Tag Archives: K-9 Yoda

September 15, 2023 – Tracy Meets Ex-Wife #3, An Idea, A Tease, Blairversary, A Return, InstaRoger, Friends, The Problem, Spiraling, VanderAwful, Kick-Off, The Other Holiday, Canine Takedown, Quotes Of 10 & Love


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

A woman walks into the MetroCourt, and goes to Tracy’s table. Tracy says, Blair Cramer from OLTL, what a pleasure to meet you. They shake hands, and Tracy thanks Blair for joining her. She so much prefers doing business in person. Blair says, as do I. And this evening’s business is claiming what’s hers. Coming in with Lucy, Martin sees Blair and says, God, not her.

Esme tells Alexis that she has a call scheduled with the board at 5:30 and after that, she’s free. Alexis thanks her, and Esme says she just sent Alexis the cutest picture of Ace. She leaves, and Alexis looks at a photo of Spencer and Ace in the pool on her phone. She leaves a message for Gregory,  telling him that she’s going to be in the office for another hour, so stop by or call if he needs her. Spencer walks in and says he needs her. Does she have time for a fellow Cassadine?

Trina walks into an unorganized dorm room and says, Josslyn has made so much progress with moving in. Josslyn apologizes and says she had every intention of unpacking. It’s just that Dex came over, and they got a little distracted. Trina asks, how distracted?

Carly walks in to find Ava in her living room and asks what she’s doing here. Ava says she dropped Avery off; she’s upstairs with Donna and Pilar. Carly says, Avery’s welcome any time, but she didn’t have her on the schedule for tonight. Ava says she hopes it’s okay for her to stay. She has a late dinner with clients, collectors. She couldn’t say no. Carly says she has a hard time believing Ava, of all people, has a hard time saying no. So give it up. What has she done this time?

Austin goes into the unfamiliar house, and Nikolas says he’s just in time. Austin says, just in time for what? and Nikolas tells him, to say goodbye.

Anna and Valentin are seated on the MetroCourt terrace, and Trish gives them menus. She hands Anna an envelope and says, Detective Falconari left this for her. Anna opens it and sees a passenger manifest for flight 15303 with Pikeman’s heading. Valentin’s name is circled.

Tracy says, what Blair means is, what was hers is now Tracy’s, because she paid dearly for it. Blair says, yes, Tracy did, but she’s still due her final deal point, and Tracy says, it will come soon enough. Blair says, it better, because her ex is bleeding her dry, and the sooner he remarries, the better. Tracy says, as soon as Deception is hers, Lucy Coe will be flat broke. She’ll be hounding Blair’s ex relentlessly until he makes her Mrs. Martin Grey. Blair says, that works for her.

Martin tries to dash out, but Lucy says, they have to eat something. He says, there’s a swell table with their names on it over at the PC Grill, but she says, no. Is it because of Tracy? She is not afraid of Tracy Quartermaine. Never have been; never will be.

Alexis says she always has time for Spencer, kissing him on the cheek. What’s he got there? He says, this is his future, handing her some papers. It’s been over six months since his father disappeared, and as expected, the Cassadine attorneys have been in touch. She says, and full control of the Cassadine estate goes to the heir, and that would be him. He says, that’s right. They want to get the ball rolling. They want to give him full control. Quite frankly, he doesn’t understand what any of this legalese means, but he was hoping she’d be able to translate. She says she can translate. Come with her; they’ll see what’s what. She goes to her desk, and Spencer sits down.

Trina says, Josslyn and Dex are too much. Josslyn was never like this with Cam. Josslyn says, that was a different relationship, and Trina says, it seems they can’t keep their hands off one another. Josslyn says she knows, and Trina asks if they were always like this, but Josslyn says, not always. She thinks she was attracted to him from the beginning, even though she didn’t want to admit it. Now they’re together, and the more time they spend together, the better everything else is. Trina says she has to ask. Was Josslyn nervous the first time she was with Dex? Josslyn wonders why she’s asking.

Ava says she doesn’t know what Carly is talking about. She’s done nothing. Carly says, she did something that handed Austin and his cousin leverage over her, and Ava says, Carly thinks just because she’s asking her to watch Avery, there’s some nefarious connection to Austin and the creep? Carly says, this is the second time Ava has dropped Avery off unexpectedly, and Ava asks if Carly would prefer she took Avery and left. Carly says, this has nothing to do with Avery, and Ava knows it. Whatever’s going on, Ava’s in it up to her neck, and it’s something only Sonny can get her out of, so what is it? Carly just came back from Pentenville, visiting Drew. She and Sonny went there to ask for his help. Sonny wants him to find out who Ava’s friend Austin visited while he was there. Ava says, Austin did what?

Austin says, Ava is going to be so happy to find out Nikolas is alive when he gets back to Port Charles, but Nikolas says he’s not going to Port Charles. Austin asks what he means, and Nikolas says he can’t go back to Port Charles or let anyone know he’s alive before he ties up some loose ends. Austin asks, where are his loose ends if they’re not in Port Charles? Nikolas says, in Europe. He leaves in a few hours.

Valentin asks if Anna is getting notes from other men. Should he be jealous? She says, it’s more than a note, and he says he’s intrigued. What does Dante have to say? She tells him, read it for himself, handing him the manifest, and says, is it true?

Blair tells Tracy that she’ll always have a soft spot in her heart for Marty, but having to pay him 50 grand a month in alimony is really putting a crimp in her budget. On top of it, her youngest is in college, and her Jack – Jack is her problem child – Jack’s problems only seem to be solved with money. Tracy says, adorable. Rest assured, she has everything under control. Blair says she’s sure Tracy does. So how did it go in court? Tracy says she was a little concerned at first. Intellectual property theft can be difficult to prove, but luckily Blair gave her enough information for the lawyer, and everything went according to plan. And that tidbit about The Deceptor is exactly what she needed to get the judge to look at the case. Blair says, great. She hopes Tracy knows she’s just doing all this to help right a wrong. It’s not really about the money. An injustice was done here. People can’t just steal people’s ideas and make a profit from it. It’s about the people who get cheated out of their piece of the pie and Deception is one huge pie. Tracy says, so her intentions are completely altruistic. She’s doing this for the little people. Blair says, okay. Her motivation might be a little bit selfish, but that’s because The Deceptor was her idea in the first place. She just never got around to finishing it. Knowing her ex the way she does, she knows he’ll do anything to get what he wants. And in this case, it’s Lucy. Mouthy Marty couldn’t help himself. He had to share her design idea just to win her over. Tracy says she wouldn’t call Lucy a win.

Lucy asks Martin, who is that blond bobbed person with Tracy over there? She thinks she’s seen her before. Martin says, this is all sort of a big so what. Is she sure she wouldn’t change her mind about heading over to the Grill? He would surely love some of their crab cakes. She says, no, but she thinks she knows why he wants to leave. It’s because of that horrible, nasty Tracy. It’s enough to make you lose your appetite. But that’s okay; they’re not budging. They’re going to stick around. They’re staying. He says, in that case, he’s going to need a shot of something. Present company and all, he thinks they should just remain calm and order a couple of drinks.

Alexis goes through the paperwork, and tells Spencer, this is a really complicated document. She’s going to need some time with this, so what she’ll do is square things away. She’ll give him some instruction, and then get it back to him by tomorrow night. Is that going to work for him? He says, yes, and she says, he was smart to bring it to her first. He says he appreciates it, and she says she’s happy to do it actually, because… He says he knows. He’s not just talking about the legal document. She’s family and he’s very grateful for her. She says she’s so grateful for him. And for better or worse – and worse when it comes to the Cassadines – they’re family and they have an unbreakable bond. He says, except not where his father is concerned. He pretended to be dead. All of these years, he thought his father had sunk as far as he could, but then he disappeared and abandoned his brother. How does someone walk out on a baby? (Wow. Spencer is seriously out of touch with the world.) She says, his father had no frame of reference when it came to being a father. His own father was a horrible role model. She’s not making excuses for him, but she has a soft spot for him because he’s damaged, and it wasn’t his fault. There is no justification for a parent walking out on their child – never – but she can say with certainty that he loved Spencer. Spencer says, he has an odd way of showing it, but he is glad he has her. She says she’s always here for him, and he says, on that note, he has one more favor he’d like to ask her. She says, okay, as Esme approaches the door, and Spencer says, this one’s about Ace. Esme ducks back.

Austin asks what the hell Nikolas is talking about. He can’t go to Europe. He needs a passport. He needs money. Where did he get these clothes? Nikolas says he has multiple accounts and aliases, and Austin says, of course (🍷) he does. How could he not know that? Nikolas says, it’s just a simple matter of accessing them, and Austin asks, what’s in Europe? Nikolas says, many glorious things, but most important, his mother. She’s there trying to track him down. Austin says, so he’s going to meet his mother, but Nikolas says he has no intention of seeing her. He just needs her to know he’s alive. (So… he doesn’t have a phone?)

Valentin says he’s not going to lie. He hasn’t been totally transparent with Anna. She says she thinks that’s putting it mildly. After he left for Russia, it’s just been one truth after the other surfacing. She finds out he used to work for Pikeman… He says he never worked for them directly. He was an independent contractor. She says, semantics. She just feels that each new layer that gets peeled back, she gets to see who he really is. Like maybe she never knew him. He says he loves her. That’s all she ever needs to know. She says, is it? He’s not answering her question. Is that true? She points to the manifest, and he says, yes. Unfortunately, it is true. The night of the fire, Pikeman summoned him to a meeting in New York; they flew him to Manhattan. She says, that’s not much of a confession; that’s what it says in Dante’s note. He asks what more she wants, and she asks, what the hell was so urgent that he had to fly to New York City in the middle of the night? He says, Pikeman was concerned about Sonny; they still are. They wanted to consult with him. She asks why he lies to her.

Blair says, obviously her motivation in all of this is to stop funding Marty’s lavish lifestyle, and Tracy says, she’s made that abundantly clear. Blair says, 50 grand a month in alimony buys a lot of hummingbird cake, and Tracy says, yes, and she can only imagine what he spends wooing the floozy. Blair says, the gravy train has left the station. Is Tracy sure the judge can keep The Deceptor sales frozen? Tracy says, absolutely, and while they are frozen, Deception’s stock price is plummeting. The company will be essentially worthless by the time Lucy Coe and company see their day in court. Blair says, speaking of court, tell her how it went with Jackson, and Tracy says, great recommendation. Thank you. He did an impeccable job. Blair says, not only is he a very talented lawyer, he’s pretty irresistibly handsome to look at, doesn’t she think? Tracy says she hadn’t noticed, and Blair says she has to be incredibly focused on bringing Lucy Coe down not to notice that. Tracy is out for blood. Tracy says she doesn’t need blood. It’s the piece of her family’s company that she wants from Lucy. She has been using it to ruin her family’s lives for years. And Tracy won’t stop until she gets it.

Martin asks if Lucy doesn’t think the GH softball team is doing suspiciously well. Far be it for him to cast aspersions on the medical profession, but could they be cheating? Lucy says, maybe. Maybe that wouldn’t surprise her at all, because those Quartermaines have their grubby little paws in every aspect of the hospital, and the biggest cheaters are Tracy and her spy granddaughter Brook Lynn. She really did steal confidential and privileged information about The Deceptor. Shame on her. Martin looks so guilty, I laugh.

Josslyn asks if everything is okay with Trina and Spencer, and Trina says, they’re better than ever. It’s just with Curtis and school and the gallery, they hardly see one another. They’re never alone. The last time was the Haunted Star. Trina flashes back to kissing Spencer on the boat and saying, this could be their only chance to be this close again. She tells Josslyn, since then, it’s just been one thing after another. She just wants it to be about her and Spencer, but ever since Greenland, it just hasn’t been right. Josslyn says she’s sure it doesn’t help he’s living with Esme, and Trina says, no, it doesn’t, but she thinks Spencer found a way around that.

As Esme listens outside the door, Alexis asks what Spencer needs for Ace, and he says he and Trina are going to go to New York for a little weekend getaway. Alexis says, that sounds fun, and he says, it will be. He hopes she wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on Esme, and Ace.

Austin says he doesn’t understand this. Why would Nikolas insist on playing dead? Wait a second. He wants his mother to know he’s alive, but he doesn’t want to see her, and in the meantime, Ava is losing her mind thinking she killed him. Nikolas asks why he’s so worried about Ava, and Austin says he has a problem with people feeling guilty for killing people who clearly aren’t really dead. Nikolas says, Ava’s not someone who’s prone to guilt. Austin doesn’t know Ava like he does.

Carly tells Ava, when she was visiting Drew in Pentenville, Austin came in carrying his doctor bag, and she just assumed he was there for a medical reason. Ava asks, what makes her think he wasn’t? and Carly says, because he was actually there to deliver information to his boss, the same information that he stole from Sonny. Ava says, that’s a lot of speculation, even for Carly, but Carly says, they’re way past that. Sonny came to her and Drew for help. Her helping Sonny means she’s helping Ava.

Anna asks why Valentin had to go to New York City. He has a Pikeman contact here in Port Charles. Why didn’t he take a meeting here? Or use the phone? He says, Pikeman didn’t want to risk him being seen with a contact. It was safer to take the meeting outside of the city. Plus, Pikeman and the Sonny deal are fraught subjects for them, so he chose to lie about it. She says, fraught subjects? That’s a little clinical, isn’t it? She’s talking about them, their relationship. She thought maybe they were being honest with each other. He says he’s being honest with her now, and she says, because she’s making him. Would he have ever told her about the Pikeman connection on his own? What else is he keeping from her? He says he loves her. Please don’t do this. She says, he can’t keep saying that because it’s not actually an explanation. Just because he says he loves her, she’s supposed to accept everything that’s going on? That’s not how she felt when Dante told her that he just blatantly lied. She gets up, and he follows, saying, he lied to her because he wanted to keep the relationship with Pikeman separate from her. She asks how that’s working out. She was actually delivering a message from him to Sonny here at the pool when somebody decided to take a shot at her. Or Sonny, or both of them. He says he should never have involved her. He should never have asked her to deliver that message. He’s sorry. That was a mistake. She says, how many more lies and mistakes does he have to tell her about? Has he lied about anything else?

Blair asks why Tracy hates Lucy Coe so much, and Tracy says, because she’s a cockroach that her family has been unable to get rid of since she sunk her claws into Tracy’s brother. Lucy has a crucial 1% of voting rights of her family company. But all of that is about to come to an end, because once she has control of Deception, Lucy Coe will no longer be an issue. Blair says, Tracy has such a distaste for business. She remembers Tracy saying she hoped she never had to utter the letter ELQ again. Tracy says, the things some people remember. Well, it’s not all about her. Don’t get her wrong, she does so enjoy putting the screws to Lucy Coe for all of the chaos Lucy wreaked upon her family. Blair says, now she’s really curious. What did she do besides marry Tracy’s brother? Tracy says, she helped install Valentin Cassadine as CEO of ELQ, but there are other family dynamics at play now, and Blair says, such as?

Martin tells Lucy, maybe it’s much ado about nothing. Maybe the lawsuit won’t hold up in court. She says she wishes that were true, but she really thinks it will. She really thinks this lawsuit has traction, and the person she’s blaming the most is Brook. How could she do it to them? How could Brook steal all the ideas she had to come up with The Deceptor? It’s so galling that they’re making it sound like it wasn’t her idea, when it was, and yes, with a few helpful hints from him. He says, no, no, stop. He’s told her once. He’s told her a thousand times. He had nothing to do with The Deceptor. She says she told him a thousand times, he has to stop. He was right there. They both came up with the idea. He says, they’ll have to agree to disagree. That’s not how he remembers it. Things are complicated enough as they are. There’s no reason to drag him into it. She says, so he’s forgetting their pillow talk. Okay. She came up with the product, but because he suggested it. She never would have come up with the idea for The Deceptor if it wasn’t for him.

Josslyn asks if Spencer is moving out of Laura’s condo and getting his own place, and Trina says she wishes, but Spencer can’t get his own apartment yet. Josslyn asks if they’ve talked about it, and Trina says, it’s come up before, but Spencer can’t leave because of Ace and she totally gets that. He still doesn’t trust Esme. Josslyn says, can she blame him? and Trina says, no, not at all. She gets it. He needs to be there for his brother. That actually makes her like him even more. She loves that he’s there for Ace and puts him first. Josslyn says, it doesn’t bother Trina that the baby’s getting more attention than her? and Trina says she’ll be getting plenty of attention this weekend on their trip. Josslyn says, trip? Explain. Trina says, it’s only a few days. He’s taking her to Manhattan. Josslyn says, traveling together is a huge step, and Trina says she knows. It’ll be their first time alone together, completely away from everybody. Josslyn asks if she’s ready for that, but Trina says, it’s not like she’s rushing into it. They’re both adults, and they’re committed to each other. Josslyn says, of course (🍷), totally. It’s just that sex takes things to a new level. She just wants to make sure Trina’s thought about it. Trina says she’s done nothing but think about it.

While Esme continues to listen, Alexis tells Spencer that she has been keeping an eye on Esme and Ace. She seems to be doing well with him, and reasonably well as a receptionist. Aside from the obvious, why does he think she needs to be supervised? He says, they all know the new and improved Esme, the one who surfaced after claiming she had no memory of anything that happened before she washed up on the Haunted Star. But let’s not forget all of the awful things she did before that. (I’m not saying Esme wasn’t awful, but typical that the man carries zero blame. No offense, but truth.) Alexis says she won’t, but whether she’s faking her memory loss or not, he has to admit, Esme’s good with Ace. He says, she is, but she’s attempted to run away before, and with his grandmother and Doc out of the country looking for his father, he would just feel a lot better knowing Ace was safe. Esme drops the papers she’s holding, and says, uh-oh, acting like she just got there. She tells Alexis, sorry, she forgot to give her this payroll.

Austin says, if anyone is unknown to him, it’s Nikolas. He treated Nikolas as a patient for month. He nursed Nikolas back to health, and he had this agenda. He never even mentioned it. Nikolas says, Austin didn’t save him out of the goodness of his heart; they both know that. Austin says, eh, and Nikolas says, as for his agenda, it’s simple. The Cassadine estate is controlled by a trust. If the current owner of the estate, which happens to be him, disappears for six months, they’re presumed dead and control of the estate automatically passes to the heir. Austin says, who happens to be his son, and Nikolas says, Spencer. Austin says, Nikolas doesn’t like the way the Cassadines arranged things, and Nikolas says he wants to stop it. Austin says he doesn’t blame him, and Nikolas says, the only way to keep Spencer from controlling all of his money and resources is if proof comes to light that he’s still alive.

Valentin says he knows he’s given Anna reason to doubt him, but no, he’s not keeping any secrets from her. She says she’s curious. What pulled him into working for Pikeman in the first place? He says, greed, and he was younger then. He had nothing to lose, but not now. Now he has far too much to lose. Pikeman is very powerful, and they have a lot of memory. It’s just easier to cooperate and keep them as an ally. He doesn’t want to have them as an enemy. She asks if there’s any differentiation between those two things in a business like that, and he says, this is his problem. He wants her as far away from them as possible. She says, how can she be? She’s right here. She sigh/groans, and he asks if she’s okay. She asks if they can’t go up to the suite again, and he says, she doesn’t want dinner? She says, they’ll get room service, and goes to the table, picking up the itinerary.

Carly asks if Ava isn’t curious why the FBI arrested Sonny, but Ava says she was just relieved when the charges were dropped. Carly says, she never asked him the reason why? and Ava says, nope. Carly says, it’s because he left false information for Betty to find. Then Betty took it to Austin, who took it to his boss in Pentenville, whoever that is. Which means Austin and Mason’s boss has ties to the FBI. Ava says she doesn’t know why Carly is telling her all this. It’s got nothing to do with her. Carly says, that’s bull and Ava knows it, and Ava says, why doesn’t she let it rest? Carly says she thinks Ava did something, and Mason and Austin found out about it. And they’re threatening to take it to their boss, who could take it to the FBI.

Austin asks why Nikolas doesn’t go to Port Charles after. When he cleans up all of his loose ends and takes care of his money, why doesn’t he go then? Nikolas says, because his son Spencer hates him, and Austin says, his son has a pretty good reason to from what he understands. The way Ava’s explained it to him, this isn’t the first time Nikolas has pretended to be dead, which is like a weird habit with him. Who does that? How could he do that to his own son? Nikolas says, Austin doesn’t know what’s gone on in his family, and he doesn’t need to justify his actions to him. He knows for a fact that once Spencer gets control of the money and the Cassadine estate, he isn’t likely to ever give it back to him. Austin says, can you blame him? It’s an awful lot of money. Nikolas says, more than Austin realizes. The last thing he wants to do is open this up to a long, ugly court battle, because that’s exactly where it will end up. It’s better to stop the process before it starts. Austin says, Nikolas doesn’t think much of his son, does he?

Tracy says, Blair didn’t come all this way to hear about the dysfunctional Quartermaines, did she? and Blair says, they couldn’t be any worse than her family. Tracy says, could be. Does she use the words greedy, unscrupulous, and vindictive to describe her family? Blair says, that and more. She wouldn’t even know where to begin with their saga. Let’s just say, the Borgias have nothing on us. Tracy says, okay, then they’ll call it a draw. They both have dysfunctional families. Can they just get back to the business at hand? Blair says, so there’s more to it than Tracy getting her ELQ voting rights back.

Alexis thanks Esme, and says, the payroll wouldn’t have gone out in time, and she’d have a lot of staff members breathing down her neck. Esme says, sorry she forgot about it earlier, but if she gets it to accounting now, it’ll make it before the deadline. Alexis thanks her, and says she appreciates it – she signs the papers and hands them to Esme – and so will the staff when their direct deposits get in at the end of the week. Esme says, better get it to accounting, and leaves. Spencer looks at Alexis, no doubt wondering if Esme heard them.

Josslyn says she has to ask. Trina’s not feeling any pressure from Spencer about this, correct? Trina says, no. She’s not feeling any pressure from Spencer. Josslyn says, good, and she shouldn’t ever, and Trina says she’s just so happy and excited to be planning a weekend away, just the two of them. Josslyn says, a whole weekend in New York? It’s going to be perfect. Trina says, at first, he wanted to go to Turks and Caicos, and Josslyn says, the Caribbean? Isn’t it hurricane season or something? Trina says, that’s what she told him, and Josslyn asks how they settled on New York. Trina says, first, they were going to stop in New York, then go on to Turks and Caicos, but with school starting and her working at the gallery, she just didn’t want to be away for that long. So Manhattan was a compromise. Josslyn says, it was a good compromise, and Trina says, he wants to take her to a Broadway show, and then they’re going to have dinner at this hot, new restaurant. Josslyn asks if they’re going to have time for any other activities, and Trina says, oh yeah. They’re staying at this hotel that has a heated pool on the rooftop. Josslyn says she bets Trina’s more excited to see the hotel room than the heated pool, and Trina says, it is going to be their first time together.

Lucy says, Martin is right. They should have gone to the Grill. She’s not staying in the same room with Tracy Quartermaine, who is trying to take everything she’s worked so hard for. She’s going to freshen up, and she’ll meet him in the lobby. She leaves, and he takes out his wallet, looking around nervously.

Tracy says, actually, she never does anything for just one reason (a multitasker!), and Blair says she doesn’t see Tracy as a checkers kind of gal. She’s more of a strategic 3D chess player. Tracy says, actually, backgammon is her game, and Blair says, noted. Tracy says, but this is not a game. This is business. She learned a lot from her father, and maybe the most important lesson he taught her is that opportunities are not given, they’re made. And once they’re made, you have to take full advantage of it. She gets up, shakes hands with Blair, and says, a pleasure. She leaves, and Blair sees Martin. She walks over to his table, and puts her hand on his shoulder from behind, startling him. She bends down and whispers, hello, sweetheart, kissing his cheek.

Ava tells Carly, let her be clear about something. What Sonny is doing right now, he’s doing for Avery’s sake. Carly says she knows that. Sonny would do anything for his family. Ava says, because the situation is fraught (WOTD), she would like Avery to stay here with Carly and Donna for a while. Carly says, for how long? and Ava says, a week maybe? She doesn’t know exactly. Is that acceptable to Carly? Carly says, of course (🍷). Avery can stay here as long as she needs. Ava thanks her, and says she appreciates that. She heads for the door, and Carly says, this is also for Avery’s sake. Whatever she has going on with Austin, he’s keeping information from her. Do not trust him. Ava says nothing, and walks out, taking a pause when she gets outside.

Nikolas says, his son is a Cassadine, and Austin says, meaning? Nikolas says, he expects Spencer wouldn’t act any differently toward him than he would toward someone standing in his way. That’s enough to make sure Spencer never has power over him. Austin says, that’s an interesting family dynamic, when Nikolas’s phone dings. Nikolas says his car has just arrived, and Austin says, so he can’t talk Nikolas into changing his mind? Nikolas says, no, and thanks Austin again for all of his help. Austin asks where he’s going, and Nikolas says, it’s time for a family reunion, and leaves.

Spencer thanks Alexis again, not only for her legal advice, but for her support in checking on Esme when he and Trina are away. She says, they’re family. That’s what they do for each other. Just a thought, but Esme is family too, so if he could trust her first, maybe she could be more trustworthy. Spencer says, that would be difficult, and Alexis says, he has to admit, she cares about that little boy. He says he feels the same way about Ace that Esme does (highly doubtful, but okay), and she says, good. They have that in common. Let love for that little boy be the thing that brings them together, rather than the thing that tears them apart. Just a thought again. Let’s go. They walk out of the office, and Esme dashes into it. What happened to Alexis’s 5:30 call?

Josslyn says, Trina and Spencer have had their ups and downs. Trina trusts him. Trina says she does trust him, and she believes this is right. It feels like the right thing to be doing. Josslyn hugs Trina and says she’s so happy for her. She’s so happy for Spencer too. Trina says, that means a lot to her. She knows Josslyn and Spencer have had their differences. When Josslyn broke up with Cam… Josslyn says she forgives him. She gives him grief, but she knows he’s a good guy. Trina says she thinks so too, and Josslyn says, and Trina is the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Don’t you forget it. Trina hugs Josslyn.

Valentin says, Anna isn’t feeling well. Let him get her something. She says, it’s okay. She’s just feeling a little pain. Maybe if she lies down… She opens the door, and they see the room has been tossed. There are streaks of red on various white things to make it look like blood, and they draw their guns. Anna goes in the back, and Valentin picks up a red streaked white shirt and says, ink. What the hell? Anna turns on the light in the bathroom and checks the shower stall. It’s empty, and she turns around. In red on the mirror, it says: You think you got away with it. You didn’t. You think you’re safe. You’re not.

On Monday, Chase tells Brook, it’s too late for that; Valentin tells Anna, it’s not a coincidence and he’s not taking any chances; Lucy wants to replace Brook as soon as possible; Blair says, it’s going to cost Martin big time; and Stella tells Marshall, it will be the death of him.

💭 It would be beyond awesome if somehow Austin hooked up with Blair. Good times…

🩺 Ditched After Saving the Day…

Obrecht was the hero of the day for saving Willow and Drew a hero for saving her, but then nothing. Not even in the background. Some thanks.

🎉 Fanning Blair…

Hopefully, she sticks around Port Charles.

☎️ Old Home Week…

Brook could use her mother right about now.


🥁 Joining the Social Bandwagon…

His first post is a pic of him and Jeff Kober. He’s definitely got my follow.

Not a Surprise…

Why wouldn’t two grifters come together?


🤼‍♀️ Not Part Of the Solution…

I think it’s just Teresa ruining RHONJ. And they shouldn’t bother rebooting it. We already have The Jersey Shore.

🍹 She Did Get Loud…

In retrospect, I was pretty surprised when Taylor got a little out of control.


🍸 Rules of Awful…

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

To be fair.

🎃 Let the Celebration Begin…

Those who can’t do, watch. I love these shows. It’s absolutely amazing what they create.


🦃 From Fake To Film…

Eli Roth finally did it. He’s been talking about this forever. I can’t wait.


🐕‍🦺 Good Boy…

I was keeping an eye on this story since I have friends in the area. No surprise a dog ultimately brought him down.


📢 Quotes of the Week

Short cuts make long delays. – J.R.R. Tolkien

The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.B.F. Skinner

You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. – Carl Jung

Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power. – Clint Eastwood (This was before he started talking to empty chairs.)

There are no regrets in life. Just lessons. – Jennifer Aniston

Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost. – Robert H. Schuller

How about not assume? How about giving the benefit of the doubt? Nothing is ever as it seems. – Jenna Lyons, The Real Housewives of New York City

I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse. – Florence Nightingale

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. – Albert Einstein

Those aren’t glasses; they’re aquariums with stems. – Molly (Melissa McCarthy), Mike & Molly

🛌🏽 Wake Me Up When…

Come join me on Monday really Tuesday for soap and TV tea. Until then, stay safe, stay aware of how your behavior impacts others, and stay taking full advantage of the opportunities you make.