Tag Archives: Jakob Dylan

February 23, 2021 – The FBI Talks To Carly and Jax, a Cuppla Things, Cameron’s Hair, Sober Filming, Terrified Teresa, Karate Return, 24th Anniversary, Globe Moments, Celebrating Drew, Today’s Fact & Duke’s


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

I missed the beginning, since that’s the way the week is going, but what happened was… Carly met Diane in the PCPD interrogation room to go over what Carly was going to say to the FBI. Diane said Carly should stick to her original statement, and say Nina misheard them. Maxie found Nina at Crimson, and said she’d heard about what happened at the cemetery, and Nina told her about Jax and Carly knowing Nelle was her daughter. Jax met Alexis at the café, and she said it seemed like he had something on his mind. Michael told Willow about Nelle being Nina’s daughter, and how Nina thought Carly was responsible for Nelle’s death. Anna and Finn were getting ready to look for Obrecht, but Finn had to deliver Peter’s tux to him first. When he left, Valentin showed up, and Anna said she could tell he didn’t have good news. He said their suspicions about Peter were right, and it was worse than they feared. Britt met Obrecht in the club Curtis is thinking of buying. Obrecht showed up wearing a dark fedora and trench coat, looking like a spy, and Britt told her the sparrow had landed. Peter went into the apartment, dropping the mail on the table, but not noticing the envelope from Dimitri Marick. Then I sat down, and…

Diane tells Carly, they’re going to want to interview Jax. Is there any chance he had second thoughts about backing her? Carly says he told Nina that they’d talked to the authorities before they found out Nelle was Nina’s daughter. They all felt bad, before Nina went off at Sonny’s grave, which is exactly why they chose not to tell her. Diane says, and here we are. They should have told Nina the moment they discovered it; it would have saved them a world of pain. Carly says, Jax devested Nina, and Diane says, that’s her point. Will Jax think Carly is more deserving of his protection than Nina is?

Jax tells Alexis that Nina was searching for her daughter, when he and Carly found out Nelle was Nina’s daughter. They chose not to tell her, but the truth came out. Alexis says, it inevitably does, and he says Nina felt betrayed. She’d misinterpreted his conversation with Carly, and went to the authorities. Her statement was given to the FBI. Alexis says, about? and Jax says, the night Nelle died. She says he knows attorney/client privilege is no longer a thing for her, and he says he’ll just say, certain facts were simplified to protect certain people. She says, in other words, Carly. Don’t tell her. He says he can confirm Nelle’s death was an accident; their original statement was simplified. That’s why they were… She says she’s not able to give him advice, and he says he understands. She says, simplifying can make him sound like the biggest criminal. Why further incriminate himself? Just her two cents. He says he appreciates it, but she says he seems to have reservations. He says he was wondering what’s the best thing for Nina.

Nina tells Maxie, she talked herself into believing that once Jax realized he was keeping Wiley from her, he would tell her the truth. She was looking for him to salvage… something. When she found him, he was with Carly, and they were talking about Nelle’s death on the cliff. Carly was there, and when Nelle fell, Jax encouraged Carly to keep quiet. Maxie says, Jax told Carly to lie, not the other way around? and Nina says, she had no intention of confronting him. She wanted to go someplace private, but of course (🍷) Carly needed Jax. Maxie tells her, don’t get mad, but they were at Carly’s husband’s funeral. Nina says she should have heard Carly. She thinks Carly was happy that she made a scene, so Carly would have an outlet for her anger. She knows it wasn’t the right place or time, but she swears everything she said was true.

Obrecht asks what sparrow Britt is speaking of, and Britt says, herself. Anna isn’t the only one deserving of a code name. Obrecht asks, what code name? and Britt says, scarecrow. Obrecht says, that’s not a code name. It’s an epithet of scorn and derision. Britt says the scarecrow confronted her, demanding to know where Obrecht was, and Obrecht says, Britt said nothing? Britt says, of course (🍷) the sparrow remained silent, but the scarecrow revealed more than she intended. She was trying to determine Obrecht’s whereabouts, by asking questions of the WSB. Obrecht asks what the WSB told Anna, and Britt says Anna thought they were stonewalling her, but that’s just her amateur suspicion. Obrecht says, no doubt Anna isn’t used to being kept in the dark, and Britt says Anna warned Peter that Obrecht was on the loose. Anna didn’t say that to her, but if she hasn’t told him, it’s only a matter of time. Obrecht says, perhaps it’s what she does with the time that matters.

Valentin tells Anna, before he says anything, he’ll give her a choice. She can drop this, and let her questions about Peter lie, believe he’s the man she wants him to be… Anna says, or the truth. Why does he want her to know? Is he somehow incriminated? He says, for once, Peter’s actions have nothing to do with him, other than being the man who started Peter on this path. Anna says Valentin did what he did, but didn’t make peter the man he is today. Neither did Faison, Alex or her; he’s his own person. He says she wants to believe Peter is someone else, someone better, and she says Valentin knew Peter was lying to her all along, didn’t he?

Britt says she doesn’t get why Obrecht is being under the radar, unless it’s to wear that get-up; it’s fabulous. Obrecht preens, and says, danke. Britt says, Obrecht was cleared of all charges and released. It’s not as exciting as prison, but it’s less stressful. Obrecht says she’s not avoiding law enforcement; it’s for the element of surprise, so she can trap and unmask Henrik. Britt asks, how? She hasn’t been able to prove anything. Obrecht says, no one that dirty can cover up everything. The proof is out there. Britt says, Obrecht wants revenge, and Obrecht says, of course (🍷), but she wants to protect Maxie and James even more. She swore on Nathan’s grave that she would. Britt says she’s not the only one swearing on Nathan’s grave. She was there the other day and ran into Peter, who was making a few promises himself.

Finn goes to Maxie and Peter’s apartment, and asks if Peter is ready to do this. Peter says, bring it on, and Finn hands him a garment bag. Magically, they’re dressed in black tie, and Peter says, too much? Finn says, maybe, but he looks good. Peter says, look at them, ready to tie the knot, and Finn says, it’s amazing what the love of a good woman will do.   

Jax tells Alexis, Nina’s pain had unintended side effects. He had to take steps to protect Carly and Josslyn. She says, if he takes Nina’s side, it will give credence to her claim, and asks if there’s any hard evidence. He says, no, and she asks if there were any witnesses. He says, no, and she asks how Nina would benefit by him not sticking to his story. He says, Nina would know he’s on her side.

Nina tells Maxie that she was getting angrier, and lost her composure. She could feel the stares, followed by the cringes. Maxie says, as someone who can share in public cringe-worthiness, solidarity, sister. Nina says she hears that. They were thinking, there’s crazy Nina, having a breakdown again. They should have focused on what Jax and Carly did. That’s why she went to the Commissioner, and told her everything they did. Maxie says, she turned them in? and Nina says, someone has to hold Carly responsible for killing her daughter.

Michael tells Willow, Nelle’s death was an accident. His mother didn’t cause her fall, but But Nina went to the FBI (actually, she didn’t, Jordan did, but I’ll let it pass), and told them a crime was committed. Now they want to interview his mother. Willow says, Nina went for the worst possible course of action, lashing out at Wiley’s other grandmother. Willow tells him, her relationship with Nina has been rocky at best, but then Nina testified at Wiley’s custody hearing. He says, a game changer, and she says, Nina showed up out of compassion for their child. Everything Nina did for Wiley happened before she knew Wiley was her grandson. She may be acting badly now, but people do awful things when they’re grieving. Maybe it will help Nina and Wiley to let them know each other.

Maxie asks if Nina is trying to get the case reopened, and Nina says, damn right. Maxie says that she gets that Nelle is Nina’s daughter, but she was also a raging psychopath. She made Michael and Carly’s lives hell for years. Nina says she’s not excusing Nelle’s litany of crimes, but she was also a person. As her mother, shouldn’t she want to know how Nelle died? Maxie says, of course (🍷), but the question Nina should be asking, is how Nelle became the person she was. Nina says she already knows the answer. Her mother gave Nelle away, and she was raised without any love by a man – Nina starts to cry – who literally sold her for parts. She sits at her desk, crying, and Maxie sits opposite her. She says she can’t imagine what Nina is feeling now, knowing what Nelle went through, and that there was nothing she could do to stop it, but lots of people live difficult lives and experience terrible abuse and hardships, and they still manage to be good people. There came a point where Nelle stopped being a victim of circumstance, and decided to hurt people. Nina wonders if Maxie is saying she should drop it; cut Jax and Carly out of her life. Maxie tells Nina, that’s not for her to say, but she thinks Nina should ask herself, if she was Carly, and saw Nelle go over the cliff, would her first thought be to help her? Or would she be thinking, is Nelle going pull her over the edge if she tries?

Carly whines to Diane that the Feds are going to look for any inconsistency that leads to obstruction of justice just because she’s Sonny’s wife… Sonny’s widow. Diane says, Sonny left behind an allegedly successful enterprise, that’s at present unprotected. Any prosecutor could use the case to uncover it. Carly says, there is no case to make. She’s sticking to her statement.

Alexis asks Jax if he wants some hard earned life advice, and he tells her, go ahead. She says, throwing yourself under the bus because you want to prove you care is not all it’s cracked up to be. He thanks her, and says he should get going; he’s already late. She says, the Feds don’t like to be kept waiting. Does he know what he’s going to do? He says he thinks so.

Obrecht says, Henrik visiting the sacred ground her Nathan is buried in is abhorrent. She hopes Britt spat on him. Britt says she did one better. She talked about how good and decent Nathan was, and how that’s what Maxie loved about him. Obrecht says, it’s moments like these that make her proud, and asks how he responded. Britt says, it bugged him, but he never veered the whole time, giving his I am not my father’s son mantra. Obrecht says, let him believe that, and Britt asks if she ever thinks Peter will follow in their father’s footsteps. Obrecht says, he’s a liar and a murderer, but he’s no Caesar. Britt says, maybe he doesn’t need to be. Maybe he just needs to be a good enough bad guy that even Obrecht won’t catch him. What then?

Valentin says he told Peter that Obrecht had been released, and was probably heading for him, and Anna says, and he admitted to framing her? Valentin says, he did, and arranged the hit on Franco. She wonders why he’d arrange a hit just to abort it, and Valentin says, a fit of conscience, a change in strategy. She asks why he’d order a hit on Franco in the first place, and Valentin says, Franco was having a procedure to reverse the one that had given him Drew’s memories. A possible outcome might have been the memories becoming more intense and vivid. She says, Drew knew something that Peter didn’t want to be common knowledge, and he says, Peter is good at making people disappear who get too close to the truth. She says, he tried with Andre, and Valentin says, he arranged the attack on Andre. That means… She says, he arranged for Drew’s plane to go down.

Nina tells Maxie that Jax and Carly repeatedly lied to the authorities. She’s not wrong to want them to face the consequences. Maxie says she gets that, but she doesn’t know that sending them to prison will give Nina the peace she needs. Only Nina knows that. Nina says Maxie is right. She’s been so focused on making sure they were punished, she wasn’t thinking about Josslyn or Donna. She doesn’t want another child deprived of their parent. Maxie says, there’s one child she hasn’t talked about, who’s waiting for the avalanche of love Nina has stored up. Nina says, Wiley, and Maxie says, don’t tell her that she hasn’t thought about it. Nina says, it’s all she can think about. She’s going to spend time getting to know him. Maxie says if Nina keeps the focus on Wiley and the world she wants with him, she knows Nina will get it. Nina says Maxie is a good friend, and Maxie says, not friend – family. She made a promise with Nina and Britt over Nathan’s grave; together, no matter what. No matter what, she has Nina’s back. Now, she has a hot date with her groom-to-be.    

Obrecht tells Britt, Henrik is weak. He believes he’s worthy of having the scarecrow as a mother, and worthy to take Nathan’s place. He’s desperate to maintain that belief, but he forgot, sooner or later, he’s going to crack. Britt says, all she’s hearing is posturing. Tell her that there’s an actual plan. The wedding is almost on top of them. Obrecht says Britt is right. The operation is moving too slowly. It’s time to confront the beast in its lair.

Finn tells Peter, it probably sounds incredibly corny, but being in love with Anna and being loved by her changed his life in a way he never thought possible. Peter says he never had a maternal presence in his life, and now… Finn asks if he remembers the time without it, and Peter says, quite well, too well. It’s a life he never wants to go back to. Since they’re being corny – Finn says, fire away – sometimes he thinks if there weren’t a mother in his life, he wouldn’t have changed course. He was headed down a dark road, and he’s grateful to put it behind him. Marrying Maxie, and bringing their daughter into the world is the final step in closing the door on the life he had before he met Anna.

Michael tells Willow, someone is making a strong argument for more stories, and she asks if it’s any story in particular, or should they make up a new one? What does daddy think? He says he thinks nothing makes him happier than seeing her with Wiley, and she says she’s pretty sure she knows someone else who would like to see him. He says he knows Nina deserves to see her grandson, but he doesn’t know if it’s the right time. She says, Wiley might fill the hole in Nina’s heart, and bridge the chasm between her and his mother, and he says, the little guy does have a way of bringing people together.

A man walks into the interrogation room, and says he’s Special Agent Wilson from the FBI. He’s there to follow up on some accusations by Nina Reeves regarding the death of Nelle Benson. Diane says they’re eager to cooperate, and he says, then he’ll begin. Nina stated she overheard a conversation between Jasper Jax and Carly, where Carly stated she was present when Nelle fell to her death. Is that true? Diane says, sorry. Is he asking if the statement is true, or if it’s true they had this alleged discussion? Is it the discussion of the event, or the event itself? Wilson apologizes for being unclear, and asks if Carly stated she was present at the time Nelle fell. Carly tells him, she never said that, and he asks if she was present when Nelle fell. She says she stands by her original statement, and he says he’s sure her more than capable attorney advised her to answer yes or no questions with a yes or a no. So was she present when Nelle fell to her death? Carly says, no. He asks about what Nina heard, and Carly says Nina was mistaken about what they were discussing. He says, if they weren’t discussing the events surrounding Nelle’s death, what were they talking about? and Carly says she has no idea. They were laying her husband to rest, and outside of Nina’s outburst, the day was a blur. He says, tell him again what happened on the night in question, and Carly says, she caught up with Nelle in the clearing. They fought, Nelle took off, and she never saw Nelle again. He asks where Jax fits into the scenario, and she says, he showed up after she scuffled with Nelle. He asks if she has anything she’d like to add, and Carly says, no. He thanks her, and asks them to wait outside. Jax is in the squad room, and Wilson tells him, come on in. Carly looks panicked.

Finn sees Alexis at the Bistro, and she says, the groom to be. The day is fast approaching. He says, that it is, and she asks if he’s happy or dreading it; it’s hard to tell with him. Finn sits with her, and says he’s dreading the crowds, and socializing in general. He learned a secret though, Violet taught him that the fuss is really about everyone else. Violet is loving every minute of it, so he guesses he is happy. For him. How about her? She looks happier… happyish. She says she’s had three of these, indicating her coffee cup, and has one of these. She shows him her AA chip, and he says he’s proud of her. He asks if it’s okay to say that, and she says, yeah, but she’s not too proud. It’s her second one for 24 hours in less than a week. Finn looks at it, and says he is proud of her. He believes in her. He knows how hard it is to start day one. If she ever needs a friend, he’s there.

Obrecht tells Britt, there’s been a fortuitous turn of events. She pretended to be a potential advertiser, and inquired about Nina’s assistant Maxie. She found out Maxie has dinner plans with her fiancé tonight, presenting her with the prefect opportunity. Britt says, for what? and Obrecht says, to pay a visit to Maxie and Peter’s home. What a pity they won’t be there. She and Britt laugh.

Wilson asks Diane and her client to join him and Jax in the interrogation room.  

Valentin tells Anna. Peter has been working hard to cover up the true nature of his crimes, which brings them back to Franco. Anna says, Franco has been hearing Peter’s voice in his head, which is really Drew’s memory. Valentin says, Franco’s tumor retuned, so Peter blasted it all over the internet. Anna says, to discredit Franco, and Valentin says, in case he figured out what he was remembering. The only time Drew would have remembered Peter’s voice when he was connected to Shiloh and Cabot… was when they were in Afghanistan. Anna says, right, so Peter was really working with Faison and Helena all along. Valentin says, Peter may have told him months ago, but he didn’t say anything because Anna believed that was in the past, and Peter had been redeemed. He realized that redemption was a lie. She says, it was clear to everyone; to Robert and Jason, and Finn. She blinded herself to who Peter really is, and that makes her just as culpable for the harm he’s done.

Anna says she was thinking about something Alex said, after she shot her. She said the reason she gave Anna the memories of Peter was so she’d protect him, but she didn’t do that. Valentin says, nonsense. He’s the one who delivered Peter to his father. She says she doesn’t mean that; it’s not the entire reason. Cabot’s memory transfer caused her to believe Peter was her son; hers to rescue and raise the same way she did Robin, but she didn’t. She decided she preferred to carry the guilt, and turned her back on him, and that was the reason Alex hated her so much. He says, take it from a man who has to make up for damage that he’s done; Peter’s life ain’t on her. They sit, and Anna takes his hand. She says, okay. Peter’s done what he’s done. The question now is, what do they do about that? He says, take their heads out of the sand; ask the tough questions. Anna says, what’s the point of protecting Peter when he’s putting those they most love at risk? We see she has tears in her eyes.   

Finn hands Alexis’s chip back to her, and she says, say something. He says, maybe, but don’t argue. She says, he doesn’t want to argue? and he says, okay. She’s one of the most brilliant, capable, and kind people he’s ever met. She says he always has her back, and he says he always will. He wants her to treat herself the way she treats other people. Back the hell off, and leave his friend alone. She deserves better. He says he wants her to do what it takes, lean on who she needs to lean on. Crawl, scream, do what she has to in order to get through, but get through. She deserves better.  

Peter’s phone rings, and he says, Anna. If she’s looking for Finn, he just left. She says she was hoping to talk to him. Can he come by the house? He says, sure. He’s about to meet Maxie, but if it’s important… She says, it is. It’s important that they talk.

Maxie sees Britt at the club, and Britt says, fancy meting her there. This place is great. They have an impressive selection of mocktails. Does Maxie want to sit and have a baby-friendly drink? Maxie says, sure, before Peter gets here. It’s their last date night. Britt says she can’t wait, and Maxie says she’s been thinking about Britt. She was just talking to Nina. Her sister Georgie is gone, and Lulu is out of commission. She and Nina were remembering when they made that promise in Nathan’s memory, and it’s good to know that she has sisters looking out for her again.

Obrecht breaks into Maxie and Peter’s apartment. We see the envelope from D. Marick on the table with the mail.  

Wilson says he wants to speak to both Carly and Jax. In the absence of hard evidence, and no witnesses, they have no reason to pursue the case. The case will remain closed. He thanks them for their cooperation, and Diane thanks him. She asks if he’d like to go brief the Commissioner together, and they leave. Carly says, thank God it’s over, and Jax says, the legal part. Nina isn’t happy. Carly says she doesn’t care, and she doesn’t feel bad. Jax says she has every right to be angry and upset, but he’s just saying, there’s going to be fallout.

There’s a knock at Nina’s office door. Willow and Michael come in with Wiley, and Michael says they were wondering if Nina was up for a visit. Wiley waves at her in all his cuteness. 

Tomorrow, Olivia tells Alexis that she has five minutes, Anna thinks it’s time she and Peter face the truth, and Carly tells someone if they don’t play their cards right, it will be their last.

🤹‍♀️ A couple of random things. While I didn’t see The Real Housewives of Dallas, I did catch some of Marge and Delores (RHONJ) watching it. The highlight was a drunk shopping trip, where the women thought a charcuterie board was for spanking. Good thing they bought it, since they’d tested it out. Repeatedly. Ricki Lake and John Waters were virtual guests on Watch What Happens Live, and told a ton of good stories. They also pulled out some souvenirs from their Hairspray days, which proved one way being remote is good. People can run into the other room and find stuff to show us.  

✂️ (Almost) Bald Is Beautiful…

A backstage look at Cameron’s new ‘do.

☕️ Coaching the Countess…

I need a sober coach to watch.


🥤 Just a Bigger Solo Cup…

It’s as good an excuse as any.


‘RHONJ’: Teresa Giudice Reacts To Report Claiming She’s ‘Terrified’ of Being ‘Axed’ From Show


I love Cobra Kai.


🎸 Making It Home For 24 Years…

There’s got to be something better than in the middle.


🏆 The Best Of Them…

According to Parade anyway.

🎂 They Say It’s Your Birthday…

In celebration of Drew’s 46th, a whole bunch of pictures. I love her, and hope her new talk show makes it.

📌 That’s a Fact…

Abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass was born into slavery sometime around 1818 in Talbot County, Maryland. He became one of the most famous intellectuals of his time, advising presidents and lecturing to thousands on a range of causes, including women’s rights and Irish home rule. – from Biography.com

You can read more about him here: https://www.biography.com/activist/frederick-douglass

🤸 As Tuesday Turns To Wednesday…

I’ll be interviewing underground rap artist, Mumm-ra tomorrow for MUPO Entertainment. He sounds like an interesting guy, who’s also a comic buff and collector. Same. See you in Salt Lake tomorrow, when the Reunion wraps up, and it’s their last chance to rip more bandages off. Until then, stay safe, stay inquisitive, and stay deserving of whatever code name you choose.