Tag Archives: Cyrus vs Cyrus

June 29, 2017 – Nina Discovers Man Landers, Too Many Mileys & a Few Other Things


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Nathan is nervous about the photographer, who hasn’t shown up. Amy says he has to get a special lens so he can photograph Nathan in the shadows. Nathan insists on approving the proofs. Nina and Quinn are at the door. When Amy opens it, she and Nina ask what the other is doing there.

Dante asks Ava about confessing to Sonny and Carly. She says she doesn’t remember what she said, and she’s not saying anything else. Dante has something he wants to say to her.

Laura tells Doc that she thinks Spencer understands, but kept pressing Alexis to find a loophole. Chandler calls, and Laura has him repeat where Spencer asked to be driven.

Spencer tells Sonny that he has a business matter to discuss. He wants Sonny to eliminate Valentin Cassadine. Sonny asks if he knows what he’s asking. He does, giving several different terms for rubbing someone out.

Carly tells Bobbie that she and Sonny are getting back together. Eavesdropping Overhearing, Josslyn pops out, and asks how Carly can ever go back to Sonny.

Quinn is surprised that Nina and Amy know one another. Amy steps into the hallway, and in as loud a voice as possible, says that she can’t believe NINA REEVES IS HERE. Quinn wonders why she’s shouting, and Amy says she’s a big fan of the magazine. Quinn says that Nina is there for the photo shoot, and wants to do a piece on the book for Crimson. Quinn gets a call, and says the creative genius photographer needs handling. After she leaves, Nina asks what’s going on. Amy says that she’s just doing a side job, but Nina wonders why she’s panicking. She wants to go inside the room, but Amy stops her.

Dante tells Ava that he knows it went too far, and she didn’t want to hurt Morgan. She repeats that she’s not saying any more. He tells her that he’s not trying to get a statement, but he wants to talk about his brother. He wonders how she sleeps at night, and what about the people Morgan loved who could get closure? Morgan would want her to own up to what she did, so he could get some peace, and Dante thinks that deep down, it’s what she wants too.

Laura tells Doc that Spencer hasn’t given up; he has a new approach. He went to see Sonny, and she gives him three guesses as to what that’s about. They leave for Pozzulo’s.

Sonny asks if Spencer wants him to whack someone, and Spencer says, not someone, Valentin Cassadine. Spencer tells Sonny to take him out. Sonny says that there are different ways to deal with things, and Spencer says he’s exhausted all of them. Valentin has the estate and his birthright; it cant stand. He says it’s the only solution. Valentin took his father, and that can’t be undone, but he also took his home, and Spencer wants justice, peace, and for this to end. Sonny tells him that if he grants what Spencer is asking, he’s not going to have peace, but the opposite.

Josslyn tells Carly that because of Sonny, her real father can’t come back to the US. She begs Carly to say she heard wrong, but Carly says she and Sonny are back together. Josslyn says at the rate they break up, it should be over by the weekend. Carly tells her that she doesn’t get to disrespect her mother. Bobbie tells Josslyn that her mother loves her, and one day when she looks back, she’ll realize that she didn’t know as much as she thought she did. Carly knows it’s a shock, but Josslyn says it’s not. She knew it the second they went to Puerto Rico. Carly tells her that she’s sorry, and Josslyn says if she was really sorry, she wouldn’t be back with Sonny.

Amy tells Nina that she’s Man Landers’s manager. Nina says that she and Quinn do favors for each other all the time, and she’d like to include Man Landers in Crimson. She says she’ll ask him herself, but when she finally gets into the room, it’s empty.

Ava tells Dante that she wants Morgan to be at peace; he was a beautiful troubled soul, but the turmoil is over for him, and he is at peace. Dante says that’s a convenient belief. Ava says she never thought much about faith, but recently talked to Griff, and thought about the future, and penance, and making things right. She realized that she’s living in purgatory now, and it’s never ending. Dante asks if she sees it as penance, but she sees it as fate, and isn’t going to let anyone punish her more than she’s been punished already.  Dante suggests she’s leaving him hanging, and she tells him that when the air touches her skin, it’s excruciating, and when he knows how that feels, then he can talk about being left hanging. He says if she was truly remorseful, she’d own up and pay her debt, but she’s a coward.

Scotty walks into Ava’s room and asks if he’s interrupting. Dante says they’re done.

Sonny tells Spencer that when he was younger, he did some things that weren’t right, and continued doing them over the years. Spencer says, and now look at him. Sonny realizes he missed the point, and says that every time you do something, it costs you. There’s no turning back; that’s who you are forever. He’s had to live like that, and doesn’t want Spencer in the same position. Spencer says Valentin took something he loved, and he wants to take something that’s his. Sonny says if he helps him, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself, and doesn’t think Spencer would either.

Josslyn tells Carly that clearly, what she wants and how she feels doesn’t matter. Carly asks if what she wants is throwing a party and drinking with boy. Josslyn points out that it was one, respectful boy, but Carly runs off with Sonny, and then has the nerve to punish her. She’s a hypocrite. Carly says she doesn’t get to talk like that. Josslyn says that before she left, Carly told her over and over that she wasn’t going back to Sonny, but Josslyn knew she would. She can’t stop, no matter how she gets hurt. Carly says it’s complicated, and Josslyn calls that shorthand for knowing about Sonny’s criminal behavior, but marrying him anyway. She wants to know why.

Nina tells Amy that there’s no one there, and Amy says that’s because there’s nothing to see. Nina asks why try so hard to keep her out? Amy says she’ll call her people, and suddenly, Nina says, omg, seeing Nathan’s shoes underneath a folding screen. She looks behind it, and he tries dancing around a little, but she finds him.

Ava tells Scotty that he didn’t need to come back. He says that he wanted to see how she was, and she says in constant pain and permanently disfigured; how is he? Scotty says he’s sorry, and asks what Dante wanted. She says, what do you think? and Scotty asks if she sold him down the river. Ava says after all they’ve been through, did he think she’d give him up? He says, of course not… did you?

Spencer is disappointed, and would be eternally grateful if Sonny helped him. Sonny tells him that his father loved him, and wanted him to be a good man. Spencer misses him and wants him back. Sonny asks if he remembers what it felt like when he first found out that his father was gone, and Spencer says like a hole in his chest bigger than everything. Sonny says he felt like that with Morgan. He tells Spencer that revenge isn’t going to fill it, and it won’t bring Spencer’s dad back, or bring his son back. Spencer hugs Sonny, and cries.

Carly tells Josslyn that she loves Sonny, and they share a life and a family. Because of all the mistakes they’ve made, they’re better together than apart. Josslyn questions it being better with the man who had her father sent out of the country.  She can’t forgive him, and Carly says she assumes that Sonny can’t admit he’s wrong. Josslyn says she used to love him; now she’ll hate him until she dies. Carly can go back to him, but without her.

Nina asks Nathan what he’s doing there. Amy acts surprised to see him, and Nina says that’s why they were acting weird – he’s Man Landers. Nathan admits it, and Nina says fine, but since when does he give relationship advice? He says he’s just the face of the brand. She asks how he got involved, and does Maxie know? Nina wonders how he got roped into it, and he says he’s doing Amy a favor, but the reason is Amy’s secret.

Outside of Ava’s room, Bobbie asks if Dante is waiting to interview her. He says he’s done. She sees Scotty with Ava, and says he’s up to his neck in this. Dante tells her that he helped Ava cover it up. Bobbie says she’d talk to him, but what’s the point? She already knows the excuses he’ll come up with, like turning her in won’t bring Morgan back. She thinks Ava should be brought to justice.

Scotty thought Ava might have an attack of conscience, but Ava says she would never incriminate him; they’ve been through a lot together. He says he’s always there for her, and she asks him to stop with the lies for once.

Sonny and Spencer sit at a table, while Spencer eats something that has meringue on top. Spencer says the dessert is excellent, and Sonny tells him to enjoy it while he can. Spencer frets that his desserts will be cut off when Laura finds out, but Sonny says he’s selling the restaurant. Spencer says Pozzulo’s without Sonny is like Windemere without him, and Sonny says sometimes you have to let something go to move on.

Laura and Doc enter the restaurant, and Laura tells Spencer she had a conversation with Chandler about his indiscretion. Spencer says he’ll have Chandler fired, and Laura reminds him that Chandler works for her. She says if he keeps it up, she’ll have no choice to send him back to boarding school, and she’s found a great one in Montana. If he wants to stay in Port Charles, he needs to improve his behavior immediately. She wants him to apologize for putting his Uncle Sonny in an awkward position. Spencer says he’s sorry, and Sonny accepts. He tells Spencer he can be there any time he likes, but if Sonny hears about any trouble, it won’t make him happy. Laura leaves with Spencer, and Sonny asks to speak to Doc for a second. He tells Doc that he thinks Laura should keep an eye on Spencer, and adds that it’s great that Laura has him to help. Doc says it’s his pleasure.

Carly asks Josslyn what she means, and Josslyn says her being with Sonny is wrong, and hurts her. She can’t accept him as part of her family, and since she refuses to spend another second under the same roof, she’s going to live with her father in Australia. Carly says she told her that she could go for the summer, but Josslyn says no, she wants to live there permanently. She wants to be away from Carly’s dysfunctional relationship with Sonny. Carly says she’ll think about it, and talk to Jax, but right now, she’s taking Josslyn to Lila’s Kids; she has to keep her commitment. Josslyn says it’s unfair that she has to do what Carly tells her to, while Carly gets to do what she wants. Yeah, but that’s usually how it works with moms and their kids.

Amy has explained the situation with her brother to Nina, and Nina says they’re both incredible. Amy says Nathan is; she just stole his picture. Nina says that Amy is helping her brother, and he served our country, so he shouldn’t need for medical care. (Hear, hear!) She tells Amy to keep the story as an exclusive for Crimson. That’s the only way to keep it a secret. Nina says it’s the least she can do for Amy’s brother, and her own.

Dante tells Bobbie that Ava should be tried and convicted – he owes it to Morgan. Bobbie says that Morgan would want him to enjoy his life. Ava is suffering, but he shouldn’t have to. Can’t he let it go, and live his life and be happy? This, coming from the woman who can’t forgive Nelle. Dante says, maybe, but they both know someone who won’t be satisfied – his father.

Ava says she releases Scotty. She knows what she looks like. He says, so what? It’s horrible, but it doesn’t have to affect what they are to each other. She says they flirted, fought, and teased, and have been enemies and allies for a long time. He doesn’t want to be seen with someone like her, and she doesn’t want it either. She says it was odd, interesting, and lovely, but it’s time for it to end.

Laura, Doc, and Spencer go to Kelly’s. Doc says it sounds like Uncle Sonny helped Spencer understand, and Spencer says right now, he just wants to chill at Doc’s  place. Laura says he signed up for Lila’s Kids, and he’s going to help them clean the patio. He sighs over more chores.

Carly goes to Pozzulo’s, and tells Sonny about the party. She says that Josslyn is acting out because she’s afraid of them getting back together. He says they are, and Carly says Josslyn had a meltdown when she heard. Sonny had Jax deported, and Josslyn hates him, and hates Carly for being with him. She says all the good will they’d built up is gone, maybe for good. He did it to get back at Jax, but betrayed Josslyn. The only person she feels more betrayed by is Carly.

Quinn arrives back at the photo shoot, and says the photographer will be there momentarily. She says she sees that Nina has met Man Landers, and Nina says he agreed to the Crimson exclusive. Quinn says that’s good news, and tells Amy, good work. She thinks it’s a match made in heaven. Nina says they’re all in it together.

Dante tells Bobbie that Ava is going to suffer for the rest of her life. Sonny will react the way he’s going to react, and deal with what he has to. Dante’s way of saying, it is what it is.

Scotty asks Ava if she wants him gone. She tells him just go. He leaves. They’re whole exchange was depressing.

Laura asks Spencer to get some ice tea to go. When he’s out of earshot, she asks Doc if she’s being too hard, but he thinks she’s setting reasonable limits. She wonders if it will work, since Spencer has already contacted a lawyer, and tried to arrange a hit. She says she wouldn’t blame Doc if he bowed out, but he says he’s not going anywhere.

Carly tells Sonny that Josslyn wants to live with Jax, and Sonny asks if Jax would agree to that. Carly says she knows Jax isn’t his favorite person, but he’s a good father, and wouldn’t allow Josslyn to use him as leverage against Carly. Josslyn is trying to force her into a choice that she doesn’t want to make, but she’s going to figure out a way to have them both. She can’t imagine life without him. They kiss.

Tomorrow, Dillon asks Ned if he’s got cold feet, Obrecht confronts Curtis, and Andre asks Anna if she wants to do this.

🏠 Cyrus vs Cyrus gets more frightening with every episode. Now there aren’t just two women with Miley’s face on them, another two have been added – her mother and grandmother. Although technically, it’s really the grandmother’s face that’s on all of them. Who knows? Maybe we could go back to some cavewoman with Miley’s face. Like this wasn’t bad enough, tonight, Miley added her own face to the group. The episode featured an old smokehouse that was turned into a haven for her when she visits. I do have to add, that as someone who loves older architecture, I appreciated that they decided to keep the original structure. It was especially impressive when they chose to move it when it was found to be too close to the property line for it to be a guest house. Don’t ask me. We all thought that sucked. They did act stupid about the cost (which was $65K, as opposed to $80K for a new structure), when they have a skabillion dollars. Billy Ray forked over his Amex card, and the final cost was somewhere around $163K. BTW, they all sound the same too. I can’t wait for Sweet Home Oklahoma to start again.

🗽 Even though Million Dollar Listing New York is on my must watch list, the listings are the real stars. While I enjoy watching the antics of the guys who love to hate each other, my focus is on those properties that I will never, ever be able to afford. Nor will anyone I know, even if you combine all of our incomes. Tonight, my preferred pied-à-terre was a mere $25 million, and the word of the night was aggressive.

💀 While cruising the digital TV guide, I happened upon an enjoyable ID channel show called Web of Lies. There’s nothing better than a reenactment, except a reenactment about the dangers of the internet. Stay safe out there.

Something to Ponder…

I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done. – Lucille Ball

Because I Couldn’t Decide…


Sydney, Australia Opera House


Not very well done, but it made me laugh.

June 15, 2017 – Jason Faces Costa, a Cyrus Musing & Two Shows I’m Surprised I Like


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Olivia-F flips through a bridal magazine. Julian approaches, saying he doesn’t suppose he’s getting an invite. Olivia asks how he got out of jail, and he tells her that he’s out on bail. She asks about Ava. He says she’s fighting and winning, but her life isn’t going to be the same. Olivia says she’s cheated death before and it must run in the family. Julian says he wants to see his son.

On the phone, Amy says they’ll have a visit later, and she’ll come up with a new plan to keep them afloat. When she hangs up, Nathan asks if there’s something he can help with.

Griff sees Sam at the hospital. He asks if she feels sick, and she tells him that she’s tired, stressed and can’t sleep.

Jason tells Spinelli that Costa works for Helena. He asks what if he’s still in Port Charles?

Costa eavesdrops on Elizabeth and Jake. She says it’s late, so they have to skip Lila’s Kids camp. She asks if something bothering him, and he says the magic set he got for his birthday.

Amy says now Nathan wants to help her, after snooping on her phone call. She says she already asked for help. He says the advice column is something he can’t do being a cop. Dillon comes along, asking about the reunion. Amy says who cares about high school? Some people’s live went downhill after graduation, and she can’t do this right now. She stomps off, and Dillon is like, what’s that about? Nathan doesn’t know, but says something is definitely up.

Olivia tells Julian that Leo is used to him not being around, and it’s just going to confuse him. She talks about Leo’s second birthday and how great it was. Julian wishes he could have been there. She says, but he wasn’t, and to remember what she said – the best thing for Leo is to let Ned adopt him. Julian says he’s Leo’s father, and she says be a good one then. Do the selfless thing and stay out of his life.

Griff asks Sam some questions. She says she’s achy like with the flu, but she had a shot. He says there are other viruses out there. He checks her temperature, and says it’s fine. He asks if there are any other symptoms. She thinks about how she envisioned Elizabeth having a gun, and says there is something else.

Spinelli asks if Jason thinks Costa is still there. He returned the rental car, and there’s no record of another lease. He says they got lucky because of the license plate, and Jason says has to be another way. Spinelli says there is.

Jake asks where the magic kit is, and Elizabeth asks why. He says doesn’t want to be a magician anymore. It turned into something weird and scary, and he doesn’t want it back. Elizabeth tells him that he doesn’t have to think about it again. Jake asks if he can get something from the vending machine, and she gives him change. Costa is at the machine, pretending to be a normal person.

Dillon wonders what’s going on between Nathan and Amy, and asks how Maxie is. Nathan says determined, like her mom, then apologizes, and asks about Ava. Dillon says Kiki hasn’t left the burn unit at all. He’s getting some food for her, hoping she’ll eat. He’s glad Maxie is getting quality time with Georgie, and asks if she’s coming home soon. Nathan says the person she was filling in for left, and she feels obligated to stay until a replacement is found. They both like their jobs, so for the time being, they’re bi-coastal. Dillon questions what was wrong with Amy, and Nathan says he tried to help, but it backfired. He tells Dillon about the Nurses Ball, and how they became friends. Dillon says that they went to high school together. Nathan tells him that something is going on.

Costa eyeballs Elizabeth while Jake is at the machine. Jake looks at him.

Spinelli looks up the credit card number, calling it a trail of breadcrumbs. He says they’re going to find this guy.

Sam tells Griff that she’s on edge, and it’s not like her. Griff says illness brings anxiety. She asks if there’s a magic pill for that, and if she’s overreacting. Griff suspects mono, and wants to give her a blood test, but she says she thinks she’s wasting his time, when she’s just stressed with the kids. He says he thinks he might know what’s wrong with her.

Olivia tells Julian that what Leo needs, she and Ned can give him. Julian says that Leo is the only child he has who doesn’t hate him, and Olivia says that’s because he doesn’t know Julian is the monster under the bed yet. Julian says she has no cause to be righteous, and they agreed to raise him together. She says that was after he promised to be out of the mob – a lie like everything else. She wants to know when they can look forward to him being out of their lives, and he says he might be able to walk and get his life back. She says that’s impossible. He tells her that he’s free now, and wants to see his son. Olivia says that Leo is hers and Ned’s son; he’s never even sent a birthday card. He has no rights anymore. Popping into the conversation, Alexis say he has every legal right to see his son.

Griff tells Sam that it could be PTSD, but Sam says that’s not her. He wants to do full check-up. She practically runs out the door, but he asks her to promise to make appointment with Dr. Lee. She says she will. Griff wants to come with her, but she says she won’t make break for it. He tells her that he’ll back off.

Jake stares at Costa with narrowed eyes. Costa jets before Elizabeth gets near him. The machine doesn’t have what Jake wants, and she says they’ll find another one. They get in the elevator as Costa watches.

Jason says it’s taking too long, and Spinelli asks if he doubts The Jackal. He tells Jason that Costa retuned to Greece after the delivery, but he’s back. He charged a hotel room, and bought clothing at a medical supply place – a set of scrubs. Apparently, he’s not a very good spy.

Jake thinks maybe Andre is right, and he could be a doctor. Elizabeth says that would carry on the family tradition, but they’ll love him no matter what he decides. She says that he doesn’t need to figure it out right now, but he tells her that career day is coming up, and they’re supposed to do a demonstration, so he wants to learn more. Elizabeth says it sounds like plan. Jason calls and asks where they are. Elizabeth tells him they’re at the hospital in search of a snack. He asks if Jake is with her, and tells her not to say anything, just go somewhere safe. She asks what about home, but he says not to go there because the delivery man is still in Port Charles. He tells her to find a room and lock herself in. He’s calling security, and on his way right behind them. He says to do it right now, and she says, see you soon, not wanting to alarm Jake. She tells Jake that Jason is meeting them there. She thinks they should find someone to help with his presentation. In the meantime, Costa continues to slither sneak around.

Costa watches. Elizabeth sees Griff, who’s on his way to meeting. She says Jake wants to talk to him, but Jake says they don’t have to do it now. Elizabeth says, yes, they do, and shoves Jake into an examining room. She tells Griff that they could be in danger and asks him to stay and not let anyone get in the room. Costa looks grim.

I missed a little bit here, as I was busy cursing out my computer. The little spinny thing was happening, and it wouldn’t let me do anything.

Jason arrives at the hospital. He talks to a security guy about Costa, and he says they’re patrolling the floors. Jason says he’s dangerous, and they have to find him now. Elizabeth sends text to Jason, who replies that he’s on his way with security. Griff locks the door, and when Jake asks why, Griff tells him that he’s hiding from a mean administrator who wants to take him to a meeting. Jake talks about being a psychiatrist, saying he wants to make people feel better, but not do gross stuff, just talking. Elizabeth tells Griff that she thought Jake could ask him some questions to be better prepared for career day. Griff says the first thing is figuring out what’s wrong. Elizabeth peeks out between the blind slats, while Griff talks to Jake. They decide to role play with Jake being the doctor. When we had career day in junior high, I went to the talk by the local TV weatherman. I didn’t give a flying about being a meteorologist, but I thought he was hot stuff, and wanted to meet him.

Jason and the security guy do a sweep of one of the floors. Costa gets in the elevator. Jason sees him, and runs to get in, but the door closes before he can.

Dillon tells Nathan about going to high school with Amy, and says there was more drama than Pretty Little Liars. Nathan assumes that Maxie wasn’t the nicest, and Dillon says she was the queen of everything, and could have been characterized as a mean girl. He tells Nathan about Amy always being there to help, while her brother was the star running back and his jersey is still hanging in the gym. He was also a nice guy, even to drama dweebs like him. Amy lived in his shadow, but worshipped him. Nathan asks where he is now, and Dillon says he played for Wisconsin, but threw out his shoulder, and hasn’t been heard about since.

Olivia asks Alexis if she’s going to welcome Julian with open arms if he walks. Alexis says he has a legal right to see his child, and Julian says just give him that. Olivia says when he found out that he was Leo’s father, he went on and on about being a father from beginning this time, and how he was going to be father of the year. Instead, he got himself involved in his lunatic sister’s crime spree. He didn’t warn anyone or do a damn thing, except sink back into his lying, criminal ways. She asks what father does that, and he says one whose children were threatened. He did it for Leo. Olivia says she read his masterpiece of self-justification, and warned Alexis not to fall for it, but she did. It’s obvious why he loves her. She turns a blind eye to his criminal ways, and is putting Leo in danger to prove that she still loves him.

Alexis says she’s not using Leo to prove anything; she’s fighting for Julian’s legal rights, like any lawyer. Sam joins them, and asks what’s going on. Olivia says Alexis is championing her father. Alexis says she might think he’s a bad man, but he has the legal right to see his son. Sam says she doesn’t want him near any of her kids, and he’s never going to see Scout. He put their lives in danger, and Sam wonders how Alexis can defend him. Olivia thanks her for being the voice of reason, and says she’ll see the star-crossed lovers in court. Sam tells Alexis that if she insists on defending him, she has nothing to say, and tells her to get back to her client, or whatever he is to her.

Nathan googles Amy’s brother. Dillon asks if Nathan thinks he’s criminal. Nathan says Amy is stressed out, but shut down when he tried to help. When Dillon brought up high school, she said some people’s lives went downhill. He has a hunch that she was talking to her brother, and he’s learned his hunches are usually right. Dillon says he’s untraceable on the web and social media, but Nathan says he has access to other avenues. As they’re talking, Nathan finds something

Jake tells Griff that they’ll have to keep an eye on his tonsils. Elizabeth acts as Jake’s nurse, and he asks for the reflex mallet. Griff fools around, overreacting, and Jake says this is better than career day, and better than his act at the Nurses Ball.

Jason traps Costa on the roof. He wants answers.

Nathan tells Amy they need to talk. He thinks he knows what’s going on, and understands.

Alexis tells Julian not to start. He thanks her for being on his side about Leo, and she says she’s on Leo’s side. He says she always does the right thing, making me gag, and probably Alexis too. She says, hardly. He tells her if there’s a custody fight, he won’t ask her to represent him. Wow. He must be a narcissist. Who would grant him custody of anything? He says he’s grateful for Olivia recognizing that he loves her. He still does. She blows him off, saying she wants to talk to Sam. I laugh, because that’s such a guy thing, to pick out that she loves him from all the trash talk.

Sam says she’s waiting for Jason. Alexis asks what’s going on, and Sam asks how she can defend Julian – he has her where he wants her. Alexis says that’s not true, and Sam tells her to leave. Alexis thinks there’s more to it than Sam’s father, and Sam says maybe she was thinking about getting shoved off a bridge and wondering if she was going to lose her baby all night in the cold – because that great guy couldn’t be bothered to warn her. She says she’s fine, but can’t deal with them right now. Alexis tells her to call when she wants to talk.

Jake listens to his own heart on the stethoscope. Elizabeth says he has big heart, and he tells her that Andre said that too. He says she looked scared at the Nurses Ball, and asks if it was him. She says he didn’t do anything wrong, and promises it will be okay. They hug.

Jason asks Costa why. Costa says all he did was deliver a package. It wasn’t his job to ask questions, and it’s not Jason’s either. He says it can go two ways – they kill one another or walk away. They start to fight, and Costa slams Jason up against the door, holding him there.

Tomorrow, Spencer asks if Laura has forgotten about Nicholas, Amy tells Nathan it’s none of his business, and Jason asks who Costa is working for.

🏠 I find Cyrus vs. Cyrus: Design and Conquer downright creepy. It’s like watching two older-than-Miley women with her head on them. I also wonder if any of them had the same frustration I did as a teenager. While other kids could pretend they were adopted, and their real family was rich and fabulous, and would one day come to find them, I couldn’t. We all look way too much alike.

👶 Odd Mom Out begins again on Monday, July 10th, at 10 pm. This show was a surprise for me. Not having kids, I didn’t think I’d relate, but main character Jill (Jill Kargman, who also was a Club Kid in the 90s) is very relatable. She’s awkward, often unfiltered, and a consummate New Yorker, calling Hamilton akin to Frozen for adults. Like Seinfeld before it, people familiar with NYC will find a real gem in this show, but you don’t have to be a mom or from the city to laugh your ass off.

🏃 Bravo has also been rerunning Don’t Be Tardy, which was another one I was shocked that I liked so much. I wasn’t a huge Kim Zolciak fan when she was on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, and agreed with NeNe that she should close her legs to married men. But it seemed like once she took that advice, and took up with Kroy Biermann, she was a decent person waiting to happen. I had always liked her daughters, so I figured there must be something there somewhere. While she can still be brassy and grating, the family as a whole is fun and sweet. They’re also probably more real than most, Kim calling them the Beverly Hillbillies of Los Angeles. It’s a nice break from the usual harshness of reality TV.


May 25, 2017 – Ava is Between Sonny and a Hard Place, a Little Real Estate, a Little Decorating & Some Potomac


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Griff tells Jason that the chimera necklace used to belong to Anna’s sister, and Anna came into possession of it. Jason doesn’t think it’s a coincidence, and that it has to mean something.

Dillon gets a text from Kiki. He wishes she was there.

Nina looks around for Valentin. He’s being harangued by Anna, who asks what he was thinking, selling the Chimera to Helena. (Just in case you’re confused, the word “chimera” isn’t normally capitalized, but I use caps when referring to the WSB project.)

Charlotte tells Emma that maybe the lights are part of the magic trick.

Lucy tells Ava that she needs to present the donation she was blackmailed out of. Ha-ha! At least Lucy is honest about it.

Sonny tells Carly that somebody tampered with Morgan’s medication.

Ned and Olivia-F arrive. She says she kept trying to put her dress on, but he kept trying to take it off, and now they’re late. She thinks they’re too late to even go in, but Ned says she just has stage fright. He calls her his star, and says she’ll be great.

Curtis and Jordan toast. He says he’s glad he planned ahead; he got a room for the night.

Ava says she’s not making the donation in Morgan’s name. Lucy says she has dead air to fill, since Jake isn’t doing his magic act, and Ava is it, but Ava doesn’t want to call attention to herself.

Sonny explains to Carly about the residue from the placebo in Morgan’s pill bottle. He tells Carly that when Morgan said he was taking the medication, he was.

Valentin tells Anna that he was running for his life; he’d stolen classified material – for her. He needed money to pay for his surgeries, and to change his identity, and it gave him perverse pleasure that Helena would be footing the bill. Now she’s dead, and the Chimera isn’t of use to anyone.

Charlotte starts to open the Chimera martini shaker, and Jake stops her, asking what she’s doing.

Ned and Olivia perform Gotta Have Faith, with a jukebox and a 50s vibe. Olivia’s voice is probably one of the best. Why hasn’t she performed before? Love her white cropped jeans with floral patterned heels too. Very nice! After the kudos for their performance, Dillon says he’s glad they came, since he was feeling like the new guy in the cafeteria.

Jordan tells Curtis that they haven’t even discussed what they are yet. He says he can cancel the room, but she says that’s not the point. Curtis says she still doesn’t think he’s good enough for her.

Anna says Valentin could have pointed the WSB in Helena’s direction through an anonymous source. He says after Helena’s death, it was irrelevant, and Anna says nothing is irrelevant. He says he owns Cassadine Island, and gives her permission to search the island, dig up the device, and destroy it. Right now, he’s finding his wife.

Jake says no one is doing his act, and grabs the Chimera back, pushing Charlotte away. Nina asks what’s going on, and Charlotte runs to her. Jake says they shouldn’t have touched it. Lulu comes in and asks what’s going on. Mom Déjà vu.

Anna asks Robert to call her back. She thinks she knows where “the product” is. She asks Andre how much he knows about the Chimera Project, and Elizabeth overhears.

Carly wonders how Morgan’s prescription bottle got to The Floating Rib. Sonny tells her that Lucy was there with Ava that night.

Curtis tells Jordan that he thought things had changed, but there’s no way to prove himself. Jordan says that she sees Thomas when she looks in his eyes. A part of her believes that if she got with Curtis, she’d be betraying Thomas all over again.

Jason asks Anna if it’s her necklace. She says yes, and he asks about the significance. She says no one has clearance to hear anything about it, except kinda, sorta Andre. Jason tells her all about the chimera images that have cropped up, and asks what’s going on. Andre encourages Anna to tell them. She says the Chimera Project is a bio-toxin developed by the WSB, that was illegally sold to Helena. She wonders if Jake saw the symbol on the island. Jason asks where it is now, and Anna says they’re trying to determine that.

Nina comforts Charlotte, telling Lulu it was just a kid spat, and Charlotte is fine. Lulu gets snarky with Nina, saying it’s not her call anymore. Valentin comes in, doing that talking to Charlotte in French thing that I love. He asks if she and Emma like cake, and suggests they go order some, and he’ll be right there. Lulu asks Jake if he’s okay, and says his mom is looking for him. Valentin asks if there’s a problem, and she says none at all. She leaves, and Valentin asks Nina if Lulu was horrible to her, but Nina says just territorial. Nina tells Valentin that his song meant the world to her. He says it was all worth it then.

Sonny hustles Lucy into the hallway. She says she has to get back to hosting the show. He asks what she was doing at The Floating Rib the night of the robbery. Carly wants to know why she was with Ava. Lucy says she was hoping they wouldn’t have to find this out, but Ava and Morgan were sleeping together again. That’s how Ava ended up with the pills. Sonny is surprised, and Lucy says she caught Ava throwing them away, and pulled them out of the trash. Carly asks when, and Lucy tells her in late October. Sonny says it was after Morgan died. Lucy says she wanted to tell them, but Ava convinced her they’d suffered enough. Sonny says none of this is her fault, and she jets. Carly says it was Ava all along.

Ava goes over her speech. Scotty runs in, and tells her that she has to get out. Sonny knows everything.

Dillon looks for his partner, Deanna, but Kiki shows up instead. She and Dillon go on stage. They perform Modern Love. With lots of back-up dancers.

Nina says she didn’t know Valentin could sing, and he says only for her. He wants to do what it takes to get her to trust him. She says they’ll see how the night goes, and take it from there. They walk off hand in hand. Yay!

Dillon asks Kiki what she’s doing there. She says Deanna covered for her at the hospital. She didn’t want to miss the – Burt’s Bees plug – gift bag. He says he’ll go back with her, and they can watch the end of the show together.

Curtis says Jordan is a good person, but if she can’t get past it, he understands. He gives her the room key and says no pressure, but if she changes her mind, he’ll be waiting. If she’s not there by ten, he’ll figure she’s not interested.

Carly tells Sonny that no way Morgan started up with Ava again. Sonny says she was only covering for having the pills. Carly sees Dillon and Kiki, and tells Sonny that Ava wanted Morgan away from Kiki. Sonny says she drove him to a breakdown.

Scotty tells Ava that she has to get out of town fast. Sonny and Carly start looking for her.

Lucy – in a black dress with faux gems at the neckline and sparkles all over – thanks everyone, and introduces Ava to present her donation, but Ava is MIA. Sonny tells Carly that she knows. Lucy says check will clear no matter what, so give her a big hand.

Sonny grabs Scotty and asks where Ava is. Kiki and Dillon see Ava leaving the building. Ava asks what Kiki doing there. Kiki is surprised that she didn’t see them perform, and asks why Ava is leaving. Ava says there’s a minor emergency at the gallery. She tells Kiki that she couldn’t be prouder of the woman Kiki is becoming, and is relieved she’s happy; it’s all she wanted for her. Kiki says sounds like she’s never going to see her again. They hug. Ava is wearing the best silver/grey glitter eye shadow, and I wish I could pull that off.

Jake puts the Chimera back in the box. Helena appears, calling him “little man,” and says she’s disappointed in him. He didn’t keep his end of the bargain. If she’s just an illusion in his head, at least he dressed her properly for the occasion – she’s wearing gold lame.

Curtis waits, watching TV. He figures Jordan isn’t coming, but when he opens the door, she’s there.

Sonny tells Scotty that Ava killed their son. Carly says she screwed with his pills, and Scotty says that’s crazy talk. He says Ava doesn’t want trouble, and she’s going to disappear for good.

Wherever she is, Ava can’t get the elevator to work. The electricity is out, and she lights a lantern that’s conveniently right there.

Elizabeth asks Jason what if Jake doesn’t get past it? Jason says they won’t let it happen. Franco says none of them will.

Helena tells Jake not to listen to his mother. If it wasn’t for her, he’d be dead. She tells him that he has to perform his magic act, and make all of Port Charles disappear.

Ava finds the bag she stashed. She checks the contents, pulling out a passport and a wad of cash.

Scotty tells Dante that Sonny attacked him, and he wants to file a complaint. Dante leaves with him. Lucy says the time has come for the finale. She thanks everyone, along with – one last plug – Burt’s Bees. She’s wearing an off-the-shoulder white brocade gown that’s just lovely. She welcomes back the nurses, along with a special guest. The stage is lit with electric candles, and Epiphany begins Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah. I love Epiphany. She’s fabulous in general, but she’s rocking this song. Robin drops in on video, explaining why she’s not there. She’s expecting her second child, and says that’s how far we’ve come. She didn’t think she’d even be alive at this point, but thanks to research, dedication, and donations, she’s alive, and they’ll find a cure. The song resumes. Everyone has a candle, including the guests.

Kiki and Dillon watch from the hospital TV. Curtis and Jordan get busy. Ava packs a gun. Uh-oh. Sonny and Carly walk in. I’d shoot them both and run.

At the end of the song, everybody raises their candles.

Jake comes back into the ballroom. He tells Elizabeth that he’s ready to do his magic trick now. You’re a little late, kid.

On Monday, Laura tells Lulu that it didn’t happen, Carly shakes down Ava, and Elizabeth tells Jason there’s a problem.

🏙 Million Dollar Listing New York is back for another season. Ryan has a beard, and Amelia’s sister has moved in with them. Frederik says the house in Connecticut has been life-changing, and he’s started to go to church, but wants us to know that when it comes to business, he’s still fierce. Luis has moved on from real estate, and new guy, Steve, used to be a model. Frederik wants Steve to work for him, and Steve says, love you, but not that much. Steve also has a rescue pup from Georgia. The highlight for me was a property in Brooklyn that Ryan sold. It was built in 1905, and I nearly cried over it. The house had all kinds of interesting built-ins, a footbath in the bathroom, and a bathtub in a closet. And did I mention that it was 10,000 square feet? I wouldn’t want to clean it, but I wouldn’t mind owning it. If I could afford that, I could afford to have someone else clean it. I was surprised to find out that Frederik has a boss, since I’d thought he worked on his own. I like Frederik a lot, but I wish he’d stop with the juvenile noises and high kicks. We’re both getting too old for that. Glad to see the NYC realtors back. If I can’t have it, I can at least look at it.

🏯 Cyrus vs Cyrus: Design and Conquer premiered tonight. Among their many talents, Miley’s sisters are interior designers. I’m not sure if I can watch two women who are wearing Miley’s face. I don’t even want to see Miley’s face on Miley. They do some beautiful work, but apparently have never heard of Wayfair. Nobody needs to be spending $400 for a pouf. When the children of the redesigned home were asked what their favorite thing was, one little girl said, “the camera,” which says it all about the upcoming generation.

🏛 I dropped in on The Real Housewives of Potomac last night, since I’d only half-watched the episode last Sunday. I’m not really sure what to say about these women. For a bunch of people who pretend to be so sophisticated, they’re about as far from it as oil is to water. Robyn and Gizelle showed up at Ashley’s restaurant to confront her about some slight, and Robyn kept shoving her finger in Ashley’s face during her tirade. She looked like an amazon next to Ashley, and actually had to point down to get her hand to Ashley’s head. To her credit, Ashley maintained her composure, but I would have smacked Robyn’s hand so hard, she would have hit herself in the face. I’d never even heard of any of these women before the show, and I’m not sure where their sense of entitlement comes from. Especially Robyn, who can’t even figure out if she’s married or divorced. Charisse also acted like a complete ass, looking up in the air and ignoring her when Ashley tried to be polite at an event they were all attending. She’s also an indecisive one when it comes to her marriage, and I had to laugh when her husband finally filed for divorce. I’m hoping she gets less than nothing, since she was only their to suck his finances dry anyway. Gizelle might be beautiful, but she’s another embarrassment. When newcomer Monique held her phone out to get Gizelle’s phone number, Gizelle acted like this was some huge faux pas, and refused to take the phone, saying maybe some other time. How about never? Is never good for you? Oddly enough, Karen was the only one who came out looking good in this episode. Sadly, because she gave a talk about having been raped. While I might wish a lot of horrible things on this bunch, that’s something I wish on no one.


Steve Gold and pup Pablo