Tag Archives: Falling in Reverse

June 25, 2019 – Fruit From a Poisonous Tree, Camille Says Too Much, Candace’s Past Catches Up & In Fashion


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Sorry. I missed the beginning. I’m having a busier week than usual, and I’m wishing Tuesday was Friday. Anyway, nothing happens in the first minute that we won’t find out about in the next 59. Moving onward…

Dev brags about his exciting life in Turkey, and Josslyn brags about Sonny’s boat. Dev wants to drive one of the boats, and asks, how different can it be from driving a car? Josslyn tells him, ask Sonny. They go out on the terrace, and Sonny wants to introduce Dev to his father. Mike says he’d know this kid anywhere.

Mike asks Dev how he’s doing, and how’s his mom? Sonny asks who Mike thinks Dev’s mom is. Mike says his cousin Gladys. Sonny says, Gladys has a son? Mike says, Brando, but Sonny just said his name was Devon. Carly doesn’t think Davon is who Mike thinks he is. Mike says, it’s not like that hasn’t happened before. He remembers Josslyn though – always. They hug. Josslyn tells Sonny that Devon has a question. Dev asks if driving a boat isn’t like driving a car, and he should be able to pick it up with no problem. Sonny says, that would be a no, and Josslyn says, told him.

Kim thanks Cameron for the flowers, saying it’s thoughtful. Cameron asks, how was Kilimanjaro? Then says, dumb question? Drew says, not at all. It was hard and sad, but rewarding. Kim says, letting go is proving to be a challenge. Cameron says, Josslyn feels the same way. They all do, but her especially. Kim asks how Josslyn is doing, and he says, okay. She came up with the idea of communicating with Oscar’s spirit. Drew says, like a séance? Cameron nods, and he asks if they did it. Cameron says he, Trina, and Josslyn did, and Kim asks, did it work?

Bobbie asks what Julian was thinking, destroying Wiley’s records? Julian says Lucas asked him to protect Wiley, and Bobbie says, so he did something illegal to make Brad and Lucas lose their son? He says they’re not losing Wiley. Lucas came to him for a reason. He wanted results without asking too many questions, and Julian delivered. She says what he’s done is irreparable, and he might have lost Wiley for all of them. Scotty comes in, and asks if there’s a problem. Julian says, everything is fine. He tells Bobbie, he did what he had to, to protect his grandson from his biological father. Bobbie says, because he’s dangerous? Now Julian knows how she’s felt about him for the past five years.

Carol tells Michael that she doesn’t want trouble. He says he doesn’t want to give her any. He wants to make it better for her; clean up the mess Shiloh left her in. She says she has no interest in talking about Shiloh. He says his little sister was briefly a member of DOD, and he has an idea of what she’s going through. He’s guessing at some point she didn’t think she had much purpose, and here came Shiloh. He acted like her biggest champion, but then something happened. Kelly’s father wanted her out, and then OD’d. Shiloh was charged, and he reached out to her, saying she was the only one who could help him. In the car, Jason listens to everything.

Diane cites a case, and says the evidence was obtained illegally, and therefore inadmissible. The judge asks how it applies here, because I guess he never graduated from judge school. Diane says the plaintiff alleges that he was given birth records. If such records exist, they’re protected under HIPPA, and no one is allowed access to them without the permission of her client. Any records obtained are a violation, making the proceeding invalid.

At the Beecher’s Corners diner, Michael tells Carol, Shiloh was arrested and charged for drugging Douglas Miller (who I keep wanting to call Dennis Miller). That’s why he needed her help. He would have been found guilty, and the only way to save him was if a brave person took responsibility. So she sacrificed for the greater good of the group, and had Shiloh’s utmost gratitude and trust. How is he doing so far? She tells him when he says it out loud, she sounds like a sucker, doesn’t she?

Diane makes a motion to dismiss, but Zara says, the welfare of the child takes precedence. She cites a case, but Diane says the case doesn’t apply. To use it, the child would have to be in imminent physical danger. There’s a mountain of legal precedents and numerous Supreme Court hearings that state the fruit from a poisonous tree is inadmissible. The judge says if there’s the slightest chance the child is in jeopardy, they’ll proceed. He orders Willow to turn over the information. He’s just not very good as a judge. You’d think he’d actually want to find out first if there’s imminent danger to the child. Once the records are released, it’s not like he can take it back.

Scotty tells Julian, calm down. Julian says Bobbie is the one throwing a fit in his pub. Bobbie says Julian and Lucas might share blood, but he’s no more a parent than Wiley’s biological father. She tells him, stay away from anything Wiley. Julian says, thank God he doesn’t have to listen to her anymore. He starts to walk out, and Scotty asks if Bobbie is okay, telling her to sit down. Bobbie says, Julian makes her blood boil, and she collapses.

Cameron tells Kim, at first there was nothing. Then they were just talking, laughing, and telling funny stories, when they thought Oscar was there. Drew asks what made them think that, and Cameron explains about the water rippling. Drew hopes they got comfort, and Cameron says they did. He did hopes Drew and Kim did too. He has to get back garbage duty, and Kim thanks him again. After Cameron leaves, Drew tells Kim that’s a new one for him; it’s a bit intense. Kim says, everyone is trying to keep Oscar alive in their own way. Let’s do it. Let’s keep Oscar alive.

Carly asks Josslyn what she’s doing, and Josslyn thinks she might go to the park. Carly suggests she take Dev. Josslyn is sure he has plans, but he says he doesn’t. She tells him the park will be boring after Ankara, but he says he’s open-minded. They leave, and Carly tells Sonny that she thinks she likes Dev. Sonny says, good. He thinks he might have found a way for Dev to stick around. Mike looks at his tablet, and laughs.

Mike says, they don’t make TV like they used to. Sonny asks what Gladys’s last name is, and Mike says, Corbin, unless she’s changed it. Brando’s dad was a deadbeat, and didn’t stick around. Not that he has any room to talk. Carly says, that’s water under the bridge, remember? He says she’s asking him? Sonny asks if Mike knows where she lives now, and Mike says the last he heard, she was in Connecticut. But speaking of marriage, he and Yvonne talked this over, and they were hoping Sonny and Carly would stand up for them at their wedding.

At the park, Josslyn says she’ll text a friend who might want to meet them, and realizes she doesn’t have her phone. Dev says, this phone? showing it to her. She asks, did he pickpocket her? and he says he’s just proving a point. She says, that he’s an ass? He says, that she should be more careful with her personal security. She says, it doesn’t apply, coming from the guy who robbed her. Cameron appears, and asks if this guy robbed her.

Kim and Drew have some wine after dinner. Drew is liking it, and Kim tells him that they found the wine together. They went to a vineyard in Napa, and took a case home. Drew says, good for them. She made his favorite meal, and served his favorite wine. What’s going on?

Michael says Carol believed in Shiloh, and he said he believed in her. Then, he betrayed her. Carol tells him, Harmony said Shiloh wanted to see her, so she went. It was upsetting to see his spirit and energy languishing behind bars. He asked if she was willing to help, and she said of course. She would do anything. Then Shiloh laid it out, exactly as Michael pictured. He said she’d be saving him, his mission, and every single person he could help. So she confessed. Michael says he’s sorry. She says they didn’t have any proof. Why did he make her do it? Michael says, because Shiloh killed Douglas Miller.

Diane tells the judge, with all due respect, this is a blatant violation of her client’s rights, and she’s going to instruct Willow not to answer their questions. Zara says Willow can’t, but Diane can. If an attorney’s actions affect the case, they can be held to answer. She cites a case, and Diane says, that was a real estate transaction. They can’t compare the two. This entire process is subject to appeal. The judge says, it’s within the plaintiff’s rights. Today, Diane is in his courtroom, and today she’ll answer his questions.

Carol tells Michael that Douglas OD’d; Shiloh would never do something like that. Michael says, Kelly (aka Willow) was Shiloh’s favorite, and he didn’t want to lose her. Carol says, he didn’t want to lose any members, but Michael says, Kelly was a special case. Imagine Kelly’s father wanting to pry her out of DOD. The same night Kelly was supposed to meet with him, Shiloh held her initiation, so she was completely occupied. It was the perfect opportunity for him to kill her father. Carly says, oh my God. Michael says, he couldn’t risk losing his prize student. He had Carol take the fall. Carol asks why he’s telling her now. It’s too late to fix it. Michael says, come with him. Tell what she knows on record, and they might reopen the case. They’ll find out it’s Shiloh, not her, that should have been behind bars, and her record will be clean. She says, no one will believe her, but he says, Shiloh is making mistakes, and more evidence exists than he’s had the ability to cover up. He gives her his card, and tells her, look him up online. He has the best lawyer in the state, and she’s Carol’s if she wants. It’s time to stop Shiloh from inflicting misery, and she can make it happen.

The judge asks if Diane didn’t represent Willow in the adoption? She says, it’s attorney/client privilege. He says he’ll cite her for contempt. She says, obviously she’ll be going to jail, but unlike him, she knows her client’s rights and will continue to fight, no matter how many obstacles or bogus precedents are thrown her way. Let the chips fall where they may. Willow gets up. Diane tries to stop her, but she says she wants to say it. She had a baby, but Shiloh will never find him. Shiloh smirks.

Bobbie says she’s fine, but Scotty say, tell someone who didn’t see her faint. He tells Lucas that she passed out. Bobbie says she skipped breakfast, and the day got away. She’s okay. She’ll just get a granola bar, and get back to work. Lucas wants to check her out, but she asks if he shouldn’t be focused on Brad. He says, Brad went home to rest. He’s fine; she passed out. He insists, and Bobbie says, all right.  

Josslyn says Dev picked her pocket. Cameron says, what the hell? and Dev says, as a friend. Cameron says Josslyn knows him? and Josslyn says he’s staying with them. Cameron is confused, and Dev says he was teaching her a lesson; showing her to be more careful with her personal belongings. Josslyn says she felt nothing, and Cameron says, that’s so cool. Can Dev teach him? Josslyn is like, what? and Cameron says he feels it would be a good life skill. Josslyn says not if he winds up in jail. Cameron says Josslyn’s phone is always hanging out, along with her wallet. She storms off, and Dev asks if she wants her phone back. She says she’ll buy a new one. Cameron tells Dev that she’ll forgive him – eventually.

Sonny tells Mike, sure, and Carly says they’d be honored. Mike goes to call Yvonne with the news. He can’t wait. Carly tells Sonny that Mike is so cute and happy. She asks what he’s cooking up, asking about Gladys. Sonny says, her son could be Dev’s age. Carly asks if he’s passing Dev off as a family member, and he says, the timing works. He could be related. Carly asks if he thinks it’s a good idea. He says he thought she liked Dev. She does, but says Sonny has a lot on his plate. He says he’ll make a phone call, and see where it goes. Mike comes back, and says Yvonne thanks them from the bottom of her heart. Sonny asks if Mike is ready to go. Mike says they have celebrating to do.

Cameron and Dev find Josslyn, and Dev gives her back her phone, telling her, take more care this time. She looks at the plaque for Oscar’s Meadow, and Cameron explains Oscar was a friend who recently passed from a brain tumor. Dev is sorry for their loss. Cameron says Oscar’s family dedicated this part of the park to him, and they all spread wildflower seeds. Dev says, looks like they grew. Cameron says they miss him, and Josslyn says Cameron believes he was there, right? Cameron explains to Dev, when they were laughing and telling stories, the saw the water move, and it felt like him. Dev says he’s sorry, but it wasn’t their friend. Josslyn says they heard something, but Dev says it was him. He ran into some chairs on the patio, and he hid when she came out. Josslyn says he might have been there, but Oscar was too. The water moved. Dev says, people die all the time. It’s not fair, but it’s final. Dead is just dead.

Kim tells Drew that she’s sorry. it seems strange and out of the blue, but being close to him makes her feel close to Oscar. Drew says he’s all for remembering their son. Kim says when he was deployed, he left her the greatest gift; their child. Oscar made her think of him. He reminded her every day. Drew says sometimes when she moves a certain way, makes a gesture, or says something, he sees Oscar. She says she sees him in Drew too. All the time.

Lucas asks Bobbie if anything happened before she fainted. Was she stressed or confused? Bobbie guesses she was pretty thirsty, and Lucas says she seems dehydrated. He’ll run an IV with fluids. She says it’s not necessary, and he says it’s cute how she thinks it’s a suggestion. He asks if she’s felt tired or run down lately, but she says, nothing out of the norm. She’s been a little groggy now and then, but she’s had additional work in the past month. He asks about headaches, and she says, now and then. When she’s trying too hard to focus, her vision is a little blurry, but she made an appointment with an ophthalmologist. He says he’s taking some blood and running a test. She says, hemoglobin A1C? Does he think she has diabetes?

Michael introduces Carol to Jason. He says she’s going on record, and tells Jason to take her back to Port Charles. She asks why she can’t go with Michael, but he says Jason will get her there and under protection. The sooner she’s out of there, the better. Jason says she’s helping people he cares about. He won’t let anything happen to her. She says it’s not that she doesn’t want help. She has an ankle monitor; she can’t leave town. Jason says, don’t worry. He has a way around it.

Willow tells Shiloh that he’s evil and vile, with his disgusting smug smirk. He even has the judge fooled with his lies. The only thing he cares about is himself. He’ll never get near her child. No matter how many documents he steals, lies he tells, or people he drugs, she’ll never let him. I’ve often wondered why this actor was hired to play Shiloh, since I don’t find him particularly compelling. But now I know. It’s for his smirk. He smirks even better than Griff looked worried. Like he’s doing right now. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say I’d like nothing better than to wipe it off his face.

Sonny comes back from dropping Mike off, and tells Carly, good news. Brick found Gladys in Bridgeport. She wonders if they shouldn’t send Dev back to Turkey, and get him a visa. Sonny had Jax deported, so he obviously has a connection in immigration. Why wouldn’t it work the other way. It just has to be the legal way. Sonny says if they ship Dev off and hope everything works out, he’ll bolt. Carly says he’s probably right. He says Dev got himself this far. The rest is up to them.

Josslyn thanks Dev for his incredible insight. She knows Oscar is dead. She lived through it. The last thing she needs is a lecture from him. He tells her that he’s sorry, and she says, apology accepted. Cameron asks if they’re just going to keep staring at each other, or are they going to help pick up garbage.

Drew and Kim listen to the CD that Oscar found. He says she could have found a better hiding place. She says Oscar was the most curious person she’s ever met. It was only a matter of time before he found it. She says this was Drew’s favorite song. Technically, their favorite. He says, as in our song? Like to dance to? She says, among other things, and kisses him. Yep. Saw that coming.

Lucas tells Bobbie to go home and get some rest. She appreciates the concern, but thinks it’s excessive. She went through this with him when he was younger, and she says she thinks he’s projecting. She’s just wiped out. If she feels better, she’ll know it’s a reminder to slow down and take better care of herself. Lucas leaves, and Bobbie tells Scotty not to lecture her about her health. He suggest she indulge her son. Hopefully he’s wrong, but while she’s waiting, he’s here for her if she needs him.

Willow tells Shiloh, go ahead. Lie to the judge; the world. He’s not getting what he wants. Zara asks how much more they have to listen to, and tells Diane to get her client under control. Diane tells Willow to sit down and let her handle it. The judge says Willow admits to having had a baby. She’s to turn the records over to the plaintiff. She says, no. She won’t do it. He says she’s in contempt, and tells the bailiff to take her into custody. Chase gets up, and says he’s with the PCPD. He can handle it. Shiloh says Chase is Willow’s boyfriend; he can’t do this. The judge says it’s his courtroom; his rules. He tells Chase, take it from here, and Chase reads Willow her rights. He cuffs her, and she says she understands.

Michael sits in the diner with the monitor. Jason and Carol are ready to leave, but a voice says they thought the plates looked familiar. It’s the cop who arrested Jason last time, and he says they meet again, which confuses him. He told Jason not to come back to Beecher’s Corners.

Tomorrow, Curtis wants to dissolve his partnership with Sam, Lucas has the results of Bobbie’s blood test, and Zara asks if Shiloh wants a hearing or not.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Provence, France. Teddi struggles awake, and calls for Kyle, who says she can’t live her life today. Teddi kind of remembers dinner. She thinks she was crying. Kyle says she was. Teddi asks if there was a fight. Kyle tells her, Erika asked if they were pushing her out, and left the table.

LisaR is at the breakfast table when they come in. Kyle tells Teddi that LisaR was her therapist last night. Teddi doesn’t remember dinner. In her interview, LisaR is amazed that Teddi is upright; never mind remembering dinner. She tells Teddi that she said Erika wasn’t having fun, and didn’t want to be with them. Teddi says, she didn’t say that, but LisaR says she did. Kyle says she couldn’t articulate what she wanted to say, so she let it go. In Kyle’s interview, she says when she’s with Erika, she sometimes wonders if Erika is in a in bad mood. LisaR thinks Teddi should talk to Erika. Dorit comes in, and asks if they’re doing archery today. Teddi has anxiety.

In her interview, Erika is disappointed in Kyle and Teddi. She’s been a good friend to them, and what happened last night was not cool. LisaR goes to Erika’s room, and tells her that Teddi doesn’t remember anything she said. She thinks Teddi is probably going to talk to Erika, and thought she should give Erika a warning. She says Teddi and Kyle feel bad, and Erika says she’s sure they’re devastated, with just the slightest hint of sarcasm.

The women gather outside. In her interview, Dorit says when they’re in a group, and there are unresolved feelings, or something hasn’t been said, she can feel it. They meet instructor Thierry, and get set up with bows. Dorit doesn’t know if she wants to stand next to Kyle. Kyle says that’s probably a bad idea, and if anyone is mad at her, stand the other way. I can safely say I’m better at archery than all off them. Put together. LisaR can’t even hit the target, and in her interview, she says she’s athletic, and it’s pissing her off. She’s not stopping until she hits it. Finally, she manages to get an arrow within the circle.

Kyle wants to talk to Erika, but not at the same time Teddi is. Teddi tells Erika that she wants to start by apologizing. She’s taking responsibility for her bad behavior. When Erika is with her one on one, she’s beyond kind and a good friend, but sometimes when they’re in a group, Teddi feels a disconnect; like Erika is irritated. She takes it on, and feels uncomfortable. In Erika’s interview, she doesn’t know if Teddi is apologizing or blaming her for the behavior. Erika says she wondered who was this Teddi. Teddi says, at the end of the day, she was drinking and said a bunch of sh*t. Erika says, drunks and children tell the truth. In her interview, Erika believes internally, Teddi thinks she’s fake. We flash back to Teddi saying that Erika seems fake with her friendships. Teddi says when she feels Erika’s mood, it triggers her. It’s not personal. Erika says she takes personally, and Teddi says she’s sorry. Erika appreciates the apology, and in her interview, says she’s accepting it, since Teddi beats herself up more than anyone.

They come back to cake and tea. Kyle says she’s sorry she hurt Erika’s feelings. Erika says she did, and Kyle says she wasn’t articulating what she was trying to say. Erika has been good to her, and she’s disappointed in herself. In her interview, Erika says there are few people who have the ability to hurt her feelings, and she considers Kyle a close friend. She didn’t expect it. She tells Kyle that she was out of line. She thought they had an open and honest friendship. Kyle says she thought she was being honest, but it came out the wrong way. Kyle is sorry she hurt Erika’s feelings, and Erika thanks her. It’s time to pack.

Dorit tells PK that they had a great time. The group moved to a different level of closeness and bonded. Kyle shows Faye pictures. Erika tells Mikey that Kyle and Teddi were on a mini crusade for two nights, saying she should be mad about the way LisaR acted on Farrahween. She wonders if anyone has ever dressed up as them.

Dorit is excited about the Kitson windows. In her interview, she says it’s a landmark store on one of the busiest streets in LA. She tells PK that she has a concept, but needs to build on it. PK thinks she should reveal nothing in the window, saying he’s just giving her artistic ideas. She says she now has a Teddi swimsuit, and the Camille cover-up. It has holes in it, much like the things that come out of Camille’s mouth. In Dorit’s interview, she says after she designed it, she found out Camille was talking sh*t behind her back. We flash back to LisaR telling Dorit that Camille was talking about her. Dorit tells us, not knowing what she said makes it worse. She says she’s seeing Camille tonight, but she doesn’t intend on saying anything. She feels bad about Camille’s situation, and doesn’t think it’s the right time. PK tells her to be supportive and super kind, even if she doesn’t want to. Dorit says Camille is a cover-up with holes in it.

The women are meeting at a restaurant, and LisaR has brought bags of clothes for Denise and Camille, since they lost everything. The others arrive, and I wonder why no one ever asks for name brand liquor in their drinks. Is that just a given in their world? Denise arrives, and LisaR gives her a bag, Denise appreciates her thoughtfulness. (Just to be clear, I’m talking about a shopping bag. She didn’t just shove some clothes in a garbage bag.) In Denise’s interview, she says at first glance, it didn’t seem bad, but there was soot in all their furniture and clothes. LisaR says it must have been terrifying. Camille joins them, and there are lots of (phony) hugs. She asks how Denise is doing, and Denise says, not as bad as Camille. LisaR says, you never think you might be in a situation where you have no clothes – or house.

They order. Camille says, it’s so real; it’s overwhelming. She doesn’t know where to begin. They were evacuated, and then her assistant Scott passed away. We see clips of him and Camille. In her interview, Camille says it’s a great loss. Erika asks about the house at the beach, and Camille says, thank God, it’s all right. In Camille’s interview, she says she’s feeling homeless. It’s her main home (my italics). She says her daughter is getting antsy; she’s bored, and being such a diva. Her business manager is also out of the country. She thinks she’s cursed. Confucius LisaR says, life happens the way it happens. Her luck sucks. She says Denise’s marriage has been put through a lot. Camille says they had a rough start. She complains about David having to go out and get new ski boots, when she didn’t even have a coat, so she went to a consignment store across the street. She found a thirty-year-old Burberry that’s probably dusty, but at least she has a coat. In LisaR’s interview, she says, why would anyone have empathy for the wealthy? Damn straight. I wouldn’t mind a dusty Burberry coat. Denise says at least she has the financial means to rebuild. In Camille’s interview, she says Denise doesn’t understand. She’s lucky her rented house didn’t burn down. They toast to new beginnings. Not liking Camille in this episode, but cutting her slack because of the fire. Maybe she had sentimental stuff that was destroyed.

PK and Dorit go to Kitson. In her interview, Dorit says Beverly Beach is only sold online. They’re branching out, and she’s freaking out. She has a lot to do, and a lot to prove. She looks at the mannequins and thinks the scene is disproportionate. She’s not getting a sense of the strong vibe she wants. PK is pleased she’s getting involved, and she says she needs to do it herself with her own hands. She gets in the window, and moves everything around. In her interview, she says her friends are coming, and she wants it perfect. Here she is, putting out fires in the eleventh hour. That’s probably a poor choice of words. She tells PK, it’s already looking better. If she says so.

Teddi meets Denise for clothes shopping at BA&SH. Denise needs everything. In Teddi’s interview, she says, Denise is cool as a cucumber, no matter what’s happening. If she had 1% of Denise’s chill, she’d be in a good place. They look around, and Teddi asks Denise, what are the next steps? Denise says they can’t live in the house; the power lines are down. It’s terrible, but Camille lost her home. Denise knows everyone is upset with Camille, but she’s glad no one brought it up. Teddi says they all wanted to have a conversation with her before Provence, but not under the circumstances. Denise asks if Camille seems okay. Teddi has no idea how she’d be. In her interview, Denise says that no matter what the challenge, she finds something positive. Teddi thinks Camille is having a rough time; she can see the highs and lows. Denise wishes she could see that it’s traumatizing and devastating, but it’s also the opportunity for a fresh start. I felt the same way after being flooded in Hurricane Sandy. And I don’t have nearly as much furniture now, after realizing how much I had while throwing it out.

Denise wants to hear about the trip. Teddi says she was a hot mess, and a d*ck to Erika. She had to apologize. Denise tells her not to beat herself up about it. Teddi says she knows her limit when she’s dinking regular alcohol. Denise says, you can’t go sideways. Drink what you know. I hear that.

Dorit says she’s stressed, but feels good. Beverly Beach is taking off, and she’s excited for her friends to see it. It’s time to celebrate. She loves a reveal. The women arrive at Kitson, and fawn over the line. Camille is excited about having something named after her. Teddi loves her suit; it’s sporty. In LisaR’s interview, she says Dorit designing a suit for Teddi is the biggest olive branch she’s ever seen. We flash back to Dorit saying she named the pieces after women who brought something to her life – i.e. not Teddi. LisaR says maybe naming the cover-up after Camille signifies that she’s always covering her tracks. It’s kind of perfect. Camille says the more time she spends with Dorit, the more bad she feels [sic] about what she’s said in the past about her.

Everyone takes a glass of champagne and goes outside. In her interview, Kyle says the Kitson window is kind of a big deal if you live in LA. Everyone gushes, and I think it’s okay, but then she didn’t name anything after me. In her interview, Camille points out that they used garbage bags to cover the windows. Truth! Dorit invites everyone out to dinner, and PK says he’ll see her at home. They get in the limo bus. Dorit says she had a lot of fires to put out – no pun intended. Camille laughs, and in Dorit’s interview, she says Camille says it’s no problem, but it will haunt her. She’s sure of it.

They sit at a table by the fireplace. Erika sits next to Kyle, and in her interview, says she wants Kyle to know they’re good. Kyle says they’re having a party for the agency, who has opened their 25th branch. It’s going to be at a listing downtown, and she hopes they can all make it. The food comes, and it looks phenomenal. They toast to Dorit. LisaR says they’ve come a long way. We see a clip from early on, where LisaR asked if people were doing coke in Dorit’s bathroom, followed by one of them hugging. LisaR says, who’d have effing thought it?

Dorit says they’ve had certain things with a friend that they haven’t worked through. Geez, talk in code much? She asks if anyone has seen her, meaning LVP, and no one has. Kyle says, it’s really sad. Dorit says she’s been sent endless invites, but hasn’t turned up or shown up. She mentions Camille’s shower and wedding, and Camille says, she should have come. LisaR says Camille let her off the hook, and shouldn’t have so easily. Denise says this isn’t fair; she just lost her effing house. Why are they talking about this right now? LisaR says they weren’t going to bring it up, but Camille says she doesn’t want anyone holding on to anything. It’s independent of her house situation. If someone is hurt, she wants to know. Kyle says her conversation with them about LVP was contradictory to what she said to People magazine. LisaR says it’s bad timing, and in her interview, says she’s doing her best to be gentle. She didn’t necessarily want to bring it up, but Camille gave her the cue to talk about it. Camille says it wasn’t meant to hurt their feelings. She has to be more in the moment. In Kyle’s interview, she says there’s no middle ground with Camille. She’ll say whatever to appease someone, or come at them with a dagger. Teddi wonders what Camille is saying behind her back. In Camille’s interview, she says she’s fed up with Teddi pushing herself into the conversation. Camille is sure Teddi has said stuff about her, but Teddi insists only to her face. In her interview, Camille says Teddi has talked about certain ladies. She’s not being honest with herself. Everyone needs to take a step back, and think about what they’ve said about each other. Camille says, so she’s a flip-flopper and Teddi is a know-it-all. She’s been called worse. We flash back to Dorit calling Camille a c-word, and Andy reading mean tweets at a reunion. LisaR tells Camille that she said things about Dorit, and she told her to ask Camille about it. I notice that LisaR left out the part where she told Dorit that Camille said things about her. Camille say she had to get to know Dorit. She didn’t trust her. She didn’t know where Dorit was getting her money from. Dorit asks what she’s talking about. In Camille’s interview, she says, be careful what you ask for.

Camille says Dorit’s husband filed for bankruptcy, and we flash back to PK saying he’d been taken down. Camille wondered where Dorit got her fancy cars, diamonds, and glam. In her interview, Camille says Dorit comes across as someone pretending to be someone she’s not.  In Beverly Hills, they’re leery of people who live beyond their means. They might want to be your friend for the wrong reasons. Dorit says her husband has built two successful businesses, and the bankruptcy was ten years ago. Camille says PK owed money to someone close to her. Denise says, this crosses the line, but Camille says, Dorit came after her. In Dorit’s interview, she insists PK doesn’t owe any of Camille’s friends money. Dorit can’t believe Camille was discussing her finances. LisaR says she was vague. In LisaR’s interview, she says she knows what going after someone’s husband is. We flash back to LisaR throwing s glass at Kim. #WhatDidHarryDo

Camille says she knows for certain, and Dorit says don’t threaten her. Camille says she’s protecting Dorit, and Dorit calls her a snake. In Camille’s interview, she thinks maybe PK hasn’t been open about everything, and Dorit might not know what’s going on. She says he owes over a million dollars to a company. LisaR suggests she not say anything else. Denise says, just keep eating. Dorit says she’s done talking to Camille. Camille says she’s not lying. She didn’t want to talk about it. Denise says she can protect Dorit by not saying anything. Camille says, if she doesn’t, she’s two-faced. She doesn’t think the timing is great, and Denise says she doesn’t think what’s going on now is either. Kyle says, everybody gets hurt. LisaR says, stop right now, and Camille says she felt like she was being attacked. At some point, it feels overwhelming. Dorit says, it was so low, and Camille says Dorit kept coming at her. Denise wisely says, two wrongs don’t make a right, and Camille says, true. Denis tells her, don’t hit below the belt. In Dorit’s interview, she says Camille is vicious and mean. After tonight, she’s done. Denise says, this doesn’t need to be effing talked about at a goddam dinner. Before this, she had a nice time with them at dinner. The women start to get up, and everyone says, see you Thursday.

Next time, Mauricio’s agency party happens, Camille tells LisaR that she’s the mean girl, Camille tells Denise to back off (Denise tells Camille effing ditto), LVP is crowned, and Camille visits LVP.

The Haves and The Have Nots

Candace asks Charles what this means. He says, it’s not good. It means they have to put distance between them. She needs to step away from him. She thought he had her cleaned up, but he says, apparently someone is extremely pissed at her. She says, that’s a long list, and he says, a very powerful one. He’s sorry. She says he sounds like he’s done. He says he’s had to make sacrifices to be there, and she says she’s not worth another one. He says, it’s not as simple as that. She asks if this means they’re not dating anymore, and he says, it would be hard. She says there’s no emotion in this at all for him, and he says, this could get uglier. He’s so sorry. She says, it’s okay. Her mom always said, nobody gets away with nothin’, and it’s all come back to find her. It’s all good. She never once thought this could or would work. It was too good to be true. He says maybe in the future they could see each other. She tells him, he says that, but she sees the truth in his eyes. She should go. She wishes she could do the right thing, and say it was good and the experience was great, but she can’t. She’s so pissed. At him for giving her hope, and at herself for believing his bullsh*t. He tells her that he’ll get her money for a plane ticket, but she says she doesn’t need him to get her anything. The next time he decides to break a heart, make sure it’s not a cold-hearted bitch who knows how to get even, Mr. President Elect.

Charles tells Candace that she has to leave through the garage. In the trunk of a car. She says the only way she’s leaving is through the front door. He tells her not to make it harder, but she says she’s not leaving like a two-dollar whore. He says he thought he had it handled. She can’t go out the front, and she says, watch her. Oliver and the security guys come in, and Charles says he can’t let her do this. Candace tells them, move. Charles tells her that she has to go out the back, and she says, make her. She’ll scream. He tells her, don’t do this. She says he brought her there. She was fine before he came along. He says her life was a mess, and she says, a mess she could handle. She can’t believe he’s going to let this happen. He says he’s trying help. She says he’s helping himself. It was all about him. She tells the guys to move, and tells Charles, make them move. Charles tells Oliver to take her, and two men come alongside her, taking her by the arms. Charles turns his back, disappointing me greatly. Oliver asks Charles if she’s going to be a problem, and Charles says he can count on it.

David calls Jim, and says he did it. Jim says, did what? David says, she’s dead; he couldn’t help it. Jim asks where? and David says, at her house. Jim says, the FBI is looking at her house. David knows, and Jim asks how he could lose control like that. David says he had to do it. Jim asks where she is, and David says, in the pool. Floating. Jim says, just leave her. Get out of there. David leaves, tracking wet footprints from the pool to the front door. I’m no detective, but I’d say he’s leaving some evidence.

Veronica comes to, and says, son of a bitch. She goes inside, and says, try to kill her after all she’s done for him? He tried to kill her? She goes upstairs, saying, wtf?

Jeffrey sees Madison at the ER reception desk. Madison asks what he’s doing there, and Jeffrey says he doesn’t want to know. Justin is there. Madison says, what did he do now? Jeffrey says, it’s not what he did. It’s what his mom had done to him. Jeffrey got a call because he’s listed as next of kin. Madison looks on the computer, and says, he was just brought in. He’s down the hall. He asks if Jeffrey wants to see him, and Jeffrey asks if he’s okay. Madison doesn’t know, but Jeffrey can see him. Jeffrey thinks he’ll just go home, and Madison says he’ll page the doctor. He pages Dr. Harry, and I wonder if Debbie has taken on a second career. Madison says he was wrong about Jeffrey. He’s in love with Justin. Jeffrey says he isn’t. Madison says he thought Jeffrey was just trying to help, and maybe Jeffrey convinced himself of that, but he’s in love. Jeffrey says, so what? and Madison says he thinks Jeffrey needs to find out where that comes from. Jeffrey says Madison already gave him the psychiatric speech. Madison asks if it’s working, and Jeffrey says it’s just because he’s not into Madison. The doctor comes out, and I’ll be damned if she doesn’t look something like Debbie Harry. Jeffrey asks how Justin is, and she says he has several broken bones, his jaw is broken, and he was violently raped. Jeffrey asks if he’ll be okay. She says she thinks so; he’s pretty broken. She asks if Jeffrey would like to see him, but Jeffrey says, no. He just wanted to check. He thanks her, and she tells him, sorry about his friend. Jeffrey asks Madison if what they did is okay, and Madison says, no; it’s not. Jeffrey says Madison wonders why he cares. Madison knows his parents. He’s the only one with a heart.

Jim pulls into Veronica’s driveway with David. He says he’ll be right back. He goes inside, and out to the pool, but doesn’t see her. So he was going to do this by himself? David waits, looking distressed. Jim feels the carpet, and looks at the stairs. He goes back out.

Jim goes back to the car, and says, David drowned her in the pool? David says, yes, and Jim says, this pool? He says, yes, and Jim asks how long he held her under. David doesn’t know; forever. Jim says, Veronica was a lifeguard in college. He didn’t do a good job. David says, that’s not funny, and Jim says, he’s not laughing. There were footprints, and water everywhere, up the stairs. He didn’t kill her. She’s not there. He says David looks relieved, and David says he is. Jim says, no. Is he crazy? David says he was so angry he lost control. Jim asks if he understands what that means. That bitch will be on his ass more than ever. He hopes David has weapons at the house. He doesn’t think David gets it one bit, but David says he does. Jim says he’ll take David home. The crazy bitch is probably looking at them right now. God help them.

Oliver tells Charles that Candace is back in Savannah. He asks if he can speak freely, and Charles says, why not? Oliver knows Charles liked her. Landon filled him in. Charles asks if Oliver has ever had a woman who made him feel alive. Oliver says he has, and Charles asks, where is she? Oliver says they divorced. Charles says, so he does understand. Oliver asks if he wants it professional, and Charles says, yeah. Oliver tells him, make a statement saying he didn’t know what she did. Then he’ll have to trash her and discredit her. I’m wondering why. Wouldn’t it make him look better if he didn’t and said he feels badly about the whole thing? Oliver says, it will be ugly. Charles knows, and Oliver says he’s sorry. Charles asks if he’s wrong, choosing destiny over her. Oliver says his destiny isn’t about her. Charles tells him to prepare a statement, and he’ll look at it. Go easy on her. Oliver says he will, but if she comes out against Charles, the gloves will be taken off, and it could get ugly. Charles knows, and tells him, just prepare a statement. He asks if Oliver thinks Landon is behind this. He disappeared, and this happened. Oliver says, Landon went to New York to try to stop this. Charles doesn’t know; he’s missing something, and doesn’t think he can trust Landon. Oliver says, Landon is a lot of things, but not this. Charles wants to be sure. Oliver says, the plane will be ready in an hour.

Hanna tells Benny, now she knows why Candace isn’t returning their calls. She tells him, put on the TV. A newscaster is saying he doesn’t know how the President can be with a prostitute. She’s blackmailed some high profile men. Benny says, dammit. Hanna says, she’s not going to call them back. She’s got the money. There’s a knock at the door. Hanna wonders if it’s Derrick, and Benny asks, what did he do? Hanna says she doesn’t want to see him, and leaves the room. It’s Candace, and Benny says they just saw the news. Candace asks if Hanna is there, and Hanna comes out. Candace says Hanna was right; about everything. Benny asks if Candace is all right. She says she loved him, and thought he loved her, but her past came back to haunt her. Hanna asks, what happened? and Candace says he told her to leave, and that she couldn’t be around him. Hanna says, okay. She’ll start over. Candace says, with what? She doesn’t have anything. Hanna says she has to ask. Candace says she has the money. She called Jim, and asked for his account number so she could send it back, but then this happened. Hanna says she has to send it back. Candace says she won’t have anything, but Hanna says, it’s not hers; she still won’t. Candace just wants to go far away, and start a new life. Hanna says, what about her brother’s life. He came here again. She has to give it back. She has to start doing the right thing. It won’t do anything but add to her heartache. Candace asks, will it stop? She thought it would because she was going straight, but that’s how it started. He treated her like trash. Hanna says she’s sorry, and Candace says, he just switched up. Hanna says, sometimes you don’t know a man. You don’t really know him at all. Candace says, okay. She’ll give the money back. Hanna says, that’s good, and Candace asks if she can stay the night. Hanna says, of course, and Candace says she might need to stay a while. Hanna says as long as she’s doing the right thing, Candace will always have home with her. Hanna is proud of her. Candace thanks her

Veronica goes to the station, and gives the desk sergeant a list of her clients. She says they all made bail, and have been released. The judge signed release, and she wants them out now. The sergeant says, it’s a process, but she doesn’t care. He asks an officer to get him O’Reilly.

Wyatt calls the Artisian and asks for RK. He says, he doesn’t? He tells them he has RK’s wallet, and asks if he left a contact number. RK drove his mom home last night. He writes something down.

RK is out walking. He asks what Wyatt wants, and Wyatt says he has jewelry. RK says he has enough jewelry. Wyatt tells him that he has ten carat diamond earring studs. Those would be pretty big studs, but okay. RK says maybe he can do something with that. Wyatt asks RK to help him out, and RK says he needs more already? Wyatt says, quit judging him. RK says he needs rehab, and Wyatt says his dad is taking him somewhere upstate, but he won’t make it if he doesn’t get something. RK says, fine, and Wyatt tells him, be careful. His dad is around. RK says he’ll contact his boy, and call right back.

RK calls Candace, who surprises him by answering. He says he heard, and he’s sorry, but a dude is after her. He came to the hotel, and wanted them to roll her, but he didn’t. He doesn’t know who the guy is, but he’s after her hard. He didn’t give her up though. She asks how she knows he’s telling the truth, and he says he wouldn’t do her like that. If she needs anything, trust him; he’s got her back. She asks where Rocky is, and RK says, probably at the hotel, but she can’t go there. They’re crawling all over the place. They have surveillance of her and the President Elect. Everything. The s*t is hitting the fan. If she was there, they have it. She thanks him, and he says it’s a burner phone, and she can reach him on it.

It’s confirmed. The Attorney General’s name is Kyle. He’s waiting when Jim gets home. Jim says he knows who Kyle is, and asks him in. Kyle says he has a beautiful house, and Jim says his wife is in charge of the décor. Kyle says, Kathryn. Is she well? Jim asks if he knows her, and Kyle says, no. Is she home? Jim says she isn’t, and Kyle says, good. They can have a talk. Jim says they can also have a drink. Kyle wants something strong, and Jim suggests bourbon. Kyle says, straight. Jim pours the drinks, and joins Kyle. Kyle asks if he knows her, showing him Candace’s photo. Jim says he does, and Kyle asks, how well? Jim says that bitch kidnapped and blackmailed him, and currently has eight million of his dollars. Kyle asks how that happened, and Jim says, she’s a smart woman. Kyle says she’s seeing the President Elect, and Jim says he heard the rumor. Kyle says, it’s true. Jim asks if Kyle wants him to help protect Charles from her, but Kyle says that’s not his party, and once the current administration is out, they’ll appoint a new AG. He wants revenge. She robbed him. Jim says, welcome to the club. Kyle says it was only $1800, and Jim wonders why he’d go through all this trouble. Kyle says he’s doing it for the principle. He wants to know everything. Jim says he knows a lot. He has a problem that’s causing difficulty in his life, and if he helps Kyle with his problem, maybe Kyle can help him. Kyle asks what it is, and Jim says, his son. Kyle says, Wyatt. Jim asks if he knows Wyatt, and Kyle says he learned a lot about Jim’s family. Jim says, Wyatt was involved in a hit and run, and Kyle says, Lindsay Castile. Jim tells him, the local DA arrested them for hindering the prosecution and tampering with evidence. Kyle says he’s aware of that, but there’s nothing he can do. Jim says, sure there is. He’s the Attorney General of the United States. Kyle says he came to take down the President, not to jump into the local DA’s business. Jim says they can destroy this bitch, and take his guy down, but Kyle has to make his problem disappear. Kyle says, no way he can do that, but Jim says, sure he can. He can turn it into a Federal matter; say it involves civil rights. He can take the case away from the DA, and throw it out for lack of evidence. Kyle says, what about the DA? and Jim says, screw the DA; he’s the Department of Justice. They both laugh. Jim sees no reason why Kyle can’t roll everything into the same case. Kyle says Jim is a smart one. Jim says he’s a judge, and the DA has no evidence. Kyle says the Grand Jury just met, and Jim tells him, say it’s a matter of national security. Kyle says Jim knows his law. How the hell did he let a two-bit hooker get him in that situation? Jim asks, how did he? and Kyle says, touché. They have a deal. He tells Jim that his bourbon sucks, and Jim says he’ll break out the good stuff. Kyle likes the way Jim thinks, and Jim likes the way Kyle drinks. Kyle tells him, save money on somebody else.

In the car, Veronica tells a dude she has something else. She tells him to meet at this address tonight. He says, another beat down? but she says, nah. She wants every a-hole in that house dead. He says, it’s like that? and she says, yeah; it’s like that. Tonight. Be there. He asks if she’s sure she doesn’t want him to come over and do what they did before. She says they already did, and he’s not very good. Get out of her damn car. He says she’s cold blooded, and she says she knows that. She’ll see him tonight.

Kathryn invites Broderick in. He asks where they are, and she says, his new home. He asks whose place it is, and she says, it used to be her son’s. Now she owns it. He says, no way, and she says, why not? No one will find him there. Her husband doesn’t know she still owns it. She consolidated accounts at the bank. Broderick is hesitant, and Kathryn asks, what is he afraid of? Deportation? Her husband? Her? He says, the first two. No one ever done anything like this for him before. She says, there’s always a first. He wonders how can he repay her, and she says let her think about that. There are a few tricks he does that she loves. He thanks her. She touches his hair, and says, sure. He says he’ll get her a drink. Her phone rings. It’s Derrick. She says she’s been calling and calling him. She’s not home, but she’ll be there later, and she’ll call him back then; she can’t talk now. She says she spoke to Hanna. That’s why she needs to talk to him. Broderick brings out the drinks in his underwear. He wants to show her how grateful he is. She says, please do. They clink glasses. He takes her hand and leads her to the bedroom. They kiss in the doorway.

Veronica leads her posse to David’s house. She waits by the driveway, having a smoke, while they go to the front door.

Next time, the finale; Benny says he’ll handle Jim’s bitch ass, Veronica checks on her handiwork (i.e. Justin), Kathryn asks if Broderick would love her if she was broke, and Wyatt cocks the gun.

👡 I Don’t Know How Fashionable It Is…

But it’s definitely late.