Tag Archives: Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky

September 21, 2017 – Patient 6 Makes a Move, Jeff Just Plain Moves & I Still Hate Jax


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Curtis brings Jordan flowers.

Kristina and Parker meet outside of Kelly’s. Valerie sees them, and puts a move on Kristina, who tells her that Parker knows everything. Parker goes to get a table, and Valerie asks Kristina if she and Parker are good now. Kristina tells her that they’re going to talk.

Sam messes with Jason’s bedding, making the end of the bed the way he likes it. She tells him the kids will be there soon, and that she made all the lights on the way there. She wants him to get better, wake up, and come home to them. Sonny walks in.

Dante tells Lulu that Valentin got Ava to recant her statement. Her testimony is worthless now. He thinks it was part of a deal, in return for her getting into the clinic. Lulu asks Charlotte to go play while she runs something past her poppa. She tells Valentin drop the act, and asks what he did to Ava.

At the clinic, Ava can’t leave Patient 6 alone. She’s startled to see his sunglasses off, and says he has blue eyes. He probably knows that.

Jordan prevents Curtis from coming in. He says they need to talk, but she says she’s not in the mood. TJ comes out and asks what’s going on. She says that she and Curtis need to talk privately. Jordan asks Curtis what he wants. He says things got heated, and not in a fun way. He wonders if they can’t focus on what they have, and build from that. She tells him it’s not like they were arguing about what’s on TV. She asks if he’s going to work for Sonny.

Sonny tells Sam that he’s sorry to interrupt, and Sam says he’s not. She tells Sonny that the staff is wonderful, but she has to remind them about the sheets. He asks how she’s doing, and she says not so good. She feels like if she leaves, it becomes real. Sonny says she made the right decision. He did the same thing with Michael, and it was also difficult to put Morgan in the institution. Both places were great for his boys, and she needs to tell herself that. She hopes he can hear her, but wishes there was a way for him to tell her that he’s okay. Sonny says Michael was like a sounding board for him.

Lulu says it’s disgusting how Valentin is manipulating the situation. She asks what he offered Ava. She was almost fooled, and thought he really wanted to reach an agreement. He says his criminal record is actually cleaner than hers. They can go through the trouble of a hearing, or agree to share custody.

Ava tells Patient 6 that she had herself convinced he was Nikolas. She told herself a whole story about how he fell into the water and Valentin’s men brought him here. Which totally makes sense. She says then she would be the one to find him, and it wouldn’t matter that she sold him out. She hopes he forgives her flight of fancy, and she’ll do what she should have – leave him in peace. He watches her leave.

Curtis says that Jordan isn’t being fair. He’s not trying to work for the mob. He says he was just going to do regular P.I. stuff. She tells him that Sonny will use what information he gets to establish dominance. Curtis says it’s none of his business what his clients do with what he gives them. He can’t control it, but there are lines he won’t cross; he’ll establish boundaries with Sonny. Jordan says that his association with Sonny has already crossed her boundaries. She needs time to think about things. He says time-out seems to be what they do best.

Sam asks Sonny if his plan to leave the business is on hold. He says he’s always done what he can to protect his family, which includes her. She tells Sonny that she and Jason had a rule. He’d answer any question she asked, unless it made her an accessory. She says that their life together has been different since he came back.

Patient 6 undoes the restraints, and starts to get out of his chair, but hears someone coming in. It’s Ava, followed by Dr. Kline. He tells her that Dr. Baronski referred him to her. She says Valentin told her to see Dr. Baronski, but Dr. Kline says that he handles the most severe cases. When she asks how long it will take to get her face back, he says it’s a cumulative process; one step leads to the next. The nurse comes in, and Dr. Kline tells her to give Patient 6 the full dose. He tells Ava that they’re tranquilizers, and Patient 6 must be under sedation at all times. The nurse prepares the shot.

Kristina talks about Scout, but Parker is distracted. She says there’s a guy following them. Kristina explains that it’s a guy from her dad. Parker says they must really not want her around Kristina. Kristina tells her about Jason, saying that it’s been hard on the family. It sucks, but comes with the territory. Parker didn’t realize how quickly Kristina had to grow up, but knew she was more self-possessed than most of her students.

In the park, Curtis is flinging the bouquet around, and Valerie asks what the flowers did to him. instead of abusing helpless floral arrangements, maybe he’d like to talk. She tells him that maybe they’ll be cousins. She might have to adopt Stella; she’s a riot. Curtis tells her about having professional difficulties with Jordan, like they did.

Jordan tells TJ thanks for skating. He says he wasn’t going to let her use him as an avoidance excuse. She explains that Curtis wants to offer Sonny his services, and is probably working for him already. TJ says he’s a P.I., and it’s no secret that they negotiate grey areas. Jordan says that she believes in the law, not delving into the realm of ambiguity. Please. Lighten up.

Valentin tells Lulu that no one has the upper hand as far as parenting goes. The best thing for Charlotte is shared custody. They live in the same town, she has friends and family there, and a good life. He wants to keep it that way. He proposes alternating weeks. Charlotte returns, and asks about Bailey. Valentin suggests they get an update.

Lulu tells Dante that Valentin is always one step ahead of them. Dante says whatever she wants to do is fine with him. Bailey comes back out with her mother, and wants Valentin in on the discussion with the doctor.

Ava asks Dr. Kline why the need to control Patient 6? The doctor says he’s a danger, especially to others. He was subjected to severe trauma, and his mind broke. Any approach is an attack, and he fights back. They believe heavy sedation is kinder than 24/7 restraints. Ava asks if they can help him, and Dr. Kline asks why she cares. Patient 6 is given his shot.

Ave tells the doctor she needs a distraction. The first time she saw him, it was shocking, but it gave her something else to think about. She notices that the drug they gave Patient 6 is ketamine. She remarks that it’s used on horses. Dr. Kline says he’s eager to work with her; she could be his greatest success. He would hate for her to be sent away before they even get started. He suggests she find something else to do, and in the interest of her own recovery, leave Patient 6 alone. Unnoticed, Patient 6 moves his hand to his face.

Sam tells Sonny that she and Jason are more settled now. They used to be ride or die, but stopped living each day like it was their last, and started living like they could raise their kids and be happy together. Sonny says that kids do that to parents. She says she has a life she never imagined, and never wants to let it go. Sonny says he’s partly to blame, and wants to make it right. He thinks he knows where to start.

Dr. Brown goes over Bailey’s treatment, explaining that in her case, bracing is the best choice. She can have outpatient care. He talks about Shriners having the best cutting-edge treatment. They have the full spectrum in the same place just for kids. Obviously, this is the daily advertisement within the show for Shriners Hospitals, but it’s a good thing. Not like when they mention Aveeno fifty times during the Nurses’ Ball.

Curtis says look what happened last year, but Valerie doesn’t want to relive it. He tells her that Stella apologized. Valerie thinks she’s hilarious. She means well, and Valerie thinks he does too, and she doesn’t want him to make same mistake that he did with her. She wants him to be happy, and thinks he should ask himself if he’s willing to make the necessary sacrifices to make Jordan happy.

Jordan says that TJ lost his father, Shawn went to prison, and her bad choices crossed the line. He’s paid the price, and she doesn’t want that to happen anymore.

Parker tells Kristina that what they did back then was wrong. Kristina says that she’s no longer a confused co-ed. She’s out and proud, and has family and friends who are supportive, positive, and accepting. Parker is proud of her. She tells Kristina that things happen for a reason, and she’s grateful that Kristina came into her life. She says that Kristina is great at knowing what she wants, and going for it. Kristina kisses her.

TJ tells Jordan that he knows she has past guilt, but she shouldn’t be afraid to be happy. He tells her to stop trying to make up for what she put him through, and make up for it by being happy. She asks how he got so damn smart, and he tells her, books. He appreciates everything she’s done, every sacrifice she’s made, but he’s grown, even if he’s still a tax deduction. He doesn’t want her sacrificing her happiness again. No more punishing herself. The past is the past, and he came out okay. He has the best mom in the world, and he wishes she’d believe it

Curtis thanks Valerie. He hopes she finds love again, and gives her the flowers. His phone rings, and he says it’s the conflict of interest reaching out. Valerie leaves, and Curtis asks Sonny what’s up. Sonny has a job, but doesn’t want to talk about it over the phone. Curtis decides to pass. He knows what he said, but he has to stay above board and can’t get involved in a conflict. If it was just him, it would be different, but too many people that he cares about will be affected. Sonny says no hard feelings. He’s a great friend, but sometimes you have to do the right thing and protect the people you love.

Parker tells Kristina that they can’t do this; it’s still wildly inappropriate. Kristina thinks it’s the age difference, and reminds Parker that she just said how much she admires Kristina. Parker says that’s not the issue. She can’t lose her career over this.

Bailey’s mom thanks Valentin. Charlotte hugs him, saying that he made everything right for Bailey. She goes back with Bailey, and Lulu tells Valentin there’s no doubt Charlotte loves him. He says hopefully, she’ll take that into consideration. He’s offered shared custody, and would like to get on with life, and have Charlotte settled and secure. Doesn’t she want the same?

Patient 6 starts to get up, but fails. Ava is like, omg.

Curtis goes back to Jordan, and tells her that he spoke to Sonny and turned him down. He wants to help Jason, but he doesn’t want to lose her. She laughs, saying she was about to tell him that she acted a little harsh. He says he’ll call Sonny right now then, and make some money. She says they should at least talk, and find a solution that’s best for the both of them. He says no more fights as reasons to walk away? She suggests that they use them to start a conversation, not end one. She reminds him about telling her that he loved her, and that he wanted to know what she thought. He says he still does. She says that if she hadn’t walked out, she would have told him that she loves him too. Curtis is finally locked down.

Kristina doesn’t understand what a relationship with Parker would have to do with her career. She’s not in her class anymore. Parker says that Kristina is still a student at PCU, and she’s working on getting tenure. Maybe if it doesn’t work out, and she applies elsewhere, they can explore it, but now isn’t a good time. She says she’s sorry. The last thing she wanted to do was make Kristina want her.

Lulu tells Valentin that they both love Charlotte and want what’s best for her. She’ll have Diane send the paperwork to him. They’ll have alternate weeks. She wants him to understand that little girls grow up though, and he can’t keep Charlotte in the dark forever. One day she’ll see him for the man he really is.

Ava tells Patient 6 that the nurse gave him a whole vial of Special K. How is possible he’s moving? She tells him that his zombie act isn’t working. He’s trying to hide that the drugs aren’t affecting him, and if he’s so dangerous, maybe she should warn them. He looks her in the eye.

Sam tells Sonny that she doesn’t care. She’s not ready to let him go.

Ava tells Patient 6 that if she rats him out, she’ll only give herself away. Here’s the deal. If he gets out of the chair and starts rampaging around, don’t come after her. He owes her. She leaves, but when she opens the door, hears a cellphone ring nearby, so she slips back into the room. Dr. Kline answers the phone, and says that things have remained unchanged, and it appears there’s no more trouble. He appears to understand. The doctor listens listens, and says that he’s strong, but he’s not a superhero. They can’t give him more without killing him. As soon as the doctor is gone, Ava quietly slips into the hallway.

Patient 6 gets up.

Tomorrow, Franco says his imaginary friend is real, Michael has business to wrap up, and Carly knows about Josslyn meeting Oscar.

😵 👶 On Flipping Out, Jeff and company moved into the new house. Construction had been stalled, so there’s a lot of mess and unfinished areas. The truck was about to arrive, and Jeff pulled up to find a neighbor parked in front of his driveway gate, where he said she’s parked before. He told her that he’s moving in today and this is going to change as of now. She had the nerve to respond that it’s a public place. Well, that may be, but it’s against the law to block a driveway, and for good reason. I’m so on Jeff’s side, having dealt with this issue many times with people doing construction on neighboring houses. I don’t think there was one time a guy didn’t argue with me when I asked him to please move his truck. One even asked if I needed my driveway. Nah, it’s just there for show. Really? Jeff asked if this is how they’re starting the relationship, and said welcome to the neighborhood. During a talk on design, we found out that Jeff hates red. I can understand not liking it in large doses, but I love a red accent. He’s in a better place with Gage now, although baby Monroe is still wailing her head off at every opportunity. Gage explained that Jeff needs change, and that’s why he goes along with moving every year. Jeff’s therapist had him blue-sky, and told him that if you can see things in your mind’s eye, you can create them. Seeing a million dollars right now… Nope, didn’t work. Lea Black introduced Jeff to the “Queen of Versailles,” Jackie Siegel, who needs some work done on her palace. Next time, we take a look inside, where “the entryway is bigger than a lot of homes.”

🐄  🐓 Jax. What I can I say? I never liked him much, but I like him even less now. Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky is almost at an end, and he’s proven to be an even bigger idiot than ever before. I don’t mind stupid. Not everyone is born to be bright, but this guy is nasty. I don’t know if he’s getting tired of her or what, but he’s treating Brittany like sh*t. And on her home turf. He also says whatever he thinks will get him over. I don’t think he’s fooling her father any though. My father would have booted his ass back to LA by now. He had the nerve to mention that she’s gained weight. Her me-maw, or whatever she calls her grandmother, totally put Jax in his place, pointing out his own spare tire, but you just don’t do that. Even worse, was that he kept telling anyone who would listen that she’d lost “some of her spark.” Wtf does that mean? I understand that many in the Twitterverse believe this to be code for her weight gain – mind you, she’s not a whale by any stretch of the imagination – but that seemed like a separate issue. I think it’s code for, I’m tired of this relationship, since a relationship takes work.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why she’s still with him. I don’t get the vibe that it’s just to be on TV. Does she look at him like a fixer upper? She could still do better. I thought if I heard him say she lost her spark one more time, I was going to scream. He claimed that she didn’t seem happy. Other than her possibly being a little homesick, which is natural when you go home, nobody else knew wtf he was talking about. Brittany seemed like she was having a great time, until Jax started with this nonsense. And this was after he’d told her mother and grandma that he wanted to marry her. Why? Did he think that’s what they wanted to hear (another why), and then get scared that he’d have to follow through? He even showed them a picture of a ring that he claimed he wanted to get for her. He scored points with the family by matching the donations from an IVF fundraiser for Brittany’s sister and BIL. A lovely thing to do, providing he ponies up, but I’ll bet LVP will shame him into it if he falters. He managed to negate the points by consistently reminding Brittany that he pays for everything, saying that she would have nothing if it wasn’t for him. When I thought he couldn’t sink any lower, he started this crap in front of a couple of family members, and Brittany said he does this all the time.

He also made a jerk of himself when they ran into Brittany’s ex at a bar. Then I really wondered what she sees in Jax. This guy was smokin’ hot, Jax was not happy, and got extra drunk. The past has shown that Jax plus alcohol plus exes do not mix. He stopped short of starting a fight, either realizing that he’d probably be no match for this dude, or getting a glimmer of understanding that it’s not a good look on TV. I don’t know if he thinks these people are stupid, but they’re far from it. And they’ve been very gracious to him. What could have been a really fun trip, has turned into a nightmare for Brittany. Jax is more of a chore than shoveling horsesh*t.


Trinket&Felicia (5)

Felicia sez: What?