Tag Archives: Josh Kelly

March 27, 2024 – Anna Asks Dex To Work For Her, Lotsa Suds, She’s Escaped, Valley Bore, Latest Chefs, Dead Shocks, More Never, My Kind Of Pack & Rise


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Jason waits in the interrogation room when Sam walks in and sits across from him. Because, like the hospital, the PCPD plays fast and loose with security.

Danny opens the door to the boathouse and sees it’s empty. Jake asks if he’s looking for something.

Trina finds Josslyn at the courthouse and says, she went looking for her at the dorm. When she saw Josslyn wasn’t in their room, she figured she’d find her here. Josslyn says, it’s nice to hear Trina call it their room, even though she’s not living there right now. Trina asks if it’s okay if she sits, and Josslyn says, of course (🍷). Is she here to make sure Jason gets the book thrown at him? Trina says she’s actually not here for Jason. She’s here for Josslyn.

In the courtroom, Molly goes through her documents and drops them. She starts to pick them up, when Kristina comes in and helps. Molly says she wasn’t sure if she’d see Kristina today, but Kristina says, is Molly kidding her? A chance to support her sister. Molly is looking the part. Molly says, at least she’s got that going for her, and Kristina says, and a million other things. Don’t sell herself short. Molly says she thinks she’s shaking, and Kristina takes her hand and says, breathe. It has to be tough, prosecuting someone who means so much to her. Molly says, tough would be a cakewalk. This feels nearly impossible.

Sam asks if Jason did it. Did he shoot Dante? He says, no, and she says she believes him. He says, there’s something else. It’s about Danny. She says, what about Danny? and he says, after he was shot, he hid out at the boathouse and Danny found him. She says, so he’s seen Danny? and he says, yeah. Danny helped him. He got a first aid kit from the main house and brought it down to the boathouse. She says she’s a little confused. Why didn’t Danny tell her that he saw Jason? He says he told Danny not to.

Danny asks if Aiden’s here too, but Jake says, he’s up at the main house. Danny says, why? and Jake says, why is Aiden at the main house or why are they here? Danny says, the second one, and Jake says, his mom figured if they’re all staying home to see the arraignment, they might as well all stay together. But he assumes it will go pretty quickly. They’ll see dad shot Dante, they’ll decide he’s guilty, and he won’t be granted bail. Danny says, first of all, that’s not how arraignments work. Second of all, what makes him so sure that dad’s guilty?

Molly tells Kristina, her main job today is to remain impartial. How is she supposed to argue that Jason is some awful murderer after all the history they have together? His years with Sam. He’s Danny’s father. How does she do that? Kristina says, that’s the other reason she’s here, and Molly says she thought Kristina was here for moral support. Kristina says, of course (🍷) she is. That’s what she’s here for first and foremost. Also, Molly can’t give in to her soft spot for Jason. He’s guilty. Molly asks, says who? and Kristina says, her father for starters. She saw him the last couple of times she visited Dante, and he didn’t want to believe it at first, but there’s evidence linking Jason to the warehouse shooting. So obviously, Dante followed him and that’s when Jason shot him. Molly asks if it’s obvious to Sonny or Kristina, because it certainly isn’t obvious to the police or to the DA’s office or to her personally. Kristina asks why they’d be charging Jason if they didn’t think he did it, and Molly says, there is reasonable suspicion and supporting evidence that Jason shot Dante. But there was also another unidentified individual present, and they’re not sure what part they played, so nothing is obvious. And let’s not forget, in our legal system, the defendant is innocent until proven guilty, no matter what Sonny thinks. Kristina says, that’s exactly what she was afraid of, and Molly says, what? Kristina says, Molly doesn’t want Jason to be guilty so she’s scrambling to come up with a scenario where he’s not. But as hard as this is going to be – and she knows this is going to be hard for Molly – she has to check her feelings at the door and do her job. (Are they having two different conversations?)

On the phone, Anna asks what Portia’s professional opinion is… She knows she’s not family, but she’s really worried… Okay. She appreciates that. She thanks Portia for the update and says she’ll call her back. Dex comes in, and she asks him to close the door. He does and asks if that was about Dante. How is he? She says, he’s the same, and Dex says, his family must be going out of their minds. Anna says, waiting is a special kind of torture. She appreciates him coming in. He says he assumes this is about their last conversation. He figured once she thought about it, she’d change her mind about pursuing a case against Sonny, and he’ll still testify against Sonny if that’s what she’s wondering. No matter what it costs. She says, even if it costs him his life?

Anna says, Sonny has resources. He would know Dex intended to testify against him before Dex even took the stand. Dex asks if that’s where she comes in. Is she going to offer him some kind of protection? She says she can authorize that, but it wouldn’t guarantee his safety because Sonny has a way of getting around everything. Dex says, he does, and she says, there’s Witness Protection, but from what she understands, he wants to stay in town. He asks where that leaves him, and she says, not in a courtroom, that’s for sure. She does not want him testifying. He says he doesn’t understand. If she doesn’t want him to testify, what is he doing here? She says, a thought occurred to her, a way he can ensure his own safety. He says he’s listening, and she says, he comes to work for her at the PCPD.

Josslyn and Trina both say, I’m sorry, and Trina says, jinx. Josslyn can’t talk until she says her name… That was a joke… Josslyn. They both laugh, and Josslyn says, clearly, she takes her jinx very seriously. Trina says, obviously, but for real, she is sorry. She was a total B and Josslyn didn’t deserve it. Josslyn says she kind of did deserve it, and Trina asks, why? Josslyn says, of course (🍷) she’s very relieved and happy Jason is alive, but she does really think he’s innocent. That’s her and how she feels, and Trina is more than entitled to feel differently about it. She’s really sorry if she acted like Trina wasn’t. Trina says, apology accepted, and Josslyn says, back at her. Trina tells her that she will say, her attitude wasn’t entirely about Jason being a suspect in her father’s shooting, and Josslyn says, what was it? Trina says she was… still is having a hard time with the unfairness that Jason got to come back, while Spencer’s still gone.

Molly says, thank you so much, and Kristina says she’s getting the sense Molly doesn’t mean that. Molly says she just doesn’t need Kristina coming in here moments before the arraignment to tell her something that not only she already knows, but she’s struggling with in real time. Because it’s so nice to be Kristina, right? With her advice and her nuggets of wisdom, sitting all cozy in the back of the courthouse, while Molly actually has to make the argument why somebody she loves and respects and probably has an explanation for what he did, shouldn’t make bail. Kristina says, that’s a valid point, multiple points actually, and Molly thanks her. Kristina says, Molly is an excellent lawyer. She’s also the most ethical person Kristina knows. She’s sorry. She should have just kept her mouth shut. Molly says, it wouldn’t really track for her, and Kristina says, true. Molly wonders if she can ask Kristina a question. Since when is she so anti-Jason?

Jake tells Danny not to be naïve, and Danny asks what that even means. Jake says, of course (🍷) he’s guilty. The guy took off. Danny says, now he’s the guy? and Jake says, he made them all think he was dead, then came back and shot Dante. If Danny’s waiting for him to be proven innocent, he’ll be waiting forever. Danny says he doesn’t know any of that, and Jake says, Danny doesn’t know dad left them or that they had a memorial service for him? Danny says, that’s the story Jake told himself. Unless Jake’s talked to him, or the police. Did they fill Jake in on all the evidence they’ve collected? Jake says, don’t be stupid, but Danny says, he’s the one being stupid. He’s mad at dad. Danny gets it. So Jake wants him to be guilty. Rocco comes along, and Jake says he doesn’t want any of this. Danny lives with Dante. He’s the best. He’s always fun. He’s always joking around and always has time for everybody. Now he’s lying in a hospital bed because their father put him there. Rocco tells them to stop, and Danny says he loves Dante and Rocco is like a brother to him. He’s barely left the hospital to get updates on his dad. Rocco asks if they can please… Jake asks if Danny is telling Rocco that their dad is innocent, like he doesn’t have enough to deal with already. Obviously, Danny doesn’t care about Dante or Rocco. Danny says, that’s messed up. How does he believing their dad is innocent make him not care about Rocco or Dante? Jake asks why he isn’t mad at Jason, and Danny asks why Jake isn’t giving him the benefit of the doubt. Jake says, because he doesn’t deserve it, and Danny punches him in the face. (Sorry, I thought it was Rocco in the  preview. They look interchangeable.)

Sam says, just so she’s getting this straight, Jason told their son not to tell her that he’d seen him? And he was helping Jason? Jason says, yes, and Sam says she’s Danny’s mother. She’s been raising their son on her own for most of his life. What the hell is wrong with him? Danny is just a kid, a kid that has issues. Jason asks what she means. What kind of issues? She says, don’t do that. Don’t pretend to be a father to him now. She gets up and says, he disappeared, leaving her to pick up the pieces and put their son’s life back together. And she did that, by the way. He doesn’t get to just some out of the sky out of nowhere and tell their son to lie to her, to keep secrets from her, and use him because he’s in trouble. Putting him in a situation where he… My God. Danny could be brought up on federal charges. That is their baby she’s been protecting. Say something. Don’t just sit there. Tell her that he knows she’s right about all of it. He says, she’s right, and she says, he is a danger to their son. Does he hear her? Stay the hell away from Danny. She walks out and the Jason sigh is back.

Dex says, Anna wants him to join the PCPD? and she says, don’t look so shocked. She happens to think that this is inspired. He says, until very recently, he was working on the inside of Sonny’s organization, doing all kinds of illegal things on his orders. She says, exactly. That’s what makes him an asset. He says he almost murdered an old man on Sonny’s orders, and she says she knows it’s hard for him to wrap his head around it. When Mayor Collins offered her this position again, she felt like her past disqualitfied her somehow, but now she realizes the best cops are the ones who know how easy it is to go wrong, because they’ve been there themselves. He says, so it’s fine he’s no better than the criminals she’s trying to put away, and she says, it’s more than fine. She thinks it’s a bonus.

Trina says, this all sounds so irrational, but Josslyn says, not to her. Trina says, every morning, she wakes up and the first thing she thinks is, it’s all a nightmare and Spencer’s still here. And today’s the day she’ll get that call, that they made a mistake and Spencer’s fine. And to see that scenario playing out for Josslyn and her mom and everyone that loves Jason… Josslyn says she knows. Trina wants that to happen for Spencer. It’s okay, he’s just chilling with Netflix. Trina says, so badly, and Josslyn says she’s so sorry. For her, it was different. She knew that Oscar’s death was coming, but she understands. Trina says she knows Josslyn does, and Josslyn says, that kind of grief consumes you. Trina says, and she can’t get out from under it, and Josslyn says, she will. One day, eventually, her time with Spencer, those memories will make her smile. It’s not going to break her heart anymore. Trina says she doesn’t know if she’s there yet, and Josslyn says, no one expects her to be there. Trina says she just misses him so much, in a way she didn’t even know you could miss people. And she feels like she’s gone too. Josslyn says, she very understandably lost her way for a bit, but she’s going to find her way back. Trina says, what if she doesn’t? and Josslyn says, then Trina can reach out her hand and she’ll take it, and they’ll make it through together.

Kristina says she’s not anti-Jason, and Molly says, she’s certainly not pro. Kristina says she guesses she’s not. Don’t look so surprised. Molly says she is. Kristina was literally drugged and five minutes away from being tattooed and sexually assaulted, when Jason carried her out of Dawn of Day. Kristina says she knows and she’ll forever grateful to Jason and to Sam for getting her away from Shiloh. But they don’t know what’s happened in the last couple of years. Jason could be a totally different person now, and the evidence is pointing in that direction. Molly says, evidence is subject to interpretation. That’s the whole point of the trial. The prosecution interprets it one way and the defense interprets it another. Kristina says, and the evidence shows Jason was there when Dante was shot, and Molly says, so just because Sonny believes Jason shot Dante, Kristina believes it too. Kristina says, for her father to go against Jason is a big deal and Molly knows that. So she’s inclined to believe him. Molly tells her to be careful who she talks like this around, and Kristina asks what she’s talking about. Molly says, Danny, their nephew. She knows she has to have a talk with him after today, explain that she’s just doing her job. Kristina can believe whatever she wants, but Jason is still Danny’s father. Kristina says, please. Dante has been more of a father than Jason has been or ever will be.

Diane goes into the interrogation room and tells Jason that she saw Sam leaving. She’d ask how that went, but she hates talking to herself. Let’s focus on your case. They have a hero cop in the hospital on life support, and chances are getting smaller and smaller every day that he’ll wake up to exonerate Jason. They have a DA with a working and perfectly reasonable theory that Jason shot said cop without realizing who he was. Then Jason realized it and tried to save him. Too little too late. Jason knows that’s not true. She knows that’s not true. So how do they get the rest of the world on board? Give her something she can use. Does he have an alibi? Is there a timeline? Is there someone she can call who will say, nope, Jason didn’t shoot Dante? Is there anything he can give her. Please. He says he can’t.

Rocco and Jake continue to fight, while Rocco continues to shout at them to stop. Jake knocks Danny down with a punch, and Rocco says, they’re family. They can’t do this to each other. Jake says he can’t with this, and walks off. Rocco says he’s really sorry and runs after Jake. Danny lies down on the deck.

Josslyn asks Trina to tell her something about their time together in Paris, and Trina says, like what? Josslyn says, anything. After Oscar died, nobody wanted to talk to her about him. Probably because they didn’t want to upset her, but she felt the opposite. She wanted to talk about him and wanted to relive their times together. Trina says, yes. That’s the perfect way to describe it. Josslyn says, so tell her something about Paris, and Trina says, it’s the happiest she’s ever been. Josslyn says she bets Spencer would say the same, and Trina says she thinks so too. Josslyn says, it doesn’t get more romantic than the City of Lights, and Trina says, no, it was more than that. Their ease at being together. They found the perfect rhythm with paradise as their backdrop. She felt more like herself in Paris with Spencer than she ever has before. Josslyn says, it sounds so special, and Trina says, it was, until it wasn’t. Josslyn suggests staying with the was, and Trina says, okay. Josslyn says she’s so grateful Trina got that time with him and that the time with him was so incredibly special. Trina says she’s grateful too, and Josslyn hugs her.

Dex says, Anna seems to be under the impression that he needs this job, and she says, doesn’t he? He says he’s ex-military. He’s been through his share of close calls and here he is, still standing. She says, he’s just been at the police station twice in two days, not clandestinely either. He says, so? and she says, so what makes him think that Sonny doesn’t already suspect him of being a turncoat? It’s fine. If he wants to go it alone, he’s welcome to, but she feels that the PCPD could offer him some cover. Think about it. He says he will, and goes to the door. She says, don’t take too long. Time is not on his side.

Molly tells Kristina that she keeps remembering when they decorated Sam and Jason’s apartment for Valentine’s Day. She hasn’t thought about it in years, but she can remember it like it was yesterday. Kristina wonders if they can really call that decorating. More like an absolute flooding of Valentine’s Day bling all over that place. Molly says, come on. It was beautiful. Kristina says, it was. It was also pink. A little red, but a lot of pink. Kristina says, so not Jason’s style. Candles and flowers. But it was Jason’s fault. Kristina says, it totally was. He gave them an insane budget to work with and they were so young. Of course (🍷) they were going to go full out. Molly says she just remembers thinking it was the most romantic thing he did for Sam, and Kristina says, it was romantic. It was also a really long time ago. Things change. People change. Molly says, how much? and Kristina says, a lot sometimes. She thinks Molly needs to face the fact that the Jason who came home might not be the Jason they remember. Molly says, okay. She’ll consider the possibility if Kristina considers the possibility that maybe, just maybe, she’s got this all wrong.

Jason says he wishes he could give Diane what she needs, but he can’t, and she says, they’ve known each other a long time, haven’t they? He says, they have, and she says she’s sure he’s recognized that very often she makes things sound worse than they are, so she looks like even more of a genius when she pulls off a victory at the end. But this is not that case. If Dante dies, it’s murder one. That’s as bad as it gets. The state of New York doesn’t have a death penalty, but if he’s convicted, he’ll spend the rest of his life in prison. He’s her favorite client. Difficult in his own way, absolutely, but she’d hate to see him get put away for life for something he didn’t do, especially since they just got him back. So if there’s anything at all that can help her help him – anything – he’s got her number. She leaves.

Brook comes through the revolving door to the interrogation room, and Jason says, Brook Lynn. She says, surprise. She’s guessing she’s not who he expected to see here. He says, not really, no, and she says she knows the desk sergeant. He let her in. She’s soon to be marrying one of the detectives. She sits down, and he says, congratulations. She thanks him and says she’s sorry. She doesn’t know why this is so awkward. She’s usually so good at small talk, but it’s tripping her up for some reason. He says, why doesn’t she just start with why she’s here? She says, Monica asked if she could come. She wanted Brook to give him this. She slides an envelope across the table, and he sees his name written on it.

Sam goes to the boathouse and says, Jake told her that she’d find Danny here. Danny asks if he said anything else, and she says, he just looked a little worse for the wear. She sees his face and says, ouch. Does it hurt? He says, not really, and she asks why he’d get in a fight with his brother. (Like that never happens.) He says, Jake kept saying dad was guilty and it really pissed him off, and she says she just saw him. He says, dad? and she says, yeah. He told her that he was here, and Danny was helping him. He says, she’s mad, and she says she’s furious, but not at him. What his father did was completely unfair. It’s not his fault he did what his father asked him to do, but he’s to never do that again, okay? He says, mom… but she says, ever. He says he wanted to help his dad, and she says she’s sure he did. Danny says, it’s not like dad asked him to rob a bank or anything. He just needed some bandages, so Danny got him a first aid kit. She says, listen to her. A, Jason involved him in a situation where he’s wanted by the FBI and the PCPD. And B – this is the worst part for her – he told Danny to lie to her, to keep a secret from her. It’s not okay under any circumstances, but when there are criminal charges flying around… She never thought she would actually say this about his father, but that did it for her. Any trust between her and Jason has been broken.

Anna comes into her office to find Robert there. She asks if they had a meeting, and he asks if a man has to make an appointment to meet with his ex-wife these days. She says, when he’s the DA and his ex-wife is the Commissioner. She has a lot on her plate these days. He says, why doesn’t she try delegating sometime? and she says, it’s okay. What is this about? He says he’ll be quick. He’s here to make a confession. She asks what he’s confessing to, and he says he’s a big, fat coward.

Molly says she doesn’t want to fight about this, and Kristina asks if Molly thinks she does. Molly says she wishes Kristina was less focused on the arraignment and more focused on her health, and Kristina says, she means the baby’s health. Molly asks if they’re not the same thing. Stress of any kind is not good for a pregnancy. So if Kristina really came to support her – Kristina says she did – then the best thing she can do is just go home. Kristina says she sees. Is that an order, ADA Lansing-Davis?

Trina thanks Josslyn, and Josslyn says, for what? Trina says, being a best friend when she knows Josslyn could use one right now, and Josslyn says she’s fine. Trina says, liar. What’s going on between her and Dex? Josslyn says, not much, and Trina asks if they’ve spoken since they broke up, but Josslyn says, no. He’s called her a few times, but she’s not ready to talk to him. Trina says, what about Josslyn? She still doesn’t know what happened, although she has the impression that it has something to do with Dex working for Sonny. Josslyn says, yes, it does, and that’s all she can say about it without compromising him. Trina says, then she must still care for him, and Josslyn says, of course (🍷) she does. She thinks she always will, but she also feels like she never really knew him. Trina says she’s sorry. That’s a horrible feeling. Josslyn says, anyway, she’s fine. She loves Trina for showing up here, but she doesn’t need to stay. Trina says she has nothing better to do. She lives at home and she’s not in school. Josslyn says, she has the gallery, and Trina says, but not today. So she doesn’t mind staying a little longer and hanging out. On second thought – Josslyn turns around and Dex is there – she thinks Josslyn should spend some time alone. Josslyn and Dex soap look at each other.

Trina says, so thanks for the talk. She’ll call Josslyn later. Josslyn thanks her, and Trina leaves, smiling at Dex as she passes him. Dex says, hi, and Josslyn says, hi. What is he doing here? He says he had an appointment, and she says, really? In the Hall of Justice complex? With whom? He asks if she got his messages, and she says, nice dodge. Yeah, she got them. He says he didn’t like how they left things, and she says, speaking of leaving, she thought he left town. He says, thought or hoped? He’s really sorry he let her down. She asks why he’s still here in Port Charles, and he says he thinks he was just given a reason to stay.

Molly says she knows better than to issue Kristina an order and she’s sorry. She didn’t mean to imply Kristina was putting the baby at risk. She knows Kristina never would. Just like Kristina knows she would never let her personal feelings influence her work. Kristina laughs and says, well played, sister. Molly says, if Kristina doesn’t mind, she has a little bit of time left, and she would like to prepare her argument against releasing Jason on bail. Not because of anything Kristina said, but because it’s her civic duty.

Robert says, Anna knows it’s Jason Morgan’s arraignment today, and she says she thought he told her that this wasn’t going to take up too much of her time. He says, it won’t. Normally, it would be up to him to argue against bail, but in this particular case, he thought he’d let Molly Lansing-Davis do it. She says, so he doesn’t look like the bad guy in Robin’s eyes. He’s going to let his ADA do his dirty work because he’s scared of his daughter. He says, that’s it in a nutshell, yeah, and she says she envies him. He says, she does? and she says she doesn’t have the luxury of not investigating Jason. Sadly, that is not an option for her, but it is an option for him, and she wholly supports him taking it. He says, it doesn’t bother her that he’s a coward for ducking out on the arraignment? and she says she thinks he’s a wonderful coward… She means, father.

Jason picks up the envelope, and asks if Monica is sick or hurt, and Brook says, both, but she’s okay. He knows how that driveway is; it always gets so icy. Monica took a pretty bad fall right before Christmas. She’s been in a wheelchair ever since, but she’s still considering going to work. He says, sounds like her, and Brook says, she picked up a bug at the hospital. Nothing serious, but the doctors don’t want her to push herself or she would be at the arraignment. He opens the envelope and takes out a handwritten note: Jason, I believe in you. Love, Mom. An officer comes in and says, ten minutes and he really needs to get the prisoner downstairs, and Brook thanks him. She tells Jason, good luck at the arraignment, and goes to the door. Wiping his eyes, Jason says, tell her that he loves her and he’s sorry, and Brook says, he’s got it.

Sam comes out of the boathouse with something in a plastic bag and tells Danny that she found this in the freezer. She has him hold it against his head and he says, thanks. How’s Dante? She says, no change, and he asks if she thinks… She says, what is it? Say something. He says, nothing, but she says, it’s obviously something. Talk to her. He says, Dante knows he loves him, right? and she says, yes. Of course (🍷) he does. He says, and that he really appreciates Dante and sees everything Dante does for him? She says, yeah. Why would he think Dante wouldn’t? He says he doesn’t know. Just making sure. She says she’s so sorry, and he says, for what? She says, his father coming home and being alive should be the most wonderful, amazing experience, not this. She doesn’t know if she’s changed or Jason’s changed or she’s never been able to see him clearly, but it’s just become obvious to her that she can’t rely on him to protect Danny and have his best interests at heart. She just wants him to know that she’s his mother and she’ll do everything in her power to keep him safe. And she loves him so much. He says he loves her too, and she takes his hand. She says, they’re going to get through this together because they have each other. She hugs him and says, he’s never going to have to see his dad again, okay? But from the look on his face, it’s not okay.

Tomorrow, Sam needs Portia to stop something from happening; Carly wants to know what Michael isn’t telling her; Josslyn tells Kristina that her father is wrong about everything; and Sonny says he doesn’t owe Jason anything.

🧼 All the Soap Fit To Print…

Guess who’s back? Frankly, it didn’t seem like he was gone all that long.

Easton Rocket Sweda Teases His Return to GENERAL HOSPITAL

Keeping in touch.

Side gigs. I’m all about the pup (!).

Sweet reunion. Hard to believe Todd’s daughter is now a mom.

🍸 Mya Is Now Safe…

Not my vibe, but the view sounds very cool.

🏌️‍♂️ If You Must…

IMO, this show is a real snoozefest.

🍛 Quickfire This…

So when are we going to get TVs that have tastevision?


⚰️ The Ones Who Didn’t Die…

Surprise and surprise.



Never Ever Ending…

I’ll have them know, Falcor is a luck dragon, not a dog, but luck dragons do look suspiciously like Pekingese.



🐶 Doggy Style…

I’m well aware I’m late to the party here. I’d wanted to see Strays when it was playing at the movie theater, but didn’t get the chance. Being caught up in several series on Netflix, I put it off when it came to Prime, but I recently watched it and I loved it so much. It has more crude language than a Quentin Tarantino film, but hearing it come out of the mouths of dogs, cats, and an eagle, makes it hysterically funny somehow. It’s now going to be on constant rotation for me, because it’s also one of those movies that left me smiling without taking me on a trip to the cornfield. I don’t need a Friday the 13th ending, but the worst is a horror film that has a Hallmark ending or ends up being a PSA for the environment. (Yes, I’m talking to you Mother! That’s 2 hours and 1 minute I will never get back.) Besides causing me to literally lol, Strays has a stellar cast, a heartfelt message, and of course, dogs.

👖 Caught With My Pants Up…

If you come back tomorrow, I promise soap, topics of interest in entertainment, and probably a pet or two. Until then, stay safe, stay not making/discussing plans in front of somebody not invited, and stay being a best friend even when you could use one.

June 1, 2023 – Anna Threatens the WSB, Soap Mix, Blame Game, VanderChaos, Coming Last, Prosperous Pets (!) & Style


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

THE POOL IS OPEN!!! Josslyn and Trina walk in, and Spencer jumps out. Clearly, he’s been working on his summer body. He says, finally. They have no idea what he had to do to defend their chaises. The dirty looks, and he’s gotten the oh-so polite questions from the staff as to when the rest of his party will be here. Josslyn says she’s sure it was a hideous strain, but she thanks him for enduring it on their behalf. Trina asks how they can ever repay him? and he says, for her, he’ll think of something. Josslyn doesn’t owe him anything. He wasn’t saving the chaise for her, but he knew she’d be with Trina, and Trina would want her to have one. Josslyn tells Trina, don’t worry; she still gets a chaise out of it. Trina asks if they’re going to do this all day, and Spencer says, just like old times. Trina says, before the DNA test results? Josslyn says, before the SEC charges? and Spencer says, before Greenland? Josslyn leaves for a moment, and Spencer says, the only one missing is Cameron. Trina asks if he’s going to make this weird, and he says he won’t… He might though. Trina sees Dex and Josslyn kissing.

Portia nearly runs into Curtis at the bottom of the stairs, and she says, there’s a fresh pot of coffee on. She’s got some fresh fruit and there’s eggs in the fridge… He says he’s not a houseguest. He can make his own breakfast. She says she guesses she’s just adjusting to him being back home. She wasn’t sure he’d come back home after finding out Trina is his biological daughter. She asks what made him decide to stay, when the doorbell rings. It’s Stella.

Jordan brings TJ coffee at the hospital, and he says, thanks; he needed this. She says, clearly he does. He forgot they were meeting for coffee. He says he’s sorry. It’s been a rough morning, and it completely slipped his mind. Molly spent the night at her mom’s house. Jordan asks if something happened, and he says he really messed up.

There’s a knock at Laura’s door, and she answers it to Valentin. He says he believes she has something that belongs to him.

Anna paces, when Hursley walks in. She asks why she’s under arrest, and he asks if she reads The Sun. She says she doesn’t read that rag, and he says, she should. The WSB got wind last night that she made the front page. He tosses the paper on the table, and she picks it up, seeing her picture with ANNA DEVANE DOUBLE AGENT underneath it. He asks if she has any idea how she made the cover.

Josslyn says she didn’t think Dex would show up, and he says he couldn’t say no to her, but he’s not sure her plan’s going to work. Spencer hates his guts and he doesn’t see that changing.

Spencer asks Trina if Dex doesn’t have some crimes to commit. Some kneecaps to break; suckers to punch. She says, Josslyn invited him, and he asks when she’s going to realize he’s a dead end loser and dump him. She says, he’s important to Josslyn, and they’re all spending time together unless he wants to lose Josslyn as a friend. He says, it won’t be the first time he’s lost a friend to Dex, and she says, Cameron got a soccer scholarship at Stanford. Dex’s relationship with Josslyn didn’t force him to leave. He says, it certainly made things easier, didn’t it? He knows if push came to shove, Josslyn would choose him over Dex, and Trina looks at them, and says, oh yeah. Josslyn is definitely not dumping Dex for him. He says, Josslyn may forget about Cameron, but he won’t. Josslyn and Dex walk over to them, and Dex holds out his hand, saying, no hard feelings?

Stella asks if Marshall is here. She just came by for his gumbo recipe. Portia says, he’s out, but she can tell him that Stella stopped by, and Curtis asks if Stella came by to chat about gumbo. Stella says, Marshall called her last night, and he told her about Trina’s paternity. She thought it was time for her and Curtis to clear the air.

TJ tells Jordan that he’s sorry. He didn’t mean to open a vein. She says, he’s free to unload on her any time. What’s going on with him and Molly, or is it none of her business? He says, she knows he and Molly have been talking about starting a family. They met with Dr. Navarro, and they’re having some fertility issues. She says she’s so sorry, and he says, things got really tense between them. He said some things he shouldn’t have. Molly raced out of the apartment, and went to her mom’s. He spent the night pacing. He wants her to come home. Jordan says, she will. He and Molly have the kind of partnership other people dream about. They’ll get through this. He says he hopes she’s right. He feels like, just when Molly needed him the most, he pushed her away. She asks if he’s sure about that, and he looks up to see Molly.

Laura says, Valentin missed the reading of his father’s will, but Valentin says he didn’t. Martin filled him in on the details. She says, so he received his inheritance then? and he says, she means the finger? It was cute. He laughed himself silly, but the man’s still dead. She says, he managed to get his point across, even from beyond the grave, didn’t he? and Valentin asks if she saw what he left for Anna. She says, he said he left her the truth, which didn’t make any sense until she got up and read the morning paper, and he says he saw that too. Anna’s been arrested by the WSB. She says she didn’t know that, and he says, a source of his at the Bureau said Victor obviously stole a copy of Anna’s personal file before going missing year’s ago, and made arrangements to have it made public in the event of his untimely death. She says, the paper claimed to have obtained classified documents from the WSB, and he says his father obviously isn’t done ruining people’s lives. Luckily, he won’t have any influence on the younger generation of Cassadines. Anyway, he digresses. Martin said Victor left something else for him, aside from the finger. She says, it’s not for him; this is for Charlotte. She hands him a velvet pouch, and he takes out a pendant necklace with the Cassadine crest on it.

Anna tells Hursley that she doesn’t need to read any more of that. It’s her life after all. He says, her cover is blown, but she says, there’s nothing in that article the Bureau didn’t know about already. He says, don’t go any further. They’re doing this by the book. She asks what they’re doing, and he tells an agent to bring him in. She asks, what’s happening? when the agent lets Martin in through another door. She asks what he’s doing here, and Martin says, Valentin called him late last night, and said she was arrested. They’ll have to forgive his appearance. The Bureau kept him waiting for hours. Anna says, so this arrest is a mistake. Someone overreacted while talking to the higherups. Hursley says, on the contrary. She’s being accused of a crime against the state. She says, what crime? and he says, treason.

Laura says, even though it was meant for Charlotte, she thought it was best to give it to Valentin, and he says, the Cassadine crest. She says she hates that thing, and he says he can’t say that he blames her. He left his in a box for many years, until he was ready to come forward and claim what he thought was his rightful inheritance before he put it on his finger. She says, her first instinct was to throw that thing into the harbor. It represents everything she loathes about the Cassadines; everything she doesn’t want her granddaughter to be. But it belongs to Charlotte, and as her father, he gets to decide. He says he doesn’t know that throwing it in the harbor will make Charlotte any less of a Cassadine. His father’s gone, and with him, his influence and expectations. So it’s his hope that Charlotte can create a new legacy for her family.

Portia says, maybe she can move things around at work and stay, and Stella says, thank you, but this conversation between her and Curtis is long overdue. Portia says she’s the one responsible for the tension between the two of them. Maybe she should stay and be a part of this. Stella says she wishes Portia had been honest from the beginning, but she’s not entirely to blame. Curtis is a man who wants the truth, and there are some hard truths they need to talk about. Go on; they’ll be fine. Portia leaves, and Curtis brings Stella some coffee and sits next  to her. He says, now that they know Trina is his, does she want to explain why she kept that information to herself?

Spencer shakes Dex’s hand, saying, he’s glad Dex could join them, and Dex says, him too. Can he get anybody any snacks or drinks? Trina says, orange juice, and Spencer says, make that two. Dex and Josslyn go to the bar, and Spencer says he can’t believe he’s being forced to spend time with that thug. Trina tells him that she’s only going to say this once more; let… it… go. He says, Heller is the one who punched him. He did let it go. He shook the man’s hand, didn’t he? She says, like he was diseased or something. Spencer says he spends enough time taking care of his little brother. Doesn’t she think he deserves a morning with his friends? She says, maybe he should think about his brother. He’s the one who took the first swing at Dex, right? He says, yes… so…? and she says, if he starts another fight, it could possibly blow up into something worse. Does he think a judge would be happy to see he got in trouble again? Is that what a responsible guardian would do?

Anna asks if Hursley is insane, and Martin says, now that he’s finally in the room, he’d like to speak to his client in private. Hursley says, of course (🍷), and he and the other agent leave. Anna asks, what’s going on? and Martin says, the media, and she’s officially a sitting duck. They’re particularly interested in what aspect of the file Victor got released, detailing her life as a double agent. She says, the Bureau knew about this already, and he says, maybe they did, but the public didn’t. Now The Sun’s got hold of it. Her name, hell, her entire history is about to be splashed across the front page of every paper, website, and cable news broadcast in the entire country. This is bad. The public will want answers. They’ll think they want justice. She asks how she’s supposed to defend herself against accusations that are true.

Valentin puts the necklace in his pocket, and Laura brings him coffee. There’s a lot of that going around today. She says she was wondering if he could help her with something. Has he by any chance seen the Cassadine property in Chechnya? He says, on the Terek River; yes, he has. Several years ago, he had to see it for himself. It’s been in the family for 200 years at least. He’s a little surprised the Soviets didn’t take possession of it, and why it’s not in the hands of the current government. She says, it seems Victor has left it to Nikolas, and hands him the deed. She thinks this may be where Victor took Nikolas to recuperate… from when Valentin shot him. He says, that was in self-defense, and she says, let’s not revisit it. He agrees, and asks if she thinks Nikolas is at the property. She says she doesn’t know; it could just be wishful thinking. He says, anything’s possible, but if he is there, given the current political climate, it will be tougher to leave the country without raising red flags. That’s assuming he wants to leave. She says she’s sure he doesn’t, but she has to find him and bring him home.

Spencer tells Trina, fine. He’ll play nice with Dex, but he’s not going to forgive Dex for what he did to Cameron. She says, they may never know exactly what happened between Joss and Cam, but everyone could see it wasn’t working at the end. But now Cam has a scholarship at Stanford, and Joss and Dex – she looks over at them – seem really happy together. Doesn’t Joss deserve that? Josslyn and Dex come back with the drinks, and Spencer says he’s sorry about the punch yesterday. Dex says he’s sorry he hit Spencer in the face, and Spencer says, Dex got him pretty good. Dex doesn’t seem to have a mark on him though. Dex says he can teach Spencer how to block… Never mind. Spencer says, no, go ahead, and Dex shows him some moves as the girls laugh together.

Jordan says, it’s been a while, and Molly says, it’s been too long. She suggests they put it on the calendar, and Jordan says she’ll text Molly some dates. She says she has to check in with the station, and leaves. TJ asks if Molly got a good night’s sleep at her mom’s, but she says she tossed and turned all night. What about him? He says, same. Spending the night apart is not fun. She says she’s sorry she spent the night away. She just needed some time to think. He says she has nothing to apologize for. He was the one who was totally inconsiderate. The words came out wrong, and he doesn’t blame her; he never would. Can she forgive him?

On the phone, Jordan says, no word from the WSB on Anna’s arrest?… Let her know if they hear anything. Portia says she hopes she’s not interrupting anything, but Jordan says, not at all. What’s on her mind? Portia says she was just wondering if Jordan has spoken with Taggert at all recently, and Jordan says, no; why? Portia says, he might need a friend right about now, and Jordan says, the DNA results came back. And Curtis is Trina’s father.

Stella says, why didn’t she tell Curtis that she suspected he was Trina’s father? She’s been asking herself that question a lot lately. He asks if she was able to find an answer, and she says she was trying to get back to the day of his wedding, and why she couldn’t officiate. He tells her that she said something about her conscience, and she says she couldn’t in good conscience marry him and Portia, knowing Portia hadn’t told him that he might be Trina’s father. She didn’t feel she should be the one to tell him; she convinced herself of that. That she couldn’t interfere, because he and Portia seemed so happy, and she didn’t want to get in the way of that. He says, so what changed? Why now? She says, ultimately, she caused more pain and heartache by keeping silent, and she’s sorry. She hopes he can forgive her.

Anna tells Martin, early in her career, she was compromised by the DVX, specifically, Cesar Faison. She thought she could outwit him, but she couldn’t. So she ended up leaving here for a bit, then she came back… eventually. She gave them full disclosure; she told them everything, and she was reinstated. She’s had a clean record ever since. The Bureau has trusted her for decades. He says, none of that’s going to make any difference to the general public. That article does a good job of painting her as a total Judas. A trusted agent, somebody with clearance, access to privileged information. Somebody who betrayed her own agency. She says, this is all ancient history. The only difference now is the media spotlight… and the fact Frisco has been replaced as Director. Now the Bureau wants to distance themselves from her actions. They’re charging her with treason to cover their own asses. He says, that’s exactly what they’re doing, which is why Valentin was right to call him. It’s time for him to protect her. This isn’t cloak and dagger. It’s public, it’s Federal, and that story’s not going away.

Valentin says, Laura wants to go to Chechnya to look for Nikolas? and she says, didn’t they do that for Charlotte? He says, Charlotte was in a boarding school in Switzerland; not exactly a war torn country. And Charlotte wanted to come home. They don’t know what Nikolas will want. She says she’s not that concerned about what her son wants. He’s needed here. Valentin says, and certainly wanted by the PCPD, and she says she’s sure he’s going to face some very unpleasant consequences for his behavior. He says, he held a pregnant woman in a tower at Windymere, and she says, at least he’ll be back in Port Charles and near his sons. He says, what about the people in Port Charles who need her? What happens if she doesn’t come home safe? She says she can’t think about that. She feels like a part of her is missing. She needs to find that part. He says he understands. And if she’s not going to worry about her own safety, somebody has to. So if she’s going to Chechnya, he insists on going with her.

Martin says he knows Anna said she was going to do this, but hear him out. She says, they have different rules, and he says he’s sure, but he really doesn’t care. He’s been sitting out there, growing old, drinking bad coffee, waiting to do his job, and she’s going to let him do it. He doesn’t know a whole lot about the inner workings – she says, he doesn’t know anything – but he knows she needs representation. Valentin was crystal clear. She’s not the only person in the world who’s good at their job. He’s already on retainer with Valentin. Valentin has ordered him to protect her, and he will comply. She says, fine, and sits down. He opens the door and says, we’re ready for you. Hursley comes in, and he and Martin sit. Hursley says he trusts Anna’s lawyer has brought her up to speed, and she says, yes, that the Bureau is hanging her out to dry. She’s aware. Martin says, there’s something he doesn’t understand. Perhaps Hursley can help him. Anna’s been honest about her history with the DVX for years, and since that time, she’s proved over and over again that she’s loyal, courageous… Hell, she’s a solid gold asset to the Bureau. Why all of a sudden is her dedication being called into question? Hursley says, it doesn’t matter that they appreciated Agent Devane’s work; their hands are tied. Her entire dossier has been released, and the public knows she’s never been held accountable for her crimes. Not until now.

In the pool, Trina tells Spencer, don’t dunk her or splash her, and he asks if those are the Trina Robinson pool rules. She says, set in stone, and kisses him. Josslyn and Dex are sitting on chaises, and Josslyn thanks Dex for not punching Spencer, but he says, Spencer’s not so bad. She says, he’s crazy about Trina. She thinks they might actually be in love. Which for Spencer means showing off, and Trina hates when he does that, but he knows Dex is ex-military, and she thinks he just wanted to prove he was tougher than Dex… and couldn’t. She hopes he’s embarrassed. He says, they’re going to be spending a lot of time together, hopefully poolside, and he wants her friends to like him. She says she likes him, and he says, the feeling’s mutual. He’s surprised she wanted to do this today. He thought she’d be at the hospital. She says, no, but there is something she wanted to talk to him about, and he says, about Willow? She says, no, Willow’s great, considering everything. Her doctors are optimistic. It’s about Michael. Things are pretty bad between them right now. He says, because of him, but she says, everything. Everything’s just gotten spun out of proportion. He says he’s sorry; how can he help? She suggests they go somewhere private to talk, and they leave. Trina thanks Spencer, and he says, for what? she says, for making an effort. She knows it wasn’t easy. She knows Joss appreciates it; so does she. He says he’s doing this for her, and she thanks him. With everything else going on in her life, she doesn’t want to worry about their relationship. He says he didn’t want to pry, but if she wants to talk, he’s here, and she says she honestly doesn’t know what to say.

Martin says, Hursley is talking about crimes that are decades old. That’s not who Anna is, and he knows it. What about the valor and bravery she’s displayed in the last two weeks alone? She got out of a hospital bed to take on Victor Cassadine. She stopped him from deploying a pathogen that would have wiped out millions. Anna tells Martin, stop. He’s wasting his breath. Hursley says, the new head of the WSB can no longer turn a blind eye to the agency’s past. If Agent Devane chooses to dispute the charges, the Bureau might need to take a closer look at Robert Scorpio, or Annie Donnelly, or any other colleagues who might be stained by her misdeeds. Anna says, hold on a minute. If she’s being asked to do what she thinks she’s being asked to do, then she needs assurances, but Hursley says, they’re not in the business of negotiating with double agents. Anna says, really? That’s a shame. Because what if her file is incomplete? What if there are other missions she took; other black ops that didn’t make it into her dossier or the WSB official books? Suppose she has evidence of these hypothetical ops hidden in some secure location? Evidence of activities that would seriously embarrass the WSB, far more than any news that’s being tallied around. Hursley asks if that’s a threat, and Martin says, oh no. He thinks what Anna is saying is… Anna says, what she’s saying is, if anything happens to Robert or Annie or anyone else she cares about, she’s taking the Bureau down with her.

Josslyn says, her mom has the chance to avoid these insider trading charges if she gets evidence against Sonny, and Dex asks, would she do it? Josslyn says, no. Of course (🍷) not. She won’t even consider it, but she doesn’t have to. Josslyn can do it for her.  

Spencer asks if Trina regrets taking the DNA test, but she says, no. She just misses her family the way they were. He says, she’ll find her way back to them. It’ll be different, but she and her mother had a great relationship. He’s always been jealous of it. She says she knows it could be way worse. At least everyone is healthy and safe and relatively sane. He looks off in the distance and she asks where he went. He says he was just thinking about something his Uncle Victor told him. He said something about Spencer having to safeguard his family, but all he left Spencer is a key to a safety deposit box. (That’s all? Geez, there could be billions in there for all Spencer knows.) She asks if he’s opened the box yet, but he says, no. He doesn’t know what he’ll find in there, considering everything Victor did while he was still alive. She says, safeguard his family. He meant Ace, right? Spencer says he thinks so, and she says, then the next question is; safeguard them from whom?

Molly says, of course (🍷) she can forgive TJ, but she understands why he was so confused. She’s been all over the place. He says, for good reason. He hates that she’s been in pain because she went undiagnosed. She says, she should have pushed it with the OB/GYN, but he says, that’s the doctor’s responsibility. They should have listened to her experience and asked for details. It’s the first thing they teach you in med school; you listen to your patient. You respect them. That didn’t happen for her. She says, it’s been a long time since she’s thought about it. Yes, it was isolating, scary even, to be told your pain is all in your head. (Wow. I didn’t think doctors told women that anymore.) He says he’s so sorry, and promises he never has and never will say that to anyone under his care. She says, that’s why she loves him so much. She thought she had to deal with this diagnosis on her own, like always, but now that she’s told him and her mom and her sisters, she knows that’s not true. She’s not alone, and if she’s not alone, anything is possible.

Curtis tells Stella that he and Trina are making progress, but it’s not easy, and she says she can’t imagine it would be. He says he’s just trying to take it slow, and make it abundantly clear that he’s not trying to replace Taggert, and he trusts that one day, he and Trina can develop their own special relationship. She says, they will. May she ask him about how he and Portia are doing? He says he’s not sure, and she says, but he moved back in. That’s progress, right? He says, it’s possible, and she asks what made him move back. He says, a situation arose between him and Jordan. They’d been spending some time together. She was helping him through all of this, and it happened. She says, oh my goodness, and he says he quickly realized that he needed – he wanted – to give his marriage to Portia a chance. So he came home. She says she’s glad to hear it; she truly is. How did Jordan take it? I’m wondering what Stella is thinking, given that Curtis made it sound like it was more than a kiss. A situation and it happened?

Portia tells Jordan, honestly, she doesn’t know how Curtis is doing either. They knew he could be Trina’s biological father, but now that it’s been confirmed, now that they know the truth… At least Stella stopped by, and she’s hoping Curtis can work things out with her. Jordan says, Stella’s back in town? and Portia says, she came to check on Trina after everything that happened in Greenland. So she’s hoping when she gets home from work, maybe Curtis and Stella will have made some progress. Jordan says she’s a little confused. What does Portia mean, home? Portia says she’s sorry; she’s all over the place. It’s the one thing that’s given her hope. Curtis decided to move back home.

Laura says, Valentin wants to go to Chechnya with her? Valentin says, does he want to? No, of course (🍷) not. But if she’s determined to go, he’s not letting her go alone. Besides, he knows a little Russian. She tells him that she honestly doesn’t know what to say, and thanks him. He tells her that she doesn’t have to say anything. Just say she wants to do this incredibly dangerous thing, and let him know when they’re leaving.

Curtis says he hasn’t spoken to Jordan yet, and Stella says, Jordan doesn’t know he moved back in with Portia? He says, there’s a lot of moving pieces… and she says, oh Lord. She’s in no position to tell him what to do, but please don’t wait. He needs to talk to Jordan, and he needs to do it now.

Jordan says, Curtis moved back in? and Portia says, they both decided it’s the only way to really make their marriage work.

TJ asks what Molly means, anything is possible? and she says, if he’s open to it, there’s more than one way to start a family. They hug.

Anna asks Hursley, what’s it going to be? Unlike the WSB, she does not make idle threats. Hursley is silent for a moment, then says, her friends are safe. He leaves, and Martin asks, what the hell just happened? Is he going ahead with the charges or not? Anna says, not, and he asks, why? What was all this about? What did he want? She says, he didn’t want anything. She doesn’t think the Bureau did. This is all just Victor. He wanted her resignation. She’s no longer an agent, nor will she ever be again.

Trina gets out of the pool, and Spencer says, taking off? She says, they’re going to the bank. They need to see who Victor thinks is the biggest threat to his family. He says, forget it. He doesn’t exactly trust his not-so dearly departed uncle. She asks who Victor would see as the biggest threat to his baby brother, and he asks how she expects him to know that. She says, by opening the deposit box – now, and he says, she’s not going to take no for an answer, is she? She asks what he thinks, and he gets out of the pool.

Dex says, Josslyn’s mom doesn’t want to make a deal with the Feds, so Josslyn is going to make one for her? She says, all Dex has to do is give her the evidence of Sonny working with Pikeman, and she’ll do what her mom can’t, and she’ll turn Sonny in, once and for all.

Tomorrow, Mason comes back to bother Austin; Michael says, there’s a way to insure Carly never has to open her mouth; and Sonny says, Ned’s not going anywhere.  

🛀🏽 Slow Week In Soaps…

The good.

The bad.

🔐 Pick a Prison Lane…

She’s a moron.


🍸 Reviewing the Situation…

I don’t blame her.


He’s even infected cosmetics.

The only one putting on a front was Sandoval.

This amusing recap was written by someone who doesn’t watch the show, but says they may watch it now. Don’t bother. As sad as it is to say, this was the best thing that could have happened to the show. New cast members weren’t really helping. I can’t even remember the names of the ones who’ve come and gone, although Charli stuck around. I have the feeling, it will all be downhill after this season. I’ll always be watching to get glimpses of Lisa, Puffy (!), and the palace/zoo that is Villa Rosa. But sometimes when you know it doesn’t get any better (or more dramatic) than this, it’s time to say goodbye. I stopped watching American Idol after the season where there was a hero – Scotty McCreary – and a villain – Haley Reinhart – and Lady Gaga sang Edge of Glory. They couldn’t top it if they tried. I also stopped watching the Academy Awards after the year I knew two people who were up for one. Short of receiving one myself, I can’t imagine anything more exciting.


Just because I’ve grown to like Lala. And Sandoval gets more awful by the day.


A blow-by-blow on Sandoval’s big baby tantrum with the producers. He acts like he’s Brad Pitt, and even Brad Pitt doesn’t act that way.


🌋 News Of the Last…

The latest on the apocalypse aftermath.



🦔 Pets With Bank…

But they deserve every penny of it.

🪣 Talk Clean To Me…

Drop in tomorrow for the Friday free-for-all of soap, a cup or three of tea, some astute words, and an applicable tune for the month. Until then, stay safe, stay not blocking the aisles in the grocery store, and stay never believing pain is all in your head. Even if it is, it still needs to be treated.

Psy‘s Gangnam Style became the first video to reach 2 billion views on YouTube on May 31st in 2014. (A little late, but still worthy.)

December 29, 2022 – Britt’s New Year’s Eve Birthday Bash, Returned, Why Lie, Copycat Corden, Bravo’s Finest, NYC NYE & Waiting


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Terry sees Finn at Britt’s party, and says, Elizabeth must have dragged him here, since it’s not his scene. She asks where Elizabeth is.

Elizabeth gives Nikolas a list of stuff Esme will need in the coming weeks, and he says he’ll take care of it. She says, and she’ll take care of Esme, and he says he appreciates all she’s done. She says she’s not doing it for him, and goes upstairs. The doorbell rings, and Nikolas opens the door to Laura, who tells him, Happy New Year. He says, it’s not a good time, and she says she’s sorry to hear that, and walks in.

Trina finds Spencer sitting on the deck steps on the Haunted Star. She apologizes for being late, and asks if he was waiting long. He says, it’s worth the wait; she looks beautiful. She says, him too… He knows what she means. He asks if she’s ready to do this, and she says, be seen together to generate a buzz? He suggests they post a photo on social media, and she says, they can make Esme jealous enough to become reckless. He says, one look at her, and mission accomplished, and takes the photo. Sonny and Nina board the boat, and Sonny says, when Kristina said she saw Spencer at Christmas, he said, that’s impossible. His nephew wouldn’t show up in Port Charles without coming to see him.

Michael meets Dex at the docks, and Dex says, Sonny’s cutting a deal. Michael asks, with who? and Dex says, with someone he’ll regret doing business with.

Esme’s door opens, and she says, oh, it’s Elizabeth. Kind of overdressed for nursing a prisoner, isn’t she? Elizabeth asks how she is, and Esme says, like she cares. Elizabeth says, Esme and her baby have been on her mind a lot lately, and Esme tells her, it’s not too late. Help her get out of here. Not for her sake, but for the baby.

We see a sign that says, Britch Fest! with a caricature of a woman (presumably Britt) in a martini glass. Britt comes in with Obrecht, and takes a drink from the tray of a shirtless waiter, saying, happy birthday to me. She and Obrecht clink glasses, and Obrecht says, he has nothing on mein Scotty. She goes off to find him, and Maxie and Brad join Britt. Maxie says, fashionably late she sees, and Britt says she wanted to make an entrance. Brad says she did; that ensemble is smokin’. Britt says, that’s the plan. Good job on the waiters. She knows it was Brad’s contribution. She tells Maxie, everything looks gorgeous, and Maxie tells her to note it’s prosecco, not champagne. Britt says, Maxie knows her well. Austin comes over and says, Maxie looks great. He knows Britt is his boss, but can he say, wow. She says, just for tonight, and Maxie says she and Brad are going to check on some other surprises they have up their sleeve. They leave, and Britt says, they went to so much trouble. Austin says, they love her and want to make her happy. So she should consider how they’re going to feel when they find out it’s their last opportunity.

Spencer says he’s sorry. He’d meant to come by and thank Sonny for looking out for him in Pentenville. He truly appreciated it. It’s just that so much has happened since he got out… Sonny says, relax. He’s just happy to see Spencer. They hug, and Spencer says, hopefully, he won’t need any more favors from Sonny. Nina says she was sorry to hear about Trina’s friend, Officer Cabrera, and Sonny says he heard Rory was a very good man. Trina says, he was a very good man; too good. Spencer says, Rory was there for Trina when she needed support, and Nina says, they’re going inside, and will see them later. Trina thanks Spencer for what he said about Rory, and for helping bring his killer to justice. Spencer says, she knows he’d do anything for her, but this isn’t just for her. He’s the one who brought Esme to Port Charles. That makes it his responsibility to rid the city of her forever.

Inside, Sonny says, looks like Britt went all out, and Nina says she appreciates him coming out with her. This is a bit more lively than their New Year’s Eve last year. He says she doesn’t have to thank him. He likes being by her side. She says, it’s important for her to be there for Britt. She, Britt, and Maxie made a sister pact, and they’ve been close ever since. She just wants more time with Britt. He says, Huntington’s is like Alzheimer’s. It’s a no joke disease, and she’s going to have a rough road ahead.

Austin tells Britt to just hear him out. He doesn’t think it’s a good idea, this whole running away thing. She swears if he starts hounding her, she’ll throw him overboard. And to be clear, she’s not running away. She’s making a graceful exit. He says, there’s still time to rethink that, but she says, not much. In four hours, when the countdown begins, and the topless hotties are topping off drinks, she’ll slip away, with a one-way ticket to destiny.

Finn asks where Yuri is, and Terry says, he’s sick. It’s adorable how the biggest, toughest men become babies when they get the sniffles. (She can say this because she’s not living with one.) He says, it’s a good thing Yuri knows a doctor, and she says, it’s nice to have someone to take care of, and be taken care of in return.

Laura says she knows Nikolas prefers she call before she comes over, but she didn’t want to give him the opportunity to come up with an excuse not to talk to her. He says, about what? and she says she spoke with his uncle. He asks what Victor said, but she says, no, Cyrus. She went to visit him in Pentenville. He asks what possessed her to do that, and she tells him, Cyrus said he had some information about their family. It got her to wondering what else she doesn’t know. He says, about Cyrus? but she says, about him. Nikolas told her that he’d betrayed all the people he loved the most. Can he tell her what he meant by that?

Esme says, Elizabeth cares so much about this baby, yet won’t help her, even though Elizabeth knows she didn’t hurt anyone. Elizabeth says, maybe Esme didn’t kill anyone, but she hurt a lot of people, her son included. Esme says, so this is about revenge, but Elizabeth says, it’s not. The way she sees it, Esme has two options. She can stay in this tower or face prosecution for the slew of crimes she’ll be charged with if Elizabeth turns her in. Esme says, there’s a third option. Set her free so she can leave town and raise her baby. Elizabeth asks why she’d do that. It wasn’t that long ago Esme threatened a hunger strike, and refused to take her prenatal vitamins. Esme says, she’s desperate. Can’t Elizabeth see that? She swears she’ll take care of this baby, but she needs to be free so they can be safe. Elizabeth says, on the run, no family resources, constantly looking over her shoulder. How is that any safer than a roof over her head, nutritious meals, and consistent care? Esme says, because she won’t have to live with the fear that Nikolas will kill her as soon as she gives birth.

Sonny asks where Nina went just now, but she tells him not to pay attention to her. It’s a celebration, and she refuses to be a buzzkill. He says, she can tell him anything, and she says she was thinking about her brother and Nelle, and how now she doesn’t get to see Wiley anymore. Her family is very small, and the thought of losing Britt… He says he gets it. He lost his dad; he lost Brando. Now he can’t see Michael or Wiley. Michael is going to have another child, and is he not going to be able to see that child?  Probably not. She says, he has to pay a big price to have her in his life.

At Britt’s party, Sirens blare, and someone is brought out in a wheelchair. Drag queen Alyssa Edwards pops up, and spins around. She says, they’re all so hot, she may have smoke inhalation, and asks if there’s a doctor in the house. Brad says, yes, there is, and she loves to dance. He pulls Britt over, she and the Alyssa air kiss, and everyone starts to dance. I want to be at this party.  

Nikolas says, he and Ava have been struggling for months, but Laura says, this is not about Ava. That’s not a reason Spencer would turn his back on Nikolas. His son just got out of prison; that should matter to him. He should be spending time with Spencer tonight, working on their relationship. Where is Spencer? Does Nikolas know? Does he care? He says, of course (🍷) he cares, and she asks what he’s done for his son to alienate him. She does know it’s New Year’s Eve, right?

Elizabeth says, if Esme is worried Nikolas is going to harm her, that’s not the plan. Esme says, maybe not the plan he shared with Elizabeth, and Elizabeth tells her, lie back, preparing to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. She says, maybe Esme is judging Nikolas based on her own standards. She’s wrong about Nikolas, and wrong about her too. She’s not going to let anything happen to Esme. They listen, and she says, strong heartbeat. Esme smiles, and Elizabeth asks if she’s in any discomfort or pain. Esme says, no, and Elizabeth asks if she has any other concerns. Esme says, what if there are complications? but Elizabeth says, so far, her pregnancy is progressing typically. Esme says, so far, but she’s only seen one ultrasound since she’s been pregnant, and nothing since. Elizabeth says she’s assisted in a lot of births – three of her own –  and Esme doesn’t have to worry. Women have been giving birth since the dawn of time. Esme says, Elizabeth talks like she’s a patient in a maternity ward, and she’s not; she’s a prisoner. Elizabeth is right. She’s hurt people; people who didn’t deserve it, especially Cam. But what if Elizabeth is hurting the baby by helping Nikolas? Can she live with that?

Dex says, Sonny met with a representative from Pikeman Security Group, and Michael says, they’re military contractors. They do everything from weapon design to manufacturing logistics and private squads of soldiers. What do they want from Sonny? Dex says, they want to move their product through Port Charles; they want Sonny to facilitate. Michael says, Pikeman is paying Sonny to smuggle military weapons. That’s as illegal as it gets.

Trina says, maybe Spencer is the reason Esme came to Port Charles, but she’s responsible for the devastation she caused, for the lives she’s ruined, and the ones she’s taken… if it was Esme. He says, come again? and she says, Ava told her, Ryan is convinced Esme’s not the killer. He says, like they can trust a word Ryan… blinks, and she says, maybe not, but what if they’re wrong? What if Esme’s not the killer? What if it’s someone they never even suspected? Someone who could be on this ship with them at this very moment.

Britt puts her arms around Brad and Maxie, and asks where they got Alyssa. Maxie asks if she’s surprised, and Britt says, is she ever. She loves it all. She’s never going to forget this as long as she lives.

Austin looks at a waiter’s back, and says, it’s good he asked. It’s probably just a mole, but he’d get it checked out. The waiter moves on, and Obrecht asks if Austin is on the clock. Austin says, always. She knows how it is when people find out you’re a doctor. She says, that ends when you lose your license. She hasn’t always been his biggest fan, but he’s been a good friend to her daughter. She’s grateful. He thanks her for saying that. It’s been a pleasure getting to know Britt. She says she hopes it continues. Britt needs her friends now.

Terry asks Finn if Elizabeth is showing up later or… He says he’s really not sure, and she says, Elizabeth has been hard to pin down lately. She might have to page her at GH just to catch up. Is Elizabeth okay? He says he would be the wrong guy to ask.

Esme says, help her get away, so she can be free to raise her baby in peace, and Elizabeth says she was right. Esme does care about this child. Esme says she doesn’t know if she’s mom material. She can be selfish and willful, but she does know that even if neither of them is innocent, this baby is, and she wants to give him or her a better start in life than she had. Elizabeth starts to pack up, and says she’s going to ask Nikolas to order a portable ultrasound machine. Next time, maybe they can do a scan, and give Esme a picture of her baby. Esme asks, what if it shows something bad? and Elizabeth says, they’ll cross that bridge when they come to it. If they come to it. She doesn’t want Esme to worry. She heads for the door, and Esme says, why worry when life is so wonderful. Have fun at your party. Elizabeth leaves, and Esme smiles at the Christmas tree.

Nikolas says he’s let Spencer down many times, but Laura says, that doesn’t explain why he had such a big reaction to Nikolas being unfaithful to Ava. He says, Spencer is disappointed that he’s set such a poor example, and she says, unless it’s not that Nikolas had an affair, but who he had the affair with. Who is she? He says he doesn’t want to discuss it, and she says she doesn’t really want to discuss it either, but this has affected their whole family, so she’d like to know. Elizabeth says she’s leaving now, and stops short when she sees Laura. She tells Laura hello, and says she didn’t realize Nikolas had company. Laura says, that makes two of them, and tells Elizabeth that she looks beautiful. Elizabeth thanks her, and says she’s going to Britt’s party. She’s going to be late, so she’d better go. Laura says, stay safe, have fun. Maybe they can get together soon. They have a lot of catching up to do. Elizabeth says she’d like that, and tells them, goodnight and happy new year. Nikolas says, happy new year to her too, and thanks her for stopping by. She leaves, and Laura says, please tell her it’s not Elizabeth.

Dex tells Michael, the Pikeman rep, a guy named Hume, handed Sonny a briefcase full of cash just for showing up. Michael says, so Sonny draws the line at drugs, but he’s willing to ship weapons of war, and Dex says, there’s only two reasons people want to ship under cloak of darkness. Either what they’re moving is dirty, or what they’re moving is being supplied to dirty people. Michael says, in this case, both, and Dex says, this deal is extremely lucrative for Sonny, but also extremely dicey. Michael says, this is it. This is how they bring Sonny down. Dex says, this isn’t like busting Sonny on RICO violations. Pikeman had contractors in Afghanistan; they’re heavy hitters. Think twice before messing with them. Michael asks if Dex is backing out.

Sonny says, the other day, Nina was worried about how she didn’t want to get close to Donna, but Nina says she was just having a moment. She didn’t mean to be so maudlin. He says he’s been thinking about what she said; that she didn’t want to latch on to Donna to fill a void. She says, it’s actually kind of embarrassing, that whole conversation, and he says, isn’t that what loved ones are supposed to do for us? Fill that space inside of us when we lose somebody or feel alone? She says she supposes so, and he says, that’s what she did for him. She takes his hand, and says, that’s what he does for her. He says he wants her to latch on to him, Donna, and Avery. She’s got more family than she knows. She kisses him.

Laura says, Nikolas cheated on Ava with Elizabeth? but he says he told her he doesn’t want to discuss it. She says, too late; he already confirmed it. Does he have any idea how fragile Elizabeth is right now? He says, it’s over, but she says, it doesn’t matter if it’s over; the damage has been done. No wonder Spencer is so upset; she’s family. Her sons are his cousins. What was Nikolas thinking? He says he and Elizabeth have a past, and she says, it should have stayed in the past. She thought the two of them were just friends. Does Finn know? He says, he and Elizabeth hate that they hurt Finn and Ava. That’s why they wanted to keep it quiet. They don’t want to cause any more pain. She says, no one will hear anything from her. But don’t kid himself. Secrets like this are impossible to keep. He notices the list Elizabeth left on the desk.

Dex says he’s not looking for a way out, and Michael says, good, because he needs updates on every step of this partnership between Sonny and Pikeman. He means names, dates, shipping container numbers, bills of lading, all of that. Dex says he just wants to be sure Michael knows what he’s getting himself into. Any evidence they get against Sonny will also be evidence against Pikeman. Who even knows how many laws they’re breaking by shipping this stuff? If they connect it back to him and Michael, it could get messy.

As he lights the candles, Esme says, Demetrius didn’t forget a single detail of that special meal she told him about. He remembered everything. He says, she doesn’t have to feel alone, and she pats the spot next to her on the bed, saying, join me?

Spencer puts his jacket around Trina’s shoulders, and she says, thanks, but no one’s watching them. He asks if he can’t be a friend while at the same time being a gentleman. With all due respect to Ava, he does think Esme is the likeliest suspect. She says, okay, boss. All due respect to Ava? That must have been some talk they had. He says, he and ava are never going to like each other, but Ava cares about Trina, and he knows Trina cares about her. That he can respect. She says she has something to clear up. At her party, she said they’re not friends. He says he recalls, and she says she’s sorry. She didn’t mean it. She was upset and hurt… He says he’s glad to hear it. Not that she was upset and hurt, but that they can still be friends. He doesn’t have many of those. She says, he has her, Joss, and Cam – and Britt. That’s respectable. He says, that would be the first time he’s heard the word respectable applied to him, and she says, there’s a first time for everything. He says he really is grateful, especially since he hurt them all, Britt included. She says, Britt means a lot to him, huh? and he says, she was always there when he was a kid. She stuck by his side from his bratty juvenile shenanigans to the wreck of things he’s made since he got back. He and Britt have a lot in common. They tend to push away the people in their lives they so desperately need.

Britt dances with Brad, Maxie, and one of the waiters. She dances over to Obrecht, who tells her, be careful. Don’t over-do it. Britt asks if that’s not what tonight is for, and Obrecht says she’s glad Britt is enjoying herself, she can’t get over tired; it takes a toll. Britt tells her, mutter, stop worrying, but Obrecht says she is Britt’s mutter; it’s her job to worry about Britt. Britt says, not tonight. Tonight, her job is to have fun. Please. It’s important to her. She’s so happy Obrecht has Scotty. Life will never be dull with him. Sonny brings Nina over, and Nina says, Britt looks cover worthy. Sonny says, great party, and asks how Obrecht is doing. She says, all is well, and asks them to excuse her; mein Scotty needs me. Nina asks Britt to please tell her that she’s having the time of her life, and Britt says she is. She says, Nina doesn’t need to look at her like that, and Nina says, like what? Britt says, like she’s the walking dead.

Terry asks Finn, what’s going on? and he says he and Elizabeth broke up. She says, Elizabeth didn’t breathe a word, and he says he’s not surprised. It was sudden. She asks, what happened? and they see Elizabeth walk in. She and Finn look at each other.

Nikolas grabs the list, and throws it in a drawer. He tells Laura that it pains him that he’s disappointed her again, but she says, it’s okay. She’s just worried about Spencer. He just got out of prison, and he’s coming home to this chaos. Nikolas says he’ll be a better father going forward, and Laura says, if Spencer gives him the opportunity. He says, Spencer can’t completely distance himself. His release is contingent on Victor’s custody, and Victor insists on staying at Windymere. She asks if he’s saying Spencer is legally in Victor’s custody, and he asks if it matters. She says, oh my God, yes. Victor only acts in his own self-interest. Sooner or later he’s going to use Spencer. She can’t let that happen. He asks what she’s going to do, and she says, whatever it takes, but he says, she’s no match for Victor. Leave it alone.

Britt says, they don’t have to pretend. Her mother told her that she told them. Sonny says, we just never know how much time we have in life. Look at Jason. What matters is what we do with the time we have. Nina says, how we spend our time; who we spend our time with. She takes Britt’s hand, and says, this party was a great idea. Sonny says, Jason would want to see her getting all she can out of life.

Finn walks off, and Terry says, got anything she wants to tell her? Elizabeth says, maybe one or two.

Alyssa takes the mic, and says, ladies, gents, them/theys and anyone else here to slay. Tonight is about honoring that other infamous Queen B. The MD with the B-day, Dr. Britt Westbourne. Everyone applauds, and Alyssa says, Britt’s partner in wine Brad tells her, when they’re not busy reading red carpet fashion for filth or murdering mimosas, their favorite pastime is dusting their karaoke competition. We have a mic. We have a stage. We just need two showboats willing to serve. Come make some noise for Brad and The Britch. Britt and Brad take the stage to cheers and whistles, and Britt asks what they’re going to sing. He says, it’s handled, and the music starts. They sing I Knew You Were Waiting (George Michael). There are more cheers and applause.

Terry asks why she had to find out from Finn that he and Elizabeth broke up. Explain yourself, missy. Elizabeth grabs a shot off a tray going by, and downs it. Alyssa goes on stage, and says, okay boys. Show the birthday girl what you’ve got. The waiters bring out a cake with lit candles, and Brad tells Britt, don’t worry. They all know how much she hates the birthday song. Maxie says, but there’s one tradition they must insist on. She and Brad say, make a wish, and Britt goes over to the cake. She looks at everyone around her, and says, okay.

Michael tells Dex, just get the evidence against Sonny. He’ll make sure it gets into the right hands, and doesn’t implicate either one of them. Dex says, if they expose Sonny, Sonny will have a target on his back; with the law and Pikeman. Michael says, he’ll be better off in custody, and Dex says, if he’s convicted of the charges he’ll be facing, he’ll be in prison for a very long time, possibly forever. Is Michael prepared for that? Michael says he always knew what Sonny was capable of; torturing Dex was a new low. This, running weapons through a back channel for a military organization, is not the father he knew. He doesn’t want Sonny near his family. So to answer Dex’s question, forever’s fine with him. I guess collateral damage isn’t a term Michael is familiar with? Or maybe how anyone else might feel? Like Sonny’s kids? Michael pisses me off.

Nikolas tells Laura, for his sake, don’t antagonize Victor. Victor can accuse him of terrible things. Laura asks if Victor has proof, but Nikolas says he can’t get into it. She says, then she can’t help him, and he asks what she means. She says, it’s not just about him. She’s also very worried about Spencer. If he knows something, he should tell her. He says he can’t, and she says, why? Has Victor threatened him? He says, no one is at risk if they play Victor’s game. But if she takes down Victor, she takes him down. Leave it alone or she’ll lose her son.

Esme sits at a small table in front of her finished dinner, and tells Demetrius, the steak is delicious. She’s sorry he couldn’t join her. He says he’s glad she enjoyed it, and she raises her glass, saying, to kindness, found in the most unexpected places. She pretends to swallow the wrong way, and starts coughing. She gets up, Demetrius handing her a napkin. He goes to the door, unlocks it, and she thanks him. She says, it’s meant more to her than he’ll ever know. Happy new year. He says, happy new year in Greek, and blows out the candles. He takes the tray out, and she takes a matchstick out of her cardigan pocket. She says, and happy new year to us, Ace.

Trina says, they should head inside, but Spencer says, five more minutes. She says, nobody will see them on deck, and he says, the buzz can be that they stole some time alone. She says, they’ll assume she got emotional, and needed some air. He says, and he came out to check on her, and she says, and she leaned on him for comfort? He buttons the jacket on her, and says, and in some combination of heightened emotions, and the twinkling lights… She says, and the waves and stars, and his warmth as he held her. He says, it brought back all of those old feelings; the ones they never acted on. She says, and they felt like the only two people on earth.

Tomorrow, Austin tells Britt to change her mind and stay; Laura asks if Nikolas could have a clean slate, would he do it; Michael asks Willow to marry him; Sonny tells Nina, they’ve only just begun; and Sam says, what was that?

🩺 The Doctor’s Back In…

Andre has always been a favorite of mine. This storyline should be fun.

His backstory, in case you didn’t know, or like me, forgot.

💎 Door Number Two…

I think it’s more likely the necklace was the reason. It at least factored heavily into the decision. I still wonder what he would have done had Felicia read the results.

🖼 Not Everything’s About You…

Next he’ll be picking on teenager’s bedrooms.

🎶 Light the Corners Of My mind…

Memorable or cringeworthy? You decide.

It still boggles my mind how they get away with some of this nonsense. It’s pretty bad when production has to step in.

🥂 About New Year’s Eve…

If you’re brave, crazy, or both. I’ve never gone and never will. Back in the day, my roommate did the Times Square thing, while I went elsewhere. She told me that she could barely move, someone spilled beer on her, and someone peed on her shoe. Good times…


Who will be there.



No more for them.

🎊 Dropping the Ball…

Tomorrow, join me for more of the same, and ending the year. Until then, stay safe, stay not driving while intoxicated, buzzed, or in any way impaired – there’s no excuse; take an Uber – and stay knowing, what matters is how we spend our time in life, because we just never know how much time we have.

October 11, 2022 – Robert Wants Anna To Abort the Mission, Message From Maurice, He’s Not Joshing, It Just Keeps Going, Ex Talk, Miami Reveal, Goodbye To a Grand Lady & Rising


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny says he wants to make things right with Michael, whatever it takes, and Michael says, Sonny thinks he can suddenly make things right between them. Sonny says he always wanted to make things right, and thinks deep down inside, Michael does too. Nina slips out to answer a call, and says, everything okay?… She’ll be right there. Michael tells Sonny, it’s too late, and Sonny says, if Michael can look him in the eye, and make him believe he doesn’t want anything to do with him, he’ll walk, and Michael will never have to deal with him again.

Dante says, he wants to ask Dex a few questions about what went down with him and Sonny after Brando was killed, and Dex asks if he should call a lawyer. Dante says, not this time. He’ll keep it simple. Dex has bruises on his face, and his wrists look pretty bad. The way he’s standing there, Dante can tell his ribs are in bad shape too. Want to tell him what happened?

Robert walks into his office to find Anna sitting in his chair, and she says, about bloody time. He says he didn’t know he was expecting company; most people call first. She says, he didn’t pick up. She tells him, close the door and listen to her. If they’re going to bring Luke’s killer to justice, they’ve got a lot of work to do.

Outside Kelly’s, Victor asks if Ava is sure he can’t give her a lift, but she says she doesn’t think that would be very wise. He says, it’s no trouble, but she says, he’s nothing but trouble, and goes inside.

Ava meets Trina, and they hug. Ava says, two days in a row, and Trina thanks her for coming. Ava asks if everything is okay, and Trina says, she heard from her mom that Oz Haggerty was attacked and killed. She wanted to see how Ava is holding up. Is she freaked out? Ava says, don’t worry about her; she’s resilient. Trina’s phone dings, and Ava says, don’t ignore it on her account. Trina says, it’s just Rory. She can’t deal with him right now. Ava says, if there’s a problem, Trina shouldn’t ignore it. She shouldn’t let it fester. Take it from someone who knows. Victor looks through the window. Outside, he tells Johann that he’s just about had it with these distractions. Nevertheless, they should keep an eye on Ava. She’s unpredictable. And of course (🍷) there’s that other loose end they have to take care of, convincing the authorities that Esme Prince is alive and well, and nowhere near Port Charles. Hmm…

Nikolas comes in as Esme is opening the safe, and says, who the hell are you? She makes a mad dash for the patio door, but he grabs her, pulling off her hood. He says, Esme, and she turns around, saying, hello, lover. Did you miss me?

Dex lets Dante into his apartment, and Dante asks if Dex wants to tell him how he got those bruises. Dex says he doesn’t know (really? that’s the best he can do?), and Dante asks if it was from Sonny. Dex wonders why he’d ask that, and Dante says, let’s say, a concerned citizen said Dex was kidnapped and assaulted by his boss. Does he want justice?

Michael says, Sonny is so far away from the man he once called his father, he doesn’t even recognize Sonny anymore. Sonny says,  Michael doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and Michael says, he knows Sonny had his employee tortured. Sonny says, they’re not talking about Dex; they’re talking about them. Michael said he wanted to destroy everything that Sonny built, and Sonny has to hand it to him; he did a pretty damn good job of that. He got the harbormaster fired, and he got every major client stop buying Corinthos Coffee. Michael is looking everywhere but at Sonny, and Sonny says, he’s looking Michael in the eye right now. He’s just saying, let’s come to an understanding. Michael says, he’s past an understanding, and Sonny says, they’ve both hurt each other so much, but they just watched Gladys bury her son. They both know what that’s about; the finality of a life cut short. Sonny tears up, and says, the last time he saw Morgan, he was running out the door, and Sonny never got a chance to tell Morgan that he loved him. And he prays to God that Morgan knows, and he wants Michael to know he’ll always love him. Can they just figure out a way to end this – his voice cracks – so they can be a family again? Michael says, Sonny can’t just throw the word family out there, and expect it to erase everything he’s done, and Sonny says, maybe not, but it’s a good place to start.

Nina walks down a hallway at the MetroCourt, when Valentin taps her on the shoulder. She jumps, and he says he didn’t mean to startle her. She tells him, fine. He said it was important. What is it? He says he needs her help getting into Victor’s room, and she asks why he didn’t ask at the front desk. He says he doesn’t want Victor to know about it. It’s a delicate situation. She says she thought they were thick as thieves these days, and he says, maybe that’s what he wants Victor to think. She says, whatever parlor game the Cassadines are playing these days, she doesn’t have the time. She has a lot on her plate. He says, he knows that. He needs her help. And she can’t ask questions, for everyone’s safety… for Charlotte’s safety. She says, I’m in.

Anna says she feels like she’s hit a dead end, and Robert tells her, he can’t say that surprises him. Vic is slick. She says, he’s cunning. He’s spent his entire life honing his reputation for ruthlessness, and now it’s really paying off. Robert takes it his contacts didn’t pan out, and she says she just mentioned Victor’s name and they evaporated; they ran scared. He says, understandable, but disappointing, and she says she’d hoped at least one of them would be up for the challenge. He says, what’s the next step? and she says, this is where he comes in. He asks what she needs from him, and she says, a warrant.

In Victor’s room, Johann says, Esme Prince just posted from San Tropez, and Victor says, good. Keep leaving those digital footprints of Esme’s idyll in the south of France. This mess has already interfered with the plans he’s been making for years. This ends now. There’s a knock at the door, and Johann opens it to find a weeping Lucy. She shoves the bouquet she’s holding at Johann, and falls into Victor’s arms.

Esme says, Nikolas looks like he’s seen a ghost, and he says he thought… they thought… She says, that she was dead? Ava sure tried her damnedest when Ava threw her off the parapet. He says, that’s not what happened, and she says, how would he know; he wasn’t there. She’s sure Ava has him all roped into her scheme. She’s sure Ava spun some tale, making herself out to be the victim, when she was the one being swallowed by cold, dark water. They both left her for dead. She’s sure they celebrated. He got what he wanted – her, gone. Except she’s not. She’s back. He’s really going to have to try harder next time.

Ava says she can tell something is on Trina’s mind. Trina can tell her anything. Trina says, what’s on her mind feels so trivial with what’s been going on. People are dying, and the maniac who attacked Ava is still out there. Ava says, Trina doesn’t need to remind her of that, but here she is. She’s still alive and she’s going to live her life, and Trina should do same. Frankly, she’d like to hear about something other than life and death. So tell her; what is going on with Rory? Trina says, he asked her to go to a comic book convention, and Ava says, that’s cool. Does she like comics? Trina says, yeah, but it’s out of town, and Ava says, that is a significant invitation. Trina says she’s not sure how she feels about going on an overnight trip with Rory yet. She really likes him, and wants to get closer, but she can’t help thinking about the last time she went on a weekend trip. Ava says, this is nothing like when Trina went to Sonny’s cabin; this would just be the two of them. Trina says, she knows, but she can’t shake the feeling that something horrible is going to happen. Ava says, she understands. It’s hard coming back after a traumatic experience like Trina had. It’s hard to trust again; other people, her own judgement. Maybe she’s afraid she’d be leaving herself open to more pain, more hurt. She has to ask herself, does she really want to let what Esme Prince did to her dictate the rest of her life?

Nikolas says, so Esme came back looking for money, and she asks if she doesn’t deserve something after what Ava did to her. While they got to carry on with their lives, she drifted further and further into deep water. She thought she was going to die, just like he wanted. He says he didn’t want her to die. He searched for her. He had to fight to stay alive when he was adrift at sea. She says, thankfully, a fisherman found her, and put her up in a Canadian hostel until she could regain her strength. He says he supposes the fisherman ran out of money, and she couldn’t access her funds, but coming back here was a mistake. She should have stayed out of the country. She says, of course (🍷). That’s exactly what he wanted; to get rid of her. He says he’s talking about the PCPD. They’re looking for her for attempted murder because she drugged that bartender. She says, the cops have it all wrong, and they certainly can’t prove a thing, and he says, Oz Haggerty gave pretty convincing testimony of Esme’s guilt at Trina’s trial. Interestingly enough, he was found murdered this morning. Is that why she really came back? To finish what she started?

Lucy says she thinks she’s ruined Victor’s jacket, but he says, that’s inconsequential. Why is she in such a state? Is it Morton? She says, it’s Martin. No. He’s still incommunicado, and it’s not him. It’s just her; it’s all on her. He leads her to the couch, and she sits. She tells him, it’s just that, Sasha Gilmore, one of her partners, her husband’s funeral is today, and she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t face Sasha, so she wanted to bring her flowers, and now it’s too late. He says he’s sure it’s not too late, and she says, it is for Brando. He gently tells her, calm down. He’s sure Johann can deliver the flowers for her. She asks if Johann has been drinking (ha-ha! poor Johann), but Victor says, he’s perfectly sober. She says, okay. That would be very nice. The reception is downstairs in the gardens. Victor asks Johann to please oblige Miss Coe, and Lucy thanks Johann as he leaves. Victor asks if she feels better, and she says she does – she puts her head on his shoulder – now that she’s with him.

In one of the hotel rooms, Valentin tells Nina, the less she knows, the better. To get the information he needs out of Victor, he has to put a listening device in his room – this room. That’s where she comes in. As co-owner of the hotel, he needs her to call Victor, and say there’s a problem with his suite, and he needs to move into this suite. She asks why he doesn’t just put a bug in the room Victor’s staying in right now? but he says, that’s not possible, because he has a security guard named Johann who does a daily sweep. Johann is busy, so if they can get Victor into this suite right now, it might buy Valentin a day or two before the bug is discovered. She says, what then? and he says he’ll handle it, but that’s all he’s going to tell her right now. She says she knows Victor is Valentin’s father, but he’s a very dangerous man. She doesn’t like that Valentin is taking him on alone. Valentin tells her, don’t worry about him; he has backup. Multiple partners, each playing integral roles. Hopefully, that includes her, but he needs her to make a phone call.

Michael says, Sonny isn’t the same father who put family above everything else, and Sonny says, he’s done the best he could, but Michael says, Sonny hasn’t. Don’t forget, he’s a father too. He’d never hurt Wiley the way Sonny hurt his children. Sonny asks how he knows that; life is unpredictable. How did he know he was going to lose his memory, and live in a town called Nixon Falls? Michael says, this is about what Sonny’s done since he came back. All of Sonny’s choices have led him to here. Take ownership of that. Sonny says, no! Put himself in Sonny’s shoes. What if Wiley thought Michael screwed up, and started treating Michael the way Michael is treating him? Would Michael just give up on him, or would he do everything he possibly could, and hope to God that Wiley met him halfway?

Dex says, three days ago, Dante thought he was a murderer with a hook. Now Dante is all about justice for him? Dante says, things have changed. His source tells him that Dex was the victim of a serious crime, and it’s his duty to follow up on that. Dex says he commends Dante’s commitment to protect and serve, but he’s good. Dante says, so Dex has no comment on this accusation? and Dex asks if this is an official investigation. Dante says, no, but it can be if Dex wants him to file charges. Dex was brought in as a person of interest in a series of vicious attacks. He’s been told, Dex’s boss Sonny Corinthos turned on Dex as a result. Is there any truth to that?

Anna tells Robert that she needs a warrant for Johann Bauer. She knows Robert has been keeping tabs on him. It can be for unpaid parking tickets; it can be for anything. He asks if she doesn’t think he’d have brought Johann in already if he had something, and she says, he drinks. He fell overboard off the Haunted Star, and the crew had to stop and pick him up. Robert says, and she knows this how? and she says, the point is, can they not use that? Say another boater reported it? He says, intentionally jumping into the water from a passenger vessel would be considered unsafe operation of said vessel, and it would be illegal. However, she’s implied that the jump wasn’t intentional. She says she just wants him detained. Bring him in for questioning. The charges don’t have to stick. He says, so they not only abuse his office, now they’re going to waste taxpayers’ resources for… nothing. She says she thinks taking Victor off the street is for the greater good. And this is for Luke. He says, something about this tells him there’s more going on. Annie, it’s Bobby. Tell him the whole story. She says she wants to, but she can’t. So please help her, because she’s running out of time. He says, that bastard did kill their friend. Okay. He’ll make the call, but this the last time. She says, okay, and Deputy Mayor (or whatever she is) Eileen walks in. She asks if she’s interrupting something.

Lucy tells Victor, she didn’t know who to talk to. Martin is still with his mother, and she kept thinking he would know exactly the right thing to say. He tells her that he’ll do his best, and the room phone rings. Nina introduces herself, and says she’s the new co-owner of the MetroCourt. She’s so sorry to bother him, but they’re going to have to shut the water off in his room. She knows it’s a complete inconvenience, but they’ll have to move him to another suite, at least temporarily. He says, now is not a good time, and Nina says she understands, and she’s sorry for the disturbance, but they have no choice because a room on his floor has a leak. She’ll have a staff member there momentarily to help him move his things. Valentin holds up a bottle, and she says, and there’s a bottle of wine, complementary, waiting for him. She thanks him for his cooperation, and he says, if she’s sure there’s no other choice. She tells him, once again, their sincere apologies, and he says, very well. He hangs up, and tells Lucy, apparently, there’s a water leak somewhere, and they’re going to have to temporarily move him to another suite… Something feels off. She says, that completely explains when she was rushing up to see him, she saw some maintenance men in the lobby. That must be why. She guesses he has to get ready, so she’ll leave him to it. She thanks him, and says, she just feels so alone. He says she’s not alone. If she can just wait until he’s figured this room changing mess out, he promises her his full attention.

Esme says, she was the one who was left to drown, and Nikolas is accusing her of being a murderer? He says, her timing seems suspicious. She shows up in town, and the witness who pointed a finger squarely in her direction, winds up dead. She says, the only thing she’s guilty of is loving his son and trusting him. When she was in that Canadian hostel, that man tried to pin everything on her. How do they know he wasn’t hired by Trina’s people or Sonny’s? He says, give it a rest. He’s done buying the victim act, and she says, he knows her intimately. He doesn’t really believe all those horrible things about her, does he?

Dex says he has no idea what Dante is talking about, and Dante says, that’s his story, and he’s sticking to it, huh? Dex says, Mr. Corinthos didn’t do anything but give him a ride home after he was released. Any other questions? Dante says, just one. Is Dex afraid of retaliation? He knows how his father works. Word is, Dex went through something hellacious. Dex opens the door, and Dante says, if Dex was threatened to keep his mouth shut, he’s in a position to make sure his father doesn’t get to Dex for telling the truth. Dex says, whoever told Dante that Mr. Corinthos tried to harm him is a straight-up liar, and Dante thanks him for his time.

Michael asks how he can meet Sonny halfway when he doesn’t know who Sonny is anymore. Sonny turned his back on everything he once believed in. Sonny says, Michael keeps saying that he doesn’t know him anymore. Michael has known him his whole life; that doesn’t count for anything? A lifetime of being a father? He gets it. Betrayal, anger, disappointment. He lived with that his whole life with his father. You think I wronged you; I think you wronged me. It’s like never-ending circle. One thing Sonny wants Michael to know is that he still loves him. This has got to end before it’s too late. They’ve buried too many people already; Jason… Brando… my father. He cries, and says she doesn’t want it to be them. Michael says, look… dad, when Nina has the bad timing to walk in.  

Robert says, his door was shut for a reason, and Eileen says, his assistant told her that he didn’t have any appointments. Anna says she was just leaving. She doesn’t want to keep Robert from his work. She believes he was about to make a phone call. She’ll be in touch. She leaves, and Robert says, she’s right; he’s in the middle of something. Eileen says, his call can wait. She’s here on mayoral business. He says, if Laura wants to speak to him, all she has to do is reach out directly, and she says, Laura may be working remotely, but she needs someone on the ground to keep an eye on things. What was his ex-wife doing here? He says, it’s none of her business, but since she stuck her bid in, they’re planning a trip to Australia, and taking their granddaughter, who wants to play the digeridoo. She says she hopes that’s the case, and he asks what that means. She says, Miss Devane has been known to pull the PCPD into WSB business. Laura confided to her that he and Anna were working on the investigation into Luke Spencer’s death. He says, Spencer was a dear friend, and what he does on his own time is his business. She says, they both know that’s not what he’s doing, and she intends to stop it.

Victor opens the wine, saying, voila! He tells Lucy, at least they had the decency to pick out a very nice vintage. He asks if he can pour her a glass, and she says, after the day she had, she’d love some. He tells her to make herself comfortable. She sits on the sofa, and he says he considers himself a good judge of character. He sits down, handing her the wine, and says, although he’s still getting to know her, he’s already recognized she’s a strong, capable woman; the kind who won’t lose her head when the going gets tough. She says, it’s served her well as a woman in business, and he says, which is why it is so out of character that a floral arrangement would reduce her to a hysterical puddle. She says, doesn’t he know, a scheming vixen such as herself sometimes has a very bad day. He says she’s not a scheming vixen. Nor is she being honest with him. So why doesn’t she tell him what’s really going on here?

Michael says, maybe Sonny doesn’t see how much he’s changed. Maybe Sonny hasn’t changed, and Michael is just now seeing him for who he is. Sonny says, don’t back off now; Michael just called him dad. Michael says he was wrong. Sonny isn’t the man he knew. He abandoned his family; he abandoned his code. He’s capable of anything. Sonny says, Michael has no right to judge him, and Michael starts to walk away. Sonny yells, don’t turn your back on me! and Dante walks in. He says, that’s enough. This ends now.

Ava says, Trina’s safety is important, but it shouldn’t be a motive for going away with her boyfriend. Only she can decide if she’s ready to make that step. Trina says she’s so confused. In her heart, she feels like she’s safe with Rory. She doesn’t feel like he’ll hurt her. Ava says, that’s not insignificant. That’s a lot. Trina says, but what if they go away, and that all changes?

Nikolas says, a lot has happened since Esme’s been away, and she says, he makes it sound like she was on holiday, instead of recovering from his wife trying to kill her. He says, Trina has been exonerated, and Spencer is in Pentenville. In an attempt to give Trina an alibi, he testified that he broke out of Spring Ridge. And Oz Haggerty isn’t the only person who was stabbed recently. She says, that’s terrible; crime’s really up. Do the police have any leads? He says, the killer used a large hook, and she says, sounds gruesome. He says, it was. Ava was the first victim. Esme says, but she survived, and he says, thankfully. She says, karma’s a bitch, and he says, Diane Miller was also stabbed. She gave Esme a pretty tough time at Trina’s trial. She says, remind her, what’s his point? and he says, it’s a pretty big coincidence that three of the victims happen to be people Esme thought wronged her in some way. She says, now he knows not only what she thinks, but how she thinks, and he says, he thinks she’s capable of murder, and he thinks she came back for revenge. She says, that would mean he’s next.

Dante says he paid a little visit to Dex Heller, and Sonny asks, why? Dante asks if he can talk to Michael, and Michael says, Dante is here for him, not Sonny? Sonny goes over to Nina at the bar, and Dante tells Michael, Dex said Michael lied about everything. Michael asks what he’s talking about. Sonny kidnapped Dex, and tortured him to force him into a confession, which they know now would have been false. Dante says, this vendetta with Sonny has gotten out of hand. Now Michael is lying to the police about a crime. Michael says, he came to Dante brother to brother, and Dante says, Michael has a family to protect. This beef he has with Sonny is going to lead him to do things that are destructive. Let it go. Dante’s phone rings, and he says he’s on his way. He tells them, looks like we have another victim, and Sonny says, another stabbing? Dante says, yeah. The wound’s consistent with a hook. It looks like they have a serial killer on their hands. You two are on your own.

Robert says, the mayor’s office does not oversee the DA’s office, but Eileen says, she has the authority to initiate an internal review. It’s called checks and balances, and if she finds anything the least bit off, she’ll hold him accountable. Their citizens deserve better. He says, she’s abusing her power and wasting human resources on this pointless review, and she says, we’ll see.

Anna joins Valentin on a park bench, and asks if everything is going according to plan. He says, yes. Robert? She says, detaining Johann. It’s all up to Lucy now. He says, that’s the part that worries him.

Lucy tells Victor that she’s had some hard times in her life. She thinks they’ve shaped he into the woman he seems to admire, but they also left some scars. Sometimes she feels so helpless and scared, and wants someone who makes her feel safe, and Victor does. He says he’s flattered she feels she can talk to him, and she says, the last time she saw Sasha was the day before her husband died. She basically asked Sasha to give up her financial stake in Deception, which she thought was a good idea at the time, and still does, but it really hurt Sasha. Lucy just couldn’t face her, and it started her spinning, thinking about her future, and what will happen in her life. She tells him, she knows it sounds selfish, but he says, they all have fears that can be illuminated by tragedy. She says, she can’t stop thinking about the future. Will she be all alone? He tells her, not if he has anything to say about it, and she says, that was another reason where she thought she could come to him. When he talks about his plans and his future, he sounds confident, like he’s figured everything out. She finds that so comforting. He says he has his own anxieties. That’s why he made the plans. She says, the plans; right. Can he tell her more of them? It’s really what she needs right now. Could he tell her, just for her?

Esme laughs at Nikolas, and says, sorry; she couldn’t help it. What he’s suggesting is ridiculous. He says, is it? and she says she didn’t intend to stay this long, even though she’s enjoyed their little chat. Don’t worry. As soon as she can afford it, she’ll be out of his hair. He blocks her, and says she’s not going anywhere. She tells him, he’s going to let her go. Unless he wants the police to know about her little tumble off the parapet. He says, what tumble off the parapet? Does she think they’ll actually care when they find out she’s connected to three of the stabbing victims? If anything, her alleged fall gave her a motive. He takes out his phone, and she says, he’s not going to do that. He says, why the hell not?

Sonny asks if Nina is okay, and she says, no. Just when she thought this day couldn’t get more brutal, there’s another victim. What are they going to do? He says he doesn’t have all the answers right now, but he’s going to tighten security, and Nina is going to have to keep her bodyguard for a while longer. She says, that’s no problem. She’s glad Sonny is looking out for her, but what about him? How is he doing, dealing with this after ten rounds with Michael? He says he can handle it, and she says she can’t believe Michael, lying to the police about Sonny. She never thought he’d stoop so low.

Michael bangs on Dex’s door, and walks in when Dex opens it. Michael says, Dex lied to protect Sonny, and Dex says, he told Dante that Sonny didn’t abduct or injure him. Michael says, well done. They have Sonny right where they want him.

Robert leaves a message for Anna, saying, they’ve got a problem. They can’t arrest Johann. Whatever she’s doing, stop it. This mission’s got to be aborted and now.

Anna listens in, and says, you’ve got this Lucy… Don’t overplay your hand. We see the missed call from Robert on her phone.

Lucy says, Victor is going to tell her a little bit more about his plans, and she’s going to pretend it’s a bedtime story. So, once upon a time… He says, for many years now, he’s been working on… The phone rings, and he says, if this is about another room change… He picks up the phone, and says, what now? Eileen says, they’ve got a problem.

Johann knocks on the old room door.

Ava says, it’s Trina’s call. If she’s not ready to go away with Rory, then don’t. That’s perfectly fine, but just know that all romance is a leap of faith. You have to be willing to take the chance. Trina says she doesn’t want to miss out on something great with Rory because she’s scared. Okay. She’s ready. She should text him now and tell him. She picks up her phone, and Ava says she just wants Trina to be happy and have fun. Get herself a light saber. Trina says, too bad she can’t get a real one. Then no one would have to worry about her safety. At least she’ll be with a cop, so there’s that.

Nikolas tells Esme to give him one reason he should let her go, and she says she didn’t want to tell him so soon, but he’s forced her hand. You’re not going to call the cops on us. He says, us? and she says, me and our baby. She opens her coat and rubs when could possibly be a baby bump, or a heavy lunch.

I sigh heavily. Didn’t we just have this storyline? And on the off-chance she is pregnant, Nikolas could just say she’s crazy, and the baby is Spencer’s.

Tomorrow, Anna says, Lucy needs to get out of there – now; Johann says, Lucy isn’t leaving until he’s done; Esme says, it’s her get-out-of-jail-free card; and Sonny says, nothing is going to change Michael’s mind.

📜 Regarding the Day…

I love when an actor uses their celebrity for good, rather than exerting undue influence in arenas where they’re no expert.

🐎 On Horses & Kids…

A light side dish from the stable hand’s mouth.

💎 Like the Energizer Bunny…

It’s unbelievable how much this is being hashed over. Pick a lane or take them all.

🍊 What a Prize…

Shannon must be glad to be rid of this loser.

🌴 What Happens In Miami…

The latest on the comeback kids.


🥀 Farewell, She Wrote…

I’ve always admired her career. She did it all, and didn’t compromise. I was blessed to see her in Sweeney Todd on Broadway, and she was absolutely brilliant. There was no one like her, and she will be missed.


💡 Lights Out…

Come set a spell tomorrow for some soap and Reunion insanity. Until then, stay safe, stay remembering your manners, and stay not judging others, because life is unpredictable.

July 5, 2022 – Drew Makes Nina an Offer, Legacy Role, Changing Roccos, an Engagement, Celebrating, Post Yachting, Real Friends & Bikini


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sasha, Maxie, and Lucy dash into the Home & Heart studio. Sasha says, they’re finally here. It looks smaller than it does on TV. (It almost always does.) Lucy asks someone to pinch her so she knows she isn’t dreaming, and Maxie obliges, but Lucy yells, ow! That’s kinda hard. Maxie says, now Lucy knows she’s not dreaming, and Lucy tells her, admit it. She’s just as excited about this, and Maxie says, is Lucy kidding? Getting to show their products on Home & Heart? This show is like the holy grail of makeup sales. Lucy says, that’s why Enchanted Cosmetics makes a killing every time they nab a time slot. Sasha sees Felty, who holds up his press pass, and Maxie wonders if they’ll see Erica Kane. Lucy says she’d just die; she’d keel over. Maxie says, not before they make a killing and count their profits, which will be huge. Lucy says, of course (🍷). That is if their beautiful face of Deception is up to the task. Maxie asks Sasha if she’s got this, and Sasha says, absolutely; let’s do this. Felty lurks around.

Brook and Chase grab a table by the pool, and she says, they need to talk. He says, lately, every time they talk, his life goes sideways, and she says, she’s sorry. But not anymore. Drumroll please… Today is the day she changes his life.

Josslyn asks Cameron, what’s wrong with him? but he says, wrong? There’s nothing wrong. Why would there be anything wrong? Trina says, maybe because he keeps saying the word wrong, and Josslyn says, it’s his whole vibe. Trina says, look at his face, and he says, that’s just the way his face is. Josslyn says, it’s not his usual open and honest Cam face, and she wonders why.

Spencer tells Esme, what is he doing here? He’s looking for her, of course (🍷). He takes her hands, and she says, well, he found her. Now what is he going to do with her?

At the MetroCourt bar, Britt watches Dante, Cody, and Rocco balance spoons on their noses at a table. Spinelli comes in, and says, how serendipitous. He was hoping to avail himself of her counsel. She asks if he’s pregnant, and he laughs, saying, he never noticed how humorous she is. No, his problem’s not physical. It is in fact… roman…tical.

Cody says he gets another shot, and balances his spoon, but Dante says he’s not giving Cody the crown. Cody tells Rocco that his dad is afraid they’re making a scene, and Dante says, they are, and it is kind of a classy restaurant. Cody says, Rocco’s dad wasn’t always so classy. He used to be a hell raiser. Rocco asks if Cody is sure, and Cody says he taught Dante everything he knows, but Dante says, nah.

Nina walks into her office, and someone is sitting in her chair. She says, her assistant didn’t tell her that she had a visitor, and the chair swivels around. She sees it’s Drew, and asks if she can help him. He says he doesn’t think that’s going to be necessary, but he can help her.

Olivia says she understands Carly not wanting to take money from the Quartermaines, but what about her ex-husband? She’d say Sonny owes Carly a favor or 500. Carly sees that Sonny has come in, and tells Olivia, don’t say a word, but Olivia says, he’s going to find out. Carly says, okay, let him find out, but not now. Sonny walks over to them, and Olivia says, she’s going to go take care of that… thing, and jets. Sonny says, Olivia beat it out of here quick. She didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire? Carly says, the crossfire? and he says, or whatever bad news she’s going to tell him.

Chase tells Brook, his life doesn’t need changing; he just wants it back. The life he had when he was a police detective. She says she gets it. Things look bad now, but being temporarily barred from the PCPD is just that – it’s temporary. He will get his badge back. Until then, there are other ways to be productive. He says, like what? and she says, like a career change.

Felty comes up behind Sasha as she’s looking in the mirror, and takes a picture. She stomps off, and goes to the display table. She tells Lucy and Maxie, the selection looks great, but it needs to be rearranged. They’ll segue from lipstick to their cutting edge lip plumper to the lash lift, and they’ll probably go eyeshadow after that. Morgan Fairchild Haven De Haviland walks in with her assistant, and says, it’s not going to work. Can she have her 5 o’clock changed to 6 o’clock? She thanks her assistant, and Lucy says, Haven De Haviland. Okay, deep breath. She has to tell Haven that Haven is absolutely her idol. She curtseys, and Maxie says she never misses a chance to watch Haven. Haven thanks them, and says she’s a big fan of Deception, and the sales they’re about to rack up. And here’s the Face of Deception herself. She shakes Sasha’s hand and says, it’s an honor, but Sasha says, the honor is all hers. Felty suggests they take some photos for the fans, and as he snaps away, Maxie tells Lucy, Sasha told her that she hired some publicity for Deception. Felty says, how about one with just Sasha and Haven? and takes a couple of photos. Sasha tells him, that’s enough for now. They’ll take more later. She leaves, and Felty says, how about some of the queen on her throne? and Haven says she likes the way he thinks. Lucy asks Maxie, is it just her, or is something just a little bit off with Sasha?

Britt says, Spinelli would get better romantic advice from an amoeba, and he asks if he can draw on her experience then, specifically her experience with Society Set-Ups. She asks if the sermon at the pool didn’t tell him all he needed to know, and he says, Maxie told him she received six months of free service after her incident with the skydiver. She’s had no success since then? She says she’s been busy washing her hair, and he asks, why she doesn’t partake. She says, Society’s match-ups are either duds or no-shows, and he says, that’s unfortunate. He’d hoped if things had turned around for her, they’d bode well for him. She says, if he’s thinking of joining, don’t, and he says, it’s too late. He’s already scheduled date number three with match number one. He shows her a picture of a beautiful woman on his phone, and says, here she is; Brandi. Yeah… no.  

Olivia comes into the restaurant, and Dante introduces her to Cody. She says, the Cody? Cody Bell from camp? Cody says, the one and only, and hugs her, picking her up off the floor. He says, Mama Falconari, and she asks Rocco if he has any idea how many calls she got from their camp counselors about all the mischief these knuckleheads got themselves into. Dante says, this guy’s apparently turned over a new leaf, and Cody says, trying to at least.

Cameron says, his mom is sick, he has to take care of his brothers, he’s working two jobs, and he’s still getting creepy texts from randos about his sex life. So stop overthinking his Cam face. Josslyn says she’s sorry, but he says, no, he’s sorry. It could be worse, right? He’ll quit complaining. Josslyn says, he wasn’t complaining, and Trina says, he was just describing what’s going on with him. Josslyn says she wishes he’d do more of that instead of bottling it up, but he says, trust him. She has no idea how much he’d like to unload, and she says, why doesn’t he?

Spencer says he was thinking of going on a picnic, but Esme says she hates ants, and suggests they go back to the pool. Spencer flashes back to Cameron telling him, go to the pool first, sit with Joss, and don’t leave him hanging. He tells Esme, the pool scene is so bougie, and she says, or they could fly to Manhattan, get a suite, and go out, or… stay in. He says, tempting, but let’s enjoy what’s left of the sun, and she says, the pool it is.

Carly says, Donna’s fine, and Sonny says, and everything else in her life is irrelevant to him? She says, those were the terms they agreed on in their divorce, and he says, all right. If she reconsiders, she knows how to reach him. He leaves, and she seems puzzled that he gave up so easy. Because she always wants it both ways.

Nina says she doesn’t see Drew in these offices much since he took over for Jax (who?), and he says, she runs a tight ship; profitable, and he doesn’t like to micromanage when business is going well. She thanks him, and says, yet he’s here to offer her some help? He says she makes his help sound like a different four-letter word, and she says, he made it clear what he thinks of her, so it’s making her wonder if his help would be beneficial. He suggests they leave Sonny and Carly out of this. It’s not personal; this is just business. She says, but she’s hearing his business isn’t booming these days, after the Aurora/ELQ merger that didn’t happen, and he says, Valentin did get ahead of him and Michael. She asks what that means for his future, and he says, the stock is going to recover eventually; so will Aurora. Maybe even faster with a change at the top. She asks if he’s stepping down from Aurora, but he says, no. The shareholders aren’t very happy with him, so he does have to make some moves to placate them. She asks if his first move is to replace her at Crimson, but he says he has no intention of replacing her. He does intend to off-load Crimson. The shareholders will respond very positively to the sudden cash infusion from selling the magazine. She tells him, good luck to him, but please communicate to the future purchasers that her contract indicates she has independence; she can run the magazine how she sees fit. He says, they can avoid that issue altogether if she buys Crimson herself.

Sasha walks backstage, when Felty ambushes her. He says, no worries; he’s not going to take her picture. It wouldn’t be the most flattering. She asks what he wants, and he says he was about to ask her the same questions. Does she need more pills? She says she’s good, and walks away. He asks if she’s sure. It’s going to be a long day.

Haven sees Sasha, and says she assumes Sasha got her script notes. Sasha says, start with lipstick… and Haven says, keep it personal. Give their viewers a confidential glimpse into her life; make them feel like they’re in the know. Maxie and Lucy join them, and Haven says, but don’t get so specific she loses her appeal. Keep it warm, but not too effusive. Sasha has to maintain her credibility. Give the viewers something to aspire to, but don’t come off as conceited. Lucy says, their Sasha is never conceited, and Maxie says, Sasha’s got this, right? Sasha says, of course (🍷), and Haven tells them, just remember what Erica Kane always says… Lucy says, remember to have fun, and Maxie adds, and sell, sell, sell. She and Lucy high-five, and Haven tells Sasha, they’re on in 15, so just take deep breaths and don’t smear her lipstick. She asks Lucy to go over the products with her one final time, and they leave. Maxie asks how Sasha is doing, and Sasha says she’s good; maybe a little dry. Maxie says she’ll go find Sasha some water, and when she’s gone, Sasha goes in her bag, digging out the pills. Brando comes up behind her, and says, need a boost?

Josslyn asks why Cameron can’t unload like he wants. He knows she’s not going to judge. He sees Spencer come in with Esme, Spencer giving him a little shrug. He tells Josslyn, some people have it harder than him, and Trina says, like her? Don’t go there. She doesn’t have a monopoly on problems. He doesn’t have to strong or silent on her account. He asks if just strong is okay, and Josslyn says she’s fine with that, kissing him. Trina sees Spencer and Esme heading their way, and says, incoming. Esme says, isn’t that sweet. One last hurrah before the trial of the century?

Olivia says, Sam told her that Cody might be sticking around, and he says he might be. Her son has a couch with his name on it, just until he gets some gainful employment. Dante says, Cody can stay as long as he wants; they’ve got plenty of room. Olivia says, Dante told her that Cody has a way with horses, and Dante says, this guy wants to own his own ranch. She says, really? Her family happens to be looking for a new overseer for their stables. Cody says he’d love to hear more, he promises. He’s not trying to be rude, but he has to check on something real quick. Excuse him.

Britt says, this is Brandi, and Spinelli found her on Society Set-Ups? He says, Society Set-Ups found them. It’s probably too good to be true. If Society Set-Ups can’t find a match for someone as eligible as Britt, what success can he hope to achieve? Cody grabs Spinelli by the shoulders, and says, take heart. There’s hope for all of us, even the hardest of hard luck cases.

Chase tells Brook, he burned through his savings during his last suspension. He thought he aged out of ramen when he turned 25. She says, there’s an age limit for ramen? (Never!) He says he guesses he could go into private security, and she says, he would look hot in an all-black suit, but she can’t see him turning the other way when his billionaire boss does something shady. He says, then what? Should he become a P.I. and drive around PCU in a golfcart, busting underage drinkers? She tells him, she didn’t say job change; she said career change. He’s qualified for way more than cop without a badge work. He has assets. He says he’s not doing a Magic Milo act, but she says she’s not referring to his body; she’s referring to his voice.

Carly orders a glass of house white from the pool bar, and Cameron says, let him get Josslyn a fresh drink. Anyone want anything? No? Good. No trouble while he’s gone. People don’t come here for drama, but for diversion. He pats Spencer on the shoulder, and Spencer says, I hear you. Cameron leaves, and Esme says, if it will make Josslyn and Trina happy, she’ll move to the other side of the pool, and take a break from Trina’s constant puppy dog eyes at Spencer. Trina says, no drama, and Josslyn says, Trina sees right through Esme’s boyfriend as if he’s not even there. Meanwhile, Esme can’t seem to keep her hands to herself. Did she tell Spencer how she was all over Officer Cabrera the other day? Spencer asks what she’s talking about, and Esme says, Joss is just making up stories because it’s Trina who’s into Officer Cabrera, managing to contradict herself in less than a minute. The thing is, he’s just another guy who wants nothing to do with Trina. Trina laughs, and moves toward Esme, but Josslyn stops her. Cameron goes to the bar, and Carly asks how he’s doing. He says he’s doing okay, and she asks, how’s his mom? Has he been to Shadybrook to visit her? He says, a couple of times, yeah. Actually, he noticed she has lipstick on her teeth, and she says, we can’t have that, and thanks him, wiping her teeth with a napkin. Cameron looks at Spencer, and Josslyn says, Spencer needs to get his girlfriend under control. Spencer tells her, back off. The porno queen of PCU is in no position to judge anyone. Josslyn asks what he just called her, and Esme says, he called her the porno queen of PCU. Josslyn pushes Spencer into the pool, and Carly says, dammit. Josslyn tells Esme, she heard him the first time, and Esme says, hear this, you bitch, pushing Josslyn in. Trina says, the only bitch is Esme, and pushes Esme in. They splash water at each other, and it actually looks like a lot of fun.

Nina says, Drew wants to sell Crimson, and he wants to sell it to her, and Drew says, she has the institutional knowledge, and she has a great track record. She can take her chances with a new boss, or she could be her own boss. She says, how generous, and thanks him for coming to her first. He says, there is a deal to be made here, and she says, a deal that may just be too good to be true. Why does she have the feeling there’s another angle?

Spencer says, Josslyn pushed him in the pool again, and Josslyn says, please. He and Esme both deserve it. Carly walks over to the pool, and Cameron eyes the napkin she used.

Britt says she doesn’t recall asking Cody to weigh in on her love life, but he says, actually, he was referring to his love life, or lack thereof. She says, but he’s such a great catch; accident prone, uncouth, poor… He says, what’s not to love? and tells Spinelli that he’s free if Spinelli wants to talk riding lessons. Britt asks, since when does Spinelli ride? and Spinelli says, since Brandi suggested it for their third date. Britt asks if Cody wasn’t planning on riding out of town, but he says, not anymore. He’s sticking around. Yippee-ki-a.  

Sonny walks into the restaurant, and Rocco goes over to hug him. Sonny messes up Rocco’s hair, and says, now he likes it a lot better. He asks, what’s going on with Olivia’s business partner, and Olivia says, that’s none of his business. He asks if she’s looking out for Carly, but she tells him to worry about his own life, not his ex-wife’s. Dante asks if Sonny wants to join them, and Sonny says, he’d love to, but he’s got a meeting. He tells Rocco to remember their rematch with the video game. Rocco ain’t beating him. Sonny leaves, and Dante says he thinks Rocco will beat him.

Brook says, listen… and Chase says, when she starts making sense, he’ll listen. She says, but he’s a good singer, and he says, for charity events and Nurses Balls, maybe, but he can’t support himself. Does she know how long professional singers train before they sing in front of a paying audience? They’re entire lives. Does she know how much training he has? Zero, zilch, nada. She asks if he knows how many audiences pay to hear autotuning and lip syncing, and he asks which one he is; Chris Martin or Milli Vanilli? She says, he’s Harrison Chase, and he has what it takes… mostly. He says, mostly? and she says, it takes more than pure talent. It takes personality, charisma, tight clothes, not to mention the B Factor. He says, the B Factor? and she says, B is for Brook Lynn. She’ll be his manager.

Sasha says, Brando surprised her, and he says, good surprise or bad surprise? She says, good surprise of course (🍷). She thought he was backed up at the garage. He says, he was, but he ran into Michael, who told him about Willow going to the hospital, and he realized he couldn’t be away from her on her big day. Any day really. Sasha asks if Michael said how Willow was, and he says he’s guessing much better because Michael was in a damn good mood. Sasha flashes back to overhearing Deanna order an OB consult for Willow, and she says, of course (🍷) he was. Brando asks what she means, and she tells him to wish her luck. He says he’ll do her one better, and kisses her. He says, good luck, and leaves. She says, one minute, takes the pills out of her purse, and pops one.

Haven tells the television audience, good afternoon. She introduces herself, and says she’s the host of A Little Bit of Haven. Today she has a wonderful guest; Sasha Gilmore, better known as the Face of Deception. She welcomes Sasha, and says she’s so excited to hear about the amazing products from Deception. Where would Sasha like to start? Sasha just looks around like she’s not sure where she is, and Haven says, Sasha?

Cody asks, is it done? and Spinelli says, everything is prepared as he required. Cody pats Spinelli on the back, causing him to spill his drink, and says, good man. Spinelli says, hardly, and Cody says, come on. Don’t be sad. When all is said and done, the payoff is going to be Powerball sized. He just needs to be real cautious… Spinelli says, stop. He need hear no more. Their business is concluded. Cody says his feelings are hurt. Hasn’t he been taking good care of Spinelli, keeping his secret? Spinelli says, it’s called extortion, and Cody says, extortion is more impactful when the party being extorted is innocent, which Spinelli is anything but. Sonny joins them, and says he’s sorry he’s late. Who’s Spinelli’s friend?  

Brook tells Chase to take his best shot. Tell her all the ways she’d be a horrible manager; how it would never work, blah-blah-blah. He says, actually, it’s the first sensible thing she’s said. If anyone can make him a star, it’s her. Reality though? Picture him on a stage at some sleezy bar where peanuts stick to the ground, for a paycheck that doesn’t pay his rent. She says, that’s the beauty of her plan. If this thing works, he’ll make bank quick, or at least enough to cover his expenses until he finds out when he can get his badge back. He asks how they’re going to pull that off, and she says, he’ll never have to set foot on a real stage. All they have to do is present an aura of success, enough to attract a real manger; one who will pay through the roof for his contract. A manager like Linc.

Now out of the pool, Josslyn says, Esme ripped her hair out. Esme says, come closer and she’ll rip out some more, but Carly gets in between them, and says she doesn’t think so. She tells Spencer that she wants him and his girlfriend to get the hell out of here. They’re banned from her hotel. Out. They leave, and she looks at Josslyn.

Drew says he took the liberty of drawing up buyout if Nina is interested. Obviously, it’s just a bunch of legal jargon, but if she buys Crimson, she takes control of the magazine, and her destiny for that matter. But the only way this happens is fast. Have her lawyers take a look at it, but don’t take too long. He holds it out, and she doesn’t take it, so he tosses it on the desk. He leaves, and she picks it up.

Drew is about to go into the elevator, when Olivia comes out of it. She asks if Nina is in her office, and he says he just left her. She asks him to hold on one second. Carly told Olivia about her situation regarding her stake in the hotel. She’s been wracking her brain trying to figure out a way to keep Carly in business, and can’t think of anything. She offered to float Carly a loan, but she can’t finance it without help from Ned. He says, Carly probably wouldn’t allow that anyway, and she says she learned that the hard way. Any ideas he’d care to share? He says he has one, but it’s not a sure thing yet, and he doesn’t care to share. She says, remind her never to play the market with her half of the MetroCourt. This place is like a second home to her. It kept her sane even with all the craziness with the Quartermaines. She can’t imagine losing it, and she’s sure Carly feels the same way. Nina comes out, and says, Drew forgot his briefcase.

Sasha tells Haven, yes, the products; the Deception products she means. She knows she saw them here somewhere. Haven says, before she tells them about the products, why doesn’t she tell them how she got involved in Deception? Maxie gives Sasha two thumbs up, and Brando mouths, I love you. Sasha takes a breath, and says, beneath the Face of Deception is someone who’s incredibly nervous. She can handle a photo shoot, no problem, but being here live, in front of millions of viewers has thrown her. Haven says she remembers her first day on the set. She couldn’t stop clearing her throat. They laugh, and Haven says, they have their first caller. Please, rescue us from ourselves. Gladys asks if they can hear her, and Haven says, they can. What would she like to say to Sasha? Is she familiar with Deception’s products? Gladys says, is she? She’s seen Miss Gilmore’s face in magazine ads, and now, watching her on TV, she is gorgeous. She’d pay anything to look like Sasha. Haven says, that’s nice of her to say, and Gladys tells Sasha, she’s not getting any younger. Can Sasha tell her how the lip plumper works? Sasha says she sure can, and gets up, going to the display table. She picks up the product, and says, Deception’s lip plumper was designed by makeup specialists who understand the needs of a maturing woman. It’s state of the art; there’s nothing even close to it on the market. This color, pink rose, is her personal favorite.

Spinelli introduces Cody to his close, dear, very personal friend, Sonny Corinthos. Perhaps Cody has heard of him. Cody says, as in Corinthos Coffee? and Sonny says, the one and only. Cody says he’s actually friends with Dante. They went to summer camp way back when. Sonny says, no kidding, and Cody says he’s got some old photos if Sonny ever wants to take a look. Sonny says, maybe one night Cody and Dante could come to dinner, and they can go through the album. Cody says he looks forward to it. Dante knows how to get in touch with him. He grabs Spinelli in a bro hug, and says, well played. You got game, kid. He leaves, and Sonny asks what kind of trouble is Spinelli in with Cody. Spinelli says, there’s no trouble with Cody, and Sonny says, he’s got nothing to do with this wardrobe upgrade, the fact that Spinelli is spreading money around, that he’s hinting he’s doing things, but doesn’t say what. Spinelli says, he’s the skydiver that fell into Britt Westbourne at the pool… and Sonny says, just answer the question. Spinelli called him here for drinks, and introduced him to this guy. Spinelli didn’t want him to know they were close? How bad is it? Spinelli says, it’s handled; there’s nothing to worry about. Sonny says, if Spinelli doesn’t want to tell him, it’s none of his business, but his business is his name, and when Spinelli drops it, he needs to explain why. He’s going to take a raincheck on those drinks. Think about it. Sonny leaves, and Britt comes back in. Her phone rings, and she sees it’s Zelda. She asks, what’s up?  

Dante tells Cody that he’s got the tab, and Cody says he’ll pay Dante back. Dante says, if Cody wants to pay him back… and Cody says he knows; get off his couch. Dante tells him, he was going to say, if Cody wants to pay him back, hook Rocco up with a horse riding lesson. Cody says, maybe he can do better than just one lesson. Did the job Dante’s mom mentioned include room and board?

Chase says, Linc owns Brook’s songs. He punched Linc in the face. Linc isn’t going to want anything to do with them. Now Brook wants Linc to manage him? What’s that about? She says, Linc is dirty. Once he buys out Chase’s contract, Chase will be in the perfect position to get the goods on him. Chase says, so the PCPD can arrest him, and she says, don’t be so conventional. Then they can really blackmail him into relinquishing her songs. She sees Chase’s face, and says, not really. She means… He says he knows what she means. She doesn’t want to help him at all; she wants to help herself.

Sasha thanks Gladys for her purchases, and hopes she enjoys them. Gladys says she knows she will. That’s why she bought two of everything. Haven says, and Gladys isn’t the only one buying Deception’s products. They’re in danger of running out, so the viewers need to make those purchases while they’re still in stock. Brando gives Sasha two thumbs up, and Maxie says, Gladys will be excited; she’s finally getting a raise. Haven says, they have a surprise guest. Please welcome their star seller, Flora Gardens. Flora runs onto the set, and Maxie says, this wasn’t in the script, and Lucy says, let’s see what Sasha does with this. Flora says, with Deception products on sale, she couldn’t resist showing up early, and Sasha asks if she’s up for a makeover. Flora says she couldn’t… except she really wants to, and Sasha says, they should always start with a fresh canvas, which means Fresh Glow for the face. It’s a mild cleanser that softens the skin and makes it receptive to all the natural ingredients… Maxie tells Haven’s assistant that if they need more Deception products, they’re in the stockroom, and the assistant thanks her, but says she’s getting ready for Flora’s segment next. Maxie asks what she sells, and the assistant says, a whole range of products. This one’s really sweet. Maxie looks in the box, and gets an uh-oh look.

Nina says she wasn’t aware she and Olivia had an appointment, but Olivia says she came to see Nina’s assistant. Nina says, her assistant isn’t here; she’s at lunch. Can she help Olivia with something? Olivia says, from now on Nina’s invoices for rent and business lunches will be coming from her office, not Carly’s, so all payments should go to her. Nina says, anything for Carly, and Olivia says, thanks. She gets in the elevator, and Drew holds out his hand for his briefcase. Nina says, so now she knows why Drew is selling Crimson, and he says, she’s got him. Why is he selling Crimson? She says she thinks he wants to cover Carly’s bad bet on the merger. She stands to lose her half of the MetroCourt? Why didn’t Drew just tell her? He says, because he knew she would have rejected him if he did. Unless… She says, unless what? and he says, unless saving Carly is an opportunity Nina just can’t pass up. What does she say?

Josslyn thanks Carly for backing her, but Carly says she wishes she didn’t have to. Things are going to get worse now that she’s banned them from the hotel. Josslyn says, it’s not about them. There’s something else going on. What is Carly so stressed about? Carly says, life is stressful. Just go home and cool down. That would make her happy. Josslyn says, but… and Carly says, but nothing. Go. Carly leaves, and Trina tells Josslyn, let’s go before someone pushes me in the pool. On their way out, Josslyn says, wait. What happened to Cam?

Outside, Cameron asks Spencer if he got it, and he says, when Esme wasn’t looking. Please tell him that stealing Josslyn’s hair was worth making a lifelong enemy of his oldest friend. Cameron takes out a plastic bag with the napkin in it, and says, he’s not proud of it, but he told Josslyn’s mother she had lipstick on her teeth. So now they use her saliva as a DNA sample. Spencer says he hopes Cameron is right. This needs to fool Esme into thinking he knows who her biological mother is. Cameron says, so they can save Trina from prison. Esme comes out, and Spencer hides the samples behind his back. She says she’s so wet. She needs to get back to Spoon Island for some dry clothes and a hot shower. She asks if Spencer is coming, and Spencer says, she leads, he follows.

Brook asks why Chase doesn’t understand that she’s trying to help him, and he says, getting her songs back from Linc is just an added bonus? She says, actually, it just occurred to her right now, and he says, that’s because it takes a detective to connect the dots. Too bad he may never be one again. He walks off.

Britt tells Zelda, sure; send her the profiles… Yes. She promises to look them over. No promises beyond that though. Spinelli joins her, and she says she just told Zelda that she’d give it one more chance… One. He says he has a strong sense her luck is going to change, and she asks if he’s psychic now. He says he’s not jesting. He thinks this go-around with Society Set-Ups will be the charm. Olivia walks up with Cody and Dante, and tells Cody that he’s going to love the stables. The Quartermaines take excellent care of their horses. Britt asks if Cody’s found a new home, bedding with horses, and Dante says, Cody is going to run the Quartermaine stables. Cody says, and get a penny to his name, but Britt says, still accident prone and uncouth. He says, but not broke; one improvement at a time.

Sasha asks if the viewers are ready for the final results of Flora’s makeover, and Haven says, oh yes. Sasha says, ta-da! and Flora turns around. She looks in the mirror, obviously pleased, and Haven says, how marvelous. Maxie tells Lucy, they may have a problem, and Flora wonders how she can repay Sasha for making her look so beautiful. Haven says she’s sure Flora has a token of her appreciation handy, and maybe a sneak peek at her upcoming sale. She just happens to have it right here. Flora says she has a must have gift for all the ladies out there who are expecting. A one-of-a-kind baby papoose. She takes it out, and she and Haven gush over it, while Sasha looks troubled, and Maxie, Lucy, and Brando quietly freak out.

Sonny goes to Nina’s office, and says, sorry he’s late. Spinelli invited him to have drinks, and he ran into Carly. Nina says she can’t imagine how that went. She really did it this time, didn’t she? He says, what did she do?

Drew finds Carly with her feet in the pool, and she tells him, take off his shoes; the water’s fine. He sits on a chaise, and she asks, what’s wrong? He says he did something, and… she’s not going to like it.

Tomorrow, Cody thinks he has the perfect way to repay someone; Nina says, those are her reasons for saying no; and Brando says he has to stop this.  

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 It’s a Family Affair…

All I have to say is, he’d better get his sister an invite to the set.

👴 Aging Fast…

Seems like just yesterday, Rocco was a toddler. Oh, wait…

💍 Permanent Plus One…

Fake Nurse Chloe is getting married.

🎇 They’re a Firework…

How the soap stars celebrated Independence Day.

⛵️ Bleh…

It’s no surprise. Too bad Jax is already married. They could be the most awful couple on the face of the earth.


💸 Knowing Their Friends…

But I still don’t know what they do or did for a living.


🌪 Twisting the Night Away…

Tomorrow, we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming… I think. So join me for soap and the lowdown on Beverly Hills. Until then, stay safe, stay unplugging once in a while, and stay always making improvements, even if it’s just one at a time.

June 10, 2022 – Spencer Almost Spills To Ava, New Guy, NeNe Says No, Juicy Hit, Some Dish, Diamond Whine, No Return, Guilty, Winners, Lucky Number Quotes & Come On Baby


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

As the car is packed for a camping trip, Violet asks Cameron if he’s sure they have enough marshmallows and chocolate. He says, they have enough for an entire month; it’s only a weekend trip. Laura comes by, and says she loves seeing everyone pitching in together. Violet says, they’re going camping, and Laura says, what a wonderful idea. Elizabeth is going to be happy to hear they’re going on a trip as a blended family. Cameron says he’s late for work, and leaves. Finn thinks he should talk to Cameron, but Laura says, no; she’s got that.

Portia reads from her tablet to Epiphany, when you are visualizing vectors. Do you do it in A) one-dimension, B) two dimensions, or C) three dimensions? Epiphany says, vectors… visualizing vectors… Is it A? Portia says, no, it’s B. Two dimensions, babe. Epiphany says, who is she kidding? She’s never going to pass the MCATs and get into med school, and fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor. Portia says she remembers she said the same thing when she was going through them, and Epiphany says, but Portia was still young when she became a doctor, and she had more time and energy. Portia doesn’t know what to tell her there. They haven’t invented time machines just yet. (If only.) Epiphany says, at the very least, does she have any study tips? and Portia says, someone did help her once. They said, don’t think about it as a test. Think about the questions as if you’re dealing with an actual patient; someone that came to you for answers. Epiphany asks if that did the trick, and Portia says, it did. It reminded her of why she wanted to be a doctor in the first place, and it wasn’t to do good on some test. It was to help people. Curtis walks in with Marshall, and says, then it looks like they came to the right place. Marshall smiles and nods at Epiphany, and she smiles back.

Laura asks if Cameron isn’t going with everyone else on the camping trip, but he says he has his hands full here with his job, his second job at the MetroCourt pool, not to mention dealing with things with Joss. She says she doesn’t want to pry, but it’s summer, after his freshman year in college. Doesn’t he think he deserves to have a little fun? He says, roughing it in Pautuck State Park isn’t his idea of a good time. She says, not fond of sleeping in a tent? Or is it maybe the fact that his mom won’t be there?

Trina looks at her phone, and says, confidential message from the office of the Dean of Students. Josslyn says, they don’t know for sure if this is bad news, and Trina says, yeah, but once she opens this email, her life won’t be the same.

Spencer says, Ava is way off base. He’s back with Esme. She asks if he’s trying to deny his feelings for Trina, and he says he doesn’t owe her any explanations. She says, he knows how much Trina means to her, so she wants the truth. What kind of game is he playing?

Nikolas grabs Esme’s arm, and says she can’t be serious. Ava can never know that he… that we… She says, made love? (bleh) and he tells her to keep her voice down. She tells him, she’s only saying, if the guilt of it is too much to bear, and he needs to unburden himself to Ava, he won’t be alone. She’ll be right by his side.

Mac comes into the hospital and sees Felicia. He says he takes it that Maxie and Bailey Lou are still upstairs with the pediatrician, and she says, yes, they are. And when they’re finished, she was hoping he’d join them for a family dinner. He says, sounds fine to him. He can’t get enough of that little angel. She says, everything is new through a little one’s eyes, then looks behind Mac, and says, no. Ryan is wheeled out of the elevator by several guards and Rory.

Laura hugs Cameron, and says she’s sorry. She knows he misses his mom; they all do. And she knows he also feels pressure to earn money and be the man of the family, but doesn’t he admire what Finn is doing; trying to keep things as normal as possible for Jake and Aiden? For Violet too, for that matter. He says, they can’t pitch a tent in the woods and pretend everything is normal when mom’s suffering, but she says, his mother chose to get help, and she’s working on getting better. He says, but they don’t know how long it’s going to take. He doesn’t know what to say anymore when Jake and Aiden ask why they can’t see their mom. Things will not get better until mom gets home.

Curtis says, he brought his father in to have his bandage changed, and maybe have another scan, and Epiphany says she heard about the mugging; she’s so sorry. Marshall says, his son came to the rescue. He throws some punches in the air, and says, thanks to Curtis, they came through all right. Epiphany says she’s not surprised Curtis came through for him, but she’s sorry he didn’t get there before Marshall got injured. Marshall says, he may be the worse for wear, but she should see the clarinet. Epiphany laughs, and says she’ll show Marshall to his room, and let the doctor know he’s here. Portia thanks her, and Epiphany says, no, thank you, for the tutorial. She leaves with Marshall, and Portia says, when she left Curtis at the house, he and his father had a lot to unpack. Curtis says, a whole suitcase full, and she says, if he doesn’t feel comfortable talking to her about it, they can talk another time. He says he doesn’t want to talk about it, but he has to. Because what he learned might affect her too.

Josslyn says she and Trina can do this, and they open the email. Josslyn says, oh no, and hugs Trina.

Spencer tells Ava, yes, he cares about Trina, but his loyalty is to Esme. Why is that so difficult for her to understand? She asks why he’d care about Trina if he thinks she’s the one who hurt his friends, while claiming Esme’s behind that revenge porn? Doesn’t that make him angry? He says he doesn’t have to explain himself to her, and she says, she’s the one in control of his trust fund. It’s her decision to give him an allowance, but what she gives, she can take away. So out with it. What is he up to?

Nikolas says, he and Esme have both been given second chances; her with Spencer, him with Ava. The last thing they want to do is throw those chances away, right? She says, if he can forget what happened between them, so can she. Nikolas flashes back to… It’s like a bad penny; it just keeps showing up. He says, Ava took the first step toward reconciliation, and he needs to find a way to reciprocate, and she asks if they’re talking diamonds or rubies. He says, none of the above.

Felicia tells Mac, she knows Ryan can’t hurt her because of his condition, but still… He says, wait here, and goes over to Rory, asking what Ryan is doing here. Rory hands Mac some paperwork, and says, the desk sergeant gave him this assignment, to provide back-up for the Spring Ridge guards during transport. The patient is going to undergo a series of tests at GH. Is there a problem? Mac says, unfortunately, no, handing the papers back to Rory. Everything seems to be in order. Mac goes over to Ryan, and bends down to his level. He says he knows Ryan can’t talk, or even move a muscle, but Ryan can hear him, so listen up. He knows it’s legally the correct thing to do to offer Ryan medical treatment, but if it were up to Mac, he’d have taken Ryan down a long time ago. All Ryan’s victims, all the people he killed, he never gave them a chance to survive. So even though he can imagine Ryan hates his life as a vegetable, trapped in a body that can’t do anything, it’s still way better than he deserves. Ryan lets out a yell, and leaps out of his chair, pushing Mac onto the floor, and getting on top of him. He says, Mac never was very bright, and Felicia screams. Ryan tears at Mac’s throat like a zombie, and looks up and says, Felicia, so nice to see you. Felicia whimpers, but it was all somebody’s daydream – I’m guessing Ryan’s. Mac tells Rory to escort the prisoner to the exam room, and make sure the room is secure before he hands Ryan over to the guards. Rory says, yes, sir, let’s go, and Ryan is wheeled away. Mac goes over to Felicia, and she says she’s okay. Evil like that, pure evil, can’t win out. He says he wishes it were that easy. Does she have a silver bullet? She says, something better, a baby.

Ryan is left in the exam room alone (really?), and makes a fist with his hand.   

Gregory asks Finn how things went at Shadybrook, and Finn says, Violet told him. Gregory says, nothing gets past her, and Finn says, Elizabeth is getting the help that she needs. Gregory asks why he senses there’s more to the story, and Finn says, Elizabeth made it clear his presence there was making it worse for her. She kind of asked him to leave. He goes over to Violet at the car, and asks if she’s ready for this.

Laura says, when she saw Cameron’s mother, she had only one concern; her boys, not herself. Cameron asks if that isn’t the problem. Shouldn’t her entire focus be on herself and getting better? She says, when he gets older and has kids, he’ll see that you never stop worrying about them or putting their needs first, but he’s right. She should be focusing on herself right now, but she won’t be about to do that if she knows Cameron is putting his life on hold. It will only add to her anxiety. He says, so him going on this stupid camping trip will actually make her feel better? and Laura asks if it’s really stupid to spend time with his brothers right now. Go for a walk in the woods. Maybe they’ll run into a family of deer. Anything to distract their minds from what’s going on with their mother. He says he guesses, and she says, he likes Finn, right? and he says, sure he does. She says, everybody says Hamilton Finn is a genius who can cure incurable diseases, and they’re right, but he’s also a human being. He could use Cameron’s help right now. She knows Cameron’s mother was counting on him to help right now. If ever there was a time for a family to come together, it’s now.

Portia asks how Marshall’s story affects her, and Curtis says, because it affects him. He doesn’t think he’s betraying any confidence in saying this. Marshall is well aware there have been way too many secrets, so he’s okay with him telling her everything. She says, she’s here to listen, so take all the time he needs. He says, after she left them at the house, Marshall opened up. It was like somebody opened the window, and let the sun shine in after a lifetime of being lost in the dark. He just let it all out; all those years he was away from them, thinking he was protecting them. When in reality, all the while, he was suffering. If TJ hadn’t found those pills… She says, the pills she found Curtis holding? and he nods. He says, after Marshall was mugged, the doctors in New York asked is he was on any medication. Curtis knew he was on heart medication, but didn’t know what kind or what dose. He and TJ had the keycard to Marshalls hotel room, so TJ went to look for the pills. They were just trying to help the doctors with any information they could. She asks if he’s saying Marshall’s heart condition is worse than he initially let on, but he says, no. He’s saying there was no medication for a heart issue. TJ found antipsychotic medication. All these years, Marshall has been taking medication for schizophrenia.

Trina reads, this is to inform you that you have been found in violation of regulations enumerated in Title IX. You’ll be contacted by the Dean’s office to schedule a meeting, at which time sanctions against you will be stipulated and possible expulsion will be addressed. Josslyn says, they still get to meet with the Dean. So there’s a chance they’ll impose sanctions while allowing Trina to stay enrolled in PCU. Trina says, thanks for trying to stay positive, but she doesn’t need a pep talk. Actually, in a way this decision did her a favor. Josslyn says, how? when Rory comes to the doorway and listens. Trina says, it’s like climbing a high diving board. It’s scarier to climb back down than just take a deep breath and jump. Josslyn says, okay, but what is Trina jumping into? Trina says, the way she sees it, if anyone’s going to clear her name and prove she’s not guilty, it’s her. Josslyn says, just know that Trina’s got her family, and her, and hopefully Cameron. Rory comes in, and says he hopes there’s room for one more supporter.

Esme says, she and Nikolas are in this together, so tell her. What does he have in mind for Ava? He says, Ava made a huge gesture by returning home to him. She even accepted Esme, and reinstated Spencer’s trust; those are huge concessions. He has to come up with a fitting response. She says she can’t wait to hear how the story ends, and hugs him. She says, this is for good luck, even though he doesn’t need it.

Spencer says he’s not up to anything, and Ava says, for once in his young irresponsible life, he’s got to be honest. Whose side is he on? Trina’s or Esme’s? Nikolas walks in with the ice, and says, what did he miss?

Gregory shows Violet how to tie a square knot, and says, now it’s her turn. It’s okay if she doesn’t get it right the first time. He sits with Finn on the back of the car, and Finn says, his advice never changes, does it? The whole it’s okay if you don’t get right on the first try thing. Gregory always let him and Chase figure things out on their own. Gregory says, if memory serves, Finn and Chase rarely took his advice, and Finn says, very true, but he’s starting to. Instead of hovering over Elizabeth, he’s taking the boys and Violet on this camping trip. Gregory says, that’s very healthy, very mature, but if he knows his son, and he thinks he does, Finn is already planning some other way to help Elizabeth, whether she wants it or not.

Cameron tells Laura, that’s not fair, her bringing up his mom’s expectations of him, when he’s been disappointing her for a long time. Laura tells him not to do this to himself. He made a mistake, just like everybody else. His mother is really proud of him, and beating himself up right now is not productive. He’s just going to get bogged down in all of that, and then he can’t be present to help anyone else. What sense does that make? The best thing he can do for his mother is go on the camping trip, and spend time with his younger brothers. So what does he say?

Marshall says, Epiphany doesn’t have to stick around until the doctor shows up, and she asks if it ever occurred to him that she might have another reason for sticking around. The last time she saw him, it was, hello, goodbye, and have a nice life. He says, he thought it was best, and she says, best for who? He encouraged her to go for her dream of becoming a doctor. Then when she takes him up on it, he’s out of here. Not so much as a postcard from the road. He asks if she’s telling him that she’s going for it, and she nods. He says, is she grabbing that brass ring? and she says, with both hands. They laugh, and she says, he may have run away from his family, but she’s not running away from her future. He says, he may have run away, but if she’s not going to hide from her future, he can’t run away from his past. He’s back to face it, and he’s back to stay.

Portia asks if Marshall happened to mention when he was first diagnosed, and Curtis says, it’s been at least 40 years ago. He’s been saying there was more to Marshall’s story, and he was right. That explains everything. Marshall walked away from his family because he was protecting them; there was never any unknown enemy. He was protecting them from himself. As long as he and Tommy believed he was dead, he was sparing them from the pain, grief, and stigma of that disease. She says, 40 years ago, a lot less was known about that condition, and he says, can she imagine the courage it took to walk away from his family; to face that illness alone? Or the courage, even more so, to come back and tell the truth? She says, it is very brave. Did he happen to mention if he had any recent episodes? Curtis says, the medication keeps it under control. He believes Marshall’s biggest fear isn’t what he’s about to do, but what he’s already done by passing on his DNA. He’s read this disease can be passed along genetically. Is that true?

Trina asks if Rory always listens in on conversations, and waits for the right time to make an entrance, and he tells her, people say there’s never a cop around when you need one. Now she can tell them they’re wrong. Josslyn says, she can’t get ahold of Cam, but she’s glad Rory is here. PCU may have made a decision about the Title IX findings, but there’s still time before a judge rules on Trina’s case. Rory says, he’s on the clock right now, but once he’s off duty, they can come up with a strategy to exonerate Trina. Trina says she’s touched by their support, but if there are any clues to find, she needs to find them. She can’t involve a member of the PCPD, and she can’t involve Joss and Cam. She needs to do this one on her own.

Spencer says, Cameron is expecting him at Kelly’s, and Nikolas says he admires Spencer’s dedication. Even though he can draw from his trust fund, he still feels an obligation to his friend. Ava says, that’s our Spencer, loyal to a fault. Spencer leaves, and Ava says, Nikolas’s timing is not great. She was so close to finding out what Spencer’s up to with Esme. He asks what makes her think Spencer is up to something, and she says, he’s a Cassadine, isn’t he? They’re all going to be under the same roof. She’s going to do everything she can to get along with Nikolas’s son. Unlike his father, Spencer’s choice of companionship leaves a lot to be desired. She gets closer to Nikolas, and frowns. He says, what’s wrong? and she says she knows that fragrance. It’s Esme’s.

Mac says, he and Felicia have been dancing around this topic for months, but never seem to go there. So let’s go there. They sit, and he asks if she’s saying that she… that we… Is she pregnant? She says, God no. Is that what he thought? What she meant was, they have Bailey Lou, a new life of hope and promise. Ryan has nothing, no one, except his twisted self. He says, then she’s not upset they never had a baby of their own? and she says, absolutely not. He helped her raise two beautiful daughters, and that’s good enough for her. They kiss, and Esme comes out of the elevator. She tells the guard at Ryan’s room that she’s here to visit him, but he says, no visitors. Another guard says, wait a minute. She’s the intern from Spring Ridge. Esme says, Dr. Gould asked her to sit with the patient in case he needs to communicate. The guard lets her in, and closes the door. She says, hello, daddy. She’s about to make all of his dreams come true.

Finn says, it’s difficult for him to fight the impulse to solve a problem, and Gregory says, and in Elizabeth’s case? Finn says he’s been thinking about reaching out to her parents, and Gregory just looks at him. Finn says, that’s it? Gregory has no opinion? That’s not like him. Gregory wonders if Finn is genuinely asking for his opinion, or has he already made up his mind?

Spencer runs into Kelly’s, and tells Cameron, he has great news. He sees Laura, and says he didn’t know she’d be here. She says, don’t let that stop him. He’s got great news; let’s hear it.

Portia tells Curtis, yes, there’s a genetic component to schizophrenia, but his father’s condition isn’t necessary something he’d inherit. He says, that’s a relief, and he thinks Marshall will be relieved as well. She says, there are so many factors that could have gone into this diagnosis, and medicine’s come a long way in 40 years. Whoever treated his father back then was just learning about what they were dealing with, but still… He asks what she’s saying, and she tells him, if he wants to be absolutely sure, he could go in for genetic counseling and testing.

Rory says he admires Trina’s courage and independence, but she’s going to need more than that to prove her innocence. Let them help her. She says, she appreciates that, but she can’t involve anyone else. Josslyn says, it’s a little late for that. She’s in this too, not only as a victim of revenge porn, but as Trina’s friend. This is happening to both of them in different ways, and they need to work together. Screw it. Let’s just go straight for Esme. They’ll make her tell the truth. Trina says, and when Esme accuses them of assault? Josslyn says, fine. Trina can stay here. She’ll take her chances. Trina says, no, she will not. Neither of them are committing a crime, not even to save her from a crime she didn’t commit. Rory says, she knows all the right words, but fair or not, the burden of proof is still on her. Trina says, that’s why she needs to find a way, her own way, to prove that Esme set her up.

Nikolas tells Ava, it’s no shock Esme’s perfume lingers here. She just stopped him outside. She asks what Miss Muffet wanted this time, and he says, now that Esme and Spencer are back together, she hopes he and Ava will forget the past, and be closer than they ever were before. She says, and Nikolas believes her? He says he believes she wants to be with Spencer, and Ava laughs, saying, or Spencer’s trust fund. He says, maybe both, but Esme realizes if things are going to work out with her and Spencer, their happiness – his and Ava’s – is essential. She says, happy wife, happy life, is that it? He says, she took the words right out of his mouth, and they kiss.

Esme says, Ryan’s plan is working to perfection. The fuse has been lit, and it’s only a matter of time before it blows up Ava and Nikolas’s marriage. She gets the alphabet board, and sits down. Ryan asks what she did, and she tells him, let’s just say she made Nikolas an offer he couldn’t refuse. He says, pray tell. What did she offer Nikolas? and she says, me.

Finn says he hasn’t exactly made up his mind, and he’s asking for Gregory’s opinion. Gregory tells him to look at his daughter. See what she’s doing? Finn says, she’s tying the knots Gregory taught her, and Gregory says, then she’s untying them. He didn’t teach her that. She figured that out on her own. Finn says, it serves him right for having a teacher as a father

Spencer asks if he and Cameron can have a moment alone, and Cameron says, anything Spencer can say to him, he can say to their grandma. Starting with why he was late to work again. Spencer says, Cameron told him that he had to choose, and Cameron says, and did he? Spencer says, it’s all taken care of, and Cameron says, good, because he’s going camping. Is Spencer going to be able to take care of everything else here? He hands Spencer his apron, but Spencer says, there’s been a change of plans. If he’s going to take care of everything, he doesn’t have time to buss tables. He hands the apron back, and says, consider this his notice.

Curtis tells Portia, if there’s any chance he could inherit his father’s condition, he wants to know all there is to know about genetic counseling. She says she can put him in touch with a specialist. The more Curtis knows about his father’s condition, the better prepared he’ll be to help his father. He says, if there’s one thing he found out the hard way, it’s that there’s a fine line between helping and interfering. Before he commits to anything, he’ll wait for the okay from Marshall. Portia says, of course (🍷); she understands. He says, unless it means that much to her, but she says she wants him to do what’s best for him. He takes her hands, and says she’s amazing. She’s always thinking of other people and not herself. So if it means that much to her, say the word, and he’ll speak to a specialist.

Rory says, before Trina says anything else, this is where he gets off. She says, because he’s a cop? and he says, the less he knows, the more freedom she has to do what she needs to do. All he can say is, good luck… to Esme. Josslyn asks what he’s talking about, and he says, if she and Trina coming for her, Esme needs to look out. He leaves, and Josslyn says she likes that guy.

Ava says, she and Nikolas can’t sweep their problems under the rug. They went off the rails because they didn’t trust each other enough to be completely honest. He says he admits it was wrong of him to invite Spencer and Esme to live here without consulting her first, and she says she admits, although she and Spencer have reached a kind of détente, Esme is a different story. He says, forget about Esme. Speaking of happy wives, he has something he wants to give her.

Felicia says, just her and Mac are more than enough. And this year, their Christmas newsletter will be embarrassingly filled with all of their blessings. And they can add Bailey Lou this year. He says, sounds good to him, when his phone dings. She asks if it’s about Ryan, and he says, no. They need him at the station, but it shouldn’t take long. Can he meet her at the restaurant? She says she’s a cop’s wife; she’s used to waiting. He tells her not to worry about Ryan. The only place he’s going is back to Spring Ridge. She walks him to the exit doors, then turns around and looks at Ryan’s room, three guards standing outside.

Ryan says, Esme had sex with her boyfriend’s father? and I say, thanks for reminding me. She says, the plan was to break Nikolas and Ava up, right? He says, if there weren’t guards outside the door, and he wasn’t handcuffed to this chair, he would hug her. So tell him everything. How did Ava react when Esme told her? Esme hesitates, and he says, she did tell Ava that mewling idiot she married cheated, didn’t she?

Portia says, Curtis has gone his whole life without knowing about his father’s illness, so there’s no rush to see a genetic specialist. Curtis and his father have been doing so good lately. Why doesn’t Curtis wait and talk to Marshall; see what he thinks about it. He thanks her for understanding, and says, as soon as he gets the all clear, he’s taking Marshall home. Home. Sounds good, doesn’t it? She says, it sounds real good, and he kisses her, saying, home, one more time before he goes out the door. Portia leans on the table a moment, then picks up her phone. She says, this is Dr. Portia Robinson, and she’d like to set up a consultation with one of their counselors… She has a few questions that require a genetic specialist.

Josslyn says she can’t believe they’re back to square one with Esme, but Trina says, not necessarily. Josslyn says, she has a new idea? and Trina says, yeah. They have to forget about breaking up Esme and Spencer. They need to break down Esme’s story to prove she’s the guilty one. And Trina knows exactly how to do that.

Epiphany says she doesn’t know where Marshall’s doctor could be, and starts to leave, but he says, they have some unfinished business too. She says she thought he said his clarinet was damaged, and he says, instruments can be repaired easier than people can. Besides, they never got around to that second date. She says, is he asking her out? and he says, is she saying yes? mimicking her with his hand on his hip. They laugh.

Gregory says he knows how much Finn wants to help Elizabeth, but he thinks the best thing Finn can do for her is take care of her boys, and trust Elizabeth to know what’s best for her. Violet runs over, and says, she did it, showing Gregory her knot. He tells her, good job, and they high-five.

Laura says, Spencer is quitting his job? and Spencer says, Ava restored his trust fund allowance. He thinks he should be able to get by on ten thousand. Cameron says, ten thousand a year? but Spencer says, no, a week. Violet pops her head in, and tells Cameron, it’s time to go. They have a trip to get to. Cameron tells Spencer that he’s on the schedule tonight. Cameron has no one else to cover for him. Finish his shift. Cameron hands back the apron, and says he’s got to go. Spencer says, one last shift won’t hurt, and Cameron says, bussing tables is a lot easier than living at Windymere with Ava, Esme, and Spencer’s dad. He hopes Spencer knows what he’s doing. He thanks Laura, and hugs her. She tells him that he made the right choice, and to have fun. Cameron leaves, and Laura looks at Spencer. He tells her, say something, and she says, she was wondering, if Ava is giving him an allowance, what is he giving her in return?

Ava tells Nikolas, she doesn’t need presents. All she wants is for them to be open and honest going forward. He says he totally agrees. That’s why he thinks he found the perfect way to thank her for giving him a second chance. He wants a divorce.

Esme tells Ryan, she’s playing long game; finding just the right time for Ava to learn about Nikolas’s infidelity. He says he sees, and she says she knew he’d understand, and takes his hands. He say, indeed he does, and she tries to pull away, but he holds on. She says, that hurts, and he says, it’s meant to. Because words can’t possibly express his disappointment.

Felicia walks toward Ryan’s room.

On Monday, Ava asks Nikolas, what happened to working things out; Spencer says, the key is in Esme’s past; Carly thinks they should give credit where credit is due; and Sonny says, Jordan has something of his, and he wants it back.

🪂 Dropping In…

Parachute guy shares his feelings.

✋🏾 Not Having It…

Nobody wanna steal nobody else’s problems, okay? Enough said.

🍇 Just What She Wanted To Hear…

It was bad enough he hit on her. Now the world knows about it.

🎙 Watching What Happens…

Andy throws some stuff out there.

💎 Tsk, Tsk…

This girl is way immature, and doesn’t realize she can’t assign any definition she wants to a word. And regarding gaslighting, I do not think it means what Crystal thinks it means.

⛵️ Ciao To the Chef…

While I’m sure Glenn is sorry to see Marcos go, it’s understandable. Isn’t it time for Chef Ben to show up somewhere?

⚖️ Chrisley Will Know Prison…

Hid income from what? What do these people do for a living??? I still don’t know.

🍿 And the Popcorn Goes To…

This is actually a kind of fun awards show.


🥠 Quotes of the Week

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. – Jimmy Dean

I love my cats more than I love most people. Probably more than is healthy. – Amy Lee

The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. – John F. Kennedy

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Wherever there is fear, there is control.Shana Schutte

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. – John Powell

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. – Martin Luther King Jr.

🦁 Easing On Down the Road…

There’s nothing Dead this Sunday, but I’ll be here on Monday (well, really Tuesday, but really, really early) for soap and the final Deck charter. Until then, stay safe, stay putting some Variety Spice in your life, and stay remembering, it’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time.

May 13, 2022 – Michael Wants It All, New Guy, Over It, Snubbed, an Apology, Doing Good, New Peach, Derby Girl, West #4, What’s Coming, Tony Noms, a Half Dozen Plus One Quotes & Steel


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Josslyn and Carly get mani/pedis and Josslyn says, this is really nice. Carly says she thought they could use a little mother/daughter pampering. Josslyn says she can tell Carly has wanted to ask her something since they came in, and Carly says, it can wait. Josslyn says, for a more appropriate time? When would that be? Is it about her and Cam? Esme? Trina’s trial? Or is it something simple? Final exams? Carly says she was going to ask about PCU report, and if Trina is allowed back in school. Josslyn says, there’s no official word on that. They’re just trying to stay as distracted as possible while they wait. Carly says, given the list Josslyn just rattled off, it seems she has tons to distract her. Josslyn says, same with Carly. The hearing for Nina’s petition is tomorrow. Carly says, it seems they both have their hands full. Josslyn says she’s not worried about Michael. He’s in strategic mode and has his game face on, and can handle anything right now, but she can’t help feeling sorry for Willow. She can’t imagine how hard this must be, especially after Carly told her the truth about her mother.

Willow looks at The Invader, and Michael asks what she thinks about the feature. She says, Smoltz did his job, and more, and he says, he knows she had her reservations, but with the hearing tomorrow, it’s best for them to use Smoltz to their advantage rather than having him press assault charges. She says she agrees. It’s also good to remind the world what Nina is capable of. There’s a knock at the door, and Michael lets in Dante and Sam. Michael says, he’s guessing this isn’t just a social call, and Dante says he’s afraid not. The lab came back with Willow’s DNA results. Willow asks if they prove her mom was not her mom.

Olivia asks if Leo wants to run his poem by her one more time, but he says he’s tired of practicing. He knows it by heart. Ned comes out with his tie, saying, he thinks Leo forgot something. He helps Leo put it on, and Brook peeks in from around the corner. Olivia suggests they go to the fair a little early, so Leo can get used to the crowds, and Ned says, he’ll meet them there. She says, because of ELQ business, and Brook continues to listen.

At Kelly’s, Valentin looks at The Invader headline on his tablet: In Regards to the Minor Child. Martin joins him, and says he’s sorry to have kept Valentin waiting. Valentin says, if Martin is going to give him some flowery excuse involving his personal life with Lucy, he wishes Martin wouldn’t. Martin says, forgive him. Obviously, somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed. Why? Because of that feature in The Invader? Valentin isn’t the only one. Lucy is positively livid having all that dirty laundry aired. Valentin says he feels for Nina. It’s no fun having your private life and past mistakes raked over the coals by the media, but there’s something else; ELQ’s called a board meeting. Martin says, ah-ha. No doubt the Quartermaines are intent on voting Valentin out as CEO. Valentin says, now it’s time for Martin to earn his retainer. What is he going to do about it?

At the hospital, Jordan sees TJ eating something from the vending machine, and says she hopes that’s not breakfast. He asks if she came to the hospital just to check on him, and she says, after that 24 hour shift he pulled the night Harmony was killed, she wanted to make sure he was okay. He says he had a good night’s sleep, and Molly’s pampering was better than going to the spa for a week. She says, make sure it stays that way, and he says, actually, he’s glad she’s here. She asks if he has something to report, and he says, a missing person – his grandfather. Curtis gets off the elevator at the Crimson office, and hears an alert on his phone. He sees it’s The Invader article, and the receptionist says, it’s nice to see him. Nina is expecting him, and he can just go in. He thanks her, and asks how Nina is handling the release of the article, but she tells him, see for himself. He goes into Nina’s office, where she’s on several calls. She tells the last one, her ten o’clock is here, and tells Janet to hold her calls. She says, sorry about that, like she’s not at work, and hugs Curtis. He says he came by to be a shoulder for her to cry on, but he’s her ten o’clock? She says, the world doesn’t stop because there’s some stupid feature in The Invader, and he asks if she’s sure she’s okay. She says she’s great. Really great. Why wouldn’t she be?

On the phone at the fair, Sonny leaves a message for Nina, saying, he read the feature. It looks like Michael didn’t hold back at all. She’s going to say it’s okay, but they both know it’s not. Just know she isn’t alone. He turns around, and Drew is there. He asks if Drew is there for the elementary school fair, or is Drew eavesdropping on his conversation? Drew says, Scout has a watercolor that’s worthy of DaVinci; it’s amazing. How about Sonny? Sonny says he’s here for Avery’s dance performance. A father’s gotta do what a father’s gotta do. Drew says, right. Then why is Sonny at war with his son?

Dante says, the test confirmed that Harmony wasn’t Willow’s biological mother, and Willow says, it’s not like it was a surprise. Michael says, it’s still a shock. She can take a minute. She says she wasn’t in denial. She knew he and Carly didn’t make it up, but still… Sam says, Dante didn’t tell her about the test results before they came, but she figured Willow could use a friend. She hopes that’s okay. They hug, and Willow says, it’s more than okay. They step away, and Michael thanks Dante for lighting a fire under the lab. Dante says, they didn’t do this because Michael is a Corinthos, or Quartermaine, or his brother, or even a captain of industry. Michael says, Dante never called him a captain of industry before, and Dante says, if the title fits. Michael asks where Dante is going with this, and Dante says, you tell me. Is there something Michael wants him to know about his business?

Ned fixes Leo’s tie, and Olivia says, perfect. Not that she would expect anything less. Leo’s father is an expert at the perfect corporate appearance. Leo says, but he’s going to his school fair, and Ned says, and he’s perfectly dressed. Olivia agrees, and says, the tie looks great. She and his dad can’t wait to sit in the audience and watch him read his poem. Right, Ned? Ned says, of course (🍷), and promises her that he’s not putting business before his family. She says, but? and he says, no buts. ELQ needs to be here for Leo when he comes of age; Michael and Drew’s agenda notwithstanding. Leo asks, where’s Chase? He can’t recite his poem without him. Brook says, he’s going to meet them at Rice Plaza, just in time to hear Leo’s poem. Leo doesn’t have to be nervous. Does he remember what Chase said? Leo says, if he pretends he’s only performing for one person, it makes it less scary. She says, if he does that, he can’t go wrong, and hugs him. Olivia tells Ned, they should take a page out of Leo’s book. Stop focusing on everything that could go wrong, and cherish what they have, right?

Martin tells Valentin, no you don’t. It’s not that simple. He can’t just wave a magic brief, and stop the shareholders from voting Valentin out. He’s got nobody to blame but himself; he was gone from Port Charles. Valentin says, Martin’s not being very helpful. He had an infection; he could have died. Martin says, fortunately, for those who love and care about Valentin, he’s back and in fighting form. Unfortunately, it gave the Quartermaines time to plan his ouster from their company. The minute Valentin turned his back, he gave them an opening. If that family remains a united front, Valentin doesn’t stand a chance.

Josslyn tells Carly, obviously, Harmony was very messed up, but Willow still believed Harmony was her mother; she still loved her. Not only does she find out Harmony is a killer, she basically kidnapped Willow. She doesn’t blame Carly for not wanting to tell Willow all that information the night of the accident. Carly says, Willow had a lot going on, but it turns out, she didn’t have to tell her. The information was part of the police investigation, so Dante did it. Josslyn says, the important thing is, she knows the truth, and Carly flashes back to telling Drew, if Nina is Willow’s mother, it’s going to be a huge problem for Michael and Willow, and Drew asking what she’s going to do if it’s true. Carly tells Josslyn, sometimes the truth can be a heavy weight to carry, and she doesn’t think Willow deserves that burden. Josslyn’s phone beeps, and she sees The Invader article. She says she’s sorry to bring this up, but she doesn’t understand why Nina is driving everyone through this ridiculous hearing. The only reason she can file a petition is because she’s Nelle’s biological mother? Look at Nelle. Nelle was insane. She was a baby swapper. One look at Nelle’s police record, and the judge should laugh Nina out of that courtroom. Carly says, Nelle is beside the point. The judge should deny Nina visitation because of Nina’s own actions. Josslyn hopes the judge reads The Invader, because this feature on Nina’s petition makes a strong case. Yeah, that could also cause a mistrial, but I’ll let it pass.

Nina thanks her receptionist, and reminds her to shut the door on her way out. She leaves, and Curtis asks if Nina has read this, holding up his phone. She says, she got an advanced copy, and has to admit, at first, she was horrified that hack reporter painted her as dangerous and deranged, courtesy of Michael and Willow. She’s not new to a scandal, so she can curl up in a ball and die, or keep going on with her life, and prepare for her day in court, and a chance at being in her grandson’s life. He says, in other words, backing down is not an option, and she asks if he’s surprised. He says, he shouldn’t be, but it’s just that he knows when she’s trying too hard.

Sonny asks if Michael put Drew up to using a kid’s event to lobby on his behalf, but Drew says, Michael doesn’t need or want him to fight his battles. Frankly, he wishes there weren’t any to fight. Sonny says, Drew will have to ask Michael about that. He’s so angry, he wants to change the image of the Corinthos name. By the time Wiley is old enough to ask questions about his grandfather, he’ll be a distant memory. He’s got to put a stop to that.

Michael tells Dante, he’s sorry he came across defensive. It’s just that, now that Drew regained control of his shares, they’re getting ready for a showdown with Valentin. Sam says she thinks corporate shenanigans will have to wait. She’s pretty sure Drew’s focusing on Scout’s watercolor she’s exhibiting at the elementary school fair. Willow says, good for Scout; the world needs more artists. Sam says, she may be biased, but she thinks Scout’s a good artist. The fair’s today. If Willow wants to get her mind off the DNA test results, she can come with Sam. Willow says, perfect, and Sam asks if she wants to bring Wiley. Willow says she wishes she could, but the nanny took him to the zoo. Dante says, he’ll see them both at the fair later, and Willow tells Michael to join her later. He says, if he can, and Sam says she’ll take good care of Willow. They leave, and Michael says, so Dante didn’t just come by to share the DNA results. Want to tell him why he’s really here?

Leo says, they’re going to be late, and Brook says she’ll make sure her dad is there on time. Leo says, Chase too, and Brook promises, Chase too. Olivia tells Leo, let’s skedaddle, and they leave. Ned says, uh-oh, he’s in trouble, and Brook says, she doesn’t always agree with Olivia, but this time, Olivia is right on. He has a lot to be grateful for; don’t mess it up. He says he’s trying not to, and she says, then why not just be grateful there’s a strategy that weakens Valentin’s hold on the company? Isn’t expanding Aurora and merging it with ELQ a good idea? He says, he sees. Michael and Drew got to her.

Jordan says, Curtis told her Marshall left town, and TJ asks if Curtis told her why. She says, Curtis was determined to dig into Marshall’s past. Maybe he found something Marshall thought could hurt him. TJ says, or maybe he took it personally that his son didn’t trust him, and she asks if he doesn’t think Curtis has a reason not to trust Marshall. He left when Curtis and TJ’s dad were just boys, and pretended he was dead. TJ says, he has his reasons to want to find his grandfather and bring him home. He tried calling Marshall’s phone, but it wasn’t in service. She says, it’s possible… and he says, it’s possible Marshall doesn’t want to be found. Uncle Curtis says that, but he needs Marshall to tell him that face-to-face. But he’s a doctor, not a cop. She’s Police Commissioner. Help him find his grandfather.

Nina tells Curtis, she’s not going to let that Smoltz and that sleazy feature have power over her. He says, easier said than done, and she asks who she’s kidding. Everyone loves a scandal, and judges aren’t immune. And Michael and Willow couldn’t have timed this better. She’s sure this is going to affect her petition for visitation with Wiley, and the only person she has to blame is herself. He asks, where is the strong and determined Nina that he knows and loves? She has her own ammunition. She says, she does? and he says, if Michael and Willow are determined to prove that she’s unfit to see Wiley, than she and her attorney should demand to know why a man with Sonny’s reputation is granted unrestricted access.

Drew says, Sonny can’t blame Michael for feeling protective of Carly, and Sonny says, but this is between him and Michael’s mother. Carly is capable of fighting her own battles; Michael doesn’t have to do that for her. Drew says, still, she’s his mom, and Sonny says, he’s Michael’s father. He didn’t want the divorce; Carly did. Now Michael is accusing him of being disloyal and unworthy of the name Sonny gave him. Drew says, he hates seeing bad blood between a father and son. Is there anything Sonny thinks he can do to help?

Dante thinks Michael can guess why he’s here, and Michael says, Dante wants to talk about their dad. Dante says he does, but he’s not taking sides. Michael says, he appreciates that. Can they drop it now? Dante says, no. He thinks Michael and Sonny should get in a room together and talk. Who knows? Maybe they can find somewhere to meet in the middle. Michael says, his dad made a choice to forsake his family. He put Nina first, and the rest of them a distant second. Dante says, that’s not true;Sonny cares about his family. And he’ll prove it to Michael.

Josslyn asks if Carly has read part one of the feature, but Carly says, no, not yet. Josslyn says, she should. She considers it karmic payback for Nina for sabotaging Carly’s marriage. Carly says, Sonny doesn’t get a free pass. Her marriage ended because of the choices Sonny made when he came back to Port Charles. Josslyn says, what Sonny did to her was so unfair. She still doesn’t understand it. She doesn’t understand how Sonny says he loves Carly, then treats her that way. Carly says, she won’t deny that it hurt – it did – but she can move past a broken heart. Sonny’s kids thought he was dead for nine months. Michael, Kristina, and Dante can navigate through their grief, and somehow understand it, but Avery and Donna are babies. They were sad, and they were confused, and they missed their dad. All those tears she wiped from those little girls’ cheeks, and Nina could have put an end to it in 30 seconds, but she didn’t. Nina kept Sonny to herself while they all grieved. They were collateral damage. Josslyn says, she’s so sorry, and Carly asks, what kind of mother would she be if she didn’t insist Nina suffer the consequences for what she did to their family? Josslyn says, or what she’s doing now – to Michael, to Willow, and to Wiley.

Sonny asks how Drew thinks he can help, and Drew says, he could get Sonny and Michael together. Play mediator. He definitely won’t take sides.

Willow and Sam arrive at the fair, and Sam tells Willow, it looks like all the moms and dads are here. She’s sorry; that was tactless. Willow is grieving Harmony, and just now found out Harmony’s not her biological mother. Willow says, if anyone owes an apology, it’s her to Sam. Her mother tried to kill Sam’s mother, and she wasn’t even Willow’s mother. Which leaves her with a serious question – who is?   

Nina says she won’t allow Sonny to be dragged into this, and Curtis says, not five minutes ago, she was ready to take on the world, and now she’s giving up. She says, no. She thought about giving up. She visited Nelle’s grave, and she was reminded that not only did she miss out on raising that little girl, she didn’t get a chance to help her conquer her demons. Demons Nelle might not have had if Nina had raised her. Wiley is all she has left. She can’t turn her back on him. She won’t – she can’t – lose another child.

Sonny tells Drew, Michael’s not going to listen to reason. He told Michael that he’s not taking Nina’s side at the hearing tomorrow, but he’s not throwing Nina under the bus either, and Michael thinks that’s a major betrayal. Drew says, Michael’s got a lot on his plate besides the hearing. Don’t write him off just yet; be patient, and let things settle down a bit. Sonny says, Michael is building a wall around his family to keep him out, and Drew says, walls don’t stay up forever. Things change. Sonny asks why Drew would say that. Is there something Drew knows that can help him get his family back together? If there is, Drew’s got to tell him.

Dante says, when he told Sonny that Harmony attacked Carly, his first impulse was to call her, and Michael says, to alleviate his guilt. Dante says, Michael is so sure of that, and Michael says, Dante wasn’t raised by their dad, but he’s sure he’s heard Sonny talk about his code about family and loyalty and all that. He threw it away for Nina. He threw Michael’s mom away, even though she stood by him through hell and back. He thought about calling her, but he didn’t. Why? Because when he sees her, he’s reminded that not only did he betray her, he betrayed himself. Dante thinks there’s more to it than that. Nobody’s perfect. Not Sonny, not him, and not Michael.

Broom says, if they don’t leave now, they’ll be late for Leo’s performance, but Ned says he thinks she still has time to explain how she found out about this merger. She says, Michael told her. He assured her that everything was above board. She doesn’t think Ned needs to be concerned about his position being threatened. He says, Michael and Drew came up with the plan, and started laying the groundwork without ever consulting him. She says she’s going to take a shot in the dark, and say it’s because they both work at Aurora. Because of their close proximity, they have more opportunity to talk. He says, with each other, but not to him, and she says, there’s no secrets here. Michael wants to be completely transparent. She hasn’t talked to Drew, but she’s sure he feels the same way. He says, and they approached her, thinking that if they won her over, she could try to sell the idea to him, and she says, she’s not selling anything. She just happens to think merging ELQ with Aurora to dilute Valentin’s shares is a genius idea. He says, for Michael and Drew. They’re planning for a future with no place in it for him. She tells him, don’t do that. Don’t go to the dark side, and do or say something he’s going to regret.

Martin says, he can hear the wheels turning from here, and asks what Valentin is hatching. Valentin says, he’s mulling his options, but Martin says, he doesn’t have any. Valentin says, as Martin told him, this whole thing hinges on the Quartermaines presenting a united front, which has never been their strong suit. Olivia walks in with Leo, and says, you know what they call this? Leo says, Kelly’s? and she says, procrastination. He tells her, a donut will help him say his poem, and Valentin says, everybody loves donuts. He tells Leo, hello, and asks if Leo remembers him. Leo says, he used to be Bailey’s father, and Valentin says, that’s right. Leo likes donuts; his favorite is cream filled. Leo says, his too, and Valentin asks if Martin minds. Martin says, by all means, with Olivia’s permission, and Olivia thanks him, telling Leo, just one. Martin takes Leo to get a donut, and Olivia says, that was kind of Valentin. He says, she seems surprised, and she says, with the tension with the ELQ/Aurora merger, she thought he’d be less than thrilled with the Quartermaines. He says, there’s been a merger? and Olivia says, he didn’t know? She just assumed… He says, of course (🍷) he knows; he’s CEO. But what’s more important, a bit of business, or putting a smile on a kids face?

Jordan tells TJ, Marshall told Curtis that he was leaving town, which doesn’t make him a missing person. It would be unethical for her to launch a private search, especially since he might have left because Curtis crossed the line. TJ says, so Curtis drives his grandfather away, and her hands are tied, and there’s nothing he can do about it? She tells him, she didn’t say that. As a doctor, he has his own powers of observation, as well as the ability to search for clues. He says, through the lens of a microscope, but she says, it’s not that different from police work. Start with what he knows about his grandfather. He says, which is next to nothing. He vanished almost without leaving a trace. She says, almost? and he says, all he left was a clarinet and a note. He thinks a moment, and tells her, don’t go anywhere. He’ll be right back.

Nina tells Curtis, she’s not naïve. She knows Nelle did some terrible things, but maybe if she’d had a loving mother to raise her, she could have directed Nelle on the right path. He says, maybe, and she says, or maybe she’s just deluding herself. At this point, she doesn’t know. He says, it’s the not knowing that drives us crazy, and she says, his father came back into his life. He got a second chance. He says, not anymore; Marshall left town. She says, for good? and he says, looks that way. She says she’s so sorry, and he says, you’d think he’d be able to handle it. He learned to live without him as a kid; he can do it again. She says, but this time it’s harder. Marshall isn’t just a name his family would tell stories about. He’s someone Curtis actually got to know

Sam asks what Willow is thinking, and Willow says, all the places she lived as a child. Her parents moved around so much, it’s just a blur of names and faces. Could a neighbor or a member community be her biological mother? Sam says, before Willow starts asking herself these questions, there’s something she tells her potential clients before she takes a job. Willow says, and it applies to her? and Sam says, it could. Once you start the search, you don’t know where it’s going to lead. So before Willow goes looking for her biological mother, ask herself, am I prepared for any and all answers, even if it’s not what I want hear?

Drew tells Sonny, he can’t reveal the details, but he and Michael are working on a new project involving Aurora and ELQ. Sonny says, and? and Drew says, and while they’re butting heads with Valentin, maybe he can intercede on Sonny’s behalf and broker peace. Sonny asks if Valentin is likely to retaliate, and Drew says, if he does, he and Michael can handle it. Sonny says, no disrespect, but despite their differences he’s not going to let Michael go up against Valentin without back-up. He wants in.

Brook tells Ned, today is all about Leo. Put his politicking over who’s in control at ELQ on pause. He can talk to Michael tomorrow. Tell Michael how he feels, and together they can figure out where everyone stands in the new world order. Ned says, in theory, sounds good, and she says, wait for it. Here’s where he dismisses her idea like he always does. He says he’s not going to dismiss her idea. She’s right. This is Leo’s day, and he’s not going to spoil it by talking about business. Like she said, there’s plenty of time resolve his differences with Michael and Drew. She says, she knew he’d understand, and he says, more than she knows. She grabs his hand, and pulls him out of the Nook.

Valentin tells Leo, good luck at the fair, and Olivia thanks them. She and Leo leave, and Martin says, ELQ and Aurora are merging? Since when? Valentin asks what he’s paying Martin for. First, they replace him as CEO, then merge, diluting his shares and weakening him further. Unless… Martin says, unless what? and Valentin says, unless he brings a member of the family to his side. Martin almost laughs, then realizes Valentin is serious.

TJ shows Jordan the clarinet, and says, he left it in his locker since he’s been working around the clock, and forgot to take it home. She looks at the note, and says, nothing about where he’s headed. Wasn’t Marshall part of the music scene when he was living in New York City? He says, it’s five boroughs and eight million people; where does he start? She says, maybe his grandfather left behind something more than this clarinet and a note, and TJ starts looking through the instrument parts. He takes out one of the pieces, and pulls a paper out of it. He says, it’s a receipt from a music shop in Brooklyn; pretty recent too. She says, Marshall must have used the shop to refurbish his clarinet, and TJ says, but if Marshall gave him the clarinet, why go back to the shop? She says, to get a new one? Maybe the shop owner knows where Marshall lives. TJ won’t know unless he asks. Does he give up the first time he looks through a microscope? He asks what she thinks.

Nina says she refuses to give up (nice editing) on Wiley, and she won’t let Curtis give up on his father. He says, another voice in the room. Aunt Stella already weighed in. She says she’s sure she and Stella agree, and she’s honored to be in such distinguished company. What did Aunt Stella have to say? He says, she told him that he should talk it out with Marshall, and get the answers he wants, no matter how much they hurt. She says, good advice. So what is he going to do about it?

Michael tells Dante, he never claimed to be perfect, and doesn’t expect perfection from dad or anyone else. Dante says, then cut the man some slack. Have a chat with him, man to man, and figure out what kind of relationship they’re going to have. Isn’t that in Wiley’s best interest, and everyone’s best interest? Michael says, dad was given a second chance in life, and how did he use it? By turning his back on his family to be with the woman who kept him from us for almost a year. He can’t get past that. Dad made a choice; he’s made his. Dante says, Michael sounds just like Sonny.

Willow tells Sam, part of her is convinced the pain won’t go away until she finds out where she’s from and who her mom is. At the same time, she’s not sure she’s ready. Maybe she never will be.

Drew says, he thought Sonny was ready to turn his back on Michael, but now he wants to help him. Sonny says, Michael turned his back on him, but he’s still his son. It’s his job to protect him. Drew says he’s glad to hear that, and Sonny says, good. Now tell him what’s going on with Valentin. How can he help? Drew says, as much as Sonny’s friendship means to him, the answer’s no.

Curtis tells Nina, if he goes looking for his father, he opens up his family to more lies and more deception. She says she knows how he feels. One day, Wiley is going to come to her with all kinds of questions, and she’d give anything not to answer them. He says, about Nelle? and she says, and about her. She could do the easy thing, and give Michael and Willow what they want and walk away. He says, but she won’t do that, and she says she can’t live without her grandchild. He has to ask himself something. Can he live without father?

TJ tells Jordan that he already has some time off approved. He’ll head to Brooklyn and the music shop. But what if Uncle Curtis is right, and Marshall doesn’t want to be found? What if he makes things worse? She says, what if he makes things better? Follow his heart; she’ll handle things with Curtis. They hug, and he says, he’ll have to call Molly. He hopes she’s not too attached to the Miami trip they were planning (like NYC is a poor choice). We’re headed to Brooklyn. She tells him, good luck, and he leaves.

Martin tells Valentin, brilliant idea in theory, but he has significant obstacles. He has to move fast, before the merger closes, not to mention, what Quartermaine would take his side? Valentin says, he has to ask himself, who bono? Martin says, who benefits. Okay, he’ll bite. Valentin says, if Aurora and ELQ merge, he loses, and Drew and Michael stand to gain. Martin says, so? and Valentin says, then he has to ask himself, where does that leave Ned?

Olivia and Leo get to the fair, and Leo says, so may people. Ned and Brook join them, and Ned says, Leo is going to do great; he’s got this. Leo says, Brook came, and hugs her. She says, she told him she would. He remembers Chase’s advice, right? He says, Chase was his one person. Where is he?

Willow tells Sam to go ahead and look at the exhibits. She needs to rest a bit. Sam says, of course (🍷), after everything she’s been through, and Willow says, once the kids perform, she’ll feel better. Sam says, take her time. And about the identity of her birth mother; if and when Willow decides to look for her, they’ll find her together.

Carly tells Josslyn that she has to protect Wiley. It starts with doing whatever she can to support Willow and Michael. Josslyn says, everybody knows that their family was the wronged party. Nina’s circle of friends, or fans, or whatever it is, can’t defend her for very long. Not with this reminder; this feature showing world who Nina is and what she’s capable of. Carly says she’s sure Nina is working overtime painting herself as the victim; the grandmother with good intentions, who’s tragically misunderstood. Josslyn says, no. She’s the woman who kept Sonny Corinthos from his family for nine months, and who induced labor, and stole Avery. (Ha-ha-ha! The way she said that made it sound like Sonny gave birth.) She says, everyone knows that Carly is completely justified in wanting to shield Wiley from Nina, no matter how far she has to take it.

Michael tells Dante, he’s nothing like Sonny. Sonny takes what he wants, does what he wants, and the hell with anybody who gets in his way. He owes it to Wiley to make the Corinthos name mean more than that. Dante says he gets Michael wants to rebrand the Corinthos name in his own image, but why trash Sonny? Why can’t he leave their dad out of it? Michael says, it’s not enough that he has to rise to the top; Sonny has to fall. Dante sighs, and says, Michael does know where this could lead, right? and Michael says, he’s going to take everything from Sonny; every shred of legitimacy that he has. And the next time the PCPD comes calling, he’s not going to have anywhere to hide. Wow. Michael is certainly full of himself. I like him less and less.   

Sonny says, Michael is lucky to have Drew by his side, and Drew thanks him. Sonny says, but if Michael is going to let a family disagreement escalate into something more, he’s going to need all the luck he can get.

On Monday, Curtis asks Stella why she lied to him; Chase tells Leo that he has to do his part; Valentin says, it must be his lucky day; and Drew has a proposition for Ned.

🏥 New Old Face…

I don’t remember him from OLTL, but vaguely remember him from UnREAL.

🚫 Done Dolores…

Apparently, Dolores has had it with Jennifer.

What started it. I can think of a lot of things one might call Dolores, but jerk isn’t one of them. Jennifer is an idiot.

💍 Engagement Snub…

Why don’t they just come out and say it. Teresa is one rude bitch for being in a love bubble. Not that she was ever any prize.

🙄 Who’s Sorry Now…

She lost herself? A lot of jokes could be made here, but why bother?

👋 Good Riddance…

I don’t watch this much anymore, but I’m glad Ashley ditched that d-bag.

🍑 She’s Just Peachy…

Kind of old news, but worthy. Marlo finally gets her peach.


👒 Going Derby…

Dorinda would be proud. She’s wearing Jovani.


🐎 Back To the West…

The latest Westworld trailer. Looks promising.

📺 Premiere This…

Updates on upcoming TV premiere dates for 2022.


🎭 Make Your Jazz Hands Now…

The Tony Award nominations.


👩🏽‍💻 Quotes of the Week

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. – Vince Lombardi

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. – Frederick Douglass

The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. – The 14th Dalai Lama

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.Jiddu Krishnamurti

Sometimes the truth is the best lie. – Ron Levin (Kevin Spacey), Billionaire Boys Club

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. – Khalil Gibran

Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there’s a tomorrow. Maybe for you there’s one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through your fingers. So much time you can waste it. But for some of us there’s only today. And the truth is, you never really know.Lauren Oliver

🛹 Sliding Into The Weekend Like…

To paraphrase Mr. Miyagi, masks on, masks off. Someday, we’ll pick a lane, but regardless, enjoy the lane you’re in, and I’ll see you when the Dead are Feared. Until then, stay safe, stay treating others with respect, and stay knowing, once you start the search, be prepared for any and all answers, even if it’s not what you want to hear.