Tag Archives: Bob and Doug McKenzie

December 23, 2022 – Christmas In Port Charles, Ellie, MOSS BOWL, Escape, Rescue Pups (!), VanderFight, Jealousy, Unhinged, Celebrity Holidays, Pointless, Carol Quote Quartet & Twelve


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brook and Austin clean up giftwrap, and Britt says, from the look of pure glee on his face, Leo couldn’t have liked Austin’s gift any more. Austin says, it was just a video game about marine biology, so how could he resist. Olivia says she’d thank him, but he might be responsible for them never seeing their son again. Austin says, actually, he should thank them. It was kind of them to let him stay here last night. Olivia says, no one should be alone on Christmas, especially family. Austin and Brook leave to throw the wrapping away, and Ned says, not to sound… What’s the opposite of generous? Olivia says, selfish, and he says he thought they were having an intimate Christmas dinner. The staff is off. Did they prep enough food for a guest? She asks him to form that sentence again, and he says, did she prep enough food for a guest? She says, relax. Monica is still under the weather, and made it clear she’s not coming down for dinner. So they split the Christmas goose five ways instead of four. There’s always room for one more. Remember that. The doorbell rings, and Ned says, they’re not actually having goose, right? Olivia opens the door to Cody, who says, they have a bit of a situation.

Maxie, Obrecht, Britt, and Nina are at Nina’s penthouse, and Britt says, thanks for the loot, but she has to jet. She’s sorry she missed Sonny. Obrecht says, called away to work on Christmas day; it’s unfortunate. Nina asks if Britt is sure she can’t stay, but Britt says, no time. She has the Polar Bear Pledge, the soup kitchen, and then she’s hearing Brad sing with the PC Gay Men’s Choir. Maxie says, that’s quite a Christmas, and Britt tells them to have a wonderful Christmas. She hugs everyone, and Obrecht says she’ll walk Britt out. In the hallway, Obrecht says, Britt doesn’t have to do this, and Britt says, do what? Obrecht says, act like it’s her last Christmas with them. Huntington’s or not, she still has many more years ahead of her. Inside, Maxie says she should get going too. The roads are a mess, and she doesn’t want to miss her flight. Nina says, oh no. She wanted to check in with Maxie. How is she doing? She knows Christmas is a tough time for a break up, but Maxie says, it was a good thing. She and Austin are not meant to be. Nina says, it’s still okay to be sad about it, and Maxie says she is, but it helped spending the morning with James and Bailey, and this motley crew. Now she’s going to Portland to see Georgie. Her Christmas just keeps getting better.

Georgie asks if Ellie likes her present, and Ellie says she loves it, but Georgie coming to visit was the only present she needed. Georgie leaves to try on her new sweater, and Ellie thanks Spinelli for bringing Georgie. She can’t tell him how much she missed her last year. He says, Ellie helped raise her. You’ll always be her third parent, even if we are no longer a we. He thanks her for allowing Maxie to join them tonight. It’ll mean a lot to Georgie. She says, just Georgie, huh?

Sonny comes to the garage, and asks if anyone is here. Sasha stands up from behind a motorcycle, and he asks what she’s doing here.

Outside Elizabeth’s house, Scotty gets hit with a snowball. He makes a snowball of his own, and says, all right, you little animals, here I come. Inside, Elizabeth looks at family photos on the mantel, and focuses on one of her, Finn, and Violet. Cameron comes downstairs, and asks if everything is okay. She says she’s great, and he says, it’s just that she’s been very quiet about everything that’s happened between her and Finn. He wants her to know she can talk to him about anything, and she says she knows, but she’s fine, she promises. She asks if Josslyn is stopping by, but he says, no. Her car’s still busted from last night. Elizabeth says, that’s too bad. It’s probably for the best though, with the shape the roads are in. Nobody should be behind the wheel today.

Laura goes to Jordan’s office, Jordan says, sorry to pull her away from her family. Laura says, comes with the territory, but nobody knows that better than Jordan. It was so bad out there, she had to walk here. Jordan says, last night’s storm was intense. Snow is completely covering sections of Harborview Drive. Add that to the ice damage to all the other roads surrounding the city… Laura says, it’s just a disaster, and Jordan says, and on Christmas. Laura says, a lot of people will be having an unhappy holiday because of this.

Nina says, Maxie has one more present, when Maxie looks at her phone, and says, no. She can’t believe this is happening. Her flight was canceled. She’s not going to get to see Georgie for Christmas.

Ned asks, what’s going on? and Cody says, Harborview’s totally blocked off. No one’s getting out of their main gate, unless they plan on walking. Olivia says, luckily, everyone who’s here was planning on staying here for the foreseeable future. Cody says he just wanted to give them a heads up, and Olivia asks what his plans are for the day. He says he was going to hit up Beradino’s for their holiday menu, but that’s obviously shot. No big deal. He’ll scrounge something out of the fridge. Olivia says, he’ll do no such thing. He’s staying right here. They’ll figure out something with the food. Cody says he doesn’t want to impose, but Olivia says, it’s not an imposition. Right, Ned? Back her up here. Ned says, the more, the merrier.

Britt tells Obrecht that she knows it’s not her last Christmas, but she won’t be able to live life to the fullest. Obrecht says, despite the old adage, it’s unwise to live every day like it’s your last. Racing around, desperate to check things off a list. Nein. Live every day as if it’s your first. You’ll never lose sight of all the magic and wonder around you. Britt hugs her mother, tells her, merry Christmas, and leaves. Obrecht says something in German.

Sasha says she didn’t mean for Sonny to come out here on Christmas. She thought she disarmed the security system. He asks if she comes here a lot, and she says, no, but the garage is being sold soon. And Brando’s New Year’s resolution for 2022 was to finish his bike by 2023. Sonny says, time’s almost up, and she says she thought since she used to work in her neighbor’s garage, she could figure it out. He says, not so much? and she says, not so much. He says, all right, and takes his coat off. She asks what he’s doing, and he says, she’s not the only one who can work on engines, and rolls up his sleeves. She says, no. He should be with Nina today, and he says, he’ll get to that, but he thinks if they work together, they can do this by dinnertime. Hand me that wrench.

Olivia brings Cody into the living room, and tells Brook and Austin that Cody will be joining them tonight. She tells Cody to help himself to a drink, and make himself comfortable. She goes into the foyer, and Ned says, he hates to keep harping on this… She says she knows. They don’t have enough food. (Which I find really hard to believe.) She says she’ll whip up a lasagna. It’ll probably be boxed noodles – she crosses herself – but what are you going to do? He tells her that he thinks they’ll survive, she kisses him, and runs off. He goes into the living room, and tells Cody that Leo will be thrilled to see him. Austin tells Brook, and just like that, he was replaced. She says, horse wrangler trumps doctor, and he says she must be thrilled. He knows she was never his biggest fan, so he’s guessing she’s over the moon that he messed things up with Maxie. She says, he was trying to be everything to everyone, told a white lie or two, and it got away from him. It happens to the best of us. He asks why he gets the feeling she’s including herself in the us, and she says, because she is.

Spinelli says, of course (🍷) he wants Georgie to spend time with both her mothers, but Ellie says, that’s not what she meant, and he knows it. He says he apologizes for the whirlwind nature of this visit, but he might even have time to meet that new suitor of hers. She says, new being the operative word. They’re not even official. Funny, he used to live in Port Charles… A tablet rings, and Spinelli calls to Georgie, saying, her mother is video calling her. Georgie runs out, and tells Maxie, merry Christmas. She misses Maxie. Maxie says she misses Georgie too, and Spinelli says, Maxie is cutting it close. Her flight leaves in a little over an hour. Georgie says, please don’t be fashionably late, and Maxie says she’s so sorry, but her flight got canceled, and she won’t be able to make it in until tomorrow. Georgie says, but tomorrow’s not Christmas, and Maxie says, she knows, but she’ll be there before Georgie knows it. Georgie says, it’ll be too late. Don’t even bother. She stomps off, and Spinelli says he’ll talk to her. Maxie asks him to tell her how sorry she is, and he says, it may not seem like it at the moment, but she knows.

Obrecht comes back in, and asks, why the long faces? I desperately want to make a horse joke, and Nina says, all the flights from PC International have been grounded. Maxie says she’s not going to be able to see Georgie for Christmas. She needed this. More important, Georgie needed this. She failed George. Obrecht gives a short laugh, and Maxie asks if Obrecht just scoffed at her. Obrecht says, and she’d do it again. Such a defeatist attitude. That’s not the Maxie Jones she knows. So Maxie’s flight has been canceled; there are still other options to explore. Mark her words. They’re getting Maxie to Portland to see her daughter komm hölle oder hochwasser (come hell or high water).

Scotty comes in, and says, those kids are like wild animals, and Elizabeth tells him, watch it; those kids are her boys. He says, they want him to go sledding with them, and Cameron says, why doesn’t he? Scotty says, because he doesn’t want to start the new year in traction. Cameron suggests he take over, and Scotty says he’ll slip Cameron a twenty later. Cameron leaves, and Scotty asks, which one of those good-for-nothings is Elizabeth moping over? Finn, her father, or perhaps she’s taking a little from column A, and column B. He tells her to sit, and says he wants her to know that he and Laura are worried about her, but she says she’s fine. She’s spent most of her Christmases without her parents. It never used to bother her. He says, now things have changed. So what’s the difference? She says, for the first time, it doesn’t seem like there’s a gap or a pause. This time their absence feels final.

Olivia tells Ned, the lasagna’s in the oven. Let’s just hope it’s enough. He says, because if it isn’t, Luigi’s isn’t open on Christmas, and she says, do not even put that out in the universe. This night is going to be nothing like Thanksgiving. He says, she doesn’t really believe all this universe nonsense, right? and the doorbell rings. She says, God will get him for that, and opens the door to TJ and Molly. TJ says, they’re sorry for barging in like this. They were out caroling… Molly says, but Harborview is blocked; there’s no way to get home. TJ asks if it’s okay if they hang out here, just until the road’s unblocked. Olivia tells them to get inside now. Make themselves comfortable. She tells Ned, God will get him good, and follows them into the living room.

Nina tells Maxie, that was her business manager, and the hangar they use for across the border for Crimson is still operational. And apparently, there are some private jets just hanging out there, just waiting to be used. Is there any chance Maxie knows someone who owns a plane?

Ellie asks how Georgie is, and Spinelli says, she’s not happy. She’s at that tough age; old enough to know there are things we can’t control, and still young enough to believe mommy can move mountains. Ellie says, to be fair, Maxie is quite formidable, and speaking of, he did a nice little dodge before, but she knows him better than almost anyone. He’s fallen for Maxie again, hasn’t he? He says, now is neither the time nor the place, but he was hoping getting together as a family make things right between them. Clearly it’s not in the cards. She says, it’s not like him to give up so easily, and he says, it’s not like he can change the weather in Port Charles. She says, maybe not, but Christmas is a time for magic and miracles. So what does he say they make some happen for Georgie?

Brook’s phone rings, and she asks Maxie, what’s up? Maxie says she has a problem, and she’s hoping Brook can help her. Her flight to Portland was canceled. She can still get there. She just needs a private plane from the Toronto hangar. Please tell her one of those planes has Brook’s family’s name on it. Britt says, let her see what she can do.

Cody says, not much has changed. Olivia is still mother to all the misfits. She tells him, like she said to Austin, no one should be alone on Christmas. He says he appreciates it. Let him know if there’s anything he can do to help. The doorbell rings, and she says, he can get the lasagna out of the oven. She wonders, what now? and opens the door. A young pregnant woman wearing a blue wrap is standing there, and Olivia says, holy mother of God. The woman says she’s sorry to barge in on their holiday. She was part of a live nativity scene, and the car won’t start. Not that it matters, since the roads are blocked anyway. Would it be possible for her to wait here until a Ride Share can take her home? Olivia says, of course (🍷). Come in. This must be stressful for her. She must have a houseful of people waiting. The woman says, no one actually. This is their first, and her husband’s working the plows today, so he’ll probably be late. Olivia says, she was planning on spending Christmas all alone? and the woman says, technically, she has company, but Olivia says, no, no, no, no. She’s staying right here. She’s eating Christmas dinner with them. The woman asks if she’s sure, and Olivia says she wouldn’t have it any other way. Go into the living room and introduce herself, and make sure she puts her feet up. The woman says, Olivia is so kind, and thanks her. Cody wonders where Olivia wants the lasagna, and asks, what’s wrong? Olivia says, they’re gonna need a bigger lasagna.

Sonny says, they’re getting there, and Sasha says, it would have taken days without his help. Britt knocks at the door, and asks if they’re open. She walks in, and wonders what Sasha and Sonny are going here. Sasha says, long story. Britt? Britt says, in typical her fashion, she ignored the warnings about the roads. Her car spun a few blocks away. Sonny asks if she’s okay, and she says, the only thing bruised is her ego. Sasha says, the garage is closed, but Britt is welcome to call AAA, assuming they can get here. Sonny says, that’s assuming a lot, and Britt says, this is not how she wanted to spend her last Christmas in Port Charles. Sasha says, last? Is she going somewhere?

Austin says, Brook seems a little tense, and she says she is. Maxie needs to get to Portland, but all of the commercial flights have been grounded. She’s trying to hook maxi up with her family’s private jet that flies out of Canada, but apparently, there’s a mile long line at the border. Even if she were to brave the roads, it could be hours before she takes off. He says, if she bothers to use the roads, and Brook says, something’s going on in his head; what is it? He asks her to tell Maxie to get to the pier as soon as she can, and he’ll take care of the rest. He calls Mason, and says he’s done everything Mason has asked him to do, and asked nothing in return. Now he is. He needs Mason to send a boat to the pier in Port Charles. He needs to get somebody he cares about to Canada without the hassle of border security.

Jordan thanks someone on the phone, and says, she and the mayor appreciate it. She tells Laura, those needing medical attention have been airlifted to the hospital, but there’s been no reports of serious injuries or fatalities. Laura says, it’s a Christmas miracle. What did they say about the roads? How quickly can they be cleared? Jordan says, the plows are out, but it’s going to be tough. Laura says, tough, but not impossible. Let’s get it done. Jordan says, got it, and Laura leaves.

Maxie wonders what’s taking so long, and Obrecht says, patience. Maxie says, that’s not her strong suit, when her phone rings. She asks Brook to tell her that she has good news, and Brook says, the jet is all hers, but she’s taking a boat to Canada. Maxie asks, why? but Brook says, there’s no time for questions. Just get her booty to the pier, and give Georgie a big squeeze when she sees her. Maxie thanks Brook, and says she owes her. She tells Nina and Obrecht that she guesses she’s going to the pier, and Obrecht says, she’ll escort Maxie. Nina says she’ll come with Maxie, but Maxie says, Sonny is coming over, and they need to spend Christmas together. She hugs Nina, and leaves with Obrecht.

Everyone gathers in the living room after dinner, and Ned asks Olivia, who is the incredibly pregnant young lady? Olivia says, just another guest for dinner, and he says, this is getting ridiculous. She says, it’s a little on the nose to say there’s no room at the inn. It might not be the incredibly intimate Christmas they planned, but it’s the Christmas they’ve got. Capisce? He says, capisce, and she says, her arrabbiata sauce was apparently a big hit, and he says, she made her lasagna with her arrabbiata sauce? and she says, she found some left over in the ice box. He says, that sauce is incredibly spicy, and that is an incredibly pregnant woman, but she says, even she’s telling him, that old spicy food thing is an old wives – the woman says, oh my God, and looks down – tale.

The woman says, not now, not here, and Olivia tells Ned to get some blankets, pillows, and towels. Cody says he’ll call 911, but Brook says, there’s no way they’re going to get here with all the road closures. The woman says, this isn’t happening, and Olivia says she’ll talk her through this. Brook says she pretended to give birth, and Olivia says, not helping. Ned comes back with the linens, and they situate the woman on the floor. Molly says, TJ is a doctor; he can help deliver the baby. He says he’s never done it before, but he can figure it out. Austin comes in, and asks if this is what he thinks it is, and Olivia says, another doctor. Teamwork makes dream work. Get going.

Scotty says he knows Elizabeth is a little down, but here’s the good news. She says, there’s good news? and he says, she’s the most resilient girl he’s ever met. She takes the cards that are dealt her, and she never complains… almost never. Look at the home she’s made for the kids. They feel loved and safe. For that, he respects her, and salutes her as well. She thanks him for saying that, and he says, Jeff is a fool not to see what a great daughter he’s got. Even though Franco’s gone, she’s still a Baldwin. Never forget that. She says she won’t, and they hug.

Austin tells the woman that she’s doing great. He asks TJ to watch her for a second, and TJ tells her, keep breathing like they talked about. Brook says, she’ll go get some ice, and in the foyer, Cody asks Austin, what’s going on? Austin says, this isn’t going to be easy, and Cody says, that’s obvious, but he delivered Maxie’s baby, right? Austin says, Maxie’s baby wasn’t breach, and Cody asks if that wasn’t something the mother would have known, but Austin says, not necessarily if the baby’s flipped recently. If they were in a hospital, all kinds of options would be available, including an emergency C-section. But here, what this woman needs is a trained OB.

Britt tells Sasha that she has no immediate plans to leave, but she has a job interview in Boston. Please don’t tell anyone. Sasha says, Britt’s secret is safe with her, when Britt’s phone rings. She asks what Cody wants, and he says, merry Christmas to her too. He knows she doesn’t want to hear from him, but he’s at the Quartermaines’ with Austin and TJ. She says, congratulations, and he asks her to just listen. The Virgin Mary is giving birth today; like, right now. She asks how much eggnog he’s had, but he says he’s not drunk. Austin takes the phone, and says, there’s a woman here. She’s in labor, and the baby’s breach. It’s not his level of expertise, and he needs her to talk him through this. She says, this woman needs a hospital and a specialist, and he says he agrees, but thanks to the weather, it’s not an option. Neither a car nor an ambulance can get through these roads. Sasha and Sonny get the bike started.  

TJ tells the woman that she’s doing great. Deep breaths; in through the nose, out through the mouth. When you exhale, try focusing on relaxing an area of the body. She says, he wants her to relax? and Brook says, they thought Thanksgiving was dramatic. Mr. Wattles’ got nothing on this situation. Molly says, Mr. who? and the woman screams.  

In the foyer, Olivia says, the baby’s breach? and Austin says, there’s a pretty substantial chance something’s going to go really, really wrong. Ned asks what they can do, and Austin says, TJ can treat the mother post-birth, but they need to get this woman to a hospital on foot. Olivia asks if it’s safe, but Austin says he doesn’t know what else to do without a trained OB. They hear tires screeching, and Britt comes in with Sasha through the patio door. She says, sorry about Monica’s begonias, but she heard there’s a baby that needs delivering.

Elizabeth says she didn’t think Laura was going to make it, and Laura says, it was an eventful day, but she thinks it’s calming down now. Elizabeth asks if Laura would like some tea, but Laura says, she’s okay. She asks how Elizabeth is holding up, and Elizabeth says, since her not so happy reunion with her parents? She’s okay. She wants to be okay. Laura says, she will be, and if Elizabeth needs support, she’s here. They hug.

Britt says she knows this isn’t how the woman envisioned this to go down, but she seems to be made of tough stuff, and has three MDs to coach her through it. The baby is a little upside down at the moment. The woman asks if that’s dangerous, and Britt says, no. It just means she has to push extra hard when Britt gives the word. The woman has a contraction, and Britt says, here we go. Push. The woman screams.

Maxie tells the clerk at the airport check-in that she needs to get to Portland; Oregon, not Maine. He says, this is Edmonton, Alberta, and she says she knows that, but her daughter is in Portland, and she promised they’d be together on Christmas. He says he understands her dilemma… but she says she doesn’t think he does. First, her flight gets canceled. Then she has to take a super shady boat to a super awesome private plane, which has to land because of the weather. Now she just needs to know when she’s getting back in the air. He says, there’s really no way of knowing with the storm. No one is taking off tonight. He’s sorry. He gives her a candy cane, and says, merry Christmas. She sits down, and says, merry Christmas.

The baby cries, and the woman says, that’s a good sign, right? Britt says, it’s a great sign, and hands her the baby, saying, meet her little girl. The woman says, she’s perfect. Hello, baby. It’s your first day. So much wonder for you to see. She tells Britt, live every day like it’s your first, right? Molly asks if she’s thought of a name yet, and the woman says, Noelle seems appropriate, all things considered. Olivia says, it certainly does, and the woman asks what Britt’s name is. Britt tells her, Britt. It’s short for Britta. The woman says, Britta Noelle. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t she think? If she doesn’t mind of course (🍷). Britt says she doesn’t mind at all.

Brook says, in all the commotion, she didn’t get a chance to thank Austin for what he did for Maxie. Austin says, of course (🍷). He really wants Maxie to be happy, even if she’s not happy with him. Brook tells him that she’s not saying she was wrong about him, but he might have some redeeming qualities she might have overlooked. He says, thanks; he’ll take it. Jordan comes in with an officer, and TJ asks what she’s doing here. She says she was dealing with the roads when she got a call about an incident at the Quartermaine’s, and the woman tells Britta Noelle that the incident was her. Jordan says she sees that. Here she was, worried about missing Christmas with TJ, but from the looks of it, he kept quite busy. Molly says, TJ was incredible, and Olivia says she thinks they all earned a gold star today. TJ says, Dr. Westbourne in particular, and asks Jordan if traffic is moving. She says, slowly, but yeah, and he says, they should probably get out of these guys’ hair. Ned says, after the day they’ve had, he thinks it’s only fitting they all stay, and they celebrate together. Britt asks if he’s sure, and Olivia says, positive. Jordan says, it sounds wonderful, and there are hugs all around. Cody and Britt exchange looks.

Scotty asks what Laura and Elizabeth think of his dance moves, and Elizabeth says, they were… Laura says, smooth, very smooth. Scotty says, they’re secretly laughing at him, but Laura says she’s enjoying him. He’s a terrific grandpa. He says, she’s no slouch in that department either. Elizabeth says, all this time, she was focusing on the parents who weren’t there for her, when she should have been focused on the people who were. The people who have always been by her side; the people she’s always needed. Sonny tells Laura that he thinks she’s talking about them, and they have a three-way hug, as Cameron comes downstairs. He smiles.

Maxie leaves a voicemail for Spinelli, asking why he’s not answering his phone. Call her. Spinelli and Georgie walk into the airport, and he says, Maximista? Georgie runs to Maxie, and she asks what they’re doing here. He says, he knew they wanted to see each other. The plan was to fly into Canada, and drive to Port Charles. Maxie says, great minds think alike. And Georgie is the best Christmas present ever. She hugs Georgie, and thanks Spinelli. He says, it’s nothing, but she says, it’s everything. He’s always been there for her, through all of it. She doesn’t know what she’d do without him. He says, she’ll never have to find out, and they, too, have a three-way hug.

Ellie’s phone rings, and we see it’s Griffin Munro, who I continually think is dead. She says, hey you. Merry Christmas.

There’s a knock at Nina’s door. She drags Sonny in, and kisses him.

There’s a knock at Elizabeth’s door, and Scotty opens it. Obrecht dances in, holding mistletoe over her head, and he kisses her.

At the Quartermaines’, Cody looks at Britt. She looks away, and goes to the window.

At the airport, Spinelli eats pizza, while Georgie shows off her new sweater to Maxie, and they talk and laugh.

Deck the Halls plays while we see the once-a-year full credits.

No preview.

💍 Spinelli’s Second Choice…

Actually, I can see her with Griff. He was a bit of a nerd.

🎍 O Moss Bowl…

This article contains a picture of the moss bowl🎍. Who cares what it says?

🧙🏻‍♂️ Tanzanian Devil…

His name wasn’t Shiloh or Josiah, was it?

🐶 Me Too…

He’s definitely cute, but mine’s cuter. He’s from No Paw Left Behind. Behold El Wray.

Oh yeah.

😭 Oh Boo Hoo…

I’d actually forgotten she was on the show. And the most awful human being on the face of the earth – i.e. Jax – deserved to be fired a while ago. Maybe even on the first day.

🍊 Old News…

Vicki is like the next Jill Zaren.

🍹 Hilton Head Gets My Vote…

I’m surprised they didn’t include Ashley calling Kathryn an egg donor at whatever ball that was.

🎄 Not Quite Like Us…

The cards.


The decorations.


The celebrations.


🎅🏽 WTF…?

I have no clue what this is, but it sounds slightly intriguing.


🎩 Quotes of the Week

There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say,’ returned the nephew. ‘Christmas among the rest. . . . And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!

For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.

I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!

[A]nd it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!

✨ – from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

🎁 Decking the Halls…

Hard to believe another year has almost gone by. Hoping that Santa has you on the nice list, and that all your Christmas wishes – or non-Christmas wishes – come true. I’m not sure about Monday’s Deck or soap, but if it airs, it will be here. Until then, stay safe, stay open to whatever the holiday weekend brings you, and stay living every day as if it’s your first. You’ll never lose sight of all the magic and wonder around you.

December 4, 2020 – Nikolas Says Ava Is Enough, Two Exits, Intimidated Intimidator, Holidays, a Lawsuit, Coming Out, Breaking Up, Walking Out, Engaged, a Baby, Fashion Fight, New Old Show, Steve’s House, More Than 10 Quotes & McKenzie Twelve


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Going along with how the rest of the week has been, I missed the beginning, so here are the takeaway points. Avery told Carly that her favorite necklace was missing, and Carly reminded Avery that she’d taken it to have it fixed, but didn’t know when she’d get it back. Carly went to Pizzulo’s where Jason and Sonny were talking about Julian. Trina went to see Josslyn, who was in the kitchen where the notorious bowl of moss lives. Britt tried to call Julian at Charlie’s, and was surprised to find out he hadn’t been in all day. Willow told Michael, it was time to face the truth, and here we are…

Nikolas tells Ava, it’s okay. Back up, and tell him what happened from the beginning. She says Ryan threatened to expose Julian’s part in Wiley’s kidnapping, and Nikolas says, Julian helped? She says no one knew about it, but Nelle left a letter tying Julian to the kidnapping. That’s what Ryan was using to blackmail her into divorcing Nikolas. Julian was scared Sonny would kill him, and Jason came looking for Julian. She always knew her brother would meet a violent end, but she was scared Sonny would make him suffer. She starts to cry, and Nikolas says, that’s why she decided to kill him herself; like a mercy killing. She says she wanted it to be quick. She thinks Julian understood, and he understood he was living on borrowed time. She was about to pull the trigger, when Sonny and Jason burst in. She got distracted for a second, and Julian took the opportunity to jump. Nikolas says, from the turret. It’s an extremely hazardous fall, but she survived. Maybe Julian did too. She says Nikolas was there to save her. Julian – God help him – had no one.   

Chase approaches the reception desk, and asks Britt if he can see the toxicology report on Sasha. She asks if he has a warrant. He says he’s not investigating the patient, but needs to know about the substance they ingested. He asks her to please show him the report.

Sasha tells Nina, she didn’t OD; she had a heart attack. Nina says, at her age, that’s hardly normal, and Sasha admits she’s done a few lines to take the edge off. Nina says, Sasha would rather think she had a heart condition than own up to a drug problem? It scared her when she heard what happened. Even though she’s not Sasha’s mother, she still cares about her, and doesn’t want her to throw away her life like this. Sasha asks if Nina really cares, and Nina says Sasha has her whole life ahead of her. She needs to wake up and do better. Please? Sasha smiles, and thanks Nina, and tells her that she really does appreciate Nina’s concern.

Chase opens Sasha’s door, and says he’s sorry to interrupt, but he needs to speak to Sasha. Nina says she has to go anyway. She just wanted to see that Sasha was all right with her own eyes. If Sasha needs anything at all… Sasha says she still feels like Nina’s daughter. Anyone would be lucky to have her for a mom. Nina leaves, and Chase asks how Sasha is feeling. She says, it depends, and he says, on? She says on whether he’s there as a friend or a cop.

Michael tells Willow that he wants to start by saying how much he’s always admired her. He’s thankful Wiley has her for a mother, and like they’ve both been trying to say, they’ve always been good friends, but lately his feelings have deepened and changed. Willow says she’s been feeling the same way. She thinks they were on the verge of something new, but then they found out Chase and Sasha had lied. Michael says she told him that she didn’t regret what happened, and he flashes back to them basking in the afterglow. She says she doesn’t regret anything, and he says, neither does he. She says, but learning that Chase and Sasha never cheated changes things, doesn’t it? and Michael says, does it?

Trina says her father could be hiding, right? and Josslyn says Trina has been spending all her time clearing her dad’s name, and now she thinks he’s alive? Where is this coming from? Trina says, the more she’s been thinking about it, the more it makes sense. Maybe her dad faked his death, and recovered in secret. It sounds crazy, but she’s starting to believe him. Josslyn asks who told her that her father is still alive? and Trina says, Cyrus

Carly tells Sonny, Taggert is just as bullheaded as ever. She had to talk him down from going after Cyrus. He’s not going to stay in hiding much longer. Sonny says he has something to tell her too; Cyrus was just there. She asks, why? and Jason says, damage control. Sonny says, Cyrus confirmed Jason was the target, and Julian was responsible for planting the bomb. That much is true. Carly asks, why would Julian want to take Jason out? and Jason says, Cyrus told him to. Carly wonders why Julian would be taking orders from Cyrus, and Jason says Cyrus had leverage over Julian. Carly says, like what? and Sonny asks if she’s ready for this. Julian knew for months that Wiley was Michael’s son. Carly is speechless, a rarity.

Britt sees Lucas, and ask’s to speak to him. Brad told her Lucas saw him. Brad nearly died, and Lucas wouldn’t even give him the time of day. Lucas says it’s none of her concern, but she says Brad is her best friend. She didn’t expect a warm and fuzzy reconciliation, but she also didn’t expect cruelty. He says she knows what Brad did, and she says, Nelle took advantage of Brad’s grief; he wasn’t in his right mind. Lucas says, Wiley lived in a house with people who weren’t his family, and spent his first pivotal year with people who weren’t his parents. Brad watched Michael suffer for a year, and said nothing. He ultimately only looks out for himself. She says, but Brad didn’t. He pled guilty, and took all the blame. He says, Brad was the only one to blame, but she says, that’s not true.  

Chase tells Sasha, he’s a friend above all, and she says she could use one, but he seemed liked a detective when he came in. He says, maybe that’s because he’d just gotten done checking out the toxicology report. She ingested dextrose amphetamine along with the cocaine, a stimulant on top of a stimulant. Britt spoke to the lab technician, who said she’d never seen a combination like that before. Where did she get the drugs? She says, so he is interrogating her, and he says he’s trying to make sense of this situation. There’s bad stuff out there, and he’s trying to track it down. That she’s using anything makes him feel like crap. He should have seen she was struggling. Sasha tells him, don’t. He tried, and it’s her fault she was using. She’s the one who covered it up. She was coping with losing Michael, and falling down on the job at Deception. One line made her feel like she could handle anything – for the moment anyway. She’s weak. He says she’s not weak. She says she doesn’t regret lying to save Wiley. It was the right thing to do, but Chase has been hurting too, and he kept it together. He says, no, he didn’t. He told Willow the truth. He told her that he and Sasha never slept together; it was all a set-up. She asks, how could he do that?

Willow says she knows Michael stayed with Sasha all night when  she was brought into the hospital. Obviously he’s worried about her. Michael says, Willow is too, and Willow asks if he’s been back since. Have they talked? Michael says, no, and she asks, why? He says he doesn’t want to do the wrong thing. He’s so angry, he doesn’t know what would say.

Carly says, Julian knew? He kept Brad’s secret, and watched Michael suffer and said nothing? That’s what Nelle had over him. That’s why he married her. She knew. Sonny says, Julian was probably the one who kidnapped Wiley when they were at the Nurses Ball telethon. Jason says, he chloroformed Monica so he could take Wiley, and Carly says, bastard. All that talk about his love for Lucas, when he was lying to Lucas’s face, and letting him keep a baby that wasn’t his. She says, please tell her Sonny is going to make him pay, and Jason says, maybe he already did.

Carly says she knew something was up when Nelle trotted Julian out as her husband. Sonny tells her, don’t worry. Nelle is dead, and she can’t hurt them anymore. Carly says, that’s not necessarily true. There’s something she has to tell him. Something about Nelle and Nina. Jason makes a really good soap face.   

Nina meets Jax at the bistro, apologizing for being late. He tells her, it’s okay, but she seems scattered. What’s going on? She says she visited Sasha at the hospital. She’s worried about Sasha. She’s been in pain since she and Michael broke up, and has no one to talk to. Jax says, like her, and Nina says, when she brought Sasha to the penthouse, she knew Sasha was suffering and high. She wishes she could have talked to her then. Jax says he hopes Sasha realizes how lucky she is to have Nina care about her, especially after she lied. Nina says, for a time, she couldn’t even look at Sasha, she was so angry, but seeing her alone and lost, with no one to talk to makes the past unimportant. He says Nina has a generous spirit, and sees the good in people, and she says she’s champion of the underdog, or maybe president of the club. They all make mistakes, some more than others. Now that the truth is out, maybe somehow she and Sasha can find their own honest relationship. He says, if she forgave Sasha, does that mean she forgives Valentin as well?

Ava tells Nikolas, she was up all night, searching for any sign of Julian or his body. That’s why he saw her walking on the cliffs. She’d been there for hours. She’s sorry she didn’t tell him the truth. He says he doesn’t care, but he does need to understand. She and Julian were close. She let herself be blackmailed for him. What made her want to kill him? He’s not trying to making her feel bad. She’s probably better off without Julian complicating her life, but he’s family. Ava says Nikolas is her family. He’s her future. She chose him. He says he chooses her. She can trust him. She says she wants to, and wants to tell him everything, but it’s so bad… She swears she didn’t have anything to do with it. She had no idea whatsoever. He says, just tell him. What did Julian do? She says, he’s the one who planted the bomb in The Floating Rib.  

Lucas asks Britt what this is about. His family is grieving, and his cousin is comatose. His plate is full, and he has no time for her games. She says he forgot to mention his husband was almost stabbed to death. He says, ex-husband, and she says he’s so self-righteous. Brad shouldn’t have shielded him. He lost Wiley, and that’s sad. He lost Brad, and it’s ironic, since if not for Brad, he would have lost more.

Sasha asks Chase why he told Willow. Why blow it at this late date? He says he had to be honest even if it caused more pain. He had to tell Willow that he loved her. Sasha says, so he did this for himself? and he says, for everyone. (We’ll leave out the fact that originally, Sasha was the one who told him to tell Willow the truth.) She says, when did he tell Willow? and he says, the night she was brought in. She asks if he thinks Willow told Michael, and he says he assumes so. She says, maybe that’s why Michael was with her when she was unconscious. Does Chase think Michael could forgive her?

Michael tells Willow, he was just so angry at Sasha, being so self-sacrificing that she was willing to throw their relationship over for a lie. He lost her, and the lie worked. Then she turned to drugs and nearly killed herself. What were Sasha and Chase thinking, being so reckless and… Willow says, shatteringly messy, and he says, that sums it up. He can’t unload on Sasha; she’s recovering. So he hasn’t been back. Intellectually, he understands what she did for Wiley, but emotionally, he’s still angry. He doesn’t want to say anything to make things worse. She says she gets it. It blows her away that Sasha and Chase chose to manipulate them, rather than talk openly. Michael says he wants to forgive Sasha, but he doesn’t know if he can.

Willow wonders how they can fault Sasha and Chase for what they did, and Michael says, it’s how they did it. He replayed every conversation they’d had, leading up to Sasha and Chase being together. Willow says, but they weren’t; it was a lie. Michael says, but the pain was real. He questioned everything, wondering how he missed it. She says, they didn’t miss anything. There was nothing to miss. They’d made it up. Pain and hurt aside, that’s the reality, and she and Michael have to figure out what that sacrifice means to them. How they feel about themselves, and Chase and Sasha.

Sasha tells Chase, Michael stayed there all night; it has to mean something. If Michael is worried, maybe he still cares. Chase says Michael was definitely worried, and still cares, but don’t get ahead of herself. She asks if he knows something, and he flashes back to finding Michael and Willow together. He says maybe they can talk another time, and she says, about what? What does he know? Just tell her. He says, Michael and Willow’s marriage… it’s a real marriage.    

Lucas tells Britt, if she has something to say, say it. She says he knows Brad. Does he really think Brad could have kept a secret for so long all by himself? He had help, but he took the fall anyway.    

Josslyn says, Trina talked to Cyrus? She knows he’s dangerous, and shouldn’t have been anywhere near him. Trina says she doesn’t like or trust Cyrus, but when he told her that her father might be alive, something in her soul said he was telling the truth. She believes him. She remembers when she was in the hospital with her father. They were laughing, talking, and planning stuff they were going to do. She went get him some candy, and when she came back, he was gone. It doesn’t make sense. Josslyn asks if Trina thinks maybe she wants it so bad, she’s grasping at straws? and Trina says, maybe, but wouldn’t Josslyn feel the same way if it was her dad? Wouldn’t she do everything in her power to see if he was alive? She has to find out one way or another. Josslyn says, okay; Trina’s got her. She thinks they should talk to Carly and Sonny, but Trina says, absolutely not. She has to promise not to say a word.  

Nikolas says, Julian set off the bomb that left Lulu in a coma, and lying in a hospital in Manhattan? and Ava says, he said Cyrus was threatening his family, even her and Avery. He asks, why bomb The Floating Rib? and she says, to kill Jason. Cyrus said he was going to lure Jason there after hours, and all Julian had to do was drop off the bomb. Nikolas says, it was a crowded restaurant, and she says, somehow Cyrus knew Jason would be there. He says, if Julian was supposed to wait until Jason was alone, why it set off? and she tells him, Julian said Cyrus tricked him. He was supposed to call Cyrus afterward, and the call detonated the bomb. Julian knew not to trust Cyrus, but he was so desperate to save himself from Sonny, he didn’t care about all the people he put at risk. He asks why Ava hid Julian there, and she says she didn’t know the extent of the damage. She didn’t know about Lulu, but as soon as she found out, she knew she had to make a choice. Let Julian drag her down again or choose her own future. She let herself have a moment of clarity, and for the first time in her life, she listened to it. He says, and she chose him. She says, she chose him, and she’d do it again.

Michael says he doesn’t know how he feels about Sasha, and Willow thinks he owes it to himself to find out. Clearly, he still has strong feelings about her. He says, what about them? and she says, whatever they are or could be, they can’t move on until they’re both positive Chase and Sasha are really behind them. He guesses he should take the time to figure it out, after the feelings of anger and confusion are done clouding things. She says she needs to do the same. Clearly (her WOTD), she’s all over the place. At least they know one thing for sure. They’ve always been friends, and she never wants to jeopardize that. He says, it can’t and won’t happen. They’ve been through too much, but they will always be Wiley’s parents, no matter what. She says, no matter what.

Sasha asks if Chase is telling her that Michael and Willow are sleeping together, and he says, yes. They were supposed to get an annulment. Now he’s not so sure. She asks what Willow said when he told her the truth. Did she say it was too late for them? He says, she was mostly stunned. He told her that he loved her, and she had no reply. Sasha says, that’s it then. She knew they’d never recover from this. Michael and Willow will never forgive them. Chase’s phone dings, and he says, it’s Willow. She wants to see him.

Britt says she has to go, and Lucas says she can’t drop something like this on him and take off. She’s telling him Brad had an accomplice other than Nelle? She says, Brad wasn’t Nelle’s accomplice; he was her victim. He had to help. He asks why Brad would take the fall. What was in it for him? She says Lucas doesn’t get it. Everything Brad did, he did for him. Brad loves him, and knew Lucas loved his family. He’d lost Wiley, and Brad wanted him to keep the family he had left. She walks away.   

Josslyn says she certainly doesn’t want to fan the flames of tension between Cyrus and Sonny. She doesn’t understand why he’d bomb The Floating Rib. Trina says there are a lot of reasons not to tell, so please promise her. Pinky swear.

Sonny says, Nelle is Nina’s daughter? and Carly says, it all adds up. When she found out Nelle was dead, Nina felt terrible. She blamed herself for testifying against Nelle at the custody hearing. How is she going to feel when she finds out she testified against her own daughter? Jason has to admit, he didn’t see this one coming, and Sonny asks if anyone else knows. Carly says, Jax. She’s been wanting to tell Sonny, but there was so much going on, she thought it could keep. Sonny asks if Jax is threatening to tell Nina.

Nina asks Jax if he means, is she forgiving Valentin for trying to make her happy by giving her a pretend daughter when he couldn’t find her real one? She doesn’t know. It was wrong, but she understands it a little bit more now. She saw Sasha earlier, when they were saying goodbye to Lulu, and all that pain in Charlotte was in, she would have done anything to take it away. They try to comfort the ones they love, and sometimes go too far. Jax admits he’s guilty of that, and she says, of course (🍷) he is; he’s Sir Galahad. He says, not always. She’s right. Holding on to a lie only hurts the people you love. The truth is always best.

Ava tells Nikolas, she doesn’t know what to feel anymore. She betrayed her brother. She loved him very much, but all she knew was she had to do it for Nikolas, to make amends for what Julian did to his family. But that means, Nikolas is all she has left. Can he accept that? Accept them? And if he could, would that be enough for him? Nikolas says, yes, more than enough. He’s fooled around most of his life, and he’s ready to move forward, together. They’ll build a future together. She says she hopes he doesn’t regret his choice, and he says he loves her too. They kiss, and I breathe a sigh of relief, since I really like them together.

Jason asks how sure Carly is that Jax will protect her secret. If he tells Nina, who knows what else he’ll say. She says Nelle’s fall from the cliff wasn’t her fault, but he says, Nina might not see it that way. She says he cares too much about Nina to tell her that not only is Nelle dead, but Nelle was her daughter. Sonny says, he held Dev’s secret, despite a lot of pressure, and he hopes Jax keeps his mouth shut. Not that I think there won’t be more problems later.

Jax says he needs to tell Nina something, but she says he doesn’t have to. She takes it all back, everything she said about the truth and hope. It’s not that simple. The truth can be brutal, and hope is sometimes the only thing that sustains them. She was dreaming for such a long time that she’d be able to find her child, but the truth is, her daughter isn’t a child anymore. She’s a woman, and Nina prays the family who adopted her loved her and supported her, and gave her the confidence to reach her full potential. Every path to her child led to a dead end. The only thing that comforted her, was that she hoped her child had a good life, even if she doesn’t get to be a part of it. Jax says, maybe Nina’s intuition is right. Maybe it’s time to stop looking.   

Josslyn pinky swears with Trina, and swears she’ll keep the secret. Trina thanks her, and they hug. Josslyn asks what the plan is. She knows Trina has one. Train says they need to find more information – something to prove or disprove Cyrus’s claim – and she thinks she knows where to start.

There’s a knock on Sasha’s door, and Michael comes in.  

Chase goes the Quartermaine mansion and finds Willow. He says he got her text.

On Monday, Willow has something she needs to say to Chase, Violet asks who Gregory is, and Franco says he has voices in his head.

🩺 I Guess It’s Permanent…

A heads up would have been nice. I’m still having to remind myself, this is Lucas, ever time he comes on screen.

👋🏼 Dev, We Hardly Knew Sen…

I’m sorry I didn’t get the young love quadrangle I’d wanted, but I’m sure he’ll be gracing the pages of whatever magazine teens read now for a while.

💣 Love To Hate Him…

I loved him as Dodger in China Beach. It’s a shame they made him so bad, he’s going to have to go. Of course, no one ever really dies in Port Charles. I’m still convinced Faison has an evil twin, or will show up without a brain.

🎁 Celebrate With the Great…

A nice soap opera holiday gallery.

💸 Yikes…

I wonder if she still gives zero f***s.


🌈 Let Your Rainbow Fly…

Here’s hoping this brings Braunwyn happiness. I’ve felt badly for her this season.


☄️ That Was Quick…

At least she didn’t marry this one. Has anyone ever congratulated Vicki on her accuracy in predicting when Meghan’s marriage would end?


👠 Bye Felicias…

I’ve kinda sorta been watching this again.


💍 They Never Learn…

Has she seen Southern Charm? Although there isn’t going to be a prenup. Just saying.


🍼 A Baby Situation…

Another guido or guidette is on the way.


👗 You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Fashion…

Veronica is a bitch woman who knows what she wants.


🕵🏾‍♂️ Everything Old Is New Again…

I vaguely remember liking this show the first time around. With Queen Latifah starring, I’m sure I’ll like it equally as well, if not more.


🐾 Fun Real Estate…

Blue’s Clues’ Steve is selling his pad.


🌬 Quotes of the Week

I’d bet on rabbits if you could get them organized. – Charlie (Charlie Sheen), Two and a Half Men

I love how masks have become face fascinators.Kate Chastain, Chat Room

No one should be ashamed to admit they are wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that they are wiser today than they were yesterday.Alexander Pope

There isn’t a shoe size so big my mouth won’t accommodate it. – Rick Legarski (John Carroll Lynch), Big Sky

The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.Julia Child

Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. – Steve Maraboli

A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. – Harry S. Truman (Or as my friend, Patty, says: Murphy was an optimist.)

If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. – Eleanor Roosevelt

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. – Bertrand Russell

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. – Thomas A. Edison

Soar with wit. Conquer with dignity. Handle with care. – Criss Jami

Hold fast to dreams. For if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.James Langston Hughes

True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice. – Saint Francis of Assisi

I could iron now for days. I love to iron. – a grandmother after smoking weed for the first time. She inhaled. – from The Daily Skimm

⛈ Is 2020 Over Yet…?

Here we are again, cruising into yet another weekend, or another two days into, what day is it, anyway? Regardless of which side of the week fence you sit, try to change it up a little. Even with yo-yoing restrictions, there’s no restriction on creativity. And there’s always Netflix. No Dead this weekend, due to holiday films, which look like they’re an all-weekend thing on AMC. This is a win for me, since the premiere of 90 Day Fiancé (season 8) is happening, and it looks promising. So until we meet for Monday in PC, stay safe, stay inventive, and stay true to your pinky swears.