Tag Archives: Weekend in Paris

August 23, 2019 – Robert Confronts Peter About Shiloh, a Whole Bunch Of Great Quotes & Le Weekend


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Carly knocks at Jax’s hotel room door, saying, room service. Jax says he already ate, but she says the coffee is for him; the muffin is for her. She’s just checking to see if there’s anything he needs. He says not that he can think of. Is there something he can help her with perhaps? She says she’s glad he’s there, and asks if he has any leads for a permanent place. He says, not yet, and she says she needs him out by noon. Just kidding. For all she cares, he can stay forever. He says, it’s tempting, and she tells him it’s nice for her and Josslyn that he’s there. They’d like if he’d put down permanent-ish roots. He asks, what’s up? and she says she was speaking with Josslyn obviously, and she didn’t know what to make of Jax and Obrecht. Jax supposes he should wake Obrecht up, so Carly can ask her directly.

Cameron asks if Josslyn wants some pastry. There’s a lot left over, and Aiden wants to make a special one that he makes with Franco. Josslyn says, it’s rough, and Cameron says, Aiden doesn’t understand. The Franco that’s walking around isn’t the Franco he loves, and that Franco might not come back.

Jason, Sam, and Danny go to the park for Danny’s softball game. Sam tells Danny that she and his dad will be watching. He runs off, and Sam asks if Jason hears that. She tells him to close his eyes and take a deep breath. She takes his hand, and says they’re right there, in this moment, and everything is peaceful. Jason says he’s waiting for the ambush, and she asks why he’s always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

On the phone, Peter says give him a chance to figure it out. Yes, he remembers what’s at stake. He says, Shiloh? Hello? He tuns around, and Robert is there.

Monica asks if Finn has made any progress, and he says the virus is getting more aggressive. Michael gets annoyed, and says he thinks it’s time to use his resources, but Monica says she’s sure Finn is researching every avenue. Epiphany reminds Michael that it’s a hospital, and the patient can hear his voice. He apologizes, and Epiphany says, in the meantime, Sasha would like to see him. Get in there. Michael tells Finn, sorry. He shouldn’t have spoken like that. Finn says, if he was in Michael’s position… Michael says he’d try like hell to find a cure. Finn says he wishes he knew what they were fighting, and Michael says, that makes two of them.

Ava wakes, and opens her laptop. She starts reading comments about her Crimson cover. She fed her daughter to a serial killer, and we’re supposed to feel sorry for her? The daughter got what the mother deserved. What kind of narcissist parades on the cover of a magazine, and trades her daughter’s murder for attention? Ava says, they’re not wrong. She puts her had in her hands. Kiki says, boo-hoo. Be honest. Did she really think the magazine article would give her a shot at redemption? Ava says, Kiki.

Michael says he heard Sasha wanted to see him. She says she does, but doesn’t want to make him sick. He says they have quite the conundrum. He wants to see her, but doesn’t want either of them to get sick. She says she’ll get right on that. He asks how she’s feeling. She tries to answer, and has a coughing fit. He gives her some water, and she tells him that he should go; it must be boring. He asks if she’s ever sat through a financial update at a corporate shareholder meeting. She says, no, and he says she doesn’t know boring. She asks if he’s supposed to be there, and he says, yeah. She says good thing she’s sick. He says he was thinking about their next date; a summer concert in the park. Sasha says she would love that, but she’s not getting out any time soon, and they both know it.

Monica tells Finn that Nina is pressing her for answers. Where are they? Finn says he’s consulting with some specialists, and they’re hoping to isolate the virus. Monica says, until they do, get out of the hospital. Get something to eat. Nothing from the cafeteria or in a wrapper; a decent meal. And take a walk in the sunshine. She says he looks like a damn vampire. Ha-ha-ha! A nod to Silas from Port Charles. I still miss that show.

Sam takes food out of a cooler, and says they’re having a picnic like a family. It feels like they’re regular people. He asks if she wants him to be a regular person. She says she thinks she’s as settled as she’s ever going to be, but it’s not so bad. Jason says, not bad at all.

Robert says Peter is just the man he’s looking for. Will he do Robert the honor of joining him for a cup of coffee? Peter says he appreciates Robert phrasing it like a request. Robert asks if Peter would care to enlighten him as to why he was visiting the prison. Peter assumes Robert already knows he was visiting Shiloh. Robert says what he doesn’t know, is why?

Kiki takes Ava’s laptop. Ava says she’s really there. Kiki reads, Ava doesn’t care that her daughter’s dead, as long as she got the cover photo shoot. Ava says, that’s not true, and Kiki asks if Ava is mad because she can see past the excuses to how black her soul really is. Ava says she’s filled regrets. Kiki says the only thing she regrets is, the one man who truly got and understood her, is the same man who stabbed her to death. Ava says she hates all of it. She fell for his lies. Kiki says he was obsessed with her, and when she heard his adoration, nothing else mattered; certainly not her daughter. Ava is disappointed in her. No wonder she chose him over her daughter. Ava says Kiki is everything to her. She needs Kiki’s help. After all that’s happened, all the things she did, she can never find any peace. Kiki says, what a coincidence. Because of Ava, neither will she.

Carly tells Jax, it’s not funny, and he says, but the look on her face is. She says he didn’t answer the question. He says, whose? Hers or Josslyn’s? Obrecht is a fascinating woman. She has a certain panache. Carly asks if that’s French for she lures children to her gingerbread house so she can eat them. He says, there’s nothing going on. They just wanted to continue their conversation from the park, after the softball game. By the way, they won, so they’ll be playing Corinthos Coffee. He’s looking forward to the game. She says she wanted follow up about the lunch he was having with Obrecht. He says, she’s an interesting woman. They were talking about her concern over Sasha. The doctors haven’t been able to figure out what’s causing her illness. Carly says, the uncertainty alone must be driving Nina crazy. He says, Nina is going out of her mind, but between them and Valentin, they should be able to help. Carly says she thought Sasha could help Michael move on. He says, she still can. Carly knows; the positive thinking thing. Now answer her question. He says, there’s no torrid affair. Carly is concerned that someone else will get their hooks in him who’s even more dangerous – Hayden.

Josslyn tells Cameron, it’s not his fault. He says his mom tells him that a thousand times a day. Josslyn says, that’s what moms do. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Trina, who says, he lives. Why wasn’t Cameron at soccer practice? He says he didn’t feel like kicking a ball he can’t aim at Shiloh. She asks what to tell the team, and Cabot says tell them he was kidnapped by a mad scientist. She says they’ve seen the news; they already know. He’s going to lose his spot as a starter, and he loves soccer. He says he doesn’t want to deal with the fallout about Franco. Been there; done that – a lot. He wishes he could drop out period, and Josslyn says maybe he can. They could get tutored together. He says, she’s not coming back? and she says, not if she can help it. Trina tells them to find their brains, and put them back in their heads. They’re coming back to school.

Peter tells Robert that Shiloh is interested in doing a piece for The Invader. First, he went to get Shiloh’s consent, and then they went over the details. It required a personal visit; the prison doesn’t take messages. Robert says he’d like a copy of any recording, but Peter says he has none to give. Robert says when it happens, he’d like a copy, but Peter says, freedom of the press. Robert says, his job as DA is to build a case. If Peter gets in the way, he’ll charge Peter with obstruction of justice

Sam wonders why Danny is batting lefty, and Jason says the pitcher is a southpaw. Sam gets up, and says she’s going to talk to the coach. Jason says, in front of Danny and the other parents? She says, no, and he asks if she’s going to give Danny pointers. She says, that would be obnoxious; she’d never do that. He asks what she is going to do, and she says they are going to sit and finish lunch, and she’s going to let him distract her. He asks, how? and she says, talk to her about anything. She gets silence, and says, why not talk about Shiloh, Franco, and Drew? They know Shiloh sold fuel in Afghanistan. Why does Jason think he wanted the money? Jason says he thinks the money was a bonus. Shiloh feeds off of control. It’s a thrill for him, having the power to manipulate other people. Sam says, he’s behind bars now. She hopes there’s nobody there he can manipulate.

Jax tells Carly, it’s strictly business; nothing romantic. Hayden is just an employee, and an asset. Carly says Hayden’s not stupid, but she’s left a long trail of pain. Like what she did to Finn. He asks what she’s worried about, and she says she’s just looking out for him. He’s a catch. He says, so he’s been told. Maybe they should agree not to talk about the other’s romantic choices. She says, okay, and he says Josslyn isn’t the only one he’s worried about. How’s the pregnancy going? She says, we’re good, and he asks if she’s sure about that. She says she couldn’t be better, and Jax says he hasn’t forgotten the risks she took carrying Josslyn to term. She says all the bedrest in the world couldn’t have prepared her for the kidnapping. He asks if she and the baby are in danger.

Epiphany tells Sasha, say the word, and he’s out of there, but Sasha says, Michael is on board. Epiphany says she needs to rest. Sasha says, five more minutes, and Epiphany says, fine, but that’s it. She has her eye on him. When she’s gone, Michael tells Sasha, don’t hold it against him, but Epiphany still scares him. She says she’d wonder what was wrong if Epiphany didn’t. She tells him, suddenly, she’s tired, and he says he’ll let her rest, but she asks him to stay until she falls asleep. It will be about ten seconds. He takes her hand, and she says, there’s something she can’t get out of head. What if this happened for a reason? He says, it’s probably a virus, and Finn will figure it out. She says, what if it’s not a virus? What if it’s karma? What if all this is the punishment she deserves?

On the phone, Finn says it’s nice to hear her voice. She’s always telling him if he sees Robert or Peter to say hi. They’re standing about ten feet from him. Does she want to speak to them? He says he didn’t think so. He loves her too.

Peter tells Robert it comes down to journalistic integrity. Finn comes by, and tells them, Anna says hi. Peter asks when she’s coming home. Finn says, Drew located Andre in Ethiopia. He’s hoping Andre can restore Franco’s memory. Robert says, it’s a long shot, but Finn thinks Andre can be more helpful than Robert gives him credit for. Robert says, they’ll see.

Ava asks what Kiki means that she can’t find peace? Kiki asks what upsets Ava more, her spirit not being able to rest, or that it’s because of her? Ava says maybe if Kiki tells her how to help, Kiki can do the same for her. Kiki says she wants a transactional relationship. Kiki looks on the laptop, and reads some more. Kiki stopped being Ava’s daughter when she stole Ava’s boyfriend. Ava says she cares about Kiki’s happiness. It was all she wanted. Kiki says she wanted it on her own terms. She didn’t want Kiki with Morgan, so she tampered with his medication. She didn’t want Kiki with Griff, so she knocked him out and posed him in bed with Sasha, and arranged for Kiki to find them. Ava says she was angry, and she was wrong. Kiki says Ava resents it when Kiki calls her on the hell she’s caused, and she’s upset that Kiki won’t get over it. She killed Connie, destroyed Morgan, and almost charged Mike with kidnapping. How sorry is she really, that Kiki is gone?

Ava says it’s not what she wanted. She didn’t reach out for Kiki to treat her this way. Kiki says she seems to be under the impression that the dead take requests. And here Ava is, using her death for attention. Ava says she thought she was with Doc, and Kiki says nothing is ever her fault. She made Kiki’s murder about her. Ava says she wanted forgiveness. She didn’t mean for all this to happen. Kiki reads, Ava Jerome is toxic, and should never have contact with another human again. She says Ava wanted the public to see her the way she sees herself – a martyr – but this is the way she really is.

Carly tells Jax, everything has been covered. She even promised to go on full bed rest if necessary. He asks if it’s all good with the baby, and she says he has a history of high risk pregnancies. Why should this be any different? If anything comes up, they’ll cross that bridge when they come to it, but they’re not there yet. In the meantime, they have an amazing, wonderful daughter, and she’d go through everything again for her. Jax asks how Josslyn is doing. She puts on a brave face. Carly says she’s healing, bit by bit. She sees it, but doesn’t know if Josslyn does. Josslyn is dreading school without Oscar, and floated the idea of finishing at home. Jax says, maybe it’s a good idea, but she says, it’s a terrible idea. He says he can take her on an educational trip around the world, but Carly says, that’s not an education; it’s a vacation. He says she can see the world away from the painful memories, but Carly says they’re not letting their daughter run away.

Josslyn tells Cameron and Trina that she doesn’t know if she can go back. Everything seems trivial. Cameron says he hates how Franco is all over the media. Trina says they’re going to be juniors. They’re finally upper classmen. There’s soccer, letter jackets, and prom. Soon, they’ll be inheriting the school. Cameron says, maybe it’s not that bad. Josslyn says, maybe for them, but nothing makes facing it without Oscar any better for her.

Monica comes by the park to watch Danny play. She tells Sam and Jason, it’s a nice respite from a lousy day at the hospital. Sam says they have food, but Monica has to get back. She asks them to tell Danny she’s proud of him. Jason thinks he heard her cheering. She leaves, and Jason asks, what’s wrong? Did something happen? Sam says she got an email from Drew. He’s on his way to get Andre.

Finn scarfs down food at the MetroCourt bar. He tells Peter and Robert, sorry; long night at the hospital. Peter asks what he’s saying, since he’s talking with his mouth full. Finn says, it’s probably a long shot, but Andre is the best shot Franco’s got. Cabot worked on the original memory transfer, but Andre took it to the next level. Finn’s phone dings, and he says, the test results are in; he has to run. He grabs the rest of his sandwich, and thanks Robert for lunch, handing him the check.

As Sasha dozes, Epiphany asks if Michael would stay; it’s good for Sasha. She only smiles when he’s there. Sasha says she heard that, and Epiphany asks if she doesn’t know better than to listen other people conversations. She leaves, and Sasha says, still scary? Michael says, hell yes. Sasha says she’s terrified about what she just told Michael, and Michael says he thinks he’s gotten to know her pretty well. She says he doesn’t realize she’s done things.

Carly tells Jax that she knows it’s a terrible loss. Jax says, she’s sixteen, and Carly says, that means she’s young and resilient. She’ll find her way through with her friends. Jax says consider his request, and Carly says maybe a gap year after high school, but she’ll probably want to stay with her friends. Jax says, also sixteen. They can’t understand what Josslyn is going through. Carly says, Josslyn needs to know normal is possible. It’s not going be the same, but she’ll find her way out, and not on a yacht. Jax says, when she puts it that way… Maybe they can do one semester. Carly says, Josslyn is going to miss Oscar wherever she goes. If she’s going to move forward, she needs to know she’s capable of moving on, on her own. She has to do this; give herself permission to have fun without Oscar. Jax says, so she picks up where she left off? Kick back, and maybe get in trouble? Carly can’t believe she’s saying this, but yes. Jax says they have to teach her to be a kid again. Carly says, whether she wants it or not.

Sam tells Jason that Andre is working in Ethiopia, with a mental health initiative. Drew is going to get him on a plane to Port Charles, then head to Afghanistan. He recovered the money, and wants to return it to Afghanistan as some sort of humanitarian aid. Jason says, at least some good will some of it. Does Drew think Andre can reverse the procedure? She says, yeah, and Jason says he doesn’t know about science, but Franco has no intention of going back to his old life.

Ava says she can’t go on like this, and Kiki says Ava went on after her boyfriend stuck the knife between her ribs. Ava says she was wrong about Ryan. There’s got to be something she can do to redeem herself. Just tell her what to do, and she’ll do it. Kiki wishes she could help, but she can’t. Ava asks, why not? Kiki is still her daughter. Why can’t she help? Kiki says, why does Ava think? She’s dead. She disappears.

Ava wakes. She calls for Kiki, but there’s no answer. She opens the laptop, and reads. Ava Jerome should lock herself away forever. She deserves to die alone. She closes the laptop, and says, it looks like you got your wish, Kiki. I’m alone… alone… alone.

Carly says so she and Jax have a united front. Josslyn is going back to school, and staying there. Jax says, absolutely. Carly says, if she keeps her grades up, Josslyn can go on a highly educational trip with her dad. Jax says Carly is open-minded, and Carly says she knows; she’s amazing. He says he’ll have to run it by his sister wives, Obrecht and Hayden. She says, not funny, but it would be funny to watch the two of them duke it out. He says, over him? She doesn’t care. She’s just looking out for him, and he says he’s always there for her, no matter what.

Cameron says, he knows it’s not the same without Oscar. Trina says, Oscar was cute and smart; the whole package. Cameron says he’ll miss him, but he didn’t like him. Trina says he loved Oscar like a brother. Cameron says, he did, but he didn’t like him. Trina says it’s her duty to remind him how close they were, and he says, how lame. Maybe he could try out for the lead in the play. That’s a lame thing Oscar would love. They come up with other lame ideas, because Oscar was lame. Josslyn says she knows what they’re trying to do, and it sounds great.

Jason tells Sam, Franco was looking for a fight. When he wouldn’t take the bait, Franco punched Chase. He never saw Franco so angry. He didn’t want to hear about his old life or how to bring it back. He considers himself Drew. Sam says, he’s not. Jason says, if he woke up, and Jason was gone, and these people were telling him that they all wanted him to have his old life. If he couldn’t connect, and they tried to force him back to what he used to be, he’d fight with everything he had.

On the phone, Peter says, listen carefully. Drew is on his way to find Andre Maddox. Make sure he doesn’t.

Michael tells Sasha, everybody has done things. It’s comforting to believe there’s a balance, but there are terrible people who reap rewards, while virtuous people are taken from over and over. She says this isn’t having the inspirational effect he wants it to. He says good things happen for no reason at all, and he’s been feeling lucky since they met.

Finn asks Epiphany if that’s it. She hands him an envelope, and says, rushed and ready. He looks at the paper inside, and sighs. He says, no, no, no. How is this even possible? He and Epiphany look through the window at Sasha and Michael.

On Monday, Epiphany asks Finn if it can be treated, Carly tells Sonny let’s do it, and Sasha tells Nina that she’s grateful.

🔊 Quotes of the Week

You’re already putting a stink in the room, and you’re not even there yet. – Elizabeth, 90 Day Fiancé

Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will. – James Stephens

You wanna fly? You gotta give up the sh*t that weighs you down. – Toni Morrison

Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is. – Francis Bacon

This is the precept by which I have lived: Prepare for the worst; expect the best; and take what comes. – Hannah Arendt

The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course. – Billy Graham

When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. – Dr. Seuss

Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought. – Albert Szent-Györgyi

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. – Harriet Tubman

Like What you do, and then you will do your best.Katherine Johnson

There’s things going on in that house that need to be addressed by a professional. – son-in-law of a hoarder, Hoarding: Buried Alive

Something has to change in the world. Without change, young people will have no future. – Donatella Versace

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. – William Shakespeare

Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it.Marshall McLuhan

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.Eleanor Roosevelt – Or as a friend of mine once said, only you can make you feel like an a-hole.

⛲ More Like New Jersey Here…

But a weekend nonetheless. I have an early morning, so until we’re fearing the dead again, I bid you adieu.