June 18, 2021 – Chase Gets His Dying Wish, Two Villains Exit, Summer Soaping, Chatty Kathy, Mixed-Up Ed, OC Off-Screen, Jersey Kid, Passing It Down, Love Is Blind, New Chefs, a Goodbye, 7+1 Quotes & Built


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At Pozzulo’s Brick tells Jason, it’s bad news; really bad. Jason says, so it’s more than one lost shipment, and Brick says, it’s way more than that. Carly walks in, and hugs Brick, and tells him it’s great to see him, but not so great circumstances. Did he have to deal with much fallout for his part in Jason’s escape? He says, the lawyer ran interference, and the PCPD stopped calling. It would have gone a lot smoother if Jason had jumped into the car the first time, like they planned. Carly says, that’s what she told Jason, and Jason says he’s sorry he caused Brick extra trouble. Brick tells him not to worry about it. He gets it; Jason had to go back for Britt. He was just defending the original escape plan, which would have worked. Carly says, no question, but that’s not why Brick’s there. Any word on the missing shipment? He says, the shipment has been located, and she asks why it didn’t arrive on schedule. He says, one of her people sold her out.

Brook goes out on the terrace to talk on the phone, and asks Maxie, what’s going on? Has she heard from Peter? She says, no, thank God. Ellie and Spinelli just took Georgie and James to the pool, so she had a minute to call. How’s Louise? Brook says Maxie’s baby is doing great. She has a healthy appetite, and good lungs. Maxie doesn’t have to worry. Maxie says she’s coming over. She has to see her baby.

Sasha puts some flowers in the hospital chapel, when Willow walks in. Sasha says Willow looks beautiful, and Willow thanks her for decorating. It looks beautiful. Sasha says it’s the least she could do. How is Willow feeling? Willow says, nervous, but she knows she’s doing the right thing by marrying Chase. Sasha says, even though her heart belongs to Michael?

Michael brings Anna into the living room, and tells Valentin that he has a visitor. Anna tells Michael that he doesn’t have to stay. It looks like he’s going somewhere. He says, Willow and Chase’s wedding in the GH chapel, and Anna asks how Chase is. Michael says, he didn’t respond to treatment, and doesn’t have much time left. This might be his last day.

Jackie says she can’t believe her son is getting married, and Chase says, marrying Willow is a dream come true. Where it is, not so much. She says, he deserves a long and happy life, and he says he’s sorry. He hates that he’s causing so much pain for everyone. She tells him, stop that right now. Being his mother has been the greatest gift of her life. He brought her a joy she never even knew existed. She says she loves him, and he says he loves her too. She gave him a good life, and he’s sorry to leave it. He just wishes there was a way to beat this thing. Even Finn can’t figure it out.

Finn is running down the hall, and sees Elizabeth. He says he’s been looking for her. Tell him he’s not fooling himself. She says, about what? and he says, about why his cure for Chase didn’t work. Cyrus Renault.

At Austin’s cabin, Dante is looking at a map, when Austin walks in. Austin says, hi; he didn’t knock. He doesn’t know what to do. Please help him manage this. Should he knock on a door of a house he owns? Dante says he didn’t expect to see Austin today, and Austin says he can’t rent the place out when it’s an active crime scene. He thought he’d come by and see if there was any progress with the investigation. He sits down and looks at the map, and Dante says he spoke to the property management. They were unaware there was a hidden camera. Austin says thanks for letting him know. They’re probably worried about a potential lawsuit. Dante should see how they manage some of their other properties. Dante says he knows how to do his job, and Austin says, clearly. If they’re done with all the unfounded suspicions, he’d like to volunteer for the search for Maxie’s baby. He brought Louise into this world, and promised Miss Maxie that he’d do everything he could to help bring her home. Does that sound like something a kidnapper would say? Dante says, actually, it does.

Elizabeth asks if Finn thinks Cyrus had someone tamper with the paternity tests to get back at Jackie. Never mind. Of course (🍷) he would. Finn says he thinks the cure lies in the DNA of Chase’s biological parents. If he’s not Chase’s father, his DNA wouldn’t work. That’s why the treatment failed. She says if Finn prepares another dose with Jackie and Gregory’s DNA, Chase’s body won’t reject it. He says, yes. Is that a reasonable hypothesis, or is he just seeing what he wants to see because he wants to save Chase’s life? She says she thinks Cyrus is petty enough to change paternity test results, and spiteful enough to gloat in Finn’s face while he’s being dragged off to prison. She thinks he might have just given Finn the key to saving Chase. Gregory walks up, and asks if Finn has any news on the… tests. Finn says they can talk in front of Elizabeth. He trusts her, and she knows everything. He hasn’t heard yet. Gregory says they’re running out of time, and Finn says he has a new dose ready to go. He just needs confirmation from the lab. In the meantime, Chase has the wedding to focus on and keep him positive. Gregory says, Chase asked him to perform the ceremony. He said there was a simple way for Gregory to get certified online. Is there a computer he can use? Elizabeth says she’ll help him with that, and Finn says he’s going to check on Chase. Gregory prays the DNA results come back soon.

Brook says she understands Maxie wanting to see her baby, but they have to be strategic about Maxie’s visit. They’re not friends. Maxie says she told Nina that she and Brook bonded during Lamaze class, and thinks she bought it. Brook says, that’s great for Nina, but how are they going to explain it to the rest of the world? Maxie’s baby supposedly got kidnapped by a psycho nurse, and now she’s coming to see someone she can barely stand. Maxie says she doesn’t care. She’s literally aching for her child. She needs to see her. Brook asks if she isn’t worried about Peter. She doesn’t believe he’s given up for a second. What if he’s hiding, waiting for her to lead him to Louise, and Maxie comes there to visit someone she can’t stand, who coincidently just had a baby the same age? He will figure it out, and everything they did will be for nothing. Maxie says Brook is right. The priority is keeping Louise away from Peter. There’s a knock at Maxie’s door, and she says she has to go; she’ll call later. She opens the door to Sam, and asks what Sam is doing there. Sam says she came by because she has a few questions about Louise.

Brick says, the driver made a deal to deliver the shipment to the Novak family. Mr. Novak has offered to pay double for any Corinthos shipments. Carly asks who the driver is, and Jason says, Don Knotts Metz. She says she doesn’t know him, and Jason says he’s only been working for them about a year. Carly asks if he really thought he’d get away with it, and Brick says, that’s the problem. Mr. Novak has been telling people the Corinthos organization is weak now that Sonny’s gone.

Sasha asks Willow what the chair is for, and Willow says, Chase isn’t strong enough to stand during the wedding, so he’ll be in a wheelchair. She didn’t want him to feel self-conscious, so she’s going to sit across from him, and they’ll have the same eyeline. Sasha says, it’s really thoughtful. She’s sorry she brought up Michael. She’s there to support Willow. Willow says she doesn’t have to apologize. If Finn’s treatment had worked, and Chase was recovering, they wouldn’t be getting married, but she still loves Chase. It wasn’t that long ago, she thought she’d be spending her life with him. It’s the last gift she can give him in return for all he’s given her. Sasha says that’s all she needed to hear, and picks up a box, saying, it’s for Willow. Willow opens the box and sees a blue butterfly brooch. Sasha says she thought Willow wouldn’t have had time for the traditions. This covers old, new, borrowed, and blue wrapped up into one. Her grandmother gave it to her on her 16th birthday. She’s had it for years, but it’s new to Willow. She wants it back, and it’s blue. Willow can either wear it or pin it to her skirt.

Finn asks if Chase is sure he’s up for this, and Chase says, hell yeah. Just thinking about promising his life to Willow makes him stronger. If Finn wants to help, he can get Chase dressed. Finn says Chase is a good man. He definitely made Finn a better man. He’ll always regret how horrible he was to Chase when Chase first came to town. Chase says, it’s all part of Finn’s charm, and Finn says, that’s what Chase has always done; accept people for who they are. He makes them want to be better, and Chase deserves better. Do him a favor, hang in there. Keep fighting, and he may get his miracle. Chase says he’s marrying Willow. That is his miracle.

Anna says, it’s devastating that Chase can slip away so quickly, and Valentin says, it’s senseless. Brook comes in, and notes that Michael is all ready for the ceremony. Michael says he knows she wanted to be there, and Brook says, more room for the family and she has her hands full with Bailey. Just give Chase and Willow her congratulations and love. Michael leaves, and Brook says, excuse me, super spies. What are they going to do to find the guy who caused all this suffering? Anna says she thinks she has a lead on Peter.

Dante tells Austin, it’s not uncommon for criminals to insert themselves into investigations. They get a kick out of watching cops try to figure out what they’ve done. Austin says he’s grateful he doesn’t live in Dante’s world, when Dante’s phone rings. Dante crosses something off the map, and Austin says, this map is wrong.

Carly tells Brick, she doesn’t understand. Between her and Jason, they kept things going without a beat. She had a meeting with the Five Families cheese calzones, and they accepted her. Brick says, because there was no alternative; Jason seemed to be out of the picture. Carly says, of all he misogynistic, backward ways of thinking. She was handling things because Jason was unavailable. She’s weak because she’s a woman? Jason says, it’s not because she’s a woman; it’s because she’s an outsider. She says she’s not an outsider. She’s Sonny’s widow. Jason says she hasn’t been involved in the business until now, and Brick says, Jason’s right. They know she has no experience; Jason does. They’re just waiting for him to make his move. She asks, what kind of move? (I’ve never been in the mob, but I have the feeling this isn’t how it works.)

Michael goes to Chase’s room, where Chase sits in a wheelchair, wearing a suit and an oxygen tube. He asks what Michael thinks. It’s the latest in trendy wedding accessories. Michael says he looks great, and Chase says he hopes Willow thinks so too. She deserves so much better than a hospital chapel. (God help me, I almost wrote chat room.) Michael says Chase knows Willow doesn’t care about things like that, and Chase says he does, but he wishes he could give her the world. Michael says he doesn’t blame Chase, and Chase thanks him for coming. Michael says, of course (🍷). Brook sends her love. She’s at home with the baby. She said she wanted to make more room for the family, but Michael thinks she might be jealous. Chase says if he wasn’t so in love with Willow, he’d be flattered, and Michael says, the point is, this is Chase’s big day, and they’re all there for him and Willow. Chase says he’s just glad he didn’t completely throw their friendship away when he and Sasha lied to Michael about the affair. Michael says they’re way past that. Chase is a great man, and he’s honored to be his friend. Chase says Michael is a good man too. He’s happy Michael is going to be there for Willow after he’s gone. Gregory and Finn join them, and Gregory says they should get things started. Michael says he’ll make sure things are ready in the chapel, and Gregory says, shall we? Chase says he can’t get married yet. Someone’s missing.

Anna tells Valentin, there’s a heliport on the roof of GH. On the night Peter disappeared, a helicopter approached the hospital airspace, but didn’t identify itself. Valentin says, and the call sign? and Brook says, the call what? Valentin says, the registration number on the side of the helicopter, and Anna says, they were covered up. Valentin says, that sounds like Peter. Maybe if they can find the pilot, he can tell them where Peter was planning on taking Maxie and the baby. That might be where he is now. Anna’s phone rings, and she says it’s Finn. Finn says he needs her help, and she says of course (🍷). Anything.

Maxie tells Sam, the nurse knocked out Austin, and took her baby like she said she would. Sam says that matches what Maxie said the night Louise was taken, and Maxie says, of course (🍷) it does, but why is Sam making her relive this again? Sam says the police uncovered a hidden camera at the cabin where the nurse was holding her. She and Dante were able to watch it. She just has a few more questions.

Austin points to something on the map, and says it’s reasonably close to where he found Maxie. Dante says he was told the entire area was inaccessible because the drop to the water is too high. Austin says he doesn’t know who told Dante that. They had a winter storm, and lost a bunch of trees, roots and all. They lost the riverbed, and you can cross the creek now. Is Dante telling him no one has looked there yet? Dante says, let’s go.

In the chapel, Willow prays she’s making the right decision. She’ll do anything to make Chase’s final days happy, but God knows what’s in her heart. It belongs to someone else. Michael walks in, and they gaze at each other.

Violet runs in to see Chase, and says he’s supposed to be in bed because he’s sick. He says they’re letting him up for a special occasion. Anna says Violet’s Uncle Chase asked her to bring Violet there because he and Willow are getting married. Violet jumps up and down, saying, a wedding? and Chase says he couldn’t get married without his bestest favorite niece. She says she’s his only niece, and he says that’s all he needs. She says her daddy is going to make him all better now, and Finn thanks Anna for bringing her. She says, of course (🍷), and Chase says he appreciates it and hopes she stays for the wedding. He wouldn’t feel right if she wasn’t there. She says she’d be glad to stay, and Chase asks if Violet will do him a big favor. Would she be his flower girl? She says, yes, yes, yes. She knows what to do; she’s done it before. He wants her to know that he’s loved being her uncle, and Violet tells him not to be sad. He’s getting married; he’s so lucky. He tries not to cry, and says he’s very lucky. He breaks down, and Anna and Finn put their hands on his shoulders.

Michael says Willow looks beautiful, and she thanks him, saying, Sasha helped her get ready. Was he looking for her? He says he was making sure the chapel was ready. He doesn’t have much of a purpose today. She says he has a very important purpose; Chase wants him to be there. He says she’s right. The chapel looks good. She says, again, all Sasha’s doing. He asks if she’s okay, and she says she is. Him? He says he saw Chase earlier, and he’s really excited to marry her. She says, that’s what’s important, when Jackie and Sasha walk in. Jackie thanks Michael for being there. It means the world to Harry/Chase. He says, of course (🍷), and she says it looks like they’re ready. She going to get the groom. She hands Willow a bouquet, and Michael says he’ll join her. Sasha puts her arm around Willow.

Valentin finds Brook on the terrace, and says, if she wants to be alone, just say the word, but she doesn’t have to hide anything from him. He knows how much Chase has meant to her. She thanks him, and says, it’s funny how life changes things up on you without warning. She and Chase had a horrible start; he kept arresting her. He says, it was for assault, wasn’t it? and she says, that’s not the point. After a rocky start, her dad kicked her out of the house, and Chase took her in. He was supportive and accepting. He’s a bit of a neat freak, but nobody’s perfect. Chase became somebody she could trust, and now he’s dying. Valentin says, it’s difficult to lose a friend like that, and she asks when he became a friend expert. He says she’s right. He doesn’t have any friends. At least ones that aren’t on the payroll. She says, first of all, she took a cheap shot when he was just trying to be kind. She apologizes. And second, what is he talking about? He doesn’t consider Anna a friend?

Maxie asks if Sam isn’t on her side, and Sam says, of course (🍷) she is. When she watched the footage, and saw what that phony nurse did to Maxie, she’s sorry Maxie had to suffer through that ordeal. Maxie says she doesn’t know what else Sam wants her to say, but that psycho nurse wanted to force her into labor and steal her child. Sam says she watched the whole video, and it was very clear that nurse was working for Peter, and acting on his orders. How could Maxie be so sure the nurse wanted Louise for herself?

Austin and Dante walk through the woods, and Austin says he walks through these woods all the time. Dante will have to let him know if he wants him to slow down to a city slicker pace. Dante says, it’s cool. Austin’s family owns a lot of property around here? Austin says, it’s not top-of-the-line, but it’s home. It allows them to preserve the woods, and keep the developers out. Dante says, Austin doesn’t like people much, does he? and Austin says he likes people. Let him amend that. He loves some people, he likes most people, he tolerates a lot of people, but in his job as a doctor, he has to deal with a lot of people. He does have preferences, but it’s okay. The Buddhists say it’s okay to have some preferences, and he prefers to avoid people who are jaded and cynical. He gestures for Dante to go ahead, and Dante hopes Austin’s bedside manner is better than his social graces. They continue to walk, and suddenly, Austin shoves Dante to the ground.

Violet tosses rose petals, as she walks past a seated Chase and Willow. Gregory says, let’s begin. Chase takes Willow’s hand.

Brick says, the expectation is that Jason is going to return, and take over the Corinthos organization, and Carly says, that’s exactly what’s happening. Brick says, Mr. Novak doesn’t think so. He’s asking if Jason is in charge or she is. Carly says she was handling things while Jason was unavailable. She’s in the process of handing everything over. Brick tells her, listen to him. The people are used to one boss, not two. They’re expecting one of them, probably Jason, to push the other out. Carly says that’s never going to happen, and Brick says, forgive him for saying it, but it makes Jason look weak. Mr. Novak sees an opening, so others would. Jason says, the perception of weakness will lead to being challenged, which will escalate. Brick says they just ended a war with Renault. Is she ready for another one?

Gregory says he was honored when Chase asked him to perform the ceremony, but he has to admit, this is the first time he’s officiated at a wedding, so he’s out of his element. He thinks the best thing he can do is just speak from the heart. They’re here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. To witness the love between Chase and Willow, and to vow to support their love wholeheartedly. And do they, as witnesses to this day, support and encourage this union? They all say they do.

Maxie tells Sam, her baby is missing and that woman took her. That much she knows for sure. Sam tells her, she’s just saying, isn’t it possible that the nurse met up with Peter after all? Right now, everyone is looking for the nurse and the baby. Maybe they should be looking for Peter and Louise. Maxie says, no. Peter does not have her child.

Dante is like, what the hell? and Austin says, sometimes these boards, they rot, and Dante was about to step on one, so… Dante asks why Austin didn’t just tell him to stop, and Austin says because he didn’t think Dante would listen to him. He’s sorry. Is Dante hurt? Dante says he’s fine. Austin says, there used to be a lot of mining here, and there are abandoned shafts. He moves a tree branch off of the opening, and seeing missing boards, says, from the looks of these broken boards, it’s possible an animal, or even a person could have fallen through. Dante says it’s a long way down there, and Austin takes some rope out of his backpack.

Gregory asks if Chase takes this woman to be his wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold from this day forward, as long as they both shall live? Chase says he does, and Violet says, yay! Gregory asks the same of Willow, and she says she does. I just have to mention, Chase is the healthiest looking terminal patient I’ve ever seen. Other than the circles under his eyes, his coloring is better than mine on a good day. Gregory says, now for the exchanging of the rings. Chase drops the ring, and says he might need some help. His hands don’t work so good. He asks if Michael will put the ring on Willow, and Michael says he’d be glad to. Gregory asks Chase to repeat after him, with this ring, I thee wed, and Chase does. Michael puts the ring on Willow, and Chase thanks him. Gregory asks Willow to repeat after him, with this ring, I thee wed. She does, and Chase says he loves her. She says she loves him too. Gregory pronounces them husband and wife, and says Chase may kiss his bride. They kiss, and Michael looks at the floor. Violet says, yay! and throws petals up in the air. Chase isn’t looking so good, and Willow says she thinks he needs Finn. Chase says his wife worries too much, and Finn suggests they get Chase back to his room. Sasha congratulates them, and Violet asks if she can hug Chase before he goes. Finn gives the okay, and she hugs Chase. Chase says he loves her, and Violet tells him not to worry. Her daddy is going to make him all better. They all leave, except for Michael and Sasha. Sasha says she can stay if he wants, but he says he thinks he needs to be alone for a little while. Sasha leaves, and Michael sits in the chapel by himself.

Sam tells Maxie, she doesn’t understand. Obviously, the nurse was willing to break a lot of laws to get Peter what he wanted. What makes Maxie so sure she wouldn’t hand the baby off to him? Maxie says, the nurse didn’t say anything about taking the baby when they were in the house because she was still following Peter’s rules. Then Maxie hit her with the poker, and ran into the woods. She was angry, and said Maxie didn’t deserve Louise. She could take better care of Louise than Maxie could. Sam believes her, right?

On the phone, Dante says, that’s right. He sees Austin preparing to go into the shaft, and tells him, no. Austin says he’s a doctor. If there’s somebody down there, it’s probably someone who’s hurt. Dante says, it could be a crime scene, which means he has to go down there. One end of the rope is tied to a tree, and Dante tosses the other end down in the shaft.

Valentin supposes Brook is right, and he and Anna are friends of a fashion. She says, please. It’s clear to anyone with eyes, with their secret looks, and coded language that only the two of them can understand, they’re friends. At least. He says he and Anna are working together to bring Peter to justice, because they’re equally responsible for Peter building a home in Port Charles, and for convincing Maxie that she can trust him, when he was nowhere near worthy of that trust.

Jackie and Gregory look into Chase’s room through the window, while Willow paces. Jackie says, at least Harry/Chase got his final wish to marry Willow. Willow says she did make him happy, didn’t she? Finn jets out of Chase’s room, and tells Gregory, the test results just came in, and he dashes off. Gregory says he’s going with Finn, and starts to follow. Jackie says, but this is for Chase, and Gregory says, trust him, this is for Chase. He runs after Finn.

Jason says he appreciates Brick for the update, and looking into the theft. Brick says he has no doubt Jason and Carly will come up with a solution. Until then, if they need him for anything, don’t hesitate. Carly says they appreciate him, and he’s right. She and Jason will come up with a solution. Brick says he knows, and leaves. Carly asks, is Brick right? Does Jason look weak because he’s not pushing her out? Jason says, from Novak’s point of view, yeah. She says she went to the hospital to visit Cyrus before the Feds took him to prison. He said it would be a cakewalk for Jason to eliminate her and take over the Corinthos organization. When she told him that was never going to happen, he said Jason was either devoid of ambition or in her thrall. Neither of which are good for the Corinthos family, right? He says, no, it’s not good, and she says they’re going to have to get ahead of this. They’re going to have to show Novak, and anyone else, the Corinthos family is still the formidable organization it always has been. He says, it’s going to take a little time, but eventually, they’re going to see it. Carly asks, how much time?

Brook thanks Valentin for coming to her today. She knows she’s not the easiest person to get along with. He says she could just as easily be talking about him, and she says she knows he’s here for Bailey, not her. He says, they’re both raising a child. They’re both trying to provide a happy home for their daughter. It would be nice if they could be friends. She says she thinks maybe they already are.

Sam says, of course (🍷) she believes Maxie, and Maxie thanks her, and says she really would do anything to have Louise in her arms again, but she has to face reality. That nurse could be halfway around the world by now.

Austin asks Dante how it’s going. Did he find anything? Dante says, yeah. He’s at the bottom now, and thinks he found their kidnapper.

Anna thanks Sasha for taking Violet home; she feels like she should stay. Sasha says, no worries; it’s her pleasure. Violet says Roxie misses Anna, and she’ll tell her that Anna says hi. Anna says she misses Roxie too, and she misses Violet. She hugs Violet, and Sasha and Violet go down in the elevator.  

Finn, Gregory, and Elizabeth gather around the computer, and Elizabeth asks what the DNA results say. Who is Chase’s biological father? Finn looks at Gregory, and says, you are. You’re Chase’s father. Everyone stands there smiling at each other, when they should really be moving to get that serum into Chase. I yell at the TV.

Jackie smooths Chase’s hair, while Willow holds his hand, and he says he’s not scared. He has his mom and his wife. It feels good. Jackie says she loves him so much, and Willow says she loves him too. Jackie kisses his cheek, and he says, lucky me. And flatlines. Once again, no one makes any quick move to do something.

Seriously, never let me check into GH. There’s no security, and they’re slow to react.

On Monday, Dante tells Maxie that he’s found something that could lead them to Louise, Ava prefers to err on the side of caution, Cameron wants to know the truth, and Finn finally gets to Chase.

💣 Gone But Not Forgotten…

Jeff Kober raised the bar on a show where the bar was already pretty high.

👋 Buh-bye, Peter…

Just in case you hadn’t guessed when his body was stuffed in a cooler. Then again, who knows?

🧼 Soapy Summer…

What’s to come in the daytime.

🛴 Come Out and Play…

Kathy gives the skinny on Kris. ‘Kay?


🎾 Confused Countess…

Not so ed-ucated after all.


🎭 Drama In the OC…

Apparently, they don’t have to be on camera to start drama.




🌱 Growing Faster Than Weeds…

It seems like just yesterday, the RHONJ kids were babies.


👗 Speaking Of Prom…

Now this is my kind of hand-me-down.


🍹 Did He See the Show…?

Apparently, Ashley has snagged a live one.


🥩 Master This…

Master Chef’s new top 15.

😢 Farewell, Otis…

Another legend has left us.


🎺 Quotes of the Week

Don’t cry over someone who wouldn’t cry over you. – Lauren Conrad (I can’t say I ever thought I’d be using a quote from her.)

I believe the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity, is daring to dare. – Dr. Maya Angelou

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.John Powell

Sometimes you make the right decision, and sometimes you have to make the decision right. – Dr. Phil

To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor. – Stacey T. Hunt

You can’t eat beauty, it doesn’t sustain you. What is fundamentally beautiful is compassion for yourself and those around you. That kind of beauty inflames the heart and enchants the soul. – Lupita Nyong’o

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.Nelson Mandela

On this day, June 19, 1865, Black people’s complete personhood was acknowledged on a systemic level for the very first time. It dates the moment African-Americans, Caribbean-Americans, and Afro-immigrants alike could begin to, on some level, participate in and see themselves as part of a whole society. Since the passage of the 13th amendment, Black Americans like Shirley Chisolm have trail-blazed the socio-political world, creating a place for women like me to feel empowered in sharing my voice and stories with the world.  As a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and a member of the Divine 9, Juneteenth is also a time for me to acknowledge the ancestry of my founders and the experiences that led them to create our beloved sorority and to fight for the inclusion of black women in every space. I am humbled to share in the legacy of Juneteenth and understand that this becomes my fight to continue. – Brianna Taylor

🎈 Joy Comes In the Morning…

Another weekend is upon us, unless you’re just calling every day of the week day now. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. No Dead right now, so see you on Monday or whatever you’re calling it, for soap and a Sailing reunion. Until then, stay safe, stay inspiring and inspired, and stay not being jaded and cynical, or Austin will avoid you.

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