Tag Archives: Kyle Chrisley

April 9, 2021 – Jason Has Two Visitors, Heather Versus Leah, Shah Sentence, Lu’s Solution, Jill Pivots, Shame On Shamers, Chrisley Who, Holly Begs To Differ, Another One, Enough Quotes For an Octopus & In Here


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Nikolas and Ava sit at a table in the MetroCourt, and Ava says, it’s vintage Ryan. The creepy gifts, the cryptic notes. Nikolas says Doc told her that Ryan’s condition hasn’t changed; he can only communicate with his eyes. She says, if it isn’t Ryan, it’s someone who wants to emulate him. That doesn’t make her feel any better. She asks why Nikolas keeps looking at the door. Is he expecting somebody? He says, his mother’s brother, and she says she knows he wants to keep Alexis safe in Pentenville, but she’s warning him not to get involved with Cyrus. He says, not Cyrus. His mother’s other brother, Martin Grey. Ava says, whatever. If Laura knew what he was planning, she’d agree with Ava, and say, no way in hell.

Laura opens the door to Scotty, and asks what brought him by. He says, things have been going crazy in his head; he needs a reality check. She asks, what happened? and he says, Jason Morgan didn’t kill my son Franco; Peter August did.

Anna asks Valentin, how’s Brook Lyn? No adverse effects from the fall? He tells Anna, she says she’s fine, and Anna says, okay, and him? He says he’s fine. He was just thinking how ironic it is, you bring a life into the world, and because of that, a huge chunk of you becomes your biggest vulnerability, walking the world, becoming the target of threats, real or imagined. She asks if he’s talking about Peter, and he says he gets it. Peter needs to be locked up. It’s the only way to keep him safe from himself. The only way to keep any of them safe; Anna, him, Maxie, the baby. They’re the ones who’ve enabled him all these years. She says, it’s up to them to stop him, and the doorbell rings. Anna opens the door to Peter, who says he hopes he hasn’t come at a bad time. He wanted to talk to her about Maxie. Valentin joins Anna, and Peter says he apologizes for his abruptness at the hospital. He never congratulated Valentin on becoming a father again. He hopes Valentin has more luck with the baby than Valentin had with him.

At the hospital, Josslyn lies on a bed in the ER, and Jax asks Elizabeth if she’s sure the ankle isn’t broken. She says, according to the X-rays, it’s just a bad sprain. Josslyn says she told him, and he says, it’s nice to be wrong, for once. Elizabeth says she bets his heart skipped a beat when he heard she got injured at volleyball practice, and he says he almost got a speeding ticket coming to pick her up. Josslyn says she’d be flattered if she didn’t know he speeds all the time. Elizabeth says she’ll talk to the doctor, and see when Josslyn can go home. She leaves, and Jax asks, so what happened exactly? The coach told him that Josslyn went for every point like it was her last. Like she had something to prove. She says, because she does. Southern Coastal University waitlisted her. She has to prove she belongs there.

Chase and Gregory are seated at an Italian restaurant, and Gregory tells the waiter, they have two more coming. We know it’s an Italian restaurant because of the red and white checkered table clothes, the giant fork and spoon hanging on the wall, and the standard Italian music playing in the background. I’m surprised the waiter doesn’t look like the guy on the pizza box. Chase says, having second thoughts, dad? and Gregory says, if Chase can still call him dad, he supposes he can sit down with Jackie and Finn. Jackie comes in and says, good; they didn’t start.

At the phone at the hospital, Finn says he’ll tell grandpa that Violet said hello… and Jackie… and Uncle Chase. Okay, no more stalling. It’s time to go to bed. He tells her that he loves her. Elizabeth is at the reception desk, and he says, please tell him it gets easier. She says, just wait until Violet is old enough to criticize everything he does, and he asks which one is causing problems now. She says, Cameron. He thinks she’s being disloyal to Franco’s memory. Finn says, he’s just hurt. He couldn’t be more wrong. She says, Cameron is convinced that Jason killed Franco. He says, and she has doubts?

Jason sits down for a visit with Carly behind glass, and she asks if he’s all right. Are any of Cyrus’s men harassing him? He says he’s fine, and she says, which tells her nothing. He says he’s good. He can protect himself for as long as he needs to. She says, for how long? Weeks? Months? You’d think she’d know the drill, being married to Sonny. She says she’s being pressured from all sides; Cyrus, the Five Families artichoke hearts, and now, Peter August. He says, Peter’s giving her trouble? and she says, that’s what she’s trying to tell him. She needs him. So she’s getting him out of there. Whatever it takes.

Jason says, they talked about this, and Carly doesn’t make a move without him. She says, that was before he went to prison, and he says, it’s just until trial. She says, the case against him is getting stronger every day. Elizabeth, the grieving widow, insists he’s guilty, and their plan to get Gladys to recant her story is going nowhere. He asks how she thinks a plan to get him out is going to go any better. He gets it. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is wait, but for them right now, it’s the only way. She says, it’s his way. She knows he believes this, because he’s been to prison, but everything is different. Sonny is dead. He can’t call in a few favors. He can’t pressure a judge or the warden. They’re on their own.

Elizabeth tells Finn, her house feels like an armed camp with a tentative truce. Jake and Cameron are polite at dinner, then they just go to their own rooms. While Aiden just tries to keep the peace by making his brothers’ favorite desserts. He says, sounds like a house divided, and she says, for or against Jason. He says he’s sorry she’s going through that. He thinks he can relate just a little. He’s supposed to be going to this family dinner tonight, hosted by Chase. They’re supposed to be figuring things out; seeing what they’re family looks like going forward into the future. She asks, what does that look like? and he says he doesn’t know. He just knows that he has to do better. For Chase, and especially for Violet. Otherwise, he’ll just take the coward’s way out, and not go at all. She says, someone who faces down infectious diseases for a living, could never be a coward. He says, infectious diseases are easy. Families are hard. But he doesn’t have to tell her that, does he?

At the restaurant, Jackie thanks Gregory for taking her suggestion, and he says he thinks they should set some ground rules. He didn’t come here to rehash arguments or point fingers. He understands the marriage is over, even though it wasn’t his choice, but he loves his granddaughter, and wants Violet to have the family she deserves. Jackie says, so does she. She wants them to be more than a family in name only. That’s why it’s important they discuss the situation, and decide where they go from here. Chase says, there’s just one thing missing, and Gregory says, he guesses they’d better order.  

Nikolas says he told Ava, Cyrus promised to protect Alexis if he found Cyrus’s mother, but Ava says, Florence is safer away from her son. Has he forgotten what Cyrus did to her brother? Julian made a deal with Cyrus, and in the end, Cyrus forced Julian to do his bidding. Nikolas’s sister is in a coma because of Cyrus. Nikolas says, Cyrus will pay for his crimes – someday – but right now, if finding Florence guarantees Alexis’s safety, he’s willing to make a deal with the devil.

Laura says Scotty was so convinced Jason killed Franco. What changed his mind? He says he and Obrecht had a heart to heart talk, and she asks, since when does he rely on Obrecht’s judgement? He says, since… they ran into her in Switzerland, when he was there with Franco to see the doctor.  Like Elizabeth, Obrecht was convinced that Franco would not return to his former self. Laura says she also doubts Jason is guilty, but that’s not the same as relying on Obrecht’s opinion. Scotty says, it’s not just Obrecht’s opinion. It’s a fact that Peter was trying to kill Franco and Andre, because Franco might remember that Peter was the one who snatched Drew from the post in Afghanistan. She says she’s not a fan of Peter’s, but he prevented the assassination, and Scotty says, maybe he changed his mind, or was trying to make himself out to be a hero. He still put the article out about Franco’s tumor. She says, it wasn’t one of Peter’s finer moments; it made Franco a target, and Scotty says, if Dante hadn’t gotten in the way, Alexis would have killed his son. Instead, she almost killed Dante. So what happened? Peter finished the job. She says, and he’s going to let Jason pay for his crimes, and Scotty says, yeah; that’s what Peter does. It’s what he did to Obrecht. What he’s doing is looking for someone else to put on the hook, so he can get off the hook. She says she sees how it makes sense, but Obrecht isn’t a reliable source. There must be some compelling reason that Scotty suddenly trusts her.

Peter says he looks forward to his and Valentin’s children growing up together. Maybe they’ll be as close as he and Valentin once were, before lies got in the way. Anna asks what he wanted to say about Maxie, and he says, not so much Maxie as her former mother-in-law. Obrecht is spreading some vicious lie about him murdering Franco. They wouldn’t happen to have any idea where she got that from, would they?

Jax tells Josslyn, there must be a mistake. She’s at the top of her class, and was heavily recruited for academics and athletics. He’ll call the Dean of Administration and find out. She says, no; that’s so dad of him. Southern Coastal has the best volleyball program, and they have their pick of girls. She needs to try harder so they’ll choose her. Elizabeth comes in, and says the doctor wants to check Josslyn out one last time before she goes. Jax says he’ll be right back, and when he’s outside, he takes out his phone.     

Carly says she knows Elizabeth came to see Jason at the PCPD lock-up before he was transferred there, and Jason says, she brought Jake to say goodbye. She says, that’s great. Elizabeth never would have brought Jake to see him if she believed he killed Franco.  She must have doubts. He says he told Jake that he didn’t kill Franco, but he’s not going to convince Elizabeth; she’s entitled to her own opinion. Carly says, but she’s not entitled to punish an innocent man. They don’t have time to wait for Diane to prove Gladys is lying. They’re going to have to take Cyrus up on his offer. They’re going to have to give back Florence. Jason says, no. Then they have nothing. Does she think Cyrus is going to keep his word once he gets what he wants? Florence is the only leverage they have. Carly gets a text, and says, Josslyn is in the ER.

Valentin tells Peter, it’s too late to deny he’s a murderer; he already confessed. Peter says, it’s Valentin’s word against his. He supposes those playdates aren’t going to happen after all. They don’t have to be enemies. Peter pours himself a drink, and says, despite what Obrecht believes, he didn’t kill Franco. Anna says, he just expects them to believe that? and he says, for the sake of their children and loved ones, they should. He’s offering both of them a fresh start. It’s in both their best interests to accept. Anna says, that doesn’t sound like a peace offering. That sounds like a threat.

Scotty tells Laura, Obrecht loved Franco like a son. They were doing a lot of… grieving together. Why can’t she just believe him? She says she’d like to believe Obrecht is telling the truth, but she has two witnesses who say it was Jason, and one of them is the mother of Jason’s son. Scotty says he knows. He was convinced that Jason did it too. He  was the one who attacked Jason, going after him. He was going to choke him to death at the PCPD. She says Scotty made a lot of threats, and he says, he thought he was doing it for Franco, but now what he wants for his son is the truth and justice. He wants Peter in a courtroom, facing a judge and jury. He’s been a lawyer all of his life, and it’s about time he used the law in his favor.

Ava tells Nikolas, if he’s determined to help Alexis, don’t play by Cyrus’s rules. Ask Carly; what Jason knows, she knows. He asks if she thinks Carly is going to tell him. Jason may be in prison, but he’s still calling the shots, and Florence is the best leverage Jason has. The second Carly realizes Nikolas has an interest in Florence’s location, Carly will tell Jason, and he’ll move her to a new one. There’s only one way to find out what he needs to know. Martin approaches the table, and says, forgive him for being late; he was held up in court. He didn’t realize Nikolas’s lovely wife would be joining them. Nicolas says Ava was just leaving, when Ava gets a text, and says, yes; actually, she was. She leaves, and Nikolas thanks Martin for agreeing to meet. Martin says Nikolas strongly implied it was something important, and Nikolas asks, what could be more important than a man and his mother?

Chase says he didn’t think Finn would show, and Finn says, neither did he, but he realized Violet would be disappointed in him. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but when she’s older, she’ll wonder why he didn’t try to mend the rift in the family. Gregory lifts his coffee cup, and says, to the smartest person in the family – to Violet. They clink their cups, and Jackie says they’re off to a good start; they agree on something. Finn says, maybe they should quit while they’re ahead. If he goes now, he can be home in time to read Violet a bedtime story, but Jackie says he doesn’t get off that easy. Gregory asked them not to dredge up the past or assign blame, and she agrees with him.  They’ve all had a chance to express their feelings, so let’s move on from there. Chase says, feelings don’t just go away because you want them to. He’s trying to move on, but it’s not that easy. Gregory says, they’re all trying to move on, and as Chase said, it’s not easy, but they have to at least try. Jackie asks, where do they go from here? Will they be a family? Or do they tell one another, you go your way and I’ll go mine?

Carly tells Jason that Josslyn hurt her ankle at volleyball practice, and he says, go. She says she will, but they’re going to finish this. When he gets out of there, he can handle Cyrus any way he wants, but the first step is to get the charges dropped. He says, no deals, not with Cyrus, and she says she hates when he does this. He locks in, and he won’t change his mind. He tells her, go; Josslyn needs her. She says she’ll go, but she’ll be back. 

Nikolas tells Martin, he knows Martin’s last meeting with Laura was disappointing, and Martin says, try humiliating. They were moving toward becoming two sibling, until Cyrus crashed the party and ruined things. Nikolas says, Cyrus saw an opening to make himself look better by making Martin look worse, and Martin says, exactly. Nikolas understands what he’s up against. The more he tries to prove he’s not like Cyrus, the more Cyrus paints him to be as corrupt and immoral as he is. Nikolas says, it doesn’t have to be that way if he intercedes on Martin’s behalf. Martin asks why Nikolas would do that for him, and Nikolas says he’d be doing it for his mother. Family means everything to her. Martin says he knows the feeling, but not when it comes to Cyrus, and Nikolas says he bets Martin’s mother is someone whose happiness means everything to him. Martin says, more than he can ever say, and Nikolas says, from what he’s heard, if Cyrus had his way, he’d keep her to himself, and shut Martin out completely. Martin says, but that’s not going to happen, and Nikolas asks if he’s sure.   

Ava comes by Laura’s house, and says she was surprised to get Laura’s text. What’s up? Laura says she just wanted to check in. She heard Ava had quite a shock. Ava says Doc must have told Laura about the lovely gift she received at the gallery. Laura says, if it’s any comfort, Doc doesn’t believe Ryan was behind it. I’m not sure how that would be a comfort, since they know Ryan is a psychopath already, and it would be par for the course. She’d rather they wonder? Ava says she knows Doc does his best to be objective, but she’s not sure Doc sees Ryan for the awful person he is. She’s not falling for it. Sure, locked-in syndrome would present a problem, but Ryan is nothing if not creative. She’s sure he found a way to communicate with the guard. Blink three times if you want me to send Ava a disgusting, severed, phony hand. Anything is possible with Ryan. Laura says, for Ava’s sake, she hopes Ava is wrong, and Ava asks if that’s what Laura wanted to see her about. Laura says she wants to talk about Nikolas, and Ava says she hopes this isn’t the part where Laura doesn’t think it’s a good idea for them to renew their vows, but Laura says, not at all. When Ava and Nikolas first got married, it was for all the wrong reasons, but in watching them, she’s seen a change in them both. She thinks they’ve fallen in love for real. Ava says, for real, and Laura says, it’s great. That’s why she’s counting on Ava to help her stop Nikolas from making the biggest mistake of his life. Ava says, by getting involved with Cyrus?

Gregory says, before they think of how they’re going to move forward as a family, or even if they want to, he’d like to share a lesson he tried to teach his students. Finn says, not a lesson. Isn’t this bad enough? and Chase says he thought Gregory was all lessoned out when he retired, but Jackie says she’d like to hear it. Gregory thanks her, and says, everything worth knowing comes at a cost. After hearing their groans, maybe there’s a second lesson – you can’t erase you past as a family. His lectures at the dinner table made them cringe, but the fact is, they sat and listened anyway. The bedtime stories, and pancakes on Saturday morning, and all the other rituals of their childhood and growing up; he wouldn’t change it for the world. Finn says Gregory is more forgiving and generous than he deserves. Chase says he remembers another lesson from the dinner table – always take the high road. He’s trying to; he really is, but he doesn’t know if he can. Not after all the secrets and lies that brought them here tonight. Jackie says she thought they weren’t rehashing old feelings, but Finn says, they’re not old, are they? Maybe that’s the real lesson. They can get past everything except the past.

Peter says he’s offering Anna and Valentin an olive branch. Why would Anna interpret that as a threat? Valentin says Peter’s not all that subtle for one thing, and Anna says if Peter thinks he can walk out clean, there are other people believe he’s guilty; he knows that, right? Valentin says Peter needs to turn himself in and serve a sentence, so he can start down the road to redemption. If he stays on the road of whatever fairy tale he thinks this is, it will end bloody, at the hands of any of the countless people he’s screwed over. Peter says he offered them both a choice, and it seems they made it. Now they have to live with it. He leaves, and Valentin and Anna look at each other.

Elizabeth tells Josslyn that the doctor said she’s free to leave. He also said to take it easy with her ankle. That means no volleyball for the next one or two weeks. Josslyn says, but the state tournament is coming up. College scouts will be there. Elizabeth says she loves Josslyn’s dedication, but the surest way not to play in the tournament  is to aggravate that sprain. 

Carly runs into the hospital, and asks Jax, what happened? Is Josslyn okay? He says, she sprained her ankle in volleyball; it’s nothing serious, but he thought Carly would want to see her. Carly thanks him, and starts to go into the ER, but he says, Josslyn didn’t want to go to the hospital. She insisted it didn’t hurt, but he has the feeling she’s not as tough as she thinks she is. Carly asks what he’s talking about. Is something else going on?

Scotty visits Jason at the prison, and thoroughly cleans the phone before he speaks into it. I can’t say as I blame him, even on a good day. He says he’s not there to threaten Jason. For years he was afraid Jason would do Franco in, even though Franco turned his life around, and became a loving father and a good guy. He knew Jason didn’t care, and wanted to kill Franco anyway. He was convinced Jason did kill Franco, but now he has to admit, he knows Jason didn’t kill his son.

Laura tells Ava that Nikolas thinks he can protect Alexis by returning Florence to Cyrus. Ava says, Nikolas trusts that Cyrus will help Alexis in Pentenville, but she’s concerned it will open the door to Cyrus expecting more from him. Laura asks if Ava told him, and Ava says, yeah, of course (🍷). It didn’t get her anywhere. Nikolas is determined to protect his aunt, and doesn’t see that he’s likely doing the opposite. Because from now on, when Cyrus wants anything, he’ll just threaten Alexis, and pretty soon Nikolas will be under Cyrus’s thumb. Laura says, no. They can’t let that happen. How can they stop Nikolas from making this mistake?

Nikolas tells Martin that Cyrus threatened his aunt. Does Martin know her? Alexis Davis? Martin says, know her? he was her attorney for her drunk driving case, and again when she was arrested for assaulting Dante, before Diane got involved. For the record, he thinks Alexis made a mistake. She talked to him about pleading guilty, but he was shocked when she followed through with it. He was sorry to hear she got three years in Pentenville. Nikolas says, so was he, and Martin says he’s not sure what that has to do with Nikolas’s mother or his… Ah-ha. He sees. So he was right; Cyrus made Nikolas an offer. Let him guess; Alexis’s safety for their mother’s whereabouts. Nikolas says, Alexis is very important to him, and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. Martin says tell him that Nikolas didn’t agree to help Cyrus, and Nikolas tells him, let’s just say the man knows where he stands. And it’s in Cyrus’s best interest not to cross him, but the conversation got him thinking. There could be a workaround. A way to bring Martin and Laura together, and keep Florence far away from Cyrus.

Chase says, this was a mistake, and starts to get up, and Finn says, there’s no dishonor in that. Jackie says, please, and Gregory says he has one last remark, cringeworthy or not. He tells Chase, when his mom and Finn told him the truth that they slept together, and he found out Finn had fathered Chase, he admits he wallowed in self-pity for a while. But while he thought back on his life, and it was a good one. He looks at Jackie, and says, they had a great run, didn’t they? She says, damn right, and Gregory says, he’s not a victim. He raised two intelligent, capable men who make a significant contribution to society every day. He remembers lots of laughs, and lots of tears, with both of them, and the icing on the cake is his granddaughter. She was a gift he never expected, and he’ll never give up on her. Finn says, that’s good, because she’s not giving up on Gregory either, and Gregory asks that they not argue. They came there tonight to find a way forward as a family. He suggests they order dinner, make a few more toasts, and get on with trying. Where’s their waiter? Chase smiles.

Their waiter is meeting Peter underneath the restaurant. Peter says he sees the waiter got his message. Don’t worry. No one will find out. He’s just doing a favor for a friend, and in exchange, his problem with the parole officer will go away. He hands the waiter a vial, and tells him, make sure Dr. Hamilton Finn gets a taste of his own medicine.   

Carly comes in with Jax to see Josslyn, and Elizabeth says Josslyn will be fine, as long as she follows the doctor’s orders. She knows it’s tough, but Josslyn will have to let someone else be the star on the team for the next week or two. Josslyn says she’ll be rusty for the tournament. Carly says Josslyn’s dad said something else is going on, and Josslyn says she’s just frustrated. This is the worst possible time for this to happen. Not that it’s serious; she’ll still be able to practice though. Carly says they’ll discuss the pros and cons of that on the way home. She asks if she can talk to Elizabeth, and Elizabeth says, sure. They leave, and Jax asks why Josslyn didn’t tell her mom about being waitlisted.

Carly says she thought Elizabeth would want to know, when Jax called to tell her about Elizabeth, she was at Pentenville with Jason.

Scotty tells Jason, Obrecht told him that Peter shot Franco, but there’s no proof, and who’s going to believe Obrecht when they have Elizabeth and another eyewitness? Jason asks why Scotty is there to see him, and Scotty says, he’s there to honor his son. He was told Franco made a deal with Jason to kill him if he resorted back to his former self. Scotty knew Jason would do it, and promised Franco that no harm would come to Jason. Jason says, that’s not necessary, and Scotty says, it was to Franco. He knows Diane is top notch, but if there’s anything he can do for Jason, he’ll do it.

Laura tells Ava that she has a pretty good relationship with the Pentenville warden. She can intervene on Alexis’s behalf. Ava says, that’s the perfect solution, but Laura says, she can’t promise anything; all she can do is try. She’s asking Ava to keep reminding Nikolas that he can’t trust Cyrus. He loves Ava, and will listen to her. Ava thanks Laura for having faith in her, and Laura says she also has faith that Ava brings out the best in her son. Don’t ever let him give in to his dark side. Ava gives her word. She’ll see to it that Nikolas does the right thing.

Martin says he’d greatly appreciated Nikolas bringing Laura and him together, but his own mother is safe; he might say, thriving. Nikolas asks how he knows, and he says, because he enjoys one advantage over his brother. Their mother can actually tolerate his company. He was allowed to see her, and she’s happy. She’s having the time of her life. Nikolas says, really? and Martin says, oh yeah, but because of Cyrus, she had to be relocated, and for his own safety, he wasn’t told where. He won’t be able to see her again for a while to spoil her and bring her favorite treats. Nikolas asks if she has a sweet tooth, and Martin says, always has. Chocolate, pastries… He had to scour Vermont to find a hummingbird cake for her birthday. Cyrus never even thought about it. Nikolas says, of course (🍷); Cyrus only thinks about himself, and Martin says Nikolas’s mother is unique. If Nikolas would put in a good word for him, it would be most appreciated. Nikolas says, of course (🍷). He’s confident all this will work out.

Valentin asks if Anna spoke with Robin, and Anna says she did, but tried not to alarm her. He says he told the school not to let Peter near Charlotte, and got private security for Brook. There’s nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal. She says, Peter is definitely wounded. It’s just a matter of time. He says they can’t afford to wait any longer. 

The waiter that Peter met with asks if anyone wants dessert, but everyone is too full. Finn says, he’s good with coffee, and the waiter puts a cup in front of him. We assume the drug is in it.

Ava asks Nikolas how it went with Martin, and he asks if she knows where to find a hummingbird cake in Vermont. She asks what a hummingbird cake is, and he says it’s Florence’s favorite dessert. She asks why that’s important, and he says Martin ordered one for Florence’s birthday when he visited. He found a baker in Stowe from North Carolina, whose specialty is hummingbird cakes. She asks if he’s feeling okay, and he says, never better. He’s going to track down Florence, and he might even say, it will be a piece of cake. BA-DUM-CHH!   

Laura gets a delivery of flowers, and says Doc didn’t have to do that, but she loves him for it. She reads the card, and realizes they’re not from Doc. She reads, I miss you grandma, and can’t wait to see you at my graduation. Love, Spencer. She says, so sweet.

Josslyn tells Jax that her mom has a lot on her mind. If she tells Carly that she’s been waitlisted, Carly will go into overdrive, and try to fix it and make her feel better. He asks if that would be so bad, and she says she doesn’t want her mom to fix it. She wants to prove to Southern Coastal that she belongs there, both academically and athletically. And step one is getting back on the volleyball court

Carly tells Elizabeth that she appreciates Jake being taken to visit Jason. It gave Jason a chance to tell Jake he’s innocent, and Jake believes he’s innocent. Elizabeth tells her, stop there. She knows where this is going. Carly says she’s not going to ask Elizbeth to lie or cover for Jason, just think about that night and what she actually saw. If she comes to believe what her son believes, that Jason is innocent, then she needs to tell the police. 

Jason tells Scotty that he can do something for him; look out for Jake. Scotty says he will do that, but what about Peter? Jason says, Peter has been lucky a long time, covering his tracks, and blaming other people. His luck is about to run out.

Peter goes to Anna’s house, and she thanks him for coming back. He says, it sounded urgent, and she says, it is. They’ve reconsidered his offer. He says, sorry. The offer ended when he walked out; it’s too late. Valentin comes down the stairs, and says he couldn’t agree more. We see he’s holding a gun.

Finn almost drinks his coffee, but Chase asks if they remember when he was little, and they went to a restaurant with a lazy Susan on the table. Gregory says he thought it was a merry-go-round for food, and Jackie says, they all put their glasses on it, and spun it around just to make him happy. Chase thinks they should do it again for old times’ sake, and I wonder who thought this one up. They put their coffee cups on it, and spin them around. They each take a cup, and Gregory says, to the future, whatever it holds. They clink their cups and drink.  

On Monday, Maxie asks Britt if it’s weird to fist bump about this, Willow tells Michael that she can’t let go of her feelings for him, and Anna tells Peter that Valentin isn’t going to do anything to him, but she is.

🗽 Not More Comfortable the Second Time Around…

Apparently, there’s been a mini saga on RHONY regarding not-quite OG Heather.


Could they find a worse picture of Heather?


The plot thickens.

⚖️ Not What She Meant By Wanting a Stiff One…

She’s surpassed Teresa. Congratulations.


🛍 It’s Better Than a Bender…

Ice cream, shopping, it works for me.

😳 Lotsa Juice…

I’ll bet awkward doesn’t begin to cover it.

RHONJ’s Joe Giudice Talks “Awkward” Meeting With Teresa Giudice’s Boyfriend Luis Ruelas, Says Joe Gorga “Never Helped” His Parents, and Slams Him and Melissa Gorga as Fake, Plus Announces New Business Venture

👕 The Face of Adaption…

Pandemic or no, Jill has something to sell you.


🤰🏻 You’re Supposed To Get Fat…

While anyone who fat shames anyone should be ashamed themselves, fat shaming a pregnant woman is a new low.


🤷🏽 It’s Those People Again…

I’m still not sure why they’re famous.


🐇 Not Next Door Anymore…

Would you like some sour grapes with that whine?


I see no reason for Kendra to lie. It’s not like she’s ever held back before.


🥀 Another Legend Fallen…

Is it me? Or are there an inordinate amount of deaths overall so far this year?


🐳 Quotes of the Week

Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning… anyone can start over and make a new ending. – Chico Xavier

If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?Rumi

There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man [and woman] which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.Blaise Pascal

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. – George Addair

We need to be allowed to convince ourselves that we’re more than the mistakes we made yesterday. That we are all our next choices, too, all of our tomorrows. – Fredrik Backman

We’re a society that demands electricity 24/7. This is very difficult with sun and wind. – Vaclav Smil

Electricity is really just organized lightning. – George Carlin

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. – Chief Seattle (Once again, don’t step on any butterflies.)

🌛 The Sun Ain’t Up Quite Yet…

It’s the weekend, and time for me to switch gears until the Dead walk. Whether you’re in drive or stuck in neutral, stay safe, stay unrehearsed, and stay not making your olive branches sound like threats.