Tag Archives: Social House

May 18, 2021 – Sonny Recognizes Someone, Ramona Gets Busted By Leah, Did She Donate, Fashionable Fashions & Hamptons Magic


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny and Nina get to the Corinth Outlet Mall, and Nina says, this is the place. Sonny says, the first stop on Elijah’s list of real estate acquisitions. She says, it’s the opposite of local charm. The words boring and mundane spring to mind. He says, the word that springs to his mind is corruption.

Carly lets Diane in, and says, before she asks, this is billable. Diane says she’s delighted to hear it. Which of the myriad of situations Carly is handling are they discussing? Carly says, Jason. She thinks she found a way to bring him home.

Britt stands in what looks like a lighthouse, and Jason walks in. She asks how it is, and he says, the perimeter is clear. She says, it certainly is isolated. She’s holding a deck of cards, and he asks what she’s got. She says, they’re in luck. Only the seven of diamonds is missing. She should probably check his stitches and change his bandages, but he says he wants to clean up first. She says she’ll be there, and he goes upstairs. She takes out her phone, and starts to punch in numbers. Jason suddenly appears, and asks who she’s calling.   

Peter shows up at Maxie’s apartment, and says he was so happy to get her message that she wanted to see him. She says she did ask that he call, but never mind. He’s there now. He asks how she’s feeling, and how’s little Louise? She says, they had a rough night. That’s why she wanted to speak to him. He asks if she had contractions, and if they should go to the hospital, but she says, it’s nothing like that. She needs to leave town.

Anna calls Robert, and leaves a message that she needs to talk to him. She’s at the hospital, but she can meet him in 20 minutes. Call her back; it’s important. She hears Finn telling Chase that he’s working around the clock to find a protocol; to make it safe for Chase to go home. Chase says he wants out, but Finn says Chase just had a major setback. Chase suggests they talk about his setback, and talk about his mysterious condition. What is Finn not telling him?   

Willow looks at her phone, and Michael asks, what’s got her so absorbed? She says, she was just researching Chase’s illness. She knows it sounds ridiculous. If Finn can’t figure it out, a Google search isn’t going to be much good. She can’t believe Finn’s found no diagnosis in all this time. Michael asks if she thinks Finn isn’t telling Chase all he knows about Chase’s condition.   

Ned walks into the Quartermaine mansion, as Brook is coming downstairs. She tells him, good morning, and he asks if everyone is alive after Valentin’s first night there. She says she’s seen no signs of bloodshed, but it’s probably the calm before the storm.

Valentin wanders around upstairs, and opens a door. There’s a scream, and Olivia yells, get out! Ned runs upstairs, and Brook says, yeah. That’s more like it.

Willow asks Michael, what if Finn is withholding information about Chase for his own good? He says, like they are? and she says, exactly. She’s in no position to criticize, but she knows Chase wants the truth. Michael says, what if they ask Finn straight out? Would it violate confidentiality? She says, actually, it wouldn’t. Chase told Finn that he wants her informed about his condition, so she has consent. But she doesn’t feel right probing into it with Finn. Michael asks, why? and she says, how much is too much? Chase thinks she’s his girlfriend, and so does everyone else. If she exploits her access to privileged information, it does feel like another lie, and she just can’t do that to Chase.

Finn tells Chase, believe him. He gets no joy in keeping Chase cooped up, and watching him eat orange gelatin. Chase tells him to find out what’s taking so long, and Finn says he’s doing the best he can. He can’t have Chase go back to his apartment, and chance his fever spiking and him having a seizure. He left Chase for five minutes, and came back to a 105 temperature, and Chase delirious. What if Chase is alone and couldn’t get help, and Finn can’t get to him? Chase says Finn will find a way to keep him safe, and Finn says, they have that. It’s called staying in the hospital.

Robert comes out of the elevator, and Anna motions for him to keep his voice down. He says he thought he’d find her there, but she says he didn’t have to come. She could have met him. He says he was at the hospital, interviewing a witness. It sounded important. What’s up? It’s not Chase? She says, no. She called Tiffany, and has some really bad news. Sean passed away. His old friend is gone.

Olivia flies downstairs, and asks why Valentin is strutting around half-naked? He strolled into her bedroom, wearing only a towel and a look of astonishment. What’s going on? What the hell is he doing here? Brook says, Monica didn’t tell her? and she says, tell her what?  Are Valentin and Brook a couple? Brook says, no, but what if they were? Ned says, they’re not. Valentin and Charlotte are living there for the time being. Olivia says, they’re what?

Britt says, she just wants to make one call; it’s important. Maxie is high risk, and she’s Maxie’s OB/GYN. She needs to make sure Maxie is all right. He says, the police could be monitoring her associates. It’s a long shot, but they could be looking at Maxie. She says, that’s why she’ll just be on for a short minute. Come on. She  trusted him all the way to a Canadian lighthouse. Now he needs to trust her.

Diane says, if Carly thought of a way to exonerate Jason, by all means, enlighten her. Carly says, the case relies on Gladys’s claims that she saw Jason getting rid of the murder weapon. They know she’s lying, and if Gladys recants, the case is over. Diane asks why Gladys would do that, and Carly says she’s going to convince Gladys that she’s making a mistake, aligning herself with Cyrus. Diane asks if they’re talking about the same Gladys. Carly can’t appeal to Glady’s better angel. She doesn’t have a righteous bone in her body, and she’s terrified of Cyrus. Does Carly know something she doesn’t? Carly says, Gladys will be singing a different tune when Gladys hears what she has to say.

Nina tells Sonny, when they were driving into Corinth, she was thinking it was a cute little town, with charming houses. Then they got to the strip mall that looks like it was dropped in the center. Before they came, she did some research, and looked at the town. Main Street was thriving, and had all these cute mom and pop businesses. Where are they? What happened to the local community? He says, Elijah happened.

Peter asks what Maxie means by leaving, and Maxie says, she’s not leaving leaving, just going away got a few days. Whispering Pines is a spa resort, and they have a baby pampering package. She’s going to treat herself. He asks if this babymoon is for couples, but she says, the spa is for women only. It’s supposed to be calming and relaxing, and she could use some alone time. She just got terrible news. Her godfather Sean died. He says he’s sorry; he had no idea. She says, someone important leaves her life just as someone important enters it. She needs some quiet to process. He understands, doesn’t he? He says, of course (🍷). He hopes it will be a relaxing time, and she says, it will be. He says, of course (🍷) it will. Chloe will be there.

Jason says Britt thinks he doesn’t trust her? and she sarcastically says, no. That’s why he didn’t want her to make a call. He says he just wants her to understand the risk to use the phone. Obviously she does, so go ahead. She says, that’s it? and he says, that’s it. They’re in this together. She doesn’t have to sneak around; just ask for the phone. Or she can keep the phone, and he’ll ask. Britt says, great, and he tells her, make her call. She says she will, and he goes back upstairs. She watches him, and smiles.

Robert tells Anna, he knew Sean was suffering from dementia, but he didn’t think it was bad enough that he’d die. Anna says, Tiffany and Annie are devastated. They knew it was coming, but even when you’re prepared, it’s just… Finn comes out, and asks if Robert is okay. Anna says, their friend passed away – Sean Donely. Finn says he’s sorry. He knows they mentioned Sean lived in Ireland, and Anna says, the memorial is tomorrow. Robert says, so soon? They have arrangements to make. He’ll check the flights. Anna says, no. She’s sorry. She can’t go.   

Willow tells Michael that she’s sorry. It’s not fair, but Chase is in the hospital with an unknown illness, and getting him through it is all that matters. She hopes Finn isn’t withholding information like Chase thinks. Michael says, Chase was pretty out of it. Maybe he’ll feel differently today. Willow hopes so. She’s heading over to the hospital. She wants to grab some time with her advisor, and look in on Chase. He asks if she wants a ride. She can sit in the back if she doesn’t trust herself with him. She says she’ll try to control herself, and thanks him.

Brook tells Olivia, it wasn’t her idea, but upon further consideration, as bizarre as it is, it makes sense. Like Valentin said, there are more wings in the house than Quartermaines. (Apparently, they thought that was as funny as I did, since they used it twice.) Valentin says he’s sorry he intruded on Olivia, and she asks if he doesn’t believe in knocking. He says he was under the impression that he and Charlotte had the guest wing to themselves. Olivia says he thought wrong, and Ned asks why she was in the guest wing. She says she’s been sleeping there since he left. It doesn’t feel right, sleeping in their bed without him. Brook smiles.

Sonny and Nina visit a park where the trashcans are overflowing. She says, the park is like the rest of Corinth. It’s obviously seen better days. Imagine how charming it used to be. Sonny sees a woman sitting on a bench, and says, maybe one of the locals can give them some insight on the park. He walks up to the woman, and says, hi, Barb. She asks if she knows him, and he says she’s wearing a name tag. She says she’s on break, and Nina says, the mall must be busy. What about the rest of Corinth? Did it go the way of the strip mall? She saw pictures on the website, and the town looked so cute. Barb says, it’s a different town. It’s changed since she was growing up, especially after what happened five years ago. Sonny asks, what happened? and she says, crime; robberies, vandalism, petty theft. People got scared and stopped shopping here. Nina says, what a shame. It must have been hard on businesses. Barb says, they started shuttering and boarding up. When they were offered a chance to sell, they jumped at it. They didn’t  expect the lots to be combined for a strip mall. Nina asks if Barb thinks the owners wouldn’t have sold if they knew, and Barb says they would have at least held out for more money. Sonny says they have a similar problem in Nixon Falls. He leans over to Nina, and says, very similar.

Carly tells Diane that she recently learned something that could make Gladys switch sides, but she’d be breaking a confidence. Diane asks if it would give her the leverage she needs to get Gladys to recant her story, and Carly says she thinks so. Diane asks if it would put Carly’s source in danger, but Carly says she doesn’t think so; it’s personal and none of her business. Diane says, then she needs to ask herself this question. What’s more important, a clear conscience regarding her source’s secret, or the possibility of Jason being exonerated? Carly says, question. Anything she says is covered by attorney/client privilege? Diane says, unless Carly is going to tell her that she’s murdering somebody. Don’t murder anyone, and don’t tell her. She doesn’t want to know. Otherwise, everything is covered. Carly says, Sasha is pregnant, and Brando is the father.

Ned says, Olivia can’t sleep in their bed alone without him? He’s been having trouble sleeping too. Olivia says, stop here. Question. What’s Valentin doing camping out there, when she gave him the best suite in the MetroCourt? Valentin says he’s there to keep an eye on Brook. She insists on ditching her security detail. Olivia says, and Monica is okay with this? and Ned says, she’s surprisingly on board. Michael and Willow come  out of the living room, and Michael asks, what’s going on? Brook says, not much. Valentin saw Olivia naked. Olivia says she was not naked, but Valentin was only wearing a towel. Ned says Valentin needs to walk around in proper attire, but Brook says she kind of likes the towel. Valentin says he’s sure, and goes back upstairs.   

Nina tells Barb, when she was parked across from the mall, she saw lots of cars. Barb says, people drive in from all over to shop at the outlets. That’s the reason a lot of people went out of business; they can’t complete with the low prices. Don’t get her wrong; she’s grateful for the jobs it brought. It’s just a different town now. She supposes it’s progress. She leaves, and Nina says, it sounds like the town lost its heart, and Sonny asks if it was lost, or stolen.

Diane asks Carly to explain how Gladys learning Sasha is pregnant with her grandchild will make her recant, and Carly says, Cyrus is into Sasha. She’s sure Cyrus thought Sasha was a trophy, and hooking her on drugs would keep her on a leash. It didn’t turn out that way, and Sasha has kept her distance. Cyrus, not so much. He won’t appreciate being shown up by his younger driver. If Cyrus found out, he’d kill Brando for being close to Sasha. Gladys has a lot of faults, but she loves her son. Diane says, the best way to protect Brando is to get Cyrus convicted of a felony for obstruction of justice. If Gladys admits she lied, and further admits that Cyrus incentivized it, Cyrus will be facing serious criminal changes. Carly says if she reveals Sasha’s secret, she’ll feel terrible using Sasha’s situation for her own benefit after all Sasha has done for Michael and Wiley. She gave up Michael, and nearly lost her life. Carly feels terrible, but there’s no other way to help Jason. Diane says, maybe she can offer Gladys something else.

Robert says, Anna is going to miss Sean’s memorial? What could be more important? Anna says she wants to go, but she’s needed there. Finn asks for a minute, and Robert gives them privacy. Finn tells Anna, she can’t do this, and she says, she’s not. She’s going to make sure Chase has another dose if he needs it. Finn says, no; she can’t miss the memorial. She’ll regret it if she doesn’t go. She says she’ll regret it more if something happens to Chase. She wants to be there for the family, but she can’t be in two places at once. She guesses she can asks Valentin to deal with Peter. Finn says, either way, she should go. She’ll regret it if she’s not there. She thanks him for looking out for her, and he says he always wants what’s best for her. She says she feels the same way about him.

Maxie tells Peter that she doesn’t need Chloe. There will be a whole staff there to pamper her. She won’t have to lift a finger if she doesn’t want to. He says, the whole point of hiring a nurse was so Maxie would have a medical professional with her at all times in case of an emergency. It will be good for her peace of mind to have Chloe there, and his. Her phone rings, and she sees it’s Britt. She tells Peter that she needs to take this. She says, hello? and Britt says, thank God she answered. Are she and the baby okay? Has she managed to keep Peter away?  

Peter asks, who is it? and Maxie says, hi, Trish. How are you? She was so worried when she didn’t hear from her. Britt says, Peter is there? and Maxie says, yep; she’s managing. Is Trish okay? Britt says she’s fine, but she won’t be back soon. What is Maxie going to do? Maxie says, she made other arrangements. She heard Trish couldn’t help because she was in a jam. Britt asks if Maxie found someone else to deliver her baby, and Maxie says, Trish knows her; she’s on it. She just has to wrap up a few details. Britt says she’s so sorry. Please, be careful. Maxie says she will. Is Trish sure she’s doing okay? Does she need to send a casserole? Britt says, she and Jason are okay. He didn’t kidnap her; he actually saved her. Maxie says she already knew that, and Britt says she can’t stay on the phone much longer. She’ll think good thoughts for Maxie and her baby. Maxie says, thanks. She wishes Trish could have made it too. Britt says she’s confident Maxie’s got this, and she’ll find a way to keep the baby safe from Peter. Maxie says she’s definitely working on that.  

Sonny tells Nina, he bets it’s the same story with the other towns. Crime goes up, businesses sell, and the strip malls and chain stores take away the remaining business, selling higher inventory at lower prices. She wonders if that’s the future for Nixon Falls, and he says, it’s already happening. That’s what Elijah does. He buys cheap, and sells to developers for more cash. She says, there’s already an uptick in crime. Phyllis said that several of her friends who wouldn’t sell, are selling now because of the robberies. The last straw. Now the town is a  target. He says, didn’t he tell her that Eli was a bad guy? She says, he is. She can’t stand the thought of Eli taking advantage of Phyllis and Lenny, when they’ve been so good to him, and taking advantage of sweet little towns. That’s the real story, not a puff peace on a charming little town, but how Elijah is using the specter of crime to drive up real estate prices, and sell the soul of sweet little towns.

Britt is playing Solitaire, when Jason walks in. She says she hoped he was sleeping, but he says he wanted to check again. She says, too bad for him. The more rest he gets, the faster he’ll heal. By the way, how long are they staying in this bucolic spot? Can they actually get a good night’s sleep? He says they should be good there, and she says, by good, he means… He says, if they take reasonable precautions, they could stay there a couple days, maybe longer. Long enough for her to see a doctor about her hand.

Michael says he and Willow are going to check on Chase. When he opens the front door, Anna and Robert are there. Michael says he and Willow were heading out, unless they’re here to see him. Robert says, they’re here to see Monica. Anna says she was just at the hospital, and Willow asks if she saw Chase; how is he? Anna says, a little restless, and Michael says he guesses they should get going. They leave, and Olivia comes downstairs. She says it’s good to see Robert and Anna. Valentin comes into the foyer, and Anna asks what he’s doing there. Robert tells Olivia, they need to see Monica. The world lost a really good guy, and them, a dear friend. Ned asks, who? and Robert says, Sean Donely.  

Chase has papers all over the bed, and Finn asks, what’s all this? Chase says he asked for his bill so far. Even with insurance paying 90%, staying here is a fortune. Finn tells him, don’t worry. He’ll cover it. Chase says he pays his own way; no. Finn says, now might be a good time to accept help, but Chase tells him, he said no. He’s the one lying there, and he’ll pay it. Finn says, no, he’s not, because it’s his fault.

Sonny asks if Nina is going to do an exposé in her magazine, and she says she thinks it will be interesting reading, and it will shine a light on what’s happening in these towns. He asks if she’s going to send reporters to Nixon Falls, but she says, no. She thinks she’ll do it herself, and expose how Eli incited crime to bring down the property values, and bundle the real estate to sell to national chains. The only problem is, they need hard proof. He says, he saw Eli talking to the thug who robbed the firehouse dance, and he heard the thug say Eli paid his bail… Sonny looks at a man on his phone near a dumpster behind Nina, and she says, what’s the matter? He says, he thinks he knows that guy.

Carly tells Diane, it’s worth a shot. As painful as it would be, it’s worth it to keep Sasha’s secret safe. Diane says Carly can always have it in reserve, in case this fails, and Carly says, she would hate to betray Sasha. Diane tells her, Sonny made choices he hated, but he made them; it’s the nature of the business. While Carly is running this thing, sentiment is a luxury she can’t afford. Diane leaves, and Carly ponders.

Britt asks if fugitives like her and Jason aren’t supposed to avoid places that keep records, like medical facilities. He says she has a fake passport. The hospital is free, and she can get the answers she needs. She says, there’s no way she’s walking into a hospital with a fake passport, but he says, she got into the country with a fake passport, and no one questioned her. Go in as a patient, and try not to pick a fight with the doctors. She asks if he just made a joke. Wow. He asks why she’s dodging this so hard, and she says, because she’s scared.

Brook says she thinks Monica is in the study, and Ned says he’ll check. Olivia suggests they get some coffee in the living room, and Valentin hangs back. He tells Anna that he’s sorry. Sean was a hell of an agent, and more important, her friend. She says, he was good friend, and behind them, Brook sneaks out the front door. Anna asks why Valentin is there at this hour of the morning, and he says he’s keeping an eye on Brook, who he sees disappeared again. Anna asks if Brook is avoiding him, and that’s why he moved in, but he says he’s living at the Quartermaine’s just until they can neutralize Peter. He asks if Sean was her best hope for an antidote, and she says she thought so. Like she told him, Faison poisoned Sean’s wife. She thought Sean might have something in his files from back then that she could use to help Finn.   

Peter asks Maxie if everything is okay with Trish. He doesn’t recognize the name. She says, Trish is a mom from James’s music playgroup. She was going to take James for a playdate, but she got the flu. It’s okay though; Spinelli is going to take him. Now where were they? Oh yeah, Chloe. He says, going to the spa with her, and she says, right. The more she thinks about it, the more she agrees with him. Chloe should go. She’s so close to her due date, it would be irresponsible for her to refuse. He says he knew she’d see reason. She’d never do anything to jeopardize their baby. She says, never. She’ll do everything in her power to keep the baby safe.   

Robert tells Olivia, Sean was one of his oldest friends. He was Robin’s godfather, and his daughter was named after Anna. Olivia says she’s glad he’s going to the memorial; it’s important to say a proper goodbye. (I’m guessing she’s going to end up going with him.) Ned comes in, and tells Robert that Monica will see him in the study. Does he know the way? Robert says he does, and thanks… to both of them. He heads for the study, and Ned tells Olivia, they should talk. She asks if he’s really okay with Valentin being there, and he says he’s 100% not okay with Valentin walking in on her, but he’s come to see the wisdom in Valentin staying there. He and Monica agree that it’s a way to assure Valentin keeps his promise to sign over Brook’s shares. She says she should have known it was something about ELQ. God forbid they forget the bottom line. Ned says, the family is so comfortable doing battle, they forget to protect who they’re truly fighting for. He’s grateful Olivia is there for Brook. Brook puts on a good front, but she’s in over her head with this pregnancy. She needs guidance, and there’s no one better to give it to her than Olivia. Olivia says, she’s a handful, that one, but if Brook will have her, she’s got Brook. She’s happy to help his daughter.

Sonny looks at the man, and flashes back to holding a gun on the robber who tried to steal from the Tan-O. Realizing it’s the same man, Sonny tells Nina, he does know that guy.  

Carly calls Gladys, and says she’s sure Gladys is surprised to hear form her. She needs Gladys to come by the house. She’s sent a car to pick Gladys up. There’s something important they need to discuss.

Anna and Valentin sit on the steps, and Anna says she’s going to Sean’s memorial. She hates the fact that she’s leaving Chase with Peter in control of the antidote, but Valentin says he’ll handle it. She thanks him, and asks if he’s sure it’s okay. He has a lot on his plate. He says he’ll take care of Peter. Go say goodbye to her friend.

Outside, Brook makes a call to her friend CeCe. She says she’s good, but girlfriend, her family is stifling her. She needs a break before the baby arrives. A couple of days of R&R. Can CeCe tell her family that Brook is staying with her?… Here’s what CeCe should say if they come looking for her…  

Maxie schedules treatments on her laptop. She wonders how long Ultimate Transcendence takes. Two hours? Perfect. She’ll schedule it after the mani/pedi, and other treatments. She says, enjoy it, Chole. You’ll be polished, buffed, and blissed out before you even realize I’m gone.

Britt tells Jason, she doesn’t want to be alone at a Canadian hospital, while some strange doctor calls her Teresa, and tells her that she has Huntington’s Disease. He says, first of all, she’s not going to be alone. He’s going with her. She says, even knowing what a risk he’d be taking? and he says, taking risks is a new thing for him. She laughs, and he almost smiles.

Chase says it’s not Finn’s fault he’s sick, and it’s not Finn’s fault that he can’t make Chase well. But it is Finn’s fault that he’s refusing to let Chase leave. Finn says Chase doesn’t understand, and Chase says Finn doesn’t understand. He’s checking out. Finn says, against medical advice. Chase can’t just leave. Chase says, watch him, and Finn says, your life depends on it. Michael and Willow stand in the doorway. 

Tomorrow, Chase says he wants out today, Cyrus says Laura will appreciate what he’s come to tell her, Laura tells Gladys that she’d be an idiot to pass up the offer, and Sonny confronts the robber, saying he knows exactly who he is.

The Real Housewives of New York City

While lounging in Ramona’s bed, Ramona and Sonja discussed the healing session. Sonja said she was surprised that Eboni had shared about her grandmother being sick, since she was new to the group. In Sonja’s interview, she said she was happy that Eboni felt comfortable enough to share. Sonja was at the point where she felt she needed to be more vulnerable and start sharing, or she’d be stuck. LuAnn found Eboni, and said Eboni had given them an Irish goodbye (i.e. ghosted them – I had to google that), but Eboni said she’d had a good time. Parts of the day had been a lot, like Ramona calling waitress Michelle the help. LuAnn said it was part of the Ramona package, and we flashed back to moments Ramona was being ignorant, rude, and/or insensitive, of which there are many. Eboni told LuAnn that her grandmother had worked as a domestic her entire life; she was the help. LuAnn said she didn’t think Ramona meant anything racial by it, but Eboni said it was the idea of seeing people as less than. She cared more about the intention than the actual words. Everyone got ready for the day, and Leah was wearing these awesome pants of many patterns, which made Ramona dizzy. She told Leah they weren’t going on safari, and in Leah’s interview, she said, it’s always a safari with these animals. She thought she was dressed perfectly. As they got in the limo/bus, Sonja noted that LuAnn was now LuAnn when she spoke to the driver, and we flashed back to when LuAnn insisted on being called Countess. While headed to a winery, LuAnn yapped about new man Garth (who she’s already broken up with), and in Sonja’s interview, she said LuAnn had a new guy, and was acting like a teenager. Garth was LuAnn’s covid flirt; reel it in. LuAnn told them about the day she planned for them in Northfork.

At the winery, Leah wondered if LuAnn was uncomfortable, only being one month sober, but Ramona said LuAnn was cool – because LuAnn said she was. In LuAnn’s interview, she said she wanted to feel included, so she brought her fake rosé. At lunch, Eboni told Ramona that her help remark had been triggering; it made people feel devalued. In Ramona’s interview, she said she liked how Eboni told her in a non-condescending way why it wasn’t cool. Ramona talked about finding out she had covid after the fact, and being tested for antibodies. Leah challenged Ramona on having said she donated plasma, and Sonja said it hadn’t been on Instagram, so it didn’t happen. Leah said it wasn’t just a test; it was a whole process. Ramona just kept saying she got tested, and wouldn’t directly answer Leah’s question. In her interview, LuAnn said Ramona was obviously lying; her face was red, and she was dodging the question.  In Leah’s interview, she said Ramona had tried to make herself look better after her sh*t behavior in the pandemic. Like she was a charitable woman who donated plasma. She told Ramona, it was like propaganda, and Ramona got loud, and gave Leah the finger. Leah told Ramona to tone it down, since she was spitting her food everywhere. LuAnn said Ramona was making herself look guilty by being defensive. Ramona suddenly had to go to the bathroom, and Leah said she wasn’t the covid police, but don’t lie. Ramona called Leah a vicious girl, and in her interview, she said the best way to handle Leah was to ignore her and walk away. Leah said nobody else seemed to give a f***, and in Eboni’s interview, she said she got that it was a morally bankrupt thing to do, but what were they going to do? Leah was never going to get what she wanted with that approach.

LuAnn said she was going in, and followed Ramona inside the restaurant/gift shop. Eboni said Leah had caught Ramona; now rest your case. Ramona yelled from the bathroom that she had diarrhea, and LuAnn apologized to the cashier. LuAnn went back to the table, and told the others that they’d given Ramona diarrhea. In Leah’s interview, she said it was time for Ramona to see a doctor. You couldn’t slurp oysters, and guzzle rosé with IBS. (Isn’t Ramona’s drink of choice pinot?) Ramona said Leah was always attacking her, and decided to go for a walk. Sonja said she’d come along, and Leah said now she was the enemy because she was looking for the truth. Sonja said she knew Ramona was wrong, but she was going to hold Ramona’s hand while she licked her wounds. Sonja said something to Ramona about cancel consolation, telling her, these days, everyone wanted to cancel everyone. She commented on Ramona’s leopard attire, and Ramona let out a screech. Oddly enough, although it was heard throughout the winery, no one even got up to see what was going on. Ramona said she felt better. In her interview, Leah said she wasn’t going to get any acknowledgement from Ramona, but every time she saw Ramona, it was going to be in the back of her head. Ramona told Sonja that she liked how Eboni explained herself in a way that wasn’t aggressive. In Eboni’s interview, she said she was cautiously optimistic about a friendship with Ramona.

In proving rich people are just like us, before leaving, the women put any leftover lobster rolls in napkins to take with them. Sonja said she never left lobster, and we flashed back to the infamous lobster boil, where Ramona and Sonja shoved lobsters into tote bags. In her interview, Eboni said it was blowing her mind seeing Sonja evolve into very tipsy. She wondered if she missed Sonja taking seven shots, but she hadn’t. Geez you’d think this was Eboni’s first… oh wait, it is. On the way back, Sonja got irritated about LuAnn’s repetitive praise of the great and wonderful Garth, and in Ramona’s interview, she suggested Sonja was jealous. It was what all of them wanted, and LuAnn got it, during covid no less. They moved on to doing some shopping in town, and in LuAnn’s interview, she said there was nothing like shopping to make a girl feel good in general. I did like the local stores, which carried a lot of unique handmade and vintage stuff. It reminded me of shopping in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where I went to a convention a few years ago. Leah bugged Ramona about inviting Heather to dinner, and Eboni said she hadn’t shucked oysters since she worked at Hooters, where she was hired for her personality. In Leah’s interview, she said she didn’t know if Sonja wanted LuAnn for herself or Garth for herself… or both. LuAnn offered to buy Sonja something from one of the (no doubt expensive) clothing stores, which Sonja readily accepted. In her interview, LuAnn said she was spoiling Sonja because Sonja was starting to spiral. Sonja whined that the blouse she wanted looked better on LuAnn. In Ramona’s interview, she said, trouble is on the way and it has one name, alcohol. Yep.

During the usual sex talk in public, Sonja said, too big is just a nuisance. I have to admit, I literally lol’d. In Eboni’s interview, she said she liked Sonja’s free spirit. I thought it was more like Sonja had too many spirits. They went to a bar/restaurant, and in her interview, LuAnn said her nerves were on edge. She felt tempted in this fabulous bar, so she went out to have a smoke. You couldn’t expect her to give up all her vices. Hey, no judgement from me, sister. Leah thought LuAnn drinking fake rosé out of a wineglass might be hurting her by keeping her attached to alcohol. In Leah’s interview, she said LuAnn was closer to a drink than she thought. Part of getting sober was getting away from that, but LuAnn didn’t want to hear her. Sonja said she didn’t want to be a canceled consolation, and Ramona wondered why anyone wanted to cancel culture. Ramona took Sonja’s drink away, saying, Sonja was getting close to the danger zone. In her interview, Ramona said that Sonja was going through something, and the drinking was taking her to the deep end. They sat down for dinner, and Leah messed with her phone, looking up all the things Heather had said. Besides talking smack about Sonja’s facelift, Heather said there was nothing authentic about LuAnn, and she was doing drugs. In LuAnn’s interview, she said, she and Heather had been fine. What the hell? LuAnn said, at first, she thought they should uninvite Heather, but on second thought, let her come. They could give it to her. Who the hell is that bitch to talk?

LuAnn FaceTimed with Garth at the restaurant, and Ramona said she was happy for LuAnn. LuAnn said he was the real deal, and Sonja drunk-called one of her male friends. Ramona said Sonja thought it was a competition, and in her interview, Eboni said she’d never been to a dinner with energy like this. She felt like Alice in Wonderland. It wasn’t her jam, but she was intrigued. Sonja got somewhat incoherent, yelling about contributions, and in Leah’s interview, she said, there’s a point where alcohol stops working and it’s not fun. Sonja wasn’t in a great place, and it exacerbates where you are right now. Sonja bothered her friend a second time, and Eboni engaged in a discussion with him about banks. She said Wells Fargo’s rates were better, but his bank helped to close the wealth gap for her people, so she was supportive. This caused Sonja to totally bug out, yelling that they wanted to talk about Wells Fargo, but it wasn’t her family, J.P. Morgan.

Don’t touch the effing Morgan letters!

Next time, Sonja goes over the edge, LuAnn says she can’t be around Sonja, Garth meets Sonja, and Heather comes to dinner.

🩸 Did She Or Didn’t She…?

The great plasma debate.

RHONY: Leah McSweeney Is Convinced Ramona Singer Lied About Donating Her Plasma Post-Covid

👗 Statements Of Fashion…

Why does everyone look so much better here than the more upscale award shows?


🌞 Then the Morning Comes…

Tomorrow, the Jersey Wives reunite, when no doubt we will hear the word analogy more times than our ears can take. RHOBH is also premiering its new season, although it just ain’t the same. Whatever Wives are your jam, and even if none, stay safe, stay being your best self, and stay refusing to be a canceled consolation.