Tag Archives: Amy Schumer

June 9, 2023 – No Soap For You, 2 Mollys, Jersey Mess, Vandermath, VanderNew, Sink It, Dead Dates, A Farewell, Star Releases, Sharks, Cuteness, Double 4 Quotes & Love


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Well there was this:

So I did this:

💼 Ups and Downs…

She’s doing a good job so far. She’s not straying too far from the already established character.

She’s lucky she didn’t kill someone.

👠 Jersey Devils…

They still don’t totally explain it. So like, what happened the next time Frankie and Louie spoke? Or haven’t they?


Where they are now.


This one doesn’t live in the real world with the rest of us. I don’t blame Andy for losing his sh*t. It was like, STFU already.

About that text.

And the rest.

🍸 Trying To Recover…

I don’t think there is a future for her on the show. At least, I hope not.

I guess, but I can’t imagine she didn’t want to smack Rachel’s bobblehead face. I thought she was restrained.


Giving you more Lala.


She’ll be fine. She dodged a narcissistic bullet.


She was so funny on WWHL.

🎁 Just What We Need…

I still want more episodes of Overserved, but I’ll take what I can get. After I take a million showers to get the smell of the Reunion off.

⛵️ Aye, Aye, Captain…

She’s right. That boat needs to die. I’m sure Glenn and Colin are having a grand old time holding it together with duct tape and bubble gum, but it almost tanked the season.

⚰️ Moving Dead…

Updates on both Dead City’s premiere and Fear the Walking Dead’s mid-season finale.


🥀 She’ll Be Missed…

I love this show, and was so sad to hear this.


👽 When the Force Will Be With You…

Updates on Star Wars releases.


🦈 Doo-Doo Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo…

Cue the music.


🦙 Take a Deep Breath…

Some relief from all the nasty, awful reality this week.


☄️ Quotes of the Week

Some people think only intellect counts: knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion and empathy. – Dean Koontz

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.  — John Powell

The border to eternity is never ahead of us. It runs parallel to life and can be crossed over at any moment by old and young. – Reinhard Bonnke

A mathematical formula for happiness: Reality divided by Expectations. There were two ways to be happy: improve your reality or lower your expectations.Jodi Picoult (I vote for lowering expectations.)

Even while we kill and punish we must try to feel about the enemy as we feel about ourselves—to wish that he were not bad, to hope that he may, in this world or another, be cured: in fact, to wish his good. That is what is meant in the Bible by loving him: wishing his good, not feeling fond of him nor saying he is nice when he is not. – C.S. Lewis, from Mere Christianity

I can tell you, without diversity, creativity remains stagnant.Edward Enninful

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. – Plato

That wasn’t karaoke. It was you, a jukebox, and a bar full of angry people. – Mike Biggs (Billy Gardell), Mike & Molly

🕺🏽 Curly Shuffling Away…

Tune in for a chance of Fear on Sunday, and on Monday really Tuesday for soap and double the Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay respecting your elders no matter how old you are, and stay making sure that when you’re singing karaoke, you’re really at karaoke.

May 4, 2022 – Harmony Gives a Last Request To Carly, Back Off, Applying To Sonny, Goodbye Jerry, Barbie’s World & Cantina


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Anna and Robert race for the remote, and Anna wins. She wants to see what’s streaming on Hulu, but Robert says, why bother when you’ve got the classics? She says, it’s called expanding your horizons, and he says, it’s called wasting time. She calls him a stick-in-the-mud, but he says, she loves him for it. She says she doesn’t, but he insists she does; it’s written somewhere. She says, look at them. They used to be facing down deadly assassins. Now they’re fighting over what to watch on TV. He says, there’s a term for that; bliss. She says he might be right, when the doorbell rings. He says, it has to be trouble at this hour, and she says she could do with some trouble. He tells her to turn the telly off, and they go to answer the door. It’s Mac and Felicia, who asks if this is a bad time.

Nina shows up at Charlie’s just as Phyllis is about to close, and Phyllis asks if everything is okay. Nina says, it’s a been a night. Phyllis knows Harmony… Phyllis says, formerly known as Lorraine? and Nina says, yeah. She was rushed to the ER. There was some kind of accident. Phyllis says she hopes Harmony is all right, and Nina says, so does she. Phyllis says, they don’t need a reminder, but life is so short, they have to grab every bit of joy from it they can. Nina says, yeah, and flashes back to dancing with Sonny.

Sonny is thinking about the same thing, and Frank asks if he’s okay. Sonny says, somebody reminded him tonight to carpe diem, and Frank says, seize the day (in case someone didn’t know); good advice. Sonny tells Frank, goodnight, and goes into the penthouse.

Michael tells Willow that he’s been studying up on Paris, preparing for their trip. They’ll go to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, but did she know there’s a museum solely dedicated to Monet? She says, really, and he says, it’s on the outskirts of the city, and there’s this huge, beautiful park right next to it. It sounds like it rivals Central Park. She says, you know who would love it? Wiley. He says, but only if there’s dogs, because nothing is cool in Wiley’s world unless there’s dogs. (Mine too!) Brando and Sasha come out of the elevator, and Sasha says they’d like to wait with them, but if they don’t want them too… Willow says she wants them here. They sit, and Willow says her mom’s awake, so that’s something. Sasha says, that means there’s hope, right? Michael says, there’s always hope.

Carly tells Harmony that she’s not making any sense. Does she know where she is? It’s Carly, she’s in the hospital, she was in an accident. Does she remember? Harmony says, Willow… and Carly says, Willow’s here. Does Harmony want her to get Willow? Harmony says, Carly needs to protect Willow, and Carly says, of course (🍷) she will. From what?

Anna says she’ll open a bottle of wine, and they can stream the hottest new show on Hulu (which apparently, we’re advertising today). Robert suggests they have a couple of shots of single malt scotch, and watch Bogie and Bacall. Felicia asks if it would be okay if they skipped movie night, and Anna asks, what happened? Felicia says, it’s such a beautiful night. Why don’t they take a look at the stars? She drags Anna outside, and Robert tells Mac, okay, start talking.

Outside, Felicia asks Anna if that’s the Big Dipper or the Little Dipper; she can never tell. Anna asks, what’s going on?

Phyllis brings Nina some tea, and says, let her guess. Nina saw Sonny today. Nina asks if it’s that obvious, and Phyllis says, to her. Nina says, for so long, it seemed impossible, and Phyllis says, and now? Nina says, now it seems there may be a way forward for her and Sonny. She just has to be brave enough to take it. Valentin walks in, and tells them, the sign says, open. Is this a private party? Nina says she thinks there’s room for one more, and Phyllis says, if it’s okay with Nina, it’s okay with her. Nina tells Valentin, have a seat, and he asks how Phyllis is. She says, she’s good; and him? He says, maintaining, and Phyllis says, tea? He says he’ll take something stronger, bourbon, neat, and she says, coming right up. He says, so he and Nina meet again, and she says, they do.

Sonny comes out with a bowl, and tells Frank that he heated up some meatballs. He should try one. Come on in. Frank says he can’t leave his post; he’s sorry. Sonny says, can he just try one, for his boss? and Frank says, as he wishes. He tastes one, and says, it’s delicious. Sonny says, told him, and Frank asks if Sonny is sure he’s okay. Sonny says he can’t sleep, but he’ll be fine. Sonny takes the bowl back in, and leans back on the couch. He opens his eyes, and he’s at the firehouse in Nixon Falls. Lenny says, it’s about time he arrived.

Harmony says she shouldn’t have attacked Carly, but Carly says she’s fine. Harmony struggles to talk, and says, she could have killed Carly. Carly says, but she didn’t, and Harmony says, Carly and Michael… they’re the only ones… She almost ruined it. She ruins everything. Carly says, she didn’t ruin Willow; she’s a beautiful young girl. Harmony says she’s so selfish, and Carly tells he that she needs to calm down. Harmony says she wanted to repair what she’d broken with Willow… She should have told the truth when she had the chance.

Felicia says, there will be a lunar eclipse at the end of the month. Some call it a blood moon. There are some cultures where it’s considered a bad omen for pregnant women. Anna says, oh my God… She’s not…

Mac tells Robert, they enjoyed being around Bailey so much. It’s all the fun and none of the responsibility. Robert says, except to keep the child safe and unharmed while the mother’s gone. Mac says, Robert knows what he’s saying, and Robert says he does. Being a granddad is great. Play with the kid, hand it back, and go to bed. Mac says, unless you don’t, and Robert says, he’s not following. Mac says, what if instead of the granddad, you’re the actual dad? What if you do the parenthood thing all over?

Felicia says, no, she’s not pregnant, and Anna says, for a second there, she thought… Felicia says, Mac wants a baby.

Robert tells Mac to stop talking in riddles and get to the point. Mac says he thinks Felicia wants a baby, and Robert laughs.

Nina says, nice tan. Wherever Valentin has been, it looks good on him. Is he fully recovered? Back to his old self? He says he hopes not. He’d like to think he’s done some growing. She says she’d like to think so too. About herself, not him. Maybe a little about him too. How’s Charlotte? He says, wonderful, and Nina says, she seems like she’s really enjoying boarding school. Valentin says, Nina’s been in touch with her? and Nina says, yeah. She has to admit, she’s surprised. She didn’t think he had it in him to part with his little girl. He says, it wasn’t easy, but when Peter abducted her, he wanted her far away from Peter and Victor. Nina asks if it wasn’t Victor who dropped Charlotte off at school. She’s only saying that because Charlotte made a point of saying she wished it had been Valentin. Valentin says, he was laid up, recuperating. He figured at the very least he could trust Victor with a drop off. Nina says, don’t forget about her. She’s always here, especially when it comes to Charlotte. He says he likes that, and he’ll keep that in mind.

Sonny says, Lenny. Is this the firehouse where he used to dance with Nina? Lenny says, it is. Once again, Sonny’s wardrobe is lacking. Good thing he’s prepared. He hands Sonny a cowboy hat, saying, it’s his; might as well take it. Sonny puts it on. Lenny says, perfect fit, and Sonny says, this is not real. He can’t be here. Lenny says, give him one good reason, and Sonny says, Lenny is dead. Lenny says, look who’s talking. When Sonny crawled out of the river, wasn’t he a goner; a funeral held back home for him and everything? Sonny says, that was different, and Lenny says, that depends on how you look at it. Lenny calls Sonny Mike, and says he looks like he could use a stiff one. What’s his poison these days? Sonny says, club soda. Things have changed since the last time he saw Lenny. Lenny says, good thing he’s got nothing but time. Why doesn’t he start from the beginning, when he went back to Port Charles.

Willow thanks them for being here; it means a lot. Michael says, they woudn’t be anywhere else, and Sasha says, they love her. Brando says, if there’s anything they can do… and Willow says, trust her. They’re doing it.

Carly tells Harmony that she gets it. She was raised by her adoptive mother, but it wasn’t kept secret. The longer she takes to say it out loud, the harder it will be to say it. Harmony says, if she just would have been brave enough, it wouldn’t have gone this far. Carly asks if she means with Neil, but Harmony says, no. If she’d just told the truth, there would have been more time. Things would have been different. Now it’s gone too far. Willow isn’t safe with her, and Willow can never know.

Anna tells Felicia, Bailey is the most adorable little baby, and she completely understands Mac wishing he had one exactly like her. Felicia says, what if it’s more than just wishing? and Anna asks if she thinks Mac is serious about having another child. Felicia says she doesn’t know; they haven’t gotten that far yet. She’s not even sure what he’s saying; she’s getting this vibe. Anna says, what about Felicia’s vibe? Mac may want to raise another child, but does Felicia really?  

Robert says, have we got that all out of our system? and hands Mac a drink. Good. He has a story. It’s about an old man who becomes a father, except he thinks the diaper that needs changing is his own. Mac says, ha-ha, and Robert says, seriously, he’ll never forget that Mac helped raise his little girl at a time he couldn’t. Mac says, raising Robin was one of the ultimate joys of his life. He’ll always think of Maxie and Georgie as his own, but he and Felicia have never brought up a kid together. Robert says, this isn’t just Felicia? Mac wants this too?

Sonny tells Lenny that he can’t believe he and Carly are divorced. He thought they’d last until… Lenny says, until death do us part. Take it from him, death is easy compared to divorce. Phyllis can still put flowers on his grave, and think of him when they’re playing their song. Remember them at their best, and not their worst. Sonny says, he envies that, and Lenny asks if he has kids. Sonny nods, and Lenny asks, how are they taking it? Sonny says, they’re young. Donna and Avery are a little confused. They miss Carly, but she’s good about seeing them as much as possible. Lenny says, they’ll be all right, and Sonny says, his son has a problem. He’s grown up, but it’s put a strain on their relationship. Lenny asks what his name is, and Sonny says, Michael. Lenny says he likes that name. Is he in the family business? Sonny says, his son wanted to be at some point, but he shut it down. Now forget it. He doesn’t need or want any part of Sonny or his life. Lenny says, don’t give up on him; that’s an order. Sonny says he’ll never give up on his son, but his son has given up on him. Lenny says, just because Sonny isn’t with his mother? and Sonny says, that’s part of it. Lenny asks, what’s the other part? and Sonny says, Nina.

Valentin says, Charlotte has made the equestrian team, and Nina should ask about it next time they talk. Nina says she definitely will. She’s truly impressed. She’s sure the competition is fierce in an elite European boarding school. He says, where the students not only ride, but have a string of their own expensive horses. Nina says, exactly her point. Charlotte rode one of the horses at the school, and still made the team. His daughter is a talented rider, a true competitor. He says he can’t argue there, and she says, okay, now out with it. He says, what? and she asks how badly he misses Charlotte. He says, desperately, and she asks if there’s a parent’s weekend coming up. He says he hopes so. He needs to check the school’s website. Nina says, it must have been hard for him after everything that happened with Bailey, and he says, he loved Bailey. She says she knows he did, and he says, but he’s come to appreciate that Brook did what she had to do. It was the right thing to protect Maxie’s daughter from Peter. She says, but it’s painful; she can see it in his eyes. She knows what it’s like to lose a child, but it’s even more painful when it turns out she was never yours.

Sasha looks at the pills in her pillbox, then looks in the mirror. She says, if she would have taken one of these, and they’d found it in her system… No. She’s been given a second chance. Don’t blow it. She puts the pills in the toilet bowl, hesitates for a moment, then flushes. Brando asks if she’s okay, and she says she’ll be right there.

Willow says, she’s so aware of it now, and Michael says, what? She says, all the time she kept her mom at arm’s length. Not that she didn’t deserve to be, although it was always more about protecting herself than punishing her mom. He says, she had every right to want to distance herself, and she says, but now it’s just staring her in the face. Her mom could be dying, and she feels it on her heart. All the time she could have spent with her; all the things she could have said to her. She knows she made the right decision for herself back then… He says, but she still wishes she could get the time back, and she says, so much.

Carly asks Harmony, who can never know? Willow can never know she’s adopted? Harmony says, Willow’s had too much too hard. She’s obsessive and possessive. She’ll try to take her away from Michael; she’s dangerous. Carly asks if Harmony is talking about Willow’s biological mother. Does Harmony know who she is? Harmony says, she’s bad for Willow. Willow knows it, and hates her. Carly says, Willow knows this person? and Harmony says, she’s one of two. Her Willow had another half. Carly says, Willow’s a twin? and Harmony says, Nelle. The lightbulb comes on, and Carly says, oh my God. Nina is Willow’s biological mother? Harmony says, try to protect her. Nina’s love will smother her. Carly… please… Alarms start to go off, and Carly promises Willow will be okay. TJ runs in, and Carly gets out of the way. He checks Harmony, and says, no pulse. Some staff, including Amy, run in with the crash cart. TJ uses the defibrillator, then does chest compression.

Valentin says he’ll always regret what he did to Nina, using Sasha to manipulate her emotions and win her heart. She says, the irony is, he already had her heart, but now she can see that his intentions were good. He just wanted to give her the one thing she was missing in her life. It was a beautiful sentiment. He says, poorly executed, and he agrees. He says, ironically, Nelle was in town the whole time. She says she still can’t believe Nelle was her daughter, and everything that played out after that. She discovered Carly kept the truth from her, and had a hand in Nelle’s death, and it set in motion a chain of events that continues to this day. He says, Sonny Corinthos, is he a link in that chain?

Lenny says, hallelujah! Sonny/Mike finally got up the gumption to tell Nina how he feels about her. Sonny says, he doesn’t know what they are. He and Nina are kind of like a slow dance. Lenny says, slow dances are nice and all, but what do they get you? Sonny tells him, take it easy there, and Lenny says, or what? He’ll bust a blood vessel? Been there, done that. Listen up. If Sonny keeps waiting for the right moment, next thing he knows, he’ll be pushing up daisies like yours truly. Sonny says he always appreciated Lenny and Phyllis’s love. It was real and honest, not always perfect, but it was tough like you can go through anything in life. What’s the secret? Lenny says, no secret. You just try to give more than you get, and if you both do that, you can’t lose. Sonny says, Nina gave him a gift. It’s a long story, but she’s not making him take sides against his son. Lenny says, that’s some gift. So what is he giving Nina in return?

TJ says, clear, and gives medical instructions while doing chest compression. Carly watches from the hallway. Amy administers oxygen, but Harmony flatlines. TJ says, time of death, 10:53 am, and tries not to cry.

Sasha joins Brando, and he says, this hospital holds painful memories. Let’s wish for good news tonight. Sasha says, it’s a beginning, when Carly comes back, and tells Willow and Michael to get back to the ICU.

Felicia tells Anna, she’s not sure how she feels about raising a child at this stage of her life. Let’s face it. She’s a grandmother, of three. Anna says, don’t let that be the thing that stops her. She’s young at heart in all the ways that count. If she’s sure this is something she and Mac both want… Felicia says, she’s not sure, and Anna asks if this isn’t a conversation she should be having with her husband. Felicia says, ya think? She and Mac have shares so many adventures; raising a child isn’t one of them. Anna says, whatever Felicia decides, she’ll always be in her corner, and Felicia says, maybe it’s all in her head. It’s probably the last thing Mac wants.

Mac says, maybe he’s got it all wrong. Maybe the last thing Felicia wants is a baby. Robert says, there’s one way to find out. Let’s go ask her. Mac says, Robert had better not. He swears, if Robert says anything… Robert laughs, and says, look at him. Anna and Felicia come back, and Robert says, ladies, what’s it like out there? Anna says, breathtaking. How’s the whiskey? Robert takes a sip, and says, breathtaking.

Sonny says, Lenny is absolutely right, and Lenny says, tell him something he doesn’t know. Sonny says, Nina is putting him ahead of her own interests; he should do something for her. Lenny says, what’s he waiting for? Get out of here. Sonny gets up, and asks, how does he get out of here? Catch the next plane? How does he get home? He turns around, and Lenny is gone, only his hat left behind. Sonny says, where’d he go? Come back. He wakes up, and Frank asks, what’s the problem?

Nina tells Valentin, what she and Sonny had was back in Nixon Falls. Now that they’re back in Port Charles, he has a life, a family, and responsibilities; so does she. He says, sounds very sensible and thought out, and he doesn’t believe a word of it. She says, excuse me? and he says, the tone in her voice changes when she mentions Sonny’s name. She says, don’t tell her that he’s jealous, and he says, there’s a notable change in the tone of her voice when she says his name, and that tells him they’re more than two people living separate lives. She says she’s sure he’s going to tell her his opinion, and he says, whatever happens, whether she gets everything she wants or it all comes crashing down – he takes her hand – she can count on him. She puts her hand on his, and says, she’ll keep it in mind.

Sasha says, she really thought Willow’s mom was going to be okay, that she was going to make it, and Brando says, they don’t know anything yet. Maybe she’s gone into surgery, or taken a turn for the worse… Sasha says, or she could have killed her, and Brando says, it was an accident. Willow knows that. Everyone knows that. She says, why is this happening? and he holds her.

TJ looks at Willow, and shakes his head, looking the saddest ever. Willow says, she’s gone, isn’t she? and he says, they did everything they could. He’s so sorry. Willow cries, and Michael holds her.

Felicia says, they should probably call it a night, and Mac says he has a busy day tomorrow. Robert tells him to rest while he can, and Felicia asks what that means. Robert says, the Chief of Detectives is on call 24/7. Felicia hugs Anna, and tells her to forget everything she said; it’s probably her imagination. Mac says, dinner soon? and Anna says, absolutely. Mac and Felicia leave, and when they get outside, they look up. Mac asks if that’s the Big Dipper or Little Dipper, and Felicia says, that’s the same thing she asked Anna. Does he think it’s okay to make a wish, even if it’s on the wrong constellation? He doesn’t see why not, and they hook pinkies and close their eyes. Mac starts to talk, but she says, shh. Don’t say anything or it won’t come true.

Anna and Robert toast to Mac and Felicia. Anna says, may they get everything they wish for, and Robert says, may the person who gets to the remote get everything they wish for. They race for the remote.

Sonny tells Frank, he just drifted off for a second; everything’s fine. Frank says, bad dream? and Sonny says, actually it was a good dream. He tells Frank, goodnight, and Frank leaves. Sonny calls Nina, and gets her voicemail. He says, he just wanted to tell her that he was so happy to see her tonight. He can’t wait see her very soon

Valentin thanks Phyllis for her hospitality, and she says, any time. He asks if he can walk Nina to her car, and Nina says, that’s chivalrous of him. He says, he’s always chivalrous, and Nina thanks Phyllis for the tea. She says, they’ll talk tomorrow, and Phyllis says, sounds good. Valentin says, after her, and Nina says, again being chivalrous. He says, it’s kind of an infliction, and they leave. Phyllis turns out the lights, and flips the sign to closed. She wipes down the table, and Lenny comes up behind her, putting his arms around her. She closes her eyes for a moment, but when she turns around, he’s gone.

Willow asks if she can have a minute alone with her mother, and TJ tells her to take as much time as she needs. I feel the worst for TJ. He leaves, and Willow asks Michael to come with her. They go in, and Willow sits next to the bed, shaking her head.

TJ comes out, and Sasha says, oh God. TJ says, it’s a good thing they’re here. Willow is going to need her friends more than ever.

Willow takes Harmony’s hand, and says, Harmony needs to know she forgives her and loves her so much. More than Harmony probably realized. Remember their picnic in that meadow in Colorado? Harmony braided Willow’s hair and put wildflowers in it. She doesn’t know if she’s ever felt so beautiful or free. There were good memories too, filled with magic, laughter, love. She kisses Harmony’s hand, and says, those are the ones she’ll tell Wiley about. Hold on tight to that love, and she will too. Michael puts his arms around her, and Carly looks in. She flashes back to Harmony telling her to protect Willow, and that Nina’s love will smother her. She remembers telling Harmony, it’s okay. She’s got Willow. Willow is going to be okay. She leans on the window sill, looking like she might pass out.

Tomorrow, TJ tells Britt, it was worse than he could have ever imagined; Sonny asks Dante, is it him or his business that’s vulnerable; Michael tells Carly, they have to protect Willow from the fallout; and Willow wonders what her mother was trying to hide.

😟 Don’t Be Cruel…

Geez, leave the guy alone. What I like about Sonny’s relationship with Nina is, it’s part of what’s made him a new man, and I like the meld of Mike and Sonny.

🕴🏻 New Guy…

Not much info, but apparently Sonny took out a classified ad and this guy applied for the job.

🥀 Another Great Gone…

I’d forgotten he was in OLTL.

👠 She’s a Barbie Girl…

I love Barbie. I always have and always will. But it’s more about the clothes and accessories for me than anything else. And I’m just going to say it, I don’t see Amy Schumer as Barbie. I also think there was more to it than her wanting Jell-O high heels.


🏂 Slipping Out Early Like…

Come by to take a dip in the soap pool tomorrow, and have a spot of tea after. Until then, stay safe, stay taking periodic breaks from your screen of choice, and stay trying to give more than you get. If we all do it, we can’t lose.

September 17, 2015 — GH & 100 New York Wives


What I Watched Today

(random, rambling thoughts on today’s TV)


General Hospital

I had an appointment – ok, I went to lunch with a karaoke friend – so I DVR’d it. Glad to see the hospital machines attached to Sonny are in working order now.  Carly was getting dangerously close to one of those tubes though, when she was petting his face.

Morgan is going apesh*t on TJ, grilling him about who Charlie’s boss is, and generally acting crazy. He doesn’t know. Accept it.

Lots of tension at the police station with the Dante/Valerie tryst, but no real moving forward with the storyline. I can’t wait!

Sonny’s daughter, Kristina, arrives on the scene at Alexis’s place. I’ve given up trying to keep whose kids are whose at this point. There are so many baby daddies and mamas, I need a scorecard.

Scotty has blackmailed Ava out of 5 million, in exchange for the flash drive that holds her confession to Connie Falconeri’s murder. Since this evidence has “disappeared,” Ava is a free woman. For now.

Julian is still swearing he’s innocent and more mushy stuff with Carly and Sonny, and Kristina and Sonny in the hospital.

The ending wasn’t bad though. Just when I thought it was nearly a total loss and I shouldn’t have bothered, Scotty and Ava arrive at his place to find it tossed. And no doubt the flash drive is gone. Morgan is also on his way to Julian’s with a gun.

The Real Housewives of NYC: 100th Episode Special

Eight years? Has it really been eight years? Only the OC Wives had been aired when NYC began, making them the beginning of the franchise. It was originally going to be called Manhattan Moms, but they don’t really explain why it was changed. I just can’t imagine it being called that.

In the first minute, this is already fun because they’re showing some clips from the Wives’ audition tapes, interspersed with individual interviews with Andy at the clubhouse. Right away, I miss Alex and Simon. And I don’t miss Jill Zarin, who declined to take part in this show. Because, you know, she is the be all and end all, and can’t believe it’s continued without her. You got fired. Get over it.

Ramona goes on once again about how weird she thought Alex and Simon were, especially since they never wanted to go out apart. Um…who’s still married? I know, I know, I’m being mean, but I’m not too fond of Ramona, who, despite her “new beginnings,” needs to get her nose out of the air. Ramona admits to not being welcoming to Alex and Simon because she felt they were co-dependent and didn’t like it. How mature of her. Simon always reminded me of someone they’d pick to be a contestant on Graham Norton’s made-up game, Gay or Eurotrash? Ramona had a lot of tense moments involving those two. And I think she’s weirder than the both of them put together.

There are some clips from the various trips they’ve taken, and I’m with the Countess, my favorite being their trip to Morocco. The markets look fabulous, and of course there was that bucking camel who almost threw the Countess. It’s interesting to see how the Countess has changed over the years. We’ve gone from “introduce me as Mrs. de Lesseps” to “don’t be all uncool.” In her underwear. Bethenny says she didn’t even know what a countess was before meeting the Countess.  To be honest, I don’t know all the particulars either, but my husband is a marquis and I can tell you that the title and three bucks will get you on the subway in NYC.

Interesting how some watched the OC show prior to being on the NYC one, but others didn’t. I’m not sure if I would or not. It’s almost like deciding if you should read the book before you do the movie. Almost.

Ha-ha! Bethenny says Jill can smell D-list fame like a dog smelling steak. I’ll bet Aviva can too.

Alex and Simon were nothing compared to Kelly, who didn’t even seem to exist on the same planet as the rest of us. Confusing Al Sharpton with Jack Nicholson is pretty out there. And today she blames the other women for an unmarketable time period after the show was aired. Like her behavior had nothing to do with it.

Oh yeah, here comes One Season Cindy. Remember her? Me neither. Heather says her first day of shooting was like the first day of summer camp. What kind of camp did she go to? Was this in the Berkshires?

The whole Jill/Bethenny feud – if that’s what you want to call it – was kind of sad. It seems that Jill thought of them as some kind of team, and when Bethenny’s career took off without her, she got mean. (Ooh, that almost rhymed.) Bethenny tells Andy that it’s not like she was in a girl band. Apparently, after that season ended, Bethenny thought all was well, but Jill waited until the cameras were rolling again to create a scene. She wanted to make Bethenny look bad, but it backfired, and she got fired. Bethenny says that Jill did indeed help to get her on the show, she became the most successful of the Wives, and Jill could have been along for the ride with her, but “pigs get fat; hogs get slaughtered.” In other words, she wanted it all, but ended up with nothing.

One of the greatest moments in Housewives history was when Aviva threw her artificial leg on the table at La Cirque, stating that it was the only fake thing about her. She tells Andy he’s welcome, and admits to having planned it. Um, we figured that out pretty quickly, since one of those isn’t removed in 5 seconds. Let’s hope not anyway. She says “somebody had to put their foot down.” What a card! When asked for her reaction to the leg incident, the Countess says her first thought was that there’s a dirty shoe near the silverware. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have thought the same. Bethenny also talks about how Aviva was concerned she might not make it onto the show, but Bethenny reassured her that anyone who’d slept with two of the Wives exes and had one leg would be a shoo-in. I’m a card too.

Another great shining Aviva moment. When she declared that Truman Capote was the ghostwriter for To Kill a Mockingbird. Enough said about Aviva.

Oh yeah, I’d forgotten about how, during the first reunion, it was brought up that Alex had posed nude and Ramona left the stage. (BTW, nice crotch shot as she was getting up – what a lady! I hadn’t noticed that before.) This was a seriously ridiculous moment. And it wasn’t even like she posed for Hustler or something. They were art photos. Ramona is bizarrely hypocritical.

Aww! Bethenny is getting all weepy and thanking Andy for the opportunity to influence other women.

Watch What Happens Live Special: Top 10 NYC Moments

Andy shows a “Housewives Playhouse” clip with Bill Hader, Amy Schumer & Judd Apatow reenacting the scene in Turks and Caicos where the Countess offers eggs a la Francaise as a cure all for everything. Judd is playing the Countess like she’s Al Bundy. I have the feeling he’s never seen the show. Bill Hader says he doesn’t even know who his character is, but is still better than Judd. Amy, of course, is admittedly the biggest Wives fan on the planet.

We’re treated to Sonja’s first caberlesque. She really is in amazing shape. We’re also shown clips of the Ramonacoaster and Sonja’s advice. There’s a Halloweave special that I don’t remember. How could I not remember this? Simon sings I’m Real, one of the many Housewives musical efforts, except he’s not a housewife and can’t carry a tune in a bushel basket. Not that it’s ever stopped anyone else.

The Countess singing is the number one moment? Really? Okay, maybe. It was certainly the most lively moment out of what we were given. I guess Andy picked these?

I wish Andy would have another New Year’s Eve party. Like the one and only he had where Giggy married Grandma Wrinkles. It was one of the best New Year’s Eves I ever had. And yes, I know how sad that sounds.

And, as always, we’re left with the eternal question…