Tag Archives: Pachelbel’s Canon in D

March 26, 2019 – Jason Slams Shiloh, Denise Gets Married, Sorry Adan, Caroline Again & Peaceful Ending


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Lulu meets Dante outside of the house, saying, she was just going to call. She asks how Sonny is, and he asks why she’s outside. She says Rocco is waiting with his baseball cards, and she wanted to warn him… He brushes past her and goes inside. There’s a surprise party waiting, and Olivia hugs him.

Anna sits on the steps outside, reading a letter. Peter approaches, and asks if everything is okay, but she says, no.

Chase sees Finn in Charlie’s. Finn thought he was going away for a long weekend, but Chase says, change of plans. Finn asks if something happened between him and Willow. Chase says, in a way. Her ex is in town. Finn says, the timing stinks. It was going good; does he want her back? Chase says, in a way (phrase of the day), and Finn asks if it’s a problem. Chase doesn’t think so, but Willow doesn’t want to get involved yet. She’s worried about being around her ex, given their history. Finn asks if he was abusive, and Chase says it’s not his story to tell, but she’s scared of him. Finn asks if it’s not enough to involve the police. Chase says, he’s influential, and Willow is afraid they’ll believe him over her. Willow said she needed more time to think about it. Chase wants to be there for her, but he’s not sure she’ll let him. She needs someone in her corner, but he’s not sure if she thinks he’s the right guy. Does Finn have any idea what that feels like? Finn says he’s sure he does.

Alexis asks Sonny how he’s handling DOD, but he says she doesn’t need to know. That’s what she thought. She dials her phone, saying she knows how he handles situations. Sonny tells her, slow it down. She asks to speak with Jordan. Sonny says, hang up, and she says, it’s urgent.

Outside Kelly’s, Shiloh tells Jason that his anger is a manifestation of his fear. Sam is breaking new boundaries and she’s opening herself up to him. The more she does, the more intimate and intense the process grows, and the better it gets for her. Let him do for Jason what he’s doing for her. He touches Jason’s shoulder, and Jason grabs him by the throat and slams him up against the wall. Shiloh slides down. Sam sees, and shouts, Jason!

Sonny tells Alexis, hang up. She says to have Jordan call her. She has information about a possible crime. Sonny wishes she hadn’t done that. He needs to protect their daughter. Alexis says, from what? and he says he’s worried she’s involved in a cult. She’s turning her back on her family to please the leader. Alexis says the answer isn’t murder, and he asks, who said anything about murder? She says she’s all ears. What does he have planned for Shiloh?

Sam runs over to Shiloh, who says, it was so fast. A waitress from Kelly’s has come out, and says she’s calling 911. Jason could have killed him. Jason says, but he didn’t.

Chase asks Finn if an old flame of Anna’s is getting in the way. Finn says Anna’s ex is cool; likes him, but Anna’s sister said something. Chase is surprised to hear Anna has a sister. Finn says, an identical twin, but they’re not close. She said she thinks their relationship is temporary because Finn won’t be able to keep up with Anna. Chase asks if he believes that. Finn says he doesn’t think about the future too much, but they are different, and took different paths. Chase says maybe they balance each other out. Finn says, maybe. Or maybe he’s a nice diversion from her real life. Chase’s phone dings, and he says dispatch needs him at Kelly’s. To be continued. They wish each other good luck with their respective ladies.

Peter asks if Anna wants to talk, but she says, no. She doesn’t want to trouble him. He says he asked, and sits. She says she was on her way to see Finn, and the letter was in her doorway. It’s from Griff. He’s gone. He left town. He didn’t say where he was going, but that he needs to get out of Port Charles. Peter says he’s sorry. He knows they were close. Anna says it’s been hard for Griff since Kiki. She should have been there more for him, but took him for granted, thinking he’d always be in her life. She’s only known Griff for a few years, but he feels like… Peter says, the son she never had.

Olivia tells Dante, welcome home, baby boy. Rocco says he’s still there, and Olivia says, he’s home for good. Dante tells Rocco, don’t worry. Lulu says she wasn’t sure if he was up for a big gathering. Olivia says her son is a hero. Him being home safe is cause for celebration. Ned says he knows how much Olivia likes to throw a party, and welcomes him home. Michael and Maxie hug him. Dante says, this is great. If he’d known, he would have gone away more often. Olivia tells him, don’t joke. She was worried sick. They’ll have to make up the guest room, since she’s keeping an eye on him. Michael tells Ned, the house is going to seem empty, and Ned says he’s pretty sure she’s joking. Maxie asks where he was, and Lulu says, that’s still classified. Maxie says, no exclusive? Dante flashes back to saying he will complete the mission.

Sam tells Shiloh, the bleeding has stopped. The waitress says, he could have a concussion. Shiloh says he was more surprised than anything. He just tried to assure Jason that DOD is a safe harbor. He thought they were just talking, and can’t imagine what he did to offend Jason that he’d lash out with such violence. He asks if Jason does this to everybody, or is he a special case? The waitress tells them to wait for the police to sort it out

Curtis tells Dante that his mother-in-law is doing a fantastic job. Jordan asks how long before Dante comes back; Chase need a partner. Dante asks, where is that ingrate? Jordan says his desk is waiting for him, and Dante says he thought Chase was partnered with Valerie. Jordan says it was just so she could shadow a senior officer. Curtis tells her that Dante just got home. Chill on the work talk. She says she’ll do that after she checks her messages. Lulu is looking at Dante, and he says, what? She tells him that he’ll probably catch her staring at him for at least a week. He wants check on Rocco.

Anna tells Peter that he’s really unfair. She’d never use Griff as a replacement. He says when she looks in Griff’s eyes, she sees Duke, the love of her life. When she looks in his eyes, she sees Faison, who terrorized her for decades. Anna says she’s tried to keep on building a relationship with him, but it’s hard when he doesn’t answer her texts or phone messages. He says he’s busy, but she says he’s avoiding her. He insists his excuse is legitimate. He’s sorry Griff took off, but thinks Anna is pursuing a relationship with him because it’s her obligation. She cries, and says he’s wrong. She’s pursuing a relationship with him because she’s his mother.

Shiloh tells Sam, sorry. He had no idea what she meant about Jason being controlling, and the violence he’s capable of. That she broke free is incredible. He gives her credit. Sam says she sees clearly why she needs DOD. She needs peace, enlightenment, and she needs him. Chase arrives, saying he heard there was a disturbance. The waitress says she works there, and Jason attacked Shiloh for no reason. He asks if she witnessed the attack. She says she turned around and saw Shiloh reach out, and Jason shoved him into the wall. Jason could have killed him.

Sonny tells Alexis, the less she knows, the better, in case something goes south. She says he’s confusing her with Carly. Carly would look the other way while he wreaks havoc on whoever didn’t do what he wanted. She’s an officer of the court. Jordan calls, and Sonny says, don’t involve the cops for Kristina’s sake. It could just make it worse. Jordan says she got a message that Alexis has information about a possible crime. What’s going on?

Anna tells Peter, perhaps they wouldn’t have a relationship if they weren’t related, but they are. He’s her son. Peter says she gave him up. She doesn’t understand. He can forgive Obrecht, who tortured him for weeks, and Valentin, who gave him over to Faison. Even if he believes she made a mistake in giving him over to a loving family, it’s what she thought she was doing. She was really young, and overwhelmed. He says that’s where she loses him every time. She wasn’t an adolescent who got pregnant by accident. She was a WSB agent, with nerves of steel. Anna Devane, cold, calculating, and a success. She could have provided for him, but a baby didn’t fit into her plans. He’s not accepting her excuse. She knows it didn’t work out the way it was supposed to, but she gave him up to save him from Faison. Even if he sees it as a mistake, she doesn’t understand why he can forgive everyone else, but not her.

Maxie shows Dante pictures of James. Lulu says how cute he is, and Maxie says, he’s a showboat. He fusses all the time when no one is around, but then smiles when he sees Peter. Dante says she’s been spending time with Faison’s son, and she says he’s James’s uncle. She knows she asked him to be James’s godfather before, but when she had James, she and Lulu weren’t on the best terms. Then, when they were, he was gone. Now that he’s back, she’d like to make it official. She asks Dante and Lulu to be James’s godparents. She knows they’ll both be there for her son.

Ned tells Laura that he’s glad to see her back, safe and sound. Laura says she was thinking about how Ryan endorsed her. If he swayed even one voter, it makes her feel sick. Ned says she won, fair and square, but that’s beside the point. He’s glad she’s okay. She says he’s a good guy, and asks if anyone has ever told him that he’s an awful lot like his grandfather. He says he could never determine if it was a cut or a compliment. She says, compliment.

Alexis tells Jordan that she may have exaggerated, but has it on good authority that someone might be targeting Shiloh. Jordan asks, how? Alexis tells her, all she can say is, keep an eye on things. They’ll talk later. Sonny wishes she hadn’t done that. She says he keeps saying that, but if she’s saved one person’s life, even if it’s creepy Shiloh, she’ll rest easy. He says there’s no threat from him or Jason. Not this week. He just wants their daughter out of the cult.

Chase reiterates that the waitress wasn’t watching. She says they were conversing, just talking. He asks if it seemed like a fight. She says Shiloh was talking, and Chase asks if she can describe the conversation. Did Jason say anything? She says Jason was just standing there, and bam! he had Shiloh be the throat, and slammed him into the wall. He ask if any customers witnessed what happened. She says it was so fast, when she turned around, Shiloh was down. Chase says, so no one else saw, and asks Sam if she’d say the account is accurate.

Curtis asks if Jordan is sure someone else can’t handle it. She says, it’s just a feeling she got from Alexis’s call. She’s putting her ear to the ground, and seeing if she can’t find out more. She leaves.

Maxie texts, and Lulu looks over her shoulder. Lulu says, she’s texting Peter. Maxie asks why Lulu is sneaking up on her. Lulu says she was so focused on texting, she didn’t notice. Interesting how she keeps downplaying spending all that time with Peter. What’s going on? Maxie wonders if Lulu is asking for her sake or Peter’s, and Lulu says, both. She doesn’t want Maxie stringing him along when he wants more. Unless she does. Maxie says Lulu’s husband is home. They should celebrate.

Anna asks if Peter will ever be able to forgive her. He gets Maxie’s text, asking him to meet her at Charlie’s. He says he has to go. Anna says, please, but he says it has nothing to do with forgiveness. She keeps saying she wants him in her life, but every time she looks at him, she sees something she wants to forget. The memory of his father will always be a defining point in their relationship, no matter what. Anna says, the child of her enemy. He sees a mother who abandoned him, and that’s all they’ll ever be to each other. Unless they get to know one another, and make new memories to overcome the past ones; open their lives to each other. She’ll never give up hope. She tells him that she has to go to Charlies, and he says that’s where he’s headed too. Does she want him to give her a ride? She nods, and says she’d like that.

Michael says it’s good to have Dante back. Dante is sorry about Nelle and the baby. Michael says, not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about Jonah, but keeping busy helps. Being Wiley’s godfather is amazing. Dante says, so all is good, but Michael says, it’s not all good. Kristina is in a cult. Molly thinks she’s been brainwashed. He doesn’t know how much is true, but Kristina is the type who can be manipulated like that. She’s not like Dante and him. Dante flashes back to saying, will complete the mission. Olivia brings out the food.

At the station, Shiloh tells Chase that he was leaving the restaurant, when Jason approached him, and told him to stay away from Danny, saying Danny was off limits. He shouldn’t talk to him or even look at him. The next thing he knew, Jason had him by the throat. Chase says the waitress said they’d been talking for several minutes. Can he recall what was said between Jason’s warning and the attack? Shiloh says he tried to tell Jason that his group, DOD, was about spiritual growth and peaceful resolution. Sam has been on a journey of discovery, and Danny joined her. He told Jason the DOD door was open if he wanted to join them both. Chase says, no hostile gesture? and Shiloh says, none whatsoever. Jason glares at him.

People start leaving Dante’s party. Dante thanks Curtis for looking after Lulu. Curtis is glad Dante’s back, and Dante tells him to let his wife know that Chase never showed to his welcome home party. Olivia starts clearing the buffet table, and Lulu asks what she’s doing. Olivia doesn’t want to leave the mess for Lulu, but Lulu says Olivia fed all of them, and she and Dante could use some time to reconnect. She takes Rocco to get cleaned up, and Dante tells Olivia, don’t cry. She says she’s so happy. She was sick with worry the whole time. For so long it was just him and her, and she knew she couldn’t give him everything he deserved. He says she did great, and she says she did her best. Every decision she made was to keep him safe. She watched him grow, and realized her job was just going to get harder. He’s not the kind of man who will ever be content to be safe. He’s a hero, in every sense of the word, and she couldn’t be prouder. Dante says he’s the man he is today because of her, and her sacrifices. She’s his hero. She cries and hugs him. He says he couldn’t have asked for a better mom. As she’s on her way out, he says he loves her, and she says she loves him more.

Shiloh says if Chase knew anything about him, he’d know Shiloh is committed to non-violence. Chase asks if Shiloh made physical contact at any time. Shiloh says he may have put a hand out to reassure Jason. Chase says, might or did? and Shiloh says he touched Jason’s arm. Chase asks if Jason disputes anything, but he has nothing to say without his attorney. Jordan comes in, and takes Chase to the side. She says there was an altercation between Jason and Shiloh, and two witnesses saw Jason attack Shiloh unprovoked? Chase is pretty sure it’s not that simple. Between them, he thinks there’s more than meets the eye. He wants to cut both of them loose. Jordan thinks about the call from Alexis, and sees Sam come in. She says she doesn’t think that’s a good idea.

Sonny tells Alexis that he’s not planning on killing Shiloh. If anything happened, and Kristina thinks it’s his fault, she’ll blame herself. Better to keep Shiloh breathing than cause Kristina more pain. She asks, why not say that in the first place?

Dante looks at the welcome home sign. Rocco startles him with a hug from behind. He wants to say goodnight. Rocco goes upstairs, and Lulu asks if Dante is okay. He says, it’s just that… and she says, it’s overwhelming being bombarded by his nearest and dearest all at the same time? He says she could say that. She asks if he wants to meet upstairs and keep celebrating. They kiss, and he says, sounds great. She goes to put Rocco to bed. Dante flashes back to his dream of loading the gun, saying he will complete the mission, and shooting Lulu. He says, I will complete the mission. He flips the table over, and everything goes flying.

Anna sees Finn at Charlie’s, and Peter says he’ll leave them to it, Anna thanks him. She looks pretty happy, and Finn asks if there’s anything she wants to share, but she says, no. At least not yet. He’s sorry about Griff. Anna says, he left town. Finn knows Griff is like a son to her. She looks at Peter, and says Griff never was.

Maxie comes in, and hugs Peter. He asks, how was the homecoming party? and she says, interesting. Dante was exhausted, but he’s not fully there yet. Peter says he was in deep cover; it’s to be expected. She’s sorry she didn’t bring him, but she didn’t want it to be awkward. Peter says Dante was not his biggest fan when he came to town. It would have been an uncomfortable plus one.

Lulu finds Dante asleep. She gets in bed. She sees the scars on his back, and says, oh my gosh! Dante dreams of saying he understands. The mission will be completed.

Sonny tells Alexis they have to arrange to bring Kristina home. Alexis says she’s an adult, ready to write her family off, and call DOD home. Are they going to lock her in a room until she agrees? That’s kidnapping. Sonny asks what’s her plan? but she doesn’t have one. He says, exactly, and tells her, listen to him. Kristina and Morgan were the kids most like him. They don’t ask for help, and just spiral until they hit rock bottom or someone catches them. God forbid it’s someone who doesn’t have their best interest at heart. When Morgan died, he promised he’d never miss a cry for help. The more he hears about DOD, the louder the cry. They have to get her out of there. If they don’t think it through carefully, it could backfire in an unexpected way.

Jordan places Jason under arrest, and reads him his rights. Shiloh smirks. Sam looks at Jason.

Tomorrow, Willow doesn’t trust Shiloh, Dante is afraid of what was done to him, Jordan tells Jason it’s in everyone’s best interest if he cooperates, and Shiloh tells Sam that Jason tried to kill him.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Erika meets with her creative team. Creative director, Mikey says they’re going on tour. They’re doing many costume changes in fifteen cities. In her interview, Erika says it’s an hour-long show in three acts: new material, vintage Erika Jayne, and new material. Mikey shows them sketches of the costumes. In her interview, Erika says they’re coming from changing clothes in the hallway. We flash back to Erika having to go through a kitchen to get to the stage. Erika gets all excited about the costumes, but IMO it’s no Lady Gaga attire. She opens some champagne, and they toast to selling out.

Kyle meets Dorit for shopping. They need to find Denise a wedding gift. Dorit knows she’ll be carrying Kyle’s bags. Babydoll Teddi joins them (bleh). All she knows is Denise likes tequila. Kyle tells them about the dinner where Denise went on and on about Aaron’s penis size. Dorit (which tried to autocorrect to dirt – ha-ha!) can’t believe the wedding is in two days. Kyle says she can’t go because of the company anniversary party. She’s curious about what kind of wedding can be pulled off in two days, and wants pictures. She’s thinking, disaster.

Denise and Aaron check out Cypress Sea Cove, bringing along Denise’s assistant, Mikey. What’s with these grown men named Mikey? It’s gorgeous, and looks like a little village. Denise thinks it looks like it’s out of a storybook. It’s so much what you don’t get in Malibu. They still need to get pretty much everything. Owner Matthew explains how they set up for weddings. In Denise’s interview, she says she had the big Hollywood wedding to Charlie. The wedding was much better than the marriage. Aaron tells the manager the wedding is in two days, and Denise says they’re setting themselves up for a challenge. In her interview, she says Aaron wants to get married on a date with the number eight in it. His divorce was finalized two weeks before September 8th. Denise thinks the venue is beautiful and magical. They’ll take it.

Kyle says if Denise pulls it off, it will be a miracle. Teddi says she didn’t have a big wedding, and it still took six months. Dorit tells them that her wedding planner was in London. We see pictures of her wedding, and she says it was a Gatsby/Roaring 20s theme at the Rainbow Room. The best moment of her life, and one of the most beautiful memories. Kyle tells Teddi that she’s going to see LVP. Teddi says she said her piece, and has nothing else to say. Dorit thinks LVP might make jabs. In Kyle’s interview, she says it’s not fun being stuck in the middle. She tried getting Teddi and LVP together. We see clips of her calling LVP, who says she has no interest in it, and calling Teddi, who tells Kyle that she has nothing else to say. Kyle says, maybe it’s selfish, but it would make her life easier if everyone was okay. They see a glassware set that they love, and Dorit says she’ll get the tequila; they can get the stuff that goes with it. We see the glassware comes to over five hundred bucks. Teddi is sure there will be no issue at the wedding. Kyle says nobody is going to do that, and they all laugh.

LisaR tells us that she’s busy. She goes to QVC once a month, and her hustle is still strong. She needs to support the family – #WhatDoesHarryDo – and the business is huge; more than anyone realizes. She FaceTimes with Denise, saying she’s making it back for Denise’s wedding. In her interview, LisaR doesn’t think Denise is rushing into it. She’s seen Denise struggle, and she would have married Harry that quick, but he didn’t want to. Denise says if things aren’t perfect, she’s okay with that. LisaR likes her attitude. We see a picture of LisaR’s wedding to Harry, and in her interview, she says that they were married at the house. Everyone around them was holding candles, and the entire wedding was lit by candlelight. She’s sending Denise good wedding vibes, prayers, blessings, and love.

Fluffy! Ken and LVP go kitchen shopping. Ken doesn’t think they need a new kitchen, but LVP hates their kitchen, and says it’s dark. She wants it bright, and loves the kitchen model they’re in. Ken says she was all sad when they came there, and asks if she’ll be all happy if they buy the new kitchen. She says she wants and deserves it. She’s had a horrible time. In her interview, LVP says if she’s learned anything, it’s do what makes you happy. Surround yourself with people and things that make you happy. She says it’s depressing in the kitchen, and she has no room in her life for any negativity. We flash back to Teddi saying if LVP can live with herself doing this, fine. LVP tells Ken, in the unlikely event that they sell the house, buyers won’t mind paying an extra $300,000. Ken says, it’s a big step, but if he says yes, she’ll be happy, and he’ll have a great night ahead. LVP thinks it will be good for the soul, but maybe not the bank account. Ken tells the salesman, don’t let him down.

The night before the wedding, Denise and Aaron meet with the officiant. We see a clip of Denise ordering the food, cake, and music. Aaron asks if they can get dunk tank, but Denise reminds him that it’s not a carnival. She’s praying when her dress shows up tomorrow, it fits. No matter what has gone on with Charlie, she’s invited him. Even if he brings a prostitute as a date, it is what it is. She wants to have a candle lit for her mom at the ceremony. In her interview, Denise says she was so close to her mom. Her mom had her at seventeen, and passed away thirteen years ago, but it’s still hard. She would have loved Aaron, but it’s part of life. Denise wipes some tears away, and I relate, still missing my father after 30+ years. The officiant asks if they want anything special for the girls. Aaron feels that it’s a bit of a disservice, telling girls so late. In Denise’s interview, she says she was afraid of her daughters judging her, so she waited until two days before. In hindsight, she should have told them a while ago, and regrets that part. It’s the norm in Hollywood to be married more than once, so it’s not so abnormal in their family. Aaron gives the girls necklaces. Denise gives Aaron credit. He has no children, but fits in. Not a lot phased him, which makes her love him more.

Everything is being set up for the wedding. Denise is glad the location is close to home, so she can get ready there. She wonders where the sunshine is. She has no idea what anything looks like, what flowers are there, or if there’s music, and they had no rehearsal. She’s nervous no one will show up, since it was so last minute. She takes a picture of the girls getting ready, and her oldest daughter says, mom, stop it.

Erika picks up LisaR. She’s wearing one of LisaR’s jumpsuits, and LisaR says she looks sexy. In her interview, LisaR says Erika has the most fabulous clothes of anyone. We flash back to some of Erika’s fashion moments. LisaR is flattered that she made the effort to put on her polyspan jumpsuit. I’ll bet those sell out now.

Teddi can’t believe Denise pulled everything together this quickly. There’s an artist on the grounds, painting the scene. Very cool! In Camille’s interview, she says she’s excited for her own wedding, but Denise beat her to the altar. It’s okay though. Denise deserves happiness. Teddi says it’s the first time she’ll be seeing LVP. She’s going to do her best to be cordial, and pull it together. She can ruin a 50th birthday, but not a wedding.

Denise tells her dad that if he walks her down the aisle, she’ll feel like the oldest bride in LA. So she’s going with the girls. Dad Irv says, it’s fine, and she asks him to light a candle for her mom. In her interview, she says her dad stayed with them after her mom passed away. She was going through a lot with Charlie, and he ended up staying five years. I remember she was constantly looking for a date for him on It’s Complicated, but I guess he’s still single? It’s two o’clock, and Denise is still not dressed. Irv says she’s late for her own wedding, and reminds her that they can’t start without her. She loves her dad.

In the limo, LisaR tells Erika that she doesn’t know what to expect. Erika says Teddi is coming briefly. She has to leave four, and Erika does too. She asks LisaR if she thinks LVP is coming, and Erika relays the information about the penis dinner. She says they didn’t talk about the dog drama. In LisaR’s interview, she says, the dog is fine. Move on. Erika thinks everyone should be on their best behavior. LisaR tells Erika that she’d be happy to never talk about the dog again, but knows that’s a pipedream.

What? LVP and Ken didn’t bring a dog? What’s the world coming to? In her interview, LVP says she’s not thrilled to see the other women after Camille’s birthday. She hopes there’s no repeat of the intense animosity that transpired there.

Big baby Teddi sees LVP, and says, perfect. They give each other a Hollywood kiss. LVP asks if Camille is taking notes. In Dorit’s interview, she doesn’t see an apology from LVP in the near future. If she wants to pretend all is well, Dorit is perfectly fine with her. LVP loves an apology, but she ain’t dishing them out.

Denise is now thirty minutes late. She puts her dress on. She didn’t want a big, traditional ballgown. She wanted something beachy and who she is. I love this dress! It’s a white lace romper, with a sheer white overskirt, slit up the front. Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell arrive. Jerry introduces himself to Dorit, who already knows who he is. He says a lot of people think he’s Jason Bateman, so he likes to get it out there. LVP grabs LisaR’s ass, and everyone does Hollywood kisses. In her interview, LisaR says she has no beef with LVP, and LVP can’t help but want a piece of her. She’s slightly obsessed. In Dorit’s interview, she says Denise is late to her own wedding, and on Teddi’s radar. We flash back to the conflict when Dorit was late to meet Teddi. Dorit says, the punctuality police will ticket her.

Denise gets touch ups on her makeup. The girls aren’t liking their heels. One of them wants to wear sneakers. Denise says, wear sneakers; she doesn’t give a sh*t. In her interview, LVP can’t blame Denise for being late. If what she says about Aaron is true, it’s a wonder she ever gets out of bed. Everyone starts getting antsy. Erika is hot and mad. In Erika’s interview, she says she’s sweating, and the jumper she’s wearing is going to combust. It doesn’t breathe. She says she has to keep drinking. Denise says, let’s blow this popsicle stand. They have to hurry before everyone leaves. They get in the limo. At this point, they’re an hour and ten minutes late. LisaR heaves a sigh.

The limo arrives – one hour and twenty-one minutes late. Denise says it looks like a real wedding. She can’t believe they pulled it together. LisaR alerts everyone that there’s wedding stuff happening. In Denise’s interview, she says she doesn’t like being the center of attention, so she’s relieved it’s a group effort. It’s more about the marriage less about the hoopla of a wedding. Her two older girls go first to Pachelbel’s Canon in D, otherwise known as the theme from Ordinary People. Aaron, Denise, and her youngest, follow to some heavy metal, which Camille recognizes, but I don’t. Camille says, awesome.

The officiant says at this joyous occasion, they want to remember their loved ones. Irv lights the candle for his late wife, and they take a moment. Or try anyway. Paparazzi fly over in a helicopter. LisaR says it’s a normal situation for an outdoor wedding in Malibu. Sometimes, it’s a normal situation for the Jersey Shore too. When Heather Locklear married Richie Sambora, the reception was not far from where I live, and we all cursed them and the traffic. But I digress. A guy takes pictures on a hill, and LisaR waves to him. In her interview, she says if the paparazzi are at your wedding, you know you’re still doing well. If there’s nothing, uh oh, time for a job. The couple exchange rings. Ken snoozes. They seal their vows with a kiss, and are pronounced husband and wife. In Dorit’s interview, she says the wedding fits Denise’s personality. She’s exuding excitement, happiness, and peace. It’s a nice moment to witness.

Infant Teddi has to jet, but feels weird saying goodbye. She decides to send a text. Maybe it’s me, but it seems like that would be adding more rudeness to the already rude leaving early. Erika goes with her. The artist continues to paint various scenes. A group Housewives photo is taken. LisaR says Denise is a legend. Denise introduces Patrick Muldoon. Dorit tells him the first story she heard when Denise joined the cast, was how Denise and LisaR were shagging him at the same time, and didn’t know. LVP asks who was better. LisaR suggests not answering, and he says it was so long ago. In her interview, Denise feels good that the ladies showed up. She knows everyone has a life and commitments, and it was last minute.

In Dorit’s interview, she says she had a nice time with LVP. Everything is behind them, and she feels like the dog situation is over. LVP will never admit her part, but Dorit is okay with it. She wants to move on, and someday get back to trusting LVP. In LVP’s interview, she says she has no choice but to get on with it. She’s not a victim, and wants to be there to congratulate Denise. She thinks she should have gotten apologies, but if they don’t want to, that’s fine.

The cake is cut. Denise thanks girls for accepting Aaron. She’s blown away at how fast they put it together. She hopes their future holds a lifetime of happiness, and they’ll be together forever. She’s told Aaron, even if it goes south, she’s not divorcing him.

Back home, Dorit tells PK that she needs an hour to go over payables; a solid hour of his full attention. She looks at her phone, and says, oh my God. An article just came out, and she’s been stabbed in the back. She reads from Radar Online that LVP is extra hurt that her long-time friend abandoned one of her rescue dogs, dropping it off at an animal shelter. It says she apologized to LVP, saying she was too ashamed to bring it back. Dorit tells PK, that’s so untrue. It can be damaging to their reputation and children if people think she mistreats animals. PK thinks she should just blow it off, but she says, people’s perception is what they read and believe. She continues reading that LVP is still upset because she’s known her friend a long time, but she’s not the type of woman who holds grudges. In her interview, Dorit says everybody in the world believes otherwise.

The article says LVP was told the dog nipped at one of the children. Dorit says only a few people knew it was a chihuahua mix; LVP and her team. She asks PK if he thinks the article came from LVP, and he says, who else. Dorit says she had called the next day, and LVP used those exact words; the dog nipped at the kids, which can happen. It’s not a word she’s ever used. PK says, it’s an English word. Dorit knows LVP has a relationship with Radar Online, and this has LVP all over it. At the wedding, she thought the dog business was behind her. (Don’t step in it – ha-ha!) Maybe in her mind, LVP dealt with it, but she doesn’t know. She takes two steps forward and ten back in this friendship. PK says the article is below the belt. He suggests maybe LVP has an over-zealous staff, who thinks they’re acting in her best interest, but Dorit doesn’t believe it. LVP has full control. She wonders why LVP did this, and says, it’s a whole other layer of betrayal. In her interview, she says she doesn’t know where begin with the friendship after this. She tells PK that she’ll see if LVP gives her a call. PK says LVP must know the truth will come out.

Next time, Harry sets up a tent, Kyle is grilled about LVP leaking stuff to the press, LVP tells Kyle that she’s not saying she did something when she didn’t, and she’s done with this.

💃 On Mexican Dynasties, Adan’s mother said Adan’s voice was like Freddy Mercury and Whitney Houston had a love child. If there was a camera here, I would have looked at it like this – 😐 That would be no. Just no.

🚤 And the Beat (Down) Goes On…

The circus that is Caroline never ends.


🎵 To Leave You On a Literally Peaceful Note…

And in case you’ve never heard it.