Tag Archives: Boss of Me

February 26, 2020 – Taggert Shares Information, NJ Finale Plus Italy, a Prenup For Beau, MJ’s New World, a Dallas Farewell & Midweek


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Ava tells Carly to notify the guard that she’s ready to leave. She says it’s inconvenient having an armed escort just to visit her daughter. Carly asks, more or less than living on an island? She wonders when Ava is planning on introducing Avery to her new husband.

Franco helps Cameron with his cufflinks, saying it’s a throwback to another era when men needed valets. He tells Cameron that he looks like James Bond, and Elizabeth says he looks adorable. Cameron says he doesn’t want adorable. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Nikolas.

Brook sees Julian at the MetroCourt. He tries to ditch her, but she says, no drink for her? He says, she gets no favors from him. What she thinks she heard in a private conversation was out of context. She’s jumping to conclusions. He had nothing to do with Brad passing off Nelle’s baby as Willow’s. She asks if passing off is a polite euphemism for kidnapping. She doesn’t think Sonny will appreciate the difference. Does Julian think Sonny will believe him or her when she tells him about her suspicions?

At the Pozzulo’s office, Sonny asks Jason how Michael is doing. Jason says, happy mostly. He knows it’s not over, and he still needs to gain legal custody. The cops have found evidence, and he hopes it’s enough to convict Nelle. Sonny wonders if it’s enough to show that Nelle had help.

Curtis goes to Laura’s hospital room, and is surprised to find her dressed and ready to roll. She asks what he expected, and he says, she’s recovering from a gunshot; maybe extra recuperation time. She says she’s going stir crazy in there, and the doctors said she’s healthy enough to leave. He asks where Doc is, and she says he’s the guest speaker at a medical conference. He wanted to cancel, but she told him not to. Her driver is also her bodyguard, and she’ll get home safe. He tells her that she needs to rest, but she says the sooner she gets back to work, the better. Port Charles needs her.

On the phone, Jordan asks if she and Taggert are on for today, but he says he’s working his own plan. She asks, what kind of plan? but he’s already hung up.

Sonny tells Jason that he doesn’t buy Brad and Nelle pulling it off by themselves. There’s a knock at the door, and one of Sonny’s guards says it’s someone who claims they knew Sonny back in the day. Taggert comes in, and Sonny asks if he took a wrong turn. Taggert says he and Sonny may have a mutual problem. Maybe they can help each other out.

Sonny says, this is a first. Taggert is on the side of the angels. Taggert laughs, and says, there are no angels in this room, or in Pentenville. Sonny doesn’t follow, and Taggert says, Michael was targeted on Pier 55. Carly was caught in an attack on the warehouse, and Sonny was targeted in Brooklyn. Then an industrial warehouse turned into a Roman candle. Sonny says he doesn’t know anything about it, and Taggert says he’s not there to bust Sonny. Sonny says, since when? and Taggert says, since they’ve been trading information about Cyrus.

Jordan joins Laura and Curtis, and Curtis tells her that Laura plans on going back to work right away. Jordan says, sounds right, and he says he should have known better. Laura asks to be brought up to speed. She heard there was an explosion on the industrial pier, and asks how much damage there was. Jordan says, whoever planted the explosive was a pro. No loss of life, but the warehouse and its contents were obliterated. They did find traces of opiates though. Someone blew a major drug operation sky high. Laura wonders who’s stupid enough to take on Sonny.

Carly tells Ava, then again, what’s the point? Not all marriages are built to last. Ava wonders how Carly is judging her marriage when hers involves a sharpshooter on the roof. Carly says she’s not judging; she’s giving Ava a heads up. Sonny is going to want to know how much Nikolas is in his daughter’s life, and he’s not Nikolas’s biggest fan. Whatever game they’re playing, the less it includes Avery, the better.

Josslyn asks if that’s what Dev is wearing to the dance, but he says he’s not going. Josslyn says she wasn’t planning on it either, but Cameron and Trina will be there. The more she thought about it, she realized the first rule of having fun is showing up. He asks, why be around people he won’t be seeing again? After tomorrow, he won’t be living there. He’s leaving Port Charles.

Franco asks Elizabeth if everything is okay, and she asks if he minds hanging out with Cameron. He says he’ll get Cameron pinned up, and goes back inside. Elizabeth tells Nikolas, make it quick. It’s a big night for her son. Nikolas says, Cameron has grown up, and she says, kids do that. Why is he here? He says he’s determined to prove what he told her, and she suggests another time. He says now that he’s secured his inheritance, he wants to make a donation to GH; something specific. She says he can talk to Monica, but he says Elizabeth would know where it would do the most good, and she’s his friend. She says, is she? Inside, Franco pins a boutonniere on Cameron, saying he thought it was only for weddings. Cameron says he did too, but Trina disagrees. Franco says, Trina is a good friend.  

At the café, Brook tells Julian that she has a situation with a record producer. He says let him guess; the producer refuses to sign her. She says, just the opposite. He refuses to let her out of her contract. Julian says, get a lawyer, but she says she did, and it’s iron clad. He says, she’s a Quartermaine. Get daddy to buy him out. She says Julian doesn’t get it. Ned tried, but Linc won’t set her free at any price. He says she must be quite the talent. He’s not sure where he comes in, and she says she’s exhausted all legal alternatives. Julian has skills her father and the lawyers don’t have. Make Linc an offer he can’t refuse, and if he stonewalls, give him ten broken fingers for starters.

Julian tells Brook that her faith is flattering, but his days of breaking bones are over. He runs a respectable pub. She says he can either work with her, or take his chances with Sonny, and he says, there she goes again threatening him. Let’s talk about how that might go down. Say Sonny puts a bullet in his back. That’s a lot of weight to carry on her conscience. Does she want Lucas to lose another loved one because of her overactive imagination? Brook says, what Sonny does is up to him, and what Julian does is up to him. It’s his choice, and his funeral. Julian says, maybe there’s another way.

Elizabeth says she and Nikolas’s friendship wasn’t automatically restored. He says she was kind and sympathetic about Spencer, but she says that doesn’t take away the fact that her niece is without her mother because of Nikolas. He can’t buy her friendship with hospital donations. She tells him, find her sister. He says he hates disappointing her, and appreciates and respects their friendship; it means more than he can say. She says he needs to go. He says his inheritance wasn’t everything. You wouldn’t think Windymere could be colder or lonelier. She says he made his choices, and has to live with them. Unfortunately, so does Violet.

Ava says since Carly is so concerned about what’s best for her daughter, she doesn’t like Avery living under siege. Windymere is safer. Carly asks, how many have met untimely deaths there? And she doesn’t want Avery to be a witness to Ava and Nikolas’s spitefest of a marriage. Ava says she doesn’t know what Carly is talking about. Carly says she doesn’t know Nikolas well, but did know Emily, the love of his life, and Ava couldn’t be less like her. Now that Nikolas has his hands on the codicil, she doesn’t think Ava will be his wife much longer. Ava says Carly is very much mistaken. Carly says, we’ll see, and Ava leaves.

Elizabeth takes pictures of Cameron, and he asks if she has to take so many. The doorbell rings, and Trina comes in, looking gorgeous in a black and silver cocktail dress. Elizabeth asks if Cameron minds if she takes one more. Cameron says Trina looks great, and she says, he’s not so bad either.

Josslyn asks Dev, why leave town now? It’s only a few weeks until spring break, and they have the SATs and final exams. He says, it’s a top school, and they do that there; he won’t miss out. Sonny made it happen. She says, what about Gladys and Brando? What about everyone who cares about him? Everything is set up for Dev to stay there as Sonny’s cousin. He says he’s not dragging this out; it won’t change anything. Carly comes in, and asks for a minute with Josslyn. Dev gives them privacy, and Carly guesses Dev told her. Josslyn says, please don’t tell her Dev is leaving because of her.

Jordan tells Laura, there’s no proof that organized crime is behind what happened, but it’s happened too many times in this town. A crime lord decides he can make more money by taking over Sonny’s territory, and it escalates until it’s over – unless Sonny intervenes. Laura says she can’t help if she doesn’t know who she’s dealing with. Jordan says, Cyrus Renault. He’s a major drug trafficker in the Pacific Northwest. He was busted ten years ago, but it appears he’s trying to expand his territory from maximum security in Pentenville.

Sonny asks what Taggert knows about Cyrus, and Taggert says, more than Sonny. He helped put Cyrus away. Jason says, when Cyrus was busted by a DEA task force, and Taggert says, right. When he left, he signed on with the DEA. Cyrus was a high priority, and his team did all they could to have Cyrus put away. Sonny says, Cyrus is behind bars, but still in operation. They underestimated his reach. Taggert says, right now, Cyrus has his eyes on Port Charles; that’s where Sonny comes in. He has more options than a former agent. He tells Jason, the warehouse explosion was a nice job, but Jason says he doesn’t know what Taggert is talking about. Sonny asks, what’s it to him? Taggert doesn’t live there. Taggert says there are people he cares about in Port Charles, and no one is safe when Cyrus is in play. Jason asks if Taggert is offering his help, or asking for theirs.

Sonny says, so Taggert wants to work with him to help take Cyrus down. Taggert says he has no use for Sonny’s business, but he knows Sonny’s not like Cyrus. Cyrus is bad news, and they don’t want him taking charge. He’s seen the ugly things this man can do. Sonny says, give him some time to think, and Taggert says, don’t take too long. He leaves, and Jason asks if Sonny buys that. Sonny says, every word.

Through Pozzulo’s window, we see Taggert’s shadow go by. A few seconds later, another shadow follows.

Jordan tells Laura, it’s a dangerous lot connected to Cyrus, and Laura says, someone is letting him pull strings while he’s behind bars. Curtis says, it’s convenient, and Jordan says she’d be interested in finding out how Cyrus landed there in the first place. Laura says he ride is there; they’ll continue later. Curtis asks her to tell him that she’s going home to rest, and she says, wars are fought on many fronts. Let them work on their side of the battlefield,  and she’ll take care of hers. When she’s gone, Jordan says **j has ocnn don’t have info can’t afford share until Cyrus is no longer a threat

Josslyn tells Carly, it was one kiss. She’s over it, and hopes Dev isn’t overreacting. Carly says, it’s not about the kiss. Josslyn says, Brando agreed to cover, but Carly says there’s only so much they can ask Brando to accept. Dev thinks it’s best, and she and Sonny agree. Josslyn says, Dev was there after Oscar died, and it helped. He drove her crazy sometimes, but she’ll miss him. Carly says she will too, and hugs Josslyn.

Brook asks what Julian’s plan is, but Julian says he doesn’t have one yet. He needs some time. She says every day she wastes is killing her career. She needs to get back out there before she loses the little momentum she had. It’s the only way out of her contract, so is he helping her or not? Nikolas approaches their table, and Brook says she doesn’t know whether to slap him or kiss him. He says he gets that a lot, and Brook thanks him for the call. She would have been offended if he’d come back from the dead and left her out. She heard he got married. Who’s the lucky lady? Ava joins them, and says, good; Nikolas got her message. She asks who this is, and he says, Brook Ashton, but Brook says she’s Quartermaine now. Nikolas says, this is his wife, Ava Jerome. Ava says, actually, Cassadine now. Mrs. Nikolas Cassadine.   

Cameron gives Trina a wrist corsage, and she thanks him, saying, it’s beautiful. He’s glad she likes it, and she says she wishes her dad was there already. He wanted to take some pictures.

Taggert walks near the piers, and someone follows. We see it’s one of the guys from Cyrus’s warehouse. Taggert goes around, and comes up behind the guy. He asks if the guy is looking for him, and the guy says, no. He’s looking for him. Another guy walks up, and they’re on either side of Taggert.

Sonny tells Jason, for Taggert to come to them, he must be desperate. Jason says, Cyrus was convicted ten years ago. Why is Cyrus after Sonny at the same time Taggert shows up? The guard knocks again, and says Sonny has another visitor. Sonny says he’s busy, but Laura asks if he has time to see an old friend.

Carly says, it’s so unfair. Josslyn has had all these losses, and now she has another one. Josslyn says, this is different. Letting Dev go is doing right by him, and she understands. She says she needs to get dressed if she’s going, and Carly asks, where? Josslyn says, it’s the mid-winter formal, and Carly says she thought Josslyn was going. Josslyn says she changed her mind. Cameron and Trina are going, and Trina gave her a whole lecture about showing up to show school spirit. She has a point. How can Josslyn expect her peers to show up to her volleyball games, and cheer her on, if she doesn’t support them? Carly says there’s no way Josslyn is leaving the house tonight.

Brook asks if she can borrow Ava’s husband, and Ava says as long as he brings her back a drink. Nikolas and Brook go to the bar, and Ava sits with Julian. She says she hopes Nikolas remembers she likes vodka martinis. Like any of us would forget that. She asks Julian why he was huddled with Brook. Or to rephrase that, what the hell kind of trouble is he in now?

Brook says Nikolas looks good for a guy who’s been dead three years. He says she’s still gorgeous, and impossible. She says if she didn’t know better, she’d think he was flirting, but he wouldn’t be doing that with his wife there. He says, true. Ava is never far from his thoughts. His marriage is more important than he can possibly say.

Sonny is glad Laura is up and about. She says she just got out thirty minutes ago, and he says she came straight to see him; he’s honored. He gives her his word that he had no idea who the people were targeting his family. She believes him, but asks, what’s really going on? How’s his family? She heard what happened in Brooklyn, and knows Mike was there. He says his dad is okay. Everybody is okay, and it’s going to stay that way. She says, he can’t guarantee that, and they both know it. So let’s talk – for real.

Jordan and Curtis find Taggert in an examining room. Jordan asks, what happened? and he says he got jumped by two guys. He realized he was being followed, and led the guy into an alley. Taggert got the jump on him, but another guy came from behind. He got a shot off, and they ran toward the 500 block. Curtis asks what Taggert was doing there, but Taggert says he’s answering Jordan’s questions, not Curtis’s. Taggert takes out a handkerchief, and gives it to Jordan. She unwraps a syringe, and says Taggert was going to OD, like the others.

Julian tells Ava that he thought he’d buy himself some time by getting Brad a lawyer. Now that spoiled pop star wannabe is tightening the screws. Ava asks, how? and he says she came into Charlie’s when he was arguing with Brad. He had no idea who she was, and they talked. He vented, and said too much. Ava asks how much Brook knows, and he says she figured out that he was helping Brad with the baby switch. Even better, she’s tight with Sonny and she’s threatening to get him involved. Brook laughs, and Ava says, she seems like a handful, all right, but Julian was already doomed when he got mixed up with Brad to begin with. He says he doesn’t know what to do at this point. He’s tired of the shakedowns. Ava says, too bad. If Brook goes to Sonny with her theory, it won’t go well. He asks what she suggests, and she tells him, just say yes for now; buy some time. Two Jeromes are more than a match for one measly Quartermaine.   

Brook says she’s sorry about what Nikolas has been through, and Nikolas says she’s the only person who hasn’t come down hard on him. His mom, his sister, his son, even his best friend Elizabeth, all judged him without caring about what he’s been through. Brook says, Elizabeth judged him? Shocker. He guesses Elizabeth is entitled to her feelings, but Brook says, so is he. It’s hard enough coming back without people lining up to criticize. She knows what it’s like to need a friend, and thinks maybe she can fill that void.

Josslyn tells Carly, there’s plenty of security. One of Sonny’s guards can stay at the dance, and Dustin is chaperoning; he saved her life. Carly says, he’s an English teacher, not a superhero. She and Sonny agreed, it’s best to avoid public gatherings, and she wants to err on the side of caution tonight. Donna cries, and Carly goes to tend to her, while Dev comes back into the kitchen. Dev asks if Josslyn’s mom explained it to her. She asks if he’s really okay with it, and he says, it has to be this way. Josslyn says, then he has to say goodbye to Cameron and Trina. She tells him, get dressed, and meet her in the living room in ten minutes.

Cameron tells Trina that their ride share is almost there. She says her dad hasn’t responded to her texts; she guesses he’s not coming. Cameron looks out, and sees an SUV. He says they’re going premium tonight. He tells Trina that he can talk to the driver, and see if he’s willing to wait, but Trina says, let’s just go. She thanks Elizabeth for the pictures. She’ll have some great shots to show her dad. Elizabeth tells them, have fun, and Cameron says, will do. Franco hustles them out, and Cameron wonders if he’s trying to get rid of them. Elizabeth reminds him to text the driver’s information to her. They leave, and Elizabeth asks Franco if Cameron is right. Was he trying to get rid of them?

Jordan says Taggert is lucky it wasn’t worse, and Curtis says, then there would be one. Taggert says Cyrus will find him if he wants to. Jordan says they’ve been catching up since Bob was killed, and it’s time to get in front. Taggert said he had a plan; let’s hear it. He says she’s not going to like it.

Laura says she and Sonny have been friends a long time. She knows there’s a line he won’t cross in his business; he has a certain integrity. When she took the oath of office, she vowed to put Port Charles above all else, including her personal relationships. Sonny understands where Laura is coming from, and says he’d never ask her to compromise for his sake. She appreciates that, but says she can’t look other way if a turf war threatens the safety of the city. Jason says, with all due respect, they care about the city as much as she does. She says she doesn’t doubt that, but in Sonny’s business, there can be some very ugly turns, and she thinks that’s what happened. Sonny says he didn’t start it, and she says she knows that, but it doesn’t matter. This is on her watch. When innocent people are shot at, the piers are a war zone again, and warehouses are blowing up, the people who live in those areas – low income people who don’t have a lot of choices – are afraid. The parents wonder if their kids will get home safe, or at all. All they want, is for it to stop. That’s why she’s there. If anyone knows how stop this thing, it’s him.

Elizabeth tells Franco, she thought Cameron and Trina were just friends, but after the way Cameron looking at Trina tonight, she’s not so sure. Franco says, it’s a big night for them – and him and Elizabeth too. He says, she thought he forgot. He gives her a small box, and says, happy anniversary.

Brook and Nikolas clink glasses. Ava says it will be her pleasure to help Julian handle Brook, and it might help her solve a problem of her own. She needs Nikolas to cheat, and she needs to have proof, or she can’t get out of the marriage. Julian says, that’s barely a minor inconvenience, and she says Julian is so grouchy when he thinks he’s backed into a corner. He’s lucky he has a sister who’s a pro at thinking outside the box. She was going to use Elizabeth to tempt Nikolas, but it’s important to have back up, and Brook just might fit the bill. Ava walks over to the bar and says, forget the drink. She’s changed her mind. She’d rather be home with Nikolas. She takes his hand, and leads him out. He asks if she’s jealous. She can always divorce him. She says, not on his life. They made a deal, and he’s sticking to it.

Brook returns to Julian’s table, and says, so before they were rudely interrupted, what’s his answer? He says, she told him, all ten fingers, correct? He holds out his hand, and they shake.

Laura tells Sonny, she came out of respect because he’s an old friend. She gets up, and says, but if she’s wrong, and Sonny isn’t able to end this thing before it escalates any further, she’ll have to do what she has to in order to protect the city. Sonny gets up, and says he wouldn’t expect anything less. After all, he voted for her. Jason holds the door open, and she walks out, holding back tears. Jason and Sonny look at each other.

Josslyn comes downstairs, looking lovely, also in a shimmery cocktail dress. Dev asks how she did that so fast, and she says nothing inspires her more than being told she can’t do something. She tells him, they have to go, and he follows her out.

Taggert tells Jordan, he’s crossed the line in the past. Each time, he weighed the risks, and made a choice, believing the ends justified the means. Now he’s crossed a line he never thought he’d cross. Curtis says, desperate times, and Taggert says, right. The stakes are too high for pride or holding a grudge. He went to Sonny, and asked if Sonny would work with him to take Cyrus down.

Carly sees Dev’s backpack, and says, really. The kids leave everything lying around. She picks it up, and everything falls out. While she’s picking it all up, she finds a bullet.

Cameron asks the driver if he can step on it; they’re a tiny bit late. Trina says she doesn’t mind, and tells him to take his time. Better safe than sorry. Cameron and Trina chatter back and forth, and we see the driver is the guy who followed Taggert to the pier.

Tomorrow, Neil tells TJ, if it feels right, go for it; Carly asks why there’s a bullet in Dev’s backpack; Taggert calls Curtis for help; and Cameron and Trina’s driver says, there’s been a change in plans.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

When Melissa met with Danielle, Danielle said boutique owner Steven told her to pull Marge’s hair, and Teresa encouraged her. We saw a clip of Teresa getting in Danielle’s face, and saying, do it! Do it! Do it! Melissa said she was shocked, and going to let Teresa know what Danielle said. Rather than badmouth Teresa, Melissa said it confirmed that Teresa was not in the right frame of mind. Danielle said Marge had put her through a lot, but Melissa wasn’t having it. She said Danielle had gone too far and shouldn’t have put her hands on anybody, and ended their friendship. At the house, the party was beginning to start, with an amazing barbecue that had just about everything imaginable on the grill. In Melissa’s interview, she said Danielle was a pathological liar, but she didn’t think Danielle would throw Teresa under the bus like that if it wasn’t true. And if it was, it was the end of Marge and Teresa’s friendship. By the time Melissa got to the party, it was in full swing, and there were tons of guests, including my favorite, Marge Sr.

Melissa was basically accosted by the group, who wanted to know how the meeting had gone. Melissa told them it was rough. She said Danielle said that Steven told her to pull Marge’s hair, and Marge didn’t believe it, but we saw a clip of that too. I find it a lot more disturbing that a grown man, who owns a boutique, is making this kind of suggestion to a woman, than table-flipper Teresa encouraging that behavior. Melissa said Danielle also said Teresa told her, do it. Marge didn’t believe that either, and of course everyone said what a liar Danielle always is. Melissa asked Teresa if Danielle was lying, and Teresa said she was drinking and everything happened so fast. In Dolores’s interview, she said it never crossed her mind that Teresa was involved in the hair pulling. Marge called Teresa an a-hole, and said Teresa’s good friend Danielle threw her under the bus to save herself. Marge walked off, and Teresa gave the finger to the camera, then went on a rampage, flinging a Solo cup at the camera, and throwing stuff around. Girlfriend was very stressed.

Teresa stomped inside, saying they were all effing a-holes. I’m not sure if she meant the group, the party guests in general, or the production team. She said she was going home. In her interview, Melissa said she’d known Teresa a long time, and when you call her out on something she shouldn’t have done, she doesn’t take it well. Teresa holed up in the bathroom, and outside the door, Dolores said the only way to rectify it, was to apologize to Marge and never talk to Danielle again. Melissa said she got that Teresa wanted to have fun with all the stress in her life, but she was choosing the wrong people to have it with. When Teresa emerged, she said she was glad Danielle stood up for herself. In Teresa’s interview, she said she was angry at Marge, and drinking a lot. Out in the yard, while Marge didn’t let this stop her from enjoying the food, Joe #2 said he thought they should talk it out. Marge said it made her sick. Dolores told Teresa that Marge deserved an apology. Right then and there, Teresa called Danielle, and told her that Melissa had outed her for outing Teresa. But ultimately, it was Danielle’s decision to pony pull. Danielle told Teresa that afterwards, she’d said she wished she hadn’t done it, and not to let this come between them. Teresa stood firm, and said they weren’t friends anymore. She told the others, she wanted to talk to Marge in private, and she’d be on the front porch.

Marge met with Teresa, who apologized, and said she felt bad. Marge said her first instinct was not to believe it. Teresa said she knows she shouldn’t have done it (can you hear this in her voice?), but maybe it had to happen for her to wake up, and be done with Danielle. Marge said she needed time to process it. In Marge’s interview, she said the idea of someone she’s close with being in on attacking her was mind-boggling. And on top of it, Teresa defended Danielle. In the backyard, Jennifer said, if any good came out if it, at least Teresa realized her friendship with Danielle is toxic. When Marge came back, she said she didn’t know whether to sh*t or go blind, and I wondered when was the last time I heard that phrase.

Since the second half-hour was dedicated to Teresa’s Italy trip with the girls, they did the finale credits here. There was absolutely nothing of interest, except that David still hasn’t moved into the new house. He’s living with Dolores and Frank. Dolores can’t get him to move out, or give her a ring. Whatever works.

Five months later. We sped through what happened with Joe, ending with him moving to Italy. He now looks like Mike The Situation Sorrentino. There was the fastest trip to Italy ever, not even using the Concord, and we flashed back to a previous trip when the girls were little. The girls were thrilled to see their dad, but two seconds in, Joe said he’d forgotten how stressful they could be. They checked into a gorgeous hotel, and Teresa asked if Joe expected sleep with her. They hadn’t been together in four years, and it was kind of weird. He was the same uncommunicative jerk he’s always been.

They took the girls to the Amalfi coast, and on the way, a rainbow dazzled us all. Gia leaning her head on her dad’s shoulder broke my heart. They went shopping, and in Gia’s interview, she said their family had been on an emotional roller coaster. It made her realize it was the little moments that count. She was holding on to every moment, and cherishing it. In Teresa’s interview, she said she thought Joe wanted to be a couple again, but she hadn’t been happy with him for a long time. She didn’t want to hurt him, but sometimes you can’t get over what happened, and need to move on. At a tearful dinner, Joe told the girls that he was sorry about what happened, but would always do what he could to keep them together.

Teresa asked Joe how he saw them, and said she wanted someone with her every day. She reminded him that he’d said hurtful things, like he wished he’d never married her. He was supposed to protect her, and she trusted him. Joe said it was a bogus crime that people don’t even do time for, and it was in the past. Teresa said she hadn’t been the same since. A lot had happened, and they lived in two different countries. He asked if she wanted to just end it now. In her interview, Teresa said it was infuriating. After four years, Joe still wasn’t taking responsibility for what he’d done. He hadn’t changed. She told Joe that she never wanted to hurt him, and wanted him to be endlessly happy. He said he felt the same about her, and that he’d spend the night with the girls. They hugged for the first time, and it seemed genuine.

Teresa said she wasn’t ready to tell the girls, and they were still fighting the appeal. There was still a chance Joe could come back to the US. She was just happy Joe was out and free, and that her daughters can be reunited with their dad, even if they had to get on a plane to do it. It wasn’t the end.

The ending text said that the girls spent Christmas with Joe. They were still waiting on the appeal, and were hopeful. Teresa said since now that chapter was closed, she could start thinking about what makes Teresa happy.

My big question. Why does everyone think a party is where to bring up a personal issue? In Melissa’s case tonight, she was immediately surrounded, but the traditional practice is for someone to bring up a hot button issue in the middle of a party. Usually the celebration of some poor, unrelated, unsuspecting person, and it ruins the good time. Even better, it’s often in public. I’m just glad I don’t know any of these people personally.

💰 She Does Have Bank Now…

I actually think this is one couple who won’t need a prenup because they’re going to make it.


👶🏽 Baby Shams Is Living His Best Life…

I’m not so sure going to the park every week is anyone else’s idea of tradition though.


🐎 Git Along Little LeeAnne…

I honestly think she’s just thoughtless, and I’m sorry to see her go. And it’s kind of like when new neighbors move in. Even if you’re glad to see the old ones go, you wonder what you’re going to get.


✌🏼 Two Degrees…

Middle of the week. Malcolm in the Middle. Life is unfair…