Tag Archives: About Damn Time

August 19, 2022 – Austin’s Cousin Is In Town, Mason, Leaving, Wedding Aftershock, Shahnanigans, Cheshire Wives, Wedding Album, Dead Tales, Reviewing Dragons, Lucky Amount of Quotes & Time


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Cody says, Britt has questions about him? Good, because he has questions about her too. Which is why it’s good to have date number two. They can learn more about each other. Britt says, much more, and he says, for starters, how does she feel about anchovies on pizza? She says, he’s assuming she likes pizza, and he says, everybody likes pizza. She says, that’s the problem with assumptions. Everybody doesn’t parachute into a pool, then punch a mother’s boyfriend, and announce they’re the son of said boyfriend’s dead wife. He says, now she knows something about him, and she says, he asked about her father before. Why does Cody keep asking about him?

Outside Kelly’s, Alexis says, even though she provides headlines for The Invader, the only headlines she wants to know about right now are from her girls. She, Molly, Kristina, and Sam sit at an outside table, and she asks, who’s first? Molly says, Kristina; she’s got the best news. Alexis says, goodie. What’s up? Kristina says she was promoted to manager at Charlie’s, and Alexis says, congratulations. Well done. Kristina thanks her, and says she’s pretty happy about it. Alexis asks if she sees much of her dad, and Kristina says, he doesn’t own the pub anymore, but he comes in fairly often, so it’s good to spend time with him. Alexis says, even though he’s with Nina? and Kristina says, is she happy dad’s in a relationship with Nina? No, and she was clear about that. She also told him that she’s in no position to throw stones, and he appreciated that, so it doesn’t really effect their relationship. Alexis says, look at her adulting, and hugs Kristina, saying, her baby’s all grown up. Molly’s turn. How’s it going in the DA’s office? Molly says, as Alexis knows, ADA Arden maneuvered her off Trina Robinson’s case because she felt Molly was biased. Kristina says, which is untrue and unfair, but isn’t it a silver lining that Molly doesn’t have to try someone in TJ’s extended family? Molly says, definitely a silver lining, but she hates that no one gives the system a chance to work the way it actually should. As a prosecutor, it’s her job, or should have been her job, to make the strongest case against Trina, using the facts for support. Then Trina’s defense attorney – Diane in this case – makes the strongest defense, and the jury gets to decide. But Jennifer Arden wanted to prove a point. She followed the letter, but not the spirit with her case. At least it ended with the right verdict… this time. Kristina says, tell mom what she’s thinking, and Molly says, about following in Alexis’s footsteps and going over to criminal defense. Alexis says, whatever Molly does, Molly has her full support, and Molly thanks her. Alexis says, Sam’s turn. She’s awfully quiet, so is no news good news?

Dante walks in as Olivia is on the phone, asking if they remembered to order the special picnic dessert… Okay. Also, make absolutely sure that Leo’s donkey head is just what they discussed… Perfect. Thank you. She’ll be in touch. Dante asks what that was all about, and she says, the first annual Quartermaine picnic to support the GH Children’s wing is tomorrow, and her frozen desserts, the pièce de résistance. He says, with a donkey’s head thrown in? and she says, naturally. Leo’s summer theater camp is doing a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. He’s playing Bottom. He says, the character that turns into a donkey. He must be so excited. He gets to play the donkey. He’s going to kill that. Does he need help with running lines? She says, he already has somebody helping him get into the role, and Dante says, let him guess; Chase? She says, Dante’s friend Cody.

Spinelli frets about management checking the chlorine level in the pool, and Maxie tells him, live dangerously. Take the plunge. He can start by forgetting about Britt, and finding someone who’s a better fit. He asks who she has in mind, and she says, no one specifically, but generally, she should be a match for his heart and his intelligence, have an appreciation for his unique perspective. A sense of humor couldn’t hurt, and it’s not absolutely necessary she be into sci/fi, but a basic knowledge of the Star Wars universe would help. So no, he’s not going to meet her at a business conference or whatever, but that’s what computer programs are for, right? She still doesn’t understand why he won’t try his own algorithm, and he says, there’s no need. His brief infatuation with Dr. Westbourne is already fading. He’s put her in the rearview mirror, so to speak. She asks if he’s been holding out on her. Who’s the lucky lady?

Finn tells Violet, she has her sunblock on, but it’s still not good to get too much sun, and she puts on her sunhat. Gregory says, translation: I know what I’m doing, dad, and Finn says, of course (🍷) she does. He situates Violet in her chaise, and gives her a book. She thanks him, and he tells Gregory that he can’t help it. He loves Violet. He told Elizabeth that he loves her. Gregory says, big step, and Finn says, that’s why he can’t look the other way, even if she hates him for it.

Elizabeth looks at the crushed tube in her bloody palm, when TJ walks in. He asks, what happened? She says she was examining Scotty’s nose… He asks how she cut her hand, but she says she doesn’t know. She clutched the tube, and it just seemed to shatter. TJ asks her to let him take a look, but she says, it’s nothing. He says, it’s a nasty cut, and there are glass shards embedded… She says she can take care of it. She’s sure he has patients to deal with. He says he does, and she’s the first one. Has this ever happened before? She asks what he means, and he says he knows she took some personal time for stress. Did Scotty say something to upset her?

Gregory asks if Elizabeth said she loved Finn back, and Finn says, she did. That’s before he blew it all to hell. Gregory asks how Finn managed that, and Finn says, there’s something going on with Elizabeth beyond the sleeping pills she was taking. Something that involves her parents, maybe her father. Gregory says, let him guess; she wasn’t forthcoming. Finn says, not in the slightest, and Gregory asks if that doesn’t tell him maybe he should drop the subject. Finn asks who he’s talking to. Isn’t Gregory the one who told him to analyze a problem from all sides, and come to a rational conclusion? Gregory says, not when it comes to the heart. There’s nothing rational about emotions. Finn says, now you tell me. There’s a million possibilities, but everything tells him that Elizabeth’s issue involves her family, especially since she keeps acting like they don’t exist. Violet asks if Aunt Elizabeth is seeing ghosts again.

Maxie says, if Spinelli doesn’t fess up, she’s going to throw him in the pool, but he asks what he has to confess. She says, if he’s over Britt, who is he pining for? and he says, a luminous creature; a beacon of warmth and intelligence… with a working knowledge of Star Wars. She asks if they know how he feels, but he says he’s only been worshipping her from afar. If things were different… Austen comes in, and Maxie says, oh my God, throwing her arms around him and kissing him.

Kristina says, they’re all concerned for Spencer, but why would Sam want to talk about him and not Dante? Molly says she kind of has the same feeling. Is everything okay with them? She just wants Sam and Dante to be as happy as she and TJ are. Sam says, she and Dante are very happy… They were happy, until… until he suggested they move in together.

Dante tells Olivia, last he checked, Cody wasn’t a drama coach. How’s he going to help Leo? She says she doesn’t know. He knows about horses and donkeys and stuff. Anyway, Dante should see Leo up on the stage, prancing around and braying. She’s never seen that kid more confident. He says he’s happy Leo and Cody have made fast friends, and he asks if she needs any help with this picnic. She says, he could find that embarrassing apron, and help her with the grill. Before she forgets, she saved seats in the front row for him and Sam for Leo’s play. He says, cool, sounds good, and she says, really? Because his face is telling a different story. He says, it’s fine, ma, and she says, now she’s really worried. He tells her, he said, everything is fine, but she says, Dante Angelo Falconari. From the time he was four years old, she knows when she hears him say, it’s fine, ma, in that tone of voice, she knows two things. A, it’s not fine, and B, he’s trying to hide something from her. Sometimes it’s something completely innocuous, like the time he broke Aunt Cia’s lamp. He says, that damn lamp again. It was hideous, and he was seven. She says, did the family offer up a silent prayer of gratitude for the lamp? Yes, but that’s not the point. The point is, she heard a crash, she asked, what happened? and he said, it’s fine, ma. Just like the time he got drunk for the first time, or the first time he got shot. He should just stop ducking and dodging the question, and tell her what’s really going on. He says he thinks he messed up with Sam.

Cody says, whoa there. He mentioned Britt’s father once, she shut him down, and he never mentioned him again. She says, he failed to mention their fathers knew one another, and he asks how she found out. She says, her mother, and he asks what Obrecht said exactly. Britt says, that Cesar Faison and Leopold Taub had – air quotes – dealings – end air quotes – with one another, and he says, isn’t it weird that their fathers knew each other? She says, weird doesn’t even begin to cover it. He could have told her that from the start. He says he barely knew her. Hell, he didn’t even know Leopold Taub was his father until a few months ago. At the same time he got poleaxed with the news that Dominique was his mother, and her mother’s schnitzel got a fortune that should have been his. She says, as he knows, that fortune belongs to a bunch of beluga whales thanks to Scotty’s daughter Serena. So he can kiss it goodbye. He says, that’s harsh, and she says, he wants harsh? Let’s talk about her family tree. Does he remember when she treated his cracked ribs after he received that beatdown outside of The Savoy? He says he’s probably not going to forget that, and she says, then does he also remember asking her about her parents? He was particularly interested in her father, and – what did he call it? – his legacy. He says, her point? and she says, her point is, why didn’t he tell her then that his father and her father not only knew each other, they did business together. What else is he keeping from her? He asks if she’s proud being Cesar Faison’s daughter, because he looked up Leopold Taub, and he’s not proud either. That whole cartel thing he had going on, and yeah, Cesar Faison was listed as one of his members. So when Dante told him that she was Faison’s daughter… She says, he smelled an opportunity, but he says, no; he smelled trouble. His first instinct was to run as far away from her as possible, and never look back. She asks, what stopped him? and he says, gratitude, for her scraping him up in that alley, giving him his 50 back, driving him all the way to Dante’s… Plus, he liked the smell of her perfume. Gardenias, right? She says, camellias, and he says, close. He liked her crooked smile, and the way she always sees the glass as half full – of strychnine. She asks if that’s a compliment or a cheap shot, and he says he just liked her. But if that’s not good enough, he’ll stick to horses. She can go back to Society Set-Ups and see if Zelda can do better next time. He brings a box into the stables, and when he comes back out, she’s still there. He asks if something is keeping her, and she says, her mother said the matchmaker may be more accurate than she thought.

Olivia says, she thought Dante and Sam were in a good place, and he says, they are. He should have left it there. She says, as opposed to… and he says, as opposed to asking Sam to move in with him. She says, it makes sense, all the time they spend together, and he says, that’s what he was thinking. They spend all this time together, they like each other, they have fun, and when the kids are together, it’s like the most perfect thing in the world. Sam thinks he’s rushing it; that he has to work through some stuff. She asks, what kind of stuff? and he says, like feelings. She says, like his feelings for Sam, or…? He says, for Lulu, and she says, he knows she loves Lulu. She prays everyday that Lulu will come out of that coma, but he’s moved on with his life. Lulu moved on with her life before the explosion. She was going to marry that teacher, wasn’t she? He says, she was. Dustin handed him the ring to give to her before he passed away. She says, Sam’s got to be aware of that, that Lulu was moving on with someone else. He says, it’s not Lulu’s feelings Sam’s talking about. She thinks he’s papered over his feelings. She says, has he? and he says, there’s a big part of him that thinks he should have been able to save her. Olivia hugs him, and says, her wonderful sweet boy. He didn’t put Lulu in that coma. That was Cyrus Renault’s fault. Even if he could go back in time, it’s still Cyrus Renault’s fault, with Julian Jerome doing his dirty work. He says, if he had just gotten there earlier, but she says, don’t do that. If he’d gotten to The Floating Rib earlier, she would have lost him too. No. They’re living in the here and now; that’s what matters. What matters are his feelings for Sam.  

Molly says, so Sam and Dante are moving in together, but Sam says, she and Dante are not moving in together. Kristina says, why not? and Sam says, like she told Spinelli, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Kristina says, moving in together doesn’t fix a bad relationship, it makes a good one better. Molly says, she and TJ had their doubts about sharing everything, even the rent… but Alexis says, let her alone. Kristina says, they’re not pressuring Sam. She’s in a committed relationship with a loving, supportive partner; not everyone gets that lucky. Sam says she knows she hit the jackpot, and Molly asks, what’s the problem? Sam asks if they can not talk about this, and Alexis says, absolutely. Now tell her what’s going on.

Maxie says she thought Austin was going to be gone for days, but he says he got through his business quickly. He tells Spinelli, in fact, he got through his business at warp speed. He came back to be with Maxie, and she says, he did? He says she sounds surprised, and she says, she thought all that talk about family… He says, what talk about family? and she glances at Spinelli, and says, never mind. The important thing is, he’s back. He says, he is. Back for good. Spinelli rolls his eyes.

Finn asks what makes Violet think Aunt Elizabeth is seeing ghosts, and she tells him, he just said,  they don’t exist. Gregory says, her daddy was just talking about her grandpa and step-grandma and how she never sees them. Violet says, okay, and goes back to her book. Finn thanks Gregory, and says, he has to get back to GH. Does Gregory mind? Gregory says, no, and Finn says, everything he needs is right there. Gregory says he’s getting kind of hungry; is Violet? She says she’s so hungry, and Finn tell her to be good for grandpa. He’ll see her back home. They exchange I love yous, and he says, eskimo? They rub noses and he leaves.  

TJ says, he’s let Epiphany know he’s sending Elizabeth home after the x-ray. She should not hold a steering wheel. He’ll call Finn. She says, don’t bother him; she’ll call a Ride Share. They leave the exam room, and in the hallway, he says he’s calling radiation to make sure they get the x-ray right away. She says, he’s very thorough, and he says he thinks the word she’s avoiding is annoying, maybe even obnoxious. She says she’s the one who should apologize for being less than cooperative, and he says he gets it. For a lot of people, it’s an automatic reflex; you’re fine, keep going. He thinks on some level, it’s a survival mechanism, because we’re afraid if we slow down and admit we’re hurt, we won’t get started again. She says she appreciates the we, and he says he’s definitely been through it, and will again, but if he goes too far, hopefully there will be someone to pull him back. He picks up the phone, and says he needs to order an x-ray for a GH staff person… As he talks, Elizabeth looks at the door to the stairs. She goes to it, opens, it, and stands on the landing. She looks down the stairs, and falls forward. It’s all in her head, and TJ asks if she’s okay. She says, absolutely, and he says, radiology can take her now. They leave, and she gives the door one last look.

Cody says, he had quite the interaction with Britt’s mother, and Britt says, when she twisted Cody’s arm behind his back for punching Scotty? He says he can see her mother’s no pushover. He bets Cesar Faison met his match with Liesl Obrecht. She says, no. Don’t let her black belt in karate fool him. Deep down, her mother is a born romantic. She’s actually the one who signed Britt up with Society Set-Ups. He says, remind him to thank her, and Britt says, he punched her boyfriend in the nose. She doubts her mother is interested in a thanks from him. She did suggest they have something in common. He says, really? Tell him something. Did her dad ever mention his?

Austin thanks Spinelli for keeping an eye on Maxie while he was gone. He hates thinking of her alone. Spinelli says, that makes them even. He hates thinking of her with the wrong people. Maxie says, Austin’s timing is perfect. Tomorrow is the first annual Quartermaine picnic for the Children’s wing at GH. Spinelli says, given Austin’s resentment of the Quartermaines, he may choose to skip the picnic, in which case he offers himself as escort to Maxinista. Austin says, that’s very kind of him, but he can handle the Quartermaines if Maxinista can. She says, how about if both of them escort her to the picnic? Mason suddenly bounds in, and asks where Austin’s manners are. Isn’t Austin going to introduce him to his friends?

Sam asks how she can move in with Dante when Lulu is still so much a presence in that house. She doesn’t go there often, but when she does, all she sees are her kitchen, her books, her furniture, or at least the furniture they picked out together. Alexis says, maybe he’s leaving those things around for Rocco’s sake; for Rocco’s comfort. Sam says, fair enough, and it all makes sense, but it’s still really awkward for her. Alexis says, she gets it. For what it’s worth (🍷), she hasn’t seen Sam this happy in a long time. Whatever Dante’s doing, he’s bringing out a peacefulness in Sam that no one else has managed to. And Sam brings joy to Dante’s life, because no one’s seen him this joyful since he came back to Port Charles. She’s pretty certain he’s not seeing Lulu when he sees Sam. Sam’s phone dings, and she says she’s got to go. She tells Alexis that she loves her, and Alexis says she loves Sam more. Sam leaves, passing Gregory and Violet on their way in. Violet says, that’s the lady in the park who grandpa hit with the frisbee, and Alexis says, that’s her.  

Finn asks, what happened to Elizabeth’s hand? and she says, it’s just a cut. TJ says, according to the x-ray, they got all the shards, and she tells Finn, she was just holding an empty collection tube, and it shattered. TJ says he has to check on a patient, and asks if Finn minds waiting until Elizabeth’s Ride Share comes. Finn says, sure, and TJ tells Elizabeth, go home and rest. She says she will, and he leaves. Finn says, forget about the Ride Share; he’ll drive her home himself. She says, what about his patients? and he says he’ll get someone to cover. It just shattered in her hand? She says, it wasn’t an accident. He deserves to know the truth. They go into an exam room, and she says she wasn’t watching what she was doing. He asks, what was distracting her? and she says, for one thing, walking in on him and Terry talking behind her back. He says, that’s his fault, not Terry’s, and they didn’t mean to upset her. She says, he upset her. He doesn’t think she’s capable of  taking care of herself. Why doesn’t he trust her? He says, he’d trust her with his life, but he’s not exactly clear on how just mentioning her family is a violation of that trust. He means no disrespect by that, but he wants to know how to fix things between them. She says, there’s nothing to fix, and he says, if that was true, she’d tell him what really caused her to cut her hand.

Kristina asks Gregory and Violet to join them. She and Molly would love to her all about the frisbee. Violet says, it was an accident, and Gregory thanks them, but says, he and Violet will find another table. Alexis says, don’t be silly. She always enjoys Violet’s company. He tells her, Finn told him that she said he was pestering her, and she asks if she actually used the word pester. He says, according to Finn. He vigorously denied it of course (🍷), but if that’s how she feels, he’ll pester her no longer. Alexis says, don’t go, and tells him to pull up chairs for him and Violet. After all, it’s not every day you get to have lunch with the Davis girls.

Dante tells Olivia, when he asked Sam to move in with him, in retrospect, it probably did catch her off-guard. They were at the Hatchet Ranch… She says, that’s romantic, and he says, it was just one of those things. He’d been thinking about it so much, and he thought Sam had to be on the same page, or at least thinking about it too. When she didn’t say yes immediately, he was thrown off. He backed off. He didn’t want to pressure her. Olivia says she thinks she knows where this is going, and Dante says, they talked it out; at least he thinks they did. He told her that he loved her, and he’d wait as long as she wanted to wait to move in together. He thought they were good. She says, but then the question of whether to move in with each other or not grows from this small manageable thing to this giant elephant that’s taken up permanent residence, not just in the room, but in his psyche. Probably Sam’s psyche too. He says, he doesn’t want to mess this up. He feels like he did, and doesn’t know what to do next. She asks if he’s open to a suggestion, and he says, please. She tells him, stick to basics. What does he want to happen with Sam? He says he wants them to have a life to together with their kids. They don’t need to live in the same place; it doesn’t matter to him. Olivia pats his chest, and says, stick with the feelings; it’s all about the feelings. The living arrangements, all that can wait. It’s all about the feelings. He says he loves her. He wants to trust her and support her, and try to make her as happy as she’s made him. Sam comes in.

Austin says, this is his cousin Mason, and Mason says, country cousin from Pautuck. Maxie says, Austin didn’t tell her that he had a cousin coming into town, but Mason says, don’t blame Austin. He’s a hot-shot doctor. Sometimes he forgets where he’s from, even though the family’s so proud of him. Spinelli asks, what brings him to their fair city? and Mason says, family, while Austin says, business. Mason says, family business. They were hoping Cousin Austin would have stayed longer. Austin says, he did what he had to do when he was there. Now he’s here in his home, Port Charles.

Britt says, whatever unholy alliance her father made with Cody’s ended before they were born. Unless there’s something else he’s not telling her. He says, their fathers knowing each other is just a random coincidence; something they have in common. But isn’t she the least bit curious about what Leopold Taub and Cesar Faison were up to? She says, he never knew his father. Unfortunately, she knew hers, and she’s been trying to live him down ever since. So if he wants to go digging for skeletons in that closet, he can do it alone. She starts to leave, but he grabs her hand, and says, she’s right. Whatever their fathers did, died with them. He’s card player… She says, not a very good one, and he says, it depends on the players, and the game. He lets her hand go, and says, his point is, he always factors the odds and figures them out. What are the odds that on that day, he would parachute into that pool… She says, and almost drown her, but he says, she got a little wet. And if he didn’t say it then, he’s saying it now – she looked gorgeous. She says, now he’s trying to flatter her, and he says, he thinks she looks good soaking wet; so sue him. She says she considered it, and he tells her, just keep in mind, he can’t afford a lawyer, so there’s no way he could pay for the damages. She says, don’t worry. She’s not going to drag him to court, and he says he knew she couldn’t be that hard-hearted. They laugh, and she says, that GIF of her climbing out of the pool is just now coming down everyone’s feed. She doesn’t need to draw more attention to it. He says, so he’s being saved by her self-interest, and she says, bingo, but he says he doesn’t buy it.

Olivia says she has Quartermaine picnic stuff to see to, and tells Dante that she’ll see him later. She tells Sam that it’s nice to see her, and leaves. Sam says, so the Quartermaine picnic fundraiser is tomorrow? and Dante says, his mom’s been going crazy with that. Plus she has Leo’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream; he’s playing Bottom. He’s pretty excited about that. She says, and him? He says, that depends on whether or not she’s going with him. I have to mention that A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a pretty ambitious play for a summer theater camp in Leo’s age group.

Alexis says, that was delicious. Anyone for desserts? Violet says, ice cream sundaes for all of us, and Alexis says she likes Violet’s style. She liked it the minute they met. Violet says, as much as Alexis likes her grandpa? and Gregory apologizes for his granddaughter; she apparently has no filter. Alexis says, don’t apologize at all. And to answer Violet’s question, Alexis likes her grandpa… ‘s writing. She doesn’t always agree with it, but it’s never boring. Violet says, never. Alexis should hear one of his bedtime stories.

Spinelli asks how long Mason is in town, and Mason say, it depends on his cousin. Austin tells him, he thinks they said all they needed to say back in Pautuck, but Mason says, not quite. He can’t leave until Austin understands how much he means to his family back home. Austin knows how much they expect from him. Besides, he was hoping Austin would show him the sights in Port Charles. Although he doesn’t have to look much further than this lovely lady. Spinelli says, this lovely lady’s not on the tour, and not reading the room at all, Maxie says she has an idea. Why doesn’t Mason come to the Quartermaine picnic tomorrow? Austin says he’s sure Mason has better things to do, but Mason says he can’t think of one. He hears the Quartermaines are practically royalty. Too bad cuz here missed out on the family jewels.

Elizabeth says, Finn is right; it wasn’t just an accident. He asks, what happened? and she says she was thinking about all the time he’s wasted worrying about her; time they’ll never get back. She just got so angry, she crushed the tube without realizing it. He says he knows what it’s like to keep that kind of anger inside. Is there any chance that’s only part of it? Could the anger be about something else, something in her past, something she barely remembers? She tells him, stick to infectious diseases, and leave the psychiatry to Doc.

Austin says he’s made peace with his father’s family, and Mason says, that’s their Austin. Some folks say money buys happiness, but Austin was raised right. Austin says, thanks, and suggests he and Maxie get out of here. Spinelli tells Maxie, Georgie, James, and Bailey Lou are with her parents, but Mac and Felicia aren’t going to want to babysit all night. Can they talk childcare before she leaves? Maxie tells Austin, one second, and they’ll go, and steps away with Spinelli. Austin tells Mason, there’s no way he’s going to that picnic, but Mason says, watch me.

Alexis says, who knew the eminent Professor Chase was capable of blushing? but he says he doesn’t blush. Violet says, yes he does. He blushed when daddy saw his name in The Invader, and said he was famous. Alexis says, he was famous already academically; he now has a wider audience. Gregory says he wasn’t looking for fame, just for fairness in journalism, and Alexis says, it’s okay to enjoy some attention. Everyone likes attention. He says, he’s not everyone, and she says, that’s for sure.  

Elizabeth asks how many times she has to tell Finn; she’s fine. Now she has to meet her Ride Share. She tells him, let’s not fight anymore. She really hates it. She kisses him, and he says he hates it too. She leaves, and Finn flashes back to Gregory saying, if he disregards Elizabeth’s wishes, it could cost him the relationship; and him saying, he could stand losing her if he knew she would be okay in the end. He makes a call, and says, this is Dr. Finn for Dr. Webber. Is she available?… Yes. Tell her Hamilton Finn called. He needs a consult with Dr. Webber about someone they have in common.

Sam says, of course (🍷) she’ll go to Leo’s play, and Dante says, cool. His mom said she’d get them good seats. She says, Olivia is going to worry about seats after everything she’s got to do tomorrow? and he says, speaking of tomorrow… and she says, she told him, of course (🍷) she’ll go to the picnic. They both start talking, and she says, him first. He says, they don’t have to rush through this. They can just take it slow. They’ll know when the time is right, and just take it slow like she wanted to. She says, yeah, and hugs him.

Cody says, Britt wants to come off as selfish and uncaring, but it’s just not true. She says, yes it is, and he asks, then why did she help him out in that alley behind The Savoy? Why didn’t she just pick up his last 50 and walk off? She says she wishes she did, and he says, really? She says, no, but he was pathetic, crawling on his hands and knees, all bruised and broken. He says he never got to thank her properly for that rescue, so let him do it now. She says, how? and he says he’d like to invite her to the Quartermaine picnic tomorrow. There will be so many people there, it’s not like a date. She says, when he words it like that… She accepts. He says, shall they shake on it? They do, and he says, see her tomorrow. She says, tomorrow, and leaves. Outside, she smiles.  

On Monday, Brook says she would never use Chase; Jordan asks why she gets the sense TJ is trying to get rid of her; Ava says she has truths that will lay Spencer to waste; and Willow won’t accept that.

🍃 Leaf From the Family Tree…

A little bit about the cousin we never knew Austin had.


🩺 Nooo…

Kudos to her for prime time and all, but I hope she comes back. I like Britt.

More in depth than In Depth.


🛀 Love Bubble Suds…

Teresa being her usual horrible self.

I wonder if her hair has its own IG.

🧂 Shah’s Got Guts…

No doubt it will be the highlight of the season.


✈️ Wives From Where…?

What the hell is this? How is it on Season 15 and I had no clue? And what the hell are those streaming services that carry it? Not that I need another bunch of horrible people to watch.


👰🏽 All the Weddings…

Better than attending them.


⚰️ Telling Tales…

I watched the first episode, and thought it was promising. Maybe a spoiler, but the dog got it a few minutes in, and I was not pleased with them leading with it. Or including it at all. That being said, I thought it improved as the episode went on. I’m just glad to be out of Georgia.


🐉 About That Dragon…

I actually haven’t seen this yet.


🐓 Quotes of the Week

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. – Theodore Roosevelt

After a while you learn that privacy is something you can sell, but you can’t buy it back. – Bob Dylan

If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas. – Steve Maraboli

Dance above the surface of the world. Let your thoughts lift you into creativity that is not hampered by opinion. – Red Haircrow

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. – Buddha

Our lives are the only meaningful expression of what we believe and in Whom we believe. And the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith. – Gordon B. Hinckley

We got a whole lot of money, but we still pay rent, cuz you can’t buy a house in heaven. – Lady Gaga, You & I

💋 Come On, Barbie, Let’s Go Party…

Before you know it, it will be hoodie weather, so take a break, whether you call it the weekend or not. Soak up some sun, walk in the park, or if you’re allergic to nature, take in a movie at the theater. I hear they’re back. See you on Monday for soap and yachting on the Med. Until then, stay safe, stay sassy, and stay not letting any giant elephants take up permanent residence in your psyche. Or the room.