Tag Archives: Tears For Fears

November 16, 2020 – Michael Confronts Cyrus, 20somethings On Deck, a Surprise Lucas & Goodnight


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Michael and Willow are about to get busy, when Chase walks in. He says, sorry. He didn’t.. and jets.

Brando runs into Cyrus’s apartment, and asks if Sasha can hear him. He asks, what happened? and Cyrus says, she just collapsed; no warning. Brando says, her pulse is racing. He thinks she’s having a heart attack.

Sonny tells Jason he feels for Sasha. It brings up his own sins in a big way. Jason says the best thing they can do for Sasha is stop Cyrus.

Julian goes into the hospital, and sees Olivia, Sam, and nuLucas (more on that below). He asks if it’s Leo.

Brook tells Ned not to do this to her. She can’t stay. He asks, why not? and she says she just told him why not. He says she’s not taking his apology into consideration. He’s sorry. He was wrong.

At the MetroCourt, Martin tells Valentin, in a lot of ways, children are like property. In other ways, not so much. IF Charlotte were an apartment building, Valentin could just assign her to Nina, but she’s a human being; a child. Valentin thanks him for his remarkable insight, and Martin says, this won’t be easy. Valentin says Martin had better figure it out. If something happens to him, he won’t have his daughter’s biological mother filling her head with nonsense about him. Martin says after the dumpster fire he made with Nina, what makes him think she’ll have anything better to say about him?

At another table, Jax asks Nina what she wants to do, but she says, there’s nothing to do. She feels like she just ran face first into a brick wall. He says they know more about her daughter than they did yesterday, and she agrees they do. Enough to stop looking for her.

Carly looks at the half-heart necklace on Avery, and asks her what it is. Avery says her good luck charm. Carly flashes back to Nina telling her that her daughter would have the other half. Carly says, oh my God; it’s Nelle. She asks if Avery can tell her where she got it.

Valentin says he doesn’t have the power to Charlotte from Lulu, but he does have the power to offer her a fairy godmother. A warm and loving presence in her life who already thinks she’s wonderful, and has full legal right to her. That’s where Martin comes in.

Ned says he and Brook are a lot alike, and Brook says, he thinks so? He says he gave himself permission to punish her for his own shortcomings and failures instead of punishing himself. He hates that he did that. His grandfather did it to his mother, and he swore he wouldn’t do it to her.

Nina says, it’s a bitter disappointment, of course (🍷), but at a certain point, fate is telling her to stop searching for her daughter. There’s no documentation, no names, no nothing. Jax says that doesn’t mean she should give up, but she says, that’s exactly what it means. The universe is telling her this door is closed, and she has to be adult enough to accept it.

Avery tells Carly that she found the necklace in the cabin. Carly asks if she found it inside or outside, and Avery says she got out of bed, and went exploring. Carly says, so outside, and tells her they have to be careful in the woods, especially at night. When she went out, did Avery take the path that went through a gate to a clearing where logs were stacked up? Avery gets excited, and says, yes! That’s where she found it.   

Michael follows Chase down the stairs, and asks what he’s doing there. What was that? Chase says he’s so sorry. He was looking for Willow to tell her that his brother is going to be okay, and thank her for checking in. Monica told him that she was painting the playroom, and he had no idea… Michael says, it’s okay. It’s a big house, and people don’t always know what everyone is up to. Willow stands on the stairs, and Chase says he’s happy for them, and can’t get out the door fast enough.

Olivia says, Leo had an accident, but he’s okay, and Julian asks why they didn’t call. Lucas asks, why would they? and Julian says, can someone at least tell him what happened? Sam says she was watching Danny and Leo in the park, and Leo took a flying leap off the swings. Lucas says he’s like his big brother, and Olivia says, he’s scraped up, and needs a tetanus shot, but he’ll be fine. Lucas asks what Julian is doing there, and Julian says he came there to get an update on Ryan.   

Brando asks Cyrus, how much did she do? and Cyrus says he doesn’t know what Brando is talking about. Brando says, drugs, cocaine; how much did she take? Cyrus says, she was in the bathroom; he didn’t see her take anything. Brando starts to call 911, but Cyrus tells him, put the phone away. Brando says he doesn’t think Cyrus gets it; this girl could die, and Cyrus says he won’t have this tied to him. Get rid of her.

Jason says Cyrus has marginalized anyone who might cooperate with him or Sonny. Basically, he has a building full of hostages. Sonny says, and a place to run drugs where they can’t get in. Jason says if it was a warehouse, they’d just blow it up, but they can’t have a shootout at the hospital. He wants to take this guy out, but Sonny says he knows what happens if he does. Jason says, someone else will replace him. You can’t have that huge of a reach from prison without a network behind you. Sonny suggests they talk it through, and asks what they’re going to do. Jason says, Cyrus is the symptom, but the problem is what he represents, what’s happened for all these years. It’s never worked for anyone to bring product through Port Charles. With Sonny blocking the way, they end up either dead or broke, so it stopped. If Cyrus proves he can do it, the floodgates will open. Sonny says, that can’t happen. They have to shut it down. Sonny’s phone rings. It’s Brando, calling from an alleyway. Sonny asks, what’s up? and Brando says they’ve got a situation. Sasha gasps for air.  

Olivia thanks Sam and Lucas, and Sam asks her to give Leo a kiss for them. Olivia leaves, and Sam and Lucas start to walk away. Julian says he knows they’re trying to freeze him out, but that’s not going to stop him from trying to fix things. He’s going to do that until his last breath. Lucas asks if he thought they didn’t notice or care that he married Nelle, and tried to take Wiley away from Michael. Julian says he loves Wiley, and Lucas says he loves himself. If he wants to help Leo, leave him alone. Don’t put him through the same BS that he put them through. There are people in this world that can’t cut it as parents, and he’s one of them. He’s putting on a show because he likes the way that it looks to himself. The rest of them are over it. He and Sam walk away.

Michael asks if Willow is okay, and she says she is. While she regrets that Chase walked in on them, she doesn’t regret what he walked in on. He asks if she’s just saying that to make him feel better, but she says they don’t do that. Honesty zone. It’s one of the things she likes best about them. He says, good, because them sticking together meant a lot to him. She says it meant a lot to her too. Michael’s phone rings. It’s Jason, who says Michael needs to meet him and Sonny at the hospital. Sasha is in the ER. Michael says he’s on his way.

Sasha is wheeled in, and the paramedic tells Lucas, it’s a possible OD. Her respiration is shallow, and she’s unresponsive. Lucas says some medical stuff, and Brando says he thinks that’s correct. Lucas tells them to put her in cubicle two, and asks Brando, what happened? Brando says he wasn’t there, and Lucas asks how he knows that’s correct. It’s important. It could save her life.

Carly tells Avery, she thinks the clasp on the necklace is loose. She’s going to take it to get it fixed, so Avery doesn’t lose her good luck charm. Avery agrees.

Nina asks Jax what she’s supposed to do. Go around Florida, knocking on doors, saying she’s an extremely wealthy heiress, looking for her daughter? And by the way, do you have the other half of this necklace? Jax says she’s come this far, and she says, it’s far enough. She’s done. Jax thinks it’s too soon, and suggests they go back to his place and open a nice bottle of wine. He sees a foot rub in her future. They can talk about it some more. She says, okay, and thanks him. His phone rings. It’s Carly, who says, it’s urgent. She needs him to come to her house. She knows it’s awkward, but he can’t bring Nina. He tells Nina that it was Carly, and she said it was important. Nina tells him to go. It might be about Josslyn. She’d do the same thing.

Using a Star Trek transporter, Jax arrives at Carly’s house in two seconds, and asks, what happened? She says she thinks Nelle is Nina’s daughter.

Valentin asks if he can talk to Nina, but she says, it’s been a long day. He says, it’s about Charlotte, and she asks if Charlotte is okay. He sits, and says she’s fine, but he wants to make sure she stays that way. Last night made him realize he hasn’t made adequate arrangements should something happen to him. He needs to know Nina would still be in her life. Nina says she would never abandon Charlotte, and he asks if she’d like to make it official. He wants her to have legal rights to Charlotte.

Brook tells Ned, she’s sorry; she was wrong. He tells her that she doesn’t have to say that, but she says she was wrong to sign that stupid contract to begin with. She showed up there, expecting him to buy her out of it, then resented him when he wouldn’t do what she wanted, instead of admitting she messed up. He says it seems to be a thing with them, and Brook says it was easier to call him out for it than own up. By the time Valentin appeared with the answer to all her problems, that’s all she could see. He says, it was the easy way out, and she says he called her on it. And guess what? He was right.

Willow takes the cover off the couch in the playroom, and sends a text. At Charlie’s bar, Chase gets a text from Willow saying they should talk.

Michael gets to the hospital, and asks Sonny how Sasha is. Sonny says they don’t know yet. Michael sees Lucas, and asks if he’s treating her. Lucas says, she OD’d. He says, that guy brought her in, indicating Brando. He thinks she took cocaine, but he wasn’t with her, so he doesn’t know. They’re running some tests. Whatever she took, seems to be a variant of coke, but kicked up a notch; a lot of notches. Michael asks if it’s more dangerous, and Lucas says, it’s insanely pure, or cut with some other stuff. They don’t know. They don’t think it’s the quantity she ingested, but the properties of it. Sonny and Jason look at each other.

Cyrus goes into Sasha’s cubicle, and the nurse tells him, sorry, no visitors. He asks how the patient is. Considering she’s on a ventilator, I’d say, not too good.

Brook tells Ned, she really needs some clarity right now, and if she stays, that clarity will be gone. It’s no one’s fault. He says she needs distance, and she says that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love him. She does. He says he loves her too, and she says she just needs to go away for a while. She needs him to understand that. He says he does, and she thanks him, but he says it won’t make him miss her any less. They hug, and she picks up her stuff. She says, one more thing. He loves Olivia. He says more than he would have thought possible, and she tells him to do everything in his power to hold on to her. She leaves, and he sighs heavily.

Julian follows Sam and asks what she means. His only way to have a relationship with his grandchildren and her, is to stop trying to have a relationship with them? She says every time they see him, he’s in their faces about it. Give it a rest. He says he doesn’t understand. For all the danger he brings, Jason gets to have chances while he doesn’t She tells him not to bring Jason into it. Olivia appears and says, allow her to explain the difference.

Nina tells Valentin, she loves the idea; she’s all in. Of course (🍷) she doesn’t want him to die, but if anything should happen to him, she still wants that connection to Charlotte. She thinks it would be good for Charlotte, and knows it would be good for her. He says he’ll set the wheels in motion, and she asks if he wants to know how to guarantee that it doesn’t happen. Don’t try to ram it down Lulu’s throat. He hasn’t always been smart when it comes to that. She wonders if she can ask him a question, and for him to not have an agenda, or manipulate the answer. He hopes so, and Nina says she found that nurse. She confirmed Nina had a little girl, and she lived. It turns out she was the one who delivered Nina’s little girl to her new family. He asks, where? and she says, Florida. The only thing she knows is that her daughter has the other half of the necklace. She has no other information. It was decades ago, and her daughter could be anywhere in the world. She thinks it’s a sign from God to let this go, but Jax thinks she should keep going. She wants to know what Valentin thinks. Be objective, okay? Does he think it’s worth it?

Jax asks Carly where she heard this. It has to be wrong. She says she wants to be, but she doesn’t think she is. She hands him the necklace, and says, this was Nelle’s. She was wearing it when they fought in the clearing. He tells her, start from the beginning, and she asks if he remembers she was having nightmares. She thought Nelle wasn’t done with her yet. He says there was something she thought she should remember, and she says they were gearing up for Wiley’s custody battle, and she was talking to Nina, mostly about Nelle. They were talking about seeing things you want to see, and Nina told her that her daughter would have the other half of the necklace, but Sasha didn’t. Fast forward to her fight with Nelle. Nelle was wearing the necklace, and it must have fallen off during their struggle. He says Carly just remembered, and went back to get it? but she says, no. Avery went to the cabin with Ava, and found it in the woods. She calls that damn thing her good luck charm. He says she just found out today, and she says when she saw it, it all came back. He’s going to think she’s crazy, but that necklace proves Nelle is Nina’s daughter. He says she’s not crazy.

At the hospital, Sonny texts Brando, asking if he was there. Brando says, no. he came in after. For her to OD that fast, it would have to be a mountain of cocaine. Sonny texts back, or… and Brando texts, or it wasn’t cocaine. Sonny shows Jason.

Willow meets Chase at Charlie’s, and he asks if he can get her anything. She says, no, and he says he’s sorry for barging in like that. She says, it’s okay. Michael told her what happened. It was sweet and wonderful for him to come by and tell her about Finn. He says, in hindsight, he probably should have texted. She says she didn’t come there for an apology; she came because she still cares. Regardless of the circumstances, walking in on someone you love with someone else is hard. She knows what it’s like, and she’s sorry he had to go through that. She says she’s just making things worse, and starts to leave, but he says she’s not. He appreciates it. He says she’s right, but the circumstances are totally different. She and Michael are married. Legally anyway. Although he kind of thought… She says, what? and he says, when she told him that they were getting an annulment, it made today more surprising. She thinks it surprised her and Michael too.

Lucas says, the good news is, there’s no indication that Sasha is a habitual long time drug user. It seems ot be a recent development. Michael says she must have started using after they broke up. He asks if he can see her, but Lucas says, she’s pretty fragile right now. Their main goal is to keep her monitored and stable. Michael says he promises not to make things worse.

On the phone, Cyrus says he took a new product out for a test drive this evening. They have to tweak the formula just a wee bit. He looks at Sasha, and says he had such high hopes for her, but she’s more trouble than she’s worth. He’s about to shut off the ventilator, when someone yanks him out of the room. Michael tells him, stay away from Sasha. He’s the one who gave her the drugs. Cyrus says he doesn’t know what Michael is talking about, and Brando comes in between them, while Jason holds Michael back. Michael says, there’s no way Sasha would have taken them on her own. They’re going to expose him for the dirtbag he is. Go anywhere near Sasha again, and see what happens. Cyrus points at Michael, and Sonny tells Michael, go to Sasha; they’ve got him. Michael goes in, and Cyrus says he understands Sonny’s son is upset, but he expects a public apology for these outrageous and completely unfounded allegations. Sonny says he didn’t hear Michael say anything; did Jason? Cyrus says he may have to reconsider that, or they’re going to have trouble. Sonny says he doesn’t worry about trouble. He hasn’t had trouble in 25 years. When trouble happens, it just disappears. Brando tells Cyrus, the car is waiting, and Cyrus thanks him. They walk away, and Brando says he didn’t think Cyrus wanted to declare open hostility in the middle of the hospital. Cyrus says, very astute on Brando’s part, but next time he tells Brando to get rid of someone, it doesn’t mean bring them to the emergency room.

Willow tells Chase, deciding to get the annulment kind of lifted the fog. Before that, their lives were dictated by outside forces; Nelle, Diane, the courts, the list goes on. Now, they finally get to decide. For the first time, they get to figure out what they want in their own way, and their own time. Chase says he meant what he said; he’s happy for them. He’s sad about what he destroyed, but that’s about him. She says she’s sad about it too, and her phone rings. It’s Michael, and she asks if everything is okay. He says, not really, and asks her to get to the hospital. She says she’s leaving right now. Chase asks, what’s wrong? and she says, it’s Sasha, and jets. He follows her.

Olivia says she’s not passing judgement on how Jason lives his life, but he keeps his word, and would give his life for the people he cares about. Julian says, he cares about people too. He tells Sam, he cares about Alexis, and right now, her life is in freefall. She’s drinking herself into oblivion. Sam says he’s the last person she needs; she needs to get herself clear. He asks if Sam has a plan to get her into rehab, and Sam says she’ll figure it out. Just stay the hell away from her. She and Olivia walk away. Julian gets a text from Cyrus, saying, meet him at Charlie’s. Julian says, this day keeps getting better and better.

Valentin tells Nina, it’s impossible to divorce himself from the fact that he wanted to find and get to know her child. It’s unlikely, but not impossible, and as incredible as it sounds, he finds himself siding with Jax. Jax may be arrogant and selfish… that’s it. She laughs, and he says, but Jax isn’t wrong. She has options, and he encourages her to explore them. She thanks him for his advice. She asks him not to make anything more of the conversation than it is, but he says with her, it will always be more. He goes to the bar, and Brook says, this is convenient. It saves her a call. He asks if she wanted to talk to him, and she says she wanted to say goodbye.

Jax tells Carly, they literally just got done talking to the nurse who delivered Nina’s baby to her new parents. They know she was a girl, and had the other half of the necklace. Carly asks where she was taken, and Jax says, northern Florida. She met the couple at a rest stop. No names or information were exchanged. It was completely off the books. Carly says, it sounds like something Frank Benson would have done, and he never would have told Nelle she was adopted. Jax says, short of a DNA test, he’s positive it was Nelle. Carly says, it had to be. He wonders how he’s going to tell Nina, and she says, he’s not.

Willow and Chase get to the hospital, and Chase asks, what happened? Michael asks if he’s noticed Sasha acting erratically, and Chase says, she’s been all over the place; why? Michael says, she OD’d on some form of cocaine. Now she’s fighting for her life. He doesn’t know how they got there. How things go so out control.

Sonny asks if Jason thinks Cyrus got the message, and Jason says, loud and clear. Sonny says, good. Cyrus needs to think about how Sonny’s other problems got solved, and back the hell off.

Julian tells Cyrus, it’s been a crappy day. He has nothing for him. Cyrus says, not to worry. He’s got something for Julian.

Carly tells Jax, can he imagine if Nina found out Nelle is her daughter? Baby snatching, throat slashing, unhinged Nelle? Can he imagine that kind of pain? Jax says, since Nelle died, Nina has been on this kick; it’s the reason she had Nelle buried. She was convinced Nelle wasn’t born bad, and if somebody had reached out, intervened, or leant a helping hand, it would have turned out differently. Carly says, Nina will crucify herself, thinking she could have done something for Nelle, but she couldn’t. Nelle was a lost cause. Did Frank turn Nelle psycho? Probably. Could Nelle have been a normal decent person if she’d been raised differently? Maybe. There’s no comfort, closure or consolation in Nina knowing Nelle was her daughter. Some things are better left alone, like this. Jax says he just convinced Nina to keep looking, and Carly says, let her continue. She won’t find anything, and he can run interference. Jax says, she wants him to lie? Do what Valentin did to her? She says she wants him to see, in this instance, the truth is the enemy. The pain already happened. Nelle is buried. Let the truth be buried with her.

In the elevator, Nina looks at the necklace. She puts it back on, and smiles.

Olivia tells Ned, she ran into Julian, and it sounds like Alexis is in a bad way. He should reach out to her. He says he will, and Olivia asks what she missed. He says, Brook decided to move back to Bensonhurst, and live with her mother. She says she needs to reprioritize, figure out what comes next. Olivia says, sounds mature, and Ned says he wishes Brook would do that there. Olivia says, maybe having space is good. Brook can get some distance, get her head on straight. When she does, she’ll come back. He asks if she really thinks so, and Olivia says, how can she stay away? She leans against him, and puts her head on his shoulder.

Valentin says, Bensonhurst? and Brook says she’s going back to her roots. He says, Port Charles will be less interesting without her. She says, obviously, but she needs to get out of this town. If she doesn’t, the fires she’s lit are just going to grow. He says, there’s nothing wrong with a little heat, but she says it’s too much heat for her to handle. She doesn’t know if he noticed, but she can be pretty impulsive. He says he noticed, and she says she told herself it was only about her, but that’s not true. Her actions effect other people. She needs to figure out how to do the things that feel right for her, while taking others and the future into account. He asks if she’s talking about the Nurse’s Ball, but she says she doesn’t regret stopping Nelle. She wishes she’d done things differently. Call the police, get help, anything but confront that psychopath. He says he understands, and wishes her good luck. Coming from a man who plans every move, don’t lose her impulsiveness; it’s wildly attractive, and he admires her for it. He says, see her around. He hopes sooner than later. He leaves, and Brook says she wouldn’t worry about that, and takes a pregnancy test out of her bag.

Tomorrow, Franco tells Cameron that he has bad news, Epiphany asks what they hell someone is doing, Michael asks Chase how they didn’t know this, and Cyrus tells Julian, now is the time to settle accounts.

Below Deck

While the guests continue their argument about Carlos or whatever, Izzy says, hashtag drama. She says she’s had rowdy guests before, but they weren’t as demanding. In Francesca’s interview, she says the guests and this charter pushed her buttons. She’s like, bye-bye. She tells Izzy that she can call it a night. James asks Francesca if she’s into anyone on deck. Is there anyone she wants to hook up with? She says she’s not thinking about it at the moment. In James’s interview, he says, Francesca is looking fit (his go-to word). She’s attractive; shaggable. (FYI, spellcheck does not recognize that as a word. Yet.)

Eddie says, the guests were fighting about James, and it got a little weird. Rachel tells the stews to push the French toast. In her interview, she says, after yesterday’s mishap – we flash back to her saying this is the worst experience she’s had in 14 years of yachting – she’s decided to control the situation with making breakfast specials. She can’t take that sh*t. Captain Lee sees fog and rain outside, and says, sh*t. He tells Eddie that he’ll have to pull anchor in the rain. They’re en route to Jolly Harbor. Eddie wakes up James, and tells him, they’re heading back to the dock, and he’s needed. The captain says he needs radio silence until they dock. Eddie gives the captain directions, and in his interview, Captain Lee says, it’s a tight quarter with lots of wind. What could possibly go wrong? He’s got a knot in his stomach that won’t be gone until they’ve docked. He says, the wind is picking up, and he can’t see sh*t. If he f**ks up the least bit, they’ll have to spend a lot of money. It is a really tight space. There is not much wiggle room at all. Elizabeth uses the radio, and the captain tells her to stay off. In the captain’s interview, he says you couldn’t drive a straight pin up his ass with a 10 pound sledgehammer. A classic Captain Leeism.

Everyone loves the French toast. It’s time to say goodbye to the guests, and Eddie thinks they’re not getting a huge tip. Shane says, it’s just money, and Eddie says, that pays for everything you need in life. Primary Charley says, here comes the sad part, and tells Captain Lee that he killed it. It was obvious what didn’t work; they felt it – growing pains. Charley tells them, that being said, they all had an incredible attitude, and that means everything. And James was stand-up. He gives Captain Lee the tip envelope, the guests depart, and the crew changes. The captain calls Francesca to the wheelhouse. He tells her that Izzy expressed an interest in moving to the exterior, so he’s going to make her a deckhand, and get Francesca a replacement stew. In her interview, she says, thank God. She tells the captain, it’s sort of a relief. In the galley, Izzy says she’s bloody glad to be rid of the guests, that’s for sure.

The crew gathers for the tip meeting, and Captain Lee says the charter guests were as tough as they come. Shocking the crew, the viewers, and even God Himself, the captain says the tip was $25,000. I’m so stunned, I miss the actual amount, but it’s in the neighborhood of $2500 each. He says he knows they’re short-staffed, and he’s moving Izzy outside. Francesca says she’s sorry Izzy is leaving the interior, but happy that she’s moving on to something she likes. In Izzy’s interview, she says she doesn’t believe it, and that Francesca is just saying that because there are people around. Francesca tells Izzy to clean up the pantry before she changes camps. Eddie wants her asap, and Francesca says as soon as pantry is done. Izzy says she doesn’t want to leave Francesca high and dry, but she’s itching to get outside. Francesca says she needs her to finish, and tells her to take everything out of the cupboards first.

Jolly Harbor, Antigua. Francesca tells Elizabeth that Izzy is trying to override her, because she wants to be on deck. Although she doesn’t blame Izzy for trying to get out. In Elizabeth’s interview, she says she hates the negative energy. She hopes they get someone competent. She’s been there when a chief stew turns sour, and it sucks. Rachel wonders what her boyfriend is doing now. In Rachel’s interview, she says she was working in Monaco, and went to an Indian restaurant. A guy sat across from her, and they started chatting. Then they started hanging out, and they’ve been hanging out ever since. In Izzy’s interview, she says her vibrator is her boyfriend, and she’ll probably keep it that way. TMI, I know. Rachel says, it’s a high to have an actual functional relationship. The captain hunts for a bottle of vodka, saying he knows they have one around there somewhere. It’s just a question of where.

Eddie gives a pop quiz to the deckhands, and teaches them about the lines, and how to wrap them. In his interview, he says he’s teaching them the right way – his way – how to do the lines. He welcomes Izzy to the crew. James suggests getting sh*tfaced when everyone is done. Captain Lee radios Eddie, Francesca, and Rachel for a preference sheet meeting. He tells them, the next charter are 20somthings; very rich 20somethings. In Eddie’s interview, he says he was a wild child when he was in his 20s, and partied. Now that he’s 35, he’d never be able to get up in the morning. The Primaries are Max and Dax, and they’re bringing their girlfriends and some friends. Max is a surfer, and has his own business, and Dax is the star quarterback at a university. Rachel reads that they want sushi… on a nude female model. In Rachel’s interview, she says she can’t help but think fish on fish. Sorry. (And don’t shoot the messenger either.) The captain tells Francesca that he won’t leave her hanging much longer. After the meeting, Eddie tries to nail a fly with his hat, getting frustrated when he misses, and I know how he feels. There’s been one buzzing around here that I’d like to stomp into oblivion. And I don’t normally enjoy killing bugs; I’d rather just move them. In James’s interview, he says, at home, he’s the manager for traffic cones at night. He had no social life because of that, so he couldn’t be more excited about their first night out. It’s the reason he’s there – fun. They all have a drink, and head out.

Shane wonders if they’re supposed to haze the new stew. They go to a restaurant, and sit boy/girl. They order a sushi boat and espresso martinis. Francesca thanks everyone, and they toast to a great season. James asks if Elizabeth believes in star signs. She says she does, and he says he’s Gemini. It’s bad because they’re two-faced. In Elizabeth’s interview, she says, Geminis have two different personalities. It feels like a red flag, but still, he’s attractive. After dinner, they decide to go back to the boat, since they have work to do in the morning. James tells Eddie, he’s there on holiday. Don’t take that away from him. In Eddie’s interview, he says they’re there to work. Work or be gone. Eddie tells him, they have a lot of work to do.

Eddie goes to sleep, and in his interview, James says, this crew is too serious. He wishes there was one person on his wavelength, who he could break the rules with, but he doesn’t have that with anyone. It’s still raining in the morning. James decides he’s glad he didn’t go crazy last night. We see James staring at a map while brushing his teeth. In Eddie’s interview, he says he specifically told Sunshine to be on deck at 8. He still doesn’t understand on deck means ready to work. He has no patience to deal with Shane, so it’s best to walk away. Izzy is excited to be on deck, and Francesca researches models. New stew Ashling arrives. She tells them she has no luggage because her bag was lost. James suggests they share a room, and asks if she’s single, but it’s a hard no on the first one. In Ashling’s interview, she says she doesn’t work like that. Sorry, mate. Francesca gives her a hug, and shows her around. She tells Ashling that they’re in the penthouse. In her interview, Ashling says she went into yachting to get the hell out of Australia, and experience more of life. She’d been working on a 48 meter yacht, and killed it, but the chief stew was an a-hole, and that didn’t work well. She thinks she and Francesca will get on like a house on fire. Izzy moves into James’s cabin, since Ashling prefers a female roommate.

Francesca tells Ashling that the guests at arriving at 12. Provisions come in, and Francesca brings Ashling to meet the captain, who welcomes her aboard. Ashling changes into her uniform, and Eddie tells everyone to get into their whites. James asks if Izzy wants to get naked together, but that’s another hard no for James. Ashling tells Francesca that she has jet lag. Captain Lee asks if he has ironed shirts, and Ashling brings up a damp shirt. Francesca gives Elizabeth two stripes for her uniform, and in her interview, Francesca says, being second stew is a big job, and Elizabeth has a long way to go. She’s hoping the two stripes give Elizabeth a kick in the ass to step up to the plate. The crew puts the finishing touches on the boat, and the captain says, line it up.

In Shane’s interview, he says, Max and Dax, a bunch of White Claws, and they have a fraternity party. Captain Lee tells the guests that Francesca will show them the boat, the crew will get their luggage on, and they’ll get the hell out of there. Eddie wonders if he has to check IDs. Francesca asks if they like drinking games, and says they’ll set some up this afternoon. Dax and girlfriend Sabrina claim the master bedroom, and Sabrina says Dax got the room by winning a beer pong challenge. The Captain tells Eddie to get the rest of the lines off. In his interview, Eddie says once they get going full time, he’ll be more at ease, but he realizes they need to have growing pains before they get to a well-oiled machine. Izzy is better than Shane, and he’s glad to have her.

Rachel makes a cheese and fruit platter. Max and Dax wander around the boat. Sabrina says the weather has been black, but as long as they have alcohol, they’ll be fine. In Francesca’s interview, she wonders where their money is coming from. She’s a little envious; they should be serving her. One of the guests says they like their alcohol.

Francesca says she’ll give Ashling a list, but she’s responsible for breakfast, the crew mess, cabins, and just about everything. In Ashling’s interview, she says, whoa. That’s a lot. Max or Dax falls on the stairs, and Francesca tells them not to give her a heart attack already. Dax or Max, whoever didn’t fall on the stairs, says, it’s the second drink, and already his motor skills are gone. Francesca tells Ashling, the laundry is a disaster. Francesca says tries to sort it, and says, it’s like a hurricane hit; nothing is labeled, and there are dirty clothes everywhere. She tells Ashling, when she leaves the bar, make sure it’s clean, and citrus stains marble. Good to know.

A rainbow! Eddie tells James to put out the water toys. Francesca discovers that the captain’s shirts haven’t been cleaned. In Francesca’s interview, she says, Elizabeth has two strikes. Where is she, and what is she doing? The guests jump off the boat, and Francesca says she likes looking after children. A couple of the guests go out on the jet skis, but Eddie says a storm is coming., and they have to get out of the water. It begins to drizzle, and Shane radios that rain is coming. Eddie replies that he’s very observant, and in Shane’s interview, he says he knows he’s a newbie, but when someone doesn’t respect him, he stands up for himself. He tells Eddie that he doesn’t appreciate sarcasm, and Eddie says, if Shane can’t take a joke, he’s in the wrong crew. In Eddie’s interview, he says he uses sarcasm because he doesn’t want to hurt Shane’s feelings. He tells Shane, if he doesn’t like sarcasm, pay more attention. He asks if Shane would rather he use sarcasm or give it to him straight up, and Shane says, straight up. In his interview, Eddie says, Shane needs to learn to shut up. Francesca tells Eddie, the entertainment will be ready to be picked up at the harbor at 6 pm. Everyone changes into their blacks. Shane and Eddie leave to pick up the model.

Sushi model Ally is picked up in the tender. When they get back to the yacht, Shane can’t grab a line. Eddie tells him to use the anchor to hook it, but it’s stuck under the boat. In Eddie’s interview, he says, a lot of bad things could happen when a line is stuck underneath. Eddie tells Shane to get out of the way, and Captain Lee, who’s been watching, heaves a sigh. In his interview, Eddie says he can’t get angry. It won’t do any good, and Shane will sit in the corner and sob. He can’t have that. He needs Shane to be working. Francesca greets Ally, and Shane pouts in his cabin. Rachel makes sushi, and in her interview, she says when she was in Japan, she studied in Fiji. When your boss goes out and drinks, you have to drink. You can’t leave; it’s rude. She learned sushi well; there’s a dance to it. She shows Shane the Kobe beef of tuna, Otoro. Francesca places the model, and puts palm leaves on her, while James watches. In his interview, he says, this is why he joined the boat. Ashling is overwhelmed with laundry, and says, it’s bad. Oh my God. She moves to the ironing board. Francesca says, the model is ready.

Seriously, I think this is the dumbest thing ever. The guests tell the model that she’s hot as sh*t, and has a good body, but she doesn’t react or move at all, except to blink. Rachel explains the various sushi pieces, saying they have Otoro tuna. The guests ask for more Jell-O shots. In Rachel’s interview, she says she thinks the dinner was wasted on these kids. Otoro tuna melts in your mouth. It’s like buttah. And don’t get her started on the king crab.

The captain tells Eddie, what a sh*t show, referring to the line getting stuck under the tender. Shane is going to get someone killed. He’s not putting up with this sh*t. Francesca tells Ashling that she needs to be up at 6:30, and Ashling starts to cry. She cries as Rachel hugs her. A guest peeks in, then backs up.

Next time, James flirts with Francesca, Elizabeth forgets the alcohol for a beach excursion, and Captain Lee says if they don’t step up to the plate, he’s making changes.

👋🏽 Nice To Meet You… Again…

If Olivia hadn’t said his name right away, I would have wondered who the blip he was.

🤓 Hello, I Must Be Going…

It was an early day, so I’m hoping for not a late night. I’ll pour you some tea tomorrow, and I think I’ll be checking out Big Sky. It looks very Twin Peaks-ish, but without needing a code to decipher it. Welcome to Plathville is also back, and a couple of the kids have flown the coop, branching out on their own, away from their parents’ restrictions. So until we meet again, stay safe, stay seeing the glass half-full, and stay not thinking work is a vacation. Although that might be a bit confusing right now.