October 21, 2018 – Chaos in the Camp, Eli’s Horror, 90 Day News, a Wife Wedding, Bye-bye Birdie, No & Back Again


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


The Walking Dead

A lone zombie ambles around. He joins a group feasting on someone. Hopefully, no one we know. They leave the human salad bar, and Justin rises. We see FINAL WARNING painted on the side of a building.

Rich gets out of bed, kisses a sleeping Michonne, and checks on Judith. He touches a wall hanging of her handprint, and leaves the house. Alexandria is looking pretty good. Their garden is better than mind was this year. Rick picks a tomato, and puts it by a grave. I assume Carl’s.

Michonne tells him her mind won’t shut off. He says it’s good she’s leading. She keeps the place safe and figures out how to make it better. She tells him Judith has a cough. There’s no fever, but she wants to take Judith to Siddiq just in case. He says he’ll take the day. At the last report, things were good. Maggie will be there, thanks to her. Michonne says, Maggie is trying, but she’s still angry. So is Daryl, and maybe others. He asks if she wants him to go. She wants it to work. He says it will. Even if everyone’s not all in, they’ll get there. Like they did. He thanks her for everything she’s done and is doing, and for her. He kisses her. He suggests taking a break, and she asks if he wants her to stop creating the foundation of a new civilization. He can think of another way to build for he future. Apparently, it involves getting busy.

Maggie and a nameless dude drive a horse and cart. Some Saviors step into their path. She asks why they’re not at the bridge, and the main guy says they’re looking for a friend who went missing. She says she’s just getting there; the shipment went missing. He asks if she knows anything about that, and she wishes she did. Hilltop needs the fuel that was the trade. He takes a tomato and eats it. She ask what his name is, and he says his name is mud. I guess he’s just always wanted to say that? He says she’s the widow. The woman with the braid tells Maggie that his name is Jed, and they’ll make good on the fuel soon as they can. Jed is getting his tomato deducted from his tomato ration (or something like that). As they drive away, nameless dude tells Maggie that she can’t believe word from those a-holes. Maggie tells him she’s giving it a chance.

After Judith’s’ doctor’s appointment, Michonne and Rick have family day with Judith. They play with her, and Rick reads The Wizard of Oz. They see a guy running toward their house, and Michonne goes down to meet him. One of the Saviors went missing, and is dead, but it doesn’t look like an accident. Someone definitely took him out. Michonne takes Rick’s hand.

There’s rioting in the bridge construction camp. Gabriel, Rosita, and some others try breaking It up. Alden insists they’ll find out who did this, and it won’t happen again. Another Savior punches him, and Carol says, enough. The Savior suggests killing them all right there; it’s better than getting it in the back. Arat says they don’t want this, they just want protection. Dude’s money is on garbage lady, and another guy thinks it’s Rick, finishing what he started. The crowd starts to turn on Anne, and Gabriel tells them to stop before it gets too far. Daryl says, it won’t, and aims his cross bow. Rick comes riding through, and tells everyone, back off right now. Arat tells dude to let it go. Rick says he’ll find a way to make everyone feel safe, and tells them, start the redirect. By the look on Daryl’s face, you know he thinks this is a bad idea. Rick asks Gabriel if he knows where Anne was last night. Gabriel says she was on watch with him all night. Rick tells him to keep an eye on her. Even if it has nothing to do with this, she’s up to something. He needs someone he trusts.

Alden says a couple of guns would help, but Maggie says, no guns. That was part of the deal. Rick tells Maggie that first, they have to find out who killed Justin, then think about what to do about it. The Saviors are the majority of the work force. The bridge is for all of them; they have to keep them safe. Maggie asks who he thinks did this. He looks at Daryl, but says nothing.

In the coffee tent, Gabriel asks Anne if she’s all right. She heard what they said. She didn’t do anything. He tells her that Rick asked if she was with him all night, and he yes, but she left after they… He lied for her. He asks if saw anything that might explain Justin’s murder. She says she needs some rest. She has an early shift. He repeats the question. Anne says he thinks she’s hiding something, and he stays silent. She leaves.

Rick sees Daryl sharpening a knife. He tells Daryl they found a small, round, clean puncture wound in Justin. Smaller and cleaner than a bullet hole. It looks like an arrow. Daryl asks if Rick thinks he did it. Rich says, no, but others do, so he’s making sure. Daryl says if he was going to do it, he’d have done it in plain sight. He doesn’t know who, but knows why. So does Rick. Bringing all these people together; it was always going to happen. Rick thinks it’s the right thing to do. The future belongs to all of them. Daryl asks if it belongs to Glenn, Abe, Sasha, the Kingdom, Hilltop, and Oceanside. Think about what they would want; what they would do if they could. Rick says he does. He’s wanted it too; maybe more than anyone. But killing each other when the world already belongs to the dead isn’t the way – not anymore. He knows Daryl doesn’t agree. He’s just asking him to try. Let the people see him trying, and maybe everyone can move past what happened to what could be one of the best decisions he ever made. Like not killing the guy who left his brother on a rooftop to die. Oh snap.

Rick says, everyone coordinate. Stay sharp, eyes open. They sweep the woods. Maggie hears some activity, and says she’s checking it out. Cyndie says there’s a house ahead; it might be from there. She used to live there before Oceanside.

They come to a ramshackle cabin with a gas pump out front. Zombies are wandering around, drawn by a loose piece of metal, banging around on the roof. Maggie says they have to deal with it before it draws more, and gives Cyndie a pitchfork. She tells Cyndie that she’ll get the roof; she’ll get them. She quietly comes behind the zombies and whistles, as we all do when we want a zombie’s attention. Cyndie forks one in the neck. She goes up on the porch, and zombie fingers reach for her through the boarded up door. Her foot goes through the rotted wood, and she gets stuck. The zombies break through the boards. Maggie gets to the porch, and stabs them one by one. Cyndie struggles with a zombie, her hand nearly going through its throat. It’s hit with an arrow. Rick and Daryl have arrived. Maggie knocks the metal off the roof.

The find Oceanside’s Bea knocked out, and Arat gone. Bea says they were headed toward the road, and hit from behind. Maggie says whoever did it, has their equipment, and Arat. Daryl notes that Bea has thin, aluminum arrows.

Rick says they need to find Arat. Maggie says the Saviors did. Carol says they claimed she was supposed to be on watch, and if they don’t find her by morning, the Saviors are walking off the job. Jerry says they’ll nab them, and then figure out what happens; whether it goes Gregory or Negan. Rick looks at Maggie. Cyndie says, whoever it is, when the time comes, they’ll get what they deserve.

Rick searches with Carol. She tells Rick that the Saviors need to want to be a part of things. She saw it starting again today, and wanted to end it before it began. They might have to fight whether they want to or not. Rick says they can’t let it come to that. Every day when he wakes up, and has the feeling he should kill Negan, and just keep going; finish them all. In that moment, it’s all he wants. Then he remembers who they’ve lost. Not just from Saviors, but the whole way. He knows he needs to honor them. Build life, not take it. It’s them or the dead; every life counts now.

Daryl tells Maggie that he doesn’t want to play nice for Rick. Maggie isn’t sure, and Daryl says he isn’t either. Maggie says part of her wishes she could see things his way. She sees Hershel, and thinks of how things could have been. She has to let it go. What Rick is doing is best for the future; for Hershel. They see a crawling zombie, who sounds like cat I used to have. Daryl finds an arrow in him, but says it’s not one of his.

Anne goes to the trash heap with a flashlight and gun. She removes a pile of stuff, revealing a metal box. She takes a radio out of it, and says, it’s Tardis Jadis. She knows they’re in range; she saw the helicopter. (That’s right! There was a helicopter at the trash heap.)  She hears something, and looks around. The voice on the radio asks what she has; an A or B? I say, excuse me? She asks, was it them; did they take them? He says, no pickups, but the deal still stands. A or B? She says, neither. Just her. She paid her share. The voice says she’s been compensated. She asks what it will take, and he says, an A. Tomorrow.

Gabriel asks who she’s talking to, and she asks if he followed her. He says, were they right? Did she do something to Justin? No who talking to? What did she do? She says, bad things, but not this. He says he stood up for her. He cares about her. Tell him the truth. Did she trade people? She says she did, and he asks if that’s what she was going to do with him and Rick. She says, yes, and he asks, why? She says, for her people. It didn’t start that way, but it ended up there. He asks what the hell that means, and she says she tried. She saw and she tried. In Alexandria is where it first went wrong. They suspected her. Now Rick suspects her. When the Saviors came at her, everyone stood by – except for him. She asks him to leave with her. There’s another place. It’s far away, but if they go together, they can get there, and it will be different for them. She holds out her hand, and he takes it. She says, there’s only one thing; he can’t tell anyone, but if he trusts her and helps her with one small part of the deal, they’ll have a life like he can’t imagine. He says, whatever it is, he can’t do it. He has to tell Rick. She says he can’t choose her instead? He says, not like this, and she says, all this time, she thought he was a B, and knocks him out.

Rick and Carol look around. We hear zombie gurgles. Carol follows them, and sees a guy. Jed comes up behind her, grabbing her, and holding a knife to her throat. Rick draws his gun, and says, don’t. Jed asks if Rick can get him before he opens Carol up. Rick asks if he killed the others, but Jed has no clue who did. He’s not killing anyone – unless he has to. This is about the guns. They’re being hunted, and they’re a target while camping out. They don’t need a babysitter, but it’s protection time up. He tells Rick to toss the gun. Rick suggests they just be on their merry way. Jed says he heard Rick yakking about how every life counts with him, but if he doesn’t give up the gun, Carol’s life won’t count for sh*t. Rick tells Jed to think about it; after this, there’s no going back. Jed says, there’s no going back for Justin, not for them. He brings the knife closer to Carol’s throat, and Carol says, it’s over. Rick backs off, holding the gun upward. Jed relaxes, Carol gets him in the knees, and he buckles. Rick says, he’s down now. They’ll fix him up at camp. Carol wonders, why not take him out? and Rick says, every life counts.

It’s nighttime, and Daryl and Maggie trudge through the woods. Daryl asks how Maggie knows about the place. Maggie thinks it’s where they lived before. They go into a building, and hear voices. Out in the back, Cyndie and some of the Oceanside girls stand behind Arat, who’s on her knees. Cyndie says she’s going to beg like she made them beg. Bea has a her arrow drawn, and Daryl tells her, drop it.  He asks if she took out Justin with that thing, and she says he killed her husband. Cyndie says they’ve all done things, but no more after this. Maggie says, after this, it keeps going. Cyndie tells Maggie, this was their home. Her mother and grandmother founded it with a group. There were so many then; men, women, kids. They built a garden where she played. Then the Saviors came, and Simon wanted what they had. He gave a final warning, and after that, they ran; they tried to forget. Then Maggie’s people came and asked them to fight, and they did, because they couldn’t forget. After Rick ended it, they went along. They didn’t think they had a choice. Until she hung Gregory. They knew Rick’s rules were not the only rules. She showed them the way. It’s time. Maggie says, they did this because of her? Cyndie says, they murdered her mother. They shot her brother, right here. They took everything, because they could. Arat begs, and says they’re not like that anymore. Simon would have killed her too. Cyndie says her brother begged for his life; he was crying, and Arat smiled. She told Arat, he was only eleven. Then she shot him, and what did she say? Arat says she doesn’t remember, but Cyndie tells her, say it. Maggie asks what she said, and Arat says, no exceptions. Maggie looks at Daryl. Arat begs him to help her. Maggie and Daryl walk away, leaving Cyndie to make her own decision. As Maggie and Daryl keep walking, we see Arat shot by an arrow in the background.

It’s daylight. The Saviors walk out of the camp.

Maggie and Daryl continue walking down the road. Maggie says they did it because of her. She’s given it a fair chance. It’s time to see Negan.

Next time, Maggie wants to make things right. Rick tells Eugene there has to be a way, Tetrax Jadis let’s a zombie loose on Gabriel, and Negan has a beard.

👄 Useless trivia from tonight’s Talking Dead. When the trash heap set was used again, cats and armadillos were found living in it. See? We can live in harmony.

👹 I caught most of Eli Roth’s History of Horror tonight, and I love it. It definitely delivers what the title promises. It reminds me of the anthologies I used to buy in Barnes & Noble’s bargain section when I first moved to NYC. Eli Roth is another favorite of mine as well, being involved with the Tarantino group, and having directed Hostel, which is an excellent film. It’s one of those movies that makes me uncomfortable, but it’s so well done, I’ve watched it a few times.

💍 Tonight, a whole new bunch of fools couples started on their way to the K-1 visa on 90 Day Fiancé. One couple already has a baby, and I’m very excited to watch the moronic antics love stories unfold. Meet the newbies here:


😧 Speaking of Which…

Some updates on Before the 90 Days idiots cast members.

Because Nicole is too lazy for real work.


No surprise Angela has been on Maury Povich, since she confused The Couples Tell All with it. Destiny is real.


And it only gets creepier.


But then it gets better. Or at least more amusing.


And then creepy again.


🐣 A Sad Farewell…

Even a bird deserves to enjoy his golden years.


🍸 Favorite Wives…

High on my list. She deserves all the happiness in the world. Especially after being married to that cad Frazier, IRL.


And my favorite. She who can do no wrong.


🍫 No. Just No.

I got an email with the subject line: Pretzels are the new Halloween candy. Not unless you want eggs thrown at your house and don’t want to enjoy your leftovers.

😭 Filed Under: How’d That Happen…




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