Tag Archives: Sonny and Cher

January 31, 2020 – Some Dust Settles in PC, Salt Lake Parties, VanderSuit, Bachelorette Breakdown, Freeing the Juice, an Engagement, More Mud, a Breakup, Close To a Dozen Quotes & Groundhog Tune


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


🌞  And we’re back.

General Hospital

At the warehouse, Carly asks if Jordan can get the ambulance there faster, and Gladys tries to comfort Brando. Jason has shown up, and Jordan asks if he can tell her what happened.

Josslyn is at the hospital, where Chase asks if she can retrace her steps for him. Josslyn says she went to the pier because she’d left her journal behind. That’s when she saw the shooter. Chase asks if he was headed for Sasha and Michael, and Josslyn says he was, but she thinks it was really Michael he wanted, and she had to warn him. If she hadn’t, the shooter would have killed him. Chase says Michael is lucky to have such a brave sister. She saved his life.

Michael arrives at Sonny’s, and asks a guard how everything is. The guard says, no sign of trouble, and Michael says Sonny is taking Mike back to Turning Woods. He wonders how things are at the warehouse, but the guard says Tony hasn’t checked in. Michael says he hasn’t heard from his mom either. Dev comes in, and asks, what’s going on? The place is crawling with guards and he can’t go anywhere. Michael tells him, something bad went down.

Finn tells Nikolas that it’s terrible to have forced Hayden to abandon her child. Nikolas says he never intended it to go there, but Finn says, he did. His greed cost Violet her mother. Nikolas says, temporarily; Hayden will come back. Finn asks if he’s supposed to take Nikolas’s word for it because he’s a prince. Finn says Nikolas thinks he’s gotten away with it, but promises he won’t.

Jax thanks Elizabeth for taking care of his daughter, but she says she didn’t do much. He says he appreciates it anyway, and he’s sorry for what Nikolas did to Hayden. Jax regrets enabling him. Elizabeth asks what Nikolas did, but Chase interrupts. He thanks Jax for letting Josslyn answer questions, and says he might have some follow-up. Jax tells him to call any time, and he says Jax’s daughter is a brave young woman. However, Jax should have a talk with her about the difference between brave and reckless. He moves on, and Elizabeth tells Jax that whatever he has to say can wait; Josslyn needs him. He says it kills him that Hayden can’t be with Violet, and she says, thanks to Valentin. He says, Valentin isn’t the one who forced Hayden into hiding.

Ava tells Valentin that criminals who get off on bail often go on to convictions. He says she inspires him. How many times has she been charged with murder, and beat the conviction? Nina says, enough, and Valentin says he’s made mistakes, but loving her isn’t one of them. He’s not stopping until he gets back everything he lost.

Gladys tells the EMTs, please help. They can’t let her son die. An EMT says they’re ready to move, and Gladys says she’ll ride with him. Jordan tells her, go ahead; an officer will take her statement later. Carly says she’s going too, and asks Jason to tell Michael that she’s okay. Jordan tells Jason that she got an update from the NYPD. Sonny was the intended target in the Brooklyn shooting. On the pier, it was Michael, and then they have the warehouse. The coordinated attacks begin with him.

Dev asks if Josslyn is okay, and Michael says, she’s fine. Dev asks why she didn’t come back, and Michael tells him, she’s at GH; her father wanted her checked out. Dev says, thank God no one was hurt, and Sasha thinks Michael should tell him the rest. Dev says, there’s more? but Michael’s phone rings. It’s Jason, who asks if Michael is okay. Michael says, he, Sasha, and Josslyn are fine, but Laura was shot; she’s in the hospital. Jason tells him about the warehouse being targeted, and Michael says his mom was there. Jason says she wasn’t hit, but she went with Gladys to hospital. A guy was shot, and they’re riding with him. but he doesn’t have any more details. Michael says he’s got it, and Jason says the police are there. He’ll call when he knows more. Jordan says Jason might express his gratitude by cooperating for once.

Valentin tells Nina that he misses her. All he thinks about is that they belong together. Ava tells Nina not to humor this nonsense. Valentin doesn’t know what she needs. Nina says, everyone thinks they know what she needs today, and asks what Valentin wants. He says, her. He always wants her, and deep down, she feels the same way. They can work it out. She says, it’s over, but he says he doesn’t believe that. They had a life at Windymere; her, him, and Charlotte. She says the life they had there is long gone. Doesn’t he get it? She was in it with Ava. Valentin needs to get it through his head that she helped them take him down.

Jax tells Elizabeth that Nikolas recruited him to help get him back to Port Charles, where he knew there was a document that could reinstate him as heir. He recruited Hayden as well; her job at Aurora was just a front. They were both helping Nikolas. Valentin caught on, and targeted Hayden, pressuring her for information. Elizabeth says Hayden must have thought she had no other option than to leave Violet. Jax says, it’s not that simple. Valentin offered Hayden money for information. Nikolas found out about it, and wanted to get her out of town before she talked. Nikolas staged the attack that forced Hayden to leave. Elizabeth says, he wouldn’t do that, but Jax says, he did. Hayden was an impediment in his plan, and he moved her out of the way. Elizabeth says Jax knew? and Jax says he found out after Hayden disappeared. He confronted Nikolas, who told him everything. He tried to reach out to Hayden, but her phone is off, and he has no way to trace her. Elizabeth says she can’t believe Nikolas would do this to Hayden and Violet. Separating a mother from her child is despicable. Nikolas approaches, and Elizabeth cracks him one across the face. He’s been getting a lot of that lately.

Jason tells Jordan, the Brooklyn shooter is dead, and she says, Jason killed him. She talked to the NYPD, and knows what happened. Surprisingly, Jason wouldn’t talk without his attorney being present, but the waitress exonerated him, and the NYPD is satisfied it was self-defense. She is too. She knows there’s no way Jason wanted a gunfight in the middle of a restaurant. Jason says, no, he didn’t, and she wonders who targeted them in Brooklyn. Who knew they’d be there?

Elizabeth asks Nikolas what he did to Hayden, and Nikolas supposes he has Jax to thank. Jax wisely says he’ll give them some space, and jets. Nikolas says he was going to tell Elizabeth, and she says Hayden helped him pull off his plan, and this is how he repays her? How could he do this to her? Him, of all people. Valentin tore him away from Spencer, and forced him into hiding, and he did the same thing to Hayden. Nikolas says he never intended for it to be more than a few days. He thought Hayden would check in. He didn’t know she was going to make herself unreachable. Elizabeth says Violet means everything to Hayden, and he convinced Hayden to leave to protect Violet. He knows Hayden doesn’t do things halfway. She’s disappeared without a trace, and they have no way of finding her to tell her it’s all a lie, staged by her friend Nikolas. She says he has to go find Hayden. Her daughter needs her.

Jax lets Finn know that he told Elizabeth the truth. Finn asks if he wants a thank you, but Jax says, no. He regrets his part in it. If he’d known what Hayden was going to do, he would have stopped Nikolas. He asks how Violet is, and Finn says, it’s hard coming up with excuses when Violet asks for her mother. What would Jax tell Josslyn if Carly disappeared? Elizabeth tells Finn that he’s needed in the ER. A second shooting victim has been brought in.

Several of Sonny’s guards are in the hospital waiting area, and Chase asks if one of them is visiting a patient. The guard says nothing, and Chase says he didn’t think so. The PCPD is providing security, so they can go. The guard doesn’t move, and Chase says if he and his boys don’t leave voluntarily, he’s going to arrest them. He thinks Mr. Corinthos has had enough trouble today, and sure as hell doesn’t need more. Sonny’s security team leaves.

Dev is obviously upset, and Michael tells him that he needs to calm down; it will be okay. Dev asks how he knows, and Michael says he doesn’t, but Dev can’t imagine the worst. Josslyn, Carly, and Sonny are safe. Dev asks what they do now, and Michael says, wait it out. If Dev wants to do something to help, he can be with Avery. Michael suggests Dev watch a movie with her; make sure she feels safe. Dev says he can do that, and goes upstairs. Sasha asks if Michael really thinks that will calm Dev down, and Michael says, it will make him feel less afraid. He and Morgan used to do it with Josslyn. She says, comforting Dev seems like second nature, and wonders how many times he’s done it before. He says, calm someone down? and she says, or explain away someone trying to kill him.

Ava says she’s confused as to why Valentin is still there. He heard Nina; there’s nothing left there for him. He says Ava doesn’t speak for Nina, and Ava says, nor does he. He’s deceived her time and time again. Now beat it. She and Nina have important things to discuss. Valentin asks Nina to hear him out, and she asks, what’s left to say? He says he loves her. Nothing he’s done was with malice. He can still make her happy. Ava says he’s delusional. He thinks if he says he acted out of love, it will absolve him of the lies and betrayal. In reality, the sad truth is, he doesn’t know the first damn thing about love.

Josslyn comes out of the ER with Jax, and sees Gladys, who says, it’s nice to see a familiar face. Jax asks, what’s going on? and Gladys says, it’s such a disaster. She doesn’t know what to do or how to help. Josslyn says she’s helping just by showing up; it will be okay. Gladys tells her, that’s sweet to say, but she can’t relax until she hears it from the doctor. She saw her boy, lying there shot and bleeding. Jax asks who she’s talking about, and she says her boy Brando. He got shot saving Carly’s life. Carly joins them, and hugs Josslyn, saying she was so worried, and asking if Josslyn is okay. Jax says Josslyn got the all clear, and Josslyn says she’s allowed to leave. Carly says, thank God no one was hurt, and Josslyn says she didn’t hear. Carly says, hear what? and Josslyn says, Michael was with Laura on the pier, and Laura’s been shot. Gladys says, this night is getting worse and worse. Carly tells Jax and Josslyn that Gladys’s son saved her life. They had to stop by the warehouse, and suddenly some guys started shooting. The bodyguard got Gladys into the office, but Carly was stuck outside with bullets flying. A guy showed up, and pulled her to safety. Gladys says her boy is a hero, but he got shot. Carly says, it’s not bad; he’ll make a full recovery, but Gladys says, he lost a lot of blood. She can’t lose her son; he can’t die. Josslyn says, he’s in great hands, and Jax says he’s glad he’s okay, but what’s going on? Carly says, it’s all a mess, and he asks where Sonny is. He saw Sonny’s bodyguard there. Carly says he’s getting Mike settled back in Turning Woods. There were two attacks out of town. Obviously, someone is making a move against Sonny, and Jason is talking to the cops at the warehouse.

Sasha tells Michael, she’s not naïve. It’s not like she hasn’t heard who Sonny is. Michael asks if it’s a problem now, and Sasha says, after he nearly got killed, it might be. He says he knows it’s awful, and wishes she didn’t have to go through this. She says she’s terrified, and he says she has a right to be. He’s experienced things like this before, and learned how to handle a crisis like this. She asks if there will be more, and he tells her, it’s hard to say. His father is a powerful business man, and gets unwanted attention from time to time, but it’s Sonny’s business, not his. Sasha says either the gunman didn’t know that or didn’t care. He didn’t see Michael Corinthos, the head of ELQ; he saw a target. If not for Josslyn coming back, he could have died in front of her. She doesn’t think she can go through that again. He holds her, and says, it’s okay. She won’t have to.

Chase joins Jordan at the warehouse, and she says Tony was just taking her through what happened. She asks Tony to tell her again, and Tony says, it was a normal afternoon. A shipment of beans had just come in. They were offloaded, and the workers were gone. Carly stopped by to drop off some paperwork, and brought Dev’s grandmother with her. Gladys wandered off, and Tony went after her; that’s what the shooting started. Jordan says, he saw it begin? and he says he put Gladys in the office, and returned fire. Carly was pinned down, and there was no way for him to reach her. Chase asks if it occurred to them to call the police, and Tony says they were a little busy. Jordan tells Tony, continue, and Tony says, the gunfire came closer, and was about to reach Carly, when this guy swooped in to cover her. Jordan says, Brando, and Tony says he didn’t recognize the guy, but he must be a professional the way he covered Carly and got her to a more secure location. The gunmen shot at them until they ran out of ammunition, then took off. Jordan says, they shoot up a warehouse that’s the property of a powerful alleged mob kingpin, and just leave?

Tony says he doesn’t know what to tell her. The gunmen were shooting, then they were gone. Chase arrives, and she asks if Tony minds retracing his steps again with Chase. Tony says, no, and Jordan tells them to get started while she talks to Jason outside. She and Jason step out of the warehouse, and Jordan says, hypothetically speaking, if there was an attack on a warehouse, would the shooters run out of ammunition and leave? Either they’re the most incompetent gunman ever, or Tony isn’t telling the whole story. Jason says he wasn’t there; he can’t say. She says, of course (🍷) not. She admires him on some level. He’s raised non-incrimination to an artform. Taggert shows up, and says he knows from past experience how uncooperative Sonny and his associates can be. She says tell her about it.

Jax tells Carly that he’ll take Josslyn to his place, but she asks him to take Josslyn back to Sonny’s. It’s well-protected, and Michael, Dev, and Avery are there. It will make Josslyn feel better – and her. Jax says, Brando saved her life; impressive for a supposed dead guy. Carly tells him that she doesn’t know why Gladys lied, or if it really is Brando, but she’s sticking around. She wants to find out why Brando got dragged in, or if he was involved with the whole thing.

Valentin tells Ava, before Nina, he didn’t know trust or love. He thought love led to misery and unhappiness. He supposes he wasn’t far off, but he didn’t know the big picture; the joy and connection of knowing someone completely. Of having someone love him back, without judgement. He didn’t know what it was like, but he does now. Ava says he’s just wasting his breath. He says Ava doesn’t know a thing about love. That’s why she’s easy to manipulate. Ava asks what he’s talking about, and Nina says she’s trying to do a job. Both of them need to leave. Ava says she has some redecorating to do in her castle, and Valentin says, good luck with that. Ava says Valentin’s taste is ostentatious and pretentious, which makes sense, since he was pretending to be a Cassadine. Not to worry. She’ll have the place spruced up in no time. Nikolas walks in, and she adds, with the help of her husband. Nina says she has to make a change in security. She can’t take anymore. Nikolas says he figured Valentin would weasel his way out of jail, so he took the liberty of drawing up some paperwork. He hands Valentin an envelope.

Valentin takes the papers out, and says, it’s a restraining order. Nikolas says to keep him far away from Windymere, and adds, keep reading. Valentin says, nice of Nikolas to arrange a DNA test. Nikolas says Valentin can refuse, and he’ll petition the court for an order, but that will be a clear indication that Valentin is not a Cassadine. Valentin says Nikolas doesn’t see it; he’s so caught up in revenge. Helena is playing him. She set him up from beyond the grave. She left a trail of breadcrumbs to what he wants most – to be the prince – but Valentin is the rightful heir. Valentin Mikkosovich Cassadine. Nikolas is the punchline to Helena’s last pathetic joke.

Gladys tells Carly that she can’t stand waiting, but Carly is sure Brando is having excellent care. GH has the best doctors in the state. Gladys says, Brando has always been brave, with no thought to his own safety. Carly says she’s grateful Gladys’s son saved her life… Gladys says, but? Say what she’s thinking. Carly says Gladys told them that Brando was dead. Why say that when she knew he was alive? Finn comes out, and Gladys says she’s Brando’s mother. She asks how her son is, and Finn says, he’s stable. The bullet passed clean though. Gladys says, prayer is working, and he tells her, keep it up. The bullet missed all key organs and arteries. Gladys asks if she can see him, and Finn says, of course (🍷). Gladys goes inside, and Carly thanks Finn. Finn says he was just doing his job. Whoever bandaged Brando on the scene did good. Carly says, thanks, and he says he’ll make sure she gets updates.

Elizabeth leaves the bag with Brando’s personal effects at the reception desk.

Josslyn goes back to Sonny’s, and Dev hugs her, practically knocking her over. He says Michael told him what happened; he was worried. Michael says he told Dev she was all right, but Dev says he had to see for himself. Jax says Sonny has enough security guards to start a football team. Sasha tells Josslyn that she didn’t get a chance to thank her. If she hadn’t called out, things could have ended differently. She saved Michael’s life. Michael agrees she did, and Josslyn says he owes her big time. Jax tells her to get some rest, but she says she’s not doing anything until her mom gets home. Jax says Carly and Gladys are fine, but whatever happened at the warehouse was bad; they could have been killed. Dev says, a shooting at the warehouse and pier at the same time must mean something, and Jax says, nothing good.

Chase tells Jordan the preliminary findings match Tony’s story – to a point. There were two shooters outside, and three inside; Brando, Tony, and Brent, who worked there. An associate chased the gunmen, and didn’t return. Taggert says, he probably grabbed a gunman to hold for Sonny. Jordan introduces Taggert to Chase, and tells Chase they worked in the DEA together. Taggert says it was after his tenure at the NYPD. He and Sonny worked different sides of the same street in Brooklyn. He’s not there in an official capacity, but asks Jason, if he was, who might try to take over Sonny’s territory? Jason says he’s not answering any questions without his attorney present. Taggert says, some things never change. Sonny must have pissed someone off. Jordan says, Sonny is at Turning Woods, getting Mike settled. Tagger says, Mike was involved? It must have been pretty traumatic for him. Jordan is glad Sonny is taking care of Mike, but when he’s done, she has plenty of questions.

Carly sees Brando’s stuff, and noses around. She slides something out of the bag.

Elizabeth sees Finn, and tells him that Jax told her about Nikolas. She’s still in shock. He tried to justify his actions, but keeping Hayden from Violet is unforgivable. Finn says Violet misses her mom very much, and Elizabeth asks how he’s doing. He says he loves Violet, and wants to be the father she needs. Elizabeth hopes he doesn’t feel alone in this. He has Anna for support, but she doesn’t want him to forget that he’s officially part of her family now. Violet has a lot of people who love her, including three cousins who’d like to see more of her. Finn says it’s kind of her, and suggests arranging a playdate. He can’t believe he said those words, and she tells him, get used to it.

Valentin tells Ava and Nikolas, enjoy their brief stay. Don’t go crazy redecorating. Ava married his nephew, and thinks she married a prince, but he’s nothing. Nikolas tells Valentin to stay away from his home. Valentin says he still has his true love, and Ava says, too bad it’s not reciprocated. She imagines there are a lot of fine-looking upstanding men who will be lining up to treat Nina better than Valentin did. Valentin says, maybe she’s right, but they can’t love her like he does. Nina says, goodbye, and he says, for now. He leaves, and Nina smiles at Ava.

Josslyn tells Sasha, a random guy showed out of nowhere to help, and he was shot. Her mom insisted on waiting at the hospital with Gladys. It’s was Gladys’s son Brando who saved her life. Jax says, Dev’s father.

Carly looks at a photo of Dev and Gladys.

Jordan says, three shootouts going down at the same time is no coincidence, and Chase says, if it’s connected to Sonny’s truck getting stolen, it’s a huge escalation. Taggert says, they wanted to get rid of the competition fast and final, but Jordan says, the good news is, they failed. Jason and Sonny are still standing, along with their families. She tells Jason that when he talks to his lawyer, he might want to think about all they stand to lose if this blows up into a mob war. She doesn’t mean territory, but their families, and innocent bystanders. What’s coming for them has no code. It’s going to be public and ugly, and she’s going to stop it if she has to take him and Sonny along with them.

On Monday, Willow tells Brad to manage Nelle or she will, Gladys asks Brando what he’s doing in Port Charles, and Carly asks Sonny why they’re doing this to him.

🧂 Some Non-News…

It’s not very exciting, but there’s not much on the new Wives yet.



👎🏼 Bad Employee…

I guess the law of averages says into all businesses, some d-bags must fall.


👰🏻 Just Can’t Get Enough…

Ariana breaks down the breakdown.


👙 Yeah, Well…

It’s not like he probably wasn’t doing this all along.


💍 Moving On…

Eternity meaning, until someone better comes along.


⚾️ It Never Ends For Meghan…

I’ve noticed that taking ownership is the new not taking responsibility.


💔 Kinda Saw It Coming…

Their relationship had it’s ups and downs, and I was rooting for them, but it’s not a surprise. What is a surprise is that they’re being publicly nasty.


🛎 Quotes of the Week

It’s almost time to die. – Judge Judy upon finding out how many people in the courtroom didn’t know who Rip van Winkle was.

Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense. – Gertrude Stein

So often in life, things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be great, good fortune. – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Artistic growth is, more than it is anything else, a refining of the sense of truthfulness. The stupid believe that to be truthful is easy; only the artist, the great artist, knows how difficult it is. – Willa Cather

I had to learn who I was again through animals, because animals know who you really are. – Kim Novak

Sometimes when you least expect it, the tables turn and that scary feeling that has taken hold of you for so long somehow turns into hope. – David Archuleta

It turns out, nature is more imaginative than we are. – Abraham Loeb, a theoretical physicist at Harvard (I’d say God is, but okay.)

Putting a guy who’s in the closet in the closet? It’s like gay nesting dolls. – Max (Kat Dennings), 2 Broke Girls

Let me start with anger management. Don’t piss me off. – Pao Mayfield, 90 Day Fiancé: Pillow Talk

It feels like a summer camp for drunk third graders. – Kate Chastain, Below Deck, referring to unruly guests

My mother always used to say: The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re a banana. – Betty White

🦡  To See Or Not To See…

Just please don’t drop the groundhog. (That was the closest thing to a groundhog emoji I had.)