Tag Archives: Seth Gilliam

March 27, 2024 – Anna Asks Dex To Work For Her, Lotsa Suds, She’s Escaped, Valley Bore, Latest Chefs, Dead Shocks, More Never, My Kind Of Pack & Rise


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Jason waits in the interrogation room when Sam walks in and sits across from him. Because, like the hospital, the PCPD plays fast and loose with security.

Danny opens the door to the boathouse and sees it’s empty. Jake asks if he’s looking for something.

Trina finds Josslyn at the courthouse and says, she went looking for her at the dorm. When she saw Josslyn wasn’t in their room, she figured she’d find her here. Josslyn says, it’s nice to hear Trina call it their room, even though she’s not living there right now. Trina asks if it’s okay if she sits, and Josslyn says, of course (🍷). Is she here to make sure Jason gets the book thrown at him? Trina says she’s actually not here for Jason. She’s here for Josslyn.

In the courtroom, Molly goes through her documents and drops them. She starts to pick them up, when Kristina comes in and helps. Molly says she wasn’t sure if she’d see Kristina today, but Kristina says, is Molly kidding her? A chance to support her sister. Molly is looking the part. Molly says, at least she’s got that going for her, and Kristina says, and a million other things. Don’t sell herself short. Molly says she thinks she’s shaking, and Kristina takes her hand and says, breathe. It has to be tough, prosecuting someone who means so much to her. Molly says, tough would be a cakewalk. This feels nearly impossible.

Sam asks if Jason did it. Did he shoot Dante? He says, no, and she says she believes him. He says, there’s something else. It’s about Danny. She says, what about Danny? and he says, after he was shot, he hid out at the boathouse and Danny found him. She says, so he’s seen Danny? and he says, yeah. Danny helped him. He got a first aid kit from the main house and brought it down to the boathouse. She says she’s a little confused. Why didn’t Danny tell her that he saw Jason? He says he told Danny not to.

Danny asks if Aiden’s here too, but Jake says, he’s up at the main house. Danny says, why? and Jake says, why is Aiden at the main house or why are they here? Danny says, the second one, and Jake says, his mom figured if they’re all staying home to see the arraignment, they might as well all stay together. But he assumes it will go pretty quickly. They’ll see dad shot Dante, they’ll decide he’s guilty, and he won’t be granted bail. Danny says, first of all, that’s not how arraignments work. Second of all, what makes him so sure that dad’s guilty?

Molly tells Kristina, her main job today is to remain impartial. How is she supposed to argue that Jason is some awful murderer after all the history they have together? His years with Sam. He’s Danny’s father. How does she do that? Kristina says, that’s the other reason she’s here, and Molly says she thought Kristina was here for moral support. Kristina says, of course (🍷) she is. That’s what she’s here for first and foremost. Also, Molly can’t give in to her soft spot for Jason. He’s guilty. Molly asks, says who? and Kristina says, her father for starters. She saw him the last couple of times she visited Dante, and he didn’t want to believe it at first, but there’s evidence linking Jason to the warehouse shooting. So obviously, Dante followed him and that’s when Jason shot him. Molly asks if it’s obvious to Sonny or Kristina, because it certainly isn’t obvious to the police or to the DA’s office or to her personally. Kristina asks why they’d be charging Jason if they didn’t think he did it, and Molly says, there is reasonable suspicion and supporting evidence that Jason shot Dante. But there was also another unidentified individual present, and they’re not sure what part they played, so nothing is obvious. And let’s not forget, in our legal system, the defendant is innocent until proven guilty, no matter what Sonny thinks. Kristina says, that’s exactly what she was afraid of, and Molly says, what? Kristina says, Molly doesn’t want Jason to be guilty so she’s scrambling to come up with a scenario where he’s not. But as hard as this is going to be – and she knows this is going to be hard for Molly – she has to check her feelings at the door and do her job. (Are they having two different conversations?)

On the phone, Anna asks what Portia’s professional opinion is… She knows she’s not family, but she’s really worried… Okay. She appreciates that. She thanks Portia for the update and says she’ll call her back. Dex comes in, and she asks him to close the door. He does and asks if that was about Dante. How is he? She says, he’s the same, and Dex says, his family must be going out of their minds. Anna says, waiting is a special kind of torture. She appreciates him coming in. He says he assumes this is about their last conversation. He figured once she thought about it, she’d change her mind about pursuing a case against Sonny, and he’ll still testify against Sonny if that’s what she’s wondering. No matter what it costs. She says, even if it costs him his life?

Anna says, Sonny has resources. He would know Dex intended to testify against him before Dex even took the stand. Dex asks if that’s where she comes in. Is she going to offer him some kind of protection? She says she can authorize that, but it wouldn’t guarantee his safety because Sonny has a way of getting around everything. Dex says, he does, and she says, there’s Witness Protection, but from what she understands, he wants to stay in town. He asks where that leaves him, and she says, not in a courtroom, that’s for sure. She does not want him testifying. He says he doesn’t understand. If she doesn’t want him to testify, what is he doing here? She says, a thought occurred to her, a way he can ensure his own safety. He says he’s listening, and she says, he comes to work for her at the PCPD.

Josslyn and Trina both say, I’m sorry, and Trina says, jinx. Josslyn can’t talk until she says her name… That was a joke… Josslyn. They both laugh, and Josslyn says, clearly, she takes her jinx very seriously. Trina says, obviously, but for real, she is sorry. She was a total B and Josslyn didn’t deserve it. Josslyn says she kind of did deserve it, and Trina asks, why? Josslyn says, of course (🍷) she’s very relieved and happy Jason is alive, but she does really think he’s innocent. That’s her and how she feels, and Trina is more than entitled to feel differently about it. She’s really sorry if she acted like Trina wasn’t. Trina says, apology accepted, and Josslyn says, back at her. Trina tells her that she will say, her attitude wasn’t entirely about Jason being a suspect in her father’s shooting, and Josslyn says, what was it? Trina says she was… still is having a hard time with the unfairness that Jason got to come back, while Spencer’s still gone.

Molly says, thank you so much, and Kristina says she’s getting the sense Molly doesn’t mean that. Molly says she just doesn’t need Kristina coming in here moments before the arraignment to tell her something that not only she already knows, but she’s struggling with in real time. Because it’s so nice to be Kristina, right? With her advice and her nuggets of wisdom, sitting all cozy in the back of the courthouse, while Molly actually has to make the argument why somebody she loves and respects and probably has an explanation for what he did, shouldn’t make bail. Kristina says, that’s a valid point, multiple points actually, and Molly thanks her. Kristina says, Molly is an excellent lawyer. She’s also the most ethical person Kristina knows. She’s sorry. She should have just kept her mouth shut. Molly says, it wouldn’t really track for her, and Kristina says, true. Molly wonders if she can ask Kristina a question. Since when is she so anti-Jason?

Jake tells Danny not to be naïve, and Danny asks what that even means. Jake says, of course (🍷) he’s guilty. The guy took off. Danny says, now he’s the guy? and Jake says, he made them all think he was dead, then came back and shot Dante. If Danny’s waiting for him to be proven innocent, he’ll be waiting forever. Danny says he doesn’t know any of that, and Jake says, Danny doesn’t know dad left them or that they had a memorial service for him? Danny says, that’s the story Jake told himself. Unless Jake’s talked to him, or the police. Did they fill Jake in on all the evidence they’ve collected? Jake says, don’t be stupid, but Danny says, he’s the one being stupid. He’s mad at dad. Danny gets it. So Jake wants him to be guilty. Rocco comes along, and Jake says he doesn’t want any of this. Danny lives with Dante. He’s the best. He’s always fun. He’s always joking around and always has time for everybody. Now he’s lying in a hospital bed because their father put him there. Rocco tells them to stop, and Danny says he loves Dante and Rocco is like a brother to him. He’s barely left the hospital to get updates on his dad. Rocco asks if they can please… Jake asks if Danny is telling Rocco that their dad is innocent, like he doesn’t have enough to deal with already. Obviously, Danny doesn’t care about Dante or Rocco. Danny says, that’s messed up. How does he believing their dad is innocent make him not care about Rocco or Dante? Jake asks why he isn’t mad at Jason, and Danny asks why Jake isn’t giving him the benefit of the doubt. Jake says, because he doesn’t deserve it, and Danny punches him in the face. (Sorry, I thought it was Rocco in the  preview. They look interchangeable.)

Sam says, just so she’s getting this straight, Jason told their son not to tell her that he’d seen him? And he was helping Jason? Jason says, yes, and Sam says she’s Danny’s mother. She’s been raising their son on her own for most of his life. What the hell is wrong with him? Danny is just a kid, a kid that has issues. Jason asks what she means. What kind of issues? She says, don’t do that. Don’t pretend to be a father to him now. She gets up and says, he disappeared, leaving her to pick up the pieces and put their son’s life back together. And she did that, by the way. He doesn’t get to just some out of the sky out of nowhere and tell their son to lie to her, to keep secrets from her, and use him because he’s in trouble. Putting him in a situation where he… My God. Danny could be brought up on federal charges. That is their baby she’s been protecting. Say something. Don’t just sit there. Tell her that he knows she’s right about all of it. He says, she’s right, and she says, he is a danger to their son. Does he hear her? Stay the hell away from Danny. She walks out and the Jason sigh is back.

Dex says, Anna wants him to join the PCPD? and she says, don’t look so shocked. She happens to think that this is inspired. He says, until very recently, he was working on the inside of Sonny’s organization, doing all kinds of illegal things on his orders. She says, exactly. That’s what makes him an asset. He says he almost murdered an old man on Sonny’s orders, and she says she knows it’s hard for him to wrap his head around it. When Mayor Collins offered her this position again, she felt like her past disqualitfied her somehow, but now she realizes the best cops are the ones who know how easy it is to go wrong, because they’ve been there themselves. He says, so it’s fine he’s no better than the criminals she’s trying to put away, and she says, it’s more than fine. She thinks it’s a bonus.

Trina says, this all sounds so irrational, but Josslyn says, not to her. Trina says, every morning, she wakes up and the first thing she thinks is, it’s all a nightmare and Spencer’s still here. And today’s the day she’ll get that call, that they made a mistake and Spencer’s fine. And to see that scenario playing out for Josslyn and her mom and everyone that loves Jason… Josslyn says she knows. Trina wants that to happen for Spencer. It’s okay, he’s just chilling with Netflix. Trina says, so badly, and Josslyn says she’s so sorry. For her, it was different. She knew that Oscar’s death was coming, but she understands. Trina says she knows Josslyn does, and Josslyn says, that kind of grief consumes you. Trina says, and she can’t get out from under it, and Josslyn says, she will. One day, eventually, her time with Spencer, those memories will make her smile. It’s not going to break her heart anymore. Trina says she doesn’t know if she’s there yet, and Josslyn says, no one expects her to be there. Trina says she just misses him so much, in a way she didn’t even know you could miss people. And she feels like she’s gone too. Josslyn says, she very understandably lost her way for a bit, but she’s going to find her way back. Trina says, what if she doesn’t? and Josslyn says, then Trina can reach out her hand and she’ll take it, and they’ll make it through together.

Kristina says she’s not anti-Jason, and Molly says, she’s certainly not pro. Kristina says she guesses she’s not. Don’t look so surprised. Molly says she is. Kristina was literally drugged and five minutes away from being tattooed and sexually assaulted, when Jason carried her out of Dawn of Day. Kristina says she knows and she’ll forever grateful to Jason and to Sam for getting her away from Shiloh. But they don’t know what’s happened in the last couple of years. Jason could be a totally different person now, and the evidence is pointing in that direction. Molly says, evidence is subject to interpretation. That’s the whole point of the trial. The prosecution interprets it one way and the defense interprets it another. Kristina says, and the evidence shows Jason was there when Dante was shot, and Molly says, so just because Sonny believes Jason shot Dante, Kristina believes it too. Kristina says, for her father to go against Jason is a big deal and Molly knows that. So she’s inclined to believe him. Molly tells her to be careful who she talks like this around, and Kristina asks what she’s talking about. Molly says, Danny, their nephew. She knows she has to have a talk with him after today, explain that she’s just doing her job. Kristina can believe whatever she wants, but Jason is still Danny’s father. Kristina says, please. Dante has been more of a father than Jason has been or ever will be.

Diane goes into the interrogation room and tells Jason that she saw Sam leaving. She’d ask how that went, but she hates talking to herself. Let’s focus on your case. They have a hero cop in the hospital on life support, and chances are getting smaller and smaller every day that he’ll wake up to exonerate Jason. They have a DA with a working and perfectly reasonable theory that Jason shot said cop without realizing who he was. Then Jason realized it and tried to save him. Too little too late. Jason knows that’s not true. She knows that’s not true. So how do they get the rest of the world on board? Give her something she can use. Does he have an alibi? Is there a timeline? Is there someone she can call who will say, nope, Jason didn’t shoot Dante? Is there anything he can give her. Please. He says he can’t.

Rocco and Jake continue to fight, while Rocco continues to shout at them to stop. Jake knocks Danny down with a punch, and Rocco says, they’re family. They can’t do this to each other. Jake says he can’t with this, and walks off. Rocco says he’s really sorry and runs after Jake. Danny lies down on the deck.

Josslyn asks Trina to tell her something about their time together in Paris, and Trina says, like what? Josslyn says, anything. After Oscar died, nobody wanted to talk to her about him. Probably because they didn’t want to upset her, but she felt the opposite. She wanted to talk about him and wanted to relive their times together. Trina says, yes. That’s the perfect way to describe it. Josslyn says, so tell her something about Paris, and Trina says, it’s the happiest she’s ever been. Josslyn says she bets Spencer would say the same, and Trina says she thinks so too. Josslyn says, it doesn’t get more romantic than the City of Lights, and Trina says, no, it was more than that. Their ease at being together. They found the perfect rhythm with paradise as their backdrop. She felt more like herself in Paris with Spencer than she ever has before. Josslyn says, it sounds so special, and Trina says, it was, until it wasn’t. Josslyn suggests staying with the was, and Trina says, okay. Josslyn says she’s so grateful Trina got that time with him and that the time with him was so incredibly special. Trina says she’s grateful too, and Josslyn hugs her.

Dex says, Anna seems to be under the impression that he needs this job, and she says, doesn’t he? He says he’s ex-military. He’s been through his share of close calls and here he is, still standing. She says, he’s just been at the police station twice in two days, not clandestinely either. He says, so? and she says, so what makes him think that Sonny doesn’t already suspect him of being a turncoat? It’s fine. If he wants to go it alone, he’s welcome to, but she feels that the PCPD could offer him some cover. Think about it. He says he will, and goes to the door. She says, don’t take too long. Time is not on his side.

Molly tells Kristina that she keeps remembering when they decorated Sam and Jason’s apartment for Valentine’s Day. She hasn’t thought about it in years, but she can remember it like it was yesterday. Kristina wonders if they can really call that decorating. More like an absolute flooding of Valentine’s Day bling all over that place. Molly says, come on. It was beautiful. Kristina says, it was. It was also pink. A little red, but a lot of pink. Kristina says, so not Jason’s style. Candles and flowers. But it was Jason’s fault. Kristina says, it totally was. He gave them an insane budget to work with and they were so young. Of course (🍷) they were going to go full out. Molly says she just remembers thinking it was the most romantic thing he did for Sam, and Kristina says, it was romantic. It was also a really long time ago. Things change. People change. Molly says, how much? and Kristina says, a lot sometimes. She thinks Molly needs to face the fact that the Jason who came home might not be the Jason they remember. Molly says, okay. She’ll consider the possibility if Kristina considers the possibility that maybe, just maybe, she’s got this all wrong.

Jason says he wishes he could give Diane what she needs, but he can’t, and she says, they’ve known each other a long time, haven’t they? He says, they have, and she says she’s sure he’s recognized that very often she makes things sound worse than they are, so she looks like even more of a genius when she pulls off a victory at the end. But this is not that case. If Dante dies, it’s murder one. That’s as bad as it gets. The state of New York doesn’t have a death penalty, but if he’s convicted, he’ll spend the rest of his life in prison. He’s her favorite client. Difficult in his own way, absolutely, but she’d hate to see him get put away for life for something he didn’t do, especially since they just got him back. So if there’s anything at all that can help her help him – anything – he’s got her number. She leaves.

Brook comes through the revolving door to the interrogation room, and Jason says, Brook Lynn. She says, surprise. She’s guessing she’s not who he expected to see here. He says, not really, no, and she says she knows the desk sergeant. He let her in. She’s soon to be marrying one of the detectives. She sits down, and he says, congratulations. She thanks him and says she’s sorry. She doesn’t know why this is so awkward. She’s usually so good at small talk, but it’s tripping her up for some reason. He says, why doesn’t she just start with why she’s here? She says, Monica asked if she could come. She wanted Brook to give him this. She slides an envelope across the table, and he sees his name written on it.

Sam goes to the boathouse and says, Jake told her that she’d find Danny here. Danny asks if he said anything else, and she says, he just looked a little worse for the wear. She sees his face and says, ouch. Does it hurt? He says, not really, and she asks why he’d get in a fight with his brother. (Like that never happens.) He says, Jake kept saying dad was guilty and it really pissed him off, and she says she just saw him. He says, dad? and she says, yeah. He told her that he was here, and Danny was helping him. He says, she’s mad, and she says she’s furious, but not at him. What his father did was completely unfair. It’s not his fault he did what his father asked him to do, but he’s to never do that again, okay? He says, mom… but she says, ever. He says he wanted to help his dad, and she says she’s sure he did. Danny says, it’s not like dad asked him to rob a bank or anything. He just needed some bandages, so Danny got him a first aid kit. She says, listen to her. A, Jason involved him in a situation where he’s wanted by the FBI and the PCPD. And B – this is the worst part for her – he told Danny to lie to her, to keep a secret from her. It’s not okay under any circumstances, but when there are criminal charges flying around… She never thought she would actually say this about his father, but that did it for her. Any trust between her and Jason has been broken.

Anna comes into her office to find Robert there. She asks if they had a meeting, and he asks if a man has to make an appointment to meet with his ex-wife these days. She says, when he’s the DA and his ex-wife is the Commissioner. She has a lot on her plate these days. He says, why doesn’t she try delegating sometime? and she says, it’s okay. What is this about? He says he’ll be quick. He’s here to make a confession. She asks what he’s confessing to, and he says he’s a big, fat coward.

Molly says she doesn’t want to fight about this, and Kristina asks if Molly thinks she does. Molly says she wishes Kristina was less focused on the arraignment and more focused on her health, and Kristina says, she means the baby’s health. Molly asks if they’re not the same thing. Stress of any kind is not good for a pregnancy. So if Kristina really came to support her – Kristina says she did – then the best thing she can do is just go home. Kristina says she sees. Is that an order, ADA Lansing-Davis?

Trina thanks Josslyn, and Josslyn says, for what? Trina says, being a best friend when she knows Josslyn could use one right now, and Josslyn says she’s fine. Trina says, liar. What’s going on between her and Dex? Josslyn says, not much, and Trina asks if they’ve spoken since they broke up, but Josslyn says, no. He’s called her a few times, but she’s not ready to talk to him. Trina says, what about Josslyn? She still doesn’t know what happened, although she has the impression that it has something to do with Dex working for Sonny. Josslyn says, yes, it does, and that’s all she can say about it without compromising him. Trina says, then she must still care for him, and Josslyn says, of course (🍷) she does. She thinks she always will, but she also feels like she never really knew him. Trina says she’s sorry. That’s a horrible feeling. Josslyn says, anyway, she’s fine. She loves Trina for showing up here, but she doesn’t need to stay. Trina says she has nothing better to do. She lives at home and she’s not in school. Josslyn says, she has the gallery, and Trina says, but not today. So she doesn’t mind staying a little longer and hanging out. On second thought – Josslyn turns around and Dex is there – she thinks Josslyn should spend some time alone. Josslyn and Dex soap look at each other.

Trina says, so thanks for the talk. She’ll call Josslyn later. Josslyn thanks her, and Trina leaves, smiling at Dex as she passes him. Dex says, hi, and Josslyn says, hi. What is he doing here? He says he had an appointment, and she says, really? In the Hall of Justice complex? With whom? He asks if she got his messages, and she says, nice dodge. Yeah, she got them. He says he didn’t like how they left things, and she says, speaking of leaving, she thought he left town. He says, thought or hoped? He’s really sorry he let her down. She asks why he’s still here in Port Charles, and he says he thinks he was just given a reason to stay.

Molly says she knows better than to issue Kristina an order and she’s sorry. She didn’t mean to imply Kristina was putting the baby at risk. She knows Kristina never would. Just like Kristina knows she would never let her personal feelings influence her work. Kristina laughs and says, well played, sister. Molly says, if Kristina doesn’t mind, she has a little bit of time left, and she would like to prepare her argument against releasing Jason on bail. Not because of anything Kristina said, but because it’s her civic duty.

Robert says, Anna knows it’s Jason Morgan’s arraignment today, and she says she thought he told her that this wasn’t going to take up too much of her time. He says, it won’t. Normally, it would be up to him to argue against bail, but in this particular case, he thought he’d let Molly Lansing-Davis do it. She says, so he doesn’t look like the bad guy in Robin’s eyes. He’s going to let his ADA do his dirty work because he’s scared of his daughter. He says, that’s it in a nutshell, yeah, and she says she envies him. He says, she does? and she says she doesn’t have the luxury of not investigating Jason. Sadly, that is not an option for her, but it is an option for him, and she wholly supports him taking it. He says, it doesn’t bother her that he’s a coward for ducking out on the arraignment? and she says she thinks he’s a wonderful coward… She means, father.

Jason picks up the envelope, and asks if Monica is sick or hurt, and Brook says, both, but she’s okay. He knows how that driveway is; it always gets so icy. Monica took a pretty bad fall right before Christmas. She’s been in a wheelchair ever since, but she’s still considering going to work. He says, sounds like her, and Brook says, she picked up a bug at the hospital. Nothing serious, but the doctors don’t want her to push herself or she would be at the arraignment. He opens the envelope and takes out a handwritten note: Jason, I believe in you. Love, Mom. An officer comes in and says, ten minutes and he really needs to get the prisoner downstairs, and Brook thanks him. She tells Jason, good luck at the arraignment, and goes to the door. Wiping his eyes, Jason says, tell her that he loves her and he’s sorry, and Brook says, he’s got it.

Sam comes out of the boathouse with something in a plastic bag and tells Danny that she found this in the freezer. She has him hold it against his head and he says, thanks. How’s Dante? She says, no change, and he asks if she thinks… She says, what is it? Say something. He says, nothing, but she says, it’s obviously something. Talk to her. He says, Dante knows he loves him, right? and she says, yes. Of course (🍷) he does. He says, and that he really appreciates Dante and sees everything Dante does for him? She says, yeah. Why would he think Dante wouldn’t? He says he doesn’t know. Just making sure. She says she’s so sorry, and he says, for what? She says, his father coming home and being alive should be the most wonderful, amazing experience, not this. She doesn’t know if she’s changed or Jason’s changed or she’s never been able to see him clearly, but it’s just become obvious to her that she can’t rely on him to protect Danny and have his best interests at heart. She just wants him to know that she’s his mother and she’ll do everything in her power to keep him safe. And she loves him so much. He says he loves her too, and she takes his hand. She says, they’re going to get through this together because they have each other. She hugs him and says, he’s never going to have to see his dad again, okay? But from the look on his face, it’s not okay.

Tomorrow, Sam needs Portia to stop something from happening; Carly wants to know what Michael isn’t telling her; Josslyn tells Kristina that her father is wrong about everything; and Sonny says he doesn’t owe Jason anything.

🧼 All the Soap Fit To Print…

Guess who’s back? Frankly, it didn’t seem like he was gone all that long.

Easton Rocket Sweda Teases His Return to GENERAL HOSPITAL

Keeping in touch.

Side gigs. I’m all about the pup (!).

Sweet reunion. Hard to believe Todd’s daughter is now a mom.

🍸 Mya Is Now Safe…

Not my vibe, but the view sounds very cool.

🏌️‍♂️ If You Must…

IMO, this show is a real snoozefest.

🍛 Quickfire This…

So when are we going to get TVs that have tastevision?


⚰️ The Ones Who Didn’t Die…

Surprise and surprise.



Never Ever Ending…

I’ll have them know, Falcor is a luck dragon, not a dog, but luck dragons do look suspiciously like Pekingese.



🐶 Doggy Style…

I’m well aware I’m late to the party here. I’d wanted to see Strays when it was playing at the movie theater, but didn’t get the chance. Being caught up in several series on Netflix, I put it off when it came to Prime, but I recently watched it and I loved it so much. It has more crude language than a Quentin Tarantino film, but hearing it come out of the mouths of dogs, cats, and an eagle, makes it hysterically funny somehow. It’s now going to be on constant rotation for me, because it’s also one of those movies that left me smiling without taking me on a trip to the cornfield. I don’t need a Friday the 13th ending, but the worst is a horror film that has a Hallmark ending or ends up being a PSA for the environment. (Yes, I’m talking to you Mother! That’s 2 hours and 1 minute I will never get back.) Besides causing me to literally lol, Strays has a stellar cast, a heartfelt message, and of course, dogs.

👖 Caught With My Pants Up…

If you come back tomorrow, I promise soap, topics of interest in entertainment, and probably a pet or two. Until then, stay safe, stay not making/discussing plans in front of somebody not invited, and stay being a best friend even when you could use one.

March 14, 2021 – Gabriel and Aaron Follow Maggie’s Map, Fun With the Dead, Nervous Norman & Spell


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

The Walking Dead

We hear Gabriel in a voiceover saying, the Whisperers took their toll, and they saw darkness, but they kept the faith. The righteous enter and are safe. They had moments of despair, but a miracle happened, and by the grace of their friends, they were saved. But they still have more work to do to rebuild their community, provide for their families, and save their souls.

Gabriel and Aaron are surrounded by zombies in a clearing. They hack away, covering the surrounding wildflowers in blood. They walk through the woods and come across some ruins. Gabriel looks at his map of possible food sources. I guess not this one anymore. Aaron sees several burned bodies that are nothing but charred bones now, and asks, what happened here? Gabriel says they’ll never know, and they keep walking. The see a decrepit zombie sitting up against a tree, and it pulls away, part of it staying on the tree. It doesn’t get far, since Gabriel slices it through the top of the head. Gabriel sets a timer, and throws it into a field area. When it goes off, a bunch of zombies rise out of the grass, and head off to who knows where. Gabriel looks at Aaron, and they follow at a distance.    

Near a road, they see more skeletons, and a line of cars. Aaron looks at a zombie in a van, and Gabriel opens another car. Aaron asks what he’s doing, and he says, he’s searching; there could be something there. Aaron slides open the van he’s been looking in, and they go through all the cars. Gabriel opens a trunk, and finds some cans of food, but he turns it over to see what looks like a bullet hole in it. He tells Aaron, two more.   

They try to smash into an old, boarded up casino, and zombie arms pop out. Gabriel hacks off an arm. Aaron motions for him to remove a board, and when the zombie emerges, Aaron stabs it in the head. They each take an arm to pull it out, but the skin comes off, and they fall back with skin arms in their hands. When they realize what happened, they quickly rid themselves of the skin arms, and I laugh my head off. Aaron sees a shopping cart hanging off the roof, and Gabriel climbs up. He sees a near-skeleton lying down, and another with a little more flesh on it, tied to post, moving around a little. He sees a skeletal couple lying on mattress. Aaron asks if he sees anything, and Gabriel looks at the couple and says, just a ladder. The camera pans out, and we see SAVE US written on the roof.

Zombie arms reach for Aaron, and he hears Gabriel hacking away inside. Gabriel opens the door, and comes out. Aaron says, anything? and Gabriel shakes his head. He sheaths his machete, and looks at his map again. He says, one more, and Aaron says they’ve been at this two weeks, and what do they have to show for it? He can’t. Gabriel says they have to see this through. Aaron says they can go back to the hunting ground, but Gabriel says, it’s spent; there’s nothing there. Aaron says, so is every other place on Maggie’s goddam map. He misses his daughter, and he knows Gabriel misses his too. Gabriel says, one more, and starts to walk. Aaron follows.

They walk through some mud, and Gabriel slips, tripped up by a hidden zombie. It rises, covered with mud, but Gabriel holds his machete point up, and Aaron pushes the zombie onto it. Aaron laughs, and Gabriel says, a little help? Aaron helps get the zombie off of Gabriel, and helps him up. The map is officially screwed, covered in mud like Gabriel. Gabriel says there was a water tower by their last location. They just need to head north until they see it. Aaron says he’s not doing this without a map, and Gabriel says, it’s only an hour. Aaron says he doesn’t care, it begins to rain, and Gabriel says, fine. They’ll follow their tracks back. It starts to pour.

They come out of the woods, and Aaron asks, is this on the map? We see a warehouse, and Gabriel says, no

They shine flashlights around inside the warehouse. Aaron bangs on something, but there’s no response. Gabriel closes the door, and they split up. Gabriel finds a pile of Bibles, and picks one up, finding a bunch of pages torn out. Aaron hears something from behind a door, and says hello? Gabriel looks in a file cabinet. Aaron says, hello? again. He says his name is Aaron. He’s a friend. Please don’t be afraid. Hello? He opens the door, and Gabriel hears yelling, and takes off. He runs to where Aaron is, and finds Aaron standing over a wild boar. He says, it came at him, and Gabriel smiles. I say, food! Aaron says, what? and Gabriel says, nothing. That was quite the scream. Aaron says, these things are vicious, and Gabriel says, clearly… hence the scream. Gabriel starts to laugh, and says, sorry, but doubles over. Aaron says, all right. Let it all out. Is he through? Gabriel shakes his head, and keeps laughing, saying, oh Lord! Aaron smiles, and Gabriel says, know what he feels like? Aaron says, what? and Gabriel says, dinner. And drink. He holds up a bottle of whiskey.

Aaron shows Gabriel a toy, and says, remember these? Gabriel says he remembers news footage of people trampling each other at toy stores to get them. Aaron says, Grace will go nuts. They sit to eat, and Gabriel pours them each a tiny bit of whiskey. Aaron says, that’s it? That’s all they get? Why? It’s just whiskey. Gabriel says, no; it’s not just whiskey. It’s perfection. It’s rare. This bottle is easily over $2000. Aaron says, the fact people would pay that much to get drunk was a huge part of what was wrong with the world. Gabriel says, it’s not to get drunk. Smell it. Aaron does, and Gabriel asks what he’s getting. What does it remind him of? Aaron says, maple syrup… vanilla… breakfast as kid. Gabriel says, take a sip. Let it sit. Pay attention to the finish, and how the flavor evolves. Aaron says, wow, and Gabriel says, exactly. Now eat, and the meat will taste even better. Aaron says, look, he gets that it’s rare and all, but they had a rough day. He holds out his cup, and Gabriel pours some more, but Aaron continues to hold it out.  

They play poker for bottlecaps, and Aaron says he’s out. Gabriel says, he has the whiskey. Aaron considers putting his cup in the pot, but folds. Gabriel says, many thanks, but Aaron wants to see the cards. Gabriel shows him what I assume is a really poor hand, and Aaron rolls his eyes.

Aaron asks Gabriel what God would think about him gambling, and Gabriel says, He’d probably okay it. Aaron says, a card shark priest. Did he get training in whiskey class at the seminary? Gabriel says, Reverend George was his mentor. He was a good friend, and a great teacher. His first class was at a boy’s funeral; Tony Franklin. He died of cancer. He was in his freshman year of college and he died. Everyone in town came, and Reverend George performed the service. He spoke, and said all the right things without trying; it didn’t look like he was anyway. They got in the car to go to the wake, and he just took off. He floored it the whole way, saying they had to get there before the others. He was running stop signs, saying a prayer each time, and Gabriel had his eyes closed the whole way. They got there and the Reverend headed for the liquor cabinet. He asked what the Reverend was doing, and was told to shut up. The Reverend snatched off Gabriel’s collar, pulled off his own, and started pouring. The boy’s father walked in, and the Reverend walked over to him with two drinks in hand, and just started talking. He talked to everyone; put them at ease, smiling and laughing. He told Gabriel, just be with them in the moment. Speak from the heart, and don’t worry what you think they want to hear. He tried, but he’s not as good as Reverend George. Later, the Reverend told him, real ministering isn’t preaching from a pulpit. It’s talking to people one on one, on their own terms, relating to them. He smiles, and says, that’s how he knows about whiskey. That’s how he knows about a lot of things. Aaron says Gabriel needs to start preaching again. He’ll be mad if Gabriel doesn’t. When he was out there, finding people to bring to Alexandria, it felt right. Helping people was right. They haven’t done that in a long time, and they’ve got to get back to it. Gabriel says he doesn’t want to preach anymore, and Aaron asks, why? Gabriel says, does Aaron really think things will go back the way they were? Aaron says he does, and Gabriel says, they won’t. The world isn’t built for the way they used to be. Aaron says Gabriel’s head is full of Whisperers, who and what they were, and it’s not most people. Gabriel says, evil people are not the exception to the rule; they are the rule. Aaron says he’s getting sober. After the next round, he’s going to climb up on the roof and jump off head first. Gabriel says he wants to perform last rights, and Aaron says, they’re back to him again.  

Gabriel snores, and an obviously hung over and/or still drunk Aaron gets up. Gabriel asks where he’s going, and Aaron says, to piss. Gabriel goes back to sleep.

Light comes in through a dirty window, and Gabriel wakes up. He doesn’t see Aaron, and walks around the warehouse, his machete drawn. He sees a man by the entrance, and the man asks what he was cooking. Gabriel says, boar, and the man asks, how was it? Gabriel says, it was good, and the man walks into the light. He removes his hood, and we see his face is scarred. He says he’d like a bite.

The man eats, and Gabriel introduces himself, asking the man’s name. The man says Gabriel came there with a friend, and Gabriel asks if he’s seen Aaron, but the man says nothing. Gabriel asks what he wants, and the man says it seems like Gabriel is the one who wants something. They broke into his place, ate his boar, and drank his whiskey. Gabriel says it didn’t look like anyone lived there, and he asks if Gabriel thinks the boar got in there by itself. Gabriel says they were looking for food. They didn’t mean any harm. The man takes out Aaron’s metal spiked ball hand, and tosses it on the table, saying, does this say no harm to you? Gabriel says they’re part of a larger group, more than twenty armed fighters. They’ll be coming if he and Aaron don’t get back. The man wonders if they’re joining the card game. He sits back, his automatic rifle in his lap, and asks if Gabriel thinks it’s loaded. Gabriel says, there aren’t a lot of bullets left, and the man lets a load of shots fly. He asks Gabriel if he thinks he made it. Gabriel doesn’t understand, and the man says his friend is in there, pointing to the wall he shot at. He gets up, tells Gabriel, easy, and opens the door. He says, still breathing… he thinks. Gabriel says he wants to see Aaron, and the man asks why he’s still wearing his collar. Gabriel says, probably for the same reason the man keeps the Bibles. Because the Word of God still matters. It’s a light in an otherwise dark world; a reminder that light is still in them… love, mercy, forgiveness. The man says, toilet paper, and Gabriel says, what? The man says, the Bible. He like the bent pages. Gabriel suggests that he read it instead of wiping his ass with it, and the man says he read it, cover to cover. That’s why he wipes his ass with it. He says, it must be hard preaching about something Gabriel doesn’t believe in, and Gabriel says he does believe. The man says, evil people aren’t the exception to the rule, and Gabriel says he was drunk. The man says, drunk is honest. There’s nothing left but thieves and murderers. Gabriel says, there’s still goodness, but you have to look for it, and he man asks who Gabriel is trying to convince, him or himself? He’s so close. Gabriel says, close to what? and the man gets up, keeping the gun on Gabriel. He kicks he door open, and drags Aaron out, tied to a chair and gagged. He puts Aaron at the table, and takes the gag off. He unties one of Aaron’s wrists, and knocks all the bullets out of a handgun. He puts one back in, and says, one round. One in six chances. He spins it, and shuts it, and says they’ve got a choice. Each time, they can aim it at themselves, or the man sitting across from them. The winner goes home.

Gabriel says, they’re not doing this, and the man says, then they both die. Aaron asks how they know he won’t kill them both anyway? and the man says, they don’t. Aaron says, they’ll make it right. They’ll get him a new boar. The man says, it’s not about the boar, and Gabriel asks what it is about. The man says, enlightenment. Go ahead. Gabriel looks at Aaron, and picks up the gun. He puts it to his own head, and pulls the trigger, but it just clicks. Aaron looks freaked out, and the man slides the gun over to him, saying, now you. Aaron follows Gabriel’s example, and asks why the man is doing this. The man asks what happened to Aaron’s arm, and Aaron says, it was crushed in a construction accident. The man asks who blinded Gabriel, and Gabriel says, no one. It was an infection. He wanted to hear someone plucked out Gabriel’s eye or chopped off Aaron’s arm? Why? To prove how evil man is? Does the man think he or Aaron will shoot each other? The man tells Gabriel, pick it up now, and Gabriel repeats what he did the first time, and the gun only clicks. Aaron takes the gun and cocks it, and the man asks if Aaron heard that. It makes a different sound when the chamber loads. It’s his choice to make.

Aaron says, they’re not thieves or murderers. They don’t kill each other; they protect each other like family. The man asks if family is supposed to mean something. He knows about family. When he was with his brother and his brother’s family on the road, he saved their lives more times than he could count. One day, he woke up to find his brother stealing the last of his food. His brother just stared at him, then came at him with a knife. Aaron asks, what happened? and the man says he handled it. He didn’t blame his brother, because his brother gave him something valuable that day. Gabriel says, his brother didn’t give him anything. He’s just trying to make sense of what happened. He walled himself off, believing everyone left out there was evil. It was easier to accept than the truth – that he meant less to his brother than a scrap of food. Aaron says, Gabriel… but Gabriel says the man needs to hear it. He knows about looking for meaning. Most times, there is no answer, no grand design, no enlightenment. The man’s brother ripped up his face, and he’s so hate filled, he can’t see. So he murders good people for what? To prove what? The man tells Aaron, pull the trigger. Him or you? Who’s it gonna be?

Aaron starts to point the gun at his own head, and  the man says, what about Gracie. Aaron wants to see her. He knows what he’s got to do. Aaron looks like he’s going to cry, or maybe throw up, and the man says, does he want to see his daughter again or not? Aaron says he does and the man says, then what is he waiting for. Three…  two… one… Aaron starts to put the gun to his own head again, the man says, stop. That’s who people are. Gabriel says, he was wrong. People are capable of more than killing each other. They still love and sacrifice for their brothers. His brother didn’t give him truth; his brother only betrayed him. If he punishes them for his brother’s sins, he’s no better than his brother. He wasn’t always like this; none of them were. But they have to remember who they were, and know who they are. The man says he knows who he is, and Gabriel says he does too. He knows people like the man, good people who’ve been broken by the world. He doesn’t have to be; there’s another way. They have a community of real people, people who were lost and found their way back. He can too. They can help if he lets them. The man says he doesn’t believe Gabriel, but Aaron says, it’s true, and puts the gun down. He says the man should believe Gabriel because that’s who they are. The man thinks about it, sighs, and picks up the gun. He sticks it in his waistband, and cuts Aaron free.

The man says, Mays. His name is Mays. Then, stunning all of us, but mostly Mays, Gabriel takes Aaron’s metal hand, and whacks Mays with it, presumably killing him, and spattering Aaron’s face with his blood. He tells Aaron, it’s okay. They’re good. Aaron says, are they? and Gabriel says they couldn’t take him with them. He killed his brother’s family. Aaron says, let’s just go.    

Wow. I’m so disappointed. Can we not have one episode where everyone plays nice? I want Z Nation back.

Gabriel says Mays heard everything they said. Where was he hiding? Gabriel opens a hatch, and sees a lantern. They walk through the space, which is flanked by steel shelving holding all kinds of supplies. The see a restrained man, who looks like your classic hermit, cowering in the corner. Aaron says, it’s his brother. They see the brother’s wife and child dead on the floor, and Gabriel says they’re not going to hurt him. The brother is obviously scared out of his wits, and Gabriel moves forward. He undoes the restraints, but the brother suddenly has a gun. Aaron tells him, drop it, and Gabriel says they just want to help him. The brother says, help? and Gabriel says, yes; get him out of there. Aaron asks if he wants to come with them, and Gabriel says, just put the gun down. The brother sees his dead family, and in possibly the saddest moment ever, puts the gun to his own head. Gabriel and I both say, no! but he shoots himself, falling next to his wife and child. I almost want to cry.

Gabriel takes the gun, and grabs some cans of food and other supplies. Aaron looks at pictures of Mays, his brother, and his brother’s family in happier times.

Gabriel and Aaron continue to walk. We see a water tower in the distance, and Gabriel says, the water tower. It’s the last place on the map. What does Aaron think? Aaron looks sad, as he has through a lot of this episode, and he nods. He says, one more, and they walk toward the tower.  

Next time, Aaron’s nervous breakdown (just kidding). Princess and the others are captured by stormtroopers, and plan an escape. Ezekiel says they don’t know these people, and they can’t trust what they don’t know.

⚰️ On the flipside, Talking Dead was one of the funniest ever. Seth Gilliam (Gabriel), Ross Marquand (Aaron), Robert Patrick (Mays/Mays’s brother), and writer & co-executive producer Jim Barnes were guests. The lot of them were hysterically funny, with Ross doing a spot-on imitation of Sly Stallone. Robert said Ross had entertained them throughout filming with impressions, and ragged on Seth for being a lousy priest through the entire episode. We also got some nice insight into Robert’s acting technique. He said when playing the brother, he didn’t have much to work with as far as character development went, but tried to incorporate what a rescue dog would have felt like; one that’s been abused, and was afraid of strangers. I thought it was a brilliant choice. Another tidbit we got was that the whiskey brand was named after Duane Jones, who played Ben in the original Night of the Living Dead. This was probably one of the best TD episodes of all time IMO.

🏍 Not So Smooth Daryl…

I’m not sure why he was so nervous. It’s not like there was human contact.


🖇 Next…

Time to move on to my other job, and hopefully making up for that lost hour this weekend. Until we meet once again at the Hospital and/or on Deck, stay safe, stay looking forward to spring, and stay on Gabriel’s good side.