August 29, 2022 – Dex Comes To Ava’s Rescue, Kyle Flirts On Deck, Everything VMA, Tale Talk & Best Bunny


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

On the phone, Josslyn tells Michael that he’s got great timing. She just got done reading Wiley a bedtime story, and he’s loving his sleepover at the main house. His nanny’s upstairs with him now. She tells him to enjoy kicking back with Willow. They’re all good on their end. She sees Nina, and says, this may not be her house, but she knows for a fact Nina isn’t welcome here. Nina says she’s not here for a social visit. This is uncomfortable for her, and she’s only here because she has a carload of desserts for Olivia that were mistakenly delivered to the MetroCourt. She’s just trying to correct a mistake. Josslyn says she was just on the phone with Michael, and she could have told him that Nina was there trespassing, but he and Willow rarely get a night to themselves, and Josslyn’s completely capable of throwing Nina out herself. But apparently she’s not capable of listening. She says, Nina will not go anywhere near Wiley, and Nina tells her, like she said, she just brought desserts for Olivia. She wasn’t planning on seeing her grandson. Josslyn says, let’s make sure – get out – when Sonny comes in, and asks, what’s the problem here? Josslyn says, the problem? She’s looking at it. Sonny says, Olivia knows that Nina’s here and why, and Josslyn asks how long it takes to drop off desserts, because she highly doubts Olivia invited her to stay. Sonny says, Josslyn doesn’t have to like it, but he thinks her mom taught her how to be civil to people, and Josslyn says, her mom also taught her how to deal with a back-stabbing bitch. Sonny tried to help Trina, and that’s the only reason she’s not slapping his girlfriend into next week. Since apparently she also has no concept of the law. She leaves, and Nina says, that was fun. She thinks she’ll go. Sonny says, hell no.

Felicia says she’s not going to tell Mac what to do. It’s his call whether or not he tells Cody that he was once romantically involved with Cody’s mother. But Mac and Dominique as a couple was pretty common knowledge back in the day. Somebody’s bound to point that out to Cody eventually. He says, one thing at a time, okay? He’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Dominique had a son she gave up. That’s not at all like the woman they both knew.

Britt slaps Cody, and he asks, what the hell is wrong with her? That was a damn good kiss.

Finn finds Valentin in the living room, and says he’s looking for Elizabeth. He asks if she came by, and Valentin says he hasn’t seen her, but he’s looking for Anna. Has Finn seen her? They hear groaning outside, and find Spencer walking up to the patio. Finn says, take it easy, and Spencer says, leave him the hell alone. Finn says, Spencer doesn’t look so good. He’ll get a glass of water, and Spencer can come inside. They’ll get someone to find his dad. Clearly drunk, Spencer says, forget it. He never wants to see his dad again.

Nikolas finds Elizabeth sitting on the ground, and she asks, what happened?

Ava lies outside the boathouse, bleeding. She touches her wound and looks at the blood on her hand. She feebly tries to call for help.

Mac tells Felicia, Dominique was a bright light. She was a loving generous person, who would have cherished having a son. It’s obvious she gave him away to protect him from Taub, but once Leopold died, why not reclaim him and raise him herself? Felicia says, what if she didn’t realize she had a son?

Britt says she didn’t slap Cody based on the quality of the kiss. She slapped him because of why he kissed her. He says, she’s telling him it was a good kiss though, and she says, he only kissed her to distract her. He says, distract her from what? and she says, his interrogation about Peter and Faison. Come on. Just be honest. Why is he so fascinated by her father and brother?

Nina says, besides Sonny, nobody wants her here, and he says, nobody can make mistakes and move on with their lives. The way Josslyn and Michael treat her is unfair, it’s rude, and… it’s actually sad. A lot of people here will be happy to see her, and he’s at the top of the list. she says she knows he’ll always be on her side, and he’ll face down all the haters, but she doesn’t want another confrontation. She’d rather go home. He asks if she can’t stay a little while, and she asks, why? He says he’s got Dex bringing him some paperwork. Once he signs off on it, they’ll go to his place and have a nightcap. She says, that’s an offer she can’t refuse, when Anna walks in. She says she didn’t mean to interrupt… Actually, she is interrupting. She wonders if she can have a moment with Sonny.

Finn sits Spencer down on the couch, and Valentin gives him some water, saying, Spencer’s clearly dehydrated. Spencer says he doesn’t need damn thing from Valentin. All of the trouble between Spencer and his father started when Valentin came sniffing for an inheritance that never belonged to him. Spencer puts his arm around Finn, and says, that’s when his father made the horrible decision to play dead to get his revenge. That’s something his father has to live with, but all the drama started with Valentin. Valentin says, anything he’s done to hurt Spencer, he’s sorry, and leaves. Spencer says he hates that guy, and Finn says he’s not a big fan himself. Spencer says he wishes he could blame Valentin for everything, but Valentin didn’t force his father to lie, play dead, or marry Ava… Finn says, but what? Did Spencer’s dad do something to upset him? Spencer says, it doesn’t matter, because the man he grew up with, the man he hero worshipped, either changed or was never real in the first place.

Nikolas helps Elizabeth up, and says, it looks like she hit her head. How did that happen? She says she doesn’t know, and he asks, what’s the last thing she remembers? She says she was at the stables with Finn. They had an argument, and now she’s here. He says, she’s not that close to the stables. She doesn’t remember walking here or how she got that scrape on her forehead? She says, no. She remembers being really angry and feeling betrayed, and he asks what they argued about. She says, Finn went behind her back again. He called Sarah. Nikolas says, her sister who hasn’t been in town for ten years? Why would Finn call her? She says, because Finn thinks she’s losing her mind.

Josslyn sees Ava, who’s still weakly calling for help, and says, oh my God. She’s going to get help. Does Ava have her phone on her? Was she carrying it and dropped it? She’s going to get help. The picnic is for GH, so there are nurses and doctors here. Ava grabs Josslyn’s leg, and says, don’t leave her.

Sonny asks if Anna wants to talk WSB business. They’ll have to get Diane… Anna says, he doesn’t need Diane. This is more official-adjacent. Nina says she’ll go get some fresh air; it’s a lovely night. Anna thanks her, and she leaves. Sonny says, Anna’s got his attention, so what’s up? She says she’s aware that in addition to his business enterprises, he keeps a close watch on all the illegal activities in Port Charles. He says he can neither confirm nor deny that statement, and she says, let her cut to the chase. Does he have any information about what Victor Cassadine is doing here?

Nina stands outside, and hears Valentin say, she walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that’s best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and her eyes… Nina says, Thus mellowed to that tender light, which Heaven to gaudy day denies. Most people think it’s Shakespeare, but it’s really… He says, Lord Byron; mad, bad, and dangerous to know.

Mac asks how Dominique could have a son and not be aware, and Felicia says, think back. Dominique stayed at Shadybrook for a time. He says, Leopold had her committed. He wanted control of Dominique and her fortune. She says, that’s what everyone assumed, but what if there were other reasons? What if Dominique was pregnant, and Leopold took the baby?

Cody says he asked about Britt’s family. That’s what you do when you’re trying to get to know new people in your life. She says she keeps telling him; she doesn’t want to talk about Peter or her father. Why can’t he accept it and move on? He says, the better questions is, why is she being so defensive? It’s not like he asked if she had a criminal past too. Why is it easier to accuse him of being manipulative, rather than just admit she’s attracted to him? What is so God-so awful about them being into each other? She asks, who said she was into him?

Finn tells Spencer, to be bitterly disappointed in his father’s life choices? Welcome to the club. He’s not in a good place to be giving any sort of advice, but he’s going to throw it out there anyway. Maybe somewhere down the line, it will mean something to Spencer. Spencer says, it couldn’t be worse than the garbage his father’s been throwing out there, and Finn says, that’s the thing, kid. If we’re lucky, we grow up thinking our parents are superhuman; they have all the right answers, and can fix all the problems. Spencer says, but in his case, his father is the problem, and Finn says, and at some point we realize, they’re not superhuman. They’re just people, doing the best they can, who occasionally screw up. Human beings come with flaws, even parents, but that doesn’t mean they love us any less. Spencer says, if that’s how things shook out for Finn and his dad, good for him. But it doesn’t seem like that’s how things are working out for him and his father. Victor walks in, and tells Finn, it seems his great-nephew is a little worse for wear. Don’t worry; he’ll take care of Spencer. Finn says, they were just making headway on their talk, but Victor says he won’t hear of it. Go ahead. Let family deal with family. Finn says, it’s Spencer’s call, and Spencer says, he’ll be fine with his Great-Uncle Victor. Finn says, fair enough; feel better. He leaves, and Spencer tells Victor not to ask why he’s so upset, but Victor says he doesn’t have to. He already knows.

Nikolas says, Finn thinks Elizabeth is losing her mind? and Elizabeth says, she wouldn’t have checked herself out of Shadybrook if she hadn’t felt ready to face the world. He says, Finn doesn’t agree? and she says, he keeps going back and forth. He’s trying to be supportive, but she knows he’s watching her and doubting her. She knows it sounds paranoid, but he says, it doesn’t. If Finn is reaching out to Sarah, why would he do that if he wasn’t checking in on her? Elizabeth says, exactly. He’s fixated on her non-existent relationship with her parents. He keeps fishing around, like she’s hiding some dire secret. He says, about who? Someone in her family? Elizabeth flashes back to being on the stair landing with another young woman, who asks what she’s doing. Elizabeth says, stay away from her father. In the present, she says, Nikolas? Where are we?… No. It happened again. She’s losing time.

Josslyn tells Ava that she just needs to stop the bleeding. She needs a towel. She’s not leaving Ava, but she has to stop the bleeding. She runs inside, and Ava passes out. Josslyn runs back out with a towel, and says she needs Ava to wake back up. Josslyn needs her to hold this while she gets help. If Ava doesn’t wake up, she’s going to die. Josslyn yells for help, and says she can’t leave or Ava will bleed out, but she has to get help. Dex runs onto the scene, asking Josslyn if that’s her, and sees what’s happening. Josslyn tells him to call 9-1-1, but he tells her to call; he’ll hold it. She makes the call, while Dex presses on Ava’s wound.

Mac tells Felicia, when Dominique was in Shadybrook, no one was allowed to visit her. She finally signed herself out after Taub was killed. Felicia asks if he remembers what kind of mood she was in when she got out, and he says, she was eager to get on with her life. It was a long time ago, but he remembers she was happy and upbeat; there wasn’t a hint of sadness. There’s no way anyone would have suspected she was hiding her child. Felicia says, what if there were no hints because she didn’t know she had a baby? and Mac says, Leopold Taub was a bastard. He would have had no problem taking Dominique’s child away from her, except… She says, except what? and he says, why would Leopold Taub want to hide his own child?

Cody asks if Britt expects him to believe she didn’t like the kiss and doesn’t find him attractive. That’s her story? All the verbal sparring they do; the moments they connect? Did he just misinterpret all the signs? He’s sorry; his bad. He won’t bother her anymore. She knows her way back to the main house. She says, fine. He didn’t make it up. He says, sorry, what? and she says, he was right. She is attracted to him. Sometimes she even likes him. He says, then what’s the problem? and she says, there’s nothing more terrifying than liking someone.

Elizabeth says, she was just lost in her train of thought, and Nikolas says, it happens to everyone, but she says, he doesn’t understand. It’s more than that. She keeps having a memory that doesn’t make sense to her. She had an attack of vertigo in the stairwell… He asks if she needs to see a neurologist, and she tells him, Finn said the same thing, and he wants her to see a psychiatrist. Nikolas says, they don’t sound like bad ideas, but she says she thinks if Finn would stop pressuring her this would all go away. He keeps going behind her back; first with Terry, now with her sister. How is she supposed to react to that? How is she supposed to have a meaningful relationship with someone she can’t trust? Nikolas says, you can’t.

Spencer walks over to the bar, and says, now that is more like it. He’s going to need something stronger than water. Victor says, it’s more than obvious Spencer’s had more than he needs already. Getting sloppy drunk is not only undignified, it can lead to errors in judgment, which can be costly. Spencer says, if Victor wants to lecture on errors in judgement, he’s afraid Victor is talking to the wrong Cassadine, and Victor says, he thought so. Spencer says, he thought what? when Olivia walks in. She says, just a friendly reminder that the festivities are taking place out on the grounds, and Victor says he’s so sorry. He and his nephew were just taking a short break from the all the merrymaking. He hopes she doesn’t mind. She says she’ll take care of a couple of things. It turns out hosting this party is a bigger ordeal than she could have imagined. She leaves, and Victor says, Mrs. Quartermaine seemed out of sorts. He wonders why.

Nina says, hello, friend, and Valentin says, this is the last place he expected to find her. She says she could say the same about him. Last she heard, he was the Quartermaines’ public enemy number one. He says, not all of them. Ned is an ally. Michael’s mad at him, but Drew is yet to be determined. He supposes that’s a long-winded way of saying he’s tolerated. She says, lucky him. Josslyn just tried to throw her out. He says he’s so sorry to hear that. It’s no fun being the target for the ire of youth, especially when they think they’re on the side of righteousness. She says, as she recalls, he was in a similar situation with Spencer. He thought Valentin stole his home and inheritance, and Josslyn thinks she stole Carly’s husband and half of the hotel. He says he assumes she has no regrets about Sonny. How about obtaining half the MetroCourt?

Anna tells Sonny, Victor has intimated on more than one occasion that he has a larger agenda. So if he is, for example, transporting something illegal, he’d have to use the waterfront, in which case, Sonny would most likely hear about it, right? Sonny says, If he had any information on Victor, he’d give it to her. As far as he knows, Victor’s only recent crime has been to bust Spencer out of Spring Ridge to visit his mother’s grave. She asks if Spencer told Sonny that Victor got him out of prison.

On the phone, Josslyn explains they’re at the boathouse by the lake. It’s a woman; she’s been stabbed in the abdomen very badly. Dex says, her pulse is weak, and her breathing is shallow. They have to move her now. Josslyn says, is he kidding? They’ll kill her. But he says, if they don’t get her to a hospital in the next 20 minutes, she’ll be dead already. He tells Josslyn to keep pressure on the wound, and goes inside. She asks what he’s getting, and he says, they have to create a pressure. He starts ripping a shirt, and she asks how he knows all this. Did he go to medical school or something? He says he was a soldier. He did a tour in Afghanistan, and that’s how he knows they don’t have time to wait for an ambulance. If the body loses too much blood, it’s like an engine running without oil, and the body shuts down. He gives Josslyn a piece of material he’s fashioned into a sort-of belt, and tells her to tie it around Ava. He says, if it goes past a certain point, her organs will never recover. It might take a couple of days, but she’ll get through it. He tells Josslyn, good job, and she says, now what? He tells her to keep the pressure on. His SUV is nearby. They’ll carry Ava to the car, and Josslyn will stay in the back, keeping pressure on the wound. He’ll drive. She asks if all this movement won’t hurt Ava more, but he says, they do this, or she dies.

Elizabeth asks if they’re talking about him and Ava now, and Nikolas says, yeah. The whole time he was with her, he kept trying to overcome her trust issues, and get to a place where they could believe in each other. That process proved impossible. He had his part in it, and takes full responsibility for his failures, but in the end, the most hurtful betrayal was all Ava. Elizabeth asks what she did, but he says, the particulars don’t matter. She lashed out and didn’t care what she destroyed in the process. She was vindictive to the very end. Elizabeth asks if he’s saying he and Ava are over, and he says, they’re definitely over. Finn comes along, and says he was looking for her. What happened to her head? She says, it’s not a big deal; it’s just a scrape. Nikolas says, Elizabeth is fine, and Finn asks if he can speak to her alone for a moment, but Nikolas says, now’s not a good time.

Spencer says, sorry, Victor thought what? and Victor says, it’s obvious from the hints Spencer’s been dropping that he already knows his father had sex with Esme. Spencer laughs, and says he can’t believe Nikolas told Victor. Victor says, he and Nikolas have their differences, but first and foremost, they’re Cassadines. They stick together. Spencer says, count him out. He wants nothing to do with his father. When he heard Ava say he slept with Esme… Victor says, Ava told him? That is indiscreet of her.

Valentin asks Nina how she feels about owning that particular hotel. Is she having buyer’s remorse? She says, a little bit. Sonny warned her there would be pushback, and there is. People just assume she bought it out of spite. He asks if Sonny assumes that.

Anna asks Sonny to please tell that he has proof, and he says he did his best to get Spencer to give up Victor, but he refused. He has mixed feelings about that, because on one hand, he wants to break Victor’s hold on Spencer. If he gets arrested, that’s a bonus. On the other hand, he admires Spencer letting him take the easy way out. He’s always emphasized to this boy that loyalty is so important, and always taking responsibilities for his actions. It’s nice to see he’s finally doing it. She says, loyalty, that’s cool. In this instance, given the family he comes from, when it comes to loyalty, Spencer is lucky to have Sonny as a role model.

Mac tells Felicia, Taub was obsessed with money and power. He wanted Dominique so he could control the Stanton fortune. But if Dominique got pregnant with his child, he’d have an even stronger hold on that fortune. So why keep the kid a secret? Olivia runs up, and says, she just got a call from the PCPD. Someone’s been attacked on the property. Mac asks if they were attacked at the main house, but she says, no, on the property. It was a stabbing, and whoever found them decided to take them right to GH. The police are on the way here right now. Mac asks if the police told her the victim’s name, and she says, only that it took place on the property, but the property is enormous. And God knows how many people were at this party. Mac gets on the phone, and says he’s at the Quartermaine estate. He needs information about the attack that was just reported.

Cody says he doesn’t understand what’s scary about liking someone, and Britt says, last year, she finally met someone she could be completely honest with, who she could share her deepest darkest secrets, and he didn’t judge her. Cody says, sounds like a cool dude. Where is he? She says, that’s the thing. The universe finally gave her someone she felt safe to be honest with. Then the universe decided to kill him. He says he’s so sorry, and she says, her too. That’s why she slapped him. It isn’t because the kiss was bad or inappropriate; it made her feel something. And if she’s learned anything about this life, it’s when she feels something good, it only leads to pain, and that’s terrifying. He says, maybe it was just a one-time thing; like the heat of the moment. Maybe if they kissed again, nothing would happen. She woudn’t feel anything, and she’d have nothing to be afraid of. She says, there’s zero logic in that statement, and he says, it’s still just a theory, but there’s only one way to test it out. They kiss.

Spencer says he’s taking off, but Victor says, if Spencer thinks he’s going in search of another beer keg or bar set-up, he’s sadly mistaken. Spencer says, Victor doesn’t have to worry he’ll get so drunk he’ll tell someone about the little day pass from Spring Ridge that Victor arranged. Victor says he’s not worried about that. He’s worried that Spencer will tell someone about his father’s affair with Esme. Unless he already has. Spencer says, if he told anyone his father slept with his girlfriend, that’s a really bad look for him. He’s not that drunk. Victor asks if he’s sure about that. How much can he remember about the last few hours? Spencer says, next to nothing, and honestly that’s how he likes it.

Nina tells Valentin, Sonny just gave her his honest opinion. He warned her about the optics of buying Carly’s half of the hotel. Initially, she thought he was taking Carly’s side, but he was just being a realist. He thought Olivia was going to stay loyal to Carly, and the hotel staff was going to stay loyal to Carly. Right now she’s working on them, but Sonny wanted her to see what she’d be up against, but he also said they’d do it together; that he’d be by her side.

Sonny tells Anna that he appreciates her saying he’s a good role model. There’s a few people in his family who don’t agree with that. She guesses things have been difficult for him since he got back. She’s sorry to hear about his divorce. She knows from her own life that sometimes people truly do have irreconcilable differences, even if at one point they were very much in love. Look at her and Robert. He says, isn’t Robert her best friend now? and laughs. He says he doesn’t think he and Carly can do that, because she has so much resentment toward Nina. She says, he’s not willing to give her up, right? and he asks if she thinks he’s wrong. She says she thinks he’s following his heart. How could that ever be wrong? Her phone rings, and she says she has to take it. Anna says, Jordan… attacked?… She’s here at the Quartermaines’.

Finn says, Nikolas wants to talk about timing? He just left Nikolas’s kid at the main house, and he’s in a bad way. Nikolas might want to check on him. Nikolas says he’s not the right person to help his son, and he doesn’t feel comfortable leaving Elizabeth alone if she doesn’t want to be with him. Finn tells Elizabeth that he’s sorry. He shouldn’t have gone behind Elizabeth’s back. He thought he was helping, but he was so wrong. He just wants to talk. Please don’t shut him out.

As they walk toward the boathouse, Olivia asks if they shouldn’t go to the house and let everyone know what’s happening, but Mac says, the whole estate will have to be searched. The boathouse is the perfect staging area. He tells them, wait here, and looks at the pool of blood where Ava was. He calls dispatch, and tells them he’s at the Quartermaine estate. Send forensics to the boathouse. He found the attack site.

Ava is wheeled into the hospital, and the doctor says medical stuff, and gives the nurses instructions. He wants to do a massive transfusion, and asks for O negative blood. He wants two lines in her, and a lot of stuff with initials. Tell the OR they’re coming up. Josslyn and Dex come in, as Ava is being wheeled away. Josslyn gives Dex his phone, and says, sorry about the blood. He says, it’s okay; it’ll wash off. I have a mental picture of him holding his phone under a faucet. She says, if Ava lives, it’s because of him, but he says, it was both of them.

Cody says, still scared? and Britt says, quaking in her boots. He asks if that means another date is out of the question, but she says she’ll risk it, and leaves.

Anna tells Valentin, Jordan is on her way with forensics. Mac already determined the attack took place at the boathouse. He asks if they know the name of the victim yet, and she says, no, but she figures Jordan will know by the time she gets here. So she’s going to wait and see if they need any assistance. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it, if this is a criminal matter or intelligence. He says, she doesn’t think Victor was involved, but she says, you can’t deny the possibility. He says he guesses it depends on who the victim is, when Anna’s phone dings. She says, it’s Jordan, and looks at her phone. She shows it to Valentin and us, and it says, Ava Jerome.

On the phone, Sonny asks Frank to tell Dex that he knows why Dex did what he did, and he’ll see Dex when he gets there. He tells Nina, he knows why Dex didn’t show up with the paperwork. He found someone stabbed on the property, and took her to the hospital. Nina says, here? That’s awful. Sonny said, her. Was it a woman? He says, it was Ava, and she says, oh my God. He says, she’s in pretty bad shape, and Nina says she needs to be there for her. He says he’ll go with her, and they run out.

Forensics has gotten to the boathouse, and Elizabeth asks Mac, what’s going on? Why are the police here? Mac says, Ava Jerome was attacked tonight. She’s at the hospital. Nikolas says, oh my God, and Finn asks, how bad is it? Mac says, she’s in critical condition; her survival is uncertain. Olivia crosses herself, and by now, Victor and Spencer are there too. Nikolas says he has to get to his wife, but Mac says, hang on. The police are going to need statements from all of them. They’re still determining the time of the attack. They know it happened within the last two hours, and they’re going to need the whereabouts of everyone she was in contact with. We look down the line of possible suspects, although Mason and Austin aren’t among them.

Tomorrow, Brook tells Drew that they’ll think he has something to hide; Jordan asks why Nikolas is so resistant to providing answers; Josslyn tells Trina, something happened to Ava; and Sonny tells someone that neither of them is going to get what they want.

Below Deck Mediterranean

First thing in the morning, Tasha is texting her ex-boyfriend now boyfriend (I think), and Natalya tells Storm, last night was fun, but he got a little emo. She can’t be serious when she goes out. In Natalya’s interview, she says, Storm was a bit tragic last night, but she gets over things quickly. She thinks he’s caring and considerate, and wants to see where it goes. Captain Sandy calls for a preference sheet meeting. Primary Adam is a tech executive in NYC. Joining him is sister Jennifer, and they’re celebrating Adam’s 30th. They want to play with all the water toys, especially the slide, which the captain expects today with the provisions. Storm looks thrilled. Adam wants a water obstacle course for a friendly competition. Dave reads that they want a tasting menu of courses from around the world, and Captain Sandy says, it’s gonna be a fun charter. Storm tells the deck crew they have to move quickly, and Kyle and Natalya do their usual banter.

In the crew mess, Dave whines to Tasha that she couldn’t even look at him last night and it was awkward. She says she’s not ignoring him; she’s just struggling with the situation in her head. He tells her to do her job, and he’ll do his. She says, their jobs require them to work together, and he says he’s tired of pussyfooting around. No more. He’s not dwelling on this, and he deserves better than her. What they had is done. Captain Sandy comes in, and asks if she interrupted something. Should she leave? Tasha says, they were just talking work, but the captain says, clearly there’s tension. Just be patient with each other, focus on the job, and stay professional. In the captain’s interview, she says it’s not the first time she’s had a boatmance that went wrong. She wants her crew to feel supported, but to give them the space to work it out. She also wants them to understand she still has an expectation. When they step up those stairs, she needs to know they can remain professional.

Courtney is hoisted down in the tender, and in her interview, she says she hopes to get the hang of it, but for now, she’s not friends with this tender. You have to press buttons to go forward and reverse. Just f***ing put a throttle in there or something. It’s like patting your head and rubbing your stomach. In Captain Sandy’s interview, she says, the deck crew has found their groove, and having Courtney is a part of it. They have a rhythm; they’re crushing it. Kyle goes through the preference sheets looking at the photos, and in his interview, he says, this charter is going to test him. Provisions come in, and the slide is on its way. In Tasha’s interview, she’s excited about doing a wine pairing. It takes the service level up a few notches. Tasha texts her boyfriend, while Kyle and Natalya bicker about the laundry. The slide arrives, all 500 pounds of it, and the captain says, guest arrival is in 30 minutes. In Storm’s interview, he says he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. This is a disaster. Jason gives some suggestions about getting the slide on board, and in his interview, he says he’s not entirely green. His problem is in knowing when his input is welcome, and when he’s barking up the wrong tree. Storm radios Courtney and Dave for help. The get the slide into the tender, and Courtney drives it to the boat, then hooks the slide to the crane. In Mzi’s interview, he says, it’s good to see Courtney in her groove, but to be honest, he’s always impressed with her. Everyone gets ready for the guests.

Kyle says, for the first time he’s clammy, and they welcome the guests. In Kyle’s interview, he says, all men with beautiful smiles. Holy hell, Lord save me. There are fancy welcome drinks in pineapples, Tasha gives the tour, and the luggage is brought on board. Kyle toasts, here’s to the queers with the guests. Captain Sandy checks her weather screen, and sees no bumps on the horizon. In Storm’s interview, he says, all docking operations make him nervous at this point, and we flash back to the last one, which was not so good, but this time, all is well. Guest Frank chats up Kyle in the galley; then they move to flirting on deck. In his interview, Kyle says, there is a God. In Tasha’s interview, she says she’s going to let Kyle continue to flirt with Frank, but that’s as far as it can go. He needs to be careful. If the captain finds out, he could lose his job over this.

Anchor is dropped into the blue, blue water I long for, and Kyle flirts some more with Frank as he shakes martinis. In Kyle’s interview, he says, they are a professional team and have their limitations. One of those is, don’t get intimate with guests. He could possibly lose his job. A producer suggests he’s being unprofessional now, and he agrees. Fabulous food is made, and in Dave’s interview, he says, this is the hardest job he’s ever done because of the situation with Tasha. They weren’t dating, but it does feel like a break-up. It’s torture on a stick seeing her. He guesses he’s just going to hang in there. A guest says, the food is like art, and the deck crew gets ready to set up the slide. In Mzi’s interview, he says he just remembers the slide is horrible to deal with, and we flash back to that. He says, now it’s four new people who have never done this before, setting it up on a boat that’s never had a slide before. Tasha and her boyfriend text some more, and in her interview, she says, long distance relationships in yachting almost seem impossible. It’s very distracting. In Storm’s interview, he says, he wants people to understand he knows what he’s doing, but he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s never set up a slide before. He’s worked on expedition vessels, small sailing vessels, and charters. Fake it til you make it, baby.

At the table, guest Jennifer says, Frank and Kyle are going to be boyfriends, and she’s going to marry them. Frank says he needs a boyfriend, and I wonder where Kyle is. Captain Sandy tells the deck crew they’re doing a good job, and helps out with the slide. They need more slack, and Storm can’t undo Jason’s bowline, but Jason insists he did it right. Storm says he can’t stand this arguing, and in Jason’s interview, he says, Storm looks like an idiot. Jason goes over to undo the knot, and Storm suggests he tie it properly next time. Jason tells him, f*** off. In Storm’s interview, he says he doesn’t know what Jason tied, but it wasn’t a bowline. Then Jason swore at him. Don’t ever do that. Ever.

The guests discuss Iceland, and the verdict is, it’s all gay and vegan. They get wind of the slide being set up, and get ready for the water. Mzi tells Courtney, Jason told Storm to f*** off, and she says, Jason’s annoying. Kyle finds out Frank is 37, and asks what creams he’s using. In the galley, he tells Natalya, that’s maturity you want, and she says, you never know. He could be the love of Kyle’s life. The guests use the slide, and Tasha tells Dave that the wine-pairing is tonight. Dave is making pasta, and asks for her help. In Dave’s interview, he says he doesn’t know how Tasha thinks she’s doing wine pairing with a buffet. He’s doing street food. Give him a can of beer. Natalya asks if Storm’s up for a cuddle later, and he’s in. It’s been a sh*tty day. He tells her about Jason, and says, he’s out of control. In his interview, Storm says he’s changed his mind about Jason. Since he’s been put in this position, it’s been his biggest challenge as far as team management goes.

Kyle is on break, and the guests ask him to sit with him. He obliges, and asks for the gossip. In Natalya’s interview, she hints at once having had a quickie with a guest. In Jason’s interview, he says he can’t knowingly do something wrong if he knows a better, more efficient way to do it. He’s dealing with an imbecile. In Courtney’s interview, she says, it seems like Jason doesn’t really want to be here. You have to be a team player. Sometimes you don’t want to do sh*t, but you do it because it’s your f***ing job. They pull up the trampoline, and the wind picks up. Storm says they need a secondary line, and calls to Jason, who ignores him. Storm asks if Jason is f***ing kidding him. In his interview, Storm says, Jason’s been insubordinate to him. He guesses it’s up to him to find out what Jason’s good at and what motivates him. He’s still got a lot to learn with Jason.

Tasha goes over the menu with Kyle, and how she’s doing a wine pairing with the buffet. Captain Sandy calls Storm to the bridge, and asks if he knows what an anchor dragging looks like, showing him on the screen. She tells him, that’s what you’re watching for on anchor watch. In her interview, she says she sees bosun material in Storm. He’s great on deck and great with the clients. It’s important she teach him; she wants him to succeed. In Dave’s interview, he says, it’s an around the world dinner tonight, and he wants a street food vibe. Nice one bite wonder food. Dave does that smoke cloche thing for one of the courses, and in Tasha’s interview, she says, the guests’ reaction to the first wine pairing makes her want to keep it going throughout the dinner. She asks if Dave can send things out one at a time since the guests are enjoying the elegance, and he acts like he’s okay with that, but he’s not. In his interview, he says, it’s a huge change. They were doing a buffet, but now it’s a la carte, and going to effect the quality of his food. Tasha’s promised the guests, so it’s not ideal, but he’s sucking it up. The American sliders end up cold, and when Dave reheats them, they literally slide. He says, this is ridiculous. The wine pairing has slowed down service. He’s reheating most of the dishes and his burgers are f***ed. He complains to Tasha that it’s taking too long. A wine gets paired wrong, but the guests don’t notice, so who cares? Dave starts complaining and Tasha radios for help, but everyone else is sleeping. In Kyle’s interview, he says, the last thing you want is service that doesn’t seem seamless. This is poor planning. Tasha insists, it’s not her.

Next time, Kyle in spandex; a mini Olympics; Jason doesn’t respond to his radio; and Tasha’s boyfriend has issues about her working with Dave.

🎶 Over the Moon…

All of it.

The winners.

Best and worst moments.

The performances.

The fashion. You know you want it. Here are four ways to get it.

⚰️ The Alpha Of Alpha…

I did wonder why she found it crazy that Lydia believed in fairies. Why not? The dead are walking, for God’s sake. But my main question is, will Beta be in the mix? They owe me that one.

🐄 More Cowbell…

While I can’t promise blue skies tomorrow, I can promise soap, tea, and a little music. Until then, stay safe, stay rooting for the underdog, and stay knowing, human beings come with flaws, even parents, but that doesn’t mean they love us any less.

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