Tag Archives: Dragnificent

April 6, 2020 – Cyrus Gets Released, Free Day For the Deck, Isolated Live, Summer Mess, 90 Day Opportunity, the Queens Are Coming & Still Here


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Sam and Jason kiss. He asks if this is why she wanted meet. She says it is, and he says they shouldn’t be doing this. Carly offered them a safe house, but meeting there is a double risk. Sam says she was careful; no one knows she’s there. He says, that they know of. If she’s caught meeting with a felon on a property owned by Sonny, it’s going to be a problem. She says, but she won’t be caught.

At the MetroCourt, Nina asks if Jax is sure he doesn’t want to ice his back; he took quite a fall. He says only his pride was hurt, and she bets he even falls with panache. He says, one person enjoyed it – Charlotte. She has great manners, but she couldn’t quite hide her smirk. Nina says, that’s what troubles her.

Ava thinks she and Nikolas should make more of an effort with his family, but he says his family doesn’t need to endure more of their sham marriage than they have already, especially his mother. She says she likes Laura a lot, and unless their terms have changed, his family needs to understand they’re a package deal. Unless one of them cheats, and she’s not going to. What about him? He says, certainly not, dearest. They walk into the hospital, and over to Laura. Ava says Laura’s office said she’d be there, and Laura asks if something happened. Have they spoken to Spencer? Ava says, sadly, no. They were nearby, and thought they could take her out for drinks, or dinner if she hasn’t eaten. Laura says she’s in the middle of something there. Doc wonders why he was paged, and Robert comes in, saying he has the latest on Cyrus, and it’s all bad.

The Pentenville warden says Jordan could have kept quiet, and Cyrus would have stayed behind bars. They know how dangerous he is, and what a blow it is to release him. But she discovered false evidence, and respected the rule of law. Maybe others could learn from her. Cyrus walks in, and says, what is this? A late night visit from the Commissioner? What does she have to tell him that’s so important?

Josslyn lets Cameron in the back door of Sonny’s kitchen. He says he’s glad she’s home. Although she’s under house arrest, so why wouldn’t she be? He’s glad guard recognized him, and let him in. He begins to babble, and she asks, what’s going on? He says, Trina is hurting, and he doesn’t know how to help.

Trina relentlessly bangs Jordan’s door, and Curtis opens it. He asks why she’s there alone, and Trina says, where is she? Jordan’s not at the station. He says, she’s on police business, and Trina says she called. They said she was gone for the day. He says, not all police business is conducted at the station. She says she’ll wait for as long as it takes for Jordan to take back the lies about her father.

Carly says she thought Sonny wanted to decompress after what happened with Mike, but it was about the phone call. Who was it, and what the hell is going on? Sonny answers another call, and says, it’s going down tonight. Take the appropriate measures, and call Jason and Tony. Sonny tells Carly, Diane called. Cyrus goes free tonight.

Nikolas asks if he jsut heard Robert say that Cyrus is going free; the man who’s responsible for his mother being shot. Ava says, obviously, it’s not a good day for drinks, and Robert says he should have been quiet. Sorry. Laura says, when she was briefed, she knew it would be in a few hours. How did it happen so quickly? Robert says, it’s what he suspected when the Justice Department contacted him. Doc says, remarkable. A heads up would have been nice. Laura asks if there isn’t a way they can slow down Cyrus’s release.

Nikolas asks Ava, how they can let a drug trafficker go free? Ava says, Trina told her everything, and Jordan had expected it. Trina feels horrible. Nikolas hopes Laura doesn’t get involved any further, and she says he sounds like a concerned son. He sounds like he might have a caring heart after all.

Nina tells Jax, Charlotte was a big reason why she was conflicted about leaving Valentin. She was afraid of how the breakup was going to affect her. Charlotte is strong-willed, but underneath, she’s hurting and alone. Jax says, like his aching back, and Nina says, she knew it, but he says, it was just a tweak. She says, Charlotte might see Jax as part of the problem. Charlotte can’t blame Valentin for them breaking up, but maybe she blames Jax on some level. She’s worried that Charlotte feels alone and sad, with no one to confide in. Jax says, Josslyn went through the same thing, believing Carly was involved with the wrong man, and acted out. Nina says, he just referred to himself as the wrong man, and he says he did, but nothing was farther from the truth.

Carly asks how Cyrus is getting out tonight, and Sonny says, Jordan, Taggert, and two other agents worked together in the DEA. They conspired to frame Cyrus, and somehow Cyrus found out. That’s why he killed Taggert, and the two other agents. She asks if he threatened to expose Jordan, and he says, Cyrus kidnapped TJ. Jordan has to release him to save her own son. He and Jason came up with an idea. Jordan told the Department of Justice that she’d discovered the frame-up, and said the other three were in on it. Carly asks if Laura is in on it, but he says, no; just them, and that’s the way he wants it to stay. Jordan made the right choice, and he’d have done the same. She says, say it works out, and Cyrus goes free. What the hell will they do?

Cyrus says, it’s better than he could have dreamed. He walks out a free man tonight? The warden says, paperwork has to be processed, but essentially, yes. He called the DOJ, and confirmed the procedure. He tells Cyrus to take a seat, and Cyrus says, it’s amazing how polite everyone becomes when they realize you’re about to go free. The warden leaves, and Cyrus tells Jordan, good job. It’s great to have friends in high places. She says she wants her son, but Cyrus says he’s not out yet. She says she did what he wanted. She tarnished her partner’s good name, and he got his precious freedom. But if her son isn’t released unharmed, he’s going to be too dead to enjoy it.

Curtis asks if Trina wants something to drink while she waits, but she says she’s good. He sets a water in front of her, just in case. He says he knows she been through one major incident after another. She lost her father, and now this. She says, these lies? Jordan said she was her father’s friend. How can a friend lie? He says, they’re not lies. Sometimes good people do bad things for a good reason. She says she’s tired of hearing that. Her mom and Ava said the same thing, but she knows it can’t be true. He was proud of his badge, and would never break the law. Curtis says, her father was human. He and the team were driven and dedicated. They were the good guys, and knew Cyrus was guilty as sin, but no matter how hard they worked, Cyrus was too smart to incriminate himself. They couldn’t pin him down, so as a last resort, since they knew Cyrus was already guilty, they framed him, even though it was wrong. She says, not her dad, and he’s not there, so he can’t defend his reputation, but she can. She’s going to find a way to prove his innocence. She heads for the door, and Curtis says, it’s the last thing her father would want.

Jason tells Sam that Diane and Tony confirmed it. Cyrus is going to be released tonight. He knows it sounds crazy. They knew it was going to happen, but not this fast. Everyone is freaking out, and now they have to deal with Cyrus. There are a lot of decisions he needs to make, and wants her to go home and stay there. Sam asks when they can meet again, and he says they can’t. No more secret meetings. They can’t do it anymore.

Carly says, Cyrus came close to killing Sonny with the ambush, and will probably make a run for him again. Sonny says, maybe, but he and Jason are going over options. The way he sees it, Cyrus is far away from his base of operations. He doesn’t know Port Charles, and it gives Sonny the advantage. She says, maybe, but wouldn’t Cyrus stay safer on the west coast?

Robert says, the simple truth is, the legal system is on Cyrus’s side. Laura says, no parole; no one is going to keep tabs on him? Robert says he can come and go as he pleases, and Laura says, there’s nothing to keep him there. Maybe he’ll go back to Seattle. Doc tells her, don’t count on it. After their interview, he doesn’t see that as happening.

Nikolas tells Ava that he dated Taggert’s sister. He was a dedicated cop. If he compromised his ethics, it’s a good indicator of the danger that’s about to be free. Ava says they should talk to Laura, and get her to understand their concerns, but Nikolas says, no. Their marriage is simply an act, and a transparent one at that. No doubt his mother isn’t interested in what they have to say, so just don’t. She tells him, suit himself. She’ll see him at home.

Josslyn says, Cyrus gets to go free? and Cameron says, and Trina’s dad looks like a bad cop.  He couldn’t bear the look on Trina’s face when Jordan told her. There was nothing he could do or say. Josslyn says she could have been there if she hadn’t been confined to the property. Trina needs her, and she has to find her. Cameron says Josslyn can’t leave.

Curtis asks if Trina knows he used to be with the DEA. She says, so? and he says he’s aware of the toll it takes, day in and day out. All they see is anger, pain, dysfunction, and violence out of control. Their job is to help protect the innocent, and minimize the damage. Trina says, like her dad did, and he says, but sometimes it gets to be too much. One case will be so long and so unfair, you have to act for justice, even if it means going outside law, or maybe following the law, and turning your back. It becomes impossible to live with yourself; so much so, it eventually numbs your own conscience. She asks if that’s what he did, and he says, the point is, her father kept his law enforcement life from her. There was a reason Taggert didn’t want it to touch her. He knows Taggert wouldn’t want her dragged into a pointless quest to vindicate his name. He’d want her to live her best life, and make him proud. She says he’s the Commissioner’s husband. Of course (🍷) he’d want her to back off, but the official story is wrong, and she’s going to prove it.

Jason says, working around Sam’s parole is one thing, but Cyrus is going to be released. Cyrus is ruthless, and targets families. Jason can’t be anywhere near her or the kids. Sam gets it. Cyrus will use them to get to Jason, but she’ll do everything to keep the kids safe. They have to find a way to meet. He says they can’t. Cyrus can’t get to Sonny without getting to Jason first. He’s going to be a target. and he blew up Cyrus’s warehouse. He can’t risk her getting caught up in it. Sam says, it’s not just his choice to make. If Sam was a man, I’d say she’s thinking with the wrong head. When did she take an idiot pill?

Sonny tells Carly, Cyrus got revenge against the agents who framed him, and three of them are dead. She says, and Jordan released him. Why would he stick around when his base of operations would be more secure? He says, it’s not about security. Pride is a major factor. Cyrus works with powerful syndicates. He came to town to take over Port Charles, guns blazing. He can’t back down now; they’ll think he’s weak. And when you’re weak, you get eliminated. She says, so he’ll stick around, and keep coming at Sonny, but Sonny says, he’s too smart for that. Cyrus is going to lay low after his release; he can’t take any chances. Carly says, then they’ll stay on lockdown? He says, if it escalates, he’ll move the entire family, but he believes he can keep them safe. She says, she believes him, but Jax might have other ideas.

Ava goes to the MetroCourt, and says she stopped by to see Nina at her office. It seems the more time Nina spends with Jax, the less time she spends there. Jax says they enjoy their time together, unlike Ava and Nikolas. She says, get real. Neglecting his wife is the least of Nikolas’s failings.

Trina shows up at Sonny’s, and Cameron says they were getting worried. Josslyn was about to go looking for her. Josslyn says Cameron told her about Trina’s dad. She’s sorry. Trina says she doesn’t want their sympathy; she wants their help.

Sam says Jason never had to lose her; she had to lose him for five years. He came back, so how is she supposed to give him up again? She doesn’t want to waste time. Nothing matters more than being together. He says her life matters more, and the kids. All Cyrus needs is to be right once. What if there’s another ambush? She has to think. She says she doesn’t want to leave the kids motherless, but she doesn’t want another separation. She can’t take it. He says he doesn’t like it either, and sits next to her. He says, it was different when it was just the two of them. They could take whatever risks they wanted to, and always found their way back to each other somehow. Now, their actions have consequences. They have to give Danny and Scout the security they need. They can’t be together.

Robert tells Laura, he has a call into Judge Crawly to delay Cyrus’s release, but it’s pending further review. The warden says he was just on the phone with the federal district court. The paperwork has already been processed, and as soon as it’s signed, Cyrus is a free man. Cyrus walks in, and says it’s a pleasant surprise to see Laura. Is she there to escort him back to Port Charles?

Doc asks what’s on Nikolas’s mind, and Nikolas says he hopes the same thing that’s on Doc’s mind – Cyrus. Doc says, it’s a tragic situation, and Nikolas says, from the looks of it, his mother isn’t happy. She’ll probably press Cyrus. Doc says he shares Nikolas’s concern, and Nikolas tells him to do what he can to get her to back down. Doc says, she’s too stubborn. He can only ask her to be careful. Nikolas says, that’s not enough, and Doc says it will have to be. He loves his wife, and he’s supportive. It’s called mutual respect. Nikolas should try it sometime.

Ava asks Jax what makes him think he can judge her marriage. How many times has he been married? Jax says, enough to know blackmail when he sees it. Ava says he ought to be thanking Nikolas. If he hadn’t returned, Nina and Valentin’s relationship wouldn’t have blown apart, and Jax wouldn’t be sitting there, picking up the pieces. On behalf of her husband, he’s welcome. She leaves, and Jax says, who cares what she says? He’s enjoying every minute with her. Nina asks, how many times has he been married? and he says he thought they were talking surfing. She says, they were; in Fiji. He says there are isolated beaches there with nice, fun waves. Carly approaches their table, and says she and Jax need to talk about Josslyn.

Josslyn says, Trina is going to sue Jordan? Trina says Jordan slandered her dad. She’s going to prove Jordan is lying, and restore his name and honor. Josslyn doesn’t know, and Trina says she’s always told her that Diane is the best lawyer in the state. Josslyn says Diane won’t take a case she doesn’t think she can win, and it sounds like Jordan has proof that Cyrus was framed. Josslyn asks if Josslyn thinks her father is a dirty cop, after he gave his life to save them.

Jordan arrives home, and tells Curtis that she’s sorry she’s late. She stopped to get a good bottle of wine. Cyrus was released today, and he’s so pleased with himself. The owner recommended the vintage, and said it was worth the money. She starts to open the bottle, and he stops her. He asks, why not wait until TJ is released before they celebrate? She says they don’t have that luxury. If it’s their last night together, she wants to make it count.

Jason tells Sam that he’s sorry. She asks why he keeps apologizing; he has nothing to be sorry for. Is he sorry they met each other? She’s not. Is he sorry they made Danny? She’s not. Is he sorry he came back? She’s not. She wouldn’t change a thing. Jason says he wouldn’t either, and she says he couldn’t predict the future; neither could she. She remembers when they met each other at the station, and wouldn’t change anything. She wouldn’t miss out on a single second of loving him. He says, and he could never give up on loving her, or missing out on Danny and Scout. They’re his family. They’re everything, and he has to do everything he can to protect them. Cyrus is being released, and they can’t take risks anymore. Tell him she understands. She says, okay. They’ll stay apart. Don’t call, don’t come around, and don’t contact. Jason says he’s going to miss her, and they hug. She says she’ll miss him too, and they have a (IMO) skimpy goodbye kiss at the door. He says he loves her, and she says she loves him too. He leaves, and she closes the door and leans on it.

Curtis asks Jordan to tell him she didn’t do something reckless, like throw herself under the bus. She says, no, but if TJ isn’t released, she’s going to kill Cyrus. She knows it’s reckless, but it won’t be for nothing, and afterwards, she’ll turn herself in.

Carly tells Jax that they said they’d deal with the situation together as parents. He asks what the situation is, and she says, Cyrus is getting out of prison. Sonny has security measures in place, but she understands if Jax wants to take Josslyn and leave the country. He asks if that’s what she wants him to do, but she says, not at all. She’d miss Josslyn like crazy, but it’s his call. He appreciates her bringing him in, and she knows how he feels about Sonny, but he knows Sonny loves his family, including Josslyn. If Carly feels she’s safe there, he trusts her judgement, but she has to let him know if the danger escalates.

Ava tells Nina, she’s too good to be anybody’s second place. She may find Jax enchanting, but she shouldn’t get too invested. Nina says Ava is too cynical, and Ava says Nina is too smart not to realize that any woman in Jax’s life is always going to be second to Carly. Nina asks why Ava is there. She got what she wanted; she’s mistress of Windymere. Why isn’t she home with her doting husband?

Josslyn says, what if Trina files the lawsuit, and all they do is prove her father did it? Cyrus is as bad as it gets. What if her father knew that the only way to keep him off the street was to frame him? She’s not touching it. Sometimes the right thing is breaking the rules. Her father had the right thing in his heart. She doesn’t have to defend him if he broke the law for the greater good. It still makes him a hero in Josslyn’s book. She takes Trina’s hand, and says, trust her. Because this is something she knows. Trina’s father doesn’t have to be perfect for her to love him. He’s still her dad. Trina starts to cry, and says she misses him so much. Josslyn holds Trina.

Curtis tells Jordan, premeditated murder is different from self-defense. Like she might not know that. He says, it’s not in her; she can’t do that. She says he doesn’t know what she’s capable of. If the universe is going to make her choose what’s right, it’s not murder; it’s justice. He tells her not to throw her life over for scum, and she says she hopes it doesn’t come to that. If it’s their last night, just love her.

Sonny tells Jason, he doesn’t think Cyrus is going back to Seattle, and Jason agrees, saying, he’s committed for sure. Sonny says they have two options; take Cyrus out immediately, or wait and stay complacent while they figure out his weaknesses. Jason says, eliminate him, and Sonny says, it will give them a chance to send a message, but he wants to be clear. It’s not worth losing Jason over. Jason says he’ll only take a shot if he has a good vantage point, and can get away clean. If he can, he’ll take Cyrus’s ass out tonight.

The warden says the paperwork should be ready, and asks if Robert wants to look it over. Robert says he does, and asks if Laura will be all right. She says she’ll be just fine. They leave, and Laura tells Cyrus, she has a very selfish wish. She wants him to be somebody else’s problem, and return to Seattle. Do his business there. Cyrus says, if he doesn’t? and she says, if he should choose to stay, as mayor, he can rest assured when he’s killed she’ll do the utmost to find out who’s responsible and bring them to justice. He laughs.

Cyrus appreciates Laura’s commitment to justice in his behalf, in the unfortunate event it’s necessary. She asks if he won’t save her the work and his life, and just leave. He says it would look like he’s running, and he’d lose the respect of his business associates – and hers too. She says he doesn’t have her respect, and never will. He says, they’ll see. Robert and the warden come back, and Robert says Cyrus is a free man once he signs. Cyrus asks if he can borrow a pen. Robert and Laura don’t volunteer, so the warden gives him one.

Nikolas stands in the elevator alone, as Doc walks past. He messes with his wedding ring.

Ava messes with her wedding ring, and drinks a martini. Nina sees Jax put his hand on top of Carly’s.

There’s a song part. Josslyn holds Trina as she cries. Cameron hugs them both.

Jordan and Curtis get busy.

Sam throws everything around the room, and smashes stuff. Isn’t this Sonny’s house? She screams, and pounds on the door.

Jason loads his automatic weapon, and puts it in a case. He nods to Sonny on his way out the door.

Cyrus signs the paperwork, and shakes hands with the warden. He holds out his hand to Robert, but that’s a no. Ditto for Laura. He leaves, and Robert closes the door. Laura and Robert look at each other.

Tomorrow, Carly says it started with her, and she’s going to finish it; Willow wonders about Nina’s heart necklace: Jordan says she’s going to kill Cyrus; and Cyrus tells Jason, their meeting is long overdue.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Captain Glenn tells Jenna, obviously there’s an issue, and asks if they’re looking to replace Madison. Jenna says she thinks Madison has the skills necessary to be a good second stew, but her moods are up and down. She gets emotional and defensive. The captain thinks Madison is looking for a scapegoat. They have a job to do, and need someone to do it. In his interview, he says, if someone doesn’t do their job, it’s letting the team down, and they need someone to do it. Jenna says Madison is complaining that she’s tired when she’s staying up with Parker, and not doing her job. In Jenna’s interview, she says Georgia isn’t doing her job managing Georgia. She wants to complain rather than doing her job. Captain Glenn asks to see Madison, and Jenna tells her that she and the captain have been having a chat and want her to join them. Jenna says he’s noticed a decline in Madison’s mood and behavior, and gathers it’s coming from lack of sleep. Madison says she had a long charter with the last one, and then a long day. Anyone would be exhausted, but she hasn’t been sitting on her ass. We flash back to the beach, when Madison and Ciara were supposed to set up for the guests’ picnic, but sat around for five hours instead. The captain says there’s obviously a problem with her performance, and she needs to go to bed and sleep. Fatigue can cause accidents. Madison says Jenna is supposed to be supportive, but speaks bitchy to her, even though it might not be her intention. Jenna says, it’s hard to have a heart to heart if Madison thinks she’s bitchy. She’s direct because she has no time to sugar coat things. Captain Glenn says it’s Jenna’s department, and asks if Madison is open to the idea that there might be changes she has to make. In his interview, he says it’s his personal belief, if you want to be a good leader, you need to start off being a good follower. You have to respect the hierarchy. Madison has to find a way to get along and be effective. He tells Madison, if she’s not open to that, she’ll be off the boat. In Madison’s interview, she says, fire her. See if you can find a better second stew who will put up with this sh*t. You won’t. Well, we could be talking about literally every second stew on the other two Below Deck shows, so I think that’s definitely possible.

Paget flirts with Georgia. Zzzz… Everyone stops by for pizza in the crew mess. Madison gathers empty beer bottles, and Parker tells her, take a load off and chill. She says she needs a minute. He asks if she wants to talk, and they leave. In the captain’s interview, he says, it’s a small boat, and there aren’t many places for a conversation in confidence. He hopes Madison can get past her frustration, reflect, and come back strong.

Madison tells Parker, she feels dumb, but Parker doesn’t understand what’s going on. She says, the way Jenna speaks to her, and Parker says, tell Jenna that she’s being a bitch, and back the f*** off. He really doesn’t understand what a boss is, does he? He tells Madison not to take Jenna’s bullsh*t, and defend herself. In Madison’s interview, she says, Parker is like chicken soup; warm, comfy, and supportive when she’s feeling bad. Parker says he’s dealing with Jenna telling him that he’s still being breastfed by his mom, and Madison laughs.

Back on the boat, Georgia tells Madison that they’re going to have fun when they go out. Madison is happy for a day off. She’s done with boat drama. She asks if they can go to the bar nearby. Paget says the deckhands are done, and asks how the girls are doing. Parker texts with Kaiti. He feels like he’s getting cabin fever, and the drama cloud is weighing down on him. Georgia says Madison and Parker wear their hearts on their sleeves. Madison says she can’t help the way she feels. Parker tells Georgia and Ciara, Kaiti is still his love, and he can’t help who he doesn’t want to hook up with. In his interview, he wonders why he has to worry about hurting Madison’s feelings, when she hasn’t told him that she has a crush on him. Georgia tells him not to wait until a bomb blows up before he diffuses it. Don’t wait for it to go off, then say he knew about it. He asks if he should send a text. Ciara and Georgia laugh, and Georgia says, men are ridiculous.

The crew’s day off. In Glenn’s interview, he says he’s happy they have a day off. He’s been noticing a lot of tension. It’s good for them to enjoy a day of leisure, and see life from the other side. He tells them, it’s time to take it easy. Ciara asks, where’s her effing shrimp cocktail? Ha-ha! Adam says it’s the first moment he and Jenna can be a normal couple. They goof around on deck. Georgia and Madison drink wine, and Madison says, it’s the most perfect day ever. And Paget is the whitest dude ever, taking off his shirt and showing us all his severe T-shirt tan. Ciara jokingly offers him more sunscreen.

Georgia plays guitar and sings, and Paget says she’s effing good. In Georgia’s interview, she says, the situation is hard. Paget is flirting with her, and the more time you spend with someone, the more you like them. She’d never do this on purpose. Ciara asks Paget to put tanning oil on her, but he’s not receptive to that. She says, Madison will do it. In her interview, Ciara says, Paget flirts with everyone. That’s the problem. Just not her. She says, it’s okay. She doesn’t need him; she’s got Madison. He says she can do her, and he’ll do him, and Georgia says she’ll do him. Everyone starts bouncing around, and in Jenna’s interview, she says she loves dancing. Apparently, dancing does not love her back, and Byron wonders if it’s a bad dancing competition. Captain Glenn asks if they’re enjoying their day off. Despite his protestations, Parker takes an Instagram video with Jenna, pretending to breastfeed and calling her mama. Pick a lane. Jenna can’t wait to get in the water. In Parker’s interview, he says he misses his parents, but he’s trying to make them proud.

Glenn drops anchor, and tells the crew that the water taxi is there. They go to shore, and head for the Akron Beach Club, not in Ohio. In Madison’s interview, she says she feels like a rock star. They do shots, and goof around in the pool. Ciara smokes a cigar. In her interview, she says she wants to do something different to surprise people. In Byron’s interview, he says he’s got a lot of responsibilities being a dad and an engineer. They live for a day off. Parker texts Kaiti, and asks if he can call. She says he can, and he tells her that he misses her. He saw a dive shop, but doesn’t want to go without her. He asks, if he buys a plane ticket, will she come there? In his interview, he says Kaiti coming to Corfu, and that makes him the happiest person in the world. A producer asks if those are happy tears, and he says, he always has happy tears. I’m starting to think he’s also imbalanced. Adam and Jenna make out in the pool. In Georgia’s interview, she says, Madison is a loaded gun at the moment. Leave your feelings at home; she’s having a good time. Parker tells Ciara about his ex flying there, and she says, then she isn’t really his ex. In Adam’s interview, he says, it’s scary having feelings, and it’s difficult to accept it’s currently happening. There’s no doubt Jenna is breaking down his walls. In Jenna’s interview, she says it’s the first time she’s had a total connection with someone, and it scares her. She thinks she’s learned who’s going to take care of Jenna, and it’s Jenna, but she still has to let someone in, and she’s rejected that for a long time. She thinks there’s a bit of hope.

The crew showers and gets dressed for dinner. Parker says, once they all have a drink, he has a few words to say. Byron takes a selfie with the group. Parker tells the waiter that he’ll be giving a speech, and asks that no one interrupt. Adam says, it better be a good speech. After everyone orders, Parker gets up, and tells everyone that he was talking to Jenna on the bow, telling her about his parents, and it reminded him of a letter his mom wrote him. He thinks every word is applicable to all of them. It’s basically a letter of various quotes, like, whatever you are, be a good one, from Abraham Lincoln. In Adam’s interview, he says, it’s incredibly endearing, but every wall is a door explains everything about Parker. Parker says, cheers to his effing mom, and Jenna asks if they can talk about this breastfeeding thing. Byron says Ciara and Paget are a fun couple. Ciara is great on deck, and she’s sleeping with the first mate. He asks how Adam’s sex life is, and Adam says, it’s sticky but he’d like it to get stickier. It’s hard to find privacy. Byron asks if they’d like to sleep in the master cabin, and Ciara says, as long as the two of them don’t blow up, and take it out on the rest of them, they’re fine with it. Byron says, before he was married, he hooked up with a lot of stewardesses. There are loads of places; he’ll give them a list. Byron gives them his blessing to use the master cabin, and they leave for the boat. In Adam’s interview, he says, butterflies are happening and sparks are flying. It’s a great feeling, and he wants it to keep going. She has his heart, and he’s ready. When they get to the boat, Jenna asks if he wants to head to the master, and he says, show him the way. In Jenna’s interview, she says, there’s been so much build-up, she’s nervous, but excited. A champagne cork is popped, and I’m guessing something else is too.

In Georgia’s interview, she says she has feelings for Paget. She’s feeding them with tequila, because it’s not okay. There are moments she wants to take the inappropriate option. Ciara sits on Georgia’s lap, and tells her they’ll finish later. Byron dances with Madison, and Ciara kisses Paget. He tells her that Georgia is jealous, and she asks if Georgia wants to join them. She tells Georgia that they’ll see her later. In Georgia’s interview, she thinks she’s agreeing to a threesome. Sorry, mom. She’s got a bucket list.

Everyone goes back, intending to continue the party. Byron says they need to get the loose chicks on board as soon as they can. When they get on the boat, Byron tells everybody to be quiet, and not wake the captain. They wake him up anyway, handing him a flask, and he’s an amazingly good sport about it. In his interview, Captain Glenn says, a hurricane just blew in; a drunk hurricane. Ciara tells Paget that she’s tired of drinking, and suggests they go to bed. Byron and Parker get in the hot tub, and Byron says if Parker wants to have a successful career, he has to adapt. Parker says he wants to build his own charter business, but he hears Byron. Byron says he doesn’t think Parker does. Madison gets in the hot tub, and tries joining in the conversation. Byron tells Parker that he’s been doing this for sixteen years. Georgia walks through the crew mess, and says, come on, bitches. She looks into Paget and Ciara’s cabin, but they’re asleep. In her interview, she says she thinks it would have been nice. A girl can dream. In the hot tub, Byron says, you can always earn money, but you can’t get back time. Madison tells them, have fun, and leaves.

Adam makes coffee for Jenna, and says, it was the nicest ever. In her interview, Jenna says, it was phenomenal, and she thinks they both feel the same way. In Byron’s interview, he says, waking up, he’s ruined. Adam notes that Byron is still wearing his hat, and thinks it’s a good sign. Ciara says, people behaved themselves for the most part, but Georgia isn’t sure she behaved. In Georgia’s interview, she says she has whiplash. Last night was weird, and she’s still trying to process it, when suddenly they’re all back to business.

Adam plays guitar, and Jenna says, just when she thought he couldn’t get hotter. Then she plays and sings. Dammit. Does everyone play guitar except me? Adam says she has an amazing voice. She’s pretty good, but I wouldn’t go that far. Captain Glenn docks, and  tells the crew, they’re all getting straight back into it. He tells Paget, Jenna, and Adam, there will be a preference sheet meeting in the crew mess.

The new primaries are Maisa and Chuck. Maisa is an international model from Brazil, and a scout for Playboy Slovakia. Their friends will be joining them to celebrate Maisa’s birthday. Adam checks out the food preferences, and thinks he can find a happy balance. Jenna says they want the water toys, sun bathing, and a picturesque location for a photo shoot. Paget adds they want a beach barbecue. The cabins are readied, and provisions come in. Captain Glenn calls for them to change into their polos. Jenna tells Madison and Georgia, she wants them to bump it up, and put on their happy faces. She tells Madison that she knows her direction isn’t always flowery, but she’s not trying to be mean. In Jenna’s interview, she’s hoping Madison learns what to do to improve herself, and put it into action. She tells Madison that Georgia internalizes what she’s told, and figures it out. In Madison’s interview, she says she won’t be broken. She’s staying on the boat.

The guests arrive, and Glenn gives them a formal welcome. Jenna gives them a tour of their home for the next few days. In Paget’s interview, he says if you’re a junior crew member, you either follow what your superior says or you’re not a good worker, and you look stupid. Jenna tells Chuck, the wind isn’t strong, but they’re going to try to sail. Jenna reminds Madison not to leave half-rolls of toilet paper in the cabins. Georgia looks through Jenna’s pictures on Instagram, and sees a picture of Jenna with her ex; they went to Universal Studios together. In her interview, Georgia says she’s had two relationships, so the chances were quite slim that she and Jenna went out with the same guy. She tells Madison, who says, life is so effing weird. Georgia hopes Jenna hasn’t shagged her ex, and I wonder, if they’re an ex, who cares? The guests take pictures, and anchor is dropped. Parker tells Madison that he wants to meet; just the two of them. The guests use a rope to jump into the water a la Tarzan.

Georgia tells Jenna about how they dated the same guy, and says, he was the best d*ck ever. Jenna suggests they take a picture together, and send it to him. Parker knocks on Madison’s door, and they step into his room to talk. He says there’s definitely something he wants to get clear. He loves her as a friend, but he’s in no place to be in a relationship with anybody. So is he flying Kaiti to Corfu to tell her that? In Madison’s interview, she says, this is embarrassing. Is he effing kidding her? He says she has to know that, and be his friend. She says, cool. In Georgia’s interview, she says her relationship with her ex was significant, but she treats people like shit, and he let her, so the relationship ended. I have no clue what that means. She thinks it’s bizarre that Jenna dated him. In the crew mess, Georgia says Jenna had a chance with someone cool and good. Adam says, he’s cool and awesome. Don’t f*** it up. In Georgia’s interview, she says, put the guns away. Byron comes by, and asks if they’re having a moment, and Adam says they’re talking about other people’s moments.

Dinner is prepared. Madison tells Georgia about Parker saying he loves her as a friend. In her interview, Madison says, with guys, she’s always the bro. Jenna tells Byron about her and Georgia dating the same guy. She says their relationship was short lived, and Byron says, a half hour? She says, a couple of months. I like Byron; he seems normal, and he’s pretty funny. Glenn brings up the sails, and Chuck says, it’s one helluva a big sail. He tells Maisa, this is a blast. Jenna jokes that Georgia’s standards are low, and Georgia says they have the same standards. Adam says he takes offense it that. It makes him sick to his stomach. Georgia laughs, and he tells her to stop laughing. It’s not funny; it’s disgusting. He walks out.

While I really like Byron, and am gaining respect for Captain Glenn, I’m really not sure what’s up with the rest of them. They seem like a bunch of immature twits, and I’m still not feeling it for this show. I’m honestly not sure why Adam is behaving so unreasonably, but maybe he’s self-sabotaging.

Next time, Adam says, food is for sharing, but not his significant others; a photoshoot happens; Byron doesn’t like Parker’s attitude in front of the guests; and Captain Glenn wants to have a chat with Parker.

👩🏻‍💻 News Flash…

Tonight’s guests on Watch What Happens Live (home edition) were Melissa Etherege and Kristen Johnson. Melissa said she’s smoking less weed during isolation because normally, life is more mundane. If Melissa Etherege’s life is mundane, what does that make mine? Kristen Johnston has been in her PJs for two weeks straight, and clutched her dog like he was a life preserver. What is she going to be like when and if this goes into a month?

🏖 Better Never Than Late…

While Summer House is mostly background noise while I’m waiting for the next show – spoiler alert: they’re still awful people – I did note that Shep, Craig, and Austen from Southern Charm dropped by for a visit last week. They fit right in, since the housemates were having a fraternity toga party, which fit right in with their sophomoric personalities. Unfortunately, they were no John Belushis.

💍 Looking Forward To It…

Seizing opportunity in a crisis, 90 Day Fiancé has added a new show to the franchise.



👠 You Can’t Keep a Good Drag Queen Down…



👍🏼 You’re Still Here…

You’ve passed the two week mark. Stay safe out there. Or in there. Whatever.

February 23, 2020 – Alpha Rewards Negan, Mud Run On Sunset, An Upcoming 90, a Real Drag & Monday Purr


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


The Walking Dead

As we left them, Carol and Daryl’s group are trapped in a cave of zombies. They stand on a ledge, the zombies below them reaching up. Alpha stands above them with a torch, and when Carol sees her, she screams. Alpha goes outside, and tells the guard, they don’t get out. She drops the torch.

Magna tries jumping up to the next level, but falls. Luckily, not into the zombies below. Daryl says, it’s too high; she’ll break her neck. The zombies are so noisy, I can barely hear the dialogue. Daryl looks around with a flashlight, and asks if they’re ready. He jumps onto a rock that sticks above the zombie horde. The zombies gather around him, and he jumps to the next one. Carol follows. Zombies clamor around them, but they kick the dead away. Magna is next, and nearly slips. Jerry comes after. Connie tells Kelly to step in the same places she does, and jumps. Aaron says, do it now, and Kelly jumps, but nearly falls. She punches a few zombies in the head, and regains her balance. On the other side, Daryl helps Carol. Aaron makes the leap, and Connie and Kelly cling to each other. A zombie grabs Jerry’s leg, and he cuts its arm off. Daryl begins to climb up. He tells Connie that he needs her stay there, and keep everyone together.

Aaron asks Jerry how he’s doing, and Jerry says, not great. Kelly asks how long Jerry thinks they’ll be there, and Jerry says he doesn’t know, but they’ll get out. He wonders how the zombies got there, and Aaron says, they’re theirs. Carol says she’s a little winded, and Aaron tells the others that Carol is claustrophobic. Magna says, she should have thought of that before, but Aaron says it’s not the time for that. Magna says it seems like they have plenty of it. She asks Carol what she was thinking of, running off by herself. Daryl tells her, they have no time for this sh*t. They got into this mess together, and they’ll get out of it together.

Negan hangs with the Whisperers. Gamma tells Alpha, the enemy is watching them. Beta says they underestimated them, and Alpha says she wants patrols around the camp. She tells Gamma, take a walk around the border. Negan watches everything.

The group stands in a cave of stalactites. Aaron fixes his hand. Kelly asks Connie if she thinks it’s day or night, and Connie signs, try not to think about it. Magna asks Daryl for his matches, telling him that she needs to do something. Daryl gives them to her, and Carol sits next to him. She says she never told him that she was claustrophobic, and he says if he hadn’t known, he wouldn’t have said it. He can’t even turn his back on her anymore. It’s bad enough Negan is with the skin freaks; now he worries about her going off half-cocked every time they go outside. He begged her to talk to him; he wants to be there for her, and doesn’t know what to do anymore. Carol says she can’t stop thinking about it. She has to, but she can’t. She doesn’t just want to kill Alpha; she wants to hurt her. She wants Alpha to beg her forgiveness, and then kill her. Daryl says, if he’d gone through all the sh*t she did, he’d feel the same way – unless she tried to stop him. She has to quit all this. The people they care about are starting to get hurt. Carol says she didn’t mean for any of this to happen. She knows she has to… He says, don’t bullsh*t him. She’s got to promise. He’s got to know they’re on the same page. They’re fighting for a future, not revenge. Carol says she promises, and leans on him.

Magna looks around using the matches as a light. She looks in a hole, the match goes out, and she shouts.

Daryl and Jerry fight off zombies. Daryl tells Magna, let’s go. Magna is concerned they’ll get split up in the dark, and Carol says, stick together. They move forward. Daryl looks inside a crevice.

Back at the Whisperer camp, Negan tells Alpha that he wants to talk to her. She asks, what about? and he says, Gamma. Alpha needs to keep her eyes peeled. Alpha says, there’s a spy in the woods, but he says he has an alternate theory. The spy she’s looking for is in the camp. He’s been where she is, and if she doesn’t want to end up where he is now, he suggests she zig where he zagged. She says they’re very different, and he says he had people, he had a system, and thought they believed in him. Stay king or queen long enough, people will keep telling you your sh*t doesn’t stink, and even you’ll start believing it. The thing is, it still stinks. Based on his personal experience, she should look closer to home. He’s not talking about Frankenstein; he’s talking about Gamma. She’s close enough to Alpha to know where the horde is. She’s guarding the border, and is close enough to the enemy, that they could have gotten to her. Alpha puts her knife between his legs, and pushes it against his crotch; not cutting him, but he’s definitely uncomfortable. She says she won’t have him paranoid, and pushes him to the ground.

The group continues through the cave system. Carol tells Connie, she’ll be fine in a minute. Connie takes her hand, and spells out U R OK on Carol’s palm. Carol joins the others, and one by one, they squeeze through a narrow passageway. It’s a tight squeeze, but they make it through to a thin tunnel where they have to crawl. Aaron asks if Jerry is okay, and Jerry says it’s a hard fit in airplane bathrooms. Why wouldn’t he be okay? Daryl finally pulls himself out, and says, follow his voice. He helps the others as they come through. Carol hyperventilates, and Daryl calls to her. He asks if she’s hurt, and she says she’s okay. He tells her to follow his light, but she says she can’t. He says she can; they’re going to get through this together. She forces herself to move, and he pulls her out. We hear something in the tunnel, and Jerry realizes zombies are crawling up behind him. He tells them, go! and I says, no, not Jerry.

It’s chaotic as they try to move faster. Daryl reaches for them, helping them out. Jerry gets closer, but a zombie keeps pulling at him. He says he’s stuck, and Daryl says, take his hand. He pulls, and two zombies (I guess they’re pretty thin, since they’re wasting away) grab at Jerry’s leg. Jerry takes his gear off, while the zombies tug at him. Daryl finally pulls him out, and stabs the first zombie in the head. Jerry’s shoe is torn up, but Kelly says he wasn’t bitten. Aaron splatters the other zombie’s head.

Magna says, look, and starts moving forward, but Daryl pulls her back. She’s at the edge of a cliff. Daryl creates a makeshift torch, and drops it down. It falls a million miles, and they hear zombies. Apparently, they’re on another ledge, higher up, and basically where they started.

They move on to a more open area, and see that it’s a mine shaft. Kelly tells Connie, they have to be careful. Take out the wrong thing, and the whole thing will collapse.

Obviously jazzed, Alpha wants to talk to Beta. She asks where Gamma is, and Beta says, she never made it to the border. Alpha wants a scout sent out to find her, and Beta wonders if she’s been captured. Alpha says, or she’s a spy. Track her down, and bring her. Beta says if Gamma betrayed Alpha, he’ll kill her, but Alpha says that’s her job.

Daryl tells everyone, find something to dig with. Kelly uncovers a box of dynamite, and brings a stick over to Daryl. Jerry says, really cool, but it’s sweatier than he is. Maybe someone left it because it’s dangerous. He tells her, put it back, very carefully. Kelly places it back in the box, and covers the box back up. Aaron and Magna pull pieces of wood and such out of the way. Aaron says Magna wants to get home in a hurry, and she says she doesn’t want be there any longer than she has to. She didn’t leave things good with Yumiko. Aaron says he’s sorry.

Negan takes bark off tree stump. Alpha walks past, and says, you. He says, looks like mom’s mad at him, and follows. She drops behind him, and tells him, keep walking. He says it feels like some sort of fraternity initiation. Is he getting his skin suit, and learning the secret Whisperer handshake? She tells him, eyes front. She doesn’t want to talk. He says he’s down with that. He just… won’t… talk. After two seconds, he says he’s big enough to admit he’s not good with long uncomfortable silences. She says, stop here. He starts to turn, and she tells him, she said eyes front. He says, sh*t, and she tells him to take off his clothes. He says, she was right. They are different. He made himself into a monster because it’s what the world needed. He takes his clothes off as he talks. He says he built something. He saved people. His name meant something. She tells him, turn around. He says, whoa. She’s naked, and says, he’s a crass man. She reckoned he’d appreciate a crass reward. He says, for what? and she says, the spy. Gamma. It took courage to do what he did. She wants to express her gratitude in a way he understands. Negan asks if she’s just going to leave the mask on, and she asks if her true skin disturbs him. He says, not at all, and they almost kiss. He says, wait. It’s not some sort of praying mantis situation, is it? Where she’s going to cut off his head after. They almost kiss again, and he says, sorry. He can’t help but notice she didn’t say no. It’s been a long time, so he reckons he’ll take his chances. She touches his face, and tells him, stop talking. They kiss. Alrighty then.

Daryl sees daylight, and Kelly looks through a hole in the ceiling. She says, just a little more, and he asks where Carol is. He says, dammit, and turns back.

Carol is wandering around like the nutbar she’s become. She starts to climb up the side of a wall, lights a match, and slips. We hear zombies below. A shadow falls over her. It’s Daryl, who tells her to take his hand. He pulls her up, and asks, what is she doing? She’s going to get herself killed. She says Alpha killed her boy, and he says she’s got to come back with him… please. She slips again.

The ceiling starts falling in, and Aaron tells everyone to move. Connie asks signs to Magna, asking where she’s going, and Magna says she’ll be right back. Someone might be hurt. Connie goes with her. Kelly pops out back into the world, and we hear crumbling sounds from the mine. A Whisperer comes running toward her, and Kelly fights it off. She calls to Aaron that they’ve got friends; there are more coming. Inside the mine, Jerry holds up the ceiling beams with his shoulders, like he’s Aquaman or something. Kelly fights off a couple more Whisperers. By now Aaron is out, and helps her. Connie and Magna help Carol. Daryl gets out, and helps bring Carol out. Dirt is starting to shower down, and I wonder how on earth Jerry is going to get out. Magna sees a Whisperer in the mine, and tells him, get out. Aaron helps gives Jerry a hand, and joins the others, but the cave implodes, trapping Magna and Connie.

Kelly yells, no! and runs back. Daryl tries moving rocks away, but Aaron says, it will take a week to clear it. Kelly cries, but tells Daryl the zombies are close. They don’t want their backs pressed against the mountain when the walkers come. They can’t save the others if they’re bit. She cries some more, and Carol tells Daryl, he was right; just say it. She reaches out for him, but he throws her hand off. She says they’re gone because of her; just say it. Carol seems to be totally falling apart. Daryl tells Aaron, go home. Tell the others they found the horde. Aaron asks where Daryl is going to be, and Daryl says, others got out before them. There has to be another way in. Carol stands there while the others head back.

Next time, Gamma tells the Alexandrians that the people they sent out are in trouble, Gabriel makes a strategy, and Daryl is trapped.

Shahs of Sunset

Reza runs while he flashes back on his problems. In his interview, he says MJ sent him a text, saying she didn’t have anything to do with anything, and now he can’t trust Destiney. How did this happen?

GG meets Reza at a park, and he tells her that he and Adam are doing a mud run. Adam has been begging him to do it. In Reza’s interview, he says, with all the negativity swirling around, thank God. Any time he does unity building activities with his crew, there’s a moment he loves them. Then afterward, they can go back to picking that scab. He and GG jog, and he tells her, wave to the people. She says she’s tired already, and tells Reza that her doctor told her to start doing light cardio. In GG’s interview, she says she started IVF, but she’s keeping it secret for now. They sit on a bench, and discuss Ali’s accusations about Adam. GG says Ali told her that it was the three of them – him, Destiney, and MJ – but she doesn’t believe any of them. Reza says he lost his mind when Ali said Adam had sexually harassed him. He must have talked to someone. GG says, when she’d shown MJ the pictures Adam sent, MJ she said it was borderline sexual harassment. Reza says, this doesn’t feel good.

Destiney’s 1965 Lincoln convertible (named Poison) has a flat, and she waits for the tow truck. In her interview, she says she doesn’t like being vulnerable. There are moments when she wishes she had a husband to handle a situation. It’s different when a dude says he’s got you. The tow guy comes, and a possum peeks out from the bushes. Destiney nearly runs into it, and teleports backward, hollering. I nearly die laughing. She asks if it’s okay, and realizes it’s pregnant. The tow guy is now dying laughing. In Destiney’s interview, she says it’s a damsel in distress. She tells the possum, she’s got this. She’s an effing possum. She’s strong and crazy. A stranger comes, and picks up the possum in a towel, finding a safe place for her to deliver her babies. In her interview, Destiney says, he’s some sort of Prince Charming. She’s not into princes, but hopes here’s a Viking warrior out there for her.

Nema goes to his office, and tells editor TJ that he has footage for him. In his interview, Nema says his partners’ offices are half jungle gym, half photo studio. It’s where influencers make videos that make you feel bad about yourself. He says his assistant Erica was the right girl at the wrong time. They dated for two years after his divorce, but then came GG and the almost kiss. We flash back to that. He says, Erica is still working for him, and asks how you let go of someone so supportive and loving? Erica is going to Barcelona for two weeks, and Nema wonders how he’s going to manage. She’s running talent for a major shoe brand, and it throws him back in to the minutiae of their projects, when he has other things to do, like go to the gym. Erica says they have a strong working relationship, and he says he thought they’d get married, but she’s like, no. He says he thinks she’s the best relationship in his life, but he’s the worst in hers. She thinks she can definitely do better. At least they’re honest. There’s something to be said for that.

GG meets a friend at a Chinese herb place, where they also make health drinks. She explains to the owner that she’s having a bumpy ride with the IVF. She asks him to surprise them, and he concocts something that’s supposed to improve a woman’s jing, which is the essence or life force. In GG’s interview, she says she had egg retrieval at 37, and she’s trying thicken her uterine lining, by using everything from patches to suppositories, but nothing is working. GG takes a sip, and says she’s already glowing. The owner says he sees the glow. Her friend asks, what’s going on? and GG talks about her uterine lining. She says she wants it so badly. In GG’s interview, she says she’s worried about being pregnant at her age. When she was younger, she was irresponsible. She was lucky to live in California where she had a way out, which I guess is a delicate way of saying she had several abortions. She says, now she’s trying, and her body isn’t responding. The owner brings another drink, and says, it’s zen shen, to lift the spirits. In her interview, GG says the day the embryo is placed in her, is the day she stops smoking weed, and everyone is making a bigger deal out of it than it is.

Mike goes to Kenmore, the property he and his brothers invested in. He goes inside, and discovers they left everything behind. He calls his brother Jonathan. In Mike’s interview, he says, to get the final permits, he needs an empty building. He explains to Jonathan how to take selfies. Dad Shawn appears, and in his interview, Mike says he wonders if his dad trusts him. Shawn says, the most important thing is the loan, but Mike says he needs a contract first. Shawn wants to wait until a guy he knows is free, but Mike has someone who’s ready to go. In Mike’s interview, he says his father studied electrical engineering in Germany, and has does electrical contracting since coming to America, but his father won’t be dealing with the contractor; Mike will. Shawn tells Mike that he’ll have to be on top of things. There will be no second chances. In his interview, mike says he had a hard time connecting with his dad while he was growing up, but as he’s gotten older, he’s realized how much wisdom his dad has to share. It’s his last chance to prove himself, and he’s trying to keep his composure.

Miss Moo! In his interview, Reza says, all the things he loves about Adam are why Ali was able to get so close so fast. Adam thinks everyone is good until they show him they’re not. With Reza, they have to jump through a thousand hoops, and if they persevere, he’ll let them in. GG comes by, and Reza tells her, he needs an over-the-top Persian team T-shirt for the mud run. He says, what about Hood rats? In GG’s interview, she says she called Reza a hood rat when he’d been acting like one. Now it’s turned into a joke. Reza irons the name onto a shirt. Reza asks if she wants some carrot cake, and slices a piece for her. In his interview, he says, GG smokes more weed than Snoop Dogg. She’s high all the time. She’s not someone who eats regularly, or exercises, and they’re trying to change that. Sara arrives, so Miss Moo is relegated to the bedroom. She’s afraid of animals, and we flash back to her encounters with various pets. In her interview, she says she had a paper route growing up, and dogs would charge her. She has to make sure she knows where all pets are. The group makes shirts, and a kumquat tree is delivered. It’s from Destiney, and Sara asks, what’s going on? Destiney had a whole episode at the beach. We flash back to that, and Reza says Destiney didn’t reach out. GG says, maybe she’s scared; he’s a scary person. She thought he was her big brother, and now she’s hurt him. Reza says, when GG hurts someone, doesn’t she want to reach out? GG says, maybe Destiney is figuring out how to do it.

Destiney goes to get her lashes done. She hopes Reza sees the kumquat as an olive branch. Well, an actual olive branch might have gotten that point across better.

Adam reads the card. Paraphrasing, Destiney says she hates how everything came down, and hopes they like the kumquat tree. Adam tells GG, Destiney didn’t say she was sorry, and GG suggests he focus on what Destiney said, not what she didn’t say. She tells him, some people have a hard time with it, and that’s coming from someone who does. Adam says GG apologized to him, but she says she didn’t apologize to Reza for years. We flash back to that altercation. Reza says, maybe if Destiney had sent it the day after, he’d feel different. They can co-exist, but he doesn’t want her to know anything about him. In his interview, he says he’s looking at the potential loss of a 30-year friendship, and the potential betrayal of a childhood friend.

Destiney looks at Reza’s text. He thanks her for the plant, but goes on to say her actions aren’t pure. He says he doesn’t trust her, but can co-exist with her. He tells her about the mud run, and says, if she wants to, she can come. She tries not to cry, and says she’s used to men who are family, or like family, giving up on her. In her interview, she says she has no male figures in her life who she can trust. The only person who’s been there for her is Reza. We flash back to Reza encouraging her to talk to her mother about her father. She says he’s the only person who’s seen and felt what her family would have been if everything had been okay.

GG’s mom Fati calls her while she’s driving to the doctor. Fati asks if GG needs anything, or wants her to come along, but GG says she’s good. Fati says to call her after the appointment. In GG’s interview, she says it’s her last shot. If she couldn’t get her uterine lining thicker, she might have to consider another option where she doesn’t carry her own child.

Destiney and her assistant Rose go to pick up Destiney’s car. In Destiney’s interview, she says she doesn’t drive Poison all the time, since she doesn’t want many miles on it. But when she’s feeling sad or depressed, she puts the top down and takes her bra off. It makes her go into a zone of peace. She tells mechanic Benny, it might be the only thing she’s ever really cared for. She slips him some cash, and tells him, hold onto it, like she’s getting on a roller coaster and giving him her purse. On the way back, Destiney tells Rose that Reza doesn’t want to talk to her, but she loves him. He’s the only one whose seen the dynamic of her mom and dad. She was crying when Reza got in the fight with Ali. Can’t she be human? It’s so effed up.

Reza gets the T-shirts ready for the gathering before the mud run. Reza gives Mike his shirt, saying it came out so well, he wants it back after the run. Mike says he’ll sell it to him. He tells Reza that he’s not participating because of his sciatica. Been there, and feel his pain. He asks if Adam’s shirt says naked Jenga on it, and Adam turns around to show Mike that it says, I’m with him >, and Mike says, unless he’s out of town. To my surprise, both Adam and Reza laugh. Nema and Sara arrive. In Reza’s interview, he says, after the week he’s had, he feels truly blessed. They’re going to exercise, and cheer each other on. They’re going to act like sweet white people who didn’t flee a country.

GG comes out of the doctor’s office, and gets in her car. She doesn’t look happy and dabs at her eyes, so I’m guessing the news wasn’t good. Then she says, it’s last few weeks she can smoke pot. Ha-ha! She fooled us. She calls Fati, and says, they’re doing the transfer on Friday. In GG’s interview, she says her uterine lining is finally thick enough. It’s exciting. She’s finally going to be pregnant. Fati says, it’s good to hear that.

In his interview, Reza says, Destiney’s shirt was made with the least amount of love. He wrote her name in White-Out pen, and it looks like a reflection of their friendship at this point. Destiney shows up, and tells Nema that she doesn’t know if she should come in, but Nema and Mike welcome her. She hugs Adam, and says she wants to talk, but Adam thinks she should talk Reza first. She asks Reza if she can talk to him privately before they head out. He’s surprisingly agreeable, and she says she didn’t want to be uncomfortable. He says he’s not uncomfortable. She says he thanked her for the plant, but it’s a tree (like this matters). He says he thought they were going to talk about naked Jenga. Ali talked about sexual harassment, and if he’d been Destiney, Reza would have said this is the first he’d heard of it, but she didn’t. He assumes she knew already. She says she didn’t know what Ali was going to say; it threw her for a loop. She never wanted to be involved, and Ali specifically told her that MJ told him to do it. In Destiney’s interview, she says, after her lunch with Ali, she yelled at him, and he said, MJ told him to do it. She took a step back, and realized maybe the person she loved as a sister had set her up. Reza said he knew Destiney was either set up or involved. Destiney says she effed up, and he says that’s all he wanted to hear. He hugs her, and says now that he knows she was used, it’s 100% authentic, and they’re good. In Reza’s interview, he says he doesn’t think Destiney is involved. She wasn’t held up at home on bedrest, moving chess pieces around, and trying to figure sh*t out. They get in the van, and Reza tells everyone, they had a  good conversation. Now can they get excited?

The race starts. Mike and Sara cheer from the sidelines. It’s like a huge obstacle course, and GG says her hip hurts already. She and Destiney hang back, and GG says, they’ll cheat. The others have to come back this way, so they’ll just pretend they did it. They splash some water on their faces, jog in place, and hyperventilate. On his way back, Nema asks how they did with the wall. In Reza’s interview, he says they’re going through obstacles together, and helping each other, but in life, they’re not practicing the things they’re practicing here. It’s not happening if they can’t be there for each other in life.

GG says she’s doing a dirt walk. Reza says he’s got mud in his crotch, and a great sense of accomplishment. He says he wants that for GG, and pushes her into a mud puddle pool. Destiney says, the last time she did this sh*t, she was running from the cops. She runs up to wall that everyone else is scaling, and takes the stairs on the side. In Nema’s interview, he says his friends are the only healthy relationships in his life. They’re like family, and replaced the huge void left post-divorce. They go down a huge slide, into another mud puddle. Cool. I’d do that. Mike takes pictures.

Afterwards, the group heads to the beer and sausage tent. Mike pulls out a Jenga game. In Mike’s interview, he says he loves the fact that they’re cheering each other on, but a part of him is empty because one of his best friends isn’t there. GG knocks over the game, and Adam tells her, get naked right now.   

Next time, Baby Shams comes home, Reza’s hair products are going to be sold in Las Vegas, and Sara’s brother gets busy with Destiney.

🏎 Coming Soon…

A new season of 90 Day Fiance: What Now? begins on Monday, April 20th on TLC. You can check out who’s who here:


And also on TLC on April 20th is a new offering, Dragnificent, a makeover show that looks like a lot of fun and very promising. You can read all about it here:


👅 I Can Taste It Now…

And suddenly, the weekend’s not there anymore.