he’s treated her. What did he say? Carly says she wants to hear what Josslyn has to say, and Josslyn says, like she told Carly, she went for a run, and took a longer route than usual. She saw Sonny get out of his car, alone, which she thought was weird. Then she saw him walk into this alleyway, which was weirder. She went to check it out, and pulled out her phone as a precaution. She saw Sonny and his new muscle beating up some guy and threatening to kill him, and she recorded the whole thing. Carly says she’s sorry Josslyn had to see that, but she knows Sonny’s life. Did she stop and think it could turn into a more dangerous situation? Josslyn says, at the time, she just saw Sonny breaking the law. If it was anybody else, she would have done the same thing. Maybe not let them see her or hung around after… Carly says, Josslyn did that because she knew Sonny wouldn’t hurt her, and Josslyn says, who cares if Sonny wouldn’t hurt her? He was definitely hurting that guy in the alleyway. Why should Sonny get away with that? Why should she pretend it isn’t happening? Sonny trashed their family, and she’s done looking the other way.

Nina thanks Sonny, but says she thinks she’s got this. He asks the bartender what his name is, and Nina says, his name is Aaron. Sonny tells Aaron that he heard what Aaron said to his boss, and he gets it. What Aaron said was foolish and disrespectful, but in his experience, people who do those kinds of things usually have something else going on. He knows it felt good in the moment, but it doesn’t solve what’s really going on, and it doesn’t help Aaron in the long run to disrespect Nina like that, does it? Aaron shakes his head, and Sonny says he could be wrong. He has been in the past, but if that’s the case, they’ve got a bigger problem.

Curtis tells Jordan, there is something he wants to say, and she says she’s listening. He thanks her, and tells her that he saw what she did on that stand. ADA Arden had her backed into corner after corner, yet Jordan chose her words carefully, so as not to give the ADA any added ammunition against Trina. Then in the cross, she made sure to point out that Trina’s demeanor was not consistent with that of a guilty person, and answered before Arden could object. She did her job admirably; it meant a lot. Portia says, it meant a lot to both of them, and Trina feels the same way. Jordan says, Trina’s a strong young lady, and she’ll always be on the side of justice. To that end, she needs to know how it happened to be Curtis who brought in Oz Haggerty; the same bartender who came up when Diane was questioning Officer Cabrera. The same bartender who allegedly sold Trina the unregistered phone that was used in the crime. Curtis says, it happens that he found Oz passed out, and made sure he was brought here safely. She says, tell her how he found Oz, and why. What does he know that she should know?

Rory says he intends to be by Trina’s side for the rest of the trial, and she asks if Diane knows she’s being replaced. He says, for real. He promises to do all he can to make things better for him. Arden sees them, and says she wants word with Rory, now.

Ava asks if there’s a problem, but Nikolas says, no problem; it’s clarity. He just realized, she was right all along. The divorce is off. She says, he’s been convincing her for weeks they needed to do this. Now he’s doing a 180, and she’s confused. He says he knows. He was wrong. Reality struck. Hearing his grandmother’s house burned down, reminded him how unfair and random life can be. Anything can happen at any moment, and he can’t risk putting her through that. Please tell him that she understands.

Spencer says, all these proclamations of love, and what a team he and Esme were. He thought so too, but he realizes now what they had was never love. If someone loves him, they don’t hurt his friends. They don’t lie to his face over and over again. She says she didn’t, but he says, just don’t. Take the energy she spends on her lies, and put it to good use. Figure out how to set Trina free before it’s too late.

Aaron says, Sonny is right. He has stuff going on with his parents. He’s sorry for what he said, and how he said it. He’ll clock out and go. Nina says she’s not firing him. She accepts his apology. Just don’t let it happen again. He thanks her, calling her boss, and leaves. She tells Sonny that she’s impressed how he talked to Aaron. It reminds her of a man she knew in Nixon Falls. He says, him too, and she thanks him for having her back. He says, always. He had it when he suggested she sell her half of the hotel. This is the exact situation he warned her about. She says, really? How so?

Carly says she gets where Josslyn is coming from, and her feelings are 100% valid, but like she’s told Josslyn’s father many times over the years, if you go after Sonny, you have to consider the collateral damage. Josslyn says, Donna and Avery, and Carly says, yes. They’ve already had so much loss, it’s not fair to take their father away from them again. Josslyn says, that was Sonny’s message too. He said busting him for assault and attempted murder was somehow unfair to Donna and Avery. Carly says, Josslyn doesn’t agree? and Josslyn says, being a father is not a get get-out-of-jail-free pass. It doesn’t excuse the things Sonny has done, and will continue to do. Everyone is saying he’s such a good father, but shouldn’t they consider the life he leads puts Donna and Avery in danger? He certainly didn’t think about them during his time in Nixon Falls. Carly says, he didn’t remember them, but Josslyn says, he didn’t want to remember them. Isn’t that what he said during his testimony? That he was so happy with Nina in Nixon Falls, he didn’t care to think about anything else? Carly says she gets it. She gets Josslyn is mad about what Sonny put them through. So is she, but she’s trying so hard to move past it, and she can’t do that if she’s worrying about Josslyn going after Sonny.

Ava tells Nikolas, of course (🍷) she understands. The divorce on paper is tempting fate. It’s symbolic maybe, but legally binding. She’s thrilled they’re ditching it. He says, him too. Being her husband is all that matters to him. She says she feels the same way about being his wife. Now that that’s settled, she really has to go to court. What’s he going to do with those? He says he’ll find a symbolic way of destroying them, and they’ll celebrate not divorcing tonight. She asks if he has anything in mind, and he says, she’ll find out. They kiss, and she leaves.

Esme says, Spencer is asking a lot of her, but he says, in return for equal value. His Uncle Victor used considerable resources to find her birth mother. Does Esme want to know who she is or not? Nikolas walks in, and asks if everything is okay, and Spencer says, Trina’s trial is today, so they’re a little on edge. Nikolas says he’ll bet. At least he has some good news for Esme. He pulled some strings, and her internship at Spring Ridge has been reinstated. Esme says, oh my God. Really? This is amazing. She thanks him, and hugs him. She says she’s going to call her supervisor now, and work on her schedule. As she leaves, Spencer says, too bad she can’t start today, and she says, yes, of course (🍷), closing the door behind her. Spencer asks why Nikolas is always helping Esme.

Curtis says, he’s surprised the Commissioner is personally investigating an overdose victim, and Jordan says, she takes an interest when the victim’s name comes up in testimony during an ongoing trial. And when the person who found him is closely connected to the defendant. Portia says, certainly Jordan isn’t suggesting that Curtis had anything to do with the OD, and Jordan says, absolutely not, but it does raise questions. What’s going on? Curtis says, if he tells her, this can’t get back to the ADA.

Arden asks Rory, what’s going on? He’s not testifying today, and he’s out of uniform. He says he’s not on duty. He’s here as a private citizen, and she asks how he thinks it looks, cavorting with the defendant. (Cavorting?) He says he can’t control what people think, and she says, but he can control his actions. And if he doesn’t, is he ready for the consequences? Trina and Taggert watch from the courtroom, and Trina asks if Taggert thinks Arden is reprimanding Rory for his actions; for being here and supporting her. He says, it’s very possible, and she says she doesn’t want Rory to get in trouble because he’s her friend. Taggert says, she made Rory aware of the possible ramifications when they started the friendship. What’s going on here and now is not on her. Rory made a choice. I’m not quite getting this, since Arden isn’t his boss, but it’s not the first time something hasn’t made sense to me in Port Charles.

Josslyn says, Carly can relax, because Sonny’s guy convinced her to delete the recording. Carly asks how he managed that, and Josslyn says, he told her that if she turned the footage over to the cops, Sonny would just beat the charges, and that he – the guy – wouldn’t. And he’s probably right. Diane has gotten Sonny out of much worse. She just didn’t understand why the guy should go to prison for just following orders, yet Sonny’s not going to go for giving them. Carly says, makes sense, and Josslyn says, of course (🍷) the guy’s an idiot for even accepting a job from Sonny. Everybody knows who Sonny is and what he does. He had to know sooner or later he’d be expected to do something illegal. Carly says, Jason worked for Sonny, and he wasn’t an idiot, but Josslyn says, maybe he was. She loved Jason – she thought he was the best – but maybe he was an idiot, for making all those sacrifices for Sonny. No offense, but maybe Carly was an idiot for standing by him for that long. Sonny didn’t do that for her. Michael’s right. Sonny’s gotten away with all this crap for all these years because they lined up and made excuses for him. But he showed them who he really is. He showed them what they mean to him. Carly takes Josslyn’s hand, and says she’s not going to defend Sonny, but he’s still Donna and Avery’s father, and for their sake, she’d like to coexist. Josslyn wonders what she’s asking, and Carly says, the next time Josslyn goes for a run and sees Sonny walking down an alley, keep running. Josslyn says, she probably would have, except… Carly says, except what? and Josslyn says she was still mad about her testimony. Carly says, so that’s what fueled her interaction with Sonny? She thinks it was about control. Josslyn says, control of what? and Carly says she thinks Josslyn needed to reclaim some for herself, after the ADA weaponized her words against her best friend.

Sonny says he’s glad Olivia still serves Corinthos Coffee, and Nina says, why wouldn’t they? It’s top notch. He says, it would send the wrong message to change brands now, after everything that’s going on. All he’s saying is, Nina keeping Carly’s half of the hotel is going to cause a fallout. Nina says, now that they’ve established Sonny Corinthos is right, she has a few interns she needs to… He says, it’s not about who’s wrong. It’s about her accusing him of being more concerned about Carly than her. He’s there for her. He’s just trying to protect her. She says, really? She’s dealt with difficult employees before, but she needs to know he has her back when it counts. He says, always, and she says, it didn’t seem that way when he was trying to convince her to sell her half of the MetroCourt. He says, because he thought it was the wrong move. He has to speak his mind, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t support her. She says, there’s a difference between honesty and undermining, and he says he’s always going to be straight with her, even if she doesn’t like what he has to say. If she can’t deal with that, this is not going to work.

Jordan says, her part in Trina’s trial concluded after she gave her testimony, but as far as she’s concerned, the investigation is ongoing. She’s only obligated to inform the DA’s office if she sees a miscarriage of justice. Curtis says, okay. He’s tracking the black market phone Jordan found in Trina’s purse. He’s working to prove it was bought from Oz Haggerty by Esme Prince. Portia says, that’s why Trina and Joss were at The Highsider. They even brought it up in court yesterday, but of course (🍷) they twisted it, and used it against Trina. Curtis says, yeah, they did, but Josslyn and Trina went to that bar to find the bartender who sold Esme that phone. When they found him, they showed him a pic of Esme, and he recognized her. Jordan says she’s impressed by their initiative, but it was reckless. Portia says, she and Trina’s father weren’t happy about it, but she wasn’t surprised. At least they found something. Curtis says, he and Taggert took it from there, with a little help from Marshall, and a nephew who will remain nameless. He and Marshall followed Oz to his hotel room. They dropped a few threats about his connection to Trina’s case, and he took the bait. He went straight to Windymere. Jordan says, that’s interesting. Did he meet with Esme? Curtis says, they couldn’t get proof of that, but they saw Ava at the pier, and looped her in. But by the time she got there, Oz was gone. He’d disappeared, and didn’t return on the launch. He thinks Esme helped him get off the island undetected. Portia says, and now he is here, in a coma, with information that could clear her daughter.

On the phone, Esme says she called before about her father Oz Haggerty… Still no change?… They’re sure?

Nikolas says, Esme is Spencer’s girlfriend; why wouldn’t he help her? Spencer says, pulling strings takes effort. Phone calls, reciprocal favors. He’s just surprised Nikolas is going the extra mile for her. Nikolas says, nothing is more important to him than Spencer, and as long as Spencer cares for Esme, her concerns are important to him as well. Spencer says he didn’t ask Nikolas to do all that for him, and Nikolas says he wants Spencer to be happy. Is he happy? Spencer says he’s trying to be, and Nikolas asks how things are between Spencer and Esme. Spencer says, things are complicated, and Nikolas says, maybe he’s the problem. Spencer asks, how?

Josslyn tells Carly that she’s really worried for Trina. Her case isn’t looking so good. Carly says she knows, and she’s been where Trina is. Josslyn says, that’s what scares her. She felt so helpless on the stand. She counted on her testimony to help show Trina would never do something like that. As the victim, she thought it would turn the tide. That ADA twisted her words, and made Trina look guiltier than ever. Carly says, that’s her job, and Josslyn says she knows, but she doesn’t care. She hates herself for even answering the questions. She should have lied. Carly says, that would be perjury, and Josslyn says, then she should have shut her mouth, and let them hold her in contempt. Carly says, Josslyn did nothing wrong, and Josslyn says, then why does she have this awful feeling? Carly says, she’s afraid for her best friend. When Josslyn was on that stand, she was passionate in defense of Trina’s character, and put the blame on Esme. And the jury heard her, even though the ADA was trying to object. She showed strength, courage, and loyalty, and Carly is damn proud of her. She hugs Josslyn, and asks if she’s ready to go to the trial. Josslyn says, absolutely. She wants anyone on that jury who still doubts Trina to know her friends are not abandoning her. Carly says, that’s right.

Trina asks, what happened? but Rory says, nothing. She says, it was definitely something. ADA Arden didn’t look happy. The ADA thinks it’s bad optics for Rory to support her in public, doesn’t she? Rory says he’s not worried about her, and Trina says she’s not worried about her; she’s worried about him. Ava comes in, and asks how Trina is doing. Rory leaves, and Ava says, Officer Cabrera is back, huh? She hugs Trina, and says, he doesn’t appear to be on duty. Trina says, Rory is here to support her, and Ava says, Rory. Trina says, they’re friends, and Ava says, that’s all? Trina says, ask her again when the trial is over.

Taggert sits next to Rory, and says, Rory is a good friend to his daughter; he appreciates that. She needs her support system at this time. Rory says he’s proud to call Trina his friend, and Taggert says, he should be. Just for the record, Rory and him? They’re still not friends. Rory says, understood, sir.

Sonny says he came here because he didn’t like how he and Nina left things, and he doesn’t want to fight. Nina says, neither does she, but maybe this is another indication they need to take things slow. He says, why is that? and she says, they’re still trying to figure things out. He says, they’ve already figured each other out, but she says, if one fight derails them, it’s better to know now than later. He asks if that’s how she sees it, because he doesn’t see it that way, and she says, it is. He has a need to protect her from the world and coddle her? She doesn’t need to be coddled. She doubts he ever felt he needed to coddle Carly. He says, he and Carly have said way worse things to each other, and done way worse over the years. She says, if they’re aiming to have the kind of arrangement he had with Carly, where it gives them permission to be verbally abusive to each other, she doesn’t want any part of that, and walks away.

Curtis says, as soon as he connected Oz to Esme, he finds Oz fighting for his life. They know Esme is capable of some serious stuff, but this is attempted murder. Jordan asks if he thinks Esme knew he was on to her, and he says, it’s possible. Jordan says, since they can’t rule out illegal drug use being in play, it allows her to discreetly investigate. Portia says, thank you so much, and Curtis says, they appreciate it. Jordan says, she’s doing her job, and leaves. Portia’s phone dings, and she says, one of her patients is critical. Curtis tells her, go look into that, and he’ll stay to keep eyes on Oz. They can’t let him slip through their fingers again, not until he helps Trina.

Nikolas says he hasn’t been the best example to Spencer. He’s sorry Spencer is unhappy. Spencer says, they’ve had their moments, but this isn’t on Nikolas, and Nikolas says, part of being a parent feeling your child’s pain as if it were your own. He knows he’s caused that pain many times, but Spencer says, they’re moving past that now. Nikolas says he doesn’t know if he’ll ever move past the mistakes he’s made with Spencer. He’s like to promise not to make any more, but he probably will despite his best intentions. Just know that Nikolas loves him, and he’s a flawed man. Moving forward, he never wants to hurt Spencer again. Spencer says, they’re both flawed men. It’s okay. He’s… Esme comes in, and says she’s all set to resume her internship. Spencer says, great, but they should be getting to the courthouse. She says she’ll meet him there; she needs to change. He says he’ll wait, but she says, no need. She’ll be there. She won’t be late. He leaves, and Esme says she can’t begin to tell Nikolas how much this means to her. He says, they need to talk about her almost telling Ava and Spencer that they slept together, and she says she overreacted. He has no idea how much this internship means to her. It’s everything; it’s her future. When she contemplated telling them, it was in a weak moment. She would never do anything to hurt him or Spencer that way. He says she sure seemed to mean what she said, but she says, thankfully, it never came to that, and leaves.

Carly asks how Trina is doing, and she says she’s hanging in. Carly says, they’re all behind her; don’t forget that. Stay strong. Carly’s phone rings, and she steps out to take the call. Josslyn asks if that’s Trina’s dad sitting next to Rory, and Trina says she knows, right? His face seems neutral, which is a good sign. She can’t believe Rory showed up for her.

Ava catches Carly in the hallway, and says she understands Carly relinquished her share of the MetroCourt. Carly says she did, and Ava says, if Carly wants to spend more time with Avery, she’ll be glad to make that happen, since Carly will have more free time now. Carly says she’s always happy to spend time with Avery. Her family means more to her than a job ever could. Ava says, Carly is so fortunate she still has them. She’s lost so much lately. Carly says she is fortunate. Ava on the other hand, has to endure living with a stepson who hates her, and his psycho girlfriend who framed Trina. All because Ava’s husband can’t man up and kick them out, huh? Ava says, let’s just hope for the best for Trina, shall we? and goes into the courtroom. Carly’s phone rings again, and she says, Pilar? What’s up?

Sonny says, he knows he and Nina are just getting started. It’s going to take a little while to find their way, but that doesn’t mean they can’t speak their mind. He thinks that’s important, like they did in Nixon Falls. She says, absolutely, and he says he wants this; does she? She says, more than anything, and he says, then they have to stop comparing their relationship to his and Carly’s. That’s in the past. He takes her hand, and says, what they have is different. It’s meaningful, right? Nina says, he doesn’t always have to support her decisions – she knows he won’t – but she needs to know his loyalty is always with her. Carly’s long shadow is always going to hover over them, and no matter how hard they try to move forward, she’s afraid they’re never going to escape it. He says, they won’t, and she says, so he admits there are three people in this relationship, but he says, not between them. Carly is always going to be part of this. They can make peace with the past, but they can’t separate from what’s happened. Carly is the mother of his children, so it’s never going to be just the two of them. He can live with that because Nina means that much to him. What she has to decide is how much he means to her.

Carly tells Josslyn, she’s sorry, but she’s got to go. Donna got hurt on the playground. She’s okay. Pilar said she’s fine, but Carly wants to go home and make sure she’s okay. She’ll text when she gets there, and wants Josslyn to do the same; let her know what’s going on. Josslyn says, sure, and they hug. Josslyn tells Carly to give Donna a hug for her, and Carly leaves.

Taggert tells Trina that Diane is on her way; traffic. How is she doing? Does she need anything? Trina says she’s fine. She’s glad he’s here. She looks at Rory, and asks Taggert to excuse her for a minute. She needs to talk to Rory. Taggert says he’ll wait for her here, and she goes over to Rory. Taggert’s phone rings, and it’s Portia. She says, she doesn’t know what to do, and he tells her, take a breath, and tell him what’s going on. He thought she’d be here by now. She says, that’s the problem; she has an emergency. One of her patients is in critical condition, and being prepped for surgery right now. How does she do that to Trina? He tells her, do what she needs to do, and Trina will understand, but she says, Trina needs her. Trina needs her support, but her patient’s life depends on her. He tells her to take care of her patient, and he’ll take care of their daughter.

Trina says she knows Rory is downplaying what the ADA told him. If he needs to go, please leave. She doesn’t want him getting in any more trouble because of her. He says he wants to be here, but if him being here stresses her out… She says, that’s not what she means. She wants him to know that she realizes he’s putting himself out on a limb for her, and it means a lot. He says, in that case, he’s not going anywhere. Spencer walks in.

At Windymere, Nikolas asks Jordan if it’s an official visit, and she says, actually, it is. He asks how he can help, and she says she’d like to ask him a few questions about his recent visitor.

On the phone, Esme says she knows she’s not on the schedule yet, because her internship just got reinstated, but she needs to come in to see Ryan Chamberlain. Please tell her that she can see him right away. It’s urgent.

Tomorrow, Taggert asks if Ava has any idea what Spencer plans to say on the stand; Esme says, what’s leverage if you can’t use it; Victor says, as head of the family, he’s made a decision; and Ryan says, when you’re right, you’re right. I would assume to Esme, since he doesn’t talk to anyone else.

🍀 Lucky Lucky…

Pretty prestigious. It would have been nice if they’d been more specific about what he’d written though.

🙏 Thankful…

I don’t have kids, but I can’t imagine anything more difficult than losing a child.

⚠️ Not Yet…

Don’t you hate when that happens?

💎 It’s Her Turn…

Looks like Kathy is going to be in the hot seat for a while. She’s had a free ride too long.

💸 Another Day, Another Lawsuit…

I’m honestly starting to wonder.

👠 Took Long Enough…

What is wrong with these women that they even associate with that trash talking drunk?


🍑 After the ATL…

Cynthia is moving and shaking.

💕 Enjoying the Ride…

What that Sheree is up to.

👩🏻‍🍳 Model Chef…

I’d be amazed if anyone even remembers her being on ANTM. I don’t.


🙀 Horror Plus…

The latest in queer horror.


And while we’re on the subject, I can’t wait to see this.


🎶 Stop Right Now…

Not only is she posh, she’s a good sport.



World Tour 2008 – All 5 – It was the best!

🧍🏽‍♀️ Taking a Little Sidestep…

Meet me here tomorrow for soap and whatever’s cringeworthy in Beverly Hills. Until then, stay safe, stay letting your conscience be your guide, and stay knowing, if you accept a job from a mob boss, sooner or later you’ll be expected to do something illegal.

June 13, 2021 – There’s No Stopping It, Dead Future, Victor Dissected, a Viewer’s Guide, AHS 10, About Those CMTs & Grave


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

When we last left, Teddy had set off the bomb, and Morgan let Teddy jet with Dakota. Morgan told Victor to get lost, and was alone in the control room of the submarine.

Seagulls fly overhead. We see a sign that says, Coastal Access – 3 miles, lying on its side. Rachel tries to take the tire off of her truck, as baby Morgan cries in the backseat, and bloodhound Rufus waits in the truck bed. She gets on a walkie talkie, and asks if anyone can hear her. She needs help. Anybody? She sees the missile go up, and hears Morgan say he’s still going to try and stop what Teddy started. He’s not sure it’s possible. The missile is going to reenter the atmosphere, and has multiple warheads. This could be all the time they have left. Use it. Make it mean something. Give yourself the end you wanted, even if it’s not the one we all imagined. Rachel says, this isn’t the end, and goes back to the tire. The jack falls a little, but she keeps trying, but the jack lets go completely, and the car falls on her leg. A title says: Promise me you’ll find someone. She’s not messing around, and duct tapes her broken leg, bone hanging out and all, to a makeshift splint. She takes out Baby Morgan – who I have to mention has an amazing head of hair – and hobbles down the road, Rufus running ahead. She falls, but the baby is okay, even if crying. She says she’s sorry. They can’t do this. She sees the missile divide, and kisses her baby. She says she just can’t, and takes out a knife. We think she’s going to kill the baby, but instead, she rigs up the backpack to put the baby on her back. She says, this is the end for me, but not for you. She ties a rope around her waist, tying the other end to Rufus, and telling him to find people. She puts a gag in her own mouth, and says she’s sorry. She stabs herself, and keels over, as Baby Morgan cries.

Daniel screws with the radio, and hears Morgan giving his speech about the end. A title says: Dame el Arma. Rollie squeals into the parking lot, and he, Wes, and Riley get out of the car. Rollie says Riley knows where a bunker is where they can ride things out. Funny what you can get out of a true believer when they’re pulled away from their leader. Daniel asks why they should believe Riley. He heard a voice on the radio giving coordinates to a safe place to go. Rollie asks if it was Morgan, and Daniel says, no. It was someone else, but he knows that voice. Rollie says he remembers the last time they took Daniel’s word for something, and Luci says they have no time for this. Is Daniel sure about what he’s telling them? He’s a little iffy, so she says they’ll go with what Riley said. It’s their only choice. They all get in the truck, and drive over some zombies loitering in the road. Sarah gets on the radio, and says, if Wen can hear her, stay where he is. Daniel asks Riley, why not remain silent, and die for his cause? Why would he tell them about a safe place when they’re so close to the end? The truck suddenly fishtails, and Rollie says, the brakes went out. Sarah asks Jacob if he’s fixed brakes before, and they get out. Rollie says, all hands on deck; they have company. A cluster of zombies approaches, and Jacob helps to keep the zombies at bay, while Sarah works to patch a hole in the accumulator. She tells Jacob that they may not make their way to the bunker, but he says they will. She asks, what comes next? and he says she and Wen will be together, one way or another. She does some welding.

Daniel asks Riley, if he’s all about destruction, why help them survive? Riley says he wants to see their faces when it all turns to ash. They said Teddy and his group were all insane, but it’s just the beginning. Sarah says, it worked, and Riley tells Daniel, the next will rise, or some kind of nonsense lik that. Sarah says it’s a patch job, but should get them there in one piece, and Rollie says they’ll make it out of this thing yet. Daniel talks to Luci in Spanish, asking her to give him the gun, and he shoots Rollie. Daniel says, he was one of them. That’s how Teddy found out they were at the sub. That’s why they were prepared. Riley is shot from behind, and we see Charlie holding the literal smoking gun. He’s not dead, and Luci asks Riley if it’s true. He tells her, they lost their faith and turned on each other behind the wall. Daniel has himself to thank. Otherwise they would have never been found out. Nobody is going anywhere. Warheads start to come down, and Daniel says, the coordinates. They can still make it. Luci says he knew truth about Riley. They’re putting their faith in him. They read out the coordinates.  

Dwight and Shari ride up the road, and stop. Dwight says, there’s no school there. Shari wonders if they took a wrong turn, and Dwight says, they’ll go back. There’s got to be something nearby. They gallop away, and they hear Morgan on the radio, saying, give yourself the end you wanted, even if it’s not the one we all imagined. They see a cabin, and Shari says, maybe there’s beer and pretzels in there. He asks if she’s serious, and she says, it’s the one thing they said they’d do when they found each other, and they haven’t done it yet. If this is the end, it’s how she wants to go out; just them. A title says: Enjoy the view, a-hole. They go to the cabin, and Dwight says, maybe it’s not just them. They go inside, and Dwight checks the kitchen, while Shari looks at a photo of a couple with a baby. She goes out to the backyard, and Dwight joins her. He says he couldn’t find pretzels, but he found these bad boys, handing her a beer. He says, they’re warm, but they’ll do the trick. They drink, and Shari wonders why they didn’t do this sooner. They  found each other, after everything. That doesn’t just happen, but she couldn’t get past the past. She wasted so much time being pissed off; trying to fight the bad guys, but the bad guys always win. They’ve seen that every time, and nothing she did was going to change that. She cries, and says, all it did was cost her time with him. He takes her beer, and puts it with his on the porch, and holds her. He says, everything she did, everything she’s done, she has nothing to be sorry for. He kisses her, and says they still have this life, even if it’s just for now. The woman and man from the photo come out, the man holding a gun, and Dwight says, they don’t want any trouble. They thought the cabin was empty. Shari says, they’ll get out if they know a place where they can hole up. The man says they had a place, but they took it. Dwight asks what he’s talking about, and the man says, a storm cellar. They were about to go down, when two jackasses showed up, and forced them up. Dwight asks who they were, and the woman says, they didn’t introduce themselves. They just ranted about, the end is the beginning. A little girl comes out, and we assume she’s the baby from the photo. The woman says, just give them their house back, and Dwight asks where the cellar is. He’ll get it back for them. The woman asks, how? and Dwight asks if they have any rope.  

Dwight ties one end of a rope to the horse, and the other to the cellar door handle. He slaps the horse’s flank to get it moving, and it runs, pulling the door off. Two guys come out shooting. Shari shoots one, killing him, and shoots the other, who falls, but gets up and runs. Dwight shoots him in the back, and he crawls. They all run over to him, and Dwight turns him over. The guy says, do it, and Dwight says he looks scared. A zombie is heading their way, and the guy says, please, but Dwight says, no. He doesn’t think so. He’s going to do for the guy what the guy tried to do for the family there. Give him a front row seat to the sh*t show they brought on them. Someone shoots the zombie, and Shari shoots the guy in the knee, calling him an a-hole. As they walk to the cellar, Dwight tells Shari, maybe they’re both right, and the bad guys don’t always win. They go to the cellar door, and see the missile divide. They rush inside.   

Driving with Dakota, Teddy hears Morgan on the radio, saying he’s still going to try and stop what Teddy started, but he’s not sure it’s possible. Dakota snaps the radio off, startling Teddy. She says she’s sorry she saved Morgan. She’s the only reason Morgan is alive. If he’d died at the gulch, there would have been no one stopping the missiles. Teddy says he’s glad it went the way it did. Otherwise, he never would have met her. Dakota asks if he means it, and he says she gets him. All those others, hanging on his every word, doing what he tells them, not a single one understood what he was doing the way she does.

A title says: You have nothing to be sorry about. Teddy and Dakota stand at a viewing station, and look out. He says, it’s almost time. Look at it. Here they are with a front row seat. Dakota says Teddy told her that she got him. He was the first person who didn’t look at her like she had something wrong with her, and try to make her change. He takes her hand, and says, imagine if they’d found each other sooner. John comes up behind them, and tells Teddy, step away from the girl. Teddy asks if John is spending his last moments before he turns to mulch, putting him down. John says he’s there for Dakota. He’s not fixing to hurt her; he just wants to say something. Dakota says, he’ll try to make her change her mind, and John says, she can still make her life mean something. She just has to believe people are better than she thinks they are. She says that’s how John Jr. ended up with a bullet in him, and John says, even though he walked out on his son, John Jr. still found it in himself to forgive him years later. She asks what he’s going to do with her, and he says, forgive her for killing John; for taking her son’s life. Teddy tells Dakota not to listen to him. She has nothing to be sorry about. She asks if he means that, and he says he does. John puts his gun down, and Teddy raises his, but it’s shot out of his hand. June walks up, saying, John didn’t come alone, and John says she’s a better shot than he is. Dakota asks why they’re there, and June says she forgives Dakota too. It’s not too late, even if Dakota believes it is. As long as you’re alive, it’s not too late. Dakota asks, if June believes that, why did she kill Virginia? and June says, when she lost John, she lost what she believed, but she found it again. So can Dakota. John steps on something hard, and says, what the hell is under there? He brushes aside the grass, and sees a camouflaged trap door. It opens to a ladder going down into a tunnel. He says he thought Teddy was the end. It looks like he plans on sticking around. His talk about the beginning was just hot air to get his lambs to march to slaughter. June says John isn’t lying to Dakota. Teddy is here to do what he believes. Dakota asks, what the hell is this? and Teddy tells her they’re going to shoot off the rest of the missiles. When he dust clears, he can finish what he started. Dakota says, he didn’t mean it about her understanding him, but Teddy insists he did. She says, then why didn’t he tell her? He says he couldn’t risk anyone else finding out. He wanted it to be about her and him. Why else would he bring her? John says, he needs two people to launch a missile; only one can’t turn both keys. He doesn’t care about Dakota. He just needs her. Dakota says, he’s her family, and doesn’t want her to be something she’s not. Teddy says, John abandoned his son, and June tells Dakota that she has a chance to survive; it’s a sign there are second chances. They see the missile divide, and John says, it’s starting soon. Dakota can die being who she is, or go with them. She says, and pretend to be someone she’s not. He says, it’s her choice. She points the gun, but seems unsure, and points it at Teddy.

Riding down the road on a horse, Victor hears Morgan over the radio, saying the missile is going to reenter the atmosphere, and it has multiple warheads. A title says: Which man are you? He goes into a building fighting his way through zombies inside. He tries a door, but it’s locked. A zombie gets him up close and personal, but he stabs it in the head, and runs into a stairwell. He goes up to an empty floor, and asks if anybody is there. He sees dead people, but not like that kid in Sixth Sense. They lie all over on the floor. He looks out to the parking lot, and at the crowd of zombies wandering around. He yells at the top of his lungs, and sits on the floor. He hears something in the distance, and follows the sound. He opens a door and hears a recording of a man singing the blues. He walks into a humongous room where a lot of art is being stored. He hears a gun click behind him, and a man asks how he got past the dead he let in. Hand over his gun, and start talking. Victor turns around, and says, he didn’t see it? and the man says, it was hard to miss. Is it hitting there? Victor says, it’s hitting everywhere. The man asks how Victor knows, and Victor says, he was there. Unless the man has someplace to shelter, there’s nothing more he can do. The man says he guesses that’s the ballgame, puts his gun down, and asks if Victor likes bourbon. It’s from a distillery in Texas. It used to be in Texas anyway. He asks Victor to turn the record over. He says, it’s “Lemon Blind” Jefferson. He mostly played around Dallas in 1926 to ’29. Victor says he knows his history, and the man says he hopes so. He’s a historian, or he used to be. He was a teacher before the world did what it did. Victor puts the needle on the record, and asks if that’s where all of this came from. The man says, it came after. From museums, city halls… The flag is from the Alamo. He figured somebody should try to preserve history. Victor sees a medal around the man’s neck, and asks if he’s a religious man. He says, no; his wife was. She said it would protect him. So much for that. (I dunno about that; he’s still alive.) Victor says he gave one just like it to someone, a dear friend. The man asks what Victor was trying to protect them from, and Victor says, it’s complicated. The man says, now’s not the time to be cryptic, and asks Victor, who is he? What is he doing up there? What happened out there? Victor says they were trying to build a future, while the ones they were up against were trying to end it. He was trying to stop it. He should have stopped it. The man asks why he didn’t, and Victor says, it came down to two men. They had to give their lives to save everyone, and when push came to shove, one couldn’t. The man asks, why not? and Victor says, he wanted to survive. He wanted the tales of glory for himself, and consigned everyone to be destroyed trying to circumvent death. The man asks, which one was he? and Victor says, he was the one who ready to die. The man asks why he’s there. Why isn’t he with the rest of them? Victor says, something led him there, This must be the ending he deserved, or thought he did. They hear the warheads, and see one coming down in the distance. The man says he wishes they’d met sooner, and introduces himself as Howard. Victor says, he’s Morgan. Morgan Jones.   

Grace watches the missile, and hears Morgan on the radio, telling everyone to make it mean something, and give themselves the end they want. She throws the radio, and rages a little. A title says: I can hear her. She looks into the submarine, and says she knows the ending she wants. She goes down the ladder. Morgan is cursing his life at the controls, when she comes in. He tells her that he said he’d keep trying. He’s got to make it happen. She says he can’t make stop, but he says, it’s not over. She says, they don’t know where the missiles hit, but it’s close enough. Even if they survive, with the radiation and fallout, the won’t want to live in this world. She’s seen what it does. It will be worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Dying from radiation is extremely long and painful, and there will be no escaping it. He takes her hand, and she says she’s not watching it happen again; not to someone else she loves. That’s the problem with her. Don’t tell her it’s not too late. Morgan kisses her, and tells he that he loves her. She says she knows, and puts her gun on the desk. She says, please don’t make her watch it again, and he says, he thought he’d die in the gulch, but there was a reason he kept breathing. It was her. He wanted to take care of her, to build something for Athena. She says, it’s not going to happen. She’s sorry, but neither one of them were meant to be there. He says he’s sorry; he truly is. He’s sorry for them, and for what could have been. He actually let himself believe he could have a family again, be a husband… be a father. She says he can be, just not there. When Athena was born Grace wished so long to hear her cry, but it never came. She needs to hear her baby cry. They hear something outside, and Grace says, it’s the warheads separating. He picks up the gun, and says he’s sorry it has to end this way, but she says, it’s for the best. They hug, and put their foreheads together. He puts the gun against the back of his own head. We hear a baby cry, and Grace says, I can hear her. Morgan says, he can too, and they realize it’s a real baby, not Athena in their heads.  

Outside, Rufus barks. He’s leading Rachel, who’s now a zombie. Morgan says, Rachel, and Grace grabs the dog. Morgan hesitates for a moment, but then stabs Rachel through the head with his pokey stick. He catches her as she falls, and takes Baby Morgan out of her backpack. I have literally never seen a head of hair like this on a baby this young; it’s amazing. Morgan laughs, and Grace hugs the dog. He says, it feels like a gift from Athena.

Wes and Sarah get out of the truck, followed by the others. Wes asks if Daniel is sure he had the right coordinates. Charlie says, there’s nobody here, and Daniel says he’s sorry. Sarah says, maybe Wen will be okay, and Riley says, he told them, there’s no escaping. Daniel grabs him, pulls him out of the truck, and throws him on the ground. He’s either knocked out or dead, and Wes goes through his pockets. Charlie looks up, and is the first to see the helicopter headed their way. Sarah says, sh*t in a sandbox, and Luci says, Daniel was right; she knew it. The helicopter lands, and they run to it. Sarah wonders who the hell it is, and the person on the passenger side says she’s glad they got the coordinates. Don’t ask the pilot any questions. The less they know, the better. She’s wearing a facemask, but we assume it’s Al. I also assume the pilot is Isabelle.

Dakota aims her gun at John again, and June says, please, but Dakota says she doesn’t have to change for anyone.  John asks if he ever told June about the St. Louis Barnraiser, and she nods. He shoots in the air, and Dakota shoots at him, getting him in the arm, as June shoots the gun out of her hand. June and John go down into the tunnel, leaving Dakota and Teddy behind. Dakota asks if Teddy ever really gave a sh*t, or did he just need her to turn the key? He doesn’t say anything, and she shoots him, saying, that’s what she thought. She shoots him again in the head, and tells him, he said she should never change, and she’s not. Now, he never gets to see his ending.

Victor and Howard go to the window, and watch the warheads come down.

Dakota looks out, everything goes white. She’s been burned to a crisp, and I laugh.   

John and June duck, and everything blows apart.

Dwight, Shari, and the family huddle together in the root cellar. They hear the door banging, but it suddenly stops.

Luci says, if they stick together, they’ll be fine. The helicopter takes off, and we see Wes has painted, This Isn’t The End on the road; the word End on Riley’s back. Riley gets up and walks away, as a mushroom cloud rises in the distance.   

Everything is blowing up everywhere. Grace sees a dust cloud coming , and Morgan says, go! They run, Morgan holding the baby, and Rufus gets in a truck. As usual, the dog is my main concern. Morgan and Grace go under a car with Baby Morgan, and it looks like that move The Day After.   

Victor grits his teeth and closes his eyes, but then it’s over. He and Howard they see mushroom cloud. Victor laughs, and Howard asks why he’s laughing. Victor says, because he’s alive. After everything he did, he’s still there. Howard says, everything he did? and Victor says he’s not the man he told Howard he was. He’s the other one. He’s not Morgan Jones; he’s Victor Strand. He’s a man who’s thrown other men to the wolves when it was necessary. He’s not afraid to the cut the cord when he’s had to. He’s a hustler and a backroom dealer, and he’s cheated if the opportunity presented itself. Howard asks, why? and Victor says, survival. He’s done it all his life. Despite the critics, he’s still there. He came from nothing, but he knows how to survive. He’s had to rebuild himself from the ground up, over and over again. They have a great future behind them. They can take that future and rebuild, with art, and books, and music, and good bourbon. It feels like the dawning of a new day to him. They look at the cloud, and Victor asks, how about Howard?  

Grace coughs, and she and Morgan come out with the baby. They see a zombie going by, the back of him smoking (dubbed Backdraft Zombie by Talking Dead). Morgan waits for it to approach, and stabs it in the throat. They hear some popping sounds, and Morgan looks at Grace, and then Baby Morgan.

No preview, since this was the finale.

⚰️ So I’m thinking about this episode as I’m editing and listening to Talking Dead, where they’re talking about FWD having a new reality for its characters due to the bombings. And I thought, but wait, doesn’t this mean they’ll have to do the same for Walking Dead, and whatever other shows are connected to it in the same timeline or after?


💣 Victor’s Villainy…

I never thought of villains as necessarily being queer, but hey, why not?


🧛🏼 Speaking Of Queer…

A wonderful list of horror films. This article also contains one of my favorite horror film titles of all time, Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-a-Rama. I’ve never actually seen it, but I have seen Tammy and the T-Rex, also on the list. It was… interesting.

📽 It’s Coming…

The latest on American Horror Story.

🐎 Country Wins…

Everything you ever wanted to know about this year’s CMT Awards, including the fashions of course.



Finally, my dog saw the vet, after screaming, crying, and stamping my feet to get an appointment that wasn’t three weeks from now. Slight exaggeration, but I was persistent. His health issues were dealt with, so hopefully, I’m back on track now. Until we meet for soap and a sail, stay safe, stay resilient, and stay being a survivor, but without throwing anyone to the wolves like Victor.