Tag Archives: Kristen Doute

December 23, 2022 – Christmas In Port Charles, Ellie, MOSS BOWL, Escape, Rescue Pups (!), VanderFight, Jealousy, Unhinged, Celebrity Holidays, Pointless, Carol Quote Quartet & Twelve


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brook and Austin clean up giftwrap, and Britt says, from the look of pure glee on his face, Leo couldn’t have liked Austin’s gift any more. Austin says, it was just a video game about marine biology, so how could he resist. Olivia says she’d thank him, but he might be responsible for them never seeing their son again. Austin says, actually, he should thank them. It was kind of them to let him stay here last night. Olivia says, no one should be alone on Christmas, especially family. Austin and Brook leave to throw the wrapping away, and Ned says, not to sound… What’s the opposite of generous? Olivia says, selfish, and he says he thought they were having an intimate Christmas dinner. The staff is off. Did they prep enough food for a guest? She asks him to form that sentence again, and he says, did she prep enough food for a guest? She says, relax. Monica is still under the weather, and made it clear she’s not coming down for dinner. So they split the Christmas goose five ways instead of four. There’s always room for one more. Remember that. The doorbell rings, and Ned says, they’re not actually having goose, right? Olivia opens the door to Cody, who says, they have a bit of a situation.

Maxie, Obrecht, Britt, and Nina are at Nina’s penthouse, and Britt says, thanks for the loot, but she has to jet. She’s sorry she missed Sonny. Obrecht says, called away to work on Christmas day; it’s unfortunate. Nina asks if Britt is sure she can’t stay, but Britt says, no time. She has the Polar Bear Pledge, the soup kitchen, and then she’s hearing Brad sing with the PC Gay Men’s Choir. Maxie says, that’s quite a Christmas, and Britt tells them to have a wonderful Christmas. She hugs everyone, and Obrecht says she’ll walk Britt out. In the hallway, Obrecht says, Britt doesn’t have to do this, and Britt says, do what? Obrecht says, act like it’s her last Christmas with them. Huntington’s or not, she still has many more years ahead of her. Inside, Maxie says she should get going too. The roads are a mess, and she doesn’t want to miss her flight. Nina says, oh no. She wanted to check in with Maxie. How is she doing? She knows Christmas is a tough time for a break up, but Maxie says, it was a good thing. She and Austin are not meant to be. Nina says, it’s still okay to be sad about it, and Maxie says she is, but it helped spending the morning with James and Bailey, and this motley crew. Now she’s going to Portland to see Georgie. Her Christmas just keeps getting better.

Georgie asks if Ellie likes her present, and Ellie says she loves it, but Georgie coming to visit was the only present she needed. Georgie leaves to try on her new sweater, and Ellie thanks Spinelli for bringing Georgie. She can’t tell him how much she missed her last year. He says, Ellie helped raise her. You’ll always be her third parent, even if we are no longer a we. He thanks her for allowing Maxie to join them tonight. It’ll mean a lot to Georgie. She says, just Georgie, huh?

Sonny comes to the garage, and asks if anyone is here. Sasha stands up from behind a motorcycle, and he asks what she’s doing here.

Outside Elizabeth’s house, Scotty gets hit with a snowball. He makes a snowball of his own, and says, all right, you little animals, here I come. Inside, Elizabeth looks at family photos on the mantel, and focuses on one of her, Finn, and Violet. Cameron comes downstairs, and asks if everything is okay. She says she’s great, and he says, it’s just that she’s been very quiet about everything that’s happened between her and Finn. He wants her to know she can talk to him about anything, and she says she knows, but she’s fine, she promises. She asks if Josslyn is stopping by, but he says, no. Her car’s still busted from last night. Elizabeth says, that’s too bad. It’s probably for the best though, with the shape the roads are in. Nobody should be behind the wheel today.

Laura goes to Jordan’s office, Jordan says, sorry to pull her away from her family. Laura says, comes with the territory, but nobody knows that better than Jordan. It was so bad out there, she had to walk here. Jordan says, last night’s storm was intense. Snow is completely covering sections of Harborview Drive. Add that to the ice damage to all the other roads surrounding the city… Laura says, it’s just a disaster, and Jordan says, and on Christmas. Laura says, a lot of people will be having an unhappy holiday because of this.

Nina says, Maxie has one more present, when Maxie looks at her phone, and says, no. She can’t believe this is happening. Her flight was canceled. She’s not going to get to see Georgie for Christmas.

Ned asks, what’s going on? and Cody says, Harborview’s totally blocked off. No one’s getting out of their main gate, unless they plan on walking. Olivia says, luckily, everyone who’s here was planning on staying here for the foreseeable future. Cody says he just wanted to give them a heads up, and Olivia asks what his plans are for the day. He says he was going to hit up Beradino’s for their holiday menu, but that’s obviously shot. No big deal. He’ll scrounge something out of the fridge. Olivia says, he’ll do no such thing. He’s staying right here. They’ll figure out something with the food. Cody says he doesn’t want to impose, but Olivia says, it’s not an imposition. Right, Ned? Back her up here. Ned says, the more, the merrier.

Britt tells Obrecht that she knows it’s not her last Christmas, but she won’t be able to live life to the fullest. Obrecht says, despite the old adage, it’s unwise to live every day like it’s your last. Racing around, desperate to check things off a list. Nein. Live every day as if it’s your first. You’ll never lose sight of all the magic and wonder around you. Britt hugs her mother, tells her, merry Christmas, and leaves. Obrecht says something in German.

Sasha says she didn’t mean for Sonny to come out here on Christmas. She thought she disarmed the security system. He asks if she comes here a lot, and she says, no, but the garage is being sold soon. And Brando’s New Year’s resolution for 2022 was to finish his bike by 2023. Sonny says, time’s almost up, and she says she thought since she used to work in her neighbor’s garage, she could figure it out. He says, not so much? and she says, not so much. He says, all right, and takes his coat off. She asks what he’s doing, and he says, she’s not the only one who can work on engines, and rolls up his sleeves. She says, no. He should be with Nina today, and he says, he’ll get to that, but he thinks if they work together, they can do this by dinnertime. Hand me that wrench.

Olivia brings Cody into the living room, and tells Brook and Austin that Cody will be joining them tonight. She tells Cody to help himself to a drink, and make himself comfortable. She goes into the foyer, and Ned says, he hates to keep harping on this… She says she knows. They don’t have enough food. (Which I find really hard to believe.) She says she’ll whip up a lasagna. It’ll probably be boxed noodles – she crosses herself – but what are you going to do? He tells her that he thinks they’ll survive, she kisses him, and runs off. He goes into the living room, and tells Cody that Leo will be thrilled to see him. Austin tells Brook, and just like that, he was replaced. She says, horse wrangler trumps doctor, and he says she must be thrilled. He knows she was never his biggest fan, so he’s guessing she’s over the moon that he messed things up with Maxie. She says, he was trying to be everything to everyone, told a white lie or two, and it got away from him. It happens to the best of us. He asks why he gets the feeling she’s including herself in the us, and she says, because she is.

Spinelli says, of course (🍷) he wants Georgie to spend time with both her mothers, but Ellie says, that’s not what she meant, and he knows it. He says he apologizes for the whirlwind nature of this visit, but he might even have time to meet that new suitor of hers. She says, new being the operative word. They’re not even official. Funny, he used to live in Port Charles… A tablet rings, and Spinelli calls to Georgie, saying, her mother is video calling her. Georgie runs out, and tells Maxie, merry Christmas. She misses Maxie. Maxie says she misses Georgie too, and Spinelli says, Maxie is cutting it close. Her flight leaves in a little over an hour. Georgie says, please don’t be fashionably late, and Maxie says she’s so sorry, but her flight got canceled, and she won’t be able to make it in until tomorrow. Georgie says, but tomorrow’s not Christmas, and Maxie says, she knows, but she’ll be there before Georgie knows it. Georgie says, it’ll be too late. Don’t even bother. She stomps off, and Spinelli says he’ll talk to her. Maxie asks him to tell her how sorry she is, and he says, it may not seem like it at the moment, but she knows.

Obrecht comes back in, and asks, why the long faces? I desperately want to make a horse joke, and Nina says, all the flights from PC International have been grounded. Maxie says she’s not going to be able to see Georgie for Christmas. She needed this. More important, Georgie needed this. She failed George. Obrecht gives a short laugh, and Maxie asks if Obrecht just scoffed at her. Obrecht says, and she’d do it again. Such a defeatist attitude. That’s not the Maxie Jones she knows. So Maxie’s flight has been canceled; there are still other options to explore. Mark her words. They’re getting Maxie to Portland to see her daughter komm hölle oder hochwasser (come hell or high water).

Scotty comes in, and says, those kids are like wild animals, and Elizabeth tells him, watch it; those kids are her boys. He says, they want him to go sledding with them, and Cameron says, why doesn’t he? Scotty says, because he doesn’t want to start the new year in traction. Cameron suggests he take over, and Scotty says he’ll slip Cameron a twenty later. Cameron leaves, and Scotty asks, which one of those good-for-nothings is Elizabeth moping over? Finn, her father, or perhaps she’s taking a little from column A, and column B. He tells her to sit, and says he wants her to know that he and Laura are worried about her, but she says she’s fine. She’s spent most of her Christmases without her parents. It never used to bother her. He says, now things have changed. So what’s the difference? She says, for the first time, it doesn’t seem like there’s a gap or a pause. This time their absence feels final.

Olivia tells Ned, the lasagna’s in the oven. Let’s just hope it’s enough. He says, because if it isn’t, Luigi’s isn’t open on Christmas, and she says, do not even put that out in the universe. This night is going to be nothing like Thanksgiving. He says, she doesn’t really believe all this universe nonsense, right? and the doorbell rings. She says, God will get him for that, and opens the door to TJ and Molly. TJ says, they’re sorry for barging in like this. They were out caroling… Molly says, but Harborview is blocked; there’s no way to get home. TJ asks if it’s okay if they hang out here, just until the road’s unblocked. Olivia tells them to get inside now. Make themselves comfortable. She tells Ned, God will get him good, and follows them into the living room.

Nina tells Maxie, that was her business manager, and the hangar they use for across the border for Crimson is still operational. And apparently, there are some private jets just hanging out there, just waiting to be used. Is there any chance Maxie knows someone who owns a plane?

Ellie asks how Georgie is, and Spinelli says, she’s not happy. She’s at that tough age; old enough to know there are things we can’t control, and still young enough to believe mommy can move mountains. Ellie says, to be fair, Maxie is quite formidable, and speaking of, he did a nice little dodge before, but she knows him better than almost anyone. He’s fallen for Maxie again, hasn’t he? He says, now is neither the time nor the place, but he was hoping getting together as a family make things right between them. Clearly it’s not in the cards. She says, it’s not like him to give up so easily, and he says, it’s not like he can change the weather in Port Charles. She says, maybe not, but Christmas is a time for magic and miracles. So what does he say they make some happen for Georgie?

Brook’s phone rings, and she asks Maxie, what’s up? Maxie says she has a problem, and she’s hoping Brook can help her. Her flight to Portland was canceled. She can still get there. She just needs a private plane from the Toronto hangar. Please tell her one of those planes has Brook’s family’s name on it. Britt says, let her see what she can do.

Cody says, not much has changed. Olivia is still mother to all the misfits. She tells him, like she said to Austin, no one should be alone on Christmas. He says he appreciates it. Let him know if there’s anything he can do to help. The doorbell rings, and she says, he can get the lasagna out of the oven. She wonders, what now? and opens the door. A young pregnant woman wearing a blue wrap is standing there, and Olivia says, holy mother of God. The woman says she’s sorry to barge in on their holiday. She was part of a live nativity scene, and the car won’t start. Not that it matters, since the roads are blocked anyway. Would it be possible for her to wait here until a Ride Share can take her home? Olivia says, of course (🍷). Come in. This must be stressful for her. She must have a houseful of people waiting. The woman says, no one actually. This is their first, and her husband’s working the plows today, so he’ll probably be late. Olivia says, she was planning on spending Christmas all alone? and the woman says, technically, she has company, but Olivia says, no, no, no, no. She’s staying right here. She’s eating Christmas dinner with them. The woman asks if she’s sure, and Olivia says she wouldn’t have it any other way. Go into the living room and introduce herself, and make sure she puts her feet up. The woman says, Olivia is so kind, and thanks her. Cody wonders where Olivia wants the lasagna, and asks, what’s wrong? Olivia says, they’re gonna need a bigger lasagna.

Sonny says, they’re getting there, and Sasha says, it would have taken days without his help. Britt knocks at the door, and asks if they’re open. She walks in, and wonders what Sasha and Sonny are going here. Sasha says, long story. Britt? Britt says, in typical her fashion, she ignored the warnings about the roads. Her car spun a few blocks away. Sonny asks if she’s okay, and she says, the only thing bruised is her ego. Sasha says, the garage is closed, but Britt is welcome to call AAA, assuming they can get here. Sonny says, that’s assuming a lot, and Britt says, this is not how she wanted to spend her last Christmas in Port Charles. Sasha says, last? Is she going somewhere?

Austin says, Brook seems a little tense, and she says she is. Maxie needs to get to Portland, but all of the commercial flights have been grounded. She’s trying to hook maxi up with her family’s private jet that flies out of Canada, but apparently, there’s a mile long line at the border. Even if she were to brave the roads, it could be hours before she takes off. He says, if she bothers to use the roads, and Brook says, something’s going on in his head; what is it? He asks her to tell Maxie to get to the pier as soon as she can, and he’ll take care of the rest. He calls Mason, and says he’s done everything Mason has asked him to do, and asked nothing in return. Now he is. He needs Mason to send a boat to the pier in Port Charles. He needs to get somebody he cares about to Canada without the hassle of border security.

Jordan thanks someone on the phone, and says, she and the mayor appreciate it. She tells Laura, those needing medical attention have been airlifted to the hospital, but there’s been no reports of serious injuries or fatalities. Laura says, it’s a Christmas miracle. What did they say about the roads? How quickly can they be cleared? Jordan says, the plows are out, but it’s going to be tough. Laura says, tough, but not impossible. Let’s get it done. Jordan says, got it, and Laura leaves.

Maxie wonders what’s taking so long, and Obrecht says, patience. Maxie says, that’s not her strong suit, when her phone rings. She asks Brook to tell her that she has good news, and Brook says, the jet is all hers, but she’s taking a boat to Canada. Maxie asks, why? but Brook says, there’s no time for questions. Just get her booty to the pier, and give Georgie a big squeeze when she sees her. Maxie thanks Brook, and says she owes her. She tells Nina and Obrecht that she guesses she’s going to the pier, and Obrecht says, she’ll escort Maxie. Nina says she’ll come with Maxie, but Maxie says, Sonny is coming over, and they need to spend Christmas together. She hugs Nina, and leaves with Obrecht.

Everyone gathers in the living room after dinner, and Ned asks Olivia, who is the incredibly pregnant young lady? Olivia says, just another guest for dinner, and he says, this is getting ridiculous. She says, it’s a little on the nose to say there’s no room at the inn. It might not be the incredibly intimate Christmas they planned, but it’s the Christmas they’ve got. Capisce? He says, capisce, and she says, her arrabbiata sauce was apparently a big hit, and he says, she made her lasagna with her arrabbiata sauce? and she says, she found some left over in the ice box. He says, that sauce is incredibly spicy, and that is an incredibly pregnant woman, but she says, even she’s telling him, that old spicy food thing is an old wives – the woman says, oh my God, and looks down – tale.

The woman says, not now, not here, and Olivia tells Ned to get some blankets, pillows, and towels. Cody says he’ll call 911, but Brook says, there’s no way they’re going to get here with all the road closures. The woman says, this isn’t happening, and Olivia says she’ll talk her through this. Brook says she pretended to give birth, and Olivia says, not helping. Ned comes back with the linens, and they situate the woman on the floor. Molly says, TJ is a doctor; he can help deliver the baby. He says he’s never done it before, but he can figure it out. Austin comes in, and asks if this is what he thinks it is, and Olivia says, another doctor. Teamwork makes dream work. Get going.

Scotty says he knows Elizabeth is a little down, but here’s the good news. She says, there’s good news? and he says, she’s the most resilient girl he’s ever met. She takes the cards that are dealt her, and she never complains… almost never. Look at the home she’s made for the kids. They feel loved and safe. For that, he respects her, and salutes her as well. She thanks him for saying that, and he says, Jeff is a fool not to see what a great daughter he’s got. Even though Franco’s gone, she’s still a Baldwin. Never forget that. She says she won’t, and they hug.

Austin tells the woman that she’s doing great. He asks TJ to watch her for a second, and TJ tells her, keep breathing like they talked about. Brook says, she’ll go get some ice, and in the foyer, Cody asks Austin, what’s going on? Austin says, this isn’t going to be easy, and Cody says, that’s obvious, but he delivered Maxie’s baby, right? Austin says, Maxie’s baby wasn’t breach, and Cody asks if that wasn’t something the mother would have known, but Austin says, not necessarily if the baby’s flipped recently. If they were in a hospital, all kinds of options would be available, including an emergency C-section. But here, what this woman needs is a trained OB.

Britt tells Sasha that she has no immediate plans to leave, but she has a job interview in Boston. Please don’t tell anyone. Sasha says, Britt’s secret is safe with her, when Britt’s phone rings. She asks what Cody wants, and he says, merry Christmas to her too. He knows she doesn’t want to hear from him, but he’s at the Quartermaines’ with Austin and TJ. She says, congratulations, and he asks her to just listen. The Virgin Mary is giving birth today; like, right now. She asks how much eggnog he’s had, but he says he’s not drunk. Austin takes the phone, and says, there’s a woman here. She’s in labor, and the baby’s breach. It’s not his level of expertise, and he needs her to talk him through this. She says, this woman needs a hospital and a specialist, and he says he agrees, but thanks to the weather, it’s not an option. Neither a car nor an ambulance can get through these roads. Sasha and Sonny get the bike started.  

TJ tells the woman that she’s doing great. Deep breaths; in through the nose, out through the mouth. When you exhale, try focusing on relaxing an area of the body. She says, he wants her to relax? and Brook says, they thought Thanksgiving was dramatic. Mr. Wattles’ got nothing on this situation. Molly says, Mr. who? and the woman screams.  

In the foyer, Olivia says, the baby’s breach? and Austin says, there’s a pretty substantial chance something’s going to go really, really wrong. Ned asks what they can do, and Austin says, TJ can treat the mother post-birth, but they need to get this woman to a hospital on foot. Olivia asks if it’s safe, but Austin says he doesn’t know what else to do without a trained OB. They hear tires screeching, and Britt comes in with Sasha through the patio door. She says, sorry about Monica’s begonias, but she heard there’s a baby that needs delivering.

Elizabeth says she didn’t think Laura was going to make it, and Laura says, it was an eventful day, but she thinks it’s calming down now. Elizabeth asks if Laura would like some tea, but Laura says, she’s okay. She asks how Elizabeth is holding up, and Elizabeth says, since her not so happy reunion with her parents? She’s okay. She wants to be okay. Laura says, she will be, and if Elizabeth needs support, she’s here. They hug.

Britt says she knows this isn’t how the woman envisioned this to go down, but she seems to be made of tough stuff, and has three MDs to coach her through it. The baby is a little upside down at the moment. The woman asks if that’s dangerous, and Britt says, no. It just means she has to push extra hard when Britt gives the word. The woman has a contraction, and Britt says, here we go. Push. The woman screams.

Maxie tells the clerk at the airport check-in that she needs to get to Portland; Oregon, not Maine. He says, this is Edmonton, Alberta, and she says she knows that, but her daughter is in Portland, and she promised they’d be together on Christmas. He says he understands her dilemma… but she says she doesn’t think he does. First, her flight gets canceled. Then she has to take a super shady boat to a super awesome private plane, which has to land because of the weather. Now she just needs to know when she’s getting back in the air. He says, there’s really no way of knowing with the storm. No one is taking off tonight. He’s sorry. He gives her a candy cane, and says, merry Christmas. She sits down, and says, merry Christmas.

The baby cries, and the woman says, that’s a good sign, right? Britt says, it’s a great sign, and hands her the baby, saying, meet her little girl. The woman says, she’s perfect. Hello, baby. It’s your first day. So much wonder for you to see. She tells Britt, live every day like it’s your first, right? Molly asks if she’s thought of a name yet, and the woman says, Noelle seems appropriate, all things considered. Olivia says, it certainly does, and the woman asks what Britt’s name is. Britt tells her, Britt. It’s short for Britta. The woman says, Britta Noelle. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t she think? If she doesn’t mind of course (🍷). Britt says she doesn’t mind at all.

Brook says, in all the commotion, she didn’t get a chance to thank Austin for what he did for Maxie. Austin says, of course (🍷). He really wants Maxie to be happy, even if she’s not happy with him. Brook tells him that she’s not saying she was wrong about him, but he might have some redeeming qualities she might have overlooked. He says, thanks; he’ll take it. Jordan comes in with an officer, and TJ asks what she’s doing here. She says she was dealing with the roads when she got a call about an incident at the Quartermaine’s, and the woman tells Britta Noelle that the incident was her. Jordan says she sees that. Here she was, worried about missing Christmas with TJ, but from the looks of it, he kept quite busy. Molly says, TJ was incredible, and Olivia says she thinks they all earned a gold star today. TJ says, Dr. Westbourne in particular, and asks Jordan if traffic is moving. She says, slowly, but yeah, and he says, they should probably get out of these guys’ hair. Ned says, after the day they’ve had, he thinks it’s only fitting they all stay, and they celebrate together. Britt asks if he’s sure, and Olivia says, positive. Jordan says, it sounds wonderful, and there are hugs all around. Cody and Britt exchange looks.

Scotty asks what Laura and Elizabeth think of his dance moves, and Elizabeth says, they were… Laura says, smooth, very smooth. Scotty says, they’re secretly laughing at him, but Laura says she’s enjoying him. He’s a terrific grandpa. He says, she’s no slouch in that department either. Elizabeth says, all this time, she was focusing on the parents who weren’t there for her, when she should have been focused on the people who were. The people who have always been by her side; the people she’s always needed. Sonny tells Laura that he thinks she’s talking about them, and they have a three-way hug, as Cameron comes downstairs. He smiles.

Maxie leaves a voicemail for Spinelli, asking why he’s not answering his phone. Call her. Spinelli and Georgie walk into the airport, and he says, Maximista? Georgie runs to Maxie, and she asks what they’re doing here. He says, he knew they wanted to see each other. The plan was to fly into Canada, and drive to Port Charles. Maxie says, great minds think alike. And Georgie is the best Christmas present ever. She hugs Georgie, and thanks Spinelli. He says, it’s nothing, but she says, it’s everything. He’s always been there for her, through all of it. She doesn’t know what she’d do without him. He says, she’ll never have to find out, and they, too, have a three-way hug.

Ellie’s phone rings, and we see it’s Griffin Munro, who I continually think is dead. She says, hey you. Merry Christmas.

There’s a knock at Nina’s door. She drags Sonny in, and kisses him.

There’s a knock at Elizabeth’s door, and Scotty opens it. Obrecht dances in, holding mistletoe over her head, and he kisses her.

At the Quartermaines’, Cody looks at Britt. She looks away, and goes to the window.

At the airport, Spinelli eats pizza, while Georgie shows off her new sweater to Maxie, and they talk and laugh.

Deck the Halls plays while we see the once-a-year full credits.

No preview.

💍 Spinelli’s Second Choice…

Actually, I can see her with Griff. He was a bit of a nerd.

🎍 O Moss Bowl…

This article contains a picture of the moss bowl🎍. Who cares what it says?

🧙🏻‍♂️ Tanzanian Devil…

His name wasn’t Shiloh or Josiah, was it?

🐶 Me Too…

He’s definitely cute, but mine’s cuter. He’s from No Paw Left Behind. Behold El Wray.

Oh yeah.

😭 Oh Boo Hoo…

I’d actually forgotten she was on the show. And the most awful human being on the face of the earth – i.e. Jax – deserved to be fired a while ago. Maybe even on the first day.

🍊 Old News…

Vicki is like the next Jill Zaren.

🍹 Hilton Head Gets My Vote…

I’m surprised they didn’t include Ashley calling Kathryn an egg donor at whatever ball that was.

🎄 Not Quite Like Us…

The cards.


The decorations.


The celebrations.


🎅🏽 WTF…?

I have no clue what this is, but it sounds slightly intriguing.


🎩 Quotes of the Week

There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say,’ returned the nephew. ‘Christmas among the rest. . . . And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!

For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.

I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!

[A]nd it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!

✨ – from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

🎁 Decking the Halls…

Hard to believe another year has almost gone by. Hoping that Santa has you on the nice list, and that all your Christmas wishes – or non-Christmas wishes – come true. I’m not sure about Monday’s Deck or soap, but if it airs, it will be here. Until then, stay safe, stay open to whatever the holiday weekend brings you, and stay living every day as if it’s your first. You’ll never lose sight of all the magic and wonder around you.

May 20, 2022 – The Night Before the Hearing, Four Decades, In Atlanta, No Guilt, Wedding Roulette, New Charm, Nouveau Old, Escaped, Musical Stream, Close To Ten Quotes & Business


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At The Savoy, Bobbie stares daggers at Nina, and Sonny tells her, don’t worry about them. Nina asks what they’re doing here, and he asks what she means. Carly tells Bobbie to stop glaring; don’t give them the satisfaction. Bobbie says, Sonny is parading around with Nina. Where’s his sense of shame? He’s actually holding her hand. Carly says, if it doesn’t affect Donna, she doesn’t care, and Bobbie says, Carly might be over it, but she’s not. She thinks it’s high time she gave them a piece of her mind. She gets up.

At Kelly’s, Finn gives Violet a placemat and crayons, telling her that she can draw whatever she likes. He puts headphones on her head, and she says she likes the song. She gets busy drawing, and Finn tells Gregory that he thinks she’s sufficiently distracted. He doesn’t want to scare her. Gregory says, with talk of ghosts, because Elizabeth thinks Franco is… haunting her? but Finn says, no. He thinks Violet is onto something because the only person present at every incident was Elizabeth. Gregory says, because someone is harassing her, but Finn says, what if that someone is Elizabeth herself?

Elizabeth picks up Violet’s drawing of the family, and tears Finn and Violet off of it.

Taggert thanks Portia for the invitation, and I’m confused. Wasn’t she at The Savoy with Epiphany and Stella? He says he could certainly use the company, and she says, so he read Trina’s Title IX report too. He says, hell yeah, and she asks if he thinks it’s going to have any impact on Trina’s criminal trial. He says, there wouldn’t be a criminal trial in the first place if it wasn’t for their esteemed Commissioner.

TJ says, the muggers already have their wallets and their phones; isn’t it enough? Marshall says, just take it, handing over the clarinet case, but TJ struggles with guy two as he takes it. Marshall pushes guy one back, and drops the knife.

Michael and Wiley play with toy cars, and Michael says he hopes Wiley gets this out of his system before he’s 16. Wiley says, 16 is old, and Michael says, thanks, buddy. He asks how Willow is feeling, and she says, Epiphany warned her nursing school would be hard, but she’s exhausted. He says he’s glad she didn’t stick it out for Leo’s birthday party. She was missed, but there were plenty of people there to celebrate. She asks if Leo had a good time, and Michael says, he did. She says, she tried taking a nap, but she couldn’t fall asleep, and Wiley says he could read her a bedtime story that always makes him fall asleep. She suggests she and daddy read him a story, since it’s past his bedtime, and Michael thinks they should spend a little extra time with him tonight. Willow says, how about two bedtime stories, and afterward, they’ll snuggle. Wiley wants a bedtime snack too, and Michael says, he drives a hard bargain. Willow says, deal, and Wiley says, yay!

Carly asks Bobbie to please sit down. She just said, she doesn’t want to give them the satisfaction. Bobbie says she’s Carly’s mother, and has the right to be indignant on her behalf. Carly says she understands that, and loves Bobbie for it, but can they keep the indignation between them? Please. Bobbie says, okay, fine, and sits back down. But Carly better buckle up because Bobbie has something to say to her, and she’s not going to like it.

Sonny says, he and Nina are just two people trying to wipe out their troubles for a while. There’s nothing wrong with that. Nina says, it seems like Bobbie definitely disagrees, and now that The Invader has reminded everyone in the world of her many transgressions, she’s sure there are plenty of people who have opinions about seeing them together. He says, people can think what they want. They don’t know them or what they’ve been through. She says she doesn’t care about people, she cares about him, but she can’t ignore the fact she caused him a lot of trouble, and it’s time she did something about that. He says, like what?

Gregory says, Finn thinks Elizabeth is stalking herself? That’s absurd. Finn says, this person keeps getting to Elizabeth without leaving a trace. At her home, at the hospital, at her room at the MetroCourt. Gregory says, there has to be another explanation, and Finn says, of course (🍷) she has access to her home, to her room at the MetroCourt, and Franco’s art studio, which would explain how someone got in and out without getting caught. The only big hole in the theory is that she wasn’t at home when the portrait was placed on the mantel. If he remembers correctly, no one saw Elizabeth sleeping at GH that night. Is it possible she went home and placed the painting there herself? Gregory says, there’s an even bigger hole in Finn’s theory. He’s told Gregory many times what a loving, devoted mom Elizabeth is to her three sons. Why would she torment herself, let alone her three boys?

Elizabeth sits on the couch in the dark, cutting up the part of the picture she tore off with a pair of scissors. Cameron comes in and turns on the lights. He says, mom? but she doesn’t acknowledge him.

Taggert says, Jordan, and she says, it’s good to see him… she thinks. He asks, what happened? The Jordan he knew was committed to justice being served. Jordan and Portia say hi, and Jordan tells Taggert, she can assure him that her commitment to justice is as strong as ever. He says, really? Then why is his daughter still facing a trial when it’s obvious she’s been framed? Jordan says, he knows she can’t comment on ongoing investigations, and he says he’s aware of the evidence she has against Trina. He worked at the PCPD a long time, and still has connections. What he doesn’t understand is why she’s sitting on her hands, letting Trina take the fall, instead of going out and finding the real criminal.

Guy one picks up his knife and slashes Marshall, who falls to the ground. The clarinet goes flying, and TJ runs to Marshall. Guy one throws TJ against the wall, and it’s two against one, but Curtis shows up. He kicks the muggers’ asses, as TJ tends to Marshall. Guy two (I think) runs off, and Curtis knocks the other one down. He says, at least they got one of them, and TJ asks if Marshall can hear him. He tells Curtis, call 9-1-1.

Portia tells Taggert to give his former partner some credit. She knows who Trina is, just like they do. Jordan says she’s still keeping an eye on Trina’s case, even though it’s now in the DA’s hands. Taggert thanks her for whatever she may or may not be doing, and she says, he may or may not be welcome. Portia asks if Jordan heard about the Title IX report that PCU released today, and Jordan says she hasn’t seen it yet, but assumes a copy went straight to the DA’s office. Portia says, Trina read it and she’s interpreting it as bad news. She’s concerned if she’s found responsible, she’s going to be expelled. She asks if Jordan thinks that would make it more likely Trina would be found guilty in the criminal trial.

Carly asks what she’s not going to like, and Bobbie says, Carly is putting on a great front, but there’s no point in torturing herself. Let’s leave. Carly says, no. She didn’t do anything wrong; she’s not going anywhere. Would Bobbie have let Lucy Coe run her out of every club? Bobbie says, she’s not suggesting Carly leave in every instance, but tonight, she doesn’t need the extra stress. She has nothing to prove. Carly says, Bobbie is right, but she’s still not going anywhere.

Nina says, the way she sees it, Sonny has been suffering the consequences of her bad choices. He almost died saving her from a fire that Peter set. Then when he got his memory back, he came back from a family, and moved on from her. His wife married her best friend, his marriage ended, and now he has a feud with his son because of her. Her being here with him is not a good idea. So for once, she’s going to make it easy on him, think about him, and go. He says, wait a minute. She can go if she wants to, but don’t do it on his account. Because for him, her being around is no trouble.   

Finn says, Gregory is right; Elizabeth is a wonderful mother. Gregory says, then why would she create a situation where it wasn’t safe to live with her kids? and Finn says, she had trouble sleeping; the doctor even gave her a prescription. Gregory says, so? and Finn says, people react differently. Sleep aids have made people do lots of things; sleepwalking for one. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t remember any of these incidents. He has to go talk to her. He asks if Gregory will look after Violet for a minute, and Gregory says, of course (🍷), but he wants Finn to be careful. If Finn’s theory is right, and Elizabeth is responsible, either consciously or unconsciously, she attacked Chase. Who knows what else she might be capable of? Finn takes Violet’s headphones off, and says he’s sorry, but he has to go do something. She says he hasn’t had dessert yet, and he asks her to bring him something to go. He’ll see her at home later. She asks if he’s going to see Aunt Elizabeth, and he says he is. She tells him to let Elizabeth know she’s making her another drawing, and he says he will. He says he loves her, kisses the top of her head, and leaves.

Elizabeth continues to concentrate on cutting the picture, and Cameron says, mom? It’s him; he’s home. She doesn’t even acknowledge him, and he sits on the couch. He says, she’s starting to freak him out a little bit. Is she okay? What is she doing? She freezes, with the scissors midair.

Jordan says, there’s a good chance the judge won’t even allow the Title IX to be entered into evidence, and Portia says, that’s good news. Taggert says, it’s not guaranteed, and Jordan says, no, but he has to have faith. He says, that’s in short supply these days, and walks off. Portia says, Jordan will have to forgive Taggert. He’s hurting right now, but he knows she supports Trina, and he’s grateful; as is Portia. She asks if Jordan wants to join her and have a drink, if she’s not on the clock, and Jordan says she’s definitely off duty. She just came to blow off some steam. Portia says, by herself? and Jordan says she knows Curtis is out of town. She just doesn’t want any unsavory characters thinking they can take advantage. Portia asks if Jordan is saying Curtis’s business is being threatened.

Molly arrives, seeing the police cars, and ambulance. She says, oh my God, TJ, and runs to him. She asks, what happened? When they didn’t show up at the club, she went looking for them and saw the lights. TJ says, they were headed to an alley. Marshall said it was a back way to get into the club, when all of a sudden, they were stopped by some muggers who had knives. They gave them their phones and their wallets, but they got greedy; they wanted Marshall’s clarinet case. Curtis says, all of this because Marshall didn’t want to let go of his clarinet case? and TJ says, no, Marshall did, but he knew how important the clarinet was to him. So when he saw Marshall handing over the case, he reached for it, and they started struggling. Marshall is taken away on a stretcher, and Curtis says, it’s okay. TJ was brave. They’re taking Marshall to New York Methodist. Let’s go. They go, leaving Molly in the alley by herself. Where TJ and Marshall just got mugged.  

Finn goes to Elizabeth’s house, and asks Cameron, what’s going on? Cameron says he doesn’t know. He came home a while ago, and Elizabeth was just cutting that paper. She won’t say anything, and he doesn’t know what to do. Finn picks up part of the picture, and sees his head has been cut out of it. He sits on the couch, and tells Elizabeth, it’s him. Can she hear him? She just stares into space, her hand holding the scissors still frozen, and Cameron says, what’s wrong with her? Why won’t she say anything? Finn tells her, it’s okay. Can she give him the scissors? There’s no response, and he cups his hand around the scissors. Elizabeth comes to, and he tells her, it’s okay. He promises no one is going to hurt her. He takes the scissors, and she says, Finn? What’s happening? She looks around, and says, she’s home? How did she get here?

Michael says, Wiley fell asleep early, and Willow wonders why. Could it be because someone kept him up an hour past his bedtime playing trucks? Michael says he knows it’s best to get him on a regular routine, but they were having so much fun, he felt bad calling it a night. She says, what if that all changes tomorrow? She’s really stressed about the hearing. What reasonable grandmother wouldn’t want contact with their grandchild? And Nina is really good at convincing people she’s reasonable. He says, worrying themselves into the ground isn’t going to do any good. Diane has repeatedly told him they have a strong case. Willow says, it’s not a slam dunk. What if they’re both wrong, and Nina wins?

In the back of the club, Taggert sees Sonny, who asks if he’s enjoying his night. Taggert says, not even a little, and Sonny says he knows what’s going on with Trina. Taggert says, Trina had nothing to do with what happened with Sonny’s stepdaughter, and Sonny says he knows that. Josslyn spends a lot of time with Trina, and he knows Trina is a great person. She’d never do what she’s being accused of. Taggert nods moves on.

Carly is looking at her phone, and Bobbie says, if she wants to have a conversation with Carly, should she start sending texts? Carly says, sorry. She’s just really distracted right now. Bobbie asks if it’s about the test results from GH, and Sonny’s supersonic ears pick that up. Bobbie says, she thought Carly was going to forget about that until tomorrow, and Sonny says, test results at GH; Is Carly sick? What’s going on? Bobbie says she thinks they could use a minute. She’ll be back. She leaves, and Sonny sits down. He asks if this has anything to do with when Carly was attacked by Harmony, and she says she appreciates his concern, but her life has nothing to do with him anymore. He says, she’s Donna’s mother, and she says, and if it affected Donna, she’d tell him. He says she can’t brush this off that easy. He knows when she’s hiding something.

Bobbie goes to the bar, and asks if Nina is enjoying her evening. Nina says, considering the visitation hearing is tomorrow, it’s probably best they didn’t speak tonight. Bobbie says, if Nina listens to what she has to say, there won’t be a hearing tomorrow.

Willow asks Michael, what if they’re forced to let Nina see Wiley? She’s so needy. She wants Wiley to love her. She wants him to console her over the loss of Nelle. It’s not really about Wiley at all. She’s afraid of the lesson he might take from that; that his needs don’t matter. As Wiley grows up, he’s going to have to handle challenges, and deal with people who are out for themselves, but she wants him to know that family is always a place he can feel loved and protected. Michael says, he will. They’ll block Nina’s petition, he promises. She says, when she found out about Harmony’s lies, it made her stop and reassess what family means. He and Wiley matter more to her than anything. She’ll always fight for them. He says, and he’ll be by her side. No matter what Nina throws at them tomorrow, or in the future, they’ll hit her back twice as hard. She asks if it’s messed up that hearing him say that makes her love him more, and he says, not at all. Hearing how protective she is, and how she wants to keep their family safe, makes him love her even more. She says, it seems they’re a perfect match, and he says, 1000%, and they kiss.

Jordan tells Portia, she doesn’t think Curtis is in any trouble. She’s just being overly cautious. Portia says she knows Jordan still cares about Curtis, and Jordan says, it’s not like that, but Portia says, she didn’t mean it in that way. She means Jordan is always going to be family to Curtis, and she respects that. She’s glad Jordan has his back. Jordan asks if Portia has heard from him, and Portia says, he texted her when he got to Brooklyn, but she hasn’t heard anything from him since. Jordan says she hasn’t had any updates from TJ either. She wonders if they found Marshall yet, and Portia hopes when they do, they’re able to heal the wounds between Curtis and his dad.

At the hospital, TJ says, this is on him. He doesn’t know what he was thinking, grabbing for that case. Molly says, he was being mugged. He acted on instinct because he knows how important that clarinet is to Marshall. Curtis says, TJ was incredibly brave. He knows it’s Marshall’s most prized possession. He did right by Marshall. A doctor comes out, and Curtis asks if his father is okay. The doctor says, he lost a lot of blood, but he’s stable. They’re going to take him for a CT and an MRI to rule out any traumatic brain injury. Before they do, is there anything about Marshall’s medicant history they should know? Any medications? Any allergies? Curtis says, he takes blood pressure medication, but he’s not sure which kind or the dosage. Marshall just recently came back to their family. They don’t know much about his medical history. The doctor goes back, and TJ says, there’s still so much they don’t know about Marshall. Curtis says, they still have a chance, but TJ says, what if he doesn’t make it? Curtis says he knows TJ is a doctor, and his first impulse is to go to the worst case scenario, but don’t let himself go there. They came all this way to find Marshall. They’re not going to give up now.

Gregory tells Violet not to worry; everything will be okay. He won’t worry either. She shows him her latest drawing – everyone seated at a long table – and he says, it’s beautiful. She says, it’s him, her, Aunt Elizabeth, daddy, and Uncle Chase at a tea party. Maybe Aunt Elizabeth will feel better if they throw her a tea party. It always makes her feel better. Gregory says, sometimes grown-up problems are more complicated, and she says, she wishes she never has grown-up problems. He says, if he could keep her this age he would, and she wonders if she can ask him something. He says, anything, and she asks if he’s going to finish his brownie. He gives it to her.

Finn asks, what’s the last thing Elizabeth remembers? and she says she was lying down Laura’s. Did Laura and Doc bring her here? He says he called Laura’s because he wanted to talk to her; he wanted to apologize. Laura told him that she’d snuck out. He came looking here first. She says she doesn’t remember any of that. Did Cameron pick her up and drive her here? Cameron says, no. He’s been crashing at Ian’s dorm, and came back to get his laptop. He found her sitting here, and tried talking to her, but she ignored him like she was in a trance. She asks what she was doing, and he says, she was just sitting there, cutting up  that picture. She says, that’s the picture Violet gave her Why would she destroy it? Why doesn’t she remember any of this? Finn asks if she wants to go back to Laura and Doc’s and talk about it in the morning. Elizabeth says she doesn’t know why came or what she was doing. If Finn knows what’s going on, he has to tell her. Cameron says he agrees with his mom. If Finn has any idea what’s happening, they need to hear it. Finn says he thinks maybe the person they’ve been looking for, the one who’s intruding on her life, is her. Cameron asks if Finn is saying his mom has been harassing their family. That’s just not possible; she wouldn’t do that. Finn says he’s sorry. He knows it’s upsetting, but they have to understand Elizabeth wasn’t conscious of what she was doing. It was a form of sleepwalking. It explains how someone kept getting in and out without leaving any evidence. Cameron’s mom was present for almost every intrusion. Elizabeth gets up, and says, no, that’s impossible. There’s no way she’d forget doing all of those things. Finn says, just tonight she lost track of time. She doesn’t remember leaving Laura’s; she doesn’t remember coming here. She doesn’t remember cutting up Violet’s drawing. When he and Cam found her, she woudn’t respond to either one of them. Doesn’t Cameron agree? Cameron says, yes. He kept trying to talk to her, and she ignored him, like he wasn’t there. Finn says, if they hadn’t found her, if she’d come out of it on her own, what would she have thought happened? She says she doesn’t know. If what he’s saying is true, she’s the one who stashed the ring. She’s the one who slashed her dress she wore when she married Franco. She put the portrait he did of her up here? How would she even get it? Did she set fire to Franco’s studio? Is she the one who hit Chase over the head? What’s happening to her? Finn says, it’s okay. He holds her, and says, it’s going be okay. She looks pretty freaked.

TJ says, he’d update his mom, but he doesn’t want to worry her until they have definitive answers. Curtis asks if TJ and Marshall got to talk much before the mugging, and TJ says, Marshall was reluctant to come back to Port Charles. He also said he did Curtis and his dad a favor when he left all those years ago. Curtis says, he’s not the only one, and TJ says, he agrees? Curtis says, not him; his mom. Molly asks how he knows this, and Curtis says, Stella told him that she knew all along Marshall was alive. According to Aunt Stella, it was Marshall’s idea to disappear after he got arrested. And the strange thing is, his mom agreed with it. TJ says, that doesn’t make any sense. Why? Curtis says, Aunt Stella said that had to come from Marshall. Believe him. He had all those questions and more. Now they just have to hope Marshall tells them what he’s been hiding. An orderly comes out, and asks if they’re Marshall’s family, and Curtis asks, is his father okay?  

Taggert says he’s going to take off, and Portia says, they’re going to help Trina through this, no matter what comes her way. They hug, and Jordan tells Taggert, Trina is a fantastic young woman. She doesn’t want to see Trina hurt. Are they good? Taggert says, they go way back, and Jordan certainly proved to be true to his family. Whatever she’s doing, he trusts her. He leaves, and Jordan says she knows Trina is in a difficult situation, but she sure has an amazing support system around her. Joss and Cam stood by her, and of course (🍷) there’s Portia, Curtis, and Taggert. Portia says, Taggert has always been such a devoted father, and Jordan remembers Portia saying she needs to tell Trina the truth about her father, when she and Portia were trapped in the basement. Portia asks if there’s something on Jordan’s mind, and Jordan says, Portia, and the things she said the day they were almost killed.

Carly says, whatever she’s doing, whatever tests she’s had run, Sonny has lost the right to know about it. Sonny says, just because they’re divorced, doesn’t mean they weren’t partners for years, so if she’s sick or hurt, he wants to know about it. Not just because of the kids, but because he cares about her. He sent her a voicemail after Harmony attacked her; did she get it? She says she did. She’s sorry she didn’t respond. He says he knows things are different, but he’ll always be here for her. She says she’s not sick or hurt, and he says, then what’s these GH test results, and why are they so important?

Bobbie tells Nina, call off the petition before it blows up in her face, but Nina says she’s not discussing this with Bobbie. They’re going before a judge tomorrow. Nina starts to leave, and Bobbie says, wait a minute. Does she really think those articles will be the end of it? Michael will keep coming for her. Nina says, let him. He can’t say anything worse than he has already. Bobbie asks if Nina knows that she was the first one to see through Nelle. She had Nelle pegged as a gold digging psycho the first time her daughter let Nelle through the door. Now she sees where Nelle got it. Nina is more polished, but she’s just as entitled and just as greedy, helping herself to things that don’t belong to her; like other people’s husbands and other people’s children. Nina says, Bobbie is no Mother Teresa herself. She knows all about Bobbie’s messy sordid past, all the way back to when she manipulated Laura and Scotty, because she wanted Scotty for herself. And let’s not forget all the people Bobbie lied to, and this little nugget, all the husbands she cheated on. Bobbie says she hasn’t wrecked any homes lately, unlike Nina, who helped herself to Sonny. Not that Nina cares what it did to Carly, but what about Donna and Avery? She doesn’t care about two little girls who love their family? She’d rather go around wringing her hands over Nelle, and make excuses for Nelle’s laundry list of crimes. Nina says, she was robbed of a chance to help her daughter, to help Nelle, but Bobbie got a second chance with her daughter, didn’t she? So Carly turned out to be every bit as twisted as her prostitute mother. Didn’t Bobbie think she knew about that part of her sordid past? Fortunately, Scotty likes to talk. Bobbie says, if she was younger, she’d toss a pitcher of margaritas all over Nina, and Nina says, but now she’s older… and wiser. Bobbie says, young at heart… only a bit wiser, and throws her drink in Nina’s face. Is Bobbie really this stupid? I hate when they make the characters seem like idiots. But of course (🍷 goes for me too), Nina will be stupid and do nothing.

Michael and Willow get busy and there’s a song part. I take a power nap.

Jordan tells Portia, memory is a funny thing, isn’t it? She hadn’t thought about their near death experience in ages. Then all of a sudden, she’s hearing Portia’s voice talking about telling Trina the truth about her father. Portia says, personally she likes to keep close encounters with death locked deep in her psyche, but thanks for the reminder. Jordan says she’ll keep her mouth shut next time. Did Portia ever tell Trina what she thought Trina should know about Taggert? Portia says, she was deprived of oxygen, as was Jordan. Clearly she wasn’t thinking straight. Of course (🍷) in any conversation she’d have with Trina about her father, he’d be included. Jordan tells her, just don’t keep it inside forever. They only have to look at Marshall to see how secrets in families can fester. Portia says she thinks Curtis still has time to make things right with his father, and Jordan says, if they give themselves that chance. Portia says, Curtis will. He always does what’s right by his family.  

The orderly says, they’re bringing Marshall back from his tests, and gives Curtis his effects (i.e. his stuff). Curtis asks if it’s possible to see him, and she says, he can only have one visitor at a time. TJ tells Curtis to go, and he follows the orderly. TJ looks in the bag, and says, Marshall’s clarinet. It must still be in the alley; he has to go back and get it. Molly says, no, he doesn’t. She takes pieces of the clarinet out of her bag, and says, she scooped these up, even though some pieces are damaged a little bit. TJ says, now they just need Marshall to wake up.

Curtis sits by Marshall’s bed. He sighs.

Violet asks if Gregory will keep her drawing safe, and he says he’ll guard it with his life. She says, if it will make him feel better, he can hold her hand. They walk out hand-in-hand.

Elizabeth asks why she’s doing these horrible things. What’s wrong with her? Finn says he doesn’t know, but he promises they’re going to find out.

Willow says, Michael’s really not worried about the visitation hearing tomorrow, and he says, of course (🍷) he is, but they have each other. They’ll find a way to make everything okay. She says she loves him, and he says, and he loves her.

Nina says, Bobbie going to pay for this, tomorrow when she gets legal visitation rights to Wiley. Carly runs up, grabbing Bobbie away, and Sonny says, back off; that’s enough. Sonny gets a napkin from the bar, and gives it to Nina, who wipes her face. He asks, what happened? and Nina tells him, let’s just say it was a painful reminder of how important it is she’s granted legal visitation rights to Wiley.

Carly asks if Bobbie is okay, and Bobbie says, she knows she should have been the bigger person, but she couldn’t stop herself. Carly says, way to go, mom, and Bobbie says she’s surprised Carly isn’t mad. Carly says, she loved it. That is the least of what Nina deserves. Bobbie says, give her hell tomorrow at the hearing, and Carly says she intends to

On Monday, TJ tells Curtis that he found something he wasn’t expecting; Finn tells Chase, he thinks he knows who’s been harassing Elizabeth; Elizabeth asks if she’s losing her mind; and Dante tells Sonny, think about it before he gets on the stand on behalf of Nina.

🎉 Something To Celebrate…

God bless ‘em. Forty years is a long time to be at any job.

🍑 Who Gonna Check Her…?

Recapping Atlanta.


⚖️ Not Guilty…

I would have dumped that hot mess a long time ago, family or no.

👰🏼 Skipping Out…

Does it really matter? Did anyone notice?

And seriously, who cares?

🍹 No Prince Charmings…

It looks to be a delightful season.


👙 Rebooting GTL…

How can they even put fresh and Jersey Shore in the same vicinity? Enough already.


Even the OGs aren’t happy. Although for reasons that aren’t my own.


☠️ Holy…

This would creep me out too.

🎶 Can’t Stop the Music…

Hulu will stream Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo, and Austin City Limits this year.


💬 Quotes of the Week

What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience?Adam Smith

I’ll join this conversation on the proviso that we stop bitching about people, talking about wigs, dresses, bust sizes, penises, drugs, night clubs, and bloody Abba! – Bernadette (Terrence Stamp), Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. – Winston Churchill

Gardens, scholars say, are the first sign of commitment to a community. When people plant corn they are saying, let’s stay here. And by their connection to the land, they are connected to one another. – Anne Raver

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.Albert Einstein

According to police, the “defecation was significant enough that 8 wigs were destroyed as a result.”NY Post article about Public Enemy #2, who made poopie in a beauty supply store

Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal. – John F. Kennedy

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. – Henry Van Dyke Jr.

Tequila. – Pope Francis, in talking about what he needs to ease his knee pain.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Born To Run…

See you when it’s time to Fear the Dead. Until then, stay safe, stay respecting others’ opinions, but thinking for yourself, and stay being the bigger person, even if you think you can’t stop yourself. Because IRL, that’s not how any of this works.

October 8, 2021 – No Queen, Grilled, Nasty, Worse, Unsure, Dirty, Salt Lake Woes, a Tease, Going Down, New Bar, L.A. Return, Tiger’s Back, Mistress Of the Book, Best Costumes, As Many Quotes As Lords Leaping & Magic


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly takes a sip of her coffee, and says, this never gets old. Sonny says, the coffee, or this? He kisses her, and she says, don’t make her choose. She suggests they stay home and shut the world out all day. He says, what world? It’s just the two of them. They kiss again, and a guard interrupts, saying, someone is at the gate to see Sonny.

Britt sits down with Nina at the MetroCourt, and says, welcome back. Nina thanks her and says, it’s been quite the homecoming. Any word on Liesl? Britt says, no, not a whisper. It seems her mother disappeared into thin air. Nina says she’s sorry. She can’t help but feel responsible. Britt says, Nina called and got her mother involved in a scheme to kill Peter. She’s sure it wasn’t a hard sell. Nina says, at the moment, it was the only way to protect Maxie and James. Britt says, if that’s all Nina was doing, she’d be on board, but they both know that SOS call was to protect herself.

Portia tells Trina that she likes their new tradition of weekly breakfast check-ins, and Trina says she does too. She’s not thrilled with the dining hall, and she’s already tired of take-out. Portia is glad to contribute to Trina’s healthy eating habits, and asks Trina to tell her about classes. How it is working at Ava’s gallery without Ava? Trina says, it turns out, Ava’s not leaving, and Portia asks, since when? Trina says she’s pretty sure Ava is staying there, and staying married, and Portia says, Trina can’t drop that kind of bomb on her and play coy. What happened with the stalker? Trina says, thanks to her, the stalker’s been unmasked.

Nikolas comes up behind Ava and kisses her on the neck. She says he’d better be her husband; he’s a very jealous man. He says he’s her husband all right. For now and for always. She says, it’s going to be a beautiful day, and he says, a beautiful life. He’s never letting her go again. That’s a promise.

The guard says, Mr. Corinthos is in the living room, and he leads Phyllis in, carrying a box. Sonny says, what a pleasant surprise, and she says, my goodness, look at you. He introduces her to Carly, saying she’s a dear friend of Mike’s and his. He and Phyllis smile at each other.

Josslyn tries to study at the Kelly’s counter, when Cameron brings her a glass of ice water. She asks if it has magical properties that will help her focus, and he says he can’t stop thinking about yesterday too. He can’t get over the fact that Spencer was the stalker. Trina was so right; he shouldn’t have given them so much pushback. She says, Trina was the one who figured it out, and Cameron asks how Trina is doing. She seemed pretty beat up about it. Josslyn says they were up half the night talking about it. She feels awful about setting a trap for Spencer. She’s not happy about it either, but if they hadn’t, Ava and Nikolas still wouldn’t know the truth. He says he guesses it was worth it, but she says he doesn’t sound all that convinced. He says, Nikolas has Ava back, but Spencer’s life just imploded. Did they end up helping that family, or just hurt them? She says, both.

Spencer walks into his and Esme’s hotel room. Still in bed, Esme asks where he was. He says, working out, and she says, so early? Did he sleep at all? He says, no. Every time he closed his eyes, he kept replaying the whole train wreck. It never should have happened. She says she doesn’t know what possessed him to confess, and he says his father was in danger. She says he had nothing to do with his Uncle Sonny turning up, and he says, no, but she did. Why the hell would she tell his uncle, the alleged mob kingpin, that his father was taking his daughter away?

Nikolas’s phone beeps, and he looks at it. Ava asks if something is wrong, and he says, it’s an alert he placed on Spencer’s credit card. Apparently, he’s holed up at the MetroCourt. She asks how he feels about that, and he says he’s glad Spencer didn’t spend the night on the street. But given the fact Spencer robbed them of months together, he can think of better ways of spending their first reunited morning than discussing Spencer. He’ll make breakfast.

Carly says, so she’s Phyllis, and thanks Phyllis for taking care of her husband when he was injured. Phyllis says, it was their pleasure. Mike… Sonny was a godsend to them in more ways than one. Carly says, it goes both ways. Sonny has told her a lot about Phyllis. She’s so sorry about Phyllis’s husband. She thanks Carly, calling her Mrs. Corinthos, but she says, call her Carly. Had they known she was coming, they could have spared her the security check. Phyllis says, it’s a beautiful home. Much different from his room at the Tan-O. Carly asks if Phyllis drove in, and Phyllis says she did. She was on the road too early to call. She hopes she didn’t intrude. She found some of Sonny’s belongings, and thought he might want them. Wow. His flannel shirts survived the fire?

Nina tells Britt, she feels terrible. If there’s anything she can do to help find Aunt Liesl, please let her. Britt says she’ll take the help; Scotty’s beside himself. Nina says she also got a voicemail from Valentin. He and Anna have a lead on Peter, but he didn’t give her any details. How is Britt otherwise? Britt says she’s busy. She’s throwing herself into work; restructuring the hospital budget, working with her new Co-Chief of Staff, keeping her head above water. Nina says, and Britt and Jason? Britt asks what she’s talking about. There is no her and Jason. Nina says, and that’s because of her.

Portia asks Trina, so the young man she met at the park was Spencer, not Victor, and Spencer was Ava’s stalker? Trina says, Spencer and his girlfriend, and Portia asks, which one drenched Trina in the fake blood? Trina says, Spencer, and Portia says, hell no. Trina protests, but Portia asks when all this went down. Last night? Trina says, yes, Spencer got kicked out of Windymere, and his relationship with his father is worse than ever, and it’s her fault. Portia says, in what universe? and Trina says she convinced Cam and Joss to set him up. If she hadn’t… Portia tells her not to finish that sentence. Trina’s not responsible, and it’s not her fault. This is Spencer’s mess; it has nothing to do with Trina. Trina says she just feels bad for him, and also guilty that she wasn’t honest with Ava. Portia asks why Trina would feel guilty? Thanks to her, Ava knows the truth now, and Ava can stay here with her husband and little girl. Although she might want to let that marriage dissolve. Clearly the Cassadine men are not to be trusted.

Esme tells Spencer that she’s sorry for how things turned out. She was only doing it for him. He says he knows. That’s why he defended her, but some of the ideas she came up with… She says, getting his father back in his life was what he wanted, so she did what she could to make that happen. She guesses she’s still learning how to make him happy. He says she really is the best, and nothing that has happened is her fault. But he’d be happier if they cut out the scheming, and did better. She says, whatever he wants. Too bad he can’t count on his so-called friends. What were they thinking, especially Josslyn? Doesn’t that girl have enough to worry about without setting him up and calling him out? He says, Josslyn is a real friend; so’s Cameron. They’re probably the only real friends he’s ever had.

Josslyn tells Cameron, they totally ambushed Spencer, but if his behavior hadn’t been so messed up, there’d be nothing to confess. Cameron says, her stepdad is one menacing dude. Spencer was absolutely terrified for his father. She says, everyone knows not to mess with Sonny, especially when it comes to his family, but none of that would have happened except for Esme. He says he doesn’t see how she’s to blame for the lie about Bora Bora, and she asks if he’s giving Esme a pass. He says, not at all. They both bear responsibility. She says, Trina told her that Spencer and Esme work as a team. Every team she’s ever been on has a captain. It makes her wonder if Esme is the one calling the shots.

Cameron asks what makes Josslyn think Esme is more involved than Spencer is saying. She says, Spencer admitted Esme was the one who torched Ava’s car, and Cameron says, he did at first, but then he walked it back. She says, to protect her. Does that surprise him? She’s seen the way Esme hangs on Spencer. No wonder he can’t think straight. He says, this is Spencer they’re talking about; he’s no angel. She says, this is so messed up. She knows Spencer set it in motion – everything he did was bad, but she still wants what’s best for him. He says, what if Esme is what’s best for him? but she says, no. Esme brings out the worst in Spencer.

Esme asks why Spencer isn’t furious. First, they set him up, then stand by and watch him humiliate himself. He says, he humiliated himself? and she says, he confessed and he apologized. He says she’s forgetting the part where they’re actually guilty, and she says, fine. They’re no innocents, but his real friends aren’t either. They lied to his face, and set a trap that almost got his father killed. His father kicked him out of Windymere, while his wicked stepmother gloats. If they expect Spencer to beg forgiveness, they’d better think again. They’re the ones who should be coming to him. There’s a knock at the door, and a woman asks if he’s Spencer Cassadine. She’s sorry, but his credit card was declined for the second night. Esme says, there’s more than enough funds… but he says, there’s no need. This isn’t a fund problem; it’s a father problem. The woman says, they contacted the account holder, Nikolas Cassadine, and the card’s been canceled. He says, checkmate, and Esme asks what this means. He says, it means they pack.

Nikolas tells Ava, breakfast is in the dining room, unless she would rather have it served in the bedroom. She tells him to choose, and he says, the bedroom it is. She asks what the call was that he made earlier, and he says he cut Spencer’s access to his bank and credit card accounts. She says she’s all for tough love, but if Nikolas cuts Spencer off, what will he do? He says, Spencer’s about to figure it out. His son’s been given every possible advantage. He’s bright, he’s willful, let him put that cunning to good use, and figure out how to support himself. She says, that sounds fine in theory, but the timing is terrible. Won’t Spencer see this as punishment, and won’t it further stoke his dangerous resentment?

Trina tells Portia that Ava told her to be careful of bad boys. Spencer falls under that definition, except he’s not that bad. At heart, she thinks he’s just lost. Portia tells her, says every woman in defense of a dysfunctional relationship with a bad boy. She was at the hospital that night when Ava’s car was burned. She sat with Ava afterward, and Ava couldn’t stop shaking. And to leave Kiki’s ID badge near the car? That’s just cruel. Trina says, Spencer didn’t do it. She doesn’t even think it was his idea. Portia says Trina certainly seems determined to let him off the hook, and Trina says she’s not denying Spencer’s made some seriously mess up choices. Portia says, anyone who asks you to cover for them isn’t your friend. Remember what Maya Angelou said, when someone shows you who they are… Trina finishes, believe them. She’s sorry she didn’t tell Portia about this earlier; there’s just been a lot going on. Portia says, even though Trina will always be her baby, she’s a young woman now, and she’s entitled to privacy. But Portia can proudly say, Trina has always had a good head on her shoulders.

Carly says Obrecht was devastated when she heard Jason got engaged to Carly because she knew how important Jason was to Britt. Britt says, that’s old news now, and Nina says, if she hadn’t kept Sonny away from Port Charles… Britt says Nina might have hurt a lot of other people, but Nina did her a favor. Carly will always come first with Jason, and she’s nobody’s second. Nina says, good for her. She hopes Britt doesn’t mind, but she doesn’t think she can stay for breakfast. She can’t justify paying Carly’s inflated prices for eggs and toast. Britt says, it’s Nina’s call; she’s not offended. Nina takes Britt’s hand, and says, it’s good to see her. If Britt hears from her mom, if there’s anything Nina can do, call her and let her know. Britt says, will do, and tells Nina to watch her back. She has the feeling Carly isn’t done with her yet.   

Phyllis sits down, with Sonny and Carly, and Carly says, may I? pointing to the box. Sonny tells her, go ahead, and she starts taking things out. She takes out a flannel shirt, and says she saw Sonny in one of these. She still can’t believe it. She takes out a few more, and asks how many he has. She says, wow, and takes out the cowboy hat. She says, Mike definitely had a distinct fashion style, and Phyllis says, not to mention a mean two-step. Sonny says, that’s high praise coming from the lifelong dance partner of Lenny Caulfield, the greatest dancer in the world. Phyllis says, that man was so light on his feet, he defied gravity. Sonny takes her hand, and I’m not sure how to read Carly’s face. Uncomfortable maybe.

Carly says, Lenny sounds like the best of men. Sonny told her that Lenny gave him a hard time when he first showed up, and wound up standing up for him, and treating him like a brother. She wishes she could have met him. Phyllis says, Lenny was one of a kind, and Sonny says, amen. Carly says she’s going to give them a chance to catch up; they must have a lot to talk about. Forget about her suggestion about staying home. She has tons of paperwork at the MetroCourt. Enjoy their time together. She tells Phyllis that it was a pleasure meeting her, and hopes Phyllis comes back. She’s always welcome. Carly leaves, and Sonny thanks Phyllis for bringing the box. Phyllis says she has a confession. That’s not the only reason she’s here. She wanted to meet him properly. He holds out his hand, and says, Sonny Corinthos. She says, Phyllis Caulfield, and shakes his hand. They turn the handshake into a hug.

Trina tells Portia that she and Josslyn have this code – sisters before misters. She feels like she’s breaking that code with Ava. Ava is her friend too. She feels bad that she kept it secret that Spencer was in town for weeks, but after everything that happened, she feels like it’s too late to say anything. What does Portia think? Portia says, the fact that Trina feels bad tells her something, especially now that she knows the damage secrets can cause. So what is she going to do? Trina says she thinks she’ll skip breakfast. Raincheck? Portia says, of course (🍷). She wants Trina to do what she’s got to do. She’s proud of Trina. Trina thanks Portia and says she loves her. Portia says she loves Trina too. Same time, same place next week? Trina says she wouldn’t miss it.

Nikolas says he can’t stand back after how Spencer treated his wife, and Ava says she appreciates his outrage, but she’s a big girl and can take care of herself. As he well knows. He says he’s aware, but in no way does it excuse Spencer for what he did. She says, Spencer has witnessed Nikolas’s plots and schemes his entire life. If Nikolas wants to punish Spencer for learning the behavior he’s modeled, don’t do it on her account. Her phone dings, and she says, breakfast and anything else will have to wait. She has a visitor.

Walking into the MetroCourt, Spencer tells Esme, there’s enough cash for breakfast, but after that, they’re broke. I thought she had money? Esme says, this is a temporary set-back. His father just needs time to cool off. He says, maybe Joss and Came will cool off too. One of the most annoying things about his friends is that he actually cares what they think. He sees Britt, and says he has an idea, but he needs to have this conversation alone. Esme says, no worries. She trusts him. Text her if he needs back-up. He goes over to Britt’s table, where she’s just finished with a call. He says, wheeling and dealing? Good. Does he have a deal for her.

Cameron tells Josslyn that he doesn’t know what to make of Spencer and Esme’s relationship, but so what? Who says they have to understand it? Josslyn asks when he got so wise, and he says when he started dating her. She says he really is wise; that was such a good answer. They kiss, and Nina walks in. Nina says she imagines she’s the last person Josslyn wants to see, and Josslyn says, good call. She asks if Cameron doesn’t have to go back to work, and he asks if she’s sure. She says, it’s fine, and he says he’ll go back to work… outside. Nina says she just came to get a bite to eat, but can leave if Josslyn is uncomfortable, but Josslyn asks why she would be uncomfortable. She’s not the one who stole 9 months of Sonny’s life, and left his family to grieve. She’s not the one who’s a total hypocrite.

Britt asks what the deal is, and Spencer says, room and board with her in exchange for his witticisms. She says, pass, and he says, and Esme’s French cooking techniques. She says, absolutely not, and he says, why not? They’ll be fun roommates, and Esme can cook dinner. Britt says she lives in a hotel room, and he says, she’s Chief of Staff, and still lives in a hotel room? and she says, demanding job, no pets, no kids, room service. Works for her, but not for him. He says she won’t even notice them. She’s at work all day, and he promises they won’t touch the minibar. She asks, what is going on? Why would he leave cushy Windymere for a rollaway bed in her hotel room? He says he and his father had a falling out, and Britt says, he left? Spencer shakes his head, and she says, Nikolas kicked him out? Why is Nikolas acting so self-righteous after all the crap he’s pulled? Spencer says, it’s a little complicated, and she says, please don’t tell her that he hasn’t done anything that will make her have to defend his father.

Ava sees Trina, and says, what a nice surprise. Trina says she’s glad Ava is still there. Does this mean… Ava says, thanks to Trina, she and Nikolas are back together. They’ll have a lifetime of mornings ahead of them. What Trina did was risky, and she doesn’t condone the plotting, but Trina did uncover the truth, and Ava is grateful. Trina says, don’t thank her.

Phyllis says Sonny’s coffee is delicious. He says, of course (🍷) it is. He’ll send her home with a pound. She looks at a photo, and asks who it is with him, and Sonny says, Mike, his dad. He died of Alzheimer’s a year ago. He was one of a kind. He and Lenny would have hit it off. Phyllis says she’s so sorry. He has a beautiful family; they must have missed him. She bets they’re happy he’s back, and he says, so is he; so is Carly. She says, Carly seems wonderful. It must have been hard on her. He says, yes she is, and yeah it was. Phyllis says she found pictures of him and Nina, but didn’t want to include them in the box. She wasn’t sure he’d want them. He thanks her, and she says she has another confession. She didn’t drive there to return the box. She thought he might need someone to talk to who understands. He says she’s still looking out for him, and she says, Lenny would call it putting her nose where it doesn’t belong. He says, Lenny loved that she did that; so does he. She says she knows he left a complicated situation in Nixon Falls. Is the situation there complicated too?  

Esme sees Cameron outside Kelly’s, and says she’s so glad she found him. She needs him desperately.

Josslyn tells Nina to consider a delivery app, if she has to leave every establishment where there are people who love Sonny. Nina says she’ll take that into consideration. She’s truly sorry. She starts to leave, but Josslyn tells her to wait. She has something for Nina.

Britt asks what Spencer was thinking, and he says he was saving his father from Ava. She says, so he could have his father to himself? and he wonders if that’s too much to ask. He thought his father was dead for three years. She says, Spencer claims he wants to make up for lost time, but what he means is, he wants to control who his father is with. What bothers her the most is the lengths he went to, the lies he told, and the people he hurt, including her. Nikolas accused her of being the stalker, and Spencer said nothing. He says, because Nikolas didn’t think that anymore, but she’s right. He’s sorry. It’s one of the many mistakes he made. She says she gets making mistakes. He knows she’s fond of him, while she’s not fond of his father, but he needs to go make amends. He says he can’t; his father doesn’t want to see him. Maybe he and Esme could just stay one night, until they can figure it out. Carly comes over to the table, and says, not in her hotel. He terrorized Ava by implying a threat to Avery, and manipulated Sonny the second he got home. It’s totally unacceptable. Spencer says Carly is right. He screwed up, and he doesn’t blame anyone for not wanting him around. She tells him, don’t play the martyr. Stand on his own two feet instead of waiting for someone to bail him out. That’s the problem. Someone has been enabling him his entire life. He says, again his apologizes, to them both, and leaves.  

Cameron tells Esme, he’s working, so… She says he’s the only one who can help her… and Spence. He asks, what’s going on with Spencer? and she says, Spencer has been tossed out and cut off. They’re almost with no money. Cameron says, first of all, they’re hardly starving and destitute, and second, they kind of deserve what they get. What Spencer did was terrible. She says, maybe she should have done more to rein Spence in, but he was in so much pain. He wanted his father back, and now he’s lost his father all over again. Cameron says, things are bad right now, but Spencer will bounce back. He always does. She says, not this time. I don’t know if she’s faking it, but I think it’s the first time Esme hasn’t smiled through a conversation, whether it was appropriate or not.

Trina tells Ava, the day she realized Victor was really Spencer, was the day she realized he’d been lying about how long he’s been in Port Charles. Obviously, he needed to cover for his creeping around, leaving nasty little threats. Ava says, then he convinced Trina to keep his secret, and Trina says, he told her he had troubled relationship with his dad, and that’s why he didn’t approach Nikolas right away. And she bought it. Ava wonders if there’s anyone in this town Spencer hasn’t deceived, and Trina says she helped him by keeping quiet. Ava says, Spencer deceived Trina too. He lied to her, he manipulated her, and took advantage of her trust. Trina says, if she’d come to Ava sooner, maybe they could have figured out Spencer was the stalker. Before her car got torched. Can Ava ever forgive her? Ava says, there’s absolutely nothing to forgive her for. She wishes she’d had a friend as loyal and trustworthy as Trina years ago. Trina says Ava has her now, and Ava says she’s sorry for what Trina lost. She remembers how excited Trina  was when Victor swept into her life, and she hates how he robbed Trina of that feeling.

Nikolas comes out of the elevator as Portia is waiting for it, and she says, perfect timing. If him or his son ever hurt her daughter again, they’ll regret it. He looks at her blankly, and she says, he needs reminding. His deviant stunts at the party at Windymere, Spencer drenching Trina in fake blood, pretending to be Victor, and convincing Trina to lie about his presence in Port Charles, so that he could stalk Ava. Nikolas says he’s so sorry. Last night, Spencer admitted he’d come home from school early, but he had no idea Spencer had deceived Trina in that way. She says, his son is walking through the world like he can do whatever he wants. And Nikolas, as the adult, needs to shut that down. Nikolas says he’s truly sorry, and she says, next time he sees his son, let him know if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll stay away from her daughter. I smell a romance in the works.

Sonny says, being home has been an adjustment, and asks Phyllis, what’s the deal with the Tan-O? She says she filed a claim with insurance, but the adjuster is still investigating, so the wait is on. He asks if she wants to rebuild, but she’s not sure. Without Lenny, she feels a bit at sea. He says, it didn’t help that he took off, but she says, he needed to get back to his family. He says he considers Phyllis family; whatever she needs, he’s there for her. She says he doesn’t owe her anything, but he says she saved his life. The least he can do is put her up, there or at the MetroCourt. And he’s not taking no for an answer. She says she appreciates that. She does have some unfinished business in town. He says she didn’t come just to see him? and she says, she came to see Nina.

Josslyn says she’s glad she ran into Nina. She holds up the journal, and asks if Nina recognizes it. Nina says, it’s the journal she gave Josslyn as a graduation present, and Josslyn says, she’d actually stopped writing, but didn’t tell Nina at the time because she was being polite. She tries not to cry, and says she started writing again after Nina gave it to her, and used it to process her feelings. She flips through it, and says, she wrote about Sonny’s funeral. She rips it out, and says, she wrote about the nights she heard her mom quietly sobbing. She tears that out too, and says, and she wrote about the good days where they still felt like a family. And the bad ones where all any of them could think about was missing Sonny. But Nina didn’t just lie to them, she lied to Josslyn’s father. He went to Nixon Falls to see her and try to win her back, but instead he got shot defending her and her friend. When Jax came to Nina, saying he thought he saw Sonny when he was on the gurney, and she lied and said he hadn’t. Nina deceived him too. She rips all the pages out, and says, it’s all there, updated as of last night. She’ll be keeping her thoughts, but this gift from Nina? She never wants to see it or Nina again. She hands the journal to Nina.  

Cameron says he has to get back inside, but Esme says, Spence needs him. He just lost his father, and now he’s lost Cameron too, and she can’t handle it. She doesn’t want to come between Spence and his real friends. That’s what he calls Cameron and Josslyn. They’re his real friends, and Spence is hers.

Trina tells Ava, she started off really liking Victor, but he was just a put-on, a façade. She can’t believe she let Spencer play her like that. She’ll never trust him again after what he did to Ava. Ava says, she’s not encouraging Trina to have a relationship with Spencer – far from it. She appreciates Trina’s loyalty, but what happened between her and Spencer is between them. Trina is free to do her. Spencer calls out for his father, and walks into the room. Trina gives him that look. You know the one.

Cameron tells Esme that Spencer hasn’t lost him; he’s still Spencer’s cousin. He really dislikes what Spencer did to his father, Ava, and Trina, but he doesn’t hate Spencer. She asks, what about Joss? and he says, she’s mad, but she’s also the kindest person he knows. He’s sure she’ll move past it. Esme says Cameron is such a good guy, when Josslyn comes out of Kelly’s. It looks like she’s not liking what she sees.

Carly tells Britt, breakfast is on the house. She apologizes for interrupting Britt’s conversation with Spencer. Britt says, it’s okay; she’d already turned him down. He made himself a hell of a mess and she can’t fix it for him. She hopes he figures it out. He’s a good kid in spite of everything. Carly says, technically, he’s an adult, but when she was his age, she didn’t behave like one either. Britt says, even as adults, we don’t always behave as adults, and starts to leave, but Carly says she knows Britt has a lot going on; so does she. She’d like to clear the air between them, and asks if Britt is ready for some radical honesty. Britt says she’s ready if Carly is.

Phyllis says she still has things she needs to say to Nina, and Sonny wonders why Phyllis would still want to talk to her after everything she did. She caused Phyllis to lose the Tan-O. She says, she thought about all the horrible things Nina did to Sonny and his family, and the lives she endangered, including her own. But she also knows Nina’s heart. All the things Nina did for her and Lenny, and their town, even for Sonny as Mike. A person has to be in a lot of pain and confusion to balance all that love and desperation. Lenny always said she had a bleeding heart, and maybe she does, but she can’t write Nina off just yet. Can he?   

On Monday, Alexis tells Nikolas that it’s no time for him to turn his back on Spencer, Jax asks Shawn how something circles back to him, and Britt tells Carly, it’s not going to happen.

👑 She’ll Never Be Queen…

Kyle stands by her good friend. Unless things start going bad.

She thinks they’re good.

She’ll walk away when they stop paying her.

🔥 On the Barbie…

I’m sure she had an answer for everything, but I’ll be on the lookout for squirming.

🍸 Belle Of the South…

Good. Erika has no business trying to intimidate the weak one because things didn’t go as planned. And I agree that no woman should ever say that to another woman. Actually, I don’t think anyone should use that word ever. And I have a potty mouth. What can I say? I was raised by a sailor.

😶 Can’t Read the Room…

I don’t even know what to say here.

💎 Don’t Fence Her In…

It would be a shame if Garcelle left. She’s the voice of reason, and of color.

🧹 On the Other Hand…

I’m all for LVP, Garcelle, and Sutton having a show.

⛪️ Meanwhile, In the Lake Of Salt…

Methinks they suddenly realized what a bad look it was.

Lisa tries to balance it with a good look.

🗽 Still Clueless…

I hardly think there was a stigma attached to single working moms in 2010.

⛺️ Downsizing…

I guess this is what happens when you do really, really stupid things.

💤 Uninspired…

Are they really going to name it Schwartz and Sandy’s? Will they be serving egg creams?



🏠 Coming Back Home…

I loved the Homecoming show they did for Real World New York. I’m hoping this one is as good. I’d love to see San Francisco, but now that Pedro is gone, it would be sad. And I’m not sure if I could stomach Puck again.


🐅 Tiger Take Two…

I can’t imagine it topping, or even being equal to, the first one. I was mesmerized.


🧛🏻‍♀️ All In the Timing…

Why shouldn’t Cassandra Peterson aka Elvira have a memoir coming out when it’s almost Halloween? And who knew all this stuff? I can’t wait to read this.



🎃 23 Days To Halloween…

And so it begins.


📣 Quotes of the Week

A good friend will always stab you in the front. – Oscar Wilde

The cure for anything is saltwater: sweat, tears, or the sea.Isak Dinesen, author of Out of Africa

Expecting life to treat you well because you are a good person is like expecting an angry bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian. – Shari R. Barr

Listening is where love begins: listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors. – Fred Rogers

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. – J.R.R. Tolkien

In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy. – Albert Clarke

There’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line. Oscar Levant

Your dream is a reality that is waiting for you to materialize. Today is a new day! Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Learn from your past so that it can empower your present and propel you to greatness. – Steve Maraboli

You’re only as sick as your secrets. – AA saying

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle. – Plato

👢 Walking Into the Weekend Like…

I have an early day tomorrow, but before we know it, it will be Dead time. Until then, stay safe, stay changing it up now and then, and stay believing them if someone shows you who they are.

May 22, 2020 – Luke’s Flashback, a Ton Of Tea, a Housewife Auction, 80’s TV, Fun Stuff To Do, a Movie, One More Than a Dozen Quotes & Spice It Up


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Today’s Friday Flashback GH – from April 1, 2015 – revisited when Luke went to the house he’d grown up in, and flashed back to April 1, 1963; the night he inadvertently killed his mother, and deliberately killed his father. It was also when Dee Wallace was on the scene as Luke’s sister Patricia.

🍊 Remember Her…?

You should. Jeana was one of my favorites on The Real Housewives of Orange County. An OG who only lasted a few seasons, she actually seemed to keep the real in the housewife. She and daughter Kara have seen their share of tragedies lately, but I’m sure Jeana considers her exit from the show a blessing.



🚗 With Peter In the Rearview…

Cynthia makes the best of a good situation.


🍬 My Gum Lasts Longer Than Her Relationships…

Oh wait. That one’s been used.


🍹 I’ll Take Charm For $100, Alex…

As if we’re not bummed enough.


😤 Good Luck With That…

Dorinda needs more than a life coach. She needs an anger-management-face-reality-stop-your-bullying-you’re-too-old-for-this coach.


💃🏻 She’s Movin’ On…

So is anyone going to make good on Vicki’s bet Jim and Meghan’s marriage wouldn’t even last four years?


👼🏾 She Sings Like an Angel…

I saw a millisecond of the RHOA Reunion, but even done virtually in quarantine, the women all talked at once. I couldn’t understand why Andy didn’t just cut some mics off. That would have been sweet. Their mouths moving, but nothing coming out. Like it is with sound, minus the sound. NeNe was still telling Kandi that she’d never amount to anything. The one who had a couple of small parts on two now canceled series, telling the Grammy winner who just won The Masked Singer that she’s a loser. Okay.


👗 Going… Going…

Bidding has already started, so get going.


📟 When Big Hair Ruled…

The 80s were the best!


🖇 Productive Boredom Busting…

For the crafty. I do a lot of amazing crafts myself. In my head. Hey, I made a Christmas wreath once, and it was pretty damn mediocre.


The good.


The bad-ass.


And the creepy.


🦍 Also recommended: Godzilla King of the Monsters, now on rotation on HBO, SHO or one of those O’s. Obviously, this is not something to watch for a great storyline, but if you’re craving special effects and giant creatures, this one’s for you. And they’re all in it. Mothra, Rodan, King Kong, a bunch of monsters who I have no idea who/what they are, and the king himself – Elvis Godzilla. I used to love those movies as a kid, and this is one of those times one hundred.

🦜 Quotes of the Week

We’re breaking the law; we don’t want to work with criminals. – Destiny (Constance Wu), Hustlers

No one looks stupid when they’re having fun. – Amy Poehler (I actually beg to differ on this one.)

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.Joe Klass

Lana is real; anything can happen. – Annie Suwan Toborowsky, 90 Day Fiancé: Pillow Talk, referring to a woman showing up who we all thought was a catfish.

Consistency is the true foundation of trust. Either keep your promises or do not make them. – Roy T. Bennett

With great power… comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later. – Rick Riordan

Aside from Dreidel, Dreidel, and that Adam Sandler thing, it’s an untapped market. – Arthur Spooner (Jerry Stiller), King of Queens, referring to Hanukkah songs.

I know that if we are to live with ourselves there comes a point at which we must relinquish the dead, let them go, keep them dead. – Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking

I cannot compromise my respect for your love. You can keep your love, I will keep my respect. – Amit Kalantri

There is one friend in the life of each of us who seems not a separate person, however dear and beloved, but an expansion, an interpretation, of one’s self, the very meaning of one’s soul. – Edith Wharton

If you always do what is easy and choose the path of least resistance, you never step outside your comfort zone. Great things don’t come from comfort zones. – Roy T. Bennett

In every age, the good old days were a myth. No one ever thought they were good at the time. For every age has consisted of crises that seemed intolerable to the people who lived through them. – Brooks Atkinson (Boy, is that not the truth.)

How tall am I? Honey, with hair, heels, and attitude, I’m through this damned roof!RuPaul

🌦 Trying To See Blue Sky…

It’s not looking good for my older dog, so if you’re so inclined, say a prayer for my little man; that if our time together is at an end, he go gently into this good night, to wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge. On the upside, my girl who had an old roughhousing eye injury come back to haunt her, is much improved and doing well.

Until we meet again, stay safe, stay human, and stay marching to the beat of a different drum. And add a little spice to your Memorial Day weekend.