Tag Archives: VMAs

August 29, 2022 – Dex Comes To Ava’s Rescue, Kyle Flirts On Deck, Everything VMA, Tale Talk & Best Bunny


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

On the phone, Josslyn tells Michael that he’s got great timing. She just got done reading Wiley a bedtime story, and he’s loving his sleepover at the main house. His nanny’s upstairs with him now. She tells him to enjoy kicking back with Willow. They’re all good on their end. She sees Nina, and says, this may not be her house, but she knows for a fact Nina isn’t welcome here. Nina says she’s not here for a social visit. This is uncomfortable for her, and she’s only here because she has a carload of desserts for Olivia that were mistakenly delivered to the MetroCourt. She’s just trying to correct a mistake. Josslyn says she was just on the phone with Michael, and she could have told him that Nina was there trespassing, but he and Willow rarely get a night to themselves, and Josslyn’s completely capable of throwing Nina out herself. But apparently she’s not capable of listening. She says, Nina will not go anywhere near Wiley, and Nina tells her, like she said, she just brought desserts for Olivia. She wasn’t planning on seeing her grandson. Josslyn says, let’s make sure – get out – when Sonny comes in, and asks, what’s the problem here? Josslyn says, the problem? She’s looking at it. Sonny says, Olivia knows that Nina’s here and why, and Josslyn asks how long it takes to drop off desserts, because she highly doubts Olivia invited her to stay. Sonny says, Josslyn doesn’t have to like it, but he thinks her mom taught her how to be civil to people, and Josslyn says, her mom also taught her how to deal with a back-stabbing bitch. Sonny tried to help Trina, and that’s the only reason she’s not slapping his girlfriend into next week. Since apparently she also has no concept of the law. She leaves, and Nina says, that was fun. She thinks she’ll go. Sonny says, hell no.

Felicia says she’s not going to tell Mac what to do. It’s his call whether or not he tells Cody that he was once romantically involved with Cody’s mother. But Mac and Dominique as a couple was pretty common knowledge back in the day. Somebody’s bound to point that out to Cody eventually. He says, one thing at a time, okay? He’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Dominique had a son she gave up. That’s not at all like the woman they both knew.

Britt slaps Cody, and he asks, what the hell is wrong with her? That was a damn good kiss.

Finn finds Valentin in the living room, and says he’s looking for Elizabeth. He asks if she came by, and Valentin says he hasn’t seen her, but he’s looking for Anna. Has Finn seen her? They hear groaning outside, and find Spencer walking up to the patio. Finn says, take it easy, and Spencer says, leave him the hell alone. Finn says, Spencer doesn’t look so good. He’ll get a glass of water, and Spencer can come inside. They’ll get someone to find his dad. Clearly drunk, Spencer says, forget it. He never wants to see his dad again.

Nikolas finds Elizabeth sitting on the ground, and she asks, what happened?

Ava lies outside the boathouse, bleeding. She touches her wound and looks at the blood on her hand. She feebly tries to call for help.

Mac tells Felicia, Dominique was a bright light. She was a loving generous person, who would have cherished having a son. It’s obvious she gave him away to protect him from Taub, but once Leopold died, why not reclaim him and raise him herself? Felicia says, what if she didn’t realize she had a son?

Britt says she didn’t slap Cody based on the quality of the kiss. She slapped him because of why he kissed her. He says, she’s telling him it was a good kiss though, and she says, he only kissed her to distract her. He says, distract her from what? and she says, his interrogation about Peter and Faison. Come on. Just be honest. Why is he so fascinated by her father and brother?

Nina says, besides Sonny, nobody wants her here, and he says, nobody can make mistakes and move on with their lives. The way Josslyn and Michael treat her is unfair, it’s rude, and… it’s actually sad. A lot of people here will be happy to see her, and he’s at the top of the list. she says she knows he’ll always be on her side, and he’ll face down all the haters, but she doesn’t want another confrontation. She’d rather go home. He asks if she can’t stay a little while, and she asks, why? He says he’s got Dex bringing him some paperwork. Once he signs off on it, they’ll go to his place and have a nightcap. She says, that’s an offer she can’t refuse, when Anna walks in. She says she didn’t mean to interrupt… Actually, she is interrupting. She wonders if she can have a moment with Sonny.

Finn sits Spencer down on the couch, and Valentin gives him some water, saying, Spencer’s clearly dehydrated. Spencer says he doesn’t need damn thing from Valentin. All of the trouble between Spencer and his father started when Valentin came sniffing for an inheritance that never belonged to him. Spencer puts his arm around Finn, and says, that’s when his father made the horrible decision to play dead to get his revenge. That’s something his father has to live with, but all the drama started with Valentin. Valentin says, anything he’s done to hurt Spencer, he’s sorry, and leaves. Spencer says he hates that guy, and Finn says he’s not a big fan himself. Spencer says he wishes he could blame Valentin for everything, but Valentin didn’t force his father to lie, play dead, or marry Ava… Finn says, but what? Did Spencer’s dad do something to upset him? Spencer says, it doesn’t matter, because the man he grew up with, the man he hero worshipped, either changed or was never real in the first place.

Nikolas helps Elizabeth up, and says, it looks like she hit her head. How did that happen? She says she doesn’t know, and he asks, what’s the last thing she remembers? She says she was at the stables with Finn. They had an argument, and now she’s here. He says, she’s not that close to the stables. She doesn’t remember walking here or how she got that scrape on her forehead? She says, no. She remembers being really angry and feeling betrayed, and he asks what they argued about. She says, Finn went behind her back again. He called Sarah. Nikolas says, her sister who hasn’t been in town for ten years? Why would Finn call her? She says, because Finn thinks she’s losing her mind.

Josslyn sees Ava, who’s still weakly calling for help, and says, oh my God. She’s going to get help. Does Ava have her phone on her? Was she carrying it and dropped it? She’s going to get help. The picnic is for GH, so there are nurses and doctors here. Ava grabs Josslyn’s leg, and says, don’t leave her.

Sonny asks if Anna wants to talk WSB business. They’ll have to get Diane… Anna says, he doesn’t need Diane. This is more official-adjacent. Nina says she’ll go get some fresh air; it’s a lovely night. Anna thanks her, and she leaves. Sonny says, Anna’s got his attention, so what’s up? She says she’s aware that in addition to his business enterprises, he keeps a close watch on all the illegal activities in Port Charles. He says he can neither confirm nor deny that statement, and she says, let her cut to the chase. Does he have any information about what Victor Cassadine is doing here?

Nina stands outside, and hears Valentin say, she walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that’s best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and her eyes… Nina says, Thus mellowed to that tender light, which Heaven to gaudy day denies. Most people think it’s Shakespeare, but it’s really… He says, Lord Byron; mad, bad, and dangerous to know.

Mac asks how Dominique could have a son and not be aware, and Felicia says, think back. Dominique stayed at Shadybrook for a time. He says, Leopold had her committed. He wanted control of Dominique and her fortune. She says, that’s what everyone assumed, but what if there were other reasons? What if Dominique was pregnant, and Leopold took the baby?

Cody says he asked about Britt’s family. That’s what you do when you’re trying to get to know new people in your life. She says she keeps telling him; she doesn’t want to talk about Peter or her father. Why can’t he accept it and move on? He says, the better questions is, why is she being so defensive? It’s not like he asked if she had a criminal past too. Why is it easier to accuse him of being manipulative, rather than just admit she’s attracted to him? What is so God-so awful about them being into each other? She asks, who said she was into him?

Finn tells Spencer, to be bitterly disappointed in his father’s life choices? Welcome to the club. He’s not in a good place to be giving any sort of advice, but he’s going to throw it out there anyway. Maybe somewhere down the line, it will mean something to Spencer. Spencer says, it couldn’t be worse than the garbage his father’s been throwing out there, and Finn says, that’s the thing, kid. If we’re lucky, we grow up thinking our parents are superhuman; they have all the right answers, and can fix all the problems. Spencer says, but in his case, his father is the problem, and Finn says, and at some point we realize, they’re not superhuman. They’re just people, doing the best they can, who occasionally screw up. Human beings come with flaws, even parents, but that doesn’t mean they love us any less. Spencer says, if that’s how things shook out for Finn and his dad, good for him. But it doesn’t seem like that’s how things are working out for him and his father. Victor walks in, and tells Finn, it seems his great-nephew is a little worse for wear. Don’t worry; he’ll take care of Spencer. Finn says, they were just making headway on their talk, but Victor says he won’t hear of it. Go ahead. Let family deal with family. Finn says, it’s Spencer’s call, and Spencer says, he’ll be fine with his Great-Uncle Victor. Finn says, fair enough; feel better. He leaves, and Spencer tells Victor not to ask why he’s so upset, but Victor says he doesn’t have to. He already knows.

Nikolas says, Finn thinks Elizabeth is losing her mind? and Elizabeth says, she wouldn’t have checked herself out of Shadybrook if she hadn’t felt ready to face the world. He says, Finn doesn’t agree? and she says, he keeps going back and forth. He’s trying to be supportive, but she knows he’s watching her and doubting her. She knows it sounds paranoid, but he says, it doesn’t. If Finn is reaching out to Sarah, why would he do that if he wasn’t checking in on her? Elizabeth says, exactly. He’s fixated on her non-existent relationship with her parents. He keeps fishing around, like she’s hiding some dire secret. He says, about who? Someone in her family? Elizabeth flashes back to being on the stair landing with another young woman, who asks what she’s doing. Elizabeth says, stay away from her father. In the present, she says, Nikolas? Where are we?… No. It happened again. She’s losing time.

Josslyn tells Ava that she just needs to stop the bleeding. She needs a towel. She’s not leaving Ava, but she has to stop the bleeding. She runs inside, and Ava passes out. Josslyn runs back out with a towel, and says she needs Ava to wake back up. Josslyn needs her to hold this while she gets help. If Ava doesn’t wake up, she’s going to die. Josslyn yells for help, and says she can’t leave or Ava will bleed out, but she has to get help. Dex runs onto the scene, asking Josslyn if that’s her, and sees what’s happening. Josslyn tells him to call 9-1-1, but he tells her to call; he’ll hold it. She makes the call, while Dex presses on Ava’s wound.

Mac tells Felicia, when Dominique was in Shadybrook, no one was allowed to visit her. She finally signed herself out after Taub was killed. Felicia asks if he remembers what kind of mood she was in when she got out, and he says, she was eager to get on with her life. It was a long time ago, but he remembers she was happy and upbeat; there wasn’t a hint of sadness. There’s no way anyone would have suspected she was hiding her child. Felicia says, what if there were no hints because she didn’t know she had a baby? and Mac says, Leopold Taub was a bastard. He would have had no problem taking Dominique’s child away from her, except… She says, except what? and he says, why would Leopold Taub want to hide his own child?

Cody asks if Britt expects him to believe she didn’t like the kiss and doesn’t find him attractive. That’s her story? All the verbal sparring they do; the moments they connect? Did he just misinterpret all the signs? He’s sorry; his bad. He won’t bother her anymore. She knows her way back to the main house. She says, fine. He didn’t make it up. He says, sorry, what? and she says, he was right. She is attracted to him. Sometimes she even likes him. He says, then what’s the problem? and she says, there’s nothing more terrifying than liking someone.

Elizabeth says, she was just lost in her train of thought, and Nikolas says, it happens to everyone, but she says, he doesn’t understand. It’s more than that. She keeps having a memory that doesn’t make sense to her. She had an attack of vertigo in the stairwell… He asks if she needs to see a neurologist, and she tells him, Finn said the same thing, and he wants her to see a psychiatrist. Nikolas says, they don’t sound like bad ideas, but she says she thinks if Finn would stop pressuring her this would all go away. He keeps going behind her back; first with Terry, now with her sister. How is she supposed to react to that? How is she supposed to have a meaningful relationship with someone she can’t trust? Nikolas says, you can’t.

Spencer walks over to the bar, and says, now that is more like it. He’s going to need something stronger than water. Victor says, it’s more than obvious Spencer’s had more than he needs already. Getting sloppy drunk is not only undignified, it can lead to errors in judgment, which can be costly. Spencer says, if Victor wants to lecture on errors in judgement, he’s afraid Victor is talking to the wrong Cassadine, and Victor says, he thought so. Spencer says, he thought what? when Olivia walks in. She says, just a friendly reminder that the festivities are taking place out on the grounds, and Victor says he’s so sorry. He and his nephew were just taking a short break from the all the merrymaking. He hopes she doesn’t mind. She says she’ll take care of a couple of things. It turns out hosting this party is a bigger ordeal than she could have imagined. She leaves, and Victor says, Mrs. Quartermaine seemed out of sorts. He wonders why.

Nina says, hello, friend, and Valentin says, this is the last place he expected to find her. She says she could say the same about him. Last she heard, he was the Quartermaines’ public enemy number one. He says, not all of them. Ned is an ally. Michael’s mad at him, but Drew is yet to be determined. He supposes that’s a long-winded way of saying he’s tolerated. She says, lucky him. Josslyn just tried to throw her out. He says he’s so sorry to hear that. It’s no fun being the target for the ire of youth, especially when they think they’re on the side of righteousness. She says, as she recalls, he was in a similar situation with Spencer. He thought Valentin stole his home and inheritance, and Josslyn thinks she stole Carly’s husband and half of the hotel. He says he assumes she has no regrets about Sonny. How about obtaining half the MetroCourt?

Anna tells Sonny, Victor has intimated on more than one occasion that he has a larger agenda. So if he is, for example, transporting something illegal, he’d have to use the waterfront, in which case, Sonny would most likely hear about it, right? Sonny says, If he had any information on Victor, he’d give it to her. As far as he knows, Victor’s only recent crime has been to bust Spencer out of Spring Ridge to visit his mother’s grave. She asks if Spencer told Sonny that Victor got him out of prison.

On the phone, Josslyn explains they’re at the boathouse by the lake. It’s a woman; she’s been stabbed in the abdomen very badly. Dex says, her pulse is weak, and her breathing is shallow. They have to move her now. Josslyn says, is he kidding? They’ll kill her. But he says, if they don’t get her to a hospital in the next 20 minutes, she’ll be dead already. He tells Josslyn to keep pressure on the wound, and goes inside. She asks what he’s getting, and he says, they have to create a pressure. He starts ripping a shirt, and she asks how he knows all this. Did he go to medical school or something? He says he was a soldier. He did a tour in Afghanistan, and that’s how he knows they don’t have time to wait for an ambulance. If the body loses too much blood, it’s like an engine running without oil, and the body shuts down. He gives Josslyn a piece of material he’s fashioned into a sort-of belt, and tells her to tie it around Ava. He says, if it goes past a certain point, her organs will never recover. It might take a couple of days, but she’ll get through it. He tells Josslyn, good job, and she says, now what? He tells her to keep the pressure on. His SUV is nearby. They’ll carry Ava to the car, and Josslyn will stay in the back, keeping pressure on the wound. He’ll drive. She asks if all this movement won’t hurt Ava more, but he says, they do this, or she dies.

Elizabeth asks if they’re talking about him and Ava now, and Nikolas says, yeah. The whole time he was with her, he kept trying to overcome her trust issues, and get to a place where they could believe in each other. That process proved impossible. He had his part in it, and takes full responsibility for his failures, but in the end, the most hurtful betrayal was all Ava. Elizabeth asks what she did, but he says, the particulars don’t matter. She lashed out and didn’t care what she destroyed in the process. She was vindictive to the very end. Elizabeth asks if he’s saying he and Ava are over, and he says, they’re definitely over. Finn comes along, and says he was looking for her. What happened to her head? She says, it’s not a big deal; it’s just a scrape. Nikolas says, Elizabeth is fine, and Finn asks if he can speak to her alone for a moment, but Nikolas says, now’s not a good time.

Spencer says, sorry, Victor thought what? and Victor says, it’s obvious from the hints Spencer’s been dropping that he already knows his father had sex with Esme. Spencer laughs, and says he can’t believe Nikolas told Victor. Victor says, he and Nikolas have their differences, but first and foremost, they’re Cassadines. They stick together. Spencer says, count him out. He wants nothing to do with his father. When he heard Ava say he slept with Esme… Victor says, Ava told him? That is indiscreet of her.

Valentin asks Nina how she feels about owning that particular hotel. Is she having buyer’s remorse? She says, a little bit. Sonny warned her there would be pushback, and there is. People just assume she bought it out of spite. He asks if Sonny assumes that.

Anna asks Sonny to please tell that he has proof, and he says he did his best to get Spencer to give up Victor, but he refused. He has mixed feelings about that, because on one hand, he wants to break Victor’s hold on Spencer. If he gets arrested, that’s a bonus. On the other hand, he admires Spencer letting him take the easy way out. He’s always emphasized to this boy that loyalty is so important, and always taking responsibilities for his actions. It’s nice to see he’s finally doing it. She says, loyalty, that’s cool. In this instance, given the family he comes from, when it comes to loyalty, Spencer is lucky to have Sonny as a role model.

Mac tells Felicia, Taub was obsessed with money and power. He wanted Dominique so he could control the Stanton fortune. But if Dominique got pregnant with his child, he’d have an even stronger hold on that fortune. So why keep the kid a secret? Olivia runs up, and says, she just got a call from the PCPD. Someone’s been attacked on the property. Mac asks if they were attacked at the main house, but she says, no, on the property. It was a stabbing, and whoever found them decided to take them right to GH. The police are on the way here right now. Mac asks if the police told her the victim’s name, and she says, only that it took place on the property, but the property is enormous. And God knows how many people were at this party. Mac gets on the phone, and says he’s at the Quartermaine estate. He needs information about the attack that was just reported.

Cody says he doesn’t understand what’s scary about liking someone, and Britt says, last year, she finally met someone she could be completely honest with, who she could share her deepest darkest secrets, and he didn’t judge her. Cody says, sounds like a cool dude. Where is he? She says, that’s the thing. The universe finally gave her someone she felt safe to be honest with. Then the universe decided to kill him. He says he’s so sorry, and she says, her too. That’s why she slapped him. It isn’t because the kiss was bad or inappropriate; it made her feel something. And if she’s learned anything about this life, it’s when she feels something good, it only leads to pain, and that’s terrifying. He says, maybe it was just a one-time thing; like the heat of the moment. Maybe if they kissed again, nothing would happen. She woudn’t feel anything, and she’d have nothing to be afraid of. She says, there’s zero logic in that statement, and he says, it’s still just a theory, but there’s only one way to test it out. They kiss.

Spencer says he’s taking off, but Victor says, if Spencer thinks he’s going in search of another beer keg or bar set-up, he’s sadly mistaken. Spencer says, Victor doesn’t have to worry he’ll get so drunk he’ll tell someone about the little day pass from Spring Ridge that Victor arranged. Victor says he’s not worried about that. He’s worried that Spencer will tell someone about his father’s affair with Esme. Unless he already has. Spencer says, if he told anyone his father slept with his girlfriend, that’s a really bad look for him. He’s not that drunk. Victor asks if he’s sure about that. How much can he remember about the last few hours? Spencer says, next to nothing, and honestly that’s how he likes it.

Nina tells Valentin, Sonny just gave her his honest opinion. He warned her about the optics of buying Carly’s half of the hotel. Initially, she thought he was taking Carly’s side, but he was just being a realist. He thought Olivia was going to stay loyal to Carly, and the hotel staff was going to stay loyal to Carly. Right now she’s working on them, but Sonny wanted her to see what she’d be up against, but he also said they’d do it together; that he’d be by her side.

Sonny tells Anna that he appreciates her saying he’s a good role model. There’s a few people in his family who don’t agree with that. She guesses things have been difficult for him since he got back. She’s sorry to hear about his divorce. She knows from her own life that sometimes people truly do have irreconcilable differences, even if at one point they were very much in love. Look at her and Robert. He says, isn’t Robert her best friend now? and laughs. He says he doesn’t think he and Carly can do that, because she has so much resentment toward Nina. She says, he’s not willing to give her up, right? and he asks if she thinks he’s wrong. She says she thinks he’s following his heart. How could that ever be wrong? Her phone rings, and she says she has to take it. Anna says, Jordan… attacked?… She’s here at the Quartermaines’.

Finn says, Nikolas wants to talk about timing? He just left Nikolas’s kid at the main house, and he’s in a bad way. Nikolas might want to check on him. Nikolas says he’s not the right person to help his son, and he doesn’t feel comfortable leaving Elizabeth alone if she doesn’t want to be with him. Finn tells Elizabeth that he’s sorry. He shouldn’t have gone behind Elizabeth’s back. He thought he was helping, but he was so wrong. He just wants to talk. Please don’t shut him out.

As they walk toward the boathouse, Olivia asks if they shouldn’t go to the house and let everyone know what’s happening, but Mac says, the whole estate will have to be searched. The boathouse is the perfect staging area. He tells them, wait here, and looks at the pool of blood where Ava was. He calls dispatch, and tells them he’s at the Quartermaine estate. Send forensics to the boathouse. He found the attack site.

Ava is wheeled into the hospital, and the doctor says medical stuff, and gives the nurses instructions. He wants to do a massive transfusion, and asks for O negative blood. He wants two lines in her, and a lot of stuff with initials. Tell the OR they’re coming up. Josslyn and Dex come in, as Ava is being wheeled away. Josslyn gives Dex his phone, and says, sorry about the blood. He says, it’s okay; it’ll wash off. I have a mental picture of him holding his phone under a faucet. She says, if Ava lives, it’s because of him, but he says, it was both of them.

Cody says, still scared? and Britt says, quaking in her boots. He asks if that means another date is out of the question, but she says she’ll risk it, and leaves.

Anna tells Valentin, Jordan is on her way with forensics. Mac already determined the attack took place at the boathouse. He asks if they know the name of the victim yet, and she says, no, but she figures Jordan will know by the time she gets here. So she’s going to wait and see if they need any assistance. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it, if this is a criminal matter or intelligence. He says, she doesn’t think Victor was involved, but she says, you can’t deny the possibility. He says he guesses it depends on who the victim is, when Anna’s phone dings. She says, it’s Jordan, and looks at her phone. She shows it to Valentin and us, and it says, Ava Jerome.

On the phone, Sonny asks Frank to tell Dex that he knows why Dex did what he did, and he’ll see Dex when he gets there. He tells Nina, he knows why Dex didn’t show up with the paperwork. He found someone stabbed on the property, and took her to the hospital. Nina says, here? That’s awful. Sonny said, her. Was it a woman? He says, it was Ava, and she says, oh my God. He says, she’s in pretty bad shape, and Nina says she needs to be there for her. He says he’ll go with her, and they run out.

Forensics has gotten to the boathouse, and Elizabeth asks Mac, what’s going on? Why are the police here? Mac says, Ava Jerome was attacked tonight. She’s at the hospital. Nikolas says, oh my God, and Finn asks, how bad is it? Mac says, she’s in critical condition; her survival is uncertain. Olivia crosses herself, and by now, Victor and Spencer are there too. Nikolas says he has to get to his wife, but Mac says, hang on. The police are going to need statements from all of them. They’re still determining the time of the attack. They know it happened within the last two hours, and they’re going to need the whereabouts of everyone she was in contact with. We look down the line of possible suspects, although Mason and Austin aren’t among them.

Tomorrow, Brook tells Drew that they’ll think he has something to hide; Jordan asks why Nikolas is so resistant to providing answers; Josslyn tells Trina, something happened to Ava; and Sonny tells someone that neither of them is going to get what they want.

Below Deck Mediterranean

First thing in the morning, Tasha is texting her ex-boyfriend now boyfriend (I think), and Natalya tells Storm, last night was fun, but he got a little emo. She can’t be serious when she goes out. In Natalya’s interview, she says, Storm was a bit tragic last night, but she gets over things quickly. She thinks he’s caring and considerate, and wants to see where it goes. Captain Sandy calls for a preference sheet meeting. Primary Adam is a tech executive in NYC. Joining him is sister Jennifer, and they’re celebrating Adam’s 30th. They want to play with all the water toys, especially the slide, which the captain expects today with the provisions. Storm looks thrilled. Adam wants a water obstacle course for a friendly competition. Dave reads that they want a tasting menu of courses from around the world, and Captain Sandy says, it’s gonna be a fun charter. Storm tells the deck crew they have to move quickly, and Kyle and Natalya do their usual banter.

In the crew mess, Dave whines to Tasha that she couldn’t even look at him last night and it was awkward. She says she’s not ignoring him; she’s just struggling with the situation in her head. He tells her to do her job, and he’ll do his. She says, their jobs require them to work together, and he says he’s tired of pussyfooting around. No more. He’s not dwelling on this, and he deserves better than her. What they had is done. Captain Sandy comes in, and asks if she interrupted something. Should she leave? Tasha says, they were just talking work, but the captain says, clearly there’s tension. Just be patient with each other, focus on the job, and stay professional. In the captain’s interview, she says it’s not the first time she’s had a boatmance that went wrong. She wants her crew to feel supported, but to give them the space to work it out. She also wants them to understand she still has an expectation. When they step up those stairs, she needs to know they can remain professional.

Courtney is hoisted down in the tender, and in her interview, she says she hopes to get the hang of it, but for now, she’s not friends with this tender. You have to press buttons to go forward and reverse. Just f***ing put a throttle in there or something. It’s like patting your head and rubbing your stomach. In Captain Sandy’s interview, she says, the deck crew has found their groove, and having Courtney is a part of it. They have a rhythm; they’re crushing it. Kyle goes through the preference sheets looking at the photos, and in his interview, he says, this charter is going to test him. Provisions come in, and the slide is on its way. In Tasha’s interview, she’s excited about doing a wine pairing. It takes the service level up a few notches. Tasha texts her boyfriend, while Kyle and Natalya bicker about the laundry. The slide arrives, all 500 pounds of it, and the captain says, guest arrival is in 30 minutes. In Storm’s interview, he says he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. This is a disaster. Jason gives some suggestions about getting the slide on board, and in his interview, he says he’s not entirely green. His problem is in knowing when his input is welcome, and when he’s barking up the wrong tree. Storm radios Courtney and Dave for help. The get the slide into the tender, and Courtney drives it to the boat, then hooks the slide to the crane. In Mzi’s interview, he says, it’s good to see Courtney in her groove, but to be honest, he’s always impressed with her. Everyone gets ready for the guests.

Kyle says, for the first time he’s clammy, and they welcome the guests. In Kyle’s interview, he says, all men with beautiful smiles. Holy hell, Lord save me. There are fancy welcome drinks in pineapples, Tasha gives the tour, and the luggage is brought on board. Kyle toasts, here’s to the queers with the guests. Captain Sandy checks her weather screen, and sees no bumps on the horizon. In Storm’s interview, he says, all docking operations make him nervous at this point, and we flash back to the last one, which was not so good, but this time, all is well. Guest Frank chats up Kyle in the galley; then they move to flirting on deck. In his interview, Kyle says, there is a God. In Tasha’s interview, she says she’s going to let Kyle continue to flirt with Frank, but that’s as far as it can go. He needs to be careful. If the captain finds out, he could lose his job over this.

Anchor is dropped into the blue, blue water I long for, and Kyle flirts some more with Frank as he shakes martinis. In Kyle’s interview, he says, they are a professional team and have their limitations. One of those is, don’t get intimate with guests. He could possibly lose his job. A producer suggests he’s being unprofessional now, and he agrees. Fabulous food is made, and in Dave’s interview, he says, this is the hardest job he’s ever done because of the situation with Tasha. They weren’t dating, but it does feel like a break-up. It’s torture on a stick seeing her. He guesses he’s just going to hang in there. A guest says, the food is like art, and the deck crew gets ready to set up the slide. In Mzi’s interview, he says he just remembers the slide is horrible to deal with, and we flash back to that. He says, now it’s four new people who have never done this before, setting it up on a boat that’s never had a slide before. Tasha and her boyfriend text some more, and in her interview, she says, long distance relationships in yachting almost seem impossible. It’s very distracting. In Storm’s interview, he says, he wants people to understand he knows what he’s doing, but he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s never set up a slide before. He’s worked on expedition vessels, small sailing vessels, and charters. Fake it til you make it, baby.

At the table, guest Jennifer says, Frank and Kyle are going to be boyfriends, and she’s going to marry them. Frank says he needs a boyfriend, and I wonder where Kyle is. Captain Sandy tells the deck crew they’re doing a good job, and helps out with the slide. They need more slack, and Storm can’t undo Jason’s bowline, but Jason insists he did it right. Storm says he can’t stand this arguing, and in Jason’s interview, he says, Storm looks like an idiot. Jason goes over to undo the knot, and Storm suggests he tie it properly next time. Jason tells him, f*** off. In Storm’s interview, he says he doesn’t know what Jason tied, but it wasn’t a bowline. Then Jason swore at him. Don’t ever do that. Ever.

The guests discuss Iceland, and the verdict is, it’s all gay and vegan. They get wind of the slide being set up, and get ready for the water. Mzi tells Courtney, Jason told Storm to f*** off, and she says, Jason’s annoying. Kyle finds out Frank is 37, and asks what creams he’s using. In the galley, he tells Natalya, that’s maturity you want, and she says, you never know. He could be the love of Kyle’s life. The guests use the slide, and Tasha tells Dave that the wine-pairing is tonight. Dave is making pasta, and asks for her help. In Dave’s interview, he says he doesn’t know how Tasha thinks she’s doing wine pairing with a buffet. He’s doing street food. Give him a can of beer. Natalya asks if Storm’s up for a cuddle later, and he’s in. It’s been a sh*tty day. He tells her about Jason, and says, he’s out of control. In his interview, Storm says he’s changed his mind about Jason. Since he’s been put in this position, it’s been his biggest challenge as far as team management goes.

Kyle is on break, and the guests ask him to sit with him. He obliges, and asks for the gossip. In Natalya’s interview, she hints at once having had a quickie with a guest. In Jason’s interview, he says he can’t knowingly do something wrong if he knows a better, more efficient way to do it. He’s dealing with an imbecile. In Courtney’s interview, she says, it seems like Jason doesn’t really want to be here. You have to be a team player. Sometimes you don’t want to do sh*t, but you do it because it’s your f***ing job. They pull up the trampoline, and the wind picks up. Storm says they need a secondary line, and calls to Jason, who ignores him. Storm asks if Jason is f***ing kidding him. In his interview, Storm says, Jason’s been insubordinate to him. He guesses it’s up to him to find out what Jason’s good at and what motivates him. He’s still got a lot to learn with Jason.

Tasha goes over the menu with Kyle, and how she’s doing a wine pairing with the buffet. Captain Sandy calls Storm to the bridge, and asks if he knows what an anchor dragging looks like, showing him on the screen. She tells him, that’s what you’re watching for on anchor watch. In her interview, she says she sees bosun material in Storm. He’s great on deck and great with the clients. It’s important she teach him; she wants him to succeed. In Dave’s interview, he says, it’s an around the world dinner tonight, and he wants a street food vibe. Nice one bite wonder food. Dave does that smoke cloche thing for one of the courses, and in Tasha’s interview, she says, the guests’ reaction to the first wine pairing makes her want to keep it going throughout the dinner. She asks if Dave can send things out one at a time since the guests are enjoying the elegance, and he acts like he’s okay with that, but he’s not. In his interview, he says, it’s a huge change. They were doing a buffet, but now it’s a la carte, and going to effect the quality of his food. Tasha’s promised the guests, so it’s not ideal, but he’s sucking it up. The American sliders end up cold, and when Dave reheats them, they literally slide. He says, this is ridiculous. The wine pairing has slowed down service. He’s reheating most of the dishes and his burgers are f***ed. He complains to Tasha that it’s taking too long. A wine gets paired wrong, but the guests don’t notice, so who cares? Dave starts complaining and Tasha radios for help, but everyone else is sleeping. In Kyle’s interview, he says, the last thing you want is service that doesn’t seem seamless. This is poor planning. Tasha insists, it’s not her.

Next time, Kyle in spandex; a mini Olympics; Jason doesn’t respond to his radio; and Tasha’s boyfriend has issues about her working with Dave.

🎶 Over the Moon…

All of it.


The winners.


Best and worst moments.



The performances.


The fashion. You know you want it. Here are four ways to get it.


⚰️ The Alpha Of Alpha…

I did wonder why she found it crazy that Lydia believed in fairies. Why not? The dead are walking, for God’s sake. But my main question is, will Beta be in the mix? They owe me that one.

🐄 More Cowbell…

While I can’t promise blue skies tomorrow, I can promise soap, tea, and a little music. Until then, stay safe, stay rooting for the underdog, and stay knowing, human beings come with flaws, even parents, but that doesn’t mean they love us any less.

August 26, 2022 – Spencer Is Done With Nikolas, a Temp, Memories, Official, BH Clash, In the Book, Married, Renewed, Joining, Dead Spin, a Goodbye, Moonmen, 8 Great Quotes & Cruel


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Finn says, one blanket coming up, and walks in to find Elizabeth with his ringing phone in her hand.

Anna says she doesn’t remember the last time the Quartermaines hosted such a… Mac says, rabble? but she tells him, she was going to say event. He says, doesn’t she remember her wedding to Robert, with all the fancy hats that blocked out the sun? and she says, she remembers his girlfriend crashed the party. He says, Dominique always had a flair for the dramatic, when Lucy walks in with Felicia, and says, yes she did. Felicia hands Mac a drink, and says, he needs it more than she does. Anna asks, why? and Mac says, what’s wrong?

Britt asks Austin if she missed anything. Work was no picnic; pun intended. She wants to smack something around. Austin says, the next thing that gets smacked around is going to be her boy toy if he doesn’t stop flirting with his girlfriend. At the grill, Cody asks if Maxie wants some pork, and holds out a pork chop.

Inside, Victor wonders if Valentin brought a decent bottle of Bordeaux. Valentin pours a glass of wine, and says, if he brought a decent bottle of Bordeaux does Victor think he’d be drinking this plunk? The Quartermaines save the good stuff for themselves. He’s surprised to see Victor there. He looks a bit posh for a barbecue. Victor says he’s not there for the cuisine. Their family’s out of order, and Victor has to get them in line. He needs Valentin’s help.

Nikolas kisses Ava, but she breaks away, and says, it’s too late for words. It’s too late for kisses. It’s too late. He broke them the second he had sex with Esme. They see Spencer has walked in, and Nikolas says, Spencer… but Spencer says, don’t. What is Ava talking about? She says, he heard her. His father betrayed her with Spencer’s girlfriend.

Terry sits with her feet in the pool, and Yuri says, apologies. The bar is closed. Terry says, thanks for trying, and tells him, have a seat. He takes off his socks and shoes, and she says she hopes he didn’t mind leaving the party early. He says, the Quartermaines are busy, besides, she’s much better company. He sits next to her, and says, refreshing. She says, nice, huh?

Elizabeth says Finn will want to answer this, showing him the phone. Sarah’s on California time. It might be hard to connect if he doesn’t talk to her now. He takes the phone, and puts it down. He says he’d rather talk to her, and she says, enjoy the rest of his picnic. She starts to leave, and he says, please don’t walk away. Not now. Not like this. Don’t turn away from herself and whatever burden she’s carrying.

Maxie says she’s a vegetarian, and Cody asks if he has any takers. Austin steps up to the grill, and Britt says she didn’t know Cody was a grill master as well as a horse master. Cody says he’s really not, and Britt says she didn’t know he was capable of cooking something without burning it. Cody says he has to keep some secrets before date number two, and tells them that he needs to resupply. Maxie suggests Britt go with him, and Britt and Cody leave. Maxie asks if it’s burnt, and Austin says, it’s… this, indicating the pork chop She asks him to tell her the secret to a good pork chop, and he says, it’s the rub. Mason comes along, and says, nah. Any Gatlin worth his salt knows you can dress a barbecue up, but you won’t get what you want if you don’t turn up the heat.

Mac says, Dominique had a son, and he works for the Quartermaines? and Felicia says, so it would seem. Mac says, impossible. He would have known. Lucy says, what about Scotty? He should have known next. And what about her? She gave birth to Scotty and Dominique’s daughter after all. Anna says, she never gave any indication that she had a son? and Mac says, not once. Felicia says, it’s possible she kept the child a secret to protect him from her husband. Leopold Taub was a controlling monster; he even partnered with Faison. Anna says, a mother will go to any lengths to keep a child secret from an abuser, and Lucy says, you don’t realize who that child will turn out to be as an adult, which is precisely why she called Serena and told her not to come home anytime soon. She wants Serena to stay with her whales until they know more about this Cody person. Mac says, leave it to him, and Felicia follows him out. Lucy says she’s going to help, but Anna grabs her arm, and says she thinks they’ve got it. Besides, Lucy already has one man on her plate. Wait. Make that two.

Spencer says, Nikolas and Esme? but Nikolas says, it’s not the time or the place. Spencer says he’s not moving until Nikolas tells him everything, and Nikolas says, let’s talk about this later. Ava should have been more discreet. Ava says, don’t put this on her, and he says she knew Spencer was standing there. She says she doesn’t have eyes in the back of her head; do not make her the bad guy. They start screaming at each other, and Spencer yells, shut up! He needs to know. If this is just another one of Ava’s lies, that’s fine. Tell him. He knows what she is, and he knows who Nikolas is – his dad. Please… He starts to cry. Please say something. Nikolas says, it’s not a lie. He slept with Esme.

Cody says, it was right here, and Britt says, what? He says, the cooler, packed with burgers, hot dogs, ears of corn. Someone must have swiped it for one of the other grilling stations. She asks if this means his grilling duties are over, and he says, that’s up to Mama Q. She asks, he answers. She says she can’t see Olivia being okay with that nickname, but he says, she loves it. She knows it’s a term of affection. Does Britt have a nickname? She says she does. It’s definitely not a term of affection. He asks what her mother calls her, and she says, a disgrace, but Cody doesn’t believe it. He says, even when Obrecht was smacking him down, he could see her love for Britt. Britt says, mutter has gotten more sentimental these days, but she doesn’t want anyone to know. He says, all right. If she doesn’t want to share her mother’s nickname for her, what was her dad’s?

Maxie tells Mason, welcome. She didn’t think he was going to make it. Mason says he wouldn’t miss it. He needed to see how the other half grills. Besides, Cousin Austin insisted. He didn’t want Mason sitting around twiddling his thumbs. She asks if he’s an expert griller too, and he says, everyone in Pautuck is; some are better than others. He asks if Austin wants to flip over that chop, and Austin suggests Maxie take some food orders; see if her parents want something. Mason says, her parents are here? She should bring them over. He’d love to make their acquaintance.

Elizabeth says, Finn doesn’t know when to quit, does he? She told him… He says, if he brought up whatever’s troubling her again, they’d be over, and she says, so he brought it up with her sister instead? He tells her, he hasn’t said a word to Sarah, and she says, don’t argue semantics with her. He says he’d argue any point he could if he knew it meant helping her, and she says she never asked for his help. She never wanted it; she never needed it. She was just fine without it, but somehow he’s still meddling in her life.

Ava suggests Nikolas talk to his son in private. Here or at Windymere; she doesn’t care. She’s done. Nikolas says she should stay and watch the results of her ambush, but she says, he did this; no one else. He says, this is what she’s always wanted, to see his relationship with his son destroyed. It killed her to see them get close. She says, that’s absolutely not true, and he says, knowing she’d never get the chance to heal with Kiki the way he did with Spencer, but she’s the only one to blame for that. She smacks him across the face, and he says, the truth hurts, doesn’t it? She says, ask his son, and walks out.

Lucy says she agreed to make certain inquiries, so Marty wouldn’t ping on the government’s radar, and Anna says, or more important, his third ex-wife. Lucy says, this is going beyond the pale, but Anna says, not for Lucy. She could lead a master class extract secrets out of people. Lucy says, the old her, not now, and Anna says she’s not asking Lucy to do anything she wouldn’t do. She’s just asking Lucy to exploit the attention that Victor can’t wait to lavish on her. Just shake the tree until information about Valentin comes loose. Lucy asks, what makes Anna so sure she can get Victor to let his guard down? and Anna asks if Lucy has seen the way Victor looks at he. Lucy has the necessary assets to be her asset. Lucy says, nope. Flattery isn’t going to get her anywhere. Anna says, let’s hope for Marty’s sake she’s wrong.

Victor tells Valentin, he’s not asking for much; just another pair of eyes on a developing situation in Nikolas’s family. Valentin says, Nikolas, Ava, and Spencer all loathe him with varying degrees of justification, and Victor says he can’t do everything himself. It’s time his son stepped up and did his duty. If not for him, then for Valentin’s daughter. Valentin says, they agreed to leave his daughter out of this, and Victor says, her temporary stay in that boarding school could easily become permanent. Valentin says, you bastard, when Lucy walks in and asks if she’s interrupting.

Spencer asks Nikolas to please tell him this didn’t happen. He doesn’t understand. Nikolas says, of course (🍷) he doesn’t. Ava vomited that all up… Spencer says, she didn’t know he’d be here. She didn’t know he was standing right behind her. Nikolas says, Spencer doesn’t know that; he doesn’t know that. Never credit or defend Ava; she’s capable of anything. Spencer says, so is Nikolas. When did it start? How long have he and Esme been going at it? Nikolas says, just one time in May. They never repeated it. It was a mistake. Spencer says, Nikolas slept with his girlfriend, and Nikolas tells him, she said they’d broken up. Spencer asks if Nikolas is trying to justify this, but Nikolas says he’s just trying to explain. Spencer says he had his reasons. He had to keep Esme close because he was trying to help Trina. Nikolas says he knows that now; he didn’t know it then. All he knew is Spencer accepted Ava’s offer and took his inheritance over him. Spencer says, is that what this is about? Revenge? Nikolas says, no. He didn’t want to hurt Spencer. Spencer says, it may have actually meant something if Nikolas tried to hurt him, but they’re in the same place they’ve found themselves time and time again. Nikolas didn’t think. He didn’t think about Spencer at all.

Finn tells Elizabeth, he’s in the wrong. She asked him to honor her wishes, and obviously he didn’t. He’s sorry, but the truth is, she’s not the only one he’s concerned about. He’s worried about Violet. She says, how so? and he says, Violet loves Elizabeth and her cousins. When they’re all together, it’s all she talks about for days. Elizabeth makes her so happy. She brings light into Violet’s life, but less so lately. He knows the handling of her health is her decision alone, but he has a decision to make too, and he doesn’t know how to ignore the clear signs that she’s in some sort of distress. She says, it’s her distress, her burden, not his, and he sits. She says, what? and he says, at least they’re finally getting somewhere. She finally admitted she has a burden.

Terry says, Yuri worked for the Quartermaines as a bodyguard. Was it dangerous? He tells her, more, how you say… frustrateous? She says, frustrating, and he says, that. She says, from what she’s heard about the Quartermaines, she’s not surprised. Although she likes and respects Monica. He says, him too, and she says, it looks like they have something in common. She plays with her necklace, and he says, pretty. She thanks him, and says, it was a gift. He says, from a special someone? and she says, her mother. There’s no special someone in her life right now. He says, this is crime.

Austin tells Mason, Maxie’s dad is a cop. He’s Chief of Detectives at the PCPD. Mason says, if there’s any trouble, Austin only has himself to blame. He has obligations to fulfill. To whom much is given, much is required. Austin says, thanks for that, fortune cookie. His dept is repaid. Mason says, his creditors disagree. Ingratitude isn’t a good look on him. He doesn’t think Maxie would find it attractive. Austin says, leave Maxie out of this, and Mason says, he’s the one who brought her up. Or her father, or rather her Chief of Detectives father. He only wants what’s good for Austin. Austin says, the feeling’s mutual, and grabs Mason’s head with both hands, and says, that’s why he’s only going to say this one time. Leave Maxie and her family out of this, or the pain Mason is feeling right now will not be fleeting.

Anna says, she hates being lied to, but Valentin says he’s not lying. She tosses a cornhole sack, and we see his head popping out of the hole, like Whack-a-Mole. It hits him, and he says, ouch. She says, it didn’t look like it hurt quite enough. She’s trying again. Stay still. She hits him with another sack, and he says, ouch. She says, yes, and Maxie joins her. Maxie says, looks like fun, and Anna says, yeah. She gets a sack into the hole, and says, that’ll do.

Lucy says she’s so sorry. She certainly didn’t mean to interrupt a family moment. Victor says, it’s all sorted, and Valentin says, it isn’t, but Victor asks what he can do for her. She says she’s looking for… She sees a jar on the counter, and says, pickles. Outside, gherkins, gherkins everywhere, and not a dill to eat. He says, here you are, sliding the jar over, but slides it back when she reaches for it. She says, he’s playing with her, and he asks how he can resist. Valentin says, will he give the woman her pickles? He’ll see her for s’mores. Victor gives her the jar, but says, no need to rush away, and Valentin says, Martin Grey is probably looking for her. Victor remembers Martin, doesn’t he? Lucy’s boyfriend?

Britt says, back to her father. Surprise, surprise. Cody says, it was an innocent question, and she says he knows she doesn’t like talking about him. Cody says, he thought the boundaries were the Dr. Evil stuff. He didn’t realize, and wasn’t aware, her father was entirely off limits. She says, he’s aware now, and he says, okay, no dad talk. What about her brother? She says, Peter? and Cody says, is he out of bounds, or should they just avoid her whole family and stick with his? She says, good idea, when Felicia and Mac come alone. Felicia says, they’re sorry to interrupt. They’re looking for someone. Mac says he thinks they found him.

Maxie gets her toss in the hole, and Anna says, she’s a natural. Maxie is a natural leader as well. She never said congratulations yet about Deception’s IPO. Maxie thanks her, and says, it was a lot of work, but it helps to have a great team behind you. Anna says, including Valentin? and Maxie says, shockingly. He was a little more involved than she would have liked at the beginning, but he had some great ideas. He’s has been quiet lately. Anna says she noticed that too. She thinks he’s still convalescing from the injury he had a few months ago, and Maxie says, sometimes she thinks he still hasn’t recovered. It’s like his mind is someplace else. With Anna? Anna says, maybe, and Maxie says, what is she doing? She’s supposed to be taking orders. Has Anna seen her mom and dad? Anna says she hasn’t seen them in a while, but there here somewhere, and Maxie asks if she’d like something, but Anna says, she can’t eat when she’s thinking.

Lucy says, it’s the darndest thing. Martin is still out of town. Victor asks if he’s left Lucy unattended again. The man should be tarred and feathered. There is a solution though; allow him. Lucy says she was one leg short for the three-legged race, and he says, all his legs are at her service. Valentin says he’s been trying to reach Martin. Where is her one and only? She says, his mother. He’s so busy taking care of her, he’s had no time to answer her calls or texts. Victor says, a woman of advanced age does need a lot of attention. A dutiful son can be away for some time. Valentin says, he should be back soon, and Lucy tries to open the pickles, but she’s unsuccessful. She says she can’t get this lid unscrewed. Valentin snaps a picture on his phone, and says, if Martin can’t be reached, he’s sure this message will get his attention.

Cody asks if he knows Mac, and Mac says, not exactly. Felicia asks if he’s Cody Bell, and he says he is. She introduces herself and Mac, and Cody says, they’re Maxie’s parents. Nice to meet them. She’s great; he loves that girl. Did they hear about him through Maxie, or… Britt says, don’t be modest. Mac is Chief of Detectives. She’s sure his cops told him how they arrested Cody. Felicia says, to be honest, they only just heard about him, and came right over to meet him. Cody says, why is that? and Felicia looks at Mac. He doesn’t say anything, and she says, they knew Cody’s mother.

Austin keeps his grip on Mason’s head, and says, hurts, right? That’s the parotid nerve. It’s super sensitive nerve, and it hurts even more if you press on it like this. He presses Mason’s head down, and Mason says, let him go. Austin says, he’ll let Mason go as soon as he feels like they they’re understanding one another. Mason says, he can live with the pain – he grabs a knife from the cutting board – but can Austin live with a nicked artery? Austin lets go, and Mason says, blood or no blood, when he calls, Austin will answer, and it will be, yes, sir, and, thank you, sir, when he gives Austin instructions. Got it? Ava comes along, and says, loud and clear.

Nikolas says he knows sleeping with Esme was wrong, and Spencer says, Captain Obvious did it occur to him, not owning up to the truth was also wrong? Nikolas asks, what would be the point in telling Spencer? and Spencer says, not lying would have been the point, but Nikolas says he was more concerned with not hurting Spencer. And it didn’t matter to Esme. Spencer says he knows Nikolas didn’t do this on his own. Esme’s just as responsible. Nikolas says, that’s not what he’s saying. It shouldn’t have happened. Spencer says, he’d really like it if Nikolas would start calling it what it is. It is a betrayal, and there have been so many, including the years Nikolas let Spencer believe he was dead. He’s sick. Nikolas says he’ll never forgive himself for that, but how does sleeping with Esme compare to that? Spencer told Nikolas himself that he was just using her to get Trina out of prison. Spencer says, that is the worst part. Because he stopped loving Esme. She didn’t matter to him, but Nikolas did. He loved Nikolas. Nikolas was his dad and meant everything to him. No longer.

Finn tells Elizabeth, now is the time to get out in front of this thing before it digs in any deeper, before it harms her or someone else. She asks if he’s suggesting she’d hurt someone like she did Chase, and he says, not intentionally, but it’s clear to him that she has a problem. And despite all the denials, he thinks it’s clear to her too. Does she think maybe it’s clear to her boys? How does she think it is for them, seeing their mom struggling, and they can’t help her and don’t know how? And what’s going to happen if they reach out to somebody she doesn’t want them too, like her father? She says, don’t talk about her father. Why can’t he just leave her alone? He says, because he’s been there. He’s been in denial; he’s an addict. He’d probably be dead right now if certain people hadn’t fought through his lies and helped him. That’s why he can’t turn a blind eye when he sees someone in pain. What’s the point of being a doctor? She says, he’s not her doctor. He’s not her anything. She runs out, and he calls after her.  

Elizabeth comes out of the woods, and feels her head. She sees blood on her hands. She hears Finn’s words about her boys, and him asking, what if they reach out to her father? She flashes back to being at the top of the stairs with someone, and saying, don’t talk about my father. The woman asks what she’s doing; they probably don’t want her involved. Elizabeth says, don’t talk about her father. You’ll see what happens if you do. She keeps walking, then stops and looks back.

Cody asks how they knew his mother, and Felicia says, she didn’t know Dominique well, but Mac… Mac says, he and Dominique were friends. He met her when she was married to Cody’s father. Cody says, Mac has his deepest sympathies. From what he’s heard, Leopold Taub was a real piece of work. Mac says, no doubt about that, and Cody promises he’s nothing like that guy, at least as far as he knows, He’s definitely not in a criminal cartel, trying to hold Port Charles hostage. Mac says he doesn’t see a bit of Taub in Cody; plenty of Dominique though. She was a good person. Cody tells him, if you say so, and Mac says he does. Felicia says she’s starving, and suggests they rustle up some ribs. Cody says, the barbecue by the boathouse is out of supplies, so they’ll have to hit up another one. He asks if he can interest Britt in a beer inside, and she guesses it woudn’t hurt. He says, it never does, and tells Mac and Felicia, nice meeting them. Felicia says, him too, and Britt and Cody go into the stable. Cody says, weird guy. Outside, Felicia asks if Mac is okay, and Mac says, why wouldn’t he be? She says, he just lied to Cody.

As she plays with her necklace, Terry tells Yuri, a crystal’s a symbol of transformation. Her mother says, it’s a reminder that change is ongoing. We’re always creating or discovering new parts of ourselves. Sometimes change is big and visible, and sometimes you have to look closely to find it. He says, this crystal is helpful to her? and she says, yes. The clasp is loose, and she needs a new chain, because every time she plays with it – the chain opens and the necklace falls in the water – that happens. Yuri dives in.

Lucy says, Valentin doesn’t have to send Victor those pictures. In fact, she bets she could get ahold of him right now, and make sure he contacts Valentin immediately. As for Victor, she’s so sorry. She just remembered she has to meet Brook, but she sure hopes they can do this again sometime maybe. He holds a pickle spear out to her, and says, no maybe about it. She takes her pickle, thanks him, and leaves. Valentin says, Victor always wants what he can’t have, and Victor says he gets what he wants. It just takes a little patience. But rather than concerning himself with Victor’s personal affairs, perhaps Valentin should focus on his own. Or is Anna proving too hard to handle?

Ava says, good evening, as she walks closer, and Mason puts the knife back. She says, is everything okay here? Mason says, he and Austin were just arguing the merits of medium rare versus well done. She asks what they decided, and Austin says, well done. She says she came out to find a refill, but it looks like she’s out of luck. She looks at them weird, and says, so carry on, gentlemen. She leaves, and Mason starts to follow, but Austin says, don’t even worry about her. Mason says he doesn’t worry, and leaves. Austin follows. I actually get confused for a moment, thinking, aren’t Ava and Austin good friends? But that was Ava and Todd. I mean, Franco.

Nikolas says, Spencer doesn’t mean that. They’ve come too far to let their relationship go. Spencer says, everything he’s done since he came home was to bring them closer; every gamble, every stupid mistake, every act of contrition. All to get his dad back. And for every step he took closer to Nikolas, Nikolas took two steps backwards. There’s no closing that gap now. He thought he knew who Nikolas was, but he doesn’t. He’s done with Nikolas. He walks out.

Mac asks how he lied to Cody, and Felicia says she’s not sure the word friend accurately captures Mac’s relationship with Dominique. He says, ancient history. They guy obviously has mother issues he needs to work out. There’s no reason to add one more thing to his list.

Cody hands Britt a beer, and says, where were they? Oh yeah. She was about to tell him about her brother. She says, no. He was about to ask her if he was allowed to ask about Peter. He says, is he? and she says, stick to your favorite color crayon, worst remake, best Toto song. He says, burnt sienna, he never watches remakes and never will, and Rosanna. She says, Africa, and he says, too obvious. And how is it fair her brother is off-limits, just like when he brings up any of her other family members? She says she thinks about Peter and Faison nearly every day, and talking about them only makes it worse. He takes her beer, and puts it on the table with his, and says, fine. Enough talking. He moves closer to her.

Lucy finds Anna, and Anna asks how it went with Victor. Lucy says, Victor fell for her, hook, line, and pickles, but Valentin was there, so there wasn’t anything of interested revealed. But there’s a heck of a lot of tension between father and son. Anna asks, how so? and Lucy says, she would recognize a thwarted and disgruntled Valentin, but it wasn’t just that. Valentin was going for the jugular when she interrupted them. So her sense is, big daddy has Valentin on a very short leash, and that leash is beginning to chafe. She takes a bite of her pickle, and walks off.

Victor says, he’s noticed Valentin and Anna have become close since Valentin’s return from Tahiti. Has it clouded Valentin’s judgement? Valentin says, he told Victor, he has Anna well in hand, and Victor says, with a little cultivation, he’ll have the lovely Lucy in his hand soon. So a be chum, and delete that photo. Valentin says, yes, father, and does. Victor says, Charlotte would be proud, pats Valentin on the shoulder, and leaves.

Spencer chugs a beer, and goes into the cooler for another. Nikolas asks how much he’s had to drink, and Spencer gives him the standard answer, not nearly enough, but Nikolas says, he’s had plenty. He tries to take Spencer’s beer, and grabs him. Spencer says, let him go, and they struggle. Nikolas says, he’ll never let Spencer go, and Victor comes along, as Spencer breaks away. Spencer says, he’s let Nikolas go. He’s done his last good deed, and now Nikolas can go win Ava back, without even considering Spencer. Good luck. Spencer leaves, and Victor says, what the hell? What just happened? Nikolas says, Ava happened. Oh, I see. Nikolas has changed not-at-all, and is going to blame all his mistakes on Ava.

Mason walks through the boathouse, and says, he thought she came this way. Austin says, can’t he just let this go? but Mason says, she heard them. Austin says, she heard a family squabble, but Mason says, it was more than that. Austin says, Ava doesn’t know that, and Mason says, he can’t take the chance, and neither can Austin.

Yuri brings back Terry’s necklace, and sits next to her again. He says, it’s only water; it will dry. She laughs, and he says, wear it? She says, of course (🍷), and he puts it on her.

As Ava walks, we see someone take a pair gardening gloves, and  a hook is taken from a row of them. Ava says, to Windymere. Living there was nice while it lasted. Hook guy comes up behind her, and she says, if Scotty’s worth his fee, he’ll pry it from Nikolas before the divorce. To divorce. The hook comes down, Ava doubles over. She looks down to see it sticking out of her stomach.  

On Monday, Cody asks Britt, what’s so awful about them being into each other; Finn tells Elizabeth, don’t shut him out; Sonny tells Anna, he can neither confirm nor deny that; and Ava asks someone not to leave her.

😴 Ho-Hum…

Temp Michael is coming back. Again.

💖 Charming Remembrance…

She’s also celebrating her 45th GH Anniversary.

💑 She Likes Him…

I’m glad Sutton has found a man. He seems like a good match for her.

💎 A Feud In Them There Hills…

Diana needs to take a step back, and Garcelle needs her own show. Google me is one of the best things I’ve heard in a long time.


I actually don’t believe this, but then again, who knows?


☎️ Another Number…

I’m not sure why this isn’t in the Who Cares? file. It’s not like they were all kinkballs. At least I hope not.

👰🏻 Knot Officially Tied…

She finally did it. I wish them the best.


🐉 That Was Quick…

I’ll have to hurry up and watch this. The article also contains a recap video.

☠️ Oh Boys…

Another one I have yet to watch. Now there’s even more incentive.

⚰️ Spinning…

I see the both of them are also producers. Smart move.


🥀 Goodbye To a Peachy Guy…

He was one of those actors who was in everything too.


🎶 On Sunday…

I don’t know if this is everything you need to know, but it’s a lot.


📣 Quotes of the Week

Look around you. Everything changes. Everything on this earth is in a continuous state of evolving, refining, improving, adapting, enhancing and changing. You were not put on this earth to remain stagnant. – Steve Maraboli

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. – Frederick Douglass

I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.George Washington

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. – Søren Kierkegaard

I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature. – Paulo Coelho

The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state… Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are. – James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

My responsibility to myself, my neighbors, my family and the human family is to try to tell the truth. – Toni Cade Bambara

We were good before things went bad. – Silas Clay (Michael Easton, 2013-1015), General Hospital

🏃🏽‍♀️ Never Gonna Break My Stride…

Time to kick back and fill your head with good things. Take in some nature. Or if you’re a rural dweller, take in some concrete. Inviting both city and country mice to join me on Monday for some soap and what’s on Deck in the Med. Until then, stay safe, stay not limiting your friendships to those who think like you, and stay not keeping all the good stuff for yourself.

August 23, 2022 – The Quartermaine Picnic Commences, a Thought, Long Awaited Return, Wish Come True, She Hates It, New Wife, Tales Talk, Who’s Worthy & Virtual


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Willow suggests she and Michael sit on the couch. She takes his hand, and he says, she knows she can tell him anything. Whatever it is, they’ll figure it out together. She says she doesn’t know if they can this time, and he says, sounds serious. He sees Sonny on the terrace, and jumps up. He whips open the door, and tells Sonny that he’s not welcome here.

Carly asks how Drew got roped into grilling, and he says, all the Q’s are doing their part. He’s trying to help out GH, and it just so happens he’s a grill master. Carly says, show her what he’s got, and he says, prepare to be amazed, clicking his tongs.

Jordan tells Marshall that he bears no responsibility for Tommy’s death. He wasn’t there. Tommy barely had any memories of Marshall; he thought Marshall died when he was a child. Marshall says, maybe if he’d stayed, he could have prepared Tommy for what was to come. If he had more courage, Tommy might still be alive.

Walking into the picnic, Nikolas says, they could sell this better if Ava would just smile a little bit. She says, never tell a woman to smile (thank you), and he says, even if it keeps that woman out of prison? She doesn’t want any suspicion coming her way if Esme’s body turns up. She says, he’s the one causing suspicion, and he says, he’s trying to save her, so play nice and let him. She says she didn’t ask for his help, when Olivia comes by, and tells them, this is a party. Kindly take their fighting somewhere else.

Leo stirs his concoction, and says, amore… amore. Dante comes in, and asks what he’s doing, and Leo says he’s helping. Sam comes in the other door, and she and Dante smile at each other.

Brook thanks Chase for coming, and he thanks her for inviting him. She tells him, what can she say? He’s her favorite client. He says he’s her only client, and also co-conspirator, and she says, nothing solidifies relationships like a mutually beneficial scheme. He says he’s glad she sees it that way. He could really use her help.

Curtis tells Portia, God knows he loves her. He loves her kindness, her selflessness… He loves the way she loves family. TJ sees what’s going on, and takes out his phone to film it. Curtis says he loves Portia’s dimple, especially when she’s laughing at his bad jokes. He loves the way she supports, encourages, and brings out the best in him. And when he thinks about his future, he sees her right there by his side, and he wants them to spend forever together. Will she marry him?

Sonny tells Michael, he’s supposed to be here. He’s one of the largest donors to the children’s wing. Michael says, of course (🍷) he’d be invited. He just thought Sonny would have the sense to stay home. Sonny says, Michael doesn’t have to worry about Nina. She didn’t want to come; she didn’t want to cause any trouble. Michael says, that’s a first, and Sonny says, it’s obvious Michael doesn’t like Nina, but he won’t tolerate Michael disrespecting her. Michael says, but he’ll tolerate Nina disrespecting their entire family. He doesn’t have time for this. He slams the door, and starts to go back to Willow, but Sonny busts back in. Sonny says, let him tell Michael something. If he ever does that again, it will be the last time he closes a door.

Sam says hi to Leo, and tells Dante that she came to see if Olivia needed any help. He says, she just missed Olivia, but he’s heading out to the grill to give Drew a break. Does she want to come with him? She says she’s going to check on Scout, but she’s glad he has everything under control. She jets, and Dante says, never mind. Leo asks if Sam is mad at him, and he says, seems like it, right? Leo says, don’t worry. She won’t be soon. Dante thanks him, and tells him not to hang out in here too long. Go outside and play a little bit. Leo says he will, and Dante leaves. Leo goes back to mixing, and says, amore. He stirs the mixture with a carnation, and repeats, amore.

Ava apologizes to Olivia, and says, it’s a party, right? And an important fundraiser too. Nikolas says, it’s very generous of the Quartermaines to throw this benefit for the GH Children’s Wing. His mom sends her regards. She wishes she could be here. Olivia says, that’s sweet of her, and asks how Grandma Lesley is doing. He says, she and Marcello are still recovering from the fire, but they are honing in on a place in town. They’ll probably be moving in soon, but his mother will probably stay there until they’re completely settled. Olivia says, as any good daughter should. Tell her that they’ll miss her today, and about before, forget it. She understands couples need to squabble, even at the most inopportune moments. She moves on, and Ava says, he almost got them caught, but he says, she was the one raising her voice. She says he’s the one who brought up the topic in public. She doesn’t need his help. He says he didn’t ask to be dragged into this, but it’s too late now, and she says, poor darling. It’s never too late.

Brook says, Chase needs her help? 100%. Anything. She’s his girl. He says, anything? and she laughs. He says he needs a partner for the three-legged race. It’s kind of his jam… Not to brag. She says she didn’t take it that way, and he says he knows it’s silly, but it’s something he always used to crush when he was a cop at the department picnics. She says, she’ll do it, and he says, that’s really great, and thanks her. Yuri comes by with a covered dish, and says, Mr. Chase and Miss Brook Lynn; you’re still together. Brook says, they’re not together together. It’s so good to see him. Chase asks what he has there, and Yuri says, it’s a native dish from Belarus, and Brook says, yum. She suggests the find a platter and put it out. As they leave, Chase says, don’t be late. He’s counting on her.

Jordan assures Marshall that his being gone had nothing to do with Tommy’s death, but he says, she doesn’t know the whole story. Has TJ told her about his medical condition? She says, no. TJ respects Marshall’s privacy, and so does she. Don’t feel he owes her an explanation. He says, that’s all right; he wants to. They sit, and he says he’s been ashamed of his medical condition for way too long, and he’s not giving it power over him anymore. The reason he left his family is because he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She says, he was afraid he’d bring harm to them? and he says, harm, shame, the whole stigma. Folks understand a lot more about mental illness now than they did back in the day. He was so afraid of the diagnosis, he left his family. He got treatment; it’s under control now. She says, that was very brave. She’s sorry he lost so much time with his family, and she’s glad he’s back in their lives. She knows TJ is glad. He says, all that is a dream come true, but he feels he still may have brought harm to his sons. She asks, how so? and he says, schizophrenia can be passed down genetically, and TJ and Shawn told him that Tommy wasn’t in his right mind when he was killed. She says, so he thinks Tommy may have been having an episode of some sort? and he says, yeah. He tears up, and says he wishes he was with his boy when he was going through those struggles. He’s not trying to overstep here, but can she tell him what her marriage to Tommy was like? Thinking back, did she see any signs?

Portia tells Curtis, she doesn’t know what to say. This is the last thing she expected. He says, you know it’s right when you’re staring at your forever love every morning, and can’t wait for another day. TJ continues to film, and she says she loves Curtis so much. They fit so well together. She could only focus on Trina, and loading herself up with work. She forgot to even think about what she wanted out of life. Then he came back into it, and the clouds opened up, and all these possibilities are available to her now; love and happiness and security. He’s given all of those things to her, and that’s what she wants for them; she wants it forever. All this time, he’s been holding this ring up, and probably treading water, and he asks, is that a yes? She says, yes. She’s going to marry him. He puts the ring on her, and there’s applause from the people who have shown up out of nowhere. They kiss, and there’s more applause.

TJ congratulates Curtis and Portia, and says he wishes the best for both of them. Portia thanks him, and Curtis says he appreciates it. He’s glad TJ could be a part of this. TJ says, actually, he’s meeting mom for lunch, so he’d better get back to his table. He congratulates them again, and leaves. Portia asks how long Curtis has been planning this, and he says, for months, but he wanted to wait until the situation with Trina was settled. She says, they have had their plate full, but all things are better now; better than she could have hoped. She looks at her ring and squeals. She says she can’t believe he proposed in front of all these people, and he says he had his eyes on her and her alone, but now he can’t wait to tell the world that she agreed to be his pretty wife. She says, they have to tell Trina. She has plans right now, but she’s going to be so excited. He says, they’ll tell her tonight, and if she comes home late, they’ll tell her tomorrow. Or they’ll tell her whenever because they’re going to be together… She says, for the rest of their lives, and they kiss.

Jordan tells Marshall, she’s dealt with people who have schizophrenia in the field. She knows enough about the symptoms to have a rudimentary understanding of the illness. Looking back on their marriage, she can’t say she observed any signs of schizophrenia in Tommy. He asks if she’s certain, and she says, Tommy was suffering from PTSD at the time of his death. What pushed him over the edge was her infidelity, and discovering TJ was not his biological son. If anyone’s to blame, it’s her. She’s truly sorry for the part she played in Tommy’s death, but it’s her cross to bear, not Marshall’s. She gets up, and he says, you can’t go to heaven dragging hell along with you. He guesses that’s the title of the composition he’s been writing his whole life, watching himself and other people play all the notes, trying to distract from the pain and sorrow… insecurities. Except they’re just dragging along the same torment they’re running from, compounding it. Look at him. He dragged around fear, pain, and guilt for nearly a lifetime. It wasn’t until he set them down that he got free, and he was able to come here to Port Charles, and find and discover everything he lost. Blaming herself won’t bring Tommy back, and Lord knows he’s in no position to judge her. He’s still struggling. And that’s why he forgives her. She tears up, and asks, how can he? He says he’s not going to pretend he wasn’t angry when he heard what happened between her, Tommy, and Shawn, but in life you got all these unexpected blue notes. To tell her the truth, on one level, he was kind of relieved that he couldn’t have passed down his disease to TJ; he was spared. Ain’t nothing about this going to change his feelings for TJ; not one bit. He couldn’t love TJ more if TJ were his own flesh and blood. She says, TJ loves his grandpa too. She’s glad they finally met, and he says he is too, shaking her hand. He puts his other hand on top of hers, and says, maybe now she’s going to lay that burden down.

Drew tells Carly, with grilling, timing is everything, when Dante appears, and says he’s here to relieve Drew of his grilling duties. At least temporarily; don’t go too far. Carly says, Drew is going to have to relinquish his mighty tongs, and Drew says, with an apron like that, he thinks the grill is in good hands. Dante takes over, and Drew asks if Carly wants to go for a walk. Maybe they could play some games. They can still sign up for the three-legged race. She says she hasn’t played that in so long, and he says, all the more reason to do it. They make a great team. I have never once participated in a three-legged race. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen one IRL.

Willow says, Michael has every right to his feelings about his father and Nina, but this picnic is to benefit the Children’s Wing at GH. Sonny’s here to support that cause, so today is about charity and gratitude. Just for today, why don’t they put their personal issues aside? Michael says, okay, and Sonny says, have fun at the picnic. He leaves, and Willow asks if Michael is okay. He says, she’s really incredible. With everything going on, she’s the only one who can keep him grounded. She tells him, never underestimate himself. He can pull himself back from the brink without her. He says, he’s so much stronger with her by his side. She means everything to him, and he doesn’t know what he’d do without her. They hug, and he says he’s sorry. She wanted to tell him something. She says, it can wait; he just had a run-in with his father. He says he’s over it. He wants to know what’s on her mind. Olivia comes in with Wiley, and says, somebody is asking for mommy and daddy. Wiley asks if they can play a game, and Willow says, absolutely. Olivia tells them to get out there and have fun, and leaves. Willow says, Michael heard Olivia. She wants to get out there and spend the day with her two favorite people. Wiley says, him too, and they leave. Ava walks in, and I’m guessing she was listening.

Jordan meets TJ, and says she just had a wonderful conversation with his grandfather. He says he’d love to hear all about it, but first he has to tell her something. Portia and Curtis are here. She says, okay. It’s fine if he wants to ask them to join them. He says, it’s not that. Curtis proposed to Portia, and she said yes. Jordan says she guesses she should have expected it. They did just buy that house together. He says he knows, but it’s still a bit of a shock. Is she okay?

Sitting at one of the tables, Portia tells Curtis, life sure does change on a dime, doesn’t it? and I wonder, what does that even mean? She says, just the other day, things were as bleak as they ever could have been. Trina’s future was up in the air; the only man who could exonerate her was in a coma. He says, but they got through it together, and she says, yes they did. And now Trina’s future is clear. She can do whatever she wants with her life. And their future is as bright as this diamond. Soon, he’s going to be her husband. He says, how soon? and she says, not soon enough. They kiss, and Jordan approaches the table.

Ned says, they’re down to the final two teams. Number one: Carly Corinthos and Drew Cain. Carly and Drew flex their muscles, and Ned says, and team number two: Brook Lynn Quartermaine and Harrison Chase. Brook and Chase fist bump, and Ned says, on your marks. The teams wrap their legs for the three-legged race, and Chase puts his arm around Brook’s waist.

Sonny comes in to find Ava on the couch eating something. She asks if Nina is with him, but he says, no. She says, Nina didn’t want stir pot; that’s wise. She asks if Avery is having a good time, and he says, she’s having a blast. She’s getting her face all painted. Ava says, that’s so cute; she loves that. He says he’ll see her, but she says, don’t go. Keep her company for a minute. She wanted to thank him again for helping Trina. He says he did it for Trina, and she says, still, she appreciates it. He says, there’s been no justice for Josslyn and Cameron. It’s too bad Esme left town. She says, rats. They know when to jump ship, don’t they? He says he heard she posted something on social media from the south of France, which is surprising since Ava said she’d never be found. Ava says, she was wrong. It happens from time to time. He says, it seems like an amateur move for Esme. Maybe Ava could shed some light… Nikolas comes in, and says, that’s enough, and Sonny asks what he means. He was just talking to Ava. Nikolas says, Ava doesn’t know anything about Esme. Leave her alone. Sonny says, or what?

Chase and Brook take a tumble, Chase falling on top of her. Carly and Drew win the race.

Jordan says she’s sorry to interrupt their celebration, but TJ just told her the good news. Congratulations to them both. They thank her, and she asks to see the ring. Portia shows her, and Jordan says, it’s beautiful. She’s very happy for them. Portia says, that means so much to her, and they hug. Portia says she’s going to give them a second, and excuses herself. Curtis asks if Jordan is really that happy for them (which is kind of insulting), and she says, all she’s ever wanted is for him to be happy. He says he wants the same for her, and she says she’s trying to learn to lay down her burdens, so she can move on, just like he has. His dad is back in his life, and he has a new beginning with Portia. She truly wishes them the best of everything. He says, she’s a class act, and he really appreciates everything she’s done for Portia, Trina, and him. She says, her job is to stop injustice. She’s just trying to keep her promise to the people of this city. He says, sometimes the job entails testing the boundaries, and she flashes back to stopping the elevator. He says, he appreciates her discretion, and she says, if he’s referring to Oz Haggerty’s recovery, and the circumstances that allowed it to happen… He says he is, and she says, then there’s something she has to say about that.

Chase helps Brook up, and she says she’s so sorry. She’s such a klutz. He says, that’s okay. He’s in the mood for something cold. He wanders off.

Drew tells Carly, first cornhole, now the three-legged race. Look out tug-of-war; we’re unstoppable. They high-five, and he asks if she’s thirsty. She says she is, and he goes to get her something to drink. Brook tells Carly, congratulations. She and Drew make a great team. Carly says, they do.

Nikolas says, stay away from his wife, and Sonny says, don’t take another step. He doesn’t need Nikolas’s permission to talk to Ava or anybody else. It’s none of his business; stay out of it. Nikolas says he’s not one of Sonny’s minions that he can order around. If Sonny doesn’t stay away from his wife, there will be consequences. Ava says, Nikolas is overreacting, and Sonny says he’ll tell Nikolas what he told Nikolas’s uncle – take your best shot, and we’ll see what happens. Ava takes Nikolas’s hand, and asks Sonny to excuse them. She pulls Nikolas outside, and he asks, what the hell was that? She says, her sentiments exactly. Why is he provoking Sonny? He says, Sonny was the one who was way out of line, not him, and she says, she can handle Sonny. She’s been dealing with him for years. He says he’s her husband. It’s his job to defend her. She says, it was his job to be faithful, and he couldn’t manage that. So let’s drop the pretense. This was more about Nikolas and his issues with Sonny than Nikolas coming to her rescue. He says he’ll always come to her rescue, no matter how hard she pushes him away. He knows he messed up, but he loves her, and will always be there for her.

Terry and Willow watch Michael with Wiley, and Willow says she doesn’t think Wiley quite gets the concept of the egg and spoon race.  Terry says, Michael seems like a very patient teacher, and Willow says, he’s the best dad. Terry says she spoke to Britt, and Britt told her that Willow had an appointment. Willow says she’s going to postpone treatment until she’s in her second trimester. It’s just a few more weeks. She just… She can’t lose another baby. She knows Terry probably doesn’t approve, but Terry says, if it’s the right choice for Willow, she supports it. Willow says, it is; thanks. They watch Wiley and laugh, and Terry says she takes it Willow hasn’t told her family yet. Willow says, she decided to wait until she starts treatment, and Terry says she’s still going to suggest Willow tell her family, especially since she decided postpone treatment. Willow says, if she tells Michael, he’ll try to convince her to get treatment immediately. She doesn’t want to fight with him for the next few weeks. They just finished one big battle; she wants to enjoy this time. Terry says, there is a lot of research showing patients benefit from a strong support system, but Willow says she’s made her choice. She’s not ruining the next few weeks they have left with fighting and tears. What they have right now is what it’s all about. Her decision is the best choice for her family.

Olivia goes to the nook, where Leo is with a tray of Solo cups, and she says, he poured lemonade for the guests? That is so thoughtful. She thanks him for helping her today, and he says she’s welcome. She always helps him; now it’s his turn to help somebody else. She says, that’s so sweet, and hugs him. She tells him, keep up the good work; she loves him. She leaves, and he pours his concoction into two of the cups.

Brook brings Carly into the stables, and says, it’s just the two of them. Be honest. Are her and Drew a thing? Carly says, is she kidding? Olivia asked her the same thing, and she’s going to tell Brook what she told Olivia; she and Drew are just friends. Brook says she’s got that, especially how they were just all over each other. Carly asks what she’s talking about, and Brook says she gets it. It’s complicated. Carly and her family have a long not-so peachy history. And he’s Jason’s twin and Sam’s ex, but the two of them have some serious chemistry. Carly should go for it. Carly says, like Brook is going for it with Chase? Anyone with eyes could see how they look at each other. Brook says, Chase is her client. There can’t be anything between them. Carly says, but Brook wants there to be, right? Brook says, it doesn’t matter. Carly is changing the subject; they were talking about her and Drew. Carly says she’s going to talk to Drew before people get the wrong idea, and starts to leave, but Brook grabs her arm, and says, are they though? Speaking to Drew is a good idea, because from what she’s observed, there are some real feelings growing. Deal with it now before the situation gets all muddled and hopelessly mired with mixed signals and regrets because you were just too afraid, or it took too long to have that conversation. Carly says, that’s some really great advice. Maybe Brook should take it. She leaves.

Leo sets the tray of cups on a table, and asks if Chase has seen Sam and Dante. Chase says, no, but he needs a person for tug-of-war. Is Leo in? Leo can be on his team. Leo says, sure, and runs off. Chase says, save him a spot on the rope, and looks at the cups.

Jordan tells Curtis, as far as she’s concerned, Mr. Haggerty woke up just in time to exonerate Trina. She’s glad he did. Trina’s free, which is all that matters. He says, and the elevator? She says she’d heard it had been on the fritz again. They don’t make elevators like they used to. He tells her, like he said, class act, and raises his glass. She goes back to TJ, who says he swears he didn’t know Curtis was proposing when he suggested they meet here. She says she’s okay, and he says he knows she and Uncle Curtis are on good terms, but it still has to be hard hearing he’s engaged. She says she’s happy for Curtis; he and Portia are a good match. He asks how it went with Marshall. She said they had a good talk. She says, the best. Marshall forgave her for everything that happened with Tommy, and he told her about his diagnosis. TJ says, that was some conversation, and she says, it was. Marshall was worried TJ’s dad might have inherited the predisposition for schizophrenia, and that’s what led to Tommy’s death, but she told him that she never saw signs of it when they were married. She thinks it brought him some comfort, and TJ bets it did. He says, Curtis should tell Marshall that he’s considering genetic counseling for himself, in case he decides to have children. She says, of course (🍷) Curtis would want children of his own. He and Portia would make good parents.

Olivia is chopping vegetables, and Sonny asks if she needs a hand. She says she’s got it, and asks if he’s here by himself. He says, he is; it seems to be the question of the day. She says she just figured Nina wouldn’t be able to resist rubbing Carly’s nose their new relationship, and he says, well, she’s wrong. Can’t you just be divorced and live your life? Because that’s what they’re trying to do, but everybody seems to have a judgement. She says, she would have thought he’d be immune to that at this point in his life, and he says, he is, but that doesn’t mean he likes it. Take them. They’ve known each other since before Carly; they have a son together. Can’t she wish him well? Dante’s happy for him. Can’t she be?

One by one, people take the cups. Leo comes back, and sees they’re all gone.  

Picking up a cornhole sack, Wiley says, it’s perfect, and Michael agrees; everything is perfect. He thanks Willow for reminding him of what’s most important, and Wiley hugs Willow, saying, I love you, mommy.

Curtis tells Portia, the best part for him is, now she and Trina are officially his family. She says she already thinks of him, TJ, and Marshall as part of her family. And even Aunt Stella. They laugh, and her phone rings. She says, it’s the hospital; she needs to take this. He says he thought she was off, but she says, it will only take a second. Then they can talk about Trina’s upcoming party. She steps away, and says, this is Dr. Portia Robinson. Has an appointment opened up yet?…  No, that’s three weeks away. She’s already been waiting for an appointment for genetic counseling… Jordan stops short of coming in, and Portia says, yes, please. The soonest available spot… No, it’s not concerning her. It’s concerning her daughter.

Olivia says she does want Sonny to be happy. She just wishes he’d found his happiness with literally anyone else in the world. He says, sorry to disappoint her, but sometimes life chooses who you’re with. Leo runs in, and says he’s got to talk to Olivia. Sonny says he’ll let them get to it, and leaves. Olivia asks, what’s up? and Leo says he made Nonna’s Sicilian Thunderbolt for Sam and Dante. She says, why didn’t she think of that? Did it work? He says he doesn’t know. He put the cups down for just a minute. When he came back, all the cups were gone. She says, so he only put the Sicilian Thunderbolt in some of the cups? but he says, only two, and he doesn’t know what happened to them. What if he messed up everything?

Sitting in the stables, Sam takes a sip of her drink. Chase comes in, and asks if she’s seen Brook. She says, what? and he says, never mind. He doesn’t want to intrude, but she looks like she could use a friend. He’s available. He takes a sip of his drink.

Dante takes a sip of his drink, and literally runs into Brook, who’s holding her cup. She says she’s sorry, but he says, his bad, and they smile at each other.

Nikolas tells Ava, cornhole’s free. How about it? He takes a sip of his drink, and she says, is he kidding? He says, why not? Or is she afraid he’ll beat her? She says, in your dreams.

Carly sees Drew grilling, and says, back at it, huh?  He says, hot dog?

Tomorrow, Carly asks if Drew is flirting with her; Jordan hopes Portia doesn’t make the same mistakes she did; Selena tells Curtis that he’d rather have her as an ally than an adversary; and Sam tells Dante that she doesn’t know if she’s ever going to be ready.

🧚🏼‍♂️ Of course those who don’t know the plot of A Midsummer Night’s Dream might not understand Leo’s fears. Part of the plot involves a love potion, and the result is the wrong people falling in love. Kudos though to GH for assuming we’re all well-read.

🚑 Long Road Back…

Glad to hear Emma Samms is moving past covid and on to GH.

🥁 Sammy Was the Man…

Now here’s an interesting story I never heard before.

🍑 Me Too…

The only Housewives who like Reunions are the ignorant and the devil’s spawn.

🗽 Joining the Apples…

One of the new Real Housewives of NYC.

⚰️ Telling Tales…

I want to like this show more than I do. It’s not bad, but I want something more. I do like how it’s a different story every week, and that it takes place at the point the world was starting to be zombiefied. It also has a sense of humor, which is much appreciated after years of the humorless TWD. In last week’s episode, the main characters had to Groundhog Day until they got it right.

🎸 Vote the Rock…

Get your votes in for this Sunday.


🍒 With a Cherry On Top…

Join me tomorrow for soap and to see if Beverly Hills can top themselves in awfulness. Until then, stay safe, stay never judging a book by its cover, and stay knowing that you can’t go to heaven dragging hell along with you. It’s not until you set your burdens down that you’ll get free.

August 5, 2022 – Deception Does Damage Control, Yesterday’s Charm, 2 Anniversaries, He’s Restless, Days Move, Kindness Please, Regrets, Sit Down, Med Captain, 50 Cent’s 2 Cents, Transformation, Who’s On, 5+5 = 10 Quotes & Here It Comes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Chase lounges in a floatie donut in the pool. Dante comes by and says, this reminds him of a movie he saw once. Disillusioned guy spends the summer floating around in a pool so he can avoid his future. Chase says, The Graduate. It’s a good movie. The key difference is though, the main character had Simon and Garfunkel singing his confusion. Dante says, right, and Chase says, and didn’t have to pay for his pool chaise. Dante says, that’s true too. Don’t kid himself though. That guy was a lot younger than him. Chase says, thank you. Did Dante talk to his guy at the CCRB? Dante says, yeah, and Chase says, and? Is there a chance he’s getting back on the force? Dante says he’s sorry. He wishes he had better news to report.

Lucy comes into the Deception office, and tells Brook and Maxie that she’s sorry to keep them waiting. She was on the phone with Paris again and again, and she appreciates them coming to this meeting at such short notice. Maxie says she’s supposed to meet Britt for brunch, but if this is about what she thinks it’s about, Britt will forgive her. Lucy says, yeah, Sasha, and Brook says, it’s all over the news. It’s blowing up their social media. They need to release a statement. Lucy says, exactly, and Maxie says, one that protects Sasha’s privacy. Lucy says, that is a given, but they also have to consider Deception’s image and protect their company. Maxie says, more important, they help their friend, but Lucy says she’s not sure they can do both.

Martin gives Sasha some coffee, and says, it’s not Perks, but why doesn’t she try to drink it anyway; be as sharp as she can. She just stares ahead, and he says, Sasha? If she doesn’t have anything more to say, he guesses he’ll see what time transport is set for her arraignment. Outside in the squad room, Gladys arrives, and Brando hugs her. She says she brought Sasha fresh clothes. He looks like he hasn’t slept a wink. Where’s Sasha? He points to the interrogation room, and says, she’s int there conferring with her lawyer Martin Grey. She says, excellent. He’s Valentin Cassadine’s attorney; he’s high-powered. He’ll help their girl for sure. Martin comes out, and Brando asks, how’s Sasha? Martin says, she’s just great. Why shouldn’t she be? She’s only facing charges of reckless endangerment, disturbing the peace, willful destruction of property – both public and private – and oh yeah, attempted murder.

Gregory meets Alexis at some outside tables, and she says, he’s early. He says, only by a few minutes. He’s eager to hear the feedback on the op ed he wrote. She says, and so he shall. She promised to be honest. He tells her not to keep him in suspense. Who came out on top of their little wager? She says, you tell me, and hands him her tablet.

At the MetroCourt Gardens, Sam thanks Spinelli for meeting her. He says, of course (🍷). He’s always at her service. Cody walks in, and Spinelli says, unlike others, she’s entirely worthy of his time and efforts.

Cody sees Britt, and says, hello again. He sits next to her, and she says, and goodbye again, getting up. He says, come on. Don’t be like that. She doesn’t have to take off. She says, sorry. She has to go. He says, what? She needs something plugged in again? She needs to wash her hair? He knows she doesn’t need to see a guy about a horse because he’s that guy. She says, he’s right. She doesn’t need to make excuses. The simple truth is, she just doesn’t like him.

Chase says, so the Review Board is going to rule against him? and Dante says he doesn’t know about that. All he knows is, his guy on the inside, when he asked if Chase would get his badge back, he said the chances were slim. Chase asks if there’s anything he can do to derail this, and Dante says, the new member appointed by the public advocate is making a point of throwing the book at cops who step out of line, regardless of their exemplary record. Chase says, so that’s it, he’s no longer a cop, but Dante says, take it from him, you’re still a cop until you actually hand your badge in for good. There’s always hope until that happens. Chase says, hope doesn’t pay his late rent, and Dante says he’ll spot Chase rent money. Chase says he appreciates that, but he got himself into this, and he’ll get himself out. Dante says, even if it means taking a job outside the force? when Linc appears, and says, then it’s a good thing Chase has other options.

Brook scrolls on her tablet, and says, the comments are so rude. Poor Sasha. Maxie says, she kept insisting she was okay, but in retrospect, it’s clear she wasn’t. Lucy says, these media hounds are baying for blood. They’ve got to simply reset the narrative. They need to engender empathy for Sasha that maintains her position here, and hopefully placates the Board of Directors. Maxie says, they need to come up with a strategy that shields Deception from liability, while not abandoning one of their partners. Brook says, right. Where do they start? Maxie says, let’s get the ball rolling, and asks if Brook would mind taking notes. Brook says, of course (🍷) not, and Maxie says, Deception’s press release subject: Deception’s commitment on supporting health and mental well-being.

Gladys brings a garment bag in to Sasha, and asks how she’s holding up.

Alexis tells Gregory, this one says, Professor Chase’s opinion piece seems like a complaint in search of a cause, and he says, but if you scroll up, you’ll see Cronkite’s Ghost – he laughs – says his op-ed piece eloquently illuminates the necessity of objectivity. She laughs, and says, Cronkite’s Ghost. They say a handle says a lot about a person. She’s getting pompous blowhard. He asks if she’s ascribing that characterization to him, but she says, no, of course (🍷) not. Here’s one. Newshound86 thinks his op-ed piece is a dumpster fire. He says, how constructive… and poetic, and she says, this one just wants her to put the horoscopes back in. He says, he’d argue that astrology is subjective, so he marks that one in his favor. She says, by a slim margin, it appears the readers approve of his point-of-view. Cue the gloating. He says, him gloat? No. It’s enough he’s feeling validated that his so-called antiquated notions have merit. Thanks for following up. She says, a deal’s a deal, and he says, speaking of which, their deal was, if he won, she’d take more of his input on board. She wonders why the hairs on the back of her neck on end. Cue the smirk. He smiles.

Cody says, Britt hasn’t been shy about her disapproval, and she says, and yet, here he is. Haven’t they played this scene before? He says, yes, we have, but we keep screwing up the finale, and she asks what he means by we. He says, he can admit that he doesn’t always say the right things, and she asks if he expects her to say something to the contrary, but he says, no. He was just giving her the chance to admit that she’s unforgiving when it comes to human frailty. He takes a sip of his drink, and says he’ll wait. She says, by all means, help yourself.

Sam tells Spinelli that she thinks she hit a brick wall, but he’s busy staring at Britt and Cody. She says, then Felicia made a great suggestion to her. She said, think analog. He says, interesting, and she says, the documentation she needs is abroad. Is he available for a quick trip? He asks, where? and she says she was thinking Mars. She hears the planet is notorious for sloppy record keeping. He says, that’s just common knowledge, and she says, he’s not even listening to a word she’s saying, but he says, he is. Analog records… messy… Mars? She tells him, she said Mars, and the word she used is sloppy. What’s messy is him eavesdropping on Britt and Cody’s conversation. She wants him to tell her why, and no lame excuse or denial, because she’s not buying it.

Sasha comes out, and Brando her. He says he’s not going anywhere, and Gladys leads her away. Martin says he’s glad Brando’s mother brought fresh clothes; she needs to be as presentable as possible. Brando says, clothes aren’t going to do anything. Her eyes are vacant and she doesn’t look good. They need to get her out of here. Tell him, how are they going to beat these charges? Martin says, they can’t.

Cody tells Britt to look at it from his point-of-view. She tore into him about falling into the pool at the mixer. He was hired to jump, and she was standing smackdab in the middle of it. She helped him in the alley when he got beat up, but then she assumed he deserved it. He did not. Then she drenched him on their date because he went a little overboard trying to impress her. And she woudn’t even accept his apology. Then when she finally did accept his apology, she found some trivial reason to get angry at him again. It’s like she wants him to fail. He guesses if people don’t live up to her ridiculously high expectations she’s set for them, she gets to feel justified punishing them. She says, he’s right. He’s got her number. He says, he does?

Sam says, Spinelli is on good terms with Britt, so his beef must be with Cody. Why? He says, Mr. Bell is a scoundrel of ill-repute, and she asks if he realizes Cody and Dante are best friends from childhood. Leo loves the guy, as do the horses. He seems like a nice guy. What’s Spinelli’s issue with him? Spinelli says, he’s a man of many faces, and she says, meaning? He says he can read people well. Remember, he never liked Peter August. She says, nobody liked Peter August. Why doesn’t he save his incredible reading skills for the documentation they’ll be hunting down on their trip? She’d like to leave by the end of the week. He says he’s completely at her disposal stateside, but he’s too occupied with work to cross the International Dateline. She says, work. She’s so glad he brought that up. What is it he does these days?

Dante says he wasn’t talking to Linc. What does he want? Linc says, nothing to do with Dante. He has business with Dante’s friend here. Dante says, Chase is still a cop, so Chase is his partner, and Chase asks Dante to give them a second. Dante asks if Chase is kidding. This guy might be the reason he gets kicked off the force. What business could Chase possibly have with him? Linc says, standing right here, and Dante says, go stand over there. Chase tells Dante, he knows what he’s doing, and Dante says, all right. Just don’t let this punk bait him. He leaves, and Linc says, Chase gave him 30 days to show him what he can do. It hasn’t even been a week, and he’s booked Chase a gig at The Savoy. What has Brook done for him lately?

Maxie asks Brook to read that last part back, and Brook reads, together we pledge to stand up for the Deception family by breaking the stigma of mental health challenges, ensuring their partners and their families receive all the help they need. Therefore, Deception will make a one million dollar donation to help families with mental illness. Maxie says, sounds good. Just change the Deception family to our Deception family, and she thinks that’s their press release. Brook agrees, and says, Sasha’s arrest was definitely a cry for help. Hopefully, framing it this way will inspire compassion. Haters be damned. She’s going to make this change, email it to herself, and take it to PR. Maxie asks her to have legal put their eyes on it first. Then tell them to work with PR. She wants it posted on all their social media platforms as soon as possible. Brook says, she’ll make it happen, and leaves. Maxie asks if Lucy didn’t have anything she wanted to add, but Lucy says, no. Actually, everything Maxie and Brook said is fine. Lucy scarfs gummi bears as they talk, and Maxie says, she’s glad Martin is representing Sasha; he’s one of the best. And she’s not just saying that because… you know. Lucy says, my guy knows his stuff, and it’s good for Sasha’s sake, and for ours. Maxie says, ours? and Lucy says, it’s just that Martin sees the big picture, and understands how important it is to protect all of Sasha’s interests, which includes Deception. Which means they have some tough decisions to make. Maxie says, how tough? and Lucy says, Maxie’s not going to like what she has to say.

Martin tells Brando, he had a call into the DA’s office, and his contact just got back to him. Martin wanted to run something by him. Brando says, something about Sasha? and Martin says, Brando’s got to understand some things. Brando says, sounds serious, and Martin says, in the first place, he’s sorry he rattled off those charges at Brando like that. He wasn’t trying to be flippant. He’s a little punchy in the morning when he hasn’t slept, but he swears he’s taking this case seriously. He wants Brando to know, he’s looking at every possibility to help his wife; all of them. Brando thanks him, and asks if Martin was being punchy when he said they couldn’t beat some of these charges. Martin says, some of the charges he believe can be thrown out, or restitution can be made, but on some of the others, no way. They have to contend with a very damning video; a video where Sasha isn’t just out of control, she looks outright violent. All those assault charges are going to be tough to beat. Brando says, but he’ll try, right? They’ll do whatever he wants them to do. Martin says he believes Brando will, but can the same thing be said of his wife?  

Gladys wipes Sasha’s face, and Sasha pulls away. Gladys says, Sasha is still a little smudged. She’s just trying help. Sasha says, thanks, but nobody can help, and Gladys says, that’s not true. Sasha has a whole army behind her. Maxie’s been blowing up Gladys’s phone; she just hasn’t had a chance to get back to her. She’s sure Maxie and Lucy want to visit Sasha, but Sasha says she’s not. Not after what she did. Gladys asks why she did it, and Sasha says, she was standing up for herself, and she would do it again.

Gregory says, he heard Sasha Gilmore recently attacked the vehicle of one of Alexis’s reporters, and she says, Smoltz (who apparently has no first name) is a freelancer. He says, whatever Smoltz’s role at The Invader, he’s surprised there’s been no mention of it in her paper. Why is that? She says, because the story is still evolving, and they’ll cover it when they know more. Unless of course (🍷) he’d like her to report the salacious account of a spokesmodel having a nervous breakdown. He says, that’s a narrow way of looking at it, and she says, and his way? He says, the facts. A reporter – one affiliated with her paper – was attacked while doing his job.

Lucy says, maybe they should consider finding a new Face of Deception, and Maxie asks if she’s talking about pushing Sasha out, but Lucy says, no, absolutely not. Sasha is their partner, and always will be. She’s just thinking maybe Sasha should step aside as spokesperson, just for a while. Take a sabbatical or something. Maxie says, after everything Sasha has lost, Lucy wants to strip her of more, and Lucy says, it’s hard to say and hard to hear, but look at everything they’ve built; look at all this company means. All the money, everything, is tied up in its stock value. And if it goes belly-up, it’s Brokesville again; they’ll have nothing. She knows Sasha wouldn’t want that. Does Maxie? Sasha is their friend, always; this is just business. Maxie says, okay. Then as the head of this business, Lucy can tell her, and she walks out.

Gladys says, can’t the court just ask Sasha to pay for the damage to that reporter’s car? She’s good for it. Sasha says, Smoltz deserved it; so did Sienna. Pretending to be Sasha’s friend, when all along, Sienna wanted to ply her with more drugs so she could stab her in the back. She’s so sick of them. She’s tired of being exploited. Gladys says, of course (🍷) she is, but isn’t she also tired of feeling out of control?

Martin tells Brando, he doesn’t know what the hell’s going on or why, but they simply don’t have time to figure it out. For some reason, Brando’s wife has completely shut down. Every answer she gave him was model celeb, if she answered him at all. Brando says, Sasha’s in shock. Spending the night in jail didn’t help at all. Martin says, he’ll definitely ask the court to take that into consideration, but that’s not the only issue at play here, is it? He was up most of the night going over the evidence in this case, trying to wrap his head recent events, and he doesn’t have to tell Brando, it doesn’t look good. Sasha has blown up her sobriety, she’s spun out on national television… She caused a fatal car accident... Brando says, she didn’t cause that; Harmony ran out in front of her. Martin says, so what? His point is, with Sasha these days, it’s one thing after another. This is just something else in a long line of bad looks. Now, worst of all, she’s either in denial or she’s intentionally avoiding the help she so desperately needs.

Britt tells Cody, she is too hard on people; she always has been. He asks if she thinks she misses out on getting to know folks, and she says, probably. He says, it’s kind of worse that they end up missing out on knowing her, and she says, okay, this is sliding into the sappy zone. What he doesn’t understand is, she doesn’t really like people all that much, so it’s no great loss. He says he’s see how she and her buddy Brad get on, when she’s not scolding him, and she says, that weirdo? He says, besides, what’s a little sap between friends? Nothing wrong with that. Not to be presumptuous, but he has a sappy present for her. He knows they’re not friends or anything like that, but consider him a weirdo. He takes an envelope out of his pocket, and puts it on the table. He says, it’s just a little token to prove he’s not some conniving grifter, and she says, he just happened to be carrying it in case he bumped into her? Not conniving, eh? How did he know where to find her?

Spinelli assures Sam, his work is of the greatest importance. Not as important as hers of course (🍷). He has contacts all over the world who can be at her disposal. In fact, he’ll connect her with someone who can help aid in her investigation. She says, nice try. She’s not done interrogating him yet. He says, she’s an astute sleuth. Can’t she detect a dead end when she sees one? Speaking of sleuths, how are things with Detective Falconari? She says, well, he asked her to move in with him. Spinelli says, congratulations. Glad tidings… are they not?

Chase tells Linc, that’s great about The Savoy, but he’s sure Brook has some irons in the fire. Linc says, while she’s flailing around, he’s crushing it. How does a gig at The Mercury Lounge sound? Chase says, in New York City? Out of his league. That place is for the big acts. Linc says, it is, and it will be for Chase before he knows it, with Linc managing his career. It’s hard to have a serious conversation with a floatie between them. Chase gets out of the pool, and Linc hands him a towel. He says, it’s good to see Chase’s unemployment paid off with more gym time. When he’s through marketing Chase, their key demo is either going to want to be him, or want to be with him. Brook walks in, and says, Chase isn’t just a piece of meat; he’s an artist – a talented, beautiful artist. Chase gets dressed, and Brook says, he’s got talent, and smarts, and heart. Linc says, sure. He’s the total package, but he assures her, Chase’s fans will be more interested in his eyes than his IQ. His development department has put together a promotional plan for Chase. He’s also booked studio time for them to start laying down tracks with top writers and producers. After the gig at The Savoy, then they’ll focus on The Mercury Lounge. At both gigs, the concert goers will be able to stream and share his EP. They’ll be able to sell a ton of merch at The Mercury Lounge. Either way, it’s instant revenue for Chase. Chase says he could actually use the money, and Brook asks, how much is this studio time? What are they talking here? Chase says, it does sound expensive, and Linc says, you bet it is, but not for Chase; it’s part of the package. Like his styling, his wardrobe, and his voice lessons. Can Brook offer him the same? Dante watches them, and Brook says, no, but she can offer him something even better.

Britt asks if Cody is having her followed; paying people to let him know if she shows up here? He says, Maxie told him… Well, she mentioned something about brunch plans, and he took a chance. She says, it’s still invasive, and he says he hears her, but it’s still better than showing up at her hotel room or her office. He didn’t have any other options. Is she going to open it or what? She holds the envelope to her ear, and says, it’s not ticking. He says, no need. He’s blown up enough chances with her. She opens the passport and starts to read, and he says, she’s a hard woman to make arts and crafts for. He’ll totally understand if she hates it. She says she doesn’t hate it, and he says, does she think maybe they could add another stamp? Any night she’s available. She asks if there’s any way he’ll take no for an answer, and he says, statistically? Probably the same chances as her refraining from sarcasm. She says she calls the meal this time, and he says, deal.

Sam tells Spinelli, there’s so much to consider. She’s not sure about moving. She doesn’t want to uproot Scout and Danny; the penthouse is their home. He says, home is wherever she is. Doesn’t she want to live with Dante? She says she thinks things are really good the way they are. Why change it? He asks if there’s any other reason she’s hesitant to do this, when Maxie walks in, and says, hey guys. She’s having a morning. Is she interrupting if she sits? Sam says, not at all, and Spinelli says, have a seat. Britt says she never would have figured Cody for being the arts and crafts type, and Maxie says, it looks like Britt and Cody are getting along. She guesses she doesn’t have to apologize to Britt for missing their brunch. Looks like she gave true love an assist. Spinelli asks why she’s so certain Cody is right for Britt, and she says, because she trusts Society Set-Ups. And she’s spent some time with him; he’s a sweet guy. Sam says she happens to agree, but Spinelli says, they both couldn’t be more wrong, and storms out.

Alexis says, not everyone sees things through the lens of a journalism professor, and Gregory says, he’s also a citizen. It concerns him whenever freedom of the press is constrained by threats or violence. She says, she agrees, but he doesn’t know Smoltz. His tactics are less than savory, and she wouldn’t put it past him if he goaded Sasha into a reaction, hoping to provoke just what he got. So if she were him, she wouldn’t hang out the shingle of the First Amendment rights on this one. He says he’d like to invite her to one of his PCU lectures, and she says, he’s lecturing? He says, PCU wooed him out of retirement; convinced him to teach a course. He thinks she’d get a lot out of it. She says, really? She’s argued First Amendment rights in a court of law a lot more than he’s ever lectured about it in a classroom. He says, then she undoubtedly knows, the character of the victim doesn’t preclude the reporting of the crime. Mr. Smoltz may not be the kind of reporter she respects, but he was the target of violence, which makes it at least worthy of her attention, and in his learned opinion, most definitely newsworthy.

Sasha says, Gladys thinks she’s out of control? and Gladys says, doesn’t she? Lately, she’s not the Sasha that Gladys has come to know and love. Sasha says, love. Gladys didn’t even want her to marry her son. Gladys says, she didn’t. Not then. Not at the time, for a few reasons. It seemed like they were rushing, for one thing, and she didn’t like being excluded. But once she saw how much Sasha really loved Brando, and how happy she makes him, and how kind and smart she is, she’s been proud to call Sasha her daughter-in-law. And she’s done what she could to protect Sasha. She thought Sasha knew that.

Brando asks if Martin thinks he gives a damn about optics. He cares about Sasha. He cares about what Martin can do for her. Martin says, Brando needs to care about all of it. Just like he does. Sasha’s drawn the attention of the internet; she’s gone viral. Given the recent nature of political events involving their mayor, the DA’s office is doing everything to avoid the appearance of favoritism. Sasha’s a celebrity. Optics. Translation: don’t expect any kind of preferential treatment, because they’re in no position to give her a break. Brando asks what they do, and Martin says, he motivates his wife to take a more active part in her own defense. He agrees she needs help. She needs a psyche consult, but he doesn’t know if she’d be receptive to the idea. Most of all, she needs to demonstrate her commitment to intensive therapy and restitution. Brando says he doesn’t know if Sasha is ready to confront this, and Martin says, and that severely limits their options. He can only think of one other way to keep Brando’s wife out of prison.

Britt tells Cody, it’s official; she’s been stood up. She’s going to the pool. He says, he’d ask to join her, but she’d just say he’s pushing it, and she says, maybe he is getting to know her. Maxie and Sam join them, and Maxie says, they are getting along. Britt asks for a word with her, and they step aside. Britt asks, what happened to brunch; did Maxie forget? Maxie says, she got hung up at Deception, damage control, and Britt says, right. Sorry. How’s Sasha doing? Any word? Maxie says, nothing from her side; not happy things from theirs. Britt says, when she sees Sasha, tell her she has friends, and Maxie says, she will. It seems like Britt is all about friends these days. Looking pretty cozy over there. She asks, what’s that? indicating the envelope in Britt’s hand, and Britt says, just a silly gift Cody made her. Maxie says, oh… really, and Britt says she’ll overlook whatever part Maxie played in securing him a second date. Maxie gets excited, and says, they’re going on a second date? Britt says, calm down. It’s just a date. Don’t go pricing wedding venues.

Alexis tells Gregory, what Sasha did to Smoltz is news, regardless of extenuating circumstances, but is it newsworthy? He says, that sounds like leftover lawyer speak, and she says, it’s human speak, because she’s a human being. You know who else is a human being? Sasha Gilmore. Gregory says, one that she knows personally. Could that be precluding her view? She says, she barely knows Sasha. She’s looking at the big picture, and given the impact of social media, and various platforms, in contemporary journalism, that’s something that has to be taken very seriously. He says, by all means, put the truth out there, and she says, Cronkite said, in seeking the truth, you need to be able to look at both sides of the story. If they just tell the facts of what happened to Sasha, it’s a disservice to her and their readers. He says, don’t tell him she has alternative facts, and she says, she has context. In the span of a year, Sasha has overdosed, she’s gotten clean, she’s fallen in love, she’s lost a child, she’s been in a fatal car crash, she’s relapsed, and she’s still struggling with her mental health. So if they omit all that, and just print she attacked a car with a valet sign, that’s not showing respect to the Fourth Estate. It’s character assassination disguised as journalism.

Martin says he knows he can cut a deal with the DA’s office, predicated on the promise that Sasha stays out of trouble moving forward, but Brando says he doesn’t know if they can guarantee that. Martin says, in her current state? Brando had better guarantee it, because if he makes a deal, and she breaks her promise, she will be remanded to prison. Like he said, there might be one other way, if Brando’s prepared for it. Brando asks if it’s something that would get the DA to accept this deal, and Martin asks if he knows what guardianship is. Brando says, it’s like a conservatorship, right? and Martin says, exactly. In New York state, the guardianship is utilized when an adult is considered legally incapacitated. Brando says, Martin wants them to claim Sasha is incapable of taking care of herself? and Martin asks, what happened during her last therapy appointment? Brando says, she didn’t make it, and Martin asks if Brando would say her condition makes her less able to manage things, like her health and financial affairs. Brando says he doesn’t know about this, and Martin says, take it easy. They’re not talking about tossing Sasha into some 19th century house of hysteria; this is simply a strategy. It’s a way to keep her at home, and out of prison. Appoint someone, a guardian to watch out for her well-being, make sure she gets to appointments on time, safeguard her finances. It doesn’t have to be forever. Brando says, it seems extreme, and Martin says, it’s Brando’s call, but given Sasha’s state of mind, is she ready for a trial? He doesn’t think it would go well for her. Does Brando?

Sasha says she’s tired, and Gladys says she knows, but they’re all doing their best to help her. She can’t read Sasha’s mind, but she’ll tell Sasha what’s on hers. Sasha is her family now, and that means Gladys will do whatever it takes to look out for her.

Brook says, what she can offer Chase is unique, and Linc says, what is  this, a double-standard? Brook tells him, get his head out of the gutter, if it’s at all possible. Linc is only looking at Chase as a performer. She’s a songwriter and they’ve collaborated before. If they share songwriting credit, he’ll get a larger share of all songs produced and streamed. The money won’t be instant, but the residuals mean a lot more in the long run. Chase says, it’s very tempting, and she tells him, think about it, and leaves. She walks over to Dante, and he says he’d clap for her, but he doesn’t want to blow her cover. That was a great show. Is there anything she can’t do? She says she can’t understand what he’s saying right now. Why is he smiling? He says, it’s him. They go way back. The whole wanting to be Chase’s manager is a good angle, but he knows a con when he sees one.

Gregory tells Alexis, beautifully expressed. Miss Gilmore is lucky that Alexis is Editor-in-Chief. She says, he’s agreeing with her? and he asks if that’s so hard to believe. She says, given their interaction thus far? and he says, fair enough. He agrees this story can’t be told without including Miss Gilmore’s state of mind as a mitigating factor. It’s wise to take a more nuanced approach. Alexis says, she’s concerned about violating medical confidentiality. How does she inject nuance without compromising privacy? He says, it’s tricky, but there are ways, and she says, okay, professor. He’s offered a lesson. Okeydoke. She takes out her notebook, and says, school’s in session. He says he’s honored, but she says, don’t be. She’s doing it for Sasha.

Brando says, Martin is sure no plea deal can be made? and Martin says, not if Sasha doesn’t demonstrate some kind of cooperation. Brando asks if she wouldn’t have to agree to a guardianship, but Martin says, not necessarily, especially if she was incapable of making that decision. Brando says, she’s already accused him of trying to control her life. He doesn’t know if he’s comfortable with this. Gladys and Sasha join them, and Gladys says, comfortable with what? Are they talking a game plan, a strategy? Martin says, they have a couple options to consider, but for now they’re taking it one step at a time. He tells Sasha, this officer is going to escort her to the courthouse where she’s going to be arraigned. They’ll meet her there. Does she have any questions? Sasha shakes her head, and Brando takes her hands, and says, everything’s going to be okay. She says, promise? and he says, better than that, a vow. For better or worse, in sickness and in health. He’s got her.   

Maxie goes back to Cody and Sam, and says, Cody’s gift was a hit. Congrats. They high-five, and Cody thanks her for encouraging him to give it to Britt personally. Sam says, smooth move, Maxie, and he says, too bad all of Britt’s friends aren’t as supportive as they are. Sam says, if he’s referring to Spinelli, don’t worry about him; he’s been all over the place lately. Maxie says, she’s noticed that. What’s with him? Sam says she doesn’t know, aside from the fact he gave Cody a dirty look the entire time she was talking to him, and Maxie wonders why he’d be doing that. Does Cody have any idea? He says, not a clue.

Britt lies on a chaise, her eyes closed, when Spinelli clears his throat, startling her. He says, she’s about to make a mistake, and she says, his mistake was looming over her like a vampire. He almost got a swift kick. She gets up, and he says he’s serious. She can’t go out with Cody again.

Britt says she knows Dante wants his partner back, but whether he wants to believe it or not, Chase real future in music. Dante says he knows Chase is a talented guy, but he also happens to know, Chase is thinking things are pretty bleak right now, and he doesn’t want Chase to make a mistake. So please level with him. What the hell do the two of them have cooking up?

Chase tells Linc, that’s great. Tell the development team to send over the promotional package, and he’ll have his lawyers look at it. Linc says, he’s convincing, but not good enough for Linc, or himself. Chase says he’s not sure what Linc is getting at, and Linc says, don’t play a player. He knows Brook, and he knows what she’s really up to.

On Monday, Cody says, might as well put their cards on the table; Willow has the feeling Ava want something from her; Obrecht says, Nina needs to walk away now; and Dex says he just gave Michael the perfect opportunity to nail his old man.

Southern Charm

Austen joins Kathryn for a pedicure at a nail place, unoriginally called The Nail Place. He says he’s excited for girls day, and in his interview, he says he’s always had a soft spot for Kathryn. He did win Drama King in high school, and Kathryn can be dramatic as well. She asks if he’s getting a color, and he says he’s not Craig. Working at home, Craig tells himself, work smarter, not harder. Naomie calls, and he tells her that he’s working on his spring collection. She says she had a strange reaction at Olivia’s, and needs to pick his brain. She asks if he wants to get coffee, and we flash back to Paige saying, it’s inappropriate to hang out with one’s ex. Craig asks why she’s calling him about it, and Naomie says, it’s about Kathryn. She thought he’d be the best person to advise her. We flash back to Craig asking Paige, what about having lunch with an ex? and Paige saying, no. He says, it must be serious enough if she wants to talk in person. He’s going to be over by her later, and there’s a coffee shop nearby. In Craig’s interview, he says, it’s just coffee. He’ll get in and get out. They’re not getting their nails done together. Meanwhile at the nail salon, Austen says he loves Kathryn’s blond look, and she asks how things are going with him and Olivia. He says, they haven’t spoken since the party. It bothered him that after he’d talked to her about Madison, Olivia invited her to the party. He doesn’t want to pursue someone who wants to be friends with his ex. In Kathryn’s interview, she says, sometimes Austen can be a petty bitch.

Olivia and mom Robin discuss the party, and agree it was fun. Robin asks about Austen, and Olivia says, they didn’t end on the best note at the party. We flash back to Olivia telling Austen that she’s waiting for the day he doesn’t care about Madison, and she tells Robin about it. Robin says, he does seem more tense around Madison. She thinks it’s sensitive and sweet, and says, you usually don’t hear about a woman being… whatever [Madison] is. Olivia says, everyone has ex stuff, but she wants Austen to be right in that department. In Olivia’s interview, she says, a relationship with Austen is too much work. She’s not enough drama for him. He seems to like it; it’s what he’s used to. While they get a paraffin foot treatment, Austen says he’s happy Kathryn and Chleb are back together. Kathryn says, they’re trying, but in her gut, she feels like something is off. At the party, he was talking to Naomie a lot. It was weird super and disrespectful, and she felt hurt. We see a clip of Chleb telling Kathryn that Naomie was calling her names, and Kathryn saying, he should have shut it down immediately, not listen because he’s being a good guy. In Kathryn’s interview, she says she wishes he would be more aware of what he’s doing. Loyalty, hello? Austen tells her, if she thinks something off, then something is off.

Leva sees her trainer, and he does some kind of massage/stretching exercises for her muscles. In Leva’s interview, she says she wants to be present. She’s reading books about essentialism, so she doesn’t cook as much, lets the house be messy, and picks her battles at work. She’s consciously practicing to be a calmer person. But it’s not working. She loves Little Lamar, but he’s two and chaotic. We see some clips of Little in action, and she says, he’s so high energy from 6 am until his bedtime at 9 pm, which is her fault. Venita’s mom Vi visits her, and says she loves Venita’s big hair. When she was young, she had big hair. In Venita’s interview, she says, her mother didn’t tell her be perfect. She told Venita that perfect was however she chose to be. Venita tells Vi that she had a bad week. She didn’t get invited to Olivia’s party because Olivia didn’t want the garden party again. She guesses it’s embarrassing, and her feelings are hurt. Vi says, Venita’s got to talk about things, but when she’s rational; not in the heat of anger. Venita says she doesn’t know how to go about it, since she’s never seen it. Vi didn’t show her how to handle things, and hid any disagreements with her dad. Vi says she’s not talking about Venita’s dad, and in her interview, Venita says she was an only child. She was in high school when she came home one day, and her dad was gone. Her parents could have worked for the Secret Service. She had no idea it wasn’t working out. She tells Vi, all she knew was that she had two parents, and then one of them was gone, and Vi says, Venita still has two parents. In Venita’s interview, she says, her dad was probably living a double life since she was about 14. It took until her aunt called and said he was marrying someone else for her to understand her parents were done. Vi says, Venita’s dad was thinking with the wrong part of his anatomy, and it wasn’t something to discuss with her daughter. She didn’t want Venita to see her pain. Venita says she doesn’t have the insight her friends do, because they saw their parents argue, then figure it out. Vi says, it’s probably because she grew up in a house where they did argue, and Venita asks what it taught Vi. Vi says, not to do it, and in her interview, Venita says, teaching you how to avoid fighting doesn’t teach you how to deal with fighting. She’ll get overly upset at a simple confrontation, because she’s never seen anyone do that on a personal level. Vi says she tried to protect Venita from the pitfalls of life, which was not necessarily a good thing. Venita didn’t learn how to handle adversity, and Vi apologizes for what she didn’t do. Going forward, she’ll do her best. Books on parenting don’t work. You have to go through it to learn. She asks if that satisfied Venita, and Venita says, it’s more than she had yesterday.

Little Craig! Shep visits Whitney and Patricia, who’s gotten Little Craig a champagne bottle toy, which she says is unshreddable. Whitney says, Little Craig is like a piranha meets the Tasmanian Devil, and Shep says, his dad calls the dog a French terrorist. New guy Randy is doing the butlering, and Patricia says, nobody can take Michael’s place, but he’s good. Whitney says, Randy alleviates his duties, like official dog walker. In Patricia’s interview, she says, Randy is a lovely man. He’s a good server and fixes drinks so much better than Whitney. We flash back to Whitney bumbling through things, and see that Little Craig is already well on his way to totally destroying his new toy. Patricia says, speaking of incurring damage, Little Craig was involved in Peaches’ violation. Shep asks if they had a roll in the hay, and Whitney says, Little Craig is a feral mess. Done with his toy destruction, Little Craig runs to find Peaches, and Patricia says, let him; the damage has been done. In her interview, Patricia says, mounted is too strong a word. He sullied Peaches’ reputation. She tells Shep that Little Craig has to do the honorable thing. She’d like to have a wedding. (I can’t wait!) Shep asks if she wants Little Craig to make an honest doggy of Peaches, and Patricia says, he thinks she’s kidding. She doesn’t see anybody here doing anything in the near future. Shep says, so they’ll give her the wedding she richly deserves. She asks if Little Craig has a tux. She’s getting Peaches a wedding gown. In Shep’s interview, he says, if Whitney had his way, he’d be a bachelor for life. Still living in hope, Patricia says she doesn’t want to preempt any wedding bells, and asks Shep about Taylor. Shep says, Taylor’s not a pressure type of gal.

Taylor visits Marcie, and checks out the nursery, saying, it’s so pink; she loves it. Marcie says she’s glad she’s done. She’s due in 5 weeks. In Taylor’s interview, she says, in her perfect world she’d get married around 30, and have kids by 33. How old is she now? (I looked it up. She’s 27.) Marcie shows Taylor the outfit she’s taking the baby home in, and they move on to an entire closet full of clothes. In her interview, Taylor says she gets giddy looking at clothes and strollers. Shep’s clock isn’t ticking, but hers is. Shep tells Patricia that he thinks he’s in the clear, but Patricia says, don’t kid yourself. Whitney asks how long they’ve been going out, and Shep says, two years. Patricia says, if there was no proposal after four months, that’s it. In Patricia’s interview, she says, Taylor is making a mistake be acquiescing. She needs to give him an ultimatum. Patricia says, she’s amazed that any woman could put up with the two of them, and Shep says, they’re on the George Clooney/Warren Beatty track.

Naomie calls Craig, saying she’s at the coffee place, and they’re out of chai. She places both their orders, and when he gets there, she asks why he’s grumpy. He insists he’s not, and she asks if he had fun at Olivia’s party. He asks it was about Kathryn she wanted to discuss, and she says, during the party, Chleb came up and started going in about Kathryn. We flash back to that, and Naomie says, Chleb was saying not nice things. Craig says, like what? and we flash back to Chleb saying he could only listen so much to Kathryn, then he’d put on ESPN and tune out. Like practically every man doesn’t do this. She tells Craig, Chleb doesn’t seem happy. The one lesson she learned after her and Craig was, never air your dirty laundry to other people. She has regrets about talking bad about Craig, and she’s pretty sure Metul did the same thing to her. Karma is very real. She wonders what’s making Craig uncomfortable. He’s jittery, making no eye contact, and keeps looking over his shoulder. Who’s coming? She says, he’s acting like she’s part of a sting operation or something. She doesn’t know what’s going on, and wishes he’d just be straight and not act like a weirdo. In Craig’s interview, he wonders why they needed to have coffee for Naomie to tell him that Chleb was talking sh*t about Kathryn. Naomie says she feels bad for Kathryn. They’ll never be good friends, but she feels it’s the right thing to hand Craig the information. Maybe he could just talk to her. He says, maybe, but he’s got to be going. He’s picking up Paige from the airport. Naomie suggests they do a fun night out, and Craig says, one day, maybe. Naomie says she just wants to have fun, but Craig says, unfortunately, there are boundaries. He’s glad they can catch up and be friends, but at the end of the day, Naomie is his ex-girlfriend, and Paige doesn’t appreciate it. They can’t hang out just yet. Naomie says, they can’t forget the past, and in his interview, Craig says he thinks Paige is being understanding, even though she doesn’t understand the situation, since she lives in NYC, where you don’t run into your ex all the time or hang out with them. He doesn’t want to push or disrespect her any further. In Naomie’s interview, she says, if  she hadn’t thought she and Craig were on the same page, she wouldn’t have asked him for coffee. She’s not trying to get with him. She’s not the type who tries to get with a guy who has a girlfriend. If it feels awkward, that’s on them, not her. I can see it both ways, but I’ve never really wanted to hang out with an ex. Oh wait. I do hang out with my boyfriend from high school once in a while, but those feelings are long gone. If they were even real at that age. Now he’s someone I grew up with.

Olivia calls Naomie from the car, and says she’s meeting Venita. Naomie says, awesome; heal it up. They meet at a juice bar, and in Venita’s interview, she says, with her parents, all she’s seen is avoidance of fighting, confrontation, and issues. She wants to step up and resolve this, rather than letting it sit. Venita asks how the party was, and Olivia says, fun. They toast to this thing (i.e. their meeting), and Olivia says she appreciates Venita reaching out. Venita says, they had a rocky start, and she wants to be able to lay everything on the table. Olivia says she thinks Venita has a false perception of who she is, and she was thrown by Venita’s misconceptions. Insinuating something is not cool. Venita says, when Olivia walked away, it felt dismissive, and Olivia gets how it could be perceived, but it’s her way to cool off when she knows nothing is going to get resolved in that moment. Venita apologizes for coming at Olivia so hot. It wasn’t necessary, and it’s not who she is as an individual. She suggests they make it a clean slate. Now they just have to worry about everyone else. She says, with all that smoke and heat between Austen and Madison, why invite Madison to the party? Olivia says, she and Madison are fine, but she got an earful about it. We flash back to Austen acting stupid, and Venita asks if Olivia and Austen are dating. Olivia says, they only went out one-on-one once, and they’re in in that weird limbo. Venita wonders if Madison knows, and Olivia asks why it would matter. Venita says, Madison and Austen were so deeply involved, part of Madison feels entitled to know what’s going on. It’s not worth it.

Chleb goes to mom Debbie’s house, and she asks if he’s working hard. He says, seven days; he’s pretty damn tired. Debbie wonders if he didn’t take the tag off his shoes, but he says, it’s the style. She says, it seems awkward, but he says, it’s the drip these days. She asks how Kathryn is, and he says, they went through some stuff. There was a girl named Naomie at the party who Kathryn dislikes, and she and Chleb got to talking. We see a clip of Kathryn telling Chleb, it’s embarrassing. In Chleb’s interview, he says he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with someone he’s thinking negatively about. Debbie says, it takes work, and suggests he make a list of what he likes and dislikes about the relationship. She says, if you have more dislikes than likes, you ain’t gonna make it, baby.

Paige is at Craig’s, and he offers her every coffee flavor known to man. She says, yuck to maple, which is one of my favorites, but she also hates mint, and we’re in agreement there. My only exception is Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. She asks if he can imagine when they actually have a kitchen, and in Craig’s interview, he says, it’s hard to play house with no kitchen, and living out of boxes. The fact that Paige feels comfortable with things as is, is an incredible sign. Paige suggests sitting outside, and Craig wonders if they make an iced coffee maker. Paige is like, nooo, and says, he loves tea anyway. In his interview, he says, Paige loves how he is, and he loves that feeling. She’s his biggest fan. Aww. They’re not engaged yet, but he thinks he’s found his person. They sit in rockers on the porch, and he tells her that he’d like a big family, and wants to renovate the house with that vision.  

Event planner Erica goes to Patricia’s, and Patricia says she thinks it would be fun to have a dog wedding, so she needed a wedding planner. Erica asks how big it will be, and Patricia says, around 25 people. It might be the only wedding she throws. In Patricia’s interview, she says she has Whitney’s wedding planned. A medieval cathedral, a florist from Paris, Valentino for the mother-of-the-bride dress, but she doesn’t get to make those decisions. Erica asks, who is going to officiate? and Patricia says, Little Craig and Peaches go to the same vet. She thinks Dr. Berger will agree to officiate. They decide on having it in the garden, and Erica asks if Patricia wants the guests welcomed with champagne. Patricia says she does, but she wants it in coups, not flutes. Erica asks about cakes, and Patricia wants the ones featured in Steel Magnolias. The groom’s cake is an armadillo cake in red velvet. She tells Erica, the invitations have already gone out.  

To be continued…

Next time, Whitney and Shep talk human marriage; the dog wedding happens; Olivia brings a date that’s not Austen; Whitney plays guitar; and Craig tells Naomie that she left a loving relationship to be with a controlling a-hole. She won’t affect his life anymore.

🎉 Happy Anniversary…

Scotty celebrates his 45th.

💐 Another Congrats…

Not as long, but still. She took a small villainous part and turned it into being a major player.

🧼 Jumping Soap…

I vaguely remember him being Todd on OLTL for five minutes. Even they realized it was a bad idea. No one can replace Roger Howarth.

🦚 Goodbye and Hello…

Yep. They’re going to nickel and dime us to death. Or in this case, $4.99 us.


💝 Sharing Is Caring…

NuTrina has a message for all of us.

🎡 Yeah, Yeah…

LisaR needs to get off the merry-go-round that’s her feelings. Next week, she’ll be back to the shading game.

💎 She’s Rocking the Boat…

Sheree can be on my fantasy spin-off too.


Cruising the Med…

Captain Sandy’s voyage to reality star.

🍸 Backing His Home Girl…

50 Cent is back to dogging Randall.


⚰️ New Rick…

Daryl’s journey to leadership.


🌜 On the Moon…

The VMA line-up.

📣 Quotes of the Week

A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts. – Joshua Reynolds

Happiness depends to some extent upon external conditions, but chiefly upon mental attitudes. – Paramahansa Yogananda

Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live. – Nora Roberts

The greatest source of unhappiness in the world comes from having unreasonable expectations about the behavior of other people. – Don Fehr

Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. – Les Brown

Sometimes you make the right decision, and sometimes you have to make the decision right. – Dr. Phil

Security is mostly a superstition… Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. – Helen Keller

Life is like a novel. It’s filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page. – Sidney Sheldon (Well, let’s hope it’s not like a Sidney Sheldon novel.)

If there’s a world here in a hundred years, it’s going to be saved by tens of millions of little things. The powers-that-be can break up any big thing they want… but what are they going to do about 10 million little things? They break up two of them, and three more like them spring up!Pete Seeger

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. – Gloria Steinem

🛣 On the Road Again…

It’s certainly been a week. If it’s been one for you too, or even if it hasn’t, you have my permission to take the next two days off. But be back on Monday for soap and a Mediterranean cruise. Until then, stay safe, stay away from overly processed foods, and stay never trying to play a player.

September 14, 2021 – Peter Sets the Tan-O Ablaze, Thoughts, Postponed, Gala, Video Wins, Must Watch & Boom


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Harmony works with a patient at Spring Ridge, when Alexis walks in. She asks how Ryan is enjoying his afternoon excursion, and Harmony says Ryan is in his room resting. This is Greg. She says, she knows Ryan’s presence there concerns Alexis, but Alexis says it does more than concern her; it alarms her and fills her with dread. Every time she walks in there, she has to brace herself that he’ll be in there. Harmony says, and when Alexis sees him, is there ever any change? Ryan’s been reduced to an invalid; he’s no threat to anyone. Alexis tells her, so says every teenager in a horror film before the guy with the chainsaw shows up. Harmony says she’s not responsible for Ryan being there. She didn’t ask to be assigned to him. Her job is to care for him, so she’s going to do that to the best of her ability, but don’t mistake that for liking him or defending him, because she doesn’t. Alexis says, it would be easier to believe Harmony if she didn’t know how susceptible Harmony was to a certain kind of monster. This, coming from Alexis, of all people.

Dante swings a baseball bat, and Sam says, strike three. He says he didn’t know she was counting balls as strikes. She says he missed by a mile, and he says, he did, but he was distracted a little bit. She says she wonders why, and he laughs.

Chloe checks Drew’s wounds, and says he’s lucky. His ribs are only bruised, not broken. He says, the guards must be slacking. At least they spared his pretty face this time. It worked. She says she had to turn him in for stealing a pen, and he says, which gave them a reason to trust her. She says, he’s a Navy SEAL, right? Didn’t they teach him how to lock pick? Why didn’t he escape? He says, and leave her there? No way. She says he’s lost the pen, and he has multiple bruises. What do they do now? He says, get the hell out of there.

Josslyn sees Spencer at the MetroCourt, and says, hello, Spencer. Or should she call him Victor? He says she can’t possibly be mistaking him for his late, unlamented great-uncle, and she says, no. She was mistaking him for someone who had maybe grown up a little bit, and achieved some decency. Her bad. He’s taller, but he hasn’t grown at all inside. He’s still just as spiteful and dishonest as ever. He asks how she really feels, and she says she really feels like punching him in the face, but it would just give him another excuse to feel sorry for himself. He asks what she’s talking about, and she says, poor, poor, pitiful Spencer, with his trust fund, and his mansion, and his boarding school in Europe. He doesn’t get along with daddy, so that justifies him buying and using people, right? Getting Trina to keep his secret, and telling her that his name is Victor, and for what? It’s all just going to blow up in his face. Does he know why? Because the truth always comes out. Always.

Sonny looks around the bench for his phone, when Jax comes by. Sonny asks what he wants, and Jax says he’s just trying to spare the people who care about them as much pain as possible, and that includes Phyllis and Nina. Sonny says, there’s not going to be any pain once Jax leaves town, and Jax says, Nina hasn’t talked to him yet? Sonny says he lost his phone, came to look for it, and it’s not there, and Jax says, so he still doesn’t know the truth. Sonny says Jax makes that sound like a threat. He doesn’t give a damn about Jax’s truth. He just wants to find Nina, so they can get on with their lives. Jax says, it’s a little late for that. Always has been.

Nina tells Peter, just go. Leave them in peace. The longer he’s there, the greater the chance he’ll be discovered. Peter says he intends to leave, and soon, but she and Phyllis won’t be. In fact, the two of them won’t be setting foot outside the Tan-O again. Nina tells Phyllis, don’t worry. It’s going to be okay. She knows Peter. He’s just a big talker, but he’s really just a typical insecure bully. He’s going to crumble like a paper cup when Valentin alerts the police. He says, nice try, but even if Valentin did pick up on her feeble attempt to warn him, he’ll be long gone before law enforcement shows up. She and Phyllis, on the other hand, will succumb to a different fate.

Sam says, she thought Dante was the one who had thousands and thousands of hours of experience with baseball. He tells her, he thinks he said tens of thousands, and she says she thinks that time was wasted, because he has a serious flaw in his swing. He says, so she’s the expert now. He holds out the bat, and asks why she doesn’t show him how it’s done, but she says she’s not giving her tips out. Besides, her team is going to the championship, as she predicted. Where’s his team going? Nowhere. Cuz you guys got beat. He says, just like he thought – girl talk – and holds out the bat again. She takes it, and he pulls her to him. She says, not so tight, and stands behind him with her arms around him. She says, shoulders back… He choked up. He says, no, he didn’t, and she laughs, putting her head on his chest.

Drew asks, how many guards Chloe has seen, total? and she says she hasn’t kept count. Ten altogether? At different shifts. He says, any guess on nationality? and she says, they seem to be from all over. He says that could actually work for them, and she asks, how? He says, they’re mercenaries. That means they’re in it for the money. They’ll do their jobs, but they’re not going to risk their lives to stop an escape. A guard bangs on the door, and says, time’s up. Drew says they need to get the keys, and she says he took that beating; what’s a little more pain? and he says, what? She tells him to pretend to be dying, and pushes him on to the cot, pressing on his wounds. He yells out, and she tells him, louder. She calls to the guard, saying, she thinks Drew punctured a lung. They need to get him to a doctor. The guard comes in, and Drew writhes in pain on the cot. The guard says Drew can die for all he cares, but she says she’s pretty sure Russel cares, and whoever Russel works for. They think this man is valuable, and if he dies, who does the guard think they’ll blame? Drew takes note of where the keys hang on the guard’s belt.

Spencer asks how much Josslyn knows. Or should he say, think she knows? She says, Trina told her that he got back to Port Charles long before his family knew, and how the night he met Trina at her graduation party, he told her that his name was Victor. He says, so Trina told her, and she says, he spent a couple of days playing games; chatting her up, and mysteriously refusing to meet her friends or let her take his photo. But then Trina came up to her and Cam at the MetroCourt pool (🍷) and they introduced her to their old friend, Spencer Cassadine. She could have busted him right then and there – like she should have – but he let her keep his secret. He says things are complicated with his father, and she says, how convenient. He says, excuse me? and she says she doesn’t excuse him, and she doesn’t feel sorry for him either. It’s a shame he has a rotten relationship with his father, but other people have it much worse. They don’t have the luxury of a bottomless bank account, or a grandmother, who would drop everything to rush by their side. Which reminds her, how could he do that to Laura? How could he be in Port Charles for weeks and never try to see her? What was so important? He says it’s none of her business, and she says, when they were kids, that was his tell. When he said something was none of their business, that meant he was lying, hiding, or doing something he wasn’t supposed to. Is that still how he operates? Is that why he needed Trina to keep his secret? He says, Trina was just being a friend, and she says, no. He was taking advantage of Trina’s compassion to play mind games with daddy. He flirted with Trina to get her to cooperate, without ever once mentioning he had a serious girlfriend. This is still his fundamental problem. He has no idea what the word friendship actually means.

Harmony says she’s not asking Alexis to forgive or forget her involvement with Shiloh and Dawn of Day. Alexis says, considering what he almost did to her daughters, it will never be forgiven or forgotten. Harmony says, and she went to jail for that. She paid her debt to society, just like Alexis is trying to do. She starts to put some books away, and Alexis follows. Alexis says, that’s true. She’s not in a position to throw stones, while she sits there as an inmate. And she admits Harmony was helpful giving Nikolas those notes from Ryan’s correspondence. Harmony says she understands Alexis wants to help her nephew. Is everything all right with her nephew? Is that what’s bothering her? Alexis says, that, and other things, and Harmony says she knows better than to ask what those other things are, so she’ll get back to work. Alexis says, she has this friend who’s about to make a terrible mistake.

Jax tells Sonny, he’s just trying to minimize the damage, and keep Nina from being harmed. Remember that when he gets his memory back. He’s called Mike, but they both know that’s not his name. Sonny flashes back to kissing his watch goodbye, and says, Mike is the only name he remembers. The only name that means anything to him. He and Nina let go of the past. All he cares about is their future together. Jax says, the funny thing about the past is, you can run from it, you can even hide for a while, but eventually the past is going to catch up with you. And guess what? Today’s your day, Mike.

Nina says, Peter’s issue is with her, not Phyllis. Let her go. Phyllis takes Nina’s hand, and says she’s not leaving her. No way. Peter says, the loyalty between them is quite touching. Does she have any rope in the back? Phyllis asks what he’s going to do with rope, and he says, what does she think? Go get it. And some duct tape. Uh-oh. Duct tape is never a good sign. He tells her, hurry. Look hard, and look fast. If she’s not back in three… no, let’s make it two minutes, Nina’s blood will be all over her hands. Nina tells Phyllis, it’s okay, and Phyllis starts to leave, but Peter says, oh. Before she goes, leave all the cell phones on the floor. She takes one out of her sleeve, and puts it down. She starts to go again, and he says, all the cell phones. She takes another out of her pocket and puts it on the floor. He tells her that she’s on the clock, and she heads for the back. He tells her, remember, he has her gun from behind the bar, so don’t even think of being a hero again. I’m thinking, she could have a Howitzer in the back for all he knows. He squats down in front of Nina, and says, I thought she’d never leave.

Spencer says he’s sorry he doesn’t meet Josslyn’s lofty standards, and she says, right. Because it’s too much to ask him not to use people. He says he had a plan for how he was going to return to life in Port Charles. Meeting Trina wasn’t part of that plan. Meeting her was a total surprise. He thought he was going to lay low in town for a while, stay under the radar, until he figured out how he was going to deal with his father. She says, then he met Trina, and started lying his head off? and he says, besides calling himself Victor, when did he lie to Trina? She says, he told Trina that he’d meet her friends on 4th of July, but he knew if he did that, she and Cam would recognize him. Of course (🍷) he didn’t show up. He says, oh, all that, and she says, yeah, all that. He left Trina twisting, talking about some guy she met who never showed up. He says, Trina wasn’t like anyone he’d met at boarding school. They hit it off almost instantly. She says, that’s the definition of using. He saw Trina liked him, and that’s how he got her to keep the secret. He asks if Trina said she liked him, and she says, really? That’s all he got from this conversation? Another prop for his gigantic ego? He asks if Trina said those specific words, that she’s into him, and she asks why he cares. He says because he likes her too. In perfect soap timing, Esme joins them, apologizing for being late. She sits down, and asks what she missed. Josslyn says, a lot.

Drew howls in pain some more, and Chloe tells the guard, whatever’s going on with him is way past her expertise. They have to get him to a doctor; he might not make it. He says he’ll go get help, but she says they have no time. She’s a nurse. She can recognize when someone’s dying. He knows how important Drew is. If Drew dies, they’ll kill him too. The guard goes over to Drew, who kicks him, jumps off the cot, and knocks him down with a roundhouse kick. Drew checks the guard, and says, he’s out. He gets the keys, and gives them to Chloe. She unlocks his cuffs, and they run out; Drew closing and locking the door behind them.

Dante takes some swings, and Sam tells him, much better. He says, thanks, coach, and she says there is one more thing she needs him to work on. He says, what’s that? and she says, his home run trot. He says she’s really the one who should be practicing that, since she has something to celebrate. She says she does? and he says, the end of her parole. She says, every time she thinks about it, it reminds her of why she’s on parole. Because she rid the world of Shiloh.

Alexis tells Harmony, she doesn’t need to get into the details, but suffice to say, she can relate to him. He’s been trying to do the right thing, but the road to hell is paved, etc., etc. Harmony asks if that’s how she ended up in prison, and Alexis says, that’s what she tells herself, but the truth is, her best intentions were fueled by alcohol. Harmony guesses she could say she’s addicted to men like Shiloh. It’s a very hard habit to admit, or break. Alexis says she knows. She’s been known to fall under the sway of an unworthy man or two… or ten. Harmony asks what advice she has for her well-meaning friend, and Alexis says, the same thing she failed to do – stay out of it.

Sonny says it sounds like Jax is the one who’s running away from something. Or does Jax expect him to believe he came all the way out there for Nina’s sake? Jax says he’ll admit, he’s made mistakes. He thought he was doing the right thing at the time, and drove away people he cares about. Sonny says he should learn from that, and Jax says Sonny sounds like Alexis. Sonny says, who? and Jax says, a friend. She says he’s too much of a fixer, that one person can’t save everyone. And if you try, sometimes you end up getting burned yourself. Sonny says Jax should take her advice and go home, and Jax says he would, but this isn’t just about Nina. Sonny says, then what is it about? and Jax says, you and me.

Peter says, Nina really thought she could just run away from home, forget all her troubles, all the damage she caused, and start a shiny new life with a man who wasn’t even hers to begin with. Think of it this way. Now she won’t have to face Carly, and explain why she kept Carly’s husband all to herself. He starts to laugh, and says, if she thinks about it, he’s freed her from a world of grief. And if she’s lucky, maybe there’s a little corner of hell where she and Nelle Benson can be reunited. Wouldn’t that be nice? She says, you sick, twisted, son of a bitch. You’re baby is so much better off without you in her life. He says he’s going to find his baby, but her… The phone alarm goes off, and he says, she’s running out of time. He guesses Phyllis didn’t turn out to be that good of a friend after all. He points his gun at Nina, and Phyllis runs out, saying, don’t shoot. He says she’s cutting it a bit close, and Phyllis says she forgot where the duct tape was. Peter tells Phyllis to tape Nina’s hands behind her back, and then tie her to the chair; then he’ll tie Phyllis. Nina asks how Peter is going to find his baby while he’s in prison. He should get out of there while he’s still free. She’s sure by now Valentin has alerted Anna, and he knows what that means. The WSB is on the way. He says he doesn’t think they’re going to like what they find when they get there.

Dante asks if Sam wants to hit something, and she says she’d love to. Any mention of Shiloh reminds her of his connection to Peter, and how they were conspiring to hand Drew over to Helena. He says, that’s ancient history, but she says, is it? What if Shiloh knew who Peter August used to arrange for Drew’s plane to go down? He says, even if he did, Shiloh’s dead, and she says, there is someone else. Someone who was very close to Shiloh who is still alive.

Harmony tells Alexis, while it’s her job to look after inmate’s health, she’s always thought it included emotional well-being. Alexis says she’s not dying for a drink, if that’s what Harmony is thinking, but Harmony says she thinks Alexis is lonely, and there’s no shame in that. An occasional visit from family and friends doesn’t always help. Sometimes it makes things worse. Like when her nephew came with his girlfriend. Alexis says, what about it? and Harmony says, as Alexis recalls, she had a bad feeling about Esme. Alexis says, and Harmony has such good instincts about people. Harmony says she deserved that, but she does know trouble when she sees it. Why was she so interested in Ryan? Alexis says she doesn’t know. Some people are fascinated by criminals. Harmony says, fascinated is one thing, but from what she observed, Esme seemed to be upsetting Ryan. How does Alexis explain that?

Esme says Josslyn should know, she and Spence have no secrets. Anything Josslyn can say to her boyfriend, Josslyn can say to her. Josslyn says, anything she has to tell Spencer, she’ll say to Spencer, and Spencer says, Trina told Josslyn that he was in town before he told anyone else, and used a fake name and everything. Esme says, everything? and Josslyn asks if there’s something else she should know. Spencer asks if it isn’t enough that he made Trina keep his secret? Does she think he’s proud of it? Esme says, poor Trina. She’s such a… What’s the word? Josslyn says, human being? and Esme says, that’s two words. An idealist. She’s always looking for the best in people. Spend a few years in boarding school, and you’ll never be an idealist again; you become too jaded. But Trina? She must be so disappointed in Spence. How can she help him make it better? Josslyn says, Esme can’t. If Spencer wants to make things right, start by telling his father the truth. Spencer says, or what? She’ll tell his father for him? He’s sorry he doesn’t have a perfect relationship with his dad like she does.

Jax says, he and Sonny have their own history, but Sonny says he doesn’t see how. Jax is part of Nina’s past. Sonny is her present and future. Jax says Nina isn’t the first woman they fought over. Hell, she’s not even the second. Sonny says, enough with the hints. If they fought over women in the past, that means Jax knows who he is. Jax knows his name. What’s his name? Does he have kids, does he have a family? Don’t even tell him, because everything that comes out of Jax’s mouth is a lie. Jax says he promised Nina that she could be the one to tell Sonny who he is, but he’ll tell Sonny this much, there are people who have risked their lives to hold on to what’s supposedly his. Sonny says, what’s his is there in Nixon Falls with Nina.  

Nina says she doesn’t know why Peter is going to all this trouble. He could have chartered a plane and been on his way to Mexico by now. He says, and just wave goodbye to her and Phyllis on the way? Ignore the fact they’re witnesses? He’s a fanatic about tying up loose ends. Nina says he has no time. Mike will be back. He says, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. Doesn’t she mean Sonny? Phyllis asks, who’s Sonny? and Peter says Nina didn’t tell her? He’s so sorry to disappoint her, but her friend Nina has known exactly who Mike really is all along. In fact, she knows his wife and his kids. She just chose to lie about it all this time.

Out in a hallway, Drew tells Chloe, when the guard doesn’t check in, they’ll know something’s wrong. They keep moving, and he says he’s pretty much only seen the inside of his cell; she’s had the run of the place. Where to now? She tells him, outside the door, there’s a courtyard where they park their cars, and he says, he’ll just hotwire one of them, but it will take them a minute. She says, that’s why they have the keys, holding up a car key. He asks how long she’s had it, and she says since he took the beating. He tries different keys on the guard’s ring, trying to open the door, when a guard asks where they think they’re going.    

Dante says, Sam wants to go see Willow’s mom? and she says he has a lot of catching up to do. She goes by the name of Harmony, and Shiloh hardly ever made a move without her knowing about it. Dante says, so he had something on her? and Sam says she doesn’t think it’s something, but more like some sort of attraction. Sam thinks Harmony thought he was charismatic, and that’s all he needed. Harmony would basically do anything he asked, including drugging her and Kristina to initiate them into the Dawn of Day. Dante says Sam had every reason to kill that guy, although he wishes Shiloh was still there to question about Drew. She says, they have the next best thing. She holds out her hand, he takes it, and she pulls him along.

Alexis asks Harmony how anyone can upset a sociopath like Ryan. Esme came off entitled and spoiled, but maybe she’s just a harmless teenager. Harmony laughs, and says, there’s nothing harmless about that girl. The smile, the perfect manners, they’re all a cover, so she can slip the knife in your back, and make off with your wallet. Alexis thinks Harmony has been there too long, and Harmony says, Shiloh collected Esme’s type at Dawn of Day; beautiful as butterflies, but vicious as a nest of vipers. Harmony walks over to help Greg.

Esme says Josslyn has known Spence much longer than she has. She’s sure Josslyn realizes Spence’s feeling for his family is complicated. Josslyn says, that’s one word for it. Esme says, just so Josslyn knows, she told Spence that she thought it was wrong for him to mislead her and Cameron into thinking he’d just come to town, and she was very much against him asking Trina to keep his secret. Spencer says, good to know it’s unanimous. Everyone thinks he’s a jerk. Josslyn says, what a shock, and Esme says he knows she doesn’t think that. He just needs to work on his communication skills and his trust issues. Isn’t today Josslyn’s mom’s wedding day? Shouldn’t she be focused on that? Josslyn says she can multitask, and Josslyn says, so it’s more important for Josslyn to threaten Spence’s new understanding with his father?

Phyllis asks what Peter is saying. Does she know Mike’s real identity? Peter says, shame on Nina, lying to a nice woman like Phyllis, manipulating her. Phyllis let Nina into her home, opened her door to her, and sang her praises, and Nina deceived her all this time. Nina calls him a psychotic bastard, and he says, excuse me. He’s not the one who let Mike believe he was Mr. Nobody. She knew all along he was Sonny Corinthos, a married man, with a beautiful wife, and a whole bunch of grieving children back in Port Charles. Phyllis asks, is this true? like it matters right now, and Nina says, please. Phyllis has to believe her. The man called Sonny Corinthos is gone. He drowned in the Lantano River, and a much better man named Mike took his place. Peter says, that’s rich. He reinvents himself as Peter August, and he’s sick and twisted. Nina reinvents herself, and she’s the goddess of love. Nina says he’s right. They both made a lot of mistakes, but he has a chance to turn everything around. All he has to do is go; leave them alone. He says he thinks he speaks for Phyllis when he says they’ve heard enough of her lying mouth. It’s time to shut her up. He puts duct tape over Nina’s mouth, and Phyllis says she doesn’t want to die. He says he knows. Next time, chose better friends. Scratch that. They both know there won’t be a next time.

Chloe tells the guard, help her. She found this prisoner trying to escape, and she was trying to stop him. As she’s talking, she pretends like she’s scared and goes behind the guard. The guard says, it doesn’t look like it, and Drew asks if the guard is calling Chloe a liar, and punches him. Chloe stabs the guard in the neck with a syringe, and he drops. Drew says, don’t tell him she was planning that too, and she says, sometimes you have to improvise. Help her get him out of here. They pick the guard up, and drag him off.

Alexis says, that’s the second time Harmony mentioned her nephew’s girlfriend. If Esme is trouble, why does she care? Harmony says, because Alexis isn’t the only one who’s lonely. Harmony and her daughter are estranged, for good reason, but not only is she cut out of Willow’s life, she’s cut out of her grandson’s life, which is a long way of saying, she could use a friend too. Sam comes in, and Alexis tells Harmony that she’d like to pick up this conversation, but right now she has a visitor. She hugs Sam, saying, this is a surprise. Sam says she’s happy to see Alexis too, but she’s a collateral benefit. They’re here for another reason. Dante joins her, and says they’re here for a professional visit. They want to talk to Harmony about a case they’re working on.   

Josslyn says, what happened between Spencer and his dad is his business. However, he needs to apologize to Trina, and he’s going to have to work for it. If he’s going to make Josslyn choose between him and Trina, she’s choosing Trina. It’s not even a hard call. He tells Josslyn that he tried to explain to Trina that it’s not about her; it’s about him and his father. Esme tells him, listen to Josslyn. She believes 100% that he wasn’t trying to treat Trina poorly, but he did. Be the guy she knows he is, and apologize. Acknowledge that he put Trina in an impossible situation, and it wasn’t fair of him. He says, him? He did this. All by himself. Josslyn asks if he’s saying there was someone in it with him, and looks at Esme.   

Jax says Sonny claims he loves Nina, and Sonny says, they’re not just words. He loves Nina, and she loves him. Jax says, then trust her to tell him the truth. She’s probably back at the Tan-O. They can go there together… Sonny says he’s not going anywhere with Jax. Jax asks if he doesn’t trust Nina, and Sonny says, he trusts Nina; he doesn’t trust Jax. So Jax can go, he can stay, he can do whatever he wants, but stay the hell away from Nina. Sonny stomps off.

Peter brings out a can of kerosene, totally freaking Nina and Phyllis out. He says, they thought Mike would save the day. He guesses Mike is no more heroic than Sonny. He takes a sniff of the kerosene and warns them about the fumes, telling Nina, it’s certainly no Chanel No. 5. Not to worry. He starts to pour the kerosene on the bar, and says, this will all be over in a few minutes. Nina and Phyllis struggle and try to yell, but there’s no point. Peter pours the kerosene all over the place, and says, dead women tell no tales. He tried to work with Nina, but she had to run to her Aunt Liesl. He pours the kerosene over the boxes, and says, let’s look on the bright side. He, Maxie, and their daughter will live happily ever after. And they’re taking little James with them. He can grow up with a new dad. He knocks some boxes over in front of the door, and gets on the door side. He produces a box of matches that says, Tan-O on it, which he finds amusing. He lights one, and drops it. The flames leap up, and he leaves.   

Drew hopes they can find the right car, and messes with the keys, trying to unlock the door again. An alarm goes off, and he says they must have found the guard he locked in his cell. He continues trying keys, and tells her to go take the car. He’ll hold off the guards as long as he can. She says she can’t abandon him, but he says he’ll be all right. He gets the door open, and tells her, go somewhere public, very public, where they have security cameras, like the U.S. Consulate or a luxury hotel or something. She protests, but he says, someone wants him alive for whatever reason. She’s wasting time. Go. She jets, and Drew slams and locks the door. Two guards confront him, and he rushes them, knowing it’s futile. They punch the crap out of him.

Alexis says, Sam and Dante are working on a case that involves Harmony? and Harmony says she doesn’t know what they suspect her of doing, but she’s doing her best to clean up her act. Willow has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with Harmony’s life, unless she truly changes, which is what she’s trying to do… Sam tells her, hold on. Wait. They’re not here to accuse her. They actually need her help.

Esme says, maybe she’s being too hard on Spencer. She should have made sure he told his friends that he had a serious girlfriend. She should have made sure her appearance at the party was excepted, and not a big surprise. That way, Trina would have known his situation; that he was definitely unavailable. And that way, she wouldn’t have gotten any unrealistic expectations. They’ll just have to admit they messed up, and will do better moving forward. Right, Spence? Josslyn, who’s been watching this with interest, says, okay. She’s got to go. She has to get ready for her mom’s wedding. She tells Esme, as always, a pleasure. She leaves, and Spencer thanks Esme for throwing him under the bus. As if he did all this by himself, like she wasn’t a part of him arriving in town early and in secret. As if she hasn’t been part of the stalking. She’s the one who set Ava’s car on fire, something they never even discussed. She says she’s sorry. She just didn’t think it was the right call to let Josslyn think they were in this together. Trust her. This is his chance to make things right with his father. She’s only thinking about him. Josslyn watches them while she’s waiting for the elevator.  

Phyllis and Nina trapped, and struggle to get free, with walls of fire all around them. Sonny comes up the walk, and says, what the hell? He runs inside, and yells for Nina. Things start falling, and he looks through the flames

Tomorrow, Drew asks if that’s who the big boss is, Spinelli tells Jason that he wouldn’t have it any other way, Maxie tells Britt that the odds are in someone’s favor, and Carly says they have no idea what’s coming. Truer words.

💭 So, I’m wondering if Sonny will get knocked in the head saving Nina and Phyllis, and get his memory back. I’m also thinking, Esme isn’t really from Spencer’s school, and she has something on him. He does not seem interested. Also, Jax is like a head taller than Sonny. I never really noticed before. Maybe there haven’t been the two of them alone in many scenes.

🗽 About That Reunion…

Apparently, the RHONY Reunion has been iffy, but I missed the memo. However, it’s now on.


👠 Meta Fashion…

What is this party even for anyway?

The beautiful:


The weird:


And the after party:



Bonus: The food:

🛸 Moon Men 2021…

The VMA winners:


Megan Fox has nowhere to go but naked next year. The only important thing:

📺 Coming Up…

Some shows to look forward to this fall.


🍁 Taking My Leave…

Tune in tomorrow for soap and the latest in the Erika saga, otherwise known as RHOBH. Until then, stay safe, stay making movement part of your day, and stay knowing that sometimes you have to improvise.