June 29, 2017 – Nina Discovers Man Landers, Too Many Mileys & a Few Other Things


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Nathan is nervous about the photographer, who hasn’t shown up. Amy says he has to get a special lens so he can photograph Nathan in the shadows. Nathan insists on approving the proofs. Nina and Quinn are at the door. When Amy opens it, she and Nina ask what the other is doing there.

Dante asks Ava about confessing to Sonny and Carly. She says she doesn’t remember what she said, and she’s not saying anything else. Dante has something he wants to say to her.

Laura tells Doc that she thinks Spencer understands, but kept pressing Alexis to find a loophole. Chandler calls, and Laura has him repeat where Spencer asked to be driven.

Spencer tells Sonny that he has a business matter to discuss. He wants Sonny to eliminate Valentin Cassadine. Sonny asks if he knows what he’s asking. He does, giving several different terms for rubbing someone out.

Carly tells Bobbie that she and Sonny are getting back together. Eavesdropping Overhearing, Josslyn pops out, and asks how Carly can ever go back to Sonny.

Quinn is surprised that Nina and Amy know one another. Amy steps into the hallway, and in as loud a voice as possible, says that she can’t believe NINA REEVES IS HERE. Quinn wonders why she’s shouting, and Amy says she’s a big fan of the magazine. Quinn says that Nina is there for the photo shoot, and wants to do a piece on the book for Crimson. Quinn gets a call, and says the creative genius photographer needs handling. After she leaves, Nina asks what’s going on. Amy says that she’s just doing a side job, but Nina wonders why she’s panicking. She wants to go inside the room, but Amy stops her.

Dante tells Ava that he knows it went too far, and she didn’t want to hurt Morgan. She repeats that she’s not saying any more. He tells her that he’s not trying to get a statement, but he wants to talk about his brother. He wonders how she sleeps at night, and what about the people Morgan loved who could get closure? Morgan would want her to own up to what she did, so he could get some peace, and Dante thinks that deep down, it’s what she wants too.

Laura tells Doc that Spencer hasn’t given up; he has a new approach. He went to see Sonny, and she gives him three guesses as to what that’s about. They leave for Pozzulo’s.

Sonny asks if Spencer wants him to whack someone, and Spencer says, not someone, Valentin Cassadine. Spencer tells Sonny to take him out. Sonny says that there are different ways to deal with things, and Spencer says he’s exhausted all of them. Valentin has the estate and his birthright; it cant stand. He says it’s the only solution. Valentin took his father, and that can’t be undone, but he also took his home, and Spencer wants justice, peace, and for this to end. Sonny tells him that if he grants what Spencer is asking, he’s not going to have peace, but the opposite.

Josslyn tells Carly that because of Sonny, her real father can’t come back to the US. She begs Carly to say she heard wrong, but Carly says she and Sonny are back together. Josslyn says at the rate they break up, it should be over by the weekend. Carly tells her that she doesn’t get to disrespect her mother. Bobbie tells Josslyn that her mother loves her, and one day when she looks back, she’ll realize that she didn’t know as much as she thought she did. Carly knows it’s a shock, but Josslyn says it’s not. She knew it the second they went to Puerto Rico. Carly tells her that she’s sorry, and Josslyn says if she was really sorry, she wouldn’t be back with Sonny.

Amy tells Nina that she’s Man Landers’s manager. Nina says that she and Quinn do favors for each other all the time, and she’d like to include Man Landers in Crimson. She says she’ll ask him herself, but when she finally gets into the room, it’s empty.

Ava tells Dante that she wants Morgan to be at peace; he was a beautiful troubled soul, but the turmoil is over for him, and he is at peace. Dante says that’s a convenient belief. Ava says she never thought much about faith, but recently talked to Griff, and thought about the future, and penance, and making things right. She realized that she’s living in purgatory now, and it’s never ending. Dante asks if she sees it as penance, but she sees it as fate, and isn’t going to let anyone punish her more than she’s been punished already.  Dante suggests she’s leaving him hanging, and she tells him that when the air touches her skin, it’s excruciating, and when he knows how that feels, then he can talk about being left hanging. He says if she was truly remorseful, she’d own up and pay her debt, but she’s a coward.

Scotty walks into Ava’s room and asks if he’s interrupting. Dante says they’re done.

Sonny tells Spencer that when he was younger, he did some things that weren’t right, and continued doing them over the years. Spencer says, and now look at him. Sonny realizes he missed the point, and says that every time you do something, it costs you. There’s no turning back; that’s who you are forever. He’s had to live like that, and doesn’t want Spencer in the same position. Spencer says Valentin took something he loved, and he wants to take something that’s his. Sonny says if he helps him, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself, and doesn’t think Spencer would either.

Josslyn tells Carly that clearly, what she wants and how she feels doesn’t matter. Carly asks if what she wants is throwing a party and drinking with boy. Josslyn points out that it was one, respectful boy, but Carly runs off with Sonny, and then has the nerve to punish her. She’s a hypocrite. Carly says she doesn’t get to talk like that. Josslyn says that before she left, Carly told her over and over that she wasn’t going back to Sonny, but Josslyn knew she would. She can’t stop, no matter how she gets hurt. Carly says it’s complicated, and Josslyn calls that shorthand for knowing about Sonny’s criminal behavior, but marrying him anyway. She wants to know why.

Nina tells Amy that there’s no one there, and Amy says that’s because there’s nothing to see. Nina asks why try so hard to keep her out? Amy says she’ll call her people, and suddenly, Nina says, omg, seeing Nathan’s shoes underneath a folding screen. She looks behind it, and he tries dancing around a little, but she finds him.

Ava tells Scotty that he didn’t need to come back. He says that he wanted to see how she was, and she says in constant pain and permanently disfigured; how is he? Scotty says he’s sorry, and asks what Dante wanted. She says, what do you think? and Scotty asks if she sold him down the river. Ava says after all they’ve been through, did he think she’d give him up? He says, of course not… did you?

Spencer is disappointed, and would be eternally grateful if Sonny helped him. Sonny tells him that his father loved him, and wanted him to be a good man. Spencer misses him and wants him back. Sonny asks if he remembers what it felt like when he first found out that his father was gone, and Spencer says like a hole in his chest bigger than everything. Sonny says he felt like that with Morgan. He tells Spencer that revenge isn’t going to fill it, and it won’t bring Spencer’s dad back, or bring his son back. Spencer hugs Sonny, and cries.

Carly tells Josslyn that she loves Sonny, and they share a life and a family. Because of all the mistakes they’ve made, they’re better together than apart. Josslyn questions it being better with the man who had her father sent out of the country.  She can’t forgive him, and Carly says she assumes that Sonny can’t admit he’s wrong. Josslyn says she used to love him; now she’ll hate him until she dies. Carly can go back to him, but without her.

Nina asks Nathan what he’s doing there. Amy acts surprised to see him, and Nina says that’s why they were acting weird – he’s Man Landers. Nathan admits it, and Nina says fine, but since when does he give relationship advice? He says he’s just the face of the brand. She asks how he got involved, and does Maxie know? Nina wonders how he got roped into it, and he says he’s doing Amy a favor, but the reason is Amy’s secret.

Outside of Ava’s room, Bobbie asks if Dante is waiting to interview her. He says he’s done. She sees Scotty with Ava, and says he’s up to his neck in this. Dante tells her that he helped Ava cover it up. Bobbie says she’d talk to him, but what’s the point? She already knows the excuses he’ll come up with, like turning her in won’t bring Morgan back. She thinks Ava should be brought to justice.

Scotty thought Ava might have an attack of conscience, but Ava says she would never incriminate him; they’ve been through a lot together. He says he’s always there for her, and she asks him to stop with the lies for once.

Sonny and Spencer sit at a table, while Spencer eats something that has meringue on top. Spencer says the dessert is excellent, and Sonny tells him to enjoy it while he can. Spencer frets that his desserts will be cut off when Laura finds out, but Sonny says he’s selling the restaurant. Spencer says Pozzulo’s without Sonny is like Windemere without him, and Sonny says sometimes you have to let something go to move on.

Laura and Doc enter the restaurant, and Laura tells Spencer she had a conversation with Chandler about his indiscretion. Spencer says he’ll have Chandler fired, and Laura reminds him that Chandler works for her. She says if he keeps it up, she’ll have no choice to send him back to boarding school, and she’s found a great one in Montana. If he wants to stay in Port Charles, he needs to improve his behavior immediately. She wants him to apologize for putting his Uncle Sonny in an awkward position. Spencer says he’s sorry, and Sonny accepts. He tells Spencer he can be there any time he likes, but if Sonny hears about any trouble, it won’t make him happy. Laura leaves with Spencer, and Sonny asks to speak to Doc for a second. He tells Doc that he thinks Laura should keep an eye on Spencer, and adds that it’s great that Laura has him to help. Doc says it’s his pleasure.

Carly asks Josslyn what she means, and Josslyn says her being with Sonny is wrong, and hurts her. She can’t accept him as part of her family, and since she refuses to spend another second under the same roof, she’s going to live with her father in Australia. Carly says she told her that she could go for the summer, but Josslyn says no, she wants to live there permanently. She wants to be away from Carly’s dysfunctional relationship with Sonny. Carly says she’ll think about it, and talk to Jax, but right now, she’s taking Josslyn to Lila’s Kids; she has to keep her commitment. Josslyn says it’s unfair that she has to do what Carly tells her to, while Carly gets to do what she wants. Yeah, but that’s usually how it works with moms and their kids.

Amy has explained the situation with her brother to Nina, and Nina says they’re both incredible. Amy says Nathan is; she just stole his picture. Nina says that Amy is helping her brother, and he served our country, so he shouldn’t need for medical care. (Hear, hear!) She tells Amy to keep the story as an exclusive for Crimson. That’s the only way to keep it a secret. Nina says it’s the least she can do for Amy’s brother, and her own.

Dante tells Bobbie that Ava should be tried and convicted – he owes it to Morgan. Bobbie says that Morgan would want him to enjoy his life. Ava is suffering, but he shouldn’t have to. Can’t he let it go, and live his life and be happy? This, coming from the woman who can’t forgive Nelle. Dante says, maybe, but they both know someone who won’t be satisfied – his father.

Ava says she releases Scotty. She knows what she looks like. He says, so what? It’s horrible, but it doesn’t have to affect what they are to each other. She says they flirted, fought, and teased, and have been enemies and allies for a long time. He doesn’t want to be seen with someone like her, and she doesn’t want it either. She says it was odd, interesting, and lovely, but it’s time for it to end.

Laura, Doc, and Spencer go to Kelly’s. Doc says it sounds like Uncle Sonny helped Spencer understand, and Spencer says right now, he just wants to chill at Doc’s  place. Laura says he signed up for Lila’s Kids, and he’s going to help them clean the patio. He sighs over more chores.

Carly goes to Pozzulo’s, and tells Sonny about the party. She says that Josslyn is acting out because she’s afraid of them getting back together. He says they are, and Carly says Josslyn had a meltdown when she heard. Sonny had Jax deported, and Josslyn hates him, and hates Carly for being with him. She says all the good will they’d built up is gone, maybe for good. He did it to get back at Jax, but betrayed Josslyn. The only person she feels more betrayed by is Carly.

Quinn arrives back at the photo shoot, and says the photographer will be there momentarily. She says she sees that Nina has met Man Landers, and Nina says he agreed to the Crimson exclusive. Quinn says that’s good news, and tells Amy, good work. She thinks it’s a match made in heaven. Nina says they’re all in it together.

Dante tells Bobbie that Ava is going to suffer for the rest of her life. Sonny will react the way he’s going to react, and deal with what he has to. Dante’s way of saying, it is what it is.

Scotty asks Ava if she wants him gone. She tells him just go. He leaves. They’re whole exchange was depressing.

Laura asks Spencer to get some ice tea to go. When he’s out of earshot, she asks Doc if she’s being too hard, but he thinks she’s setting reasonable limits. She wonders if it will work, since Spencer has already contacted a lawyer, and tried to arrange a hit. She says she wouldn’t blame Doc if he bowed out, but he says he’s not going anywhere.

Carly tells Sonny that Josslyn wants to live with Jax, and Sonny asks if Jax would agree to that. Carly says she knows Jax isn’t his favorite person, but he’s a good father, and wouldn’t allow Josslyn to use him as leverage against Carly. Josslyn is trying to force her into a choice that she doesn’t want to make, but she’s going to figure out a way to have them both. She can’t imagine life without him. They kiss.

Tomorrow, Dillon asks Ned if he’s got cold feet, Obrecht confronts Curtis, and Andre asks Anna if she wants to do this.

🏠 Cyrus vs Cyrus gets more frightening with every episode. Now there aren’t just two women with Miley’s face on them, another two have been added – her mother and grandmother. Although technically, it’s really the grandmother’s face that’s on all of them. Who knows? Maybe we could go back to some cavewoman with Miley’s face. Like this wasn’t bad enough, tonight, Miley added her own face to the group. The episode featured an old smokehouse that was turned into a haven for her when she visits. I do have to add, that as someone who loves older architecture, I appreciated that they decided to keep the original structure. It was especially impressive when they chose to move it when it was found to be too close to the property line for it to be a guest house. Don’t ask me. We all thought that sucked. They did act stupid about the cost (which was $65K, as opposed to $80K for a new structure), when they have a skabillion dollars. Billy Ray forked over his Amex card, and the final cost was somewhere around $163K. BTW, they all sound the same too. I can’t wait for Sweet Home Oklahoma to start again.

🗽 Even though Million Dollar Listing New York is on my must watch list, the listings are the real stars. While I enjoy watching the antics of the guys who love to hate each other, my focus is on those properties that I will never, ever be able to afford. Nor will anyone I know, even if you combine all of our incomes. Tonight, my preferred pied-à-terre was a mere $25 million, and the word of the night was aggressive.

💀 While cruising the digital TV guide, I happened upon an enjoyable ID channel show called Web of Lies. There’s nothing better than a reenactment, except a reenactment about the dangers of the internet. Stay safe out there.

Something to Ponder…

I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done. – Lucille Ball

Because I Couldn’t Decide…


Sydney, Australia Opera House


Not very well done, but it made me laugh.

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