February 19, 2020 – Brad’s Secret Comes Out, the Wives Go To the Shore, New Seasons, Supporting Erika & the Boardwalk


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

In her office, Jordan starts to get on the computer. The door opens, and she says she told them, no interruptions. Curtis says he told her assistant to go ahead and arrest him. She says, sorry. It’s just been a circus there tonight. He guesses so. Between the mob violence, the Cassadine craziness, and her old buddy Taggert.

Mac runs into Taggert outside Kelly’s. He asks how long it’s been, and they hug. Taggert says, too long.

Inside Kelly’s, Cameron joins Trina. She says he’s back, and she says, finally. Don’t leave for that long ever again.

Cyrus is brought to the visitor room, and Sonny is there. Cyrus sits, and says, Mr. Corinthos. He assumes Sonny has reconsidered his stance, and is making room for him in Port Charles. Sonny says, yeah. Room to leave.

A worker checks out some boxes at the pier where Cyrus’s warehouse is. Jason puts a gun in his back.

Willow asks Chase if Finn left, and he says, just now. She asks what he thinks is going to happen with Finn and Anna. Chase says he’s hoping they work things out, but maybe throwing a kid into the mix is too much for them. She asks if that’s how he feels about Wiley, but he says, no.

Nelle looks in on the bon voyage party. Julian tells Lucas, it will be fine; relax. Lucas says, it’s right there. They were in the car… He smacks himself in the head, and Sam says, calm down. Talk to them. Julian thinks Lucas is overstimulated by the party, and suggests getting Wiley. It will be better once he has his son. Michael says he’ll go, but Julian thinks it’s better if he does. Lucas remembers Brad saying Wiley isn’t the baby they adopted. He’s Michael and Nelle’s son. Lucas looks up, and says, Michael. Michael asks, what is it? What’s wrong? Lucas says Wiley is his son. Julian is like, d’oh! and everyone is in shock.

Nelle watches, and Michael tells Lucas, take it easy. He’s not making sense. Brad says, Michael is right, and reaches for Lucas, but Lucas says, don’t touch him. He’s not tired and he’s not crazy. He knows what he heard. Carly tells him, take a breath. She says she’s going to talk to her brother. Everyone can stay or go; she doesn’t care, but the two people who can’t leave are Brad and Michael. No one goes anywhere, since this is too good to miss.

Willow tells Chase she’s sorry she didn’t run it by him before she said yes. He says, don’t be, and she asks if they’re at that point. Does she have to check in before she says yes to being her son’s guardian? He says, there’s not an app for that? and she says, unfortunately not. He says he’s not surprised. Why wouldn’t Willow say yes? Wiley is amazing, and she obviously loves him. She says she’s asking because she just wants to know if they’re in this together. Wiley – who gets cuter by the second – says, mama, and she says she wants to be a part of Wiley’s life, God forbid something happens to his parents. Chase kisses her over Wiley’s head, and she says, that’s a lot.

Trina asks Cameron, how was the trip? He says, amazing, and she says she could tell by the pictures. She loves seeing the campuses, and asks what his favorite was. He says, Williams, and she says it was on her list. He wonders if they’ll end up at the same school, and she says he should be so lucky. She doesn’t have his high school credits. They talk about the soccer team at Williams, and Cameron asks what he missed. She says, not much. He says, that’s it? Time didn’t stand still while he was gone. He asks how the gallery is, and she says, awesome; she’s in charge of the next auction catalog. He asks how Josslyn is.

Cyrus says Sonny has gotten complacent, running Port Charles for so long. He’s moving in. Ask anyone; when he moves in, he doesn’t leave. Sonny says, 457 Water Street.

Jason has the guy at the pier down, with his hands behind his back. He asks, how many more guys are there? and the man says, five. Jason says he’s lying, and the man says if he knows the answer, why is he asking? Jason says, to see if he’ll cooperate, and the guy says, if he wants cooperation, get out now, while he’s still alive.

The guy says he knows who Jason is. He did his homework. Jason Morgan, the Corinthos enforcer. Jason’s boss is good, but his is better. I laugh, since it sounds like a kid saying his dad is bigger. He tells Jason that they don’t want to go sideways with his boss. What do they think will happen? They’re going to hijack Cyrus’s merchandise, all $20 million worth, and sell it themselves? It’s suicide. He says he’s nice guy, and willing to forget Jason showed up and let him walk away. Nobody messes with Cyrus and lives. Jason guesses they’ll have to find that out.

Sonny tells Cyrus, he knows the waterfront well; he’s been there a lot of years. Cyrus says, too many, and Sonny says, the building was sold without a listing. A truck in a holding company registered to Cyrus left Seattle, and was there days ago. Two or three hours ago, they were offloading cargo. Cyrus says Sonny is about to make a big mistake, and Sonny says, Cyrus already made one.

Trina says she’ll gladly tell Cameron about Josslyn, on one condition. He has to say he likes her. Cameron says, that’s blackmail, and Trina says, if he’s not interested, cool. He can check out her MyFace page. If he likes Josslyn, she’ll give him details. Admission first. He says nothing, and she asks if it’s that hard. He says it is, and she asks, why? He says because it’s not like he just thinks she’s cute and talks to her at lunch kind of thing. It’s real for him. Fine. He likes her a lot.

Taggert says Mac is back in the game; Chief of Detectives. Congratulations. Mac thanks him, and says, what about him? He knows Taggert was with the Feds. Taggert says he was, but it got to be too much after a while. He retired. Mac says he sees, and Taggert says, what? Mac says, the timing is a little too coincidental. He’s back in town just when a mob war with Sonny is about to blow up.

Jordan asks what makes Curtis think there’s some trouble with Taggert? He says she hasn’t been herself since Taggert arrived. He can connect the dots. She says, there’s been an outbreak in violence, but he says he’s seen her in a crisis. She’s calm, but this is different. He thinks it’s personal. She says she doesn’t know what to tell him, and he says she better come up with something. She’s acting shady, and as her husband, he has a right to know why.

Willow asks what Chase wants to do first, and he says he didn’t know there was an agenda. She says it’s their going away party for Wiley. She wants to do all the stuff they won’t be able to. She tries to give Wiley some grapes, but Wiley says, no. She says, the things they would have done, had she gotten to be Wiley’s nanny. He tells her that she doesn’t have to pretend it’s not hard, but she says she has plenty of time to be sad and miss Wiley. She refuses to waste tonight. The point of a going away party is to celebrate the person while you still have them. So she asks again, where do they start? Chase says, dinner, and Willow hands Wiley to him. He says, Wiley is getting big. Truth!

Done with feeding Wiley, Chase thinks Wiley got more on himself than in his mouth. Willow says, that’s half the fun of eating. He says, next up, bath time. She asks how he knew, and he says, lucky guess.

Lucas does some heavy breathing, and Carly asks, when he says Wiley is Michael’s son, is he saying Michael has a son he doesn’t know about, or is he saying Wiley is Jonah? Lucas says, he’s Jonah, Michael and Nelle’s son. She asks how he knows this, and he says Brad told him. Right before the accident, the last thing Brad said was, Wiley’s not the baby they adopted; he belongs to Michael. He’s Lucas’s nephew. Carly asks Brad if he wants to explain how they’ve been raising Michael’s son – her grandson – for the past year and a half.

Jason tells the guy to call his man to come out there. The guy says Jason is digging his own grave, and calls to a guy I’m calling Dingus, since that’s what his name sounded like, and somebody needs a name here. The guy says he needs Dingus out front. Dingus comes out, and Jason says, hands up, walk over there. Dingus does as he’s told, and Jason says, on his knees. Jason ties him up, and the first guy asks if Jason is going to execute them. Jason says, not him. He needs them alive as witnesses.

Cyrus tells Sonny, it’s not just him. Sonny will have his overseas partners to contend with. Sonny doesn’t think they’ll focus their anger on him. Cyrus botched a $20 million shipment; it’s a significant loss. Cyrus says Sonny will have nowhere to sell it. If he does, what distributor would take a chance on merchandise stolen from him? Sonny asks, who says he’s selling it?

Curtis tells Jordan, things were fine before her former partner showed up. She’s been all over the place since Taggert got there. He talked to Taggert, because he wanted to get answers, and Taggert told him to talk to her. When he was going to do that, he found her in Taggert’s arms on Pier 55. Don’t deny it. She says she won’t, and asks if he’s following her. He says, not her; Taggert. Tell him what the hell is going on. She and Taggert are more than partners. She says he’s wrong, and jumping to conclusions. He tells her, help him jump to the right one. She says it has nothing to do with him. He says, that’s not an answer. He knows her, and knows there’s something she’s not telling him. She says, it’s the nature of her work, and he says, since when? She says there are things she can’t tell him. Sorry. He’ll have to trust her. Curtis says his brother took her on faith, and she cheated on him. So…

Willow tells Chase that she doesn’t know who got more wet, him or Wiley. Chase says Wiley can’t keep the water in the tub, and she says he’s the one who wanted to turn the boat around. He says, it was a police boat; how could he resist? They kiss, and she tells Wiley, we are fed, we are clean, we are almost ready for bed. Chase says he ordered food, and it should be there in 30 minutes. She says, no one goes to sleep without a story. Chase is pretty sure it’s illegal, and she says he would know. She asks if he’d like to do the honors, and he says, absolutely. He reads from Mother Goose: ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross, to see an old lady upon a white horse; rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes, and so she makes music wherever she goes. His phone rings, and he says, hold that thought. It’s Sasha, and Willow tells him to answer; they’ll just look at pictures. He asks, what’s up? and Sasha says they need him at the Corinthos house. She’ll explain when he gets there.

Carly says, when she thinks about it, of course (🍷). It was such a coincidence, Wiley and Jonah being born on the same day. Lucas was working, and Brad was on his own when he brought Wiley home. Brad says, yes, and she asks, what happened to Willow’s baby? Brad says he put the baby down to take a nap, and when he went to get him, he wasn’t breathing. Brad starts to cry, and Carly says, then what? He says he didn’t know what to do. Lucas was still in surgery. How was he supposed to tell him… Carly says they have to do this in order. Did Brad try to revive the baby? Brad says, of course (🍷). He tried CPR, but he was gone. He didn’t know what else to do next, so he got in the car to take the baby to the hospital. He knew he’d have to surrender the baby, and there would be an autopsy. Carly says, if he was on the way to GH, he’d have to take Route 31. What else happened? Michael flashes back to being trapped in his car after the accident, and Nelle telling him, she’ll leave it to fate. She says, remember, he brought all of this on himself, and walks away. Michael says, my God, and Carly says they need every detail. The car was headed to the hospital. What happened? Brad says he was crying too hard to drive. He couldn’t see and pulled over. He just sat there sobbing, and suddenly there was a knock on the window. He looked up. Carly says, and there was Nelle.

Curtis tells Jordan, he was out of line; sorry. She says, he should be. He says there was no excuse for that, but he can see something is bugging her out in a way he’s never seen before. It’s making him crazy worried. Just tell him. She says she needs a minute. Can he give her that? He says, for what? So she can dig herself in deeper, trying to fix this, when her man is begging her to let him help her? Take all the time she needs. He can get his own answers. He walks out.

Taggert says Mac knows how he feels about Sonny. He came there to keep an eye on things. Mac says he can use all the eyes he can get, and asks Taggert if he’d like to come over for dinner. Taggert says he’d love it, and Mac says, so would Felicia. He asks if Taggert doesn’t have anyone special in his life, but Taggert says, no one he can bring to dinner.

Cameron tells Trina, he’s liked Josslyn for a long time. She says, like when they were fake dating? When Josslyn posted pictures, didn’t he think she could see the look on his face? He says, he couldn’t say anything; he still can’t. What kind of sketchy creep hits on someone whose boyfriend just died? Trina says, it would be different if he was comforting Josslyn in her grief. Instead, he respected Josslyn, and was there when she needed him. He was a great friend. Now that’s a problem? He doesn’t get it. If he’s not careful, he’s going to miss his chance. What if Josslyn starts crushing on someone else? He asks what he’s supposed to do.

Willow reads The Cat and the Fiddle, and I say it with her, because I’m ridiculous that way. She tells Wiley, Chase had to leave, but Wiley was having fun with him. She was too. She has to admit, she likes having Wiley to herself one last time. Not that they won’t be seeing each other, but it’s not the same. Wiley Cooper Jones. If he only knew how happy he makes her. Her heart bursts every time she lays eyes on him. She’s his mom, and loves him so much. She’ll never stop, no matter where he lives, or how old he is. They’ll always be connected. I swear he says, I know. Wiley is becoming a tiny chatterbox. Willow says she knows he has great dads, but if he ever needs for anything, she’ll be there. Nothing and no one can stop her. She kisses his forehead, and says, hug? He leans in for one. This kid is too much.

Carly says, so good old Nelle came knocking on Brad’s window. Did she have the baby, or was she still in labor? Brad says, she had the baby, and Carly says Nelle was running for her life because she’d just tried to kill Michael. Was he aware of that? Brad tells her, Nelle said there had been an accident, and Michael was waiting for help. Carly asks, whose idea was it for him to take Michael’s baby, and for Nelle to take that poor little child. Brad says he couldn’t stand the thought of breaking… and she says, whose idea was it? His or Nelle’s? He says, Nelle. It was all Nelle.

Trina tells Cameron that he has to give Josslyn a chance to see him as more than a friend. He says, and she knows the perfect opportunity? She asks what he’d do without her. The winter formal. He says, that’s insane. He can’t ask Josslyn. Trina says she thought they were going together, and Cameron says, if they had no dates, they were going together. She says, did he ask anyone else? He says she told him to ask Josslyn, but Trina says, that would be crazy awkward. Cameron feels like he needs a translator  right now, and Trina says he probably does.

Mac tells Taggert to let him know what night is good. Taggert says, it was good seeing him, and Mac says, him too. Taggert says, the Sonny thing feels different this time, and tells Mac to watch his back. Mac says to do the same, and leaves. Taggert goes into Kelly’s.

Jason tells the two guys, what they do with what they’re about to witness is up to them. They can bring the bad news back to their boss, or run for their lives. It’s their call. Jason picks up his bag, and goes into the warehouse.

Sonny tells Cyrus that he has the shipment, and Cyrus won’t see it again. He imagines Cyrus’s partners are going to be unhappy. It makes Cyrus look bad, expanding the market without proper security. It’s probably best that he’s stuck in there; it’s where he’ll be safest. Cyrus says they clearly got off on the wrong foot, and Sonny says, did they now?

Carly says she can picture it; can’t they? Nelle told Brad that their horrible family was going to take the baby from her, and that the baby would be better off with him and Lucas, because Sonny is dangerous and wrong. Brad tells Carly, Nelle said they’d take her kid take away. Carly says she can almost give him the benefit of the doubt. Nelle probably said Michael died in the car wreck, since she left him for dead. So Brad was keeping the baby away from them, but when he knew Michael survived, Brad kept his son. How could he do that? Brad says, he was grieving too, and Carly says he let Nelle tell Michael his son was dead, knowing what that felt like. He’d literally just gone through losing a child, and willingly inflicted that on her son. Brad says he’s sorry, and Carly says, when Brad was at the hospital, and saw Michael holding a child Brad knew wasn’t Jonah, what was he thinking? How could he do that? Nelle is a deranged psychopath, but what’s his excuse? Brad says he’s sorry, and she tells him, stop saying that. He’s been lying for a year. If the truth hadn’t come out, he would have lied for the rest of Wiley’s life. That’s why he wanted to move to Portland, isn’t it?

There’s a knock at Willow’s door, and she says, dinner, but it’s Nelle. Nelle asks, where’s Wiley? and blows past Willow. Willow grabs Nelle’s hair, and pulls her back, telling her, get out of the apartment. Nelle asks if Wiley is in the bedroom, and heads for it, but Willow grabs her. Nelle says, let go, and they struggle. Willow practically throws Nelle across the room, but then Nelle gets Willow down on the floor, straddling her. Nelle punches Willow, and starts to strangle her, but Willow throws her off. She throws something at Nelle, and misses, and Nelle throws a wine bottle at Willow. It crashes against the wall, and Willow tackles Nelle. Nelle tells Willow, get off her, and slams the door shut. She punches Willow, and gets her onto the couch. Willow kicks her off, and grabs Nelle’s coat, saying, get up. She pulls Nelle up, and slugs her good. Wiley cries, and Willow gets distracted for a moment. When she turns toward the bedroom, Nelle hits her over the head with something.

Sasha thanks Chase for getting there so quickly. She says, he needs to hear this, for Willow’s sake. Carly goes to Michael, and says, oh my God. She knows how horrible it is that he lost a year with his child, but it makes sense. Wiley always looked just like him. His son is alive. Chase has come into the room, and hears everything. Carly says, all Michael has to do is go get him. Michael asks Brad if he has any idea how many lives he trashed and the pain he’s caused in the past year. Willow sacrificed and agonized over a baby that wasn’t hers. Lucas fell in love with a baby that’s not his. He was grieving, and his family was grieving, all because of Brad’s lie. Brad says, it was Nelle’s idea, but Carly says, they don’t care. He went along with the lie for months. How can he do that to the people he claims to love? How could he do that to Wiley?

Nelle looks at the passports, and hears Wiley on the baby monitor. She picks it up, and says, don’t worry, baby. Mommy’s coming.

Trina tells Cameron, try to keep up. If he takes her as a friend, Josslyn will be there. When she sees how fun, handsome, and charming he is, and the other girls are going gaga for him, there’s a strong chance her eyes will be opened. Since they’ll be at a dance, what’s more natural than him asking her to dance? And since he’s taking her as a friend, she won’t be offended. He’s welcome. He says, thanks. Does she think it will work? She says, there are no guarantees, but it’s better than sitting around wishing. Taggert comes in, and says he knows her, and Trina says, dad! She hugs him, and introduces him to Cameron. Curtis looks through the window.

On the phone, Jordan says she needs to see an inmate tonight – Cyrus Renault.

Cyrus tells Sonny, maybe there’s a way to negotiate. Sonny says, there’s nothing to negotiate. Cyrus’s shipment is gone. Sonny hangs up the phone, and gets up. Cyrus calls after him as Sonny walks out. In the hallway, Sonny smiles.

Jason comes out of the warehouse. He looks around, and presses a button on the remote in his hand. The building blows up, and he walks away.

Tomorrow, Lucas asks who else knew, Nelle tells Wiley that they’re going on a little trip, Sam says there’s something Sonny needs to know, and Cyrus says he wondered when he was going to see Jordan again.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

It was revealed the group was in Point Pleasant, which isn’t anywhere close to where I live. Thank God for small favors. They do have a fabulous boardwalk, and I have fond memories of visiting there as a child, since I had a great aunt with a summer house there.  Marge told Jackie about Jennifer ruining her bonding moment with Teresa, and said it wasn’t a competition. Jackie said Jennifer was a sh*t stirrer, and Marge needed to put Jennifer in her place. I could definitely see being friends with Jackie. She’s the Marilyn (from The Munsters) in this group. Melissa said Jennifer puts a negative spin on everything. Jennifer whined to husband Bill that her job was ten times harder than Marge’s. Jackie’s husband Evan arrived, and they got the party started.

They did Jenkinson’s boardwalk, and Teresa said she had come there in her 20s with her boyfriend. Joe #2 gave Dolores a hard time about David being absent, and said she should hook-up with Frank again. In Frank’s interview, he said he loved Dolores, but he couldn’t promise to be 100% faithful. His vice is women, and he didn’t want to take a chance. In Dolores’s interview, she said she and Frank had a connection and a bond, but when Frank had cheated during their marriage, she couldn’t get over the disloyalty. She could never go back to that. Joe #2 and Melissa took a walk on the beach, while the other women went shopping for souvenirs. In Melissa’s interview, she said, when she was a child, she came with her dad to the Jersey Shore. It’s where she partied, and where she fell in love. It’s where she came from, and who she is, and she’s proud of it. From the conversation they were having, it seemed like Joe and Melissa were leaning toward not having another baby. Jackie whined to Teresa that Marge was a mean girl when came to her. Dolores and Marge got something to eat, and Marge said she thought Jennifer should talk less, and think more, but Dolores thought Jennifer should get a pass.

The group had dinner at an upscale restaurant on the water. Teresa. Ate. Bread. The guys discussed going deep sea fishing, and Jennifer suggested parasailing. Melissa was more inclined to check out a mini-golf course she’d seen. Marge and Jackie were in for mini-golf, while Teresa and Dolores agreed to Jennifer’s idea. Melissa said one of her favorite restaurants was near the golf course, so they decided to meet there afterward for lunch. Melissa said she also planned on meeting with Danielle. She was going to tell Danielle that they don’t want her hanging around with them anymore, since she had a tendency to be violent. Marge suggested she and Jackie wait in a getaway car. They toasted to Dolores, and Jackie bet she could chug a beer bottle the fastest. And she did, although not everyone participated. Because she can’t help herself, Jennifer said, Jennifer knew how to suck a bottle, but won’t suck a d*ck. We flashed back to Jackie saying she’s not into that. Marge called the remark offensive, although I’d say it was more inappropriate. It wouldn’t have been as bad if it had just been among the women. Jennifer said it was a joke, and Marge brought up Jennifer interrupting her moment with Teresa. Jennifer said she didn’t appreciate Marge asking if she worked. She said she works a 14-hour day. She thought what Marge said was offensive. She didn’t know what kind of mother Marge was, but she was hands-on. In Melissa’s interview, she said Jennifer was in dangerous territory. You don’t question someone’s parenting. Marge said Jennifer’s only achievement was marrying rich, and she was lucky he’d stayed with her. Marge told Joe #3, let’s go, and they walked out, Jennifer yelling that Fred Flintstone wanted his outfit back, because Marge was wearing a one shoulder, animal print dress. Melissa, Joe #2, and Jackie split as well, since they had come in the same car. Melissa said they couldn’t get through a normal dinner. Dolores told Jennifer that she thought Marge misinterpreted her a lot. In her interview, Dolores said Jennifer wasn’t coming from a bad place, but didn’t know her audience.

Back at the house, Marge said Jennifer was an a-hole, and Jackie said, no argument. The next day, the plan was to cook whatever fish the guys caught, and everyone headed off to their respective activities. On the Ol’ Salty II, The guys drank the beer of New Jersey, Corona, while accompanying that with shots straight from the bottle. In his interview, Joe #2 said Bill’s wife causes a lot of trouble, but Bill was his man, and he dubbed Bill, Tony the Turk. On the way to the parasailing boat, Delores told Jennifer, if she effing landed in the effing cold water, Dolores would effing kill her. It was like a sentence out of a Quentin Tarantino film. On the boat, Jennifer confessed that when she’s nauseous, she burps profusely, and proceeded to do just that. In her interview, she said she’d rather have gas that way. The mini-golf course didn’t have windmill or alligator – it was literally just a mini golf course – so we were all disappointed. The parasailing looked like fun, with the women seated three across. It actually seemed pretty safe, so I’d give it a go. Marge said Melissa had a big day ahead, and Melissa said she wasn’t looking forward to it. She’d given Danielle the benefit of the doubt, but as time went on, she proved Melissa wrong. Jackie said Danielle knew Melissa could be her pass back into the group, and Marge said Teresa was weak. A relationship with Danielle wasn’t good for her. As they headed to lunch, Jackie said her strategy with Jennifer was going to be to drink and ignore her.

Jennifer came to lunch wearing her Sorry Not Sorry T-shirt. Melissa asked if she was trying to make a statement, and what she wasn’t sorry for. Jennifer said it seemed like her apologies didn’t mean anything, and Melissa said she loves a good apology, but Jennifer hadn’t given one yet. In her interview, Teresa said she didn’t think it was fair that Danielle should be barred from the group, but she was her own person, and was going to stay friends with her. Bill had to be carried in, and was put to bed. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she was glad he was trying to fit in, but she didn’t want him to embarrass himself. Personal chef Jamie arrived, and Melissa had to go. Joe #2 told her to be careful. That woman is crazy.

Melissa met Danielle at a restaurant with outside seating. Danielle said one of her daughters went to school in Monmouth, and she’s there often. She told Melissa that she’d never started a problem with her. Why weren’t they friends. Melissa said she went in with a clean slate. While Danielle did nothing to directly hurt Melissa, she did cause problems. She pulled Marge’s hair. Marge went to the hospital, and it was not okay. Danielle said Marge treated her like she was disposable, and she’d had enough. Melissa said, everyone… and Danielle asked if she was speaking for the group. Melissa said she spoke to all of them, and they don’t want her around. Danielle asked if that included Teresa. Melissa danced around the question for a moment, saying Teresa knew she was there, but she didn’t think Teresa was in her right mind. If Danielle is violent or vicious, it could affect Teresa. Danielle said they’d all had a lot to drink, and she was influenced. She was done when she’d emptied Marge’s bag, but Steven told her to pull Marge’s ponytail. Melissa was dumbfounded, since Steven was the owner who’d gone through changes during the fight. Apparently, this was one more change. Danielle said she hesitated, and then Teresa said, do it. We see a clip backing up what Danielle said, and Teresa saying, do it, do it, do it.

To be continued…

Next time – the season finale – Melissa tells everyone that Danielle said Teresa told her to do it; Teresa pitches a fit, complete with throwing stuff; and Teresa and  the girls visit Joe #1 in Italy.

📺 The new season of If Loving You Is Wrong begins on Tuesday, March 31st, and season premiere of The Real Housewives of New York starts on Thursday, April 2nd.

💃🏼 Tonight, Erika Jayne was a guest on Watch What Happens Live. She’s been playing the role of Roxie Hart in Chicago on Broadway, and she said every one of the Housewives had been there to see her. I thought that was like, the best compliment ever, and surprisingly supportive.

🏖 Walking the Board…

I’ll bet the mini-golf is a lot more fun here.

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